path: root/WebContent
diff options
authorJouni Koivuviita <>2010-04-09 06:11:44 +0000
committerJouni Koivuviita <>2010-04-09 06:11:44 +0000
commite97c2c4eb4ba21b78159dee53135ace21bd3d462 (patch)
treecddadf40bf47924bf893f78a9f06a1c8e1614ad7 /WebContent
parenta1f28a17a60c6d58ff28223c8fb3f283ed8e6ba0 (diff)
New rough start for demo/package-index page.
svn changeset:12403/svn branch:6.3
Diffstat (limited to 'WebContent')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/WebContent/index.html b/WebContent/index.html
index 0a09d48bc8..d654530cac 100644
--- a/WebContent/index.html
+++ b/WebContent/index.html
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
<div id="version">
<strong>Version @version@</strong>
<a href="release-notes.html" class="release-notes" title="Read the release notes for this Vaadin version">Release Notes &raquo;</a>
- <span class="version-check">(<a href="" title="Check if you have the latest Vaadin version (requires Internet connection)">check for latest version</a>)</span>
</div> <!-- /header -->
@@ -53,102 +52,46 @@
<span class="mask"></span>
- <p>The Sampler contains examples of all Vaadin core components and their features with example source code available for copy-pasting.</p>
+ <p>The Sampler contains examples of all Vaadin <strong>core components</strong> and their <strong>features</strong> with example <strong>source code available</strong> for copying.</p>
<strong class="start">Start Sampler &raquo;</strong>
- <strong class="new"><em>Notable In This Release</em> &bull;&nbsp;Drag'n'drop &bull;&nbsp;Keyboard Shortcuts &bull;&nbsp;AbsoluteLayout &bull;&nbsp;GWT 2.0</strong>
+ <!--<strong class="new"><em>Notable In This Release</em> &bull;&nbsp;Drag'n'drop &bull;&nbsp;Keyboard&nbsp;Shortcuts &bull;&nbsp;AbsoluteLayout &bull;&nbsp;GWT 2.0</strong>-->
</div> <!-- /upfront -->
<div id="content">
- <div id="addons">
- <h3>Vaadin Add-on Demos</h3>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="" title="Open Timeline demo (online)"><img src="demo/img/addons/timeline.png" alt="" /><span><h4>Timeline</h4> Interactive lazy-loading graphs</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="" title="Open ColorPicker demo (online)"><img src="demo/img/addons/colorpicker.png" alt="" /><span><h4>ColorPicker</h4> Cross-browser color picking</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="" title="Open Cameleon Theme demo (online)"><img src="demo/img/addons/chameleon.png" alt="" /><span><h4>Chameleon Theme</h4>Create your own theme in seconds</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="" title="Open JPAContainer demo (online)"><img src="demo/img/addons/jpacontainer.png" alt="" /><span><h4> JPAContainer</h4></span></a></li>
- </ul>
- </div> <!-- /addons -->
- <div id="directory-teaser">
- <a href="">
- <h4>Download these add-ons <em>and hundreds more...</em></h4>
- <h3>Vaadin Add-on Directory</h3>
- <p>The Directory collects add-ons for Vaadin in one central on-line repository. It makes them easy to browse, evaluate, download, integrate and buy.</p>
- <p>Some of the add-ons are Open Source and free &ndash; some require a commercial per developer license.</p>
- <p>You can also distribute your own add-ons
- in the Directory, free or commercial.</p>
- <span>Go to the Directory at &raquo;</span>
- </a>
- </div>
- <div id="code-examples">
- <h3>Code Examples</h3>
- <p>Below are some examples of Vaadin UI code. The applications themselves are useless, but you can see how the actual code looks like by clicking the "sources" links.</p>
- <ul class="link-list">
- <li><a class="demoapp" href="HelloWorld/">Hello world</a> &nbsp; (<a href="docs/example-source/com/vaadin/demo/">sources</a>)</li>
- <li><a class="demoapp" href="Calc/">Calculator</a> &nbsp; (<a href="docs/example-source/com/vaadin/demo/">sources</a>)</li>
- <li><a class="demoapp" href="VaadinTunesLayout/">VaadinTunes &ndash; advanced layout &amp; theme</a> &nbsp; (<a href="docs/example-source/com/vaadin/demo/">sources</a>)</li>
- <li><a class="demoapp" href="Coverflow/">Coverflow &ndash; Flex integration</a> &nbsp; (<a href="docs/example-source/com/vaadin/demo/coverflow">sources</a>)</li>
- <li><a class="demoapp" href="ReindeerTheme">Reindeer theme &ndash; see available styles</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div> <!-- /code-examples -->
- <div id="getting-started">
- <h3>Getting Started</h3>
- <div id="eclipse">
- <a href="">
- <h4>Vaadin Eclipse Plugin</h4>
- <p>The easiest way to start working with Vaadin is to use Eclipse IDE and download the Vaadin Eclipse plugin from our website.</p>
