path: root/client/src
diff options
authorArtur Signell <>2012-08-14 15:11:40 +0300
committerArtur Signell <>2012-08-14 16:42:25 +0300
commit66d60ab6015ffaadce3bf6c906b9463c30649b81 (patch)
tree28a1a33db4347046c94800379a50c4599837bdec /client/src
parenteb51296d21be72954a0fea624519bcc66bb29f87 (diff)
Moved client compiler sources to own source folder (#9299)
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 2829 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/ b/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a13fceece..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.Date;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.ConnectorClassBasedFactory;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.ConnectorClassBasedFactory.Creator;
- * GWT generator that creates a lookup method for
- * {@link ConnectorClassBasedFactory} instances.
- *
- * @since 7.0
- */
-public abstract class AbstractConnectorClassBasedFactoryGenerator extends
- Generator {
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- try {
- // get classType and save instance variables
- return generateConnectorClassBasedFactory(typeName, logger, context);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, typeName + " creation failed", e);
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- }
- private String generateConnectorClassBasedFactory(String typeName,
- TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context)
- throws NotFoundException {
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- JClassType classType = typeOracle.getType(typeName);
- String superName = classType.getSimpleSourceName();
- String packageName = classType.getPackage().getName();
- String className = superName + "Impl";
- // get print writer that receives the source code
- PrintWriter printWriter = null;
- printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className);
- // print writer if null, source code has ALREADY been generated
- if (printWriter == null) {
- return packageName + "." + className;
- }
- Date date = new Date();
- // init composer, set class properties, create source writer
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
- composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className);
- composer.addImport(GWT.class.getName());
- composer.addImport(Creator.class.getCanonicalName());
- composer.setSuperclass(superName);
- SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,
- printWriter);
- sourceWriter.indent();
- // public ConnectorStateFactoryImpl() {
- sourceWriter.println("public " + className + "() {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- JClassType serverConnectorType = typeOracle.getType(getConnectorType()
- .getCanonicalName());
- for (JClassType connector : serverConnectorType.getSubtypes()) {
- // addCreator(TextAreaConnector.class, new Creator<SharedState>() {
- if (connector.isInterface() != null || connector.isAbstract()) {
- continue;
- }
- JClassType targetType = getTargetType(connector);
- if (targetType.isAbstract()) {
- continue;
- }
- sourceWriter.println("addCreator("
- + connector.getQualifiedSourceName()
- + ".class, new Creator<"
- + targetType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ">() {");
- // public SharedState create() {
- sourceWriter.println("public "
- + targetType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " create() {");
- // return GWT.create(TextAreaState.class);
- sourceWriter.println("return GWT.create("
- + targetType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class);");
- // }
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // });
- sourceWriter.println("});");
- }
- // End of constructor
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // close generated class
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // commit generated class
- context.commit(logger, printWriter);
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Done. (" + (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000
- + "seconds)");
- return packageName + "." + className;
- }
- protected abstract Class<? extends ServerConnector> getConnectorType();
- protected abstract JClassType getTargetType(JClassType connectorType);
- protected JClassType getGetterReturnType(JClassType connector,
- String getterName) {
- try {
- JMethod getMethod = connector.getMethod(getterName, new JType[] {});
- return (JClassType) getMethod.getReturnType();
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- return getGetterReturnType(connector.getSuperclass(), getterName);
- }
- }
diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/ b/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e2ee1f2c..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.Date;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.dd.AcceptCriterion;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.dd.VAcceptCriterion;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.dd.VAcceptCriterionFactory;
- * GWT generator to build {@link VAcceptCriterionFactory} implementation
- * dynamically based on {@link AcceptCriterion} annotations available in
- * classpath.
- *
- */
-public class AcceptCriteriaFactoryGenerator extends Generator {
- private String packageName;
- private String className;
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- try {
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- // get classType and save instance variables
- JClassType classType = typeOracle.getType(typeName);
- packageName = classType.getPackage().getName();
- className = classType.getSimpleSourceName() + "Impl";
- // Generate class source code
- generateClass(logger, context);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR,
- "Accept criterion factory creation failed", e);
- }
- // return the fully qualifed name of the class generated
- return packageName + "." + className;
- }
- /**
- * Generate source code for WidgetMapImpl
- *
- * @param logger
- * Logger object
- * @param context
- * Generator context
- */
- private void generateClass(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context) {
- // get print writer that receives the source code
- PrintWriter printWriter = null;
- printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className);
- // print writer if null, source code has ALREADY been generated,
- // return (WidgetMap is equal to all permutations atm)
- if (printWriter == null) {
- return;
- }
- logger.log(Type.INFO, "Detecting available criteria ...");
- Date date = new Date();
- // init composer, set class properties, create source writer
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
- composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className);
- composer.addImport("");
- composer.setSuperclass("com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.dd.VAcceptCriterionFactory");
- SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,
- printWriter);
- // generator constructor source code
- generateInstantiatorMethod(sourceWriter, context, logger);
- // close generated class
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // commit generated class
- context.commit(logger, printWriter);
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Done. (" + (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000
- + "seconds)");
- }
- private void generateInstantiatorMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter,
- GeneratorContext context, TreeLogger logger) {
- sourceWriter.println("public VAcceptCriterion get(String name) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter.println("name = name.intern();");
- JClassType criteriaType = context.getTypeOracle().findType(
- VAcceptCriterion.class.getName());
- for (JClassType clientClass : criteriaType.getSubtypes()) {
- AcceptCriterion annotation = clientClass
- .getAnnotation(AcceptCriterion.class);
- if (annotation != null) {
- String clientClassName = clientClass.getQualifiedSourceName();
- Class<?> serverClass = clientClass.getAnnotation(
- AcceptCriterion.class).value();
- String serverClassName = serverClass.getCanonicalName();
- logger.log(Type.INFO, "creating mapping for " + serverClassName);
- sourceWriter.print("if (\"");
- sourceWriter.print(serverClassName);
- sourceWriter.print("\" == name) return GWT.create(");
- sourceWriter.print(clientClassName);
- sourceWriter.println(".class );");
- sourceWriter.print("else ");
- }
- }
- sourceWriter.println("return null;");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- }
diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/ b/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee30183c1..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.jar.Attributes;
-import java.util.jar.JarFile;
-import java.util.jar.Manifest;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * Utility class to collect widgetset related information from classpath.
- * Utility will seek all directories from classpaths, and jar files having
- * "Vaadin-Widgetsets" key in their manifest file.
- * <p>
- * Used by WidgetMapGenerator and ide tools to implement some monkey coding for
- * you.
- * <p>
- * Developer notice: If you end up reading this comment, I guess you have faced
- * a sluggish performance of widget compilation or unreliable detection of
- * components in your classpaths. The thing you might be able to do is to use
- * annotation processing tool like apt to generate the needed information. Then
- * either use that information in {@link WidgetMapGenerator} or create the
- * appropriate monkey code for gwt directly in annotation processor and get rid
- * of {@link WidgetMapGenerator}. Using annotation processor might be a good
- * idea when dropping Java 1.5 support (integrated to javac in 6).
- *
- */
-public class ClassPathExplorer {
- private static final String VAADIN_ADDON_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "Vaadin-Package-Version";
- /**
- * File filter that only accepts directories.
- */
- private final static FileFilter DIRECTORIES_ONLY = new FileFilter() {
- @Override
- public boolean accept(File f) {
- if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Raw class path entries as given in the java class path string. Only
- * entries that could include widgets/widgetsets are listed (primarily
- * directories, Vaadin JARs and add-on JARs).
- */
- private static List<String> rawClasspathEntries = getRawClasspathEntries();
- /**
- * Map from identifiers (either a package name preceded by the path and a
- * slash, or a URL for a JAR file) to the corresponding URLs. This is
- * constructed from the class path.
- */
- private static Map<String, URL> classpathLocations = getClasspathLocations(rawClasspathEntries);
- /**
- * No instantiation from outside, callable methods are static.
- */
- private ClassPathExplorer() {
- }
- /**
- * Finds the names and locations of widgetsets available on the class path.
- *
- * @return map from widgetset classname to widgetset location URL
- */
- public static Map<String, URL> getAvailableWidgetSets() {
- long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
- Map<String, URL> widgetsets = new HashMap<String, URL>();
- Set<String> keySet = classpathLocations.keySet();
- for (String location : keySet) {
- searchForWidgetSets(location, widgetsets);
- }
- long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("Widgetsets found from classpath:\n");
- for (String ws : widgetsets.keySet()) {
- sb.append("\t");
- sb.append(ws);
- sb.append(" in ");
- sb.append(widgetsets.get(ws));
- sb.append("\n");
- }
- final Logger logger = getLogger();
-"Search took " + (end - start) + "ms");
- return widgetsets;
- }
- /**
- * Finds all GWT modules / Vaadin widgetsets in a valid location.
