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authorHenrik Paul <>2014-09-02 12:42:01 +0300
committerVaadin Code Review <>2014-09-09 10:34:14 +0000
commit6087738f3cd925fbc5812fd79796aab07cd79cd6 (patch)
parent19a66bd5327a3c5b6e96f7741417181d2884cfd8 (diff)
Fixes Escalator's insertColumns and removeColumns (#13334)
Change-Id: Iea02a1e9c5fd9f5efe2c33ff7821aacae9fa8a06
2 files changed, 97 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/
index e87eb8bdae..23102caf10 100644
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/
+++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/
@@ -1467,7 +1467,6 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
* @return a set-up empty cell element
- @SuppressWarnings("hiding")
public TableCellElement createCellElement(final int height,
final int width) {
final TableCellElement cellElem =
@@ -1497,58 +1496,31 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
protected void paintRemoveColumns(final int offset,
final int numberOfColumns) {
- final NodeList<Node> childNodes = root.getChildNodes();
- for (int visualRowIndex = 0; visualRowIndex < childNodes
- .getLength(); visualRowIndex++) {
- final TableRowElement tr = getTrByVisualIndex(visualRowIndex);
- flyweightRow.setup(tr, visualRowIndex,
+ for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) {
+ TableRowElement row = getTrByVisualIndex(i);
+ flyweightRow.setup(row, i,
- Iterable<FlyweightCell> cells = flyweightRow.getCells(offset,
- numberOfColumns);
- getEscalatorUpdater().preDetach(flyweightRow, cells);
+ Iterable<FlyweightCell> attachedCells = flyweightRow.getCells(
+ offset, numberOfColumns);
+ getEscalatorUpdater().preDetach(flyweightRow, attachedCells);
- for (FlyweightCell cell : cells) {
- Element cellElement = cell.getElement();
- cellElement.removeFromParent();
+ for (int j = 0; j < numberOfColumns; j++) {
+ row.getCells().getItem(offset).removeFromParent();
- /**
- * We need a new iterable that does not try to reset the cell
- * elements from the tr as they're not attached anymore. Instead
- * the cells simply retain the now-unattached elements that were
- * assigned on the above iteration.
- *
- * TODO a cleaner solution, eg. an iterable that only associates
- * the elements once
- */
- cells = flyweightRow
+ Iterable<FlyweightCell> detachedCells = flyweightRow
.getUnattachedCells(offset, numberOfColumns);
- getEscalatorUpdater().postDetach(flyweightRow, cells);
+ getEscalatorUpdater().postDetach(flyweightRow, detachedCells);
assert flyweightRow.teardown();
- reapplyRowWidths();
- /*
- * Because we might remove columns where affected by colspans, it's
- * easiest to simply redraw everything when columns are modified.
- *
- * Yes, this is a TODO [[optimize]].
- */
- if (getRowCount() > 0
- && getColumnConfiguration().getColumnCount() > 0) {
- refreshRows(0, getRowCount());
- }
protected void paintInsertColumns(final int offset,
final int numberOfColumns, boolean frozen) {
- final NodeList<Node> childNodes = root.getChildNodes();
- for (int row = 0; row < childNodes.getLength(); row++) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < root.getChildCount(); row++) {
final TableRowElement tr = getTrByVisualIndex(row);
paintInsertCells(tr, row, offset, numberOfColumns);
@@ -1566,8 +1538,7 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
* Yes, this is a TODO [[optimize]].
