path: root/build
diff options
authorMikael Vappula <>2011-11-24 15:49:46 +0200
committerMikael Vappula <>2011-11-24 19:44:25 +0200
commit54452425e21a518c7315ab53d129e5263147fc80 (patch)
treef859784315dce21d441921cc45f66bafe0dfd6d1 /build
parentfbe730fa4c7b4a842161bf1576ef9e5591c73966 (diff)
Introduced Ivy based dependency management
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
3 files changed, 150 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/build/build.xml b/build/build.xml
index b62db3d57e..f906ae2ec2 100644
--- a/build/build.xml
+++ b/build/build.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<project xmlns:antcontrib="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
+ xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
basedir="../" default="package-all">
@@ -17,32 +18,57 @@
<target name="package-liferay-zip" depends="clean-result, init, build, internal-package-liferay">
+ <property name="ivy.install.version" value="2.2.0"/>
+ <property name="" value="ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar"/>
+ <property name="ivy.jar.dir" value="${user.home}/.ant/lib" />
+ <property name="ivy.jar.file" value="${ivy.jar.dir}/${}" />
+ <target name="check-ivy-installed">
+ <available property="ivy.installed" file="${ivy.jar.file}"/>
+ <available property="ivy.installed" classname="org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyConfigure" />
+ <antcall target="ivy-download" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="ivy-download" unless="ivy.installed">
+ <mkdir dir="${ivy.jar.dir}"/>
+ <get src="${ivy.install.version}/ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar" dest="${ivy.jar.file}" usetimestamp="true"/>
+ </target>
- <!-- Locations of Ant task JARs - build properties not yet read at this point -->
- <property name="ant.task.jar.antcontrib" value="build/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
- <property name="ant.task.jar.maven" value="build/lib/maven-ant-tasks-2.0.10.jar" />
+ <target name="ivy-configure" depends="check-ivy-installed">
+ <!-- Ivy task definitions -->
+ <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpath="${ivy.jar.file}" />
+ <!-- Ivy module descriptors -->
+ <property name="ivy.dep.file" value="build/ivy/ivy.xml" />
+ <!-- Ivy settings -->
+ <property name="ivy.settings.file" value="build/ivy/ivysettings.xml" />
+ <ivy:configure />
+ </target>
- <path id="emma.lib" >
- <pathelement location="build/lib/emma_ant.jar" />
- <pathelement location="build/lib/emma-2.0.5312-patched.jar" />
- </path>
+ <target name="ivy-resolve" depends="ivy-configure">
+ <ivy:resolve />
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.classpath" conf="compile"/>
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="client-side.compile.classpath" conf="client-side.compile"/>
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="test.runtime.classpath" conf="test.runtime"/>
+ <ivy:cachepath pathid="taskdefs.classpath" conf="ant-tasks"/>
+ </target>
- <taskdef resource="" classpathref="emma.lib" />
- <!-- ant contrib required for flow control (for loop, if, property override) -->
- <!-- Note that we have to use a namespace to avoid clash when running sub-ant. -->
- <taskdef uri="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${ant.task.jar.antcontrib}" />
- </classpath>
- </taskdef>
- <!-- ant contrib for Maven integration -->
- <path id="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" path="${ant.task.jar.maven}" />
- <typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
- uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant"
- classpathref="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" />
+ <target name="init-taskdefs" depends="ivy-resolve">
+ <echo>Loading Ant tasks</echo>
+ <taskdef resource="" classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
+ <!-- ant contrib required for flow control (for loop, if, property override) -->
+ <!-- Note that we have to use a namespace to avoid clash when running sub-ant. -->
+ <taskdef uri="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"
+ classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
+ <!-- ant contrib for Maven integration -->
+ <taskdef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
+ uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" classpathref="taskdefs.classpath" />
+ </target>
<!-- Clean results - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<target name="clean-result" depends="">
<property file="build/" />
@@ -74,7 +100,7 @@
<!-- Initialization - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- ================================================================== -->
- <target name="init">
+ <target name="init" depends="init-taskdefs">
<!-- Current timestamp in different formats. -->
<format property="" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
@@ -141,29 +167,6 @@
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/WebContent/WEB-INF" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes" />
- <!-- Construct classpath used by java and javadoc compilation -->
- <path id="compile.classpath">
- <pathelement path="build/lib/servlet.jar" />
- <fileset dir="lib/core">
