path: root/build
diff options
authorArtur Signell <>2013-05-30 17:06:30 +0300
committerVaadin Code Review <>2013-05-30 15:08:00 +0000
commit9a3dc4e99c7a417778342db83cd6e7c05558e5fb (patch)
tree4a77e0b93e48c9f2fec4839ffae76c3334ec337b /build
parentd850db60f9f7e144307bcf525d96665d1be64fc8 (diff)
Formatted XML files using defined rules (#11956)
Change-Id: Iecd621321fdde29d2d89d910ba46e9dadee58995
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
2 files changed, 205 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/build/common.xml b/build/common.xml
index 1fc6349a46..ee60c1ff42 100644
--- a/build/common.xml
+++ b/build/common.xml
@@ -1,59 +1,65 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns:antcontrib="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
- xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant"
- xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
- name="common"
- basedir="../"
- default="init-deps" >
- <property name="ivy.install.version" value="2.2.0"/>
- <property name="" value="ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar"/>
+ xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+ name="common" basedir="../" default="init-deps">
+ <property name="ivy.install.version" value="2.2.0" />
+ <property name="" value="ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar" />
<property name="ivy.jar.dir" value="${user.home}/.ant/lib" />
<property name="ivy.jar.file" value="${ivy.jar.dir}/${}" />
- <target name="init-deps" description="Configure Ivy dependency management and load common task definitions"
- depends="init-taskdefs" unless="deps.initialized">
+ <target name="init-deps"
+ description="Configure Ivy dependency management and load common task definitions"
+ depends="init-taskdefs" unless="deps.initialized">
<property name="deps.initialized" value="1" />
<target name="check-ivy-installed">
- <available property="ivy.installed" file="${ivy.jar.file}"/>
- <available property="ivy.installed" classname="org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyConfigure" />
- <antcall target="common.ivy-download" />
- </target>
+ <available property="ivy.installed" file="${ivy.jar.file}" />
+ <available property="ivy.installed" classname="org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyConfigure" />
+ <antcall target="common.ivy-download" />
+ </target>
<target name="ivy-download" unless="ivy.installed">
- <mkdir dir="${ivy.jar.dir}"/>
- <get src="${ivy.install.version}/ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar" dest="${ivy.jar.file}" usetimestamp="true"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${ivy.jar.dir}" />
+ <get
+ src="${ivy.install.version}/ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar"
+ dest="${ivy.jar.file}" usetimestamp="true" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="ivy-configure" depends="check-ivy-installed"
+ unless="deps.initialized">
+ <!-- Ivy task definitions -->
+ <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+ classpath="${ivy.jar.file}" />
+ <!-- Ivy settings -->
+ <property name="ivy.settings.file"
+ value="${project.root}/build/ivy/ivysettings.xml" />
+ <ivy:configure />
- <target name="ivy-configure" depends="check-ivy-installed" unless="deps.initialized">
- <!-- Ivy task definitions -->
- <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpath="${ivy.jar.file}" />
- <!-- Ivy settings -->
- <property name="ivy.settings.file" value="${project.root}/build/ivy/ivysettings.xml" />
- <ivy:configure/>
- </target>
<target name="init-taskdefs" depends="ivy-configure" unless="deps.initialized">
<echo>Loading Ant tasks</echo>
- <ivy:resolve file="${project.root}/build/ivy/ivy.xml" conf="taskdefs" />
+ <ivy:resolve file="${project.root}/build/ivy/ivy.xml"
+ conf="taskdefs" />
<ivy:cachepath pathid="taskdefs.classpath" conf="taskdefs" />
- <taskdef resource="" classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
- <!-- ant contrib required for flow control (for loop, if, property override) -->
- <!-- Note that we have to use a namespace to avoid clash when running sub-ant. -->
+ <taskdef resource="" classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
+ <!-- ant contrib required for flow control (for loop, if, property
+ override) -->
+ <!-- Note that we have to use a namespace to avoid clash when running
+ sub-ant. -->