- *
- * If the location is a directory, all GWT modules (files with the
- * ".gwt.xml" extension) are added to widgetsets.
- *
- * If the location is a JAR file, the comma-separated values of the
- * "Vaadin-Widgetsets" attribute in its manifest are added to widgetsets.
- *
- * @param locationString
- * an entry in {@link #classpathLocations}
- * @param widgetsets
- * a map from widgetset name (including package, with dots as
- * separators) to a URL (see {@link #classpathLocations}) - new
- * entries are added to this map
- */
- private static void searchForWidgetSets(String locationString,
- Map<String, URL> widgetsets) {
- URL location = classpathLocations.get(locationString);
- File directory = new File(location.getFile());
- if (directory.exists() && !directory.isHidden()) {
- // Get the list of the files contained in the directory
- String[] files = directory.list();
- for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- // we are only interested in .gwt.xml files
- if (!files[i].endsWith(".gwt.xml")) {
- continue;
- }
- // remove the .gwt.xml extension
- String classname = files[i].substring(0, files[i].length() - 8);
- String packageName = locationString.substring(locationString
- .lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
- classname = packageName + "." + classname;
- if (!WidgetSetBuilder.isWidgetset(classname)) {
- // Only return widgetsets and not GWT modules to avoid
- // comparing modules and widgetsets
- continue;
- }
- if (!widgetsets.containsKey(classname)) {
- String packagePath = packageName.replaceAll("\\.", "/");
- String basePath = location.getFile().replaceAll(
- "/" + packagePath + "$", "");
- try {
- URL url = new URL(location.getProtocol(),
- location.getHost(), location.getPort(),
- basePath);
- widgetsets.put(classname, url);
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- // should never happen as based on an existing URL,
- // only changing end of file name/path part
- getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE,
- "Error locating the widgetset " + classname, e);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- try {
- // check files in jar file, entries will list all directories
- // and files in jar
- URLConnection openConnection = location.openConnection();
- if (openConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
- JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) openConnection;
- JarFile jarFile = conn.getJarFile();
- Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
- if (manifest == null) {
- // No manifest so this is not a Vaadin Add-on
- return;
- }
- String value = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(
- "Vaadin-Widgetsets");
- if (value != null) {
- String[] widgetsetNames = value.split(",");
- for (int i = 0; i < widgetsetNames.length; i++) {
- String widgetsetname = widgetsetNames[i].trim()
- .intern();
- if (!widgetsetname.equals("")) {
- widgetsets.put(widgetsetname, location);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error parsing jar file", e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Splits the current class path into entries, and filters them accepting
- * directories, Vaadin add-on JARs with widgetsets and Vaadin JARs.
- *
- * Some other non-JAR entries may also be included in the result.
- *
- * @return filtered list of class path entries
- */
- private final static List<String> getRawClasspathEntries() {
- // try to keep the order of the classpath
- List<String> locations = new ArrayList<String>();
- String pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator");
- String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
- if (classpath.startsWith("\"")) {
- classpath = classpath.substring(1);
- }
- if (classpath.endsWith("\"")) {
- classpath = classpath.substring(0, classpath.length() - 1);
- }
- getLogger().fine("Classpath: " + classpath);
- String[] split = classpath.split(pathSep);
- for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
- String classpathEntry = split[i];
- if (acceptClassPathEntry(classpathEntry)) {
- locations.add(classpathEntry);
- }
- }
- return locations;
- }
- /**
- * Determine every URL location defined by the current classpath, and it's
- * associated package name.
- *
- * See {@link #classpathLocations} for information on output format.
- *
- * @param rawClasspathEntries
- * raw class path entries as split from the Java class path
- * string
- * @return map of classpath locations, see {@link #classpathLocations}
- */
- private final static Map<String, URL> getClasspathLocations(
- List<String> rawClasspathEntries) {
- long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
- // try to keep the order of the classpath
- Map<String, URL> locations = new LinkedHashMap<String, URL>();
- for (String classpathEntry : rawClasspathEntries) {
- File file = new File(classpathEntry);
- include(null, file, locations);
- }
- long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
- Logger logger = getLogger();
- if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
- logger.fine("getClassPathLocations took " + (end - start) + "ms");
- }
- return locations;
- }
- /**
- * Checks a class path entry to see whether it can contain widgets and
- * widgetsets.
- *
- * All directories are automatically accepted. JARs are accepted if they
- * have the "Vaadin-Widgetsets" attribute in their manifest or the JAR file
- * name contains "vaadin-" or ".vaadin.".
- *
- * Also other non-JAR entries may be accepted, the caller should be prepared
- * to handle them.
- *
- * @param classpathEntry
- * class path entry string as given in the Java class path
- * @return true if the entry should be considered when looking for widgets
- * or widgetsets
- */
- private static boolean acceptClassPathEntry(String classpathEntry) {
- if (!classpathEntry.endsWith(".jar")) {
- // accept all non jars (practically directories)
- return true;
- } else {
- // accepts jars that comply with vaadin-component packaging
- // convention (.vaadin. or vaadin- as distribution packages),
- if (classpathEntry.contains("vaadin-")
- || classpathEntry.contains(".vaadin.")) {
- return true;
- } else {
- URL url;
- try {
- url = new URL("file:"
- + new File(classpathEntry).getCanonicalPath());
- url = new URL("jar:" + url.toExternalForm() + "!/");
- JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) url
- .openConnection();
- getLogger().fine(url.toString());
- JarFile jarFile = conn.getJarFile();
- Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
- if (manifest != null) {
- Attributes mainAttributes = manifest
- .getMainAttributes();
- if (mainAttributes.getValue("Vaadin-Widgetsets") != null) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- getLogger().log(Level.FINEST, "Failed to inspect JAR file",
- e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- getLogger().log(Level.FINEST, "Failed to inspect JAR file",
- e);
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Recursively add subdirectories and jar files to locations - see
- * {@link #classpathLocations}.
- *
- * @param name
- * @param file
- * @param locations
- */
- private final static void include(String name, File file,
- Map<String, URL> locations) {
- if (!file.exists()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!file.isDirectory()) {
- // could be a JAR file
- includeJar(file, locations);
- return;
- }
- if (file.isHidden() || file.getPath().contains(File.separator + ".")) {
- return;
- }
- if (name == null) {
- name = "";
- } else {
- name += ".";
- }
- // add all directories recursively
- File[] dirs = file.listFiles(DIRECTORIES_ONLY);
- for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
- try {
- // add the present directory
- if (!dirs[i].isHidden()
- && !dirs[i].getPath().contains(File.separator + ".")) {
- String key = dirs[i].getCanonicalPath() + "/" + name
- + dirs[i].getName();
- locations.put(key,
- new URL("file://" + dirs[i].getCanonicalPath()));
- }
- } catch (Exception ioe) {
- return;
- }
- include(name + dirs[i].getName(), dirs[i], locations);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add a jar file to locations - see {@link #classpathLocations}.
- *
- * @param name
- * @param locations
- */
- private static void includeJar(File file, Map<String, URL> locations) {
- try {
- URL url = new URL("file:" + file.getCanonicalPath());
- url = new URL("jar:" + url.toExternalForm() + "!/");
- JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
- JarFile jarFile = conn.getJarFile();
- if (jarFile != null) {
- // the key does not matter here as long as it is unique
- locations.put(url.toString(), url);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- return;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Find and return the default source directory where to create new
- * widgetsets.
- *
- * Return the first directory (not a JAR file etc.) on the classpath by
- * default.
- *
- * TODO this could be done better...