- <include name="**/*.jar"/>
- <!-- Exclude these as they contain Servlet API 2.4. -->
- <!-- The gwt-*-noservlet.jar are then used instead. -->
- <exclude name="**/servlet-api*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="lib/tests">
- <include name="**/*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <path id="compile.classpath.server-side">
- <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
- </path>
- <path id="compile.classpath.client-side">
- <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
- <pathelement path="${lib-gwt-user}" />
- <pathelement path="${lib-gwt-dev}" />
- </path>
<target name="internal-package-war">
@@ -357,14 +360,9 @@
<target name="webcontent" depends="preprocess-src,defaulttheme">
<!-- copy 3rd part libraries used by tests -->
- <copy todir="${output-dir}/WebContent/tests/lib">
- <fileset dir="lib/core">
- <include name="jetty/**/*" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="build/lib">
- <include name="emma-2.0.5312-patched.jar" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
+ <ivy:retrieve pattern="${output-dir}/WebContent/tests/lib/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" conf="jetty"/>
+ <ivy:retrieve pattern="${output-dir}/WebContent/tests/lib/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
+ organisation="emma" module="emma" revision="2.0.5312-patched" inline="true" />
<!-- Add WebContent -->
<echo>Adding VAADIN/themes, demo and hsqldb.jar files.</echo>
@@ -420,7 +418,11 @@
<!-- Compile all sources at the same time as they depend on each other -->
<mkdir dir="${result-path}/classes" />
- <javac source="1.5" target="1.5" classpathref="compile.classpath.server-side" destdir="${result-path}/classes" debug="true" encoding="UTF-8">
+ <javac source="1.5" target="1.5" includeantruntime="false" destdir="${result-path}/classes" debug="true" encoding="UTF-8">
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="compile.classpath" />
+ <path refid="test.runtime.classpath" />
+ </classpath>
<src path="${result-path}/src/core"/>
<src path="${result-path}/src/tests"/>
<src path="${result-path}/src/junit"/>
@@ -428,7 +430,7 @@
<target name="compile-helpers" depends="init">
- <javac source="1.5" target="1.5" srcdir="build/buildhelpers" classpath="build/smartsprites/lib/smartsprites-0.2.3-itmill.jar"/>
+ <javac source="1.5" target="1.5" includeantruntime="false" srcdir="build/buildhelpers" classpath="build/smartsprites/lib/smartsprites-0.2.3-itmill.jar"/>
<target name="defaulttheme" depends="init, compile-helpers">
@@ -473,23 +475,16 @@
<!-- The widgetset generator is currently compiled along with rest of server-side Java. -->
<target name="compile-widgetset-generator" depends="init, preprocess-src, compile-java"/>
- <path id="widgetset-compile-classpath">
- <pathelement location="${lib-gwt-user}" />
- <pathelement location="${lib-gwt-dev}" />
- <pathelement location="${lib-gwt-validation}" />
- <pathelement location="${lib-gwt-validation-src}" />
- <pathelement location="${result-path}/classes" />
- <pathelement location="${result-path}/src/core" />
- </path>
- <target name="compile-widgetset" description="Compiles the widgetset given as the first parameter">
+ <target name="compile-widgetset" description="Compiles the widgetset given as the first parameter" depends="ivy-resolve">
<fail unless="widgetset" message="No widgetset parameter set"/>
<echo>Compiling widgetset ${widgetset}. Output directory: ${widgetsets-output-dir}</echo>
<java classname="" failonerror="yes" fork="yes" maxmemory="512m">
- <classpath refid="widgetset-compile-classpath"/>
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="client-side.compile.classpath" />
+ <pathelement location="${result-path}/classes" />
+ <pathelement location="${result-path}/src/core" />
+ </classpath>
<arg value="-war" />
<arg value="${widgetsets-output-dir}" />
<arg value="-style" />
@@ -672,7 +667,7 @@
<target name="javadoc" depends="init, preprocess-src">
<property name="javadoc.destdir" value="${output-dir}/WebContent/docs/api"/>
- <javadoc destdir="${javadoc.destdir}" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="${product-name}" classpathref="compile.classpath.client-side">
+ <javadoc destdir="${javadoc.destdir}" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="${product-name}" classpathref="compile.classpath">
<packageset dir="${result-path}/src/core">
<include name="${toolkit-package}/**" />
@@ -938,7 +933,7 @@
<!-- Assumes java classes have been compiled but depends does not work out well as this is run from a <parallel> task-->
- <target name="server-side-tests" unless="tests.serverside.skip">
+ <target name="server-side-tests" depends="init-taskdefs" unless="tests.serverside.skip">
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}" >
<instr instrpath="${result-path}/classes"
@@ -957,9 +952,8 @@
<junit printsummary="yes">
<pathelement path="${result-path}/junit_emma_classes" />
- <pathelement path="${result-path}/classes" />
- <path refid="emma.lib" />
- <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
+ <pathelement path="${result-path}/classes" />
+ <path refid="test.runtime.classpath"></path>
<jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.file=../${result-path}/" />
@@ -982,7 +976,7 @@
<!-- Assumes java classes have been compiled but depends does not work out well as this is run from a <parallel> task-->
- <target name="testbench-tests" unless="tests.testbench.skip">
+ <target name="testbench-tests" depends="init-taskdefs" unless="tests.testbench.skip">
<fail unless="product-file" message="The 'product-file' property must be defined."/>
<fail unless="version" message="The 'version' property must be defined."/>
@@ -1034,7 +1028,7 @@
<!-- Assumes java classes have been compiled but depends does not work out well as this is run from a <parallel> task-->
- <target name="integration-tests" unless="tests.integration.skip">
+ <target name="integration-tests" depends="init-taskdefs" unless="tests.integration.skip">
<!-- Parameters for the test.xml script. -->
<fail unless="" message="The '' property must be defined."/>
<fail unless="com.vaadin.testbench.lib.dir" message="The 'com.vaadin.testbench.lib.dir' property must be defined."/>
diff --git a/build/ivy/ivy.xml b/build/ivy/ivy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21361d9c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ivy/ivy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<ivy-module version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation= "">
+ <info organisation="com.vaadin" module="vaadin"/>
+ <configurations >
+ <conf name="compile" extends="client-side.compile" description="Server side compilation dependencies" visibility="private"/>
+ <conf name="client-side.compile" description="Client side compilation dependencies" visibility="private"/>
+ <conf name="test.runtime" description="Test runtime dependencies" visibility="private"/>
+ <conf name="ant-tasks" description="Ant task definitions" visibility="private" />
+ <conf name="jetty" description="Embedded Jetty" visibility="private" />
+ </configurations>
+ <dependencies defaultconf="compile" defaultconfmapping="compile->master">
+ <!-- Servlet 2.3 API-->
+ <!--
+ <dependency org="javax.servlet" name="servlet-api" rev="2.3" />
+ -->
+ <!-- Liferay Portal Service -->
+ <dependency org="com.liferay.portal" name="portal-service" rev="6.0.2" />
+ <!--Portlet API version 2.0 (JSR-286) -->
+ <dependency org="javax.portlet" name="portlet-api" rev="2.0" />
+ <!-- Google App Engine -->
+ <dependency org="" name="appengine-api-1.0-sdk" rev="1.2.1" />
+ <!-- GWT user with dependencies (validation-api) -->
+ <dependency org="" name="gwt-user" rev="2.4.0" conf="client-side.compile->master" />
+ <!-- GWT dev (incl. servlet-api 2.4 classes) -->
+ <dependency org="" name="gwt-dev" rev="2.4.0" conf="client-side.compile->master" />
+ <!-- Test frameworks & related -->
+ <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.5" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="org.easymock" name="easymock" rev="3.0" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="asm" name="asm-all" rev="3.3" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="cglib" name="cglib" rev="2.2" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="org.hsqldb" name="hsqldb" rev="2.2.6" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="mysql" name="mysql-connector-java" rev="5.1.10" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="org.objenesis" name="objenesis" rev="1.2" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="postgresql" name="postgresql" rev="8.4-701.jdbc3" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <!--
+ <dependency org="" name="ojdbc14" rev="" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="" name="sqljdbc4" rev="2.0" conf="test.runtime ->master"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- Ant tasks -->
+ <dependency org="ant-contrib" name="ant-contrib" rev="1.0b3" conf="ant-tasks ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="org.apache.maven" name="maven-ant-tasks" rev="2.0.10" conf="ant-tasks ->master"/>
+ <!-- Emma -->
+ <dependency org="emma" name="emma_ant" rev="2.0.5312" conf="test.runtime,ant-tasks ->master"/>
+ <dependency org="emma" name="emma" rev="2.0.5312-patched" conf="test.runtime,ant-tasks ->*"/>
+ <!-- Jetty -->
+ <!--
+ <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty" rev="6.1.7" conf="jetty->default" />
+ <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-util" rev="6.1.7" conf="jetty->default" />
+ <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="servlet-api-2.5" rev="6.1.7" conf="jetty->default" />
+ -->
+ </dependencies>
+</ivy-module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/ivy/ivysettings.xml b/build/ivy/ivysettings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9f5d81a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/ivy/ivysettings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <settings defaultResolver="public" />
+ <resolvers>
+ <ibiblio name="public" m2compatible="true"/>
+ <url name="gwt-redist">
+ <artifact pattern="[organisation]/[artifact](-[revision]).[ext]" />
+ </url>
+ </resolvers>
+ <modules>
+ <!-- GWT patched Emma -->
+ <module organisation="emma" name="emma" resolver="gwt-redist"/>
+ </modules>
+</ivysettings> \ No newline at end of file