diff options
authorArtur Signell <artur@vaadin.com>2012-10-25 10:59:20 +0300
committerArtur Signell <artur@vaadin.com>2012-10-25 10:59:20 +0300
commit1a4ed78eb700fb6c64dcfa83098e72c6be2c6800 (patch)
parente6cb54651e3a082dc899107c982ba08d0d818169 (diff)
Removed scripts no longer relevant for Vaadin 7/Git
Change-Id: I01bc811775d654fdba38eba8c3d0507c22e0f7f1
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1105 deletions
diff --git a/build/bin/mergetool.py b/build/bin/mergetool.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c22fd952bc..0000000000
--- a/build/bin/mergetool.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-import sys,re,os,string,urllib,httplib
-# Configuration
-# Determine repository root
-pin = os.popen("svn info|grep 'Repository Root'|sed -e 's/^.\+: //'", "r")
-REPOSITORY = pin.read().rstrip()+"/"
-print "Repository: %s" % (REPOSITORY)
-# Parse command-line arguments
-def help(exitvalue = 0):
- print "Usage: batchmerge [options] <command>\n"
- print "Options:"
- print "\t-m\tOnly merge. (For 'single' command.)"
- print "\t-c\tOnly commit. (For 'single' command.)"
- print "\t-html\tHTML output. (For 'log' command.)"
- print "\t-author\tHTML output. (Include author in HTML log.)"
- print "\t-milestone <ms>\tList tickets in milestone (For 'log' command.)"
- print "\nCommands:"
- print "massmerge <cfg> <src> [<from>] "
- print " - Merges changesets listed in the configuration"
- print " file. The file is in svn log (text) format."
- print " You can comment out unwanted changesets."
- print " Merge is stopped on conflict."
- print " If you give the optional <from> parameter,"
- print " merge is started from the changeset number. "
- print "single <chg#> <target> - Merges a single changeset. If -m is given,"
- print " only merge is done. If -c is given, only commit is done."
- print "revert - Reverts all changes made to repository except"
- print " changes in this program and the merge files."
- print "log <cfg> <src> <trg> - Prints a ChangeLog as it will appear in the"
- print " commit log. If -html option is given,"
- print " the log is printed in a HTML format"
- print " suitable for the Release Notes."
- print "commit <cfg> <src> <trg> - Commits all changes, except changes to this"
- print " program and merge files. The commit log"
- print " comment includes list of all changesets"
- print " listed in the configuration. The <target>"
- print " is the branch name, e.g., \"5.2\".\n"
- print "Common parameters:"
- print " <cfg> - Configuration file (svn text log format)."
- print " <src> - Source branch relative to repository URI."
- print " <trg> - Target branch relative to repository URI."
- print "You must run the command in the root directory of the branch."
- print "The program file contains some basic configuration parameters."
- sys.exit(exitvalue)
-# Globals
-tickets = {}
-# Utility Functions
-def command(cmd, dryrun=0):
- print cmd
- if not dryrun:
- if os.system(cmd):
- print "Command failed, exiting."
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- print "Dry run - not executing."