- *
- * @return URL
- */
- public static URL getDefaultSourceDirectory() {
- final Logger logger = getLogger();
- if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
- logger.fine("classpathLocations values:");
- ArrayList<String> locations = new ArrayList<String>(
- classpathLocations.keySet());
- for (String location : locations) {
- logger.fine(String.valueOf(classpathLocations.get(location)));
- }
- }
- Iterator<String> it = rawClasspathEntries.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- String entry =;
- File directory = new File(entry);
- if (directory.exists() && !directory.isHidden()
- && directory.isDirectory()) {
- try {
- return new URL("file://" + directory.getCanonicalPath());
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Ignoring exception", e);
- // ignore: continue to the next classpath entry
- } catch (IOException e) {
- logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Ignoring exception", e);
- // ignore: continue to the next classpath entry
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Test method for helper tool
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- getLogger().info("Searching available widgetsets...");
- Map<String, URL> availableWidgetSets = ClassPathExplorer
- .getAvailableWidgetSets();
- for (String string : availableWidgetSets.keySet()) {
- getLogger().info(string + " in " + availableWidgetSets.get(string));
- }
- }
- private static final Logger getLogger() {
- return Logger.getLogger(ClassPathExplorer.class.getName());
- }
diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/ b/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 33406ef85f..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
- * GWT generator that creates a SharedState class for a given Connector class,
- * based on the return type of getState()
- *
- * @since 7.0
- */
-public class ConnectorStateFactoryGenerator extends
- AbstractConnectorClassBasedFactoryGenerator {
- @Override
- protected JClassType getTargetType(JClassType connectorType) {
- return getGetterReturnType(connectorType, "getState");
- }
- @Override
- protected Class<? extends ServerConnector> getConnectorType() {
- return ServerConnector.class;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 55a2857ce0..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ComponentConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
- * GWT generator that creates a Widget class for a given Connector class, based
- * on the return type of getWidget()
- *
- * @since 7.0
- */
-public class ConnectorWidgetFactoryGenerator extends
- AbstractConnectorClassBasedFactoryGenerator {
- @Override
- protected JClassType getTargetType(JClassType connectorType) {
- return getGetterReturnType(connectorType, "getWidget");
- }
- @Override
- protected Class<? extends ServerConnector> getConnectorType() {
- return ComponentConnector.class;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
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@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect.LoadStyle;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ComponentConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
- * An abstract helper class that can be used to easily build a widgetset with
- * customized load styles for each components. In three abstract methods one can
- * override the default values given in {@link Connect} annotations.
- *
- * @see WidgetMapGenerator
- *
- */
-public abstract class CustomWidgetMapGenerator extends WidgetMapGenerator {
- private Collection<Class<? extends ComponentConnector>> eagerPaintables = new HashSet<Class<? extends ComponentConnector>>();
- private Collection<Class<? extends ComponentConnector>> lazyPaintables = new HashSet<Class<? extends ComponentConnector>>();
- private Collection<Class<? extends ComponentConnector>> deferredPaintables = new HashSet<Class<? extends ComponentConnector>>();
- @Override
- protected LoadStyle getLoadStyle(Class<? extends ServerConnector> connector) {
- if (eagerPaintables == null) {
- init();
- }
- if (eagerPaintables.contains(connector)) {
- return LoadStyle.EAGER;
- }
- if (lazyPaintables.contains(connector)) {
- return LoadStyle.LAZY;
- }
- if (deferredPaintables.contains(connector)) {
- return LoadStyle.DEFERRED;
- }
- return super.getLoadStyle(connector);
- }
- private void init() {
- Class<? extends ComponentConnector>[] eagerComponents = getEagerComponents();
- if (eagerComponents != null) {
- for (Class<? extends ComponentConnector> class1 : eagerComponents) {
- eagerPaintables.add(class1);
- }
- }
- Class<? extends ComponentConnector>[] lazyComponents = getEagerComponents();
- if (lazyComponents != null) {
- for (Class<? extends ComponentConnector> class1 : lazyComponents) {
- lazyPaintables.add(class1);
- }
- }
- Class<? extends ComponentConnector>[] deferredComponents = getEagerComponents();
- if (deferredComponents != null) {
- for (Class<? extends ComponentConnector> class1 : deferredComponents) {
- deferredPaintables.add(class1);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return an array of components whose load style should be overridden to
- * {@link LoadStyle#EAGER}
- */
- protected abstract Class<? extends ComponentConnector>[] getEagerComponents();
- /**
- * @return an array of components whose load style should be overridden to
- * {@link LoadStyle#LAZY}
- */
- protected abstract Class<? extends ComponentConnector>[] getLazyComponents();
- /**
- * @return an array of components whose load style should be overridden to
- * {@link LoadStyle#DEFERRED}
- */
- protected abstract Class<? extends ComponentConnector>[] getDeferredComponents();
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--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect.LoadStyle;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
- * WidgetMap generator that builds a widgetset that packs all included widgets
- * into a single JavaScript file loaded at application initialization. Initially
- * loaded data will be relatively large, but minimal amount of server requests
- * will be done.
- * <p>
- * This is the default generator in version 6.4 and produces similar type of
- * widgetset as in previous versions of Vaadin. To activate "code splitting",
- * use the {@link WidgetMapGenerator} instead, that loads most components
- * deferred.
- *
- * @see WidgetMapGenerator
- *
- */
-public class EagerWidgetMapGenerator extends WidgetMapGenerator {
- @Override
- protected LoadStyle getLoadStyle(Class<? extends ServerConnector> connector) {
- return LoadStyle.EAGER;
- }
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- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ClientRpc;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.GeneratedRpcMethodProvider;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.RpcManager;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.RpcMethod;
- * GWT generator that creates an implementation for {@link RpcManager} on the
- * client side classes for executing RPC calls received from the the server.
- *
- * @since 7.0
- */
-public class GeneratedRpcMethodProviderGenerator extends Generator {
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- String packageName = null;
- String className = null;
- try {
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- // get classType and save instance variables
- JClassType classType = typeOracle.getType(typeName);
- packageName = classType.getPackage().getName();
- className = classType.getSimpleSourceName() + "Impl";
- // Generate class source code for SerializerMapImpl
- generateClass(logger, context, packageName, className);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR,
- "SerializerMapGenerator creation failed", e);
- }
- // return the fully qualifed name of the class generated
- return packageName + "." + className;
- }
- /**
- * Generate source code for RpcManagerImpl
- *
- * @param logger
- * Logger object
- * @param context
- * Generator context
- * @param packageName
- * package name for the class to generate
- * @param className
- * class name for the class to generate
- */
- private void generateClass(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String packageName, String className) {
- // get print writer that receives the source code
- PrintWriter printWriter = null;
- printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className);
- // print writer if null, source code has ALREADY been generated
- if (printWriter == null) {
- return;
- }
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Detecting server to client RPC interface types...");
- Date date = new Date();
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- JClassType serverToClientRpcType = typeOracle.findType(ClientRpc.class
- .getName());
- JClassType[] rpcInterfaceSubtypes = serverToClientRpcType.getSubtypes();
- // init composer, set class properties, create source writer
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
- composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className);
- composer.addImport("");
- composer.addImport(RpcMethod.class.getName());
- composer.addImport(ClientRpc.class.getName());
- composer.addImport(com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.Type.class
- .getName());
- composer.addImplementedInterface(GeneratedRpcMethodProvider.class
- .getName());
- SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,
- printWriter);
- sourceWriter.indent();
- List<JMethod> rpcMethods = new ArrayList<JMethod>();
- sourceWriter
- .println("public java.util.Collection<RpcMethod> getGeneratedRpcMethods() {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter
- .println("java.util.ArrayList<RpcMethod> list = new java.util.ArrayList<RpcMethod>();");
- // iterate over RPC interfaces and create helper methods for each
- // interface
- for (JClassType type : rpcInterfaceSubtypes) {
- if (null == type.isInterface()) {
- // only interested in interfaces here, not implementations
- continue;
- }
- // loop over the methods of the interface and its superinterfaces
- // methods
- for (JClassType currentType : type.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()) {
- for (JMethod method : currentType.getMethods()) {
- // RpcMethod(String interfaceName, String methodName,
- // Type... parameterTypes)
- sourceWriter.print("list.add(new RpcMethod(\""
- + type.getQualifiedSourceName() + "\", \""
- + method.getName() + "\"");
- JType[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
- for (JType parameter : parameterTypes) {
- sourceWriter.print(", ");
- writeTypeCreator(sourceWriter, parameter);
- }
- sourceWriter.println(") {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter
- .println("public void applyInvocation(ClientRpc target, Object... parameters) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter.print("((" + type.getQualifiedSourceName()
- + ")target)." + method.getName() + "(");
- for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
- JType parameterType = parameterTypes[i];
- if (i != 0) {
- sourceWriter.print(", ");
- }
- String parameterTypeName = getBoxedTypeName(parameterType);
- sourceWriter.print("(" + parameterTypeName
- + ") parameters[" + i + "]");
- }
- sourceWriter.println(");");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("});");
- }
- }
- }
- sourceWriter.println("return list;");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- sourceWriter.println();
- // close generated class
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // commit generated class
- context.commit(logger, printWriter);
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Done. (" + (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000
- + "seconds)");
- }
- public static void writeTypeCreator(SourceWriter sourceWriter, JType type) {
- String typeName = getBoxedTypeName(type);
- sourceWriter.print("new Type(\"" + typeName + "\", ");
- JParameterizedType parameterized = type.isParameterized();
- if (parameterized != null) {
- sourceWriter.print("new Type[] {");
- JClassType[] typeArgs = parameterized.getTypeArgs();
- for (JClassType jClassType : typeArgs) {
- writeTypeCreator(sourceWriter, jClassType);
- sourceWriter.print(", ");
- }
- sourceWriter.print("}");
- } else {
- sourceWriter.print("null");
- }
- sourceWriter.print(")");
- }
- public static String getBoxedTypeName(JType type) {
- if (type.isPrimitive() != null) {
- // Used boxed types for primitives
- return type.isPrimitive().getQualifiedBoxedSourceName();
- } else {
- return type.getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName();
- }
- }
- private String getInvokeMethodName(JClassType type) {
- return "invoke" + type.getQualifiedSourceName().replaceAll("\\.", "_");
- }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect.LoadStyle;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
- * WidgetMap generator that builds a widgetset that optimizes the transferred
- * data. Widgets are loaded only when used if the widgetset is built with this
- * generator.