- if (getRowCount() > 0
- && getColumnConfiguration().getColumnCount() > 1) {
+ if (getRowCount() > 0) {
refreshRows(0, getRowCount());
@@ -1695,7 +1666,6 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
Element cell = row.getFirstChildElement();
int columnIndex = 0;
while (cell != null) {
- @SuppressWarnings("hiding")
final int width = getCalculatedColumnWidthWithColspan(cell,
@@ -3562,12 +3532,24 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
public void removeColumns(final int index, final int numberOfColumns) {
+ // Validate
assertArgumentsAreValidAndWithinRange(index, numberOfColumns);
+ // Move the horizontal scrollbar to the left, if removed columns are
+ // to the left of the viewport
+ removeColumnsAdjustScrollbar(index, numberOfColumns);
+ // Remove from DOM
+ header.paintRemoveColumns(index, numberOfColumns);
+ body.paintRemoveColumns(index, numberOfColumns);
+ footer.paintRemoveColumns(index, numberOfColumns);
+ // Remove from bookkeeping
flyweightRow.removeCells(index, numberOfColumns);
+ columns.subList(index, index + numberOfColumns).clear();
- // Cope with removing frozen columns
- if (index < frozenColumns) {
+ // Adjust frozen columns
+ if (index < getFrozenColumnCount()) {
if (index + numberOfColumns < frozenColumns) {
* Last removed column was frozen, meaning that all removed
@@ -3585,42 +3567,53 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
- List<Column> removedColumns = new ArrayList<Column>();
- for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) {
- removedColumns.add(columns.remove(index));
+ scroller.recalculateScrollbarsForVirtualViewport();
+ body.verifyEscalatorCount();
+ if (getColumnConfiguration().getColumnCount() > 0) {
+ readjustRows(header);
+ readjustRows(body);
+ readjustRows(footer);
+ }
- if (hasSomethingInDom()) {
- header.paintRemoveColumns(index, numberOfColumns);
- body.paintRemoveColumns(index, numberOfColumns);
- footer.paintRemoveColumns(index, numberOfColumns);
- final int firstRemovedColumnLeft = columnConfiguration
- .getCalculatedColumnsWidth(Range.withLength(0, index));
- final boolean columnsWereRemovedFromLeftOfTheViewport = scroller.lastScrollLeft > firstRemovedColumnLeft;
- if (columnsWereRemovedFromLeftOfTheViewport) {
- int removedColumnsPxAmount = 0;
- for (ColumnConfigurationImpl.Column removedColumn : removedColumns) {
- removedColumnsPxAmount += removedColumn
- .getCalculatedWidth();
- }
- final int leftByDiff = (int) (scroller.lastScrollLeft - removedColumnsPxAmount);
- final int newScrollLeft = Math.max(firstRemovedColumnLeft,
- leftByDiff);
- horizontalScrollbar.setScrollPos(newScrollLeft);
- }
+ private void readjustRows(AbstractRowContainer container) {
+ if (container.getRowCount() > 0) {
+ container.reapplyRowWidths();
- boolean scrollbarWasNeeded = horizontalScrollbar
- .getOffsetSize() < horizontalScrollbar.getScrollSize();
- // this needs to be after the scroll position adjustment above.
- scroller.recalculateScrollbarsForVirtualViewport();
- boolean scrollbarIsStillNeeded = horizontalScrollbar
- .getOffsetSize() < horizontalScrollbar.getScrollSize();
- if (scrollbarWasNeeded && !scrollbarIsStillNeeded) {
- body.verifyEscalatorCount();
- }
+ /*
+ * Because we might remove columns where affected by colspans,
+ * it's easiest to simply redraw everything when columns are
+ * modified.
+ */
+ container.refreshRows(0, container.getRowCount());
+ }
+ }
+ private void removeColumnsAdjustScrollbar(int index, int numberOfColumns) {
+ if (horizontalScrollbar.getOffsetSize() >= horizontalScrollbar
+ .getScrollSize()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ double leftPosOfFirstColumnToRemove = getCalculatedColumnsWidth(Range
+ .between(0, index));
+ double widthOfColumnsToRemove = getCalculatedColumnsWidth(Range
+ .withLength(index, numberOfColumns));
+ double scrollLeft = horizontalScrollbar.getScrollPos();
+ if (scrollLeft <= leftPosOfFirstColumnToRemove) {
+ /*
+ * viewport is scrolled to the left of the first removed column,
+ * so there's no need to adjust anything
+ */
+ return;
+ double adjustedScrollLeft = Math.max(leftPosOfFirstColumnToRemove,
+ scrollLeft - widthOfColumnsToRemove);
+ horizontalScrollbar.setScrollPos(adjustedScrollLeft);
@@ -3660,6 +3653,7 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
public void insertColumns(final int index, final int numberOfColumns) {
+ // Validate
if (index < 0 || index > getColumnCount()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The given index(" + index
+ ") was outside of the current number of columns (0.."