-def listChangedFiles():
- # Get Svn status
- pin = os.popen("svn st", "r")
- lines = pin.readlines()
- pin.close()
- changed = []
- for line in lines:
- # Remove trailing newline
- line = line[:-1]
- # Extract the file state and name
- (filestate, filename) = re.split(r'[ \+]+', line.lstrip())
- # Ignore files in build directory
- if (filename.startswith("build/merge/") \
- or filename.startswith("build/bin/mergetool.py") \
- or filename.startswith("build/testing")) \
- and filestate == "M":
- continue
- # File is changed if it is not local
- if filestate != "?":
- changed.append(filename)
- return changed
-# Retrieves ticket summary string with HTTP
-# Returns: (summary, milestone)
-def fetchSummary(ticketno):
- params = urllib.urlencode({'format': 'tab'})
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("dev.itmill.com")
- conn.request("GET", "/ticket/%d?%s" % (ticketno, params) )
- response = conn.getresponse()
- data = response.read()
- conn.close()
- lines = data.split("\n")
- data = reduce(lambda x,y: x+"\n"+y, lines[1:])
- #cols = lines[1].split("\t")
- cols = data.split("\t")
- return (cols[1],cols[8])
-# Adds summary to ticket number, unless the context already has it
-# Returns: (summary, milestone)
-def addSummary(m):
- ticketnum = int(m.group(1))
- context = m.group(2)
- if re.match(" *\(", context):
- # The context already has ticket summary
- return "#%d%s" % (ticketnum, context)
- (summary,milestone) = fetchSummary(ticketnum)
- # Remove possible " quotation from the summary
- if summary.startswith('"'):
- summary = summary.strip('"')
- summary = summary.replace('""', '"')
- # Add summaries to further ticket numbers recursively
- context = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)(.*)', addSummary, context)
- return "#%s (<i>%s</i>) %s" % (ticketnum, summary, context)
-# Change
-class Ticket:
- def __init__(self, id, summary=None, milestone=None):
- self.id = id
- self.summary = summary
- self.milestone = milestone
- def fetchData(self):
- (summary, milestone) = fetchSummary(self.id)
- self.summary = summary
- self.milestone = milestone
-# Change
-class Change:
- def __init__(self, id, undo=0, author=""):
- self.id = id
- self.author = author
- self.comment = ""
- self.undo = undo
- self.tickets = []
- def addCommentLine(self, line):
- self.comment += line
- def merge(self, trunkURI, dryrun=0):
- drycmd = ""
- if dryrun:
- drycmd = "--dry-run"
- # Handle negative merge
- mergesign = ""
- if self.undo:
- mergesign = "-"
- # Build the merge command
- cmd = "svn merge --non-interactive %s -c %s%d %s" % (drycmd, mergesign, self.id, trunkURI)
- print cmd
- # Run the merge command
- pin = os.popen(cmd, "r")
- lines = pin.readlines()
- pin.close()
- # Parse the lines for conflicts
- conflicts = 0
- for line in lines:
- print line[:-1]
- # Check for conflict
- if line.startswith("C"):
- conflicts += 1
- # Check for skipped file
- elif line.startswith("Skipped"):
- conflicts += 1
- filename = line[8:-1]
- # Simply exit if there was any problem
- if conflicts > 0:
- print "Problems detected. Exiting."
- sys.exit(1)
- def fetchComment(self, trunkURI):
- cmd = "svn log -r %d %s" % (self.id, trunkURI)
- # Run the log command
- pin = os.popen(cmd, "r")
- lines = pin.readlines()
- pin.close()
- comment = None
- state = STATE_START
- for line in lines:
- if state == STATE_START:
- if line == "\n":
- elif state == STATE_COMMENT:
- if line.startswith("-----------------"):
- self.comment = comment
- return comment
- elif comment:
- comment += "\n" + line.rstrip("\n")
- else:
- comment = line.rstrip("\n")
- self.comment = comment
- return comment
- def commit(self):
- # Write the log comment to a temporary file
- logtmpname = "/tmp/merge-single-%d.log" % (os.getpid())
- fout = open(logtmpname, "w")
- fout.write(self.comment)
- fout.close()
- # Get listo
- files = listChangedFiles()
- if len(files) == 0:
- print "Error: Will not do empty commit."