- *
- * @see WidgetMapGenerator
- *
- */
-public class LazyWidgetMapGenerator extends WidgetMapGenerator {
- @Override
- protected LoadStyle getLoadStyle(Class<? extends ServerConnector> connector) {
- return LoadStyle.LAZY;
- }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.Date;
-import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ServerRpc;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.InitializableServerRpc;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.RpcProxy.RpcProxyCreator;
-public class RpcProxyCreatorGenerator extends Generator {
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext ctx,
- String requestedClassName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Running RpcProxyCreatorGenerator");
- TypeOracle typeOracle = ctx.getTypeOracle();
- assert (typeOracle != null);
- JClassType requestedType = typeOracle.findType(requestedClassName);
- if (requestedType == null) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find metadata for type '"
- + requestedClassName + "'", null);
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- String packageName = requestedType.getPackage().getName();
- String className = requestedType.getSimpleSourceName() + "Impl";
- createType(logger, ctx, packageName, className);
- return packageName + "." + className;
- }
- private void createType(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String packageName, String className) {
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(
- packageName, className);
- PrintWriter printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger,
- composer.getCreatedPackage(),
- composer.getCreatedClassShortName());
- if (printWriter == null) {
- // print writer is null if source code has already been generated
- return;
- }
- Date date = new Date();
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- // init composer, set class properties, create source writer
- composer.addImport(GWT.class.getCanonicalName());
- composer.addImport(ServerRpc.class.getCanonicalName());
- composer.addImport(ServerConnector.class.getCanonicalName());
- composer.addImport(InitializableServerRpc.class.getCanonicalName());
- composer.addImport(IllegalArgumentException.class.getCanonicalName());
- composer.addImplementedInterface(RpcProxyCreator.class
- .getCanonicalName());
- SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,
- printWriter);
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter
- .println("public <T extends ServerRpc> T create(Class<T> rpcInterface, ServerConnector connector) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter
- .println("if (rpcInterface == null || connector == null) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter
- .println("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"RpcInterface and/or connector cannot be null\");");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- JClassType initializableInterface = typeOracle.findType(ServerRpc.class
- .getCanonicalName());
- for (JClassType rpcType : initializableInterface.getSubtypes()) {
- String rpcClassName = rpcType.getQualifiedSourceName();
- if (InitializableServerRpc.class.getCanonicalName().equals(
- rpcClassName)) {
- // InitializableClientToServerRpc is a special marker interface
- // that should not get a generated class
- continue;
- }
- sourceWriter.println("} else if (rpcInterface == " + rpcClassName
- + ".class) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter.println(rpcClassName + " rpc = GWT.create("
- + rpcClassName + ".class);");
- sourceWriter.println("((" + InitializableServerRpc.class.getName()
- + ") rpc).initRpc(connector);");
- sourceWriter.println("return (T) rpc;");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- }
- sourceWriter.println("} else {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter
- .println("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"No RpcInterface of type \"+ rpcInterface.getName() + \" was found.\");");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- // End of if
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // End of method
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // close generated class
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // commit generated class
- context.commit(logger, printWriter);
- logger.log(Type.INFO, composer.getCreatedClassName() + " created in "
- + (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000 + "seconds");
- }
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--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import com.vaadin.shared.communication.MethodInvocation;
-import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ServerRpc;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConnection;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.InitializableServerRpc;
- * GWT generator that creates client side proxy classes for making RPC calls
- * from the client to the server.
- *
- * GWT.create() calls for interfaces extending {@link ServerRpc} are affected,
- * and a proxy implementation is created. Note that the init(...) method of the
- * proxy must be called before the proxy is used.
- *
- * @since 7.0
- */
-public class RpcProxyGenerator extends Generator {
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext ctx,
- String requestedClassName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Running RpcProxyGenerator", null);
- TypeOracle typeOracle = ctx.getTypeOracle();
- assert (typeOracle != null);
- JClassType requestedType = typeOracle.findType(requestedClassName);
- if (requestedType == null) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find metadata for type '"
- + requestedClassName + "'", null);
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- String generatedClassName = "ServerRpc_"
- + requestedType.getName().replaceAll("[$.]", "_");
- JClassType initializableInterface = typeOracle
- .findType(InitializableServerRpc.class.getCanonicalName());
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(
- requestedType.getPackage().getName(), generatedClassName);
- composer.addImplementedInterface(requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName());
- composer.addImplementedInterface(initializableInterface
- .getQualifiedSourceName());
- composer.addImport(MethodInvocation.class.getCanonicalName());
- PrintWriter printWriter = ctx.tryCreate(logger,
- composer.getCreatedPackage(),
- composer.getCreatedClassShortName());
- if (printWriter != null) {
- logger.log(Type.INFO, "Generating client proxy for RPC interface '"
- + requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName() + "'");
- SourceWriter writer = composer.createSourceWriter(ctx, printWriter);
- // constructor
- writer.println("public " + generatedClassName + "() {}");
- // initialization etc.
- writeCommonFieldsAndMethods(logger, writer, typeOracle);
- // actual proxy methods forwarding calls to the server
- writeRemoteProxyMethods(logger, writer, typeOracle, requestedType,
- requestedType.isClassOrInterface().getInheritableMethods());
- // End of class
- writer.outdent();
- writer.println("}");
- ctx.commit(logger, printWriter);
- }
- return composer.getCreatedClassName();
- }
- private void writeCommonFieldsAndMethods(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter writer, TypeOracle typeOracle) {
- JClassType applicationConnectionClass = typeOracle
- .findType(ApplicationConnection.class.getCanonicalName());
- // fields
- writer.println("private " + ServerConnector.class.getName()
- + " connector;");
- // init method from the RPC interface
- writer.println("public void initRpc(" + ServerConnector.class.getName()
- + " connector) {");
- writer.indent();
- writer.println("this.connector = connector;");
- writer.outdent();
- writer.println("}");
- }
- private static void writeRemoteProxyMethods(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter writer, TypeOracle typeOracle,
- JClassType requestedType, JMethod[] methods) {
- for (JMethod m : methods) {
- writer.print(m.getReadableDeclaration(false, false, false, false,
- true));
- writer.println(" {");
- writer.indent();
- writer.print("this.connector.getConnection().addMethodInvocationToQueue(new MethodInvocation(this.connector.getConnectorId(), \""
- + requestedType.getQualifiedBinaryName() + "\", \"");
- writer.print(m.getName());
- writer.print("\", new Object[] {");
- // new Object[] { ... } for parameters - autoboxing etc. by the
- // compiler
- JParameter[] parameters = m.getParameters();
- boolean first = true;
- for (JParameter p : parameters) {
- if (!first) {
- writer.print(", ");
- }
- first = false;
- writer.print(p.getName());
- }
- writer.println("}), true);");
- writer.outdent();
- writer.println("}");
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConnection;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.DiffJSONSerializer;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.JSONSerializer;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.JsonDecoder;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.JsonEncoder;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.SerializerMap;
- * GWT generator for creating serializer classes for custom classes sent from
- * server to client.
- *
- * Only fields with a correspondingly named setter are deserialized.
- *
- * @since 7.0
- */
-public class SerializerGenerator extends Generator {
- private static final String SUBTYPE_SEPARATOR = "___";
- private static String serializerPackageName = SerializerMap.class
- .getPackage().getName();
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- JClassType type;
- try {
- type = (JClassType) context.getTypeOracle().parse(typeName);
- } catch (TypeOracleException e1) {
- logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Could not find type " + typeName, e1);
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- String serializerClassName = getSerializerSimpleClassName(type);
- try {
- // Generate class source code
- generateClass(logger, context, type, serializerPackageName,
- serializerClassName);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "SerializerGenerator failed for "
- + type.getQualifiedSourceName(), e);
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- // return the fully qualifed name of the class generated
- return getFullyQualifiedSerializerClassName(type);
- }
- /**
- * Generate source code for a VaadinSerializer implementation.