- <span>How to install the Vaadin Eclipse Plugin &raquo;</span>
- </a>
- </div>
- <div id="tutorial">
- <h4>Tutorial - Address Book</h4>
- <p class="tutorial">Read the step-by-step tutorial and learn how to build a simple contact management app.</p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">Step-by-step Tutorial &raquo;</a></li>
- <li><a href="AddressBook/" class="demoapp">See Address Book application &raquo;</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div> <!--/getting-started -->
- <div id="docs">
- <h3>Documentation</h3>
- <p class="documentation">Need help using Vaadin? Look no further. Everything you need to know is here.</p>
- <ul class="link-list">
- <li><a href="docs/book-of-vaadin.pdf">Book of Vaadin (manual) &raquo;</a></li>
- <li><a href="docs/api/index.html">JavaDoc API &raquo;</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Discussion Forum &raquo;</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div> <!-- /docs -->
- <div id="support">
- <div id="open-source">
- <h4>Open Source Development</h4>
- <p>Vaadin is developed as an Open Source software and its core is licensed under
- the liberal Apache 2.0 License. Commercial licenses that include support are also available.</p>
- <ul class="link-list">
- <li><a href="" title="Open">Developer Website &raquo;</a></li>
- <li><a href="license/licensing-guidelines.html">Licensing Guidelines &raquo;</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div id="pro">
- <h4>Support &amp; Services</h4>
- <p>The commercial products complement Vaadin and make it possible for you to get better results quicker &ndash; both from a development perspective as well as from a business perspective.</p>
- <p>We are also glad to help you hands on or even do the work for you &ndash; which ever you prefer.</p>
- <p>Read more about the <a href="">Services</a> or the <a href="">Support</a> alternatives.</p>
- </div>
- </div> <!-- /support -->
+ <h3 class="reasons">More Reasons to Choose Vaadin</h3>
+ <ul id="reasons">
+ <li id="programming-model">
+ <h4 title="Write Java">Programming Model</h4>
+ <h5>Server side Java Only</h5>
+ <p>Forget about the client and RPC, you're only working with the server-side code. This separates Vaadin from similar client oriented Java frameworks such as GWT.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li id="theming">
+ <h4 title="Themes">Flexible Theming</h4>
+ </li>
+ <li id="add-ons">
+ <h4 title="Add-ons">Extending, Packaging and Distributing</h4>
+ </li>
+ <li id="documentation">
+ <h4 title="Documentation">Best Documentation Around</h4>
+ </li>
+ <li id="jar">
+ <h4 title="Lightweight">Just One JAR</h4>
+ </li>
+ <li id="compatibility">
+ <h4 title="Compatibility">Compatible With What You Already Know</h4>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
</div> <!-- /content -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="demo/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="demo/js/fonts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
- var slideSwitch = function() {
+ function slideSwitch() {
var $active = $('#sampler-slideshow');
if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#sampler-slideshow li:last-child');
@@ -166,6 +109,49 @@
+ function doTabs() {
+ var content = $("#reasons");
+ content.addClass("js");
+ // Generate tab captions
+ var tabs = content.before('<div id="tabs"></div>').prev();
+ $("#reasons li").each(function(i, li) {
+ li = $(li);
+ li.css({"position":"absolute"});
+ if(i>0){
+ li.hide();
+ }
+ var caption = li.find("h4");
+ var tab = tabs.append('<div class="tab">'+caption[0].title+'</div>').find(".tab:last-child");
+ if(i==0) {
+[0], "selected", tab);
+[0], "open", li);
+ tab.addClass("first");
+ tab.addClass("selected");
+ }
+[0], "content", li);
+ {
+ if([0], "selected")[0] == this)
+ return;
+ // Hide previous
+[0], "selected").removeClass("selected");
+[0], "open").fadeOut("fast");
+ var tab = $(this);
+ var tabContent =, "content");
+ // Show new
+[0], "selected", tab);
+ tab.addClass("selected");
+[0], "open", tabContent);
+ tabContent.css({"opacity":""});
+ tabContent.fadeIn("fast");
+ });
+ });
+ }
window.onload = function() {
try {
if( && ('gwt.hosted') != -1 ||'gwt.codesvr') != -1)) {
@@ -182,9 +168,11 @@
} catch(e) {}
setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 2200 );
+ doTabs();
- Cufon.replace(["h2","h3","#sampler .start","#directory-teaser h4"], {fontFamily: "HelveticaRounded"});
+ Cufon.replace(["h2","h4","#sampler .start"], {fontFamily: "HelveticaRounded"});
+ Cufon.replace(["h3"], {fontFamily: "HelveticaLight"});