- sys.exit(1)
- # Write the list of files to be committed to a temporary file
- changedfiles = ("\n".join(files)) + "\n"
- targettmpname = "/tmp/merge-targets-%d.txt" % (os.getpid())
- fout = open(targettmpname, "w")
- fout.write(changedfiles)
- fout.close()
- print changedfiles,
- command("svn commit --file %s --targets %s" % (logtmpname, targettmpname))
- command("rm %s %s" % (logtmpname, targettmpname))
- def getNumber(self):
- return self.id
- def getComment(self):
- return self.comment
- def getUndo(self):
- return self.undo
- def getAuthor(self):
- return self.author
- def isForMilestone(self, milestone):
- return self.author
- def addSummary(self, m, target_milestone=None):
- ticketnum = int(m.group(1))
- context = m.group(2)
- if re.match(" *\(", context):
- # The context already has ticket summary
- return "#%d%s" % (ticketnum, context)
- # Check for cached ticket
- if tickets.has_key(ticketnum):
- summary = tickets[ticketnum].summary
- ticket_milestone = tickets[ticketnum].milestone
- else:
- # Fetch ticket from server and add to cache
- (summary,ticket_milestone) = fetchSummary(ticketnum)
- tickets[ticketnum] = Ticket(ticketnum,summary,ticket_milestone)
- self.tickets.append(ticketnum);
- # Remove possible " quotation from the summary
- if summary.startswith('"'):
- summary = summary.strip('"')
- summary = summary.replace('""', '"')
- ticketnum = "#%s" % (ticketnum)
- # Emphasize tickets matching the target milestone
- if target_milestone:
- if ticket_milestone.find(target_milestone) != -1:
- ticketnum = "<b>%s</b>" % (ticketnum)
- # Add summaries to further ticket numbers recursively
- context = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)(.*)', lambda m: self.addSummary(m, target_milestone=target_milestone), context)
- return "%s (<i>%s</i>) %s" % (ticketnum, summary, context)
- def registerTicket(self, m, ticketNumbers):
- ticketNumbers[int(m.group(1))] = 1
- return ""
- # Returns a list of ticket numbers referenced by this change
- def listTickets(self):
- ticketNumbers = {}
- re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)', lambda m: self.registerTicket(m,ticketNumbers=ticketNumbers), self.comment)
- return ticketNumbers.keys()
-# Read configuration file
-class Configuration:
- def __init__(self, cfgfilename, startfrom=0):
- self.changes = []
- self.readConfig(cfgfilename, startfrom)
- def readConfig(self, cfgfilename, startfrom=0):
- fin = open(cfgfilename, "r")
- content = fin.readlines()
- fin.close()
- # Parse configuration
- currentChange = None
- skipChange = 0
- for line in content:
- m_changestart = re.match(r'(-?)r([0-9]+)', line)
- m_endofchange = re.match(r'------+', line)
- m_emptyline = re.match(r'^$', line)
- if m_changestart:
- # Parse negative merge
- undo = 0
- if m_changestart.group(1) == "-":
- undo = 1
- # Get changeset number
- id = int(m_changestart.group(2))
- # Skip the target if its number is too small
- if startfrom != 0 and id < startfrom:
- skipChange = 1
- # Get the author
- author = re.sub(r'\@.+', '', line.split("|")[1].strip())
- currentChange = Change(id, undo=undo, author=author)
- elif m_endofchange:
- # Register changeset, unless it is marked
- # for skipping.
- if currentChange:
- if skipChange:
- skipChange = 0
- else:
- self.changes.append(currentChange)
- currentChange = None
- elif m_emptyline:
- pass
- else:
- if currentChange:
- currentChange.addCommentLine(line)
- def massMerge(self, trunkURI, dryrun=0, allatonce=0):
- if not allatonce:
- # Merge one changeset at a time
- for change in self.changes:
- change.merge(trunkURI, dryrun=dryrun)
- else:
- # What is the first changeset in the merge?