- *
- * @param logger
- * Logger object
- * @param context
- * Generator context
- * @param type
- * @param beanTypeName
- * bean type for which the serializer is to be generated
- * @param beanSerializerTypeName
- * name of the serializer class to generate
- * @throws UnableToCompleteException
- */
- private void generateClass(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- JClassType type, String serializerPackageName,
- String serializerClassName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- // get print writer that receives the source code
- PrintWriter printWriter = null;
- printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, serializerPackageName,
- serializerClassName);
- // print writer if null, source code has ALREADY been generated
- if (printWriter == null) {
- return;
- }
- boolean isEnum = (type.isEnum() != null);
- boolean isArray = (type.isArray() != null);
- String qualifiedSourceName = type.getQualifiedSourceName();
- logger.log(Type.DEBUG, "Processing serializable type "
- + qualifiedSourceName + "...");
- // init composer, set class properties, create source writer
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
- composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(serializerPackageName,
- serializerClassName);
- composer.addImport(GWT.class.getName());
- composer.addImport(JSONValue.class.getName());
- composer.addImport(com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.Type.class
- .getName());
- // composer.addImport(JSONObject.class.getName());
- // composer.addImport(VPaintableMap.class.getName());
- composer.addImport(JsonDecoder.class.getName());
- // composer.addImport(VaadinSerializer.class.getName());
- if (isEnum || isArray) {
- composer.addImplementedInterface(JSONSerializer.class.getName()
- + "<" + qualifiedSourceName + ">");
- } else {
- composer.addImplementedInterface(DiffJSONSerializer.class.getName()
- + "<" + qualifiedSourceName + ">");
- }
- SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,
- printWriter);
- sourceWriter.indent();
- // Serializer
- // public JSONValue serialize(Object value,
- // ApplicationConnection connection) {
- sourceWriter.println("public " + JSONValue.class.getName()
- + " serialize(" + qualifiedSourceName + " value, "
- + ApplicationConnection.class.getName() + " connection) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- // MouseEventDetails castedValue = (MouseEventDetails) value;
- sourceWriter.println(qualifiedSourceName + " castedValue = ("
- + qualifiedSourceName + ") value;");
- if (isEnum) {
- writeEnumSerializer(logger, sourceWriter, type);
- } else if (isArray) {
- writeArraySerializer(logger, sourceWriter, type.isArray());
- } else {
- writeBeanSerializer(logger, sourceWriter, type);
- }
- // }
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- sourceWriter.println();
- // Updater
- // public void update(T target, Type type, JSONValue jsonValue,
- // ApplicationConnection connection);
- if (!isEnum && !isArray) {
- sourceWriter.println("public void update(" + qualifiedSourceName
- + " target, Type type, " + JSONValue.class.getName()
- + " jsonValue, " + ApplicationConnection.class.getName()
- + " connection) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- writeBeanDeserializer(logger, sourceWriter, type);
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- }
- // Deserializer
- // T deserialize(Type type, JSONValue jsonValue, ApplicationConnection
- // connection);
- sourceWriter.println("public " + qualifiedSourceName
- + " deserialize(Type type, " + JSONValue.class.getName()
- + " jsonValue, " + ApplicationConnection.class.getName()
- + " connection) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- if (isEnum) {
- writeEnumDeserializer(logger, sourceWriter, type.isEnum());
- } else if (isArray) {
- writeArrayDeserializer(logger, sourceWriter, type.isArray());
- } else {
- sourceWriter.println(qualifiedSourceName + " target = GWT.create("
- + qualifiedSourceName + ".class);");
- sourceWriter
- .println("update(target, type, jsonValue, connection);");
- // return target;
- sourceWriter.println("return target;");
- }
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // End of class
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // commit generated class
- context.commit(logger, printWriter);
- logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Generated Serializer class "
- + getFullyQualifiedSerializerClassName(type));
- }
- private void writeEnumDeserializer(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter sourceWriter, JEnumType enumType) {
- sourceWriter.println("String enumIdentifier = (("
- + JSONString.class.getName() + ")jsonValue).stringValue();");
- for (JEnumConstant e : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
- sourceWriter.println("if (\"" + e.getName()
- + "\".equals(enumIdentifier)) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter.println("return " + enumType.getQualifiedSourceName()
- + "." + e.getName() + ";");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- }
- sourceWriter.println("return null;");
- }
- private void writeArrayDeserializer(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter sourceWriter, JArrayType type) {
- JType leafType = type.getLeafType();
- int rank = type.getRank();
- sourceWriter.println(JSONArray.class.getName()
- + " jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray();");
- // Type value = new Type[jsonArray.size()][][];
- sourceWriter.print(type.getQualifiedSourceName() + " value = new "
- + leafType.getQualifiedSourceName() + "[jsonArray.size()]");
- for (int i = 1; i < rank; i++) {
- sourceWriter.print("[]");
- }
- sourceWriter.println(";");
- sourceWriter.println("for(int i = 0 ; i < value.length; i++) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- JType componentType = type.getComponentType();
- sourceWriter.print("value[i] = ("
- + GeneratedRpcMethodProviderGenerator
- .getBoxedTypeName(componentType) + ") "
- + JsonDecoder.class.getName() + ".decodeValue(");
- GeneratedRpcMethodProviderGenerator.writeTypeCreator(sourceWriter,
- componentType);
- sourceWriter.print(", jsonArray.get(i), null, connection)");
- sourceWriter.println(";");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- sourceWriter.println("return value;");
- }
- private void writeBeanDeserializer(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter sourceWriter, JClassType beanType) {
- String beanQualifiedSourceName = beanType.getQualifiedSourceName();
- // JSONOBject json = (JSONObject)jsonValue;
- sourceWriter.println(JSONObject.class.getName() + " json = ("
- + JSONObject.class.getName() + ")jsonValue;");
- for (JMethod method : getSetters(beanType)) {
- String setterName = method.getName();
- String baseName = setterName.substring(3);
- String fieldName = getTransportFieldName(baseName); // setZIndex()
- // -> zIndex
- JType setterParameterType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
- logger.log(Type.DEBUG, "* Processing field " + fieldName + " in "
- + beanQualifiedSourceName + " (" + beanType.getName() + ")");
- // if (json.containsKey("height")) {
- sourceWriter.println("if (json.containsKey(\"" + fieldName
- + "\")) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- String jsonFieldName = "json_" + fieldName;
- // JSONValue json_Height = json.get("height");
- sourceWriter.println("JSONValue " + jsonFieldName
- + " = json.get(\"" + fieldName + "\");");
- String fieldType;
- String getterName = "get" + baseName;
- JPrimitiveType primitiveType = setterParameterType.isPrimitive();
- if (primitiveType != null) {
- // This is a primitive type -> must used the boxed type
- fieldType = primitiveType.getQualifiedBoxedSourceName();
- if (primitiveType == JPrimitiveType.BOOLEAN) {
- getterName = "is" + baseName;
- }
- } else {
- fieldType = setterParameterType.getQualifiedSourceName();
- }
- // String referenceValue = target.getHeight();
- sourceWriter.println(fieldType + " referenceValue = target."