<taskdef uri="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"
classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
- <!-- ant contrib for Maven integration -->
+ <!-- ant contrib for Maven integration -->
<taskdef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
- uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
- <!-- jarjar -->
+ uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
+ <!-- jarjar -->
<taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask"
- classpathref="taskdefs.classpath"/>
+ classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
diff --git a/build/ide.xml b/build/ide.xml
index b1845020f3..5380536e2e 100755
--- a/build/ide.xml
+++ b/build/ide.xml
@@ -1,152 +1,165 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project xmlns:antcontrib="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="Build script for IDE users" basedir=".." default="theme-and-default-widgetset">
- <include file="${basedir}/gwt-files.xml" />
- <property name="" location="${gwt.eclipse.basedir}/dev/bin" />
- <property name="gwt.user.classes" location="${gwt.eclipse.basedir}/user/bin" />
- <property name="" location="${gwt.basedir}/dev/core/src" />
- <property name="" location="${gwt.basedir}/dev/core/super" />
- <property name="gwt.user.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/user/src" />
- <property name="gwt.user.super.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/user/super" />
- <property name="work.dir" location="work" />
- <property name="theme-version" location="9.9.9.INTERNAL-DEBUG-BUILD" />
- <echo>Using gwt files from ${gwt.user.classes} and ${}</echo>
- <ivy:resolve file="client-compiler/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:cachepath pathid="client-compiler.deps" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:resolve file="server/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:cachepath pathid="server.deps" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:resolve file="client/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:cachepath pathid="client.deps" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:resolve file="shared/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:cachepath pathid="shared.deps" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:resolve file="uitest/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:cachepath pathid="uitest.deps" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:resolve file="theme-compiler/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
- <ivy:cachepath pathid="theme-compiler.deps" conf="ide" />
- <path id="classpath">
- <path location="bin" />
- <path location="build/classes" />
- <path location="${gwt.user.classes}" />
- <path location="${gwt.user.src}" />
- <path location="${gwt.user.super.src}" />
- <path location="${}" />
- <path location="${}" />
- <path location="${}" />
- <path refid="client-compiler.deps" />
- <path refid="theme-compiler.deps" />
- <path refid="server.deps" />
- <path refid="shared.deps" />
- <path refid="uitest.deps" />
- <path refid="client.deps" />
- <path location="theme-compiler/src" />
- <path location="server/src" />
- <path location="shared/src" />
- <path location="uitest/src" />
- <path location="client/src" />
- </path>
- <target name="theme-and-default-widgetset" depends="default-widgetset, themes, vaadinPush.js">
- </target>
- <target name="themes">
- <antcall target="compile-theme">
- <param name="theme" value="base" />
- </antcall>
- <antcall target="compile-theme">
- <param name="theme" value="runo" />
- </antcall>
- <antcall target="compile-theme">
- <param name="theme" value="reindeer" />
- </antcall>
- <antcall target="compile-theme">
- <param name="theme" value="chameleon" />
- </antcall>
- <antcall target="compile-theme">
- <param name="theme" value="liferay" />
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="compile-theme">
- <java classname="com.vaadin.buildhelpers.CompileTheme" failonerror="yes" fork="yes">
- <classpath refid="classpath" />
- <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
- <arg value="--theme" />
- <arg value="${theme}" />
- <arg value="--theme-version" />
- <arg value="${theme-version}" />
- <arg value="--theme-folder" />
- <arg value="WebContent/VAADIN/themes" />
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="default-widgetset">