- smallest = 99999999
- for change in self.changes:
- if change.getNumber() < smallest:
- smallest = change.getNumber()
- drycmd = ""
- if dryrun:
- drycmd = "--dry-run"
- # Merge from the first changeset to HEAD
- cmd = "svn merge --non-interactive %s -r %d:HEAD %s" % (drycmd, smallest, trunkURI)
- print cmd
- command(cmd)
- def createLogComment(self):
- # Create a log comment that lists all merged changesets with
- # comments
- logcomment = "Merge from %s to %s:\n" % (sourcebranch, targetbranch)
- for change in self.changes:
- changeno = change.getNumber()
- changecomment = change.getComment().rstrip("\n")
- if change.getUndo():
- logcomment += "Reverted [%d] merge: %s\n" % (changeno, changecomment)
- else:
- logcomment += "Merged [%d]: %s\n" % (changeno, changecomment)
- return logcomment
- def logHtml(self, author=0, milestone=None):
- # In author inclusion mode, include some styles to make a printout look better
- if author:
- print "<head>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n"+ \
- "tr {\n vertical-align: top;\n}\ntd {\n font-size: 8pt;\n}\n</style>\n</head>\n"
- # Print header
- print "<table id=\"changelog-table\">"
- authorcolumnheader = ""
- if author:
- authorcolumnheader = "<td>Author</td>"
- print " <tr><td>#</td><td>Changeset Comment</td>%s</tr>" % (authorcolumnheader)
- # Print body: the changes
- for change in self.changes:
- changeno = change.getNumber()
- changecomment = change.getComment().rstrip("\n")
- changeref = "[%d]" % (changeno)
- # Handle merge undo markup
- if change.getUndo():
- changeref = "<font class=\"changeset-merge-undone\">%s</font>" % (changeref)
- changecomment = "<font class=\"changeset-merge-undone\">%s</font>" % (changecomment)
- changecomment = "Reverted a change: "+changecomment
- authorcolumn = ""
- if author:
- authorcolumn = "<td>%s</td>" % (change.getAuthor())
- # Add ticket summary after ticket number, if missing
- # TODO: this handles only one
- changecomment = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)(.*)', lambda m: change.addSummary(m, target_milestone=milestone), changecomment, 100)
- # item = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)(.*)', '#\\1 (SUMMARY) \\2', item)
- # Change ticket numbers to references to tickets
- changecomment = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)', '#<a href="http://dev.itmill.com/ticket/\\1">\\1</a>', changecomment)
- # Change changeset numbers to references to changesets
- changecomment = re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]', '[<a href="http://dev.itmill.com/changeset/\\1">\\1</a>]', changecomment)
- changeref = re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]', '[<a href="http://dev.itmill.com/changeset/\\1">\\1</a>]', changeref)
- # See if any of the tickets have milestone under work.
- if milestone:
- for ticketnum in change.tickets:
- ticket = tickets[ticketnum]
- if ticket.milestone.find(milestone) != -1:
- changeref = "<b>%s</b>" % (changeref)
- # Make basic HTML formatting
- item = " <tr><td>%s:</td><td>%s</td>%s</tr>" % (changeref, changecomment, authorcolumn)
- print item
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print "</table>"
- # Prints a commit log to standard output
- def log(self, sourcebranch, targetbranch, html=0, author=0, milestone=None):
- if html:
- self.logHtml(author=author,milestone=milestone)
- return
- sys.stdout.write(self.createLogComment())
- def commit(self, sourcebranch, targetbranch, dryrun=0):
- logcomment = self.createLogComment()
- # Write the log comment to a temporary file
- logtmpname = "/tmp/massmerge-pid-%d.log" % (os.getpid())
- fout = open(logtmpname, "w")
- fout.write(logcomment)
- fout.close()
- # Write the list of files to be committed to a temporary file
- changedfiles = "\n".join(listChangedFiles())
- targettmpname = "/tmp/massmerge-targets-%d.txt" % (os.getpid())
- fout = open(targettmpname, "w")
- fout.write(changedfiles)
- fout.close()
- if dryrun:
- print "Log:"
- os.system("cat %s" % (logtmpname))
- print "\nChanged Files:"
- os.system("cat %s" % (targettmpname))
- print "\n"
- command("svn commit --file %s --targets %s" % (logtmpname, targettmpname), dryrun=dryrun)
- command("rm %s %s" % (logtmpname, targettmpname))
- def listTickets(self):
- fixed = {}
- for change in self.changes:
- changeno = change.getNumber()
- changeTickets = change.listTickets()
- if len(changeTickets)>0 and change.comment.lower().find("fix") != -1:
- for ticket in changeTickets:
- fixed[ticket] = 1
- fixedlist = fixed.keys()
- fixedlist.sort()
- # print "Fixed:", fixedlist
- print "<ul>"
- for ticketNum in fixedlist:
- if not tickets.has_key(ticketNum):
- ticket = Ticket(ticketNum)
- ticket.fetchData()
- tickets[ticketNum] = ticket
- ticket = tickets[ticketNum]
- # print "%d: %s" % (ticket.id, ticket.summary)
- print " <li><a href=\"http://dev.itmill.com/ticket/%d\">#%d</a>: %s</li>" % (ticket.id, ticket.id, ticket.summary)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print "</ul>"
-# Commands
-# Command: revert
-def commandRevert():
- # Get Svn status
- pin = os.popen("svn st", "r")
- lines = pin.readlines()
- pin.close()
- reverted = []
- removed = []
- for line in lines:
- # Remove trailing newline
- line = line[:-1]
- # Extract the file state and name
- (filestate, filename) = re.split(r'[ \+]+', line)
- # Ignore files in build directory
- if (filename.startswith("build/merge/") \
- or filename.startswith("build/bin/")) \
- and filestate == "M":
- continue
- # Added files are simply deleted
- if filestate != "?":
- reverted.append(filename)
- # Added files have to be removed in addition to reverting
- if filestate == "A":
- removed.append(filename)
- # Remove conflict choises
- elif filestate == "?" and \
- (filename.find(".merge-left.r") != -1 or \
- filename.find(".merge-right.r") != -1):
- removed.append(filename)
- # Revert files marked for reverting
- donework = 0
- if len(reverted) > 0:
- files = " ".join(reverted)
- command("svn revert -R %s" % (files))
- donework = 1
- # Remove files marked for deletion
- if len(removed) > 0:
- files = " ".join(removed)
- command("rm %s" % (files))
- donework = 1
- if not donework:
- print "Nothing to do."