- + getterName + "();");
- // target.setHeight((String)
- // JsonDecoder.decodeValue(jsonFieldValue,referenceValue, idMapper,
- // connection));
- sourceWriter.print("target." + setterName + "((" + fieldType + ") "
- + JsonDecoder.class.getName() + ".decodeValue(");
- GeneratedRpcMethodProviderGenerator.writeTypeCreator(sourceWriter,
- setterParameterType);
- sourceWriter.println(", " + jsonFieldName
- + ", referenceValue, connection));");
- // } ... end of if contains
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- }
- }
- private void writeEnumSerializer(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter sourceWriter, JClassType beanType) {
- // return new JSONString(;
- sourceWriter.println("return new " + JSONString.class.getName()
- + "(;");
- }
- private void writeArraySerializer(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter sourceWriter, JArrayType array) {
- sourceWriter.println(JSONArray.class.getName() + " values = new "
- + JSONArray.class.getName() + "();");
- JType componentType = array.getComponentType();
- // JPrimitiveType primitive = componentType.isPrimitive();
- sourceWriter.println("for (int i = 0; i < castedValue.length; i++) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter.print("values.set(i, ");
- sourceWriter.print(JsonEncoder.class.getName()
- + ".encode(castedValue[i], false, connection)");
- sourceWriter.println(");");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- sourceWriter.println("return values;");
- }
- private void writeBeanSerializer(TreeLogger logger,
- SourceWriter sourceWriter, JClassType beanType)
- throws UnableToCompleteException {
- // JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
- sourceWriter.println(JSONObject.class.getName() + " json = new "
- + JSONObject.class.getName() + "();");
- HashSet<String> usedFieldNames = new HashSet<String>();
- for (JMethod setterMethod : getSetters(beanType)) {
- String setterName = setterMethod.getName();
- String fieldName = getTransportFieldName(setterName.substring(3)); // setZIndex()
- // -> zIndex
- if (!usedFieldNames.add(fieldName)) {
- logger.log(
- TreeLogger.ERROR,
- "Can't encode "
- + beanType.getQualifiedSourceName()
- + " as it has multiple fields with the name "
- + fieldName.toLowerCase()
- + ". This can happen if only casing distinguishes one property name from another.");
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- String getterName = findGetter(beanType, setterMethod);
- if (getterName == null) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "No getter found for " + fieldName
- + ". Serialization will likely fail");
- }
- // json.put("button",
- // JsonEncoder.encode(castedValue.getButton(), false, idMapper,
- // connection));
- sourceWriter.println("json.put(\"" + fieldName + "\", "
- + JsonEncoder.class.getName() + ".encode(castedValue."
- + getterName + "(), false, connection));");
- }
- // return json;
- sourceWriter.println("return json;");
- }
- private static String getTransportFieldName(String baseName) {
- return Character.toLowerCase(baseName.charAt(0))
- + baseName.substring(1);
- }
- private String findGetter(JClassType beanType, JMethod setterMethod) {
- JType setterParameterType = setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
- String fieldName = setterMethod.getName().substring(3);
- if (setterParameterType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals(
- boolean.class.getName())) {
- return "is" + fieldName;
- } else {
- return "get" + fieldName;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of all setters found in the beanType or its parent class
- *
- * @param beanType
- * The type to check
- * @return A list of setter methods from the class and its parents
- */
- protected static List<JMethod> getSetters(JClassType beanType) {
- List<JMethod> setterMethods = new ArrayList<JMethod>();
- while (beanType != null
- && !beanType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals(
- Object.class.getName())) {
- for (JMethod method : beanType.getMethods()) {
- // Process all setters that have corresponding fields
- if (!method.isPublic() || method.isStatic()
- || !method.getName().startsWith("set")
- || method.getParameterTypes().length != 1) {
- // Not setter, skip to next method
- continue;
- }
- setterMethods.add(method);
- }
- beanType = beanType.getSuperclass();
- }
- return setterMethods;
- }
- private static String getSerializerSimpleClassName(JClassType beanType) {
- return getSimpleClassName(beanType) + "_Serializer";
- }
- private static String getSimpleClassName(JType type) {
- JArrayType arrayType = type.isArray();
- if (arrayType != null) {
- return "Array" + getSimpleClassName(arrayType.getComponentType());
- }
- JClassType classType = type.isClass();
- if (classType != null && classType.isMemberType()) {
- // Assumed to be static sub class
- String baseName = getSimpleClassName(classType.getEnclosingType());
- String name = baseName + SUBTYPE_SEPARATOR
- + type.getSimpleSourceName();
- return name;
- }
- return type.getSimpleSourceName();
- }
- public static String getFullyQualifiedSerializerClassName(JClassType type) {
- return serializerPackageName + "." + getSerializerSimpleClassName(type);
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1ad24066..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ClientRpc;
-import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ServerRpc;
-import com.vaadin.shared.communication.SharedState;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConnection;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.JSONSerializer;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.SerializerMap;
- * GWT generator that creates a {@link SerializerMap} implementation (mapper
- * from type string to serializer instance) and serializer classes for all
- * subclasses of {@link SharedState}.
- *
- * @since 7.0
- */
-public class SerializerMapGenerator extends Generator {
- private static final String FAIL_IF_NOT_SERIALIZABLE = "vFailIfNotSerializable";
- private String packageName;
- private String className;
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- try {
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- Set<JClassType> typesNeedingSerializers = findTypesNeedingSerializers(
- typeOracle, logger);
- checkForUnserializableTypes(typesNeedingSerializers, typeOracle,
- logger);
- Set<JClassType> typesWithExistingSerializers = findTypesWithExistingSerializers(
- typeOracle, logger);
- Set<JClassType> serializerMappings = new HashSet<JClassType>();
- serializerMappings.addAll(typesNeedingSerializers);
- serializerMappings.addAll(typesWithExistingSerializers);
- // get classType and save instance variables
- JClassType classType = typeOracle.getType(typeName);
- packageName = classType.getPackage().getName();
- className = classType.getSimpleSourceName() + "Impl";
- // Generate class source code for SerializerMapImpl
- generateSerializerMap(serializerMappings, logger, context);
- SerializerGenerator sg = new SerializerGenerator();
- for (JClassType type : typesNeedingSerializers) {
- sg.generate(logger, context, type.getQualifiedSourceName());
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR,
- "SerializerMapGenerator creation failed", e);
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- // return the fully qualifed name of the class generated
- return packageName + "." + className;
- }
- /**
- * Emits a warning for all classes that are used in communication but do not
- * implement Implementing is not
- * needed for communication but for the server side Application to be
- * serializable i.e. work in GAE for instance.
- *
- * @param typesNeedingSerializers
- * @param typeOracle
- * @param logger
- * @throws UnableToCompleteException
- */
- private void checkForUnserializableTypes(
- Set<JClassType> typesNeedingSerializers, TypeOracle typeOracle,
- TreeLogger logger) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- JClassType javaSerializable = typeOracle.findType(Serializable.class
- .getName());
- for (JClassType type : typesNeedingSerializers) {
- if (type.isArray() != null) {
- // Don't check for arrays
- continue;
- }
- boolean serializable = type.isAssignableTo(javaSerializable);
- if (!serializable) {
- boolean abortCompile = "true".equals(System
- logger.log(
- abortCompile ? Type.ERROR : Type.WARN,
- type
- + " is used in RPC or shared state but does not implement "
- + Serializable.class.getName()
- + ". Communication will work but the Application on server side cannot be serialized if it refers to objects of this type. "
- + "If the system property "
- + " is set to \"true\", this causes the compilation to fail instead of just emitting a warning.");
- if (abortCompile) {
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private Set<JClassType> findTypesWithExistingSerializers(
- TypeOracle typeOracle, TreeLogger logger)
- throws UnableToCompleteException {
- JClassType serializerInterface = typeOracle
- .findType(JSONSerializer.class.getName());
- JType[] deserializeParamTypes = new JType[] {
- typeOracle
- .findType(com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.Type.class
- .getName()),
- typeOracle.findType(JSONValue.class.getName()),
- typeOracle.findType(ApplicationConnection.class.getName()) };
- String deserializeMethodName = "deserialize";
- try {
- serializerInterface.getMethod(deserializeMethodName,
- deserializeParamTypes);
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Could not find " + deserializeMethodName
- + " in " + serializerInterface);
- throw new UnableToCompleteException();
- }
- Set<JClassType> types = new HashSet<JClassType>();
- for (JClassType serializer : serializerInterface.getSubtypes()) {
- JMethod deserializeMethod = serializer.findMethod(
- deserializeMethodName, deserializeParamTypes);
- if (deserializeMethod == null) {
- logger.log(Type.DEBUG, "Could not find "
- + deserializeMethodName + " in " + serializer);
- continue;
- }
- JType returnType = deserializeMethod.getReturnType();
- logger.log(Type.DEBUG, "Found " + deserializeMethodName
- + " with return type " + returnType + " in " + serializer);
- types.add(returnType.isClass());
- }
- return types;
- }
- /**
- * Generate source code for SerializerMapImpl
- *
- * @param typesNeedingSerializers
- *
- * @param logger
- * Logger object
- * @param context
- * Generator context
- */
- private void generateSerializerMap(Set<JClassType> typesNeedingSerializers,
- TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context) {
- // get print writer that receives the source code
- PrintWriter printWriter = null;
- printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className);
- // print writer if null, source code has ALREADY been generated
- if (printWriter == null) {
- return;
- }
- Date date = new Date();
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- // init composer, set class properties, create source writer
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
- composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className);
- composer.addImport("");
- composer.addImplementedInterface(SerializerMap.class.getName());
- SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,
- printWriter);
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter.println("public " + JSONSerializer.class.getName()
- + " getSerializer(String type) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- // TODO cache serializer instances in a map
- for (JClassType type : typesNeedingSerializers) {
- sourceWriter.print("if (type.equals(\""
- + type.getQualifiedSourceName() + "\")");
- if (type instanceof JArrayType) {
- // Also add binary name to support encoding based on
- // object.getClass().getName()
- sourceWriter.print("||type.equals(\"" + type.getJNISignature()
- + "\")");
- }
- sourceWriter.println(") {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- String serializerName = SerializerGenerator
- .getFullyQualifiedSerializerClassName(type);
