path: root/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/shared/_global.scss
diff options
authorJouni Koivuviita <>2014-04-11 17:17:07 +0300
committerJouni Koivuviita <>2014-04-11 17:17:07 +0300
commitf50ad371bce71ecd235d0b26d19dbf6c3a4d157f (patch)
tree3c3d0961f06e97043c3ac4833dd986d24642752f /WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/shared/_global.scss
parentf374bc72f5fe3535600551a14eb3df2d97889ba2 (diff)
Initial commit of Valo (from original repo at 60e2fa9ea119d24bb2421d3671a8cb87d6754e8b
Diffstat (limited to 'WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/shared/_global.scss')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/shared/_global.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/shared/_global.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3de32acdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/shared/_global.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+@import "loading-indicator";
+@import "contextmenu";
+@import "overlay";
+@import "notification";
+@import "tooltip";
+// Include global styles only once
+$v-valo-global-included: false !default;
+@mixin v-valo-global {
+ @if $v-valo-global-included == false {
+ // Core widget styles come before any other component (and are always included),
+ // so that it has the least specificity
+ @include v-valo-widget;
+ .v-generated-body {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ }
+ .v-app {
+ height: 100%;
+ // Cancel tap highlight from all elements inside the app
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ }
+ .v-ui {
+ position: relative;
+ }
+ // Prevent margin collapse
+ .v-ui.v-ui-embedded {
+ margin-top: -1px;
+ border-top: 1px solid transparent;
+ }
+ .v-ui:focus {
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ .v-overlay-container {
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ }
+ // Removes clear button from input fields introduced by IE10
+ input::-ms-clear {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .v-drag-element {
+ z-index: 60000;
+ // Override any other position properties
+ position: absolute !important;
+ cursor: default;
+ }
+ .v-clip {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ .v-scrollable {
+ overflow: auto;
+ // Fix extra whitespace in IE
+ line-height: 0;
+ }
+ .v-ios.v-webkit .v-scrollable {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ }
+ // Disable native scrolling on iOS 5 due to issue #8792
+ .v-ios5.v-webkit .v-scrollable {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: none;
+ }
+ .v-assistive-device-only {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -2000px;
+ left: -2000px;
+ width: 10px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ .v-icon,
+ .v-errorindicator,
+ .v-required-field-indicator {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ }
+ .v-caption,
+ .v-captiontext {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-height: $v-line-height;
+ }
+ // Component global styles should also be included here
+ @include v-valo-orderedlayout-global;
+ @include v-valo-gridlayout-global;
+ @include v-valo-calendar-global;
+ @include v-valo-colorpicker-global;
+ @include v-valo-table-global;
+ @include v-valo-tabsheet-global;
+ $v-valo-global-included: true;
+ }
+$v-valo-shared-pathPrefix: null;
+@if $v-relative-paths == false {
+ $v-valo-shared-pathPrefix: "../valo/shared/";
+@mixin v-valo-app-style {
+ font: $v-font-weight #{$v-font-size}/#{$v-line-height} $v-font-family;
+ color: $v-font-color;
+ background-color: $v-app-background-color;
+ cursor: default;
+ // Default to Helvetica Neue on Macs instead of Helvetica, which has a slightly different baseline
+ @if $v-font-family == sans-serif {
+ .v-mac & {
+ font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-common {
+ //@if & != null {
+ // &,
+ // &.v-app-loading {
+ // @include v-valo-app-style;
+ // }
+ //} @else {
+ &.v-app,
+ &.v-app-loading {
+ @include v-valo-app-style;
+ }
+ //}
+ //&.v-overlay-container {
+ // position: absolute;
+ // top: 0;
+ //}
+ .v-app-loading {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: $v-app-background-color;
+ $_size: 28px + round($v-unit-size/2);
+ &:before {
+ content: "";
+ position: fixed;
+ z-index: 100;
+ top: 45%;
+ left: 50%;
+ width: 28px;
+ height: 28px;
+ padding: round($v-unit-size/4);
+ margin-top: round($_size/-2);
+ margin-left: round($_size/-2);
+ background: #fff url($v-valo-shared-pathPrefix + "img/spinner.gif") no-repeat 50%;
+ border-radius: $v-border-radius;
+ }
+ @if $v-app-loading-text != "" {
+ &:after {
+ position: fixed;
+ z-index: 100;
+ top: 45%;
+ padding-top: $_size;
+ text-align: center;
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ content: $v-app-loading-text;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @include v-valo-loading-bar;
+ // Fallback spinner for browsers without CSS animations
+ .v-ie8 &,
+ .v-ie9 & {
+ .v-loading-indicator,
+ .v-loading-indicator-delay,
+ .v-loading-indicator-wait {
+ width: 28px !important;
+ height: 28px;
+ padding: round($v-unit-size/4);
+ background: #fff url($v-valo-shared-pathPrefix + "img/spinner.gif") no-repeat 50%;
+ border-radius: $v-border-radius;
+ top: round($v-unit-size/4);
+ right: round($v-unit-size/4);
+ left: auto;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=50);
+ &[style*="none"] {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+ }
+ .v-loading-indicator-wait {
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+ }
+ }
+ .v-scrollable:focus {
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ //.v-captiontext,
+ //.v-errorindicator,
+ //.v-required-field-indicator,
+ img.v-icon {
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .v-caption {
+ @include v-valo-caption-style;
+ }
+ .v-caption-on-left .v-caption,
+ .v-caption-on-right .v-caption {
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ .v-icon + .v-captiontext,
+ .v-icon + span {
+ margin-left: round($v-unit-size/5);
+ &:empty {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ .v-errorindicator {
+ @include v-valo-error-indicator-style;
+ }
+ .v-required-field-indicator {
+ color: $v-required-field-indicator-color;
+ padding: 0 .2em;
+ }
+ select {
+ font: inherit;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ color: inherit;
+ padding: round($v-unit-size/8);
+ margin: 0;
+ border-radius: $v-border-radius;
+ @include v-valo-nativeselect-select-style;
+ }
+ button {
+ font: inherit;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ }
+ .v-disabled {
+ cursor: default !important;
+ }
+ @include v-valo-drag-element;
+ @include v-valo-tooltip;
+ @include v-valo-contextmenu;
+@mixin v-valo-caption-style {
+ font-size: $v-caption-font-size;
+ font-weight: $v-caption-font-weight;
+ padding-bottom: .3em;
+ @if $v-border-radius > 0 {
+ padding-left: round($v-border-radius/4);
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-error-indicator-style {
+ color: $v-error-indicator-color;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ width: ceil($v-unit-size/2);
+ text-align: center;
+ &:before {
+ @include v-valo-error-indicator-icon-style;
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-error-indicator-icon-style {
+ content: "!";
+// Make the BODY element scrollable instead of the .v-ui element. Scrolling the BODY works better on touch screens.
+// NOTE: breaks percentage sized overlay elements
+// @mixin v-valo-natural-page-scrolling
+// @usage
+// // Call without any parent selector somewhere in your theme
+// =v-valo-natural-page-scrolling;
+@mixin v-valo-natural-page-scrolling {
+ html {
+ height: auto;
+ }
+ .v-generated-body {
+ height: auto;
+ overflow: auto;
+ }
+ .v-app,
+ .v-ui.v-scrollable {
+ width: auto !important;
+ height: auto !important;
+ overflow: visible !important;
+ }
+ // Reposition loading indicator so that it doens't scroll with the page
+ .v-loading-indicator {
+ position: fixed !important;
+ }
+ .v-overlay-container {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ }
+ // Reposition notifications so that they don't scroll with the page
+ .v-Notification {
+ position: fixed !important;
+ }