-# Command: massmerge
-def commandMassmerge(cfgfilename, sourceuri, startfrom, dryrun=0, allatonce=0):
- cfg = Configuration(cfgfilename, startfrom=startfrom)
- cfg.massMerge(sourceuri, dryrun=dryrun, allatonce=allatonce)
-# Command: single
-def commandSingle(trunkuri, changeset, sourcebranch, targetbranch, onlymerge=0, onlycommit=0):
- change = Change(changeset)
- print "Found changeset with log comment:\n "+change.fetchComment(trunkuri) + "\n"
- change.merge(trunkuri, dryrun=onlycommit)
- if onlycommit:
- print "Got file list."
- else:
- print "Merge successful."
- # Change the comment
- change.comment = "Merged [%d] from %s to %s branch: %s" % (change.id, sourcebranch, branchname, change.comment)
- print "\nLog comment: \"%s\"" % (change.comment)
- if not onlymerge:
- print "Committing."
- change.commit()
-# Command: commit
-def commandCommit(cfgfilename, sourcebranch, targetbranch, dryrun=0):
- cfg = Configuration(cfgfilename)
- cfg.commit(sourcebranch, targetbranch, dryrun=dryrun)
-# Command: log
-def commandLog(cfgfilename, sourcebranch, targetbranch, html=0, author=0, milestone=None):
- cfg = Configuration(cfgfilename)
- cfg.log(sourcebranch, targetbranch, html=html, author=author, milestone=milestone)
-# Command: tickets
-def commandTickets(cfgfilename):
- cfg = Configuration(cfgfilename)
- cfg.listTickets()
-# Main Program
-# Handle switches
-dryrun = 0
-html = 0
-html_author = 0
-html_milestone = None
-onlymerge = 0
-onlycommit = 0
-all = 0
-while len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1][0] == '-':
- if sys.argv[1] == "-d":
- dryrun = 1
- del sys.argv[1:2]
- elif sys.argv[1] == "-html":
- html = 1
- del sys.argv[1:2]
- elif sys.argv[1] == "-author":
- html_author = 1
- del sys.argv[1:2]
- elif sys.argv[1] == "-milestone":
- html_milestone = sys.argv[2]
- del sys.argv[1:3]
- elif sys.argv[1] == "-m":
- onlymerge = 1
- del sys.argv[1:2]
- elif sys.argv[1] == "-c":
- onlycommit = 1
- del sys.argv[1:2]
- elif sys.argv[1] == "-all":
- all = 1
- del sys.argv[1:2]
- else:
- print "Invalid option '%s'." % (sys.argv[1])
- sys.exit(1)
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- help(1)
-# Handle commands
-if sys.argv[1] == "revert":
- commandRevert()
-elif (len(sys.argv) == 4 or len(sys.argv)==5) and sys.argv[1] == "massmerge":
- cfgfilename = sys.argv[2]
- sourcebranch = sys.argv[3]
- startfrom = None
- if len(sys.argv)>4:
- startfrom = int(sys.argv[4])
- commandMassmerge(cfgfilename, sourceuri=REPOSITORY+sourcebranch, startfrom=startfrom, dryrun=dryrun, allatonce=all)
-elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and sys.argv[1] == "single":
- changeset = int(sys.argv[2])
- sourcebranch = sys.argv[3]
- targetbranch = sys.argv[4]
- commandSingle(REPOSITORY+sourcebranch, changeset, targetbranch, onlymerge=onlymerge, onlycommit=onlycommit)
-elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and sys.argv[1] == "commit":
- cfgfilename = sys.argv[2]
- sourcebranch = sys.argv[3]
- targetbranch = sys.argv[4]
- commandCommit(cfgfilename, sourcebranch, targetbranch, dryrun=dryrun)
-elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and sys.argv[1] == "log":
- cfgfilename = sys.argv[2]
- sourcebranch = sys.argv[3]
- targetbranch = sys.argv[4]
- commandLog(cfgfilename, sourcebranch, targetbranch, html=html, author=html_author, milestone=html_milestone)
-elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == "tickets":
- cfgfilename = sys.argv[2]
- commandTickets(cfgfilename)
- help(1)
diff --git a/build/bin/package-diff.py b/build/bin/package-diff.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 27f1ade771..0000000000
--- a/build/bin/package-diff.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-import sys,os,re
-from sets import Set
-# Configuration
-downloadsite = "http://vaadin.com/download"
-latestfile = "/release/6.8/LATEST"
-JAPIZE = "japize"
-JAPICOMPAT = "japicompat"
-# Utility Functions
-def command(cmd, dryrun=0):
- if not dryrun:
- if os.system(cmd):
- print "Command '%s' failed, exiting." % (cmd)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- print "Dry run - not executing."
-# Difference of two lists of files
-def diffFiles(a, b):
- diff = Set(a).difference(Set(b))
- difffiles = []
- for item in diff:
- difffiles.append(item)
- difffiles.sort()
- return difffiles
-# Lists files inside a Zip file (a JAR)
-def listJarFiles(jarfile):
- # Read the jar content listing
- pin = os.popen("unzip -ql %s" % jarfile, "r")
- lines = map(lambda x: x[:-1], pin.readlines())
- pin.close()
- # Determine the position of file names
- namepos = lines[0].find("Name")
- files = []
- for i in xrange(2, len(lines)-2):
- filename = lines[i][namepos:]
- files.append(filename)
- return files
-# JAPI - Java API Differences
-def japize(version, jarfile):
- cmd = "%s as %s apis %s +com.vaadin, $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar 2>/dev/null" % (JAPIZE, version, jarfile)
- command (cmd)
- return "%s.japi.gz" % (version)
-def japicompat(japi1, japi2):
- cmd = "%s -q %s %s" % (JAPICOMPAT, japi1, japi2)
- pin = os.popen(cmd, "r")
- lines = "".join(pin.readlines())
- pin.close()
- return lines
-# Download the installation package of the latest version
-wgetcmd = "wget -q -O - %s" % (downloadsite+latestfile)
-pin = os.popen(wgetcmd, "r")
-latestdata = pin.readlines()
-latestversion = latestdata[0].strip()
-latestpath = latestdata[1].strip()
-latestURL = downloadsite + "/" + latestpath + "/"
-latestfilename = "vaadin-%s.jar" % (latestversion)
-latestpackage = latestURL + latestfilename
-locallatestpackage = "/tmp/%s" % (latestfilename)
-print "Latest version: %s" % (latestversion)
-print "Latest version path: %s" % (latestpath)
-print "Latest version URL: %s" % (latestURL)
-# Check if it already exists
- os.stat(locallatestpackage)
- print "Latest package already exists in %s" % (locallatestpackage)
- # File exists
-except OSError:
- # File does not exist, get it.
- print "Downloading latest release package %s to %s" % (latestpackage, locallatestpackage)
- wgetcmd = "wget -q -O %s %s" % (locallatestpackage, latestpackage)
- command (wgetcmd)
-# List files in built version.