- sourceWriter.println("return GWT.create(" + serializerName
- + ".class);");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- logger.log(Type.INFO, "Configured serializer (" + serializerName
- + ") for " + type.getName());
- }
- sourceWriter
- .println("throw new RuntimeException(\"No serializer found for class \"+type);");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // close generated class
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // commit generated class
- context.commit(logger, printWriter);
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Done. (" + (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000
- + "seconds)");
- }
- public Set<JClassType> findTypesNeedingSerializers(TypeOracle typeOracle,
- TreeLogger logger) {
- logger.log(Type.DEBUG, "Detecting serializable data types...");
- HashSet<JClassType> types = new HashSet<JClassType>();
- // Generate serializer classes for each subclass of SharedState
- JClassType serializerType = typeOracle.findType(SharedState.class
- .getName());
- types.add(serializerType);
- JClassType[] serializerSubtypes = serializerType.getSubtypes();
- for (JClassType type : serializerSubtypes) {
- types.add(type);
- }
- // Serializer classes might also be needed for RPC methods
- for (Class<?> cls : new Class[] { ServerRpc.class, ClientRpc.class }) {
- JClassType rpcType = typeOracle.findType(cls.getName());
- JClassType[] serverRpcSubtypes = rpcType.getSubtypes();
- for (JClassType type : serverRpcSubtypes) {
- addMethodParameterTypes(type, types, logger);
- }
- }
- // Add all types used from/in the types
- for (Object t : types.toArray()) {
- findSubTypesNeedingSerializers((JClassType) t, types);
- }
- logger.log(Type.DEBUG, "Serializable data types: " + types.toString());
- return types;
- }
- private void addMethodParameterTypes(JClassType classContainingMethods,
- Set<JClassType> types, TreeLogger logger) {
- for (JMethod method : classContainingMethods.getMethods()) {
- if (method.getName().equals("initRpc")) {
- continue;
- }
- for (JType type : method.getParameterTypes()) {
- addTypeIfNeeded(types, type);
- }
- }
- }
- public void findSubTypesNeedingSerializers(JClassType type,
- Set<JClassType> serializableTypes) {
- // Find all setters and look at their parameter type to determine if a
- // new serializer is needed
- for (JMethod setterMethod : SerializerGenerator.getSetters(type)) {
- // The one and only parameter for the setter
- JType setterType = setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
- addTypeIfNeeded(serializableTypes, setterType);
- }
- }
- private void addTypeIfNeeded(Set<JClassType> serializableTypes, JType type) {
- if (serializableTypes.contains(type)) {
- return;
- }
- JParameterizedType parametrized = type.isParameterized();
- if (parametrized != null) {
- for (JClassType parameterType : parametrized.getTypeArgs()) {
- addTypeIfNeeded(serializableTypes, parameterType);
- }
- }
- if (serializationHandledByFramework(type)) {
- return;
- }
- if (serializableTypes.contains(type)) {
- return;
- }
- JClassType typeClass = type.isClass();
- if (typeClass != null) {
- // setterTypeClass is null at least for List<String>. It is
- // possible that we need to handle the cases somehow, for
- // instance for List<MyObject>.
- serializableTypes.add(typeClass);
- findSubTypesNeedingSerializers(typeClass, serializableTypes);
- }
- // Generate (n-1)-dimensional array serializer for n-dimensional array
- JArrayType arrayType = type.isArray();
- if (arrayType != null) {
- serializableTypes.add(arrayType);
- addTypeIfNeeded(serializableTypes, arrayType.getComponentType());
- }
- }
- Set<Class<?>> frameworkHandledTypes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
- {
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(String.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Boolean.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Integer.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Float.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Double.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Long.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Enum.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(String[].class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Object[].class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Map.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(List.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Set.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Byte.class);
- frameworkHandledTypes.add(Character.class);
- }
- private boolean serializationHandledByFramework(JType setterType) {
- // Some types are handled by the framework at the moment. See #8449
- // This method should be removed at some point.
- if (setterType.isPrimitive() != null) {
- return true;
- }
- String qualifiedName = setterType.getQualifiedSourceName();
- for (Class<?> cls : frameworkHandledTypes) {
- if (qualifiedName.equals(cls.getName())) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0d062ec4ff..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
-import com.vaadin.shared.Connector;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect.LoadStyle;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ServerConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.UnknownComponentConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.root.RootConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ClientConnector;
- * WidgetMapGenerator's are GWT generator to build WidgetMapImpl dynamically
- * based on {@link Connect} annotations available in workspace. By modifying the
- * generator it is possible to do some fine tuning for the generated widgetset
- * (aka client side engine). The components to be included in the client side
- * engine can modified be overriding {@link #getUsedConnectors()}.
- * <p>
- * The generator also decides how the client side component implementations are
- * loaded to the browser. The default generator is
- * {@link EagerWidgetMapGenerator} that builds a monolithic client side engine
- * that loads all widget implementation on application initialization. This has
- * been the only option until Vaadin 6.4.
- * <p>
- * This generator uses the loadStyle hints from the {@link Connect} annotations.
- * Depending on the {@link LoadStyle} used, the widget may be included in the
- * initially loaded JavaScript, loaded when the application has started and
- * there is no communication to server or lazy loaded when the implementation is
- * absolutely needed.
- * <p>
- * The GWT module description file of the widgetset (
- * <code>...Widgetset.gwt.xml</code>) can be used to define the
- * WidgetMapGenarator. An example that defines this generator to be used:
- *
- * <pre>
- * <code>
- * &lt;generate-with
- * class="com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.MyWidgetMapGenerator"&gt;
- * &lt;when-type-is class="com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.WidgetMap" /&gt;
- * &lt;/generate-with&gt;
- *
- * </code>
- * </pre>
- *
- * <p>
- * Vaadin package also includes {@link LazyWidgetMapGenerator}, which is a good
- * option if the transferred data should be minimized, and
- * {@link CustomWidgetMapGenerator} for easy overriding of loading strategies.
- *
- */
-public class WidgetMapGenerator extends Generator {
- private static String serverConnectorClassName = ServerConnector.class
- .getName();
- private String packageName;
- private String className;
- @Override
- public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {
- try {
- TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();
- // get classType and save instance variables
- JClassType classType = typeOracle.getType(typeName);
- packageName = classType.getPackage().getName();
- className = classType.getSimpleSourceName() + "Impl";
- // Generate class source code
- generateClass(logger, context);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "WidgetMap creation failed", e);
- }
- // return the fully qualifed name of the class generated
- return packageName + "." + className;
- }
- /**
- * Generate source code for WidgetMapImpl
- *
- * @param logger
- * Logger object
- * @param context
- * Generator context
- */
- private void generateClass(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context) {
- // get print writer that receives the source code
- PrintWriter printWriter = null;
- printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className);
- // print writer if null, source code has ALREADY been generated,
- // return (WidgetMap is equal to all permutations atm)
- if (printWriter == null) {
- return;
- }
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Detecting Vaadin connectors in classpath to generate ...");
- Date date = new Date();
- // init composer, set class properties, create source writer
- ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
- composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className);
- composer.addImport("");
- composer.addImport("java.util.HashMap");
- composer.addImport("");
- composer.setSuperclass("com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.WidgetMap");
- SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,
- printWriter);
- Collection<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> connectors = getUsedConnectors(context
- .getTypeOracle());
- validateConnectors(logger, connectors);
- logConnectors(logger, context, connectors);
- // generator constructor source code
- generateImplementationDetector(sourceWriter, connectors);
- generateInstantiatorMethod(sourceWriter, connectors);
- // close generated class
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // commit generated class
- context.commit(logger, printWriter);
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Done. (" + (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000
- + "seconds)");
- }
- private void validateConnectors(TreeLogger logger,
- Collection<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> connectors) {
- Iterator<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> iter = connectors.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext()) {
- Class<? extends ServerConnector> connectorClass =;
- Connect annotation = connectorClass.getAnnotation(Connect.class);
- if (!ClientConnector.class.isAssignableFrom(annotation.value())) {
- logger.log(
- Type.WARN,
- "Connector class "
- + annotation.value().getName()
- + " defined in @Connect annotation is not a subclass of "
- + ClientConnector.class.getName()
- + ". The component connector "
- + connectorClass.getName()
- + " will not be included in the widgetset.");
- iter.remove();
- }
- }
- }
- private void logConnectors(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
- Collection<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> connectors) {
- logger.log(Type.INFO,
- "Widget set will contain implementations for following component connectors: ");
- TreeSet<String> classNames = new TreeSet<String>();
- HashMap<String, String> loadStyle = new HashMap<String, String>();
- for (Class<? extends ServerConnector> connectorClass : connectors) {
- String className = connectorClass.getCanonicalName();
- classNames.add(className);
- if (getLoadStyle(connectorClass) == LoadStyle.DEFERRED) {
- loadStyle.put(className, "DEFERRED");
- } else if (getLoadStyle(connectorClass) == LoadStyle.LAZY) {
- loadStyle.put(className, "LAZY");
- }
- }
- for (String className : classNames) {
- String msg = className;
- if (loadStyle.containsKey(className)) {
- msg += " (load style: " + loadStyle.get(className) + ")";
- }
- logger.log(Type.INFO, "\t" + msg);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method is protected to allow creation of optimized widgetsets. The
- * Widgetset will contain only implementation returned by this function. If
- * one knows which widgets are needed for the application, returning only
- * them here will significantly optimize the size of the produced JS.