- <antcall target="compile-widgetset">
- <param name="widgetset" value="com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet" />
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="testing-widgetset">
- <antcall target="compile-widgetset">
- <param name="widgetset" value="com.vaadin.tests.widgetset.TestingWidgetSet" />
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="compile-widgetset">
- <property name="module" value="${widgetset}" />
- <property name="module.output.dir" location="WebContent/VAADIN/widgetsets" />
- <property name="style" value="PRETTY" />
- <property name="localWorkers" value="2" />
- <property name="extraParams" value="" />
- <mkdir dir="${module.output.dir}" />
- <echo>Compiling ${module} to ${module.output.dir} with parameters -logLevel TRACE -style ${style} -localWorkers ${localWorkers} -strict ${extraParams}</echo>
- <!--<ivy:resolve inline="true" organisation="javax.validation" module="validation-api" revision="1.0.0.GA"/>-->
- <!-- compile the module -->
- <java classname="" classpathref="classpath" failonerror="yes" fork="yes" maxmemory="512m">
- <arg value="-workDir" />
- <arg value="${work.dir}" />
- <arg value="-logLevel" />
- <arg value="TRACE" />
- <arg value="-war" />
- <arg value="${module.output.dir}" />
- <arg value="-style" />
- <arg value="${style}" />
- <arg value="-localWorkers" />
- <arg value="${localWorkers}" />
- <arg value="-strict" />
- <arg line="${extraParams}" />
- <arg value="${module}" />
- <sysproperty key="vFailIfNotSerializable" value="true" />
- <jvmarg value="-Xss8M" />
- <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" />
- <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
- <jvmarg value="-Dgwt.usearchives=false" />
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="vaadinPush.js">
- <property name="vaadinPush.js.output" location="WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinPush.js" />
- <loadfile srcfile="WebContent/VAADIN/jquery-1.7.2.js" property="jquery.js.contents" />
- <loadfile srcfile="WebContent/VAADIN/jquery.atmosphere.js" property="jquery.atmosphere.js.contents" />
- <loadfile srcfile="WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinPush.js.tpl" property="vaadinPush.js.contents">
- <filterchain>
- <replacetokens begintoken="@" endtoken="@">
- <token key="jquery.js" value="${jquery.js.contents}" />
- <token key="jquery.atmosphere.js" value="${jquery.atmosphere.js.contents}" />
- </replacetokens>
- </filterchain>
- </loadfile>
- <echo file="${vaadinPush.js.output}">${vaadinPush.js.contents}</echo>
- </target>
+<project xmlns:antcontrib="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
+ xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+ name="Build script for IDE users" basedir=".."
+ default="theme-and-default-widgetset">
+ <include file="${basedir}/gwt-files.xml" />
+ <property name="" location="${gwt.eclipse.basedir}/dev/bin" />
+ <property name="gwt.user.classes" location="${gwt.eclipse.basedir}/user/bin" />
+ <property name="" location="${gwt.basedir}/dev/core/src" />
+ <property name="" location="${gwt.basedir}/dev/core/super" />
+ <property name="gwt.user.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/user/src" />
+ <property name="gwt.user.super.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/user/super" />
+ <property name="work.dir" location="work" />
+ <property name="theme-version" location="9.9.9.INTERNAL-DEBUG-BUILD" />
+ <echo>Using gwt files from ${gwt.user.classes} and
+ ${}</echo>
+ <ivy:resolve file="client-compiler/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="client-compiler.deps" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:resolve file="server/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="server.deps" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:resolve file="client/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="client.deps" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:resolve file="shared/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="shared.deps" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:resolve file="uitest/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="uitest.deps" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:resolve file="theme-compiler/ivy.xml" conf="ide" />
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="theme-compiler.deps" conf="ide" />