-builtversion = sys.argv[1]
-builtpackage = "build/result/vaadin-%s/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/vaadin-%s.jar" % (builtversion, builtversion)
-# Report differences
-print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVaadin JAR differences"
-latestJarFiles = listJarFiles(locallatestpackage)
-builtJarFiles = listJarFiles(builtpackage)
-# New files
-newfiles = diffFiles(builtJarFiles, latestJarFiles)
-print "\n%d new files:" % (len(newfiles))
-for item in newfiles:
- print item
-# Removed files
-removed = diffFiles(latestJarFiles, builtJarFiles)
-print "\n%d removed files:" % (len(removed))
-for item in removed:
- print item
-print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVaadin API differences"
-oldjapi = japize(latestversion, locallatestpackage)
-newjapi = japize(builtversion, builtpackage)
-print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nLost API features\n"
-japidiff1 = japicompat(oldjapi, newjapi)
-print japidiff1
-print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNew API features\n"
-japidiff2 = japicompat(newjapi, oldjapi)
-print japidiff2
-# Purge downloaded package
-command("rm %s" % (locallatestpackage))
diff --git a/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py b/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cca3705f9..0000000000
--- a/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# SVN Log to ChangeLog generator for Release Notes
-# Generates list of changes in HTML for ChangeLog
-# from SVN Log in XML format. You typically generate the log with
-# a command such as:
-# svn log -v -r 1234:HEAD > svnlog-1234:HEAD.log.xml
-# The command must be executed in the root directory of Toolkit project,
-# either in the trunk or in the proper branch. The converter is then
-# used as follows:
-# ./build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py svnlog-1234:HEAD.log.xml
-# The ChangeLog generator will strip away any merges that begin with
-# "Merged [...] from trunk to x.x branch."
-# The generator will handle the following markup:
-# - Changeset tags such as [1234] to links to dev.itmill.com/changeset/1234
-# - Ticket references such as #1234 to links to dev.itmill.com/ticket/1234
-# - If ticket reference does not have explanation in parentheses,
-# the script will fetch the summary of the ticket from Trac and
-# add it in parentheses after the reference, such as:
-# "fixes #1234 (A nasty bug I found)".
-# Requirements:
-# - Xalan
-import sys,re,os,httplib,urllib
-# Convert XML to XHTML
-# - The transformation includes various relevent information
-# and does basic formatting
-# Determine path to XSLT file
-pathToScript = sys.argv[0]
-sloc = pathToScript.rfind("/")
-pathToScript = pathToScript[:sloc]
-if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- print "Usage: svnlog-to-rn.py <logfile.xml>"
- print "Read the svnlog-to-rn.py header for more info."
- sys.exit(1)
-# Open Xalan
-filename = sys.argv[1]
-fin = open(filename, "r")
-(pout,pin) = os.popen2("xalan -xsl %s/svnlog-to-rn.xsl" % (pathToScript))
-# Preprocessing before feeding to XSLT Processor
-lines = fin.readlines()
-out = ""
-for line in lines:
- if line.find("action") != -1:
- line = line.replace(r'>[^<]+/', '')
- #print line,
- pout.write(line)
-# Helper functions for postprocessing
-# Retrieves summary string with HTTP
-def fetchSummary(ticketno):
- params = urllib.urlencode({'format': 'tab'})
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("dev.itmill.com")
- conn.request("GET", "/ticket/%d?%s" % (ticketno, params) )
- response = conn.getresponse()
- data = response.read()
- conn.close()
- lines = data.split("\n")
- cols = lines[1].split("\t")
- return cols[1]
-# Adds summary to ticket number, unless the context already has it
-def addSummary(m):
- ticketnum = int(m.group(1))
- context = m.group(2)
- if re.match(" *\(", context):
- # The context already has ticket summary
- return "#%d%s" % (ticketnum, context)
- summary = fetchSummary(ticketnum)
- return "#%s (<i>%s</i>) %s" % (ticketnum, summary, context)
-# Postprocessing for XSLT output
-lines = pin.readlines()
-for line in lines:
- # Add ticket summary after ticket number, if missing
- line = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)(.*)', addSummary, line)
- # Change ticket numbers to references to tickets
- line = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)', '#<a href="http://dev.itmill.com/ticket/\\1">\\1</a>', line)