@@ -3672,44 +3666,44 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
+ numberOfColumns);
+ // Add to bookkeeping
flyweightRow.addCells(index, numberOfColumns);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) {
columns.add(index, new Column());
- // Either all or none of the new columns are frozen
+ // Adjust frozen columns
boolean frozen = index < frozenColumns;
if (frozen) {
frozenColumns += numberOfColumns;
- if (hasColumnAndRowData()) {
- // this needs to be before the scrollbar adjustment.
- boolean scrollbarWasNeeded = horizontalScrollbar
- .getOffsetSize() < horizontalScrollbar.getScrollSize();
- scroller.recalculateScrollbarsForVirtualViewport();
- boolean scrollbarIsNowNeeded = horizontalScrollbar
- .getOffsetSize() < horizontalScrollbar.getScrollSize();
- if (!scrollbarWasNeeded && scrollbarIsNowNeeded) {
- body.verifyEscalatorCount();
- }
+ // this needs to be before the scrollbar adjustment.
+ boolean scrollbarWasNeeded = horizontalScrollbar.getOffsetSize() < horizontalScrollbar
+ .getScrollSize();
+ scroller.recalculateScrollbarsForVirtualViewport();
+ boolean scrollbarIsNowNeeded = horizontalScrollbar.getOffsetSize() < horizontalScrollbar
+ .getScrollSize();
+ if (!scrollbarWasNeeded && scrollbarIsNowNeeded) {
+ body.verifyEscalatorCount();
+ }
- header.paintInsertColumns(index, numberOfColumns, frozen);
- body.paintInsertColumns(index, numberOfColumns, frozen);
- footer.paintInsertColumns(index, numberOfColumns, frozen);
+ // Add to DOM
+ header.paintInsertColumns(index, numberOfColumns, frozen);
+ body.paintInsertColumns(index, numberOfColumns, frozen);
+ footer.paintInsertColumns(index, numberOfColumns, frozen);
- int pixelsToInsertedColumn = columnConfiguration
- .getCalculatedColumnsWidth(Range.withLength(0, index));
- final boolean columnsWereAddedToTheLeftOfViewport = scroller.lastScrollLeft > pixelsToInsertedColumn;
+ // Adjust scrollbar
+ int pixelsToInsertedColumn = columnConfiguration
+ .getCalculatedColumnsWidth(Range.withLength(0, index));
+ final boolean columnsWereAddedToTheLeftOfViewport = scroller.lastScrollLeft > pixelsToInsertedColumn;
- if (columnsWereAddedToTheLeftOfViewport) {
- int insertedColumnsWidth = columnConfiguration
- .getCalculatedColumnsWidth(Range.withLength(index,
- numberOfColumns));
- horizontalScrollbar.setScrollPos(scroller.lastScrollLeft
- + insertedColumnsWidth);
- }
+ if (columnsWereAddedToTheLeftOfViewport) {
+ int insertedColumnsWidth = columnConfiguration
+ .getCalculatedColumnsWidth(Range.withLength(index,
+ numberOfColumns));
+ horizontalScrollbar.setScrollPos(scroller.lastScrollLeft
+ + insertedColumnsWidth);
diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/
index 08f4f1d33c..0e9c6ad955 100644
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/
+++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/
@@ -193,9 +193,7 @@ class FlyweightRow implements Row {
void removeCells(final int index, final int numberOfColumns) {
- for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) {
- cells.remove(index);
- }
+ cells.subList(index, index + numberOfColumns).clear();
@@ -237,6 +235,7 @@ class FlyweightRow implements Row {
Iterable<FlyweightCell> getCells(final int offset, final int numberOfCells) {
+ assert offset >= 0 && offset + numberOfCells <= cells.size() : "Invalid range of cells";
return new Iterable<FlyweightCell>() {
public Iterator<FlyweightCell> iterator() {