path: root/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py
diff options
authorHenri Sara <henri.sara@itmill.com>2009-03-25 07:10:17 +0000
committerHenri Sara <henri.sara@itmill.com>2009-03-25 07:10:17 +0000
commitb77e0f7dfbf7d80b806f1dbea4ce7f1d85248d61 (patch)
treec7f1efc877104151f1195f5ded78979d6dd97f84 /build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py
parentf65586e992add15e7d89c251ed8bee45aa5cfcfe (diff)
Merge from 5.3 to 6.0:
[7015] Updated browser support list in Release Notes. For #2538. [7028] Merge from branches/release/5.3.0 to versions/5.3 (multiple changesets concerning build) [7039] Updated tutorial PDF, also added the header logo element. svn changeset:7166/svn branch:6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py b/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5cca3705f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# SVN Log to ChangeLog generator for Release Notes
+# Generates list of changes in HTML for ChangeLog
+# from SVN Log in XML format. You typically generate the log with
+# a command such as:
+# svn log -v -r 1234:HEAD > svnlog-1234:HEAD.log.xml
+# The command must be executed in the root directory of Toolkit project,
+# either in the trunk or in the proper branch. The converter is then
+# used as follows:
+# ./build/bin/svnlog-to-rn.py svnlog-1234:HEAD.log.xml
+# The ChangeLog generator will strip away any merges that begin with
+# "Merged [...] from trunk to x.x branch."
+# The generator will handle the following markup:
+# - Changeset tags such as [1234] to links to dev.itmill.com/changeset/1234
+# - Ticket references such as #1234 to links to dev.itmill.com/ticket/1234
+# - If ticket reference does not have explanation in parentheses,
+# the script will fetch the summary of the ticket from Trac and
+# add it in parentheses after the reference, such as:
+# "fixes #1234 (A nasty bug I found)".
+# Requirements:
+# - Xalan
+import sys,re,os,httplib,urllib
+# Convert XML to XHTML
+# - The transformation includes various relevent information
+# and does basic formatting
+# Determine path to XSLT file
+pathToScript = sys.argv[0]
+sloc = pathToScript.rfind("/")
+pathToScript = pathToScript[:sloc]
+if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print "Usage: svnlog-to-rn.py <logfile.xml>"
+ print "Read the svnlog-to-rn.py header for more info."
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Open Xalan
+filename = sys.argv[1]
+fin = open(filename, "r")
+(pout,pin) = os.popen2("xalan -xsl %s/svnlog-to-rn.xsl" % (pathToScript))
+# Preprocessing before feeding to XSLT Processor
+lines = fin.readlines()
+out = ""
+for line in lines:
+ if line.find("action") != -1:
+ line = line.replace(r'>[^<]+/', '')
+ #print line,
+ pout.write(line)
+# Helper functions for postprocessing
+# Retrieves summary string with HTTP
+def fetchSummary(ticketno):
+ params = urllib.urlencode({'format': 'tab'})
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("dev.itmill.com")
+ conn.request("GET", "/ticket/%d?%s" % (ticketno, params) )
+ response = conn.getresponse()
+ data = response.read()
+ conn.close()
+ lines = data.split("\n")
+ cols = lines[1].split("\t")
+ return cols[1]
+# Adds summary to ticket number, unless the context already has it
+def addSummary(m):
+ ticketnum = int(m.group(1))
+ context = m.group(2)
+ if re.match(" *\(", context):
+ # The context already has ticket summary
+ return "#%d%s" % (ticketnum, context)
+ summary = fetchSummary(ticketnum)
+ return "#%s (<i>%s</i>) %s" % (ticketnum, summary, context)
+# Postprocessing for XSLT output
+lines = pin.readlines()
+for line in lines:
+ # Add ticket summary after ticket number, if missing
+ line = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)(.*)', addSummary, line)
+ # Change ticket numbers to references to tickets
+ line = re.sub(r'#([0-9]+)', '#<a href="http://dev.itmill.com/ticket/\\1">\\1</a>', line)
+ # Change changeset numbers to references to changesets
+ #line = re.sub(r'\[([0-9]+)\]', '[<a href="http://dev.itmill.com/changeset/\\1">\\1</a>]', line)
+ # Remove prefix about merging
+ line = re.sub(r'Merged.+from trunk to [0-9]+.[0-9]+ branch: ', '', line)
+ print line,