- # Change changeset numbers to references to changesets
- #line = re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]', '[<a href="http://dev.itmill.com/changeset/\\1">\\1</a>]', line)
- # Remove prefix about merging
- line = re.sub(r'Merged.+from trunk to [0-9]+.[0-9]+ branch: ', '', line)
- print line,
diff --git a/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.xsl b/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 75dd762db9..0000000000
--- a/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
- version="1.0">
- <xsl:output method="html"/>
- <xsl:template match="logentry">
- <li>[<xsl:element name="a"><xsl:attribute name="href">http://dev.itmill.com/changeset/<xsl:value-of select="@revision"/></xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="@revision"/></xsl:element>]: <xsl:value-of select="msg"/></li>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="/">
- <html>
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
- <xsl:apply-templates/>
- </body>
- </html>
- </xsl:template>
diff --git a/build/bin/tagrelease.py b/build/bin/tagrelease.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 871d34515e..0000000000
--- a/build/bin/tagrelease.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-import os,sys,re
-# Read maps
-def readMap(fin, separator):
- lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), fin.readlines())
- values = {}
- for line in lines:
- if line == "":
- continue
- m = re.match(separator, line)
- if not m:
- print "Line '%s' not parseable." % line
- sys.exit(1)
- values[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
- return values
-def getSvnInfo():
- if os.path.exists(".svn"):
- pin = os.popen("svn info", "r")
- elif os.path.exists(".git"):
- pin = os.popen("git svn info", "r")
- values = readMap(pin, r'^([^:]+):\s*(.+)$')
- pin.close()
- return values
-def readProperties(filename):
- fin = open(filename, "r")
- values = readMap(fin, r'^([^=]+)\s*=\s*(.+)$')
- fin.close()
- return values
-# Help
-def helpAndExit():
- print "Usage: build/bin/tagrelease <command> [parameters...]"
- print "Commands:"
- print "\ttag <version> <changeset>"
- sys.exit(1)
-# Checks if a tag exists
-def isTagged(trgUrl):
- return not os.system("svn list --depth empty %s 2> /dev/null" % trgUrl)
-# Tag
-def checkNotTagged(tagUrl):
- if isTagged(tagUrl):
- print "The tag '%s' already exists." % tagUrl
- sys.exit(1)
-def tag(product, srcUrl, trgUrl, version, changeset, dryrun = 1):
- # Check that the tag doesn't already exist
- checkNotTagged(trgUrl)
- tagComment = "Tagged %s %s release." % (product, version)
- tagCmd = "svn copy -m \"%s\" %s %s" % (tagComment, srcUrl+"@"+changeset, trgUrl)
- print tagCmd
- # TODO enable
- # error = os.system(tagCmd)
- error = 0
- if error:
- print "Tagging failed."
- sys.exit(1)
-# Tag command
-def tagCommand(version, changeset):
- # Check parameters
- m = re.match(r'^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.\w+)?$', version)
- if not m:
- print "Invalid version number '%s'" % version
- sys.exit(1)
- m = re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', changeset)
- if not m:
- print "Invalid changeset number '%s'" % changeset
- sys.exit(1)
- # Repository parameters
- svnInfo = getSvnInfo()
- url = svnInfo["URL"]
- repoRoot = svnInfo["Repository Root"]
- tagUrl = repoRoot+"/releases/"+version
- # Check that neither tag exists
- checkNotTagged(tagUrl)
- # Do the tagging
- tag("Vaadin", url, tagUrl, version, changeset)
-# Verify command
-def verifyCommand(version, changeset):
- # Check parameters
- # TODO Put to a function
- m = re.match(r'^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.\w+)?$', version)
- if not m:
- print "Invalid version number '%s'" % version
- sys.exit(1)
- m = re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', changeset)
- if not m:
- print "Invalid changeset number '%s'" % changeset
- sys.exit(1)
- print "Verification not yet implemented, but ok."
-# Main
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- helpAndExit()
-if sys.argv[1] == "tag" and len(sys.argv) == 4:
- tagCommand(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
-elif sys.argv[1] == "verify" and len(sys.argv) == 4:
- verifyCommand(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
- print "Invalid command or number of parameters."
- helpAndExit()