+ <path id="classpath">
+ <path location="bin" />
+ <path location="build/classes" />
+ <path location="${gwt.user.classes}" />
+ <path location="${gwt.user.src}" />
+ <path location="${gwt.user.super.src}" />
+ <path location="${}" />
+ <path location="${}" />
+ <path location="${}" />
+ <path refid="client-compiler.deps" />
+ <path refid="theme-compiler.deps" />
+ <path refid="server.deps" />
+ <path refid="shared.deps" />
+ <path refid="uitest.deps" />
+ <path refid="client.deps" />
+ <path location="theme-compiler/src" />
+ <path location="server/src" />
+ <path location="shared/src" />
+ <path location="uitest/src" />
+ <path location="client/src" />
+ </path>
+ <target name="theme-and-default-widgetset" depends="default-widgetset, themes, vaadinPush.js">
+ </target>
+ <target name="themes">
+ <antcall target="compile-theme">
+ <param name="theme" value="base" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="compile-theme">
+ <param name="theme" value="runo" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="compile-theme">
+ <param name="theme" value="reindeer" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="compile-theme">
+ <param name="theme" value="chameleon" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="compile-theme">
+ <param name="theme" value="liferay" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="compile-theme">
+ <java classname="com.vaadin.buildhelpers.CompileTheme"
+ failonerror="yes" fork="yes">
+ <classpath refid="classpath" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
+ <arg value="--theme" />
+ <arg value="${theme}" />
+ <arg value="--theme-version" />
+ <arg value="${theme-version}" />
+ <arg value="--theme-folder" />
+ <arg value="WebContent/VAADIN/themes" />
+ </java>
+ </target>
+ <target name="default-widgetset">
+ <antcall target="compile-widgetset">
+ <param name="widgetset" value="com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="testing-widgetset">
+ <antcall target="compile-widgetset">
+ <param name="widgetset"
+ value="com.vaadin.tests.widgetset.TestingWidgetSet" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="compile-widgetset">
+ <property name="module" value="${widgetset}" />
+ <property name="module.output.dir" location="WebContent/VAADIN/widgetsets" />
+ <property name="style" value="PRETTY" />
+ <property name="localWorkers" value="2" />
+ <property name="extraParams" value="" />
+ <mkdir dir="${module.output.dir}" />
+ <echo>Compiling ${module} to ${module.output.dir} with
+ parameters -logLevel TRACE -style ${style} -localWorkers
+ ${localWorkers} -strict ${extraParams}</echo>
+ <!--<ivy:resolve inline="true" organisation="javax.validation" module="validation-api"
+ revision="1.0.0.GA"/> -->
+ <!-- compile the module -->
+ <java classname="" classpathref="classpath"
+ failonerror="yes" fork="yes" maxmemory="512m">
+ <arg value="-workDir" />
+ <arg value="${work.dir}" />
+ <arg value="-logLevel" />
+ <arg value="TRACE" />
+ <arg value="-war" />
+ <arg value="${module.output.dir}" />
+ <arg value="-style" />
+ <arg value="${style}" />
+ <arg value="-localWorkers" />
+ <arg value="${localWorkers}" />
+ <arg value="-strict" />
+ <arg line="${extraParams}" />
+ <arg value="${module}" />
+ <sysproperty key="vFailIfNotSerializable" value="true" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Xss8M" />
+ <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Dgwt.usearchives=false" />
+ </java>
+ </target>
+ <target name="vaadinPush.js">
+ <property name="vaadinPush.js.output" location="WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinPush.js" />
+ <loadfile srcfile="WebContent/VAADIN/jquery-1.7.2.js"
+ property="jquery.js.contents" />
+ <loadfile srcfile="WebContent/VAADIN/jquery.atmosphere.js"
+ property="jquery.atmosphere.js.contents" />
+ <loadfile srcfile="WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinPush.js.tpl"
+ property="vaadinPush.js.contents">
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens begintoken="@" endtoken="@">
+ <token key="jquery.js" value="${jquery.js.contents}" />
+ <token key="jquery.atmosphere.js" value="${jquery.atmosphere.js.contents}" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ </filterchain>
+ </loadfile>
+ <echo file="${vaadinPush.js.output}">${vaadinPush.js.contents}</echo>
+ </target>
</project> \ No newline at end of file