- *
- * @return a collections of Vaadin components that will be added to
- * widgetset
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private Collection<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> getUsedConnectors(
- TypeOracle typeOracle) {
- JClassType connectorType = typeOracle.findType(Connector.class
- .getName());
- Collection<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> connectors = new HashSet<Class<? extends ServerConnector>>();
- for (JClassType jClassType : connectorType.getSubtypes()) {
- Connect annotation = jClassType.getAnnotation(Connect.class);
- if (annotation != null) {
- try {
- Class<? extends ServerConnector> clazz = (Class<? extends ServerConnector>) Class
- .forName(jClassType.getQualifiedSourceName());
- connectors.add(clazz);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- }
- return connectors;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the widget for given component will be lazy loaded by the
- * client. The default implementation reads the information from the
- * {@link Connect} annotation.
- * <p>
- * The method can be overridden to optimize the widget loading mechanism. If
- * the Widgetset is wanted to be optimized for a network with a high latency
- * or for a one with a very fast throughput, it may be good to return false
- * for every component.
- *
- * @param connector
- * @return true iff the widget for given component should be lazy loaded by
- * the client side engine
- */
- protected LoadStyle getLoadStyle(Class<? extends ServerConnector> connector) {
- Connect annotation = connector.getAnnotation(Connect.class);
- return annotation.loadStyle();
- }
- private void generateInstantiatorMethod(
- SourceWriter sourceWriter,
- Collection<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> connectorsHavingComponentAnnotation) {
- Collection<Class<?>> deferredWidgets = new LinkedList<Class<?>>();
- // TODO detect if it would be noticably faster to instantiate with a
- // lookup with index than with the hashmap
- sourceWriter.println("public void ensureInstantiator(Class<? extends "
- + serverConnectorClassName + "> classType) {");
- sourceWriter.println("if(!instmap.containsKey(classType)){");
- boolean first = true;
- ArrayList<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> lazyLoadedConnectors = new ArrayList<Class<? extends ServerConnector>>();
- HashSet<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> connectorsWithInstantiator = new HashSet<Class<? extends ServerConnector>>();
- for (Class<? extends ServerConnector> class1 : connectorsHavingComponentAnnotation) {
- Class<? extends ServerConnector> clientClass = class1;
- if (connectorsWithInstantiator.contains(clientClass)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (clientClass == RootConnector.class) {
- // Roots are not instantiated by widgetset
- continue;
- }
- if (!first) {
- sourceWriter.print(" else ");
- } else {
- first = false;
- }
- sourceWriter.print("if( classType == " + clientClass.getName()
- + ".class) {");
- String instantiator = "new WidgetInstantiator() {\n public "
- + serverConnectorClassName
- + " get() {\n return GWT.create(" + clientClass.getName()
- + ".class );\n}\n}\n";
- LoadStyle loadStyle = getLoadStyle(class1);
- if (loadStyle != LoadStyle.EAGER) {
- sourceWriter
- .print("ApplicationConfiguration.startWidgetLoading();\n"
- + "GWT.runAsync( \n"
- + "new WidgetLoader() { void addInstantiator() {instmap.put("
- + clientClass.getName()
- + ".class,"
- + instantiator + ");}});\n");
- lazyLoadedConnectors.add(class1);
- if (loadStyle == LoadStyle.DEFERRED) {
- deferredWidgets.add(class1);
- }
- } else {
- // widget implementation in initially loaded js script
- sourceWriter.print("instmap.put(");
- sourceWriter.print(clientClass.getName());
- sourceWriter.print(".class, ");
- sourceWriter.print(instantiator);
- sourceWriter.print(");");
- }
- sourceWriter.print("}");
- connectorsWithInstantiator.add(clientClass);
- }
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- sourceWriter.println("public Class<? extends "
- + serverConnectorClassName
- + ">[] getDeferredLoadedConnectors() {");
- sourceWriter.println("return new Class[] {");
- first = true;
- for (Class<?> class2 : deferredWidgets) {
- if (!first) {
- sourceWriter.println(",");
- }
- first = false;
- sourceWriter.print(class2.getName() + ".class");
- }
- sourceWriter.println("};");
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- // in constructor add a "thread" that lazyly loads lazy loaded widgets
- // if communication to server idles
- // TODO an array of lazy loaded widgets
- // TODO an index of last ensured widget in array
- sourceWriter.println("public " + serverConnectorClassName
- + " instantiate(Class<? extends " + serverConnectorClassName
- + "> classType) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter.println(serverConnectorClassName
- + " p = super.instantiate(classType); if(p!= null) return p;");
- sourceWriter.println("return instmap.get(classType).get();");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param sourceWriter
- * Source writer to output source code
- * @param paintablesHavingWidgetAnnotation
- */
- private void generateImplementationDetector(
- SourceWriter sourceWriter,
- Collection<Class<? extends ServerConnector>> paintablesHavingWidgetAnnotation) {
- sourceWriter
- .println("public Class<? extends "
- + serverConnectorClassName
- + "> "
- + "getConnectorClassForServerSideClassName(String fullyQualifiedName) {");
- sourceWriter.indent();
- sourceWriter
- .println("fullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName.intern();");
- for (Class<? extends ServerConnector> connectorClass : paintablesHavingWidgetAnnotation) {
- Class<? extends ClientConnector> clientConnectorClass = getClientConnectorClass(connectorClass);
- sourceWriter.print("if ( fullyQualifiedName == \"");
- sourceWriter.print(clientConnectorClass.getName());
- sourceWriter.print("\" ) { ensureInstantiator("
- + connectorClass.getName() + ".class); return ");
- sourceWriter.print(connectorClass.getName());
- sourceWriter.println(".class;}");
- sourceWriter.print("else ");
- }
- sourceWriter.println("return "
- + UnknownComponentConnector.class.getName() + ".class;");
- sourceWriter.outdent();
- sourceWriter.println("}");
- }
- private static Class<? extends ClientConnector> getClientConnectorClass(
- Class<? extends ServerConnector> connectorClass) {
- Connect annotation = connectorClass.getAnnotation(Connect.class);
- return (Class<? extends ClientConnector>) annotation.value();
- }
diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/ b/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6e334a33..0000000000
--- a/client/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/widgetsetutils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- * Helper class to update widgetsets GWT module configuration file. Can be used
- * command line or via IDE tools.
- *
- * <p>
- * If module definition file contains text "WS Compiler: manually edited", tool
- * will skip editing file.
- *
- */
-public class WidgetSetBuilder {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
- if (args.length == 0) {
- printUsage();
- } else {
- String widgetsetname = args[0];
- updateWidgetSet(widgetsetname);
- }
- }
- public static void updateWidgetSet(final String widgetset)
- throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
- boolean changed = false;
- Map<String, URL> availableWidgetSets = ClassPathExplorer
- .getAvailableWidgetSets();
- URL sourceUrl = availableWidgetSets.get(widgetset);
- if (sourceUrl == null) {
- // find first/default source directory
- sourceUrl = ClassPathExplorer.getDefaultSourceDirectory();
- }
- String widgetsetfilename = sourceUrl.getFile() + "/"
- + widgetset.replace(".", "/") + ".gwt.xml";
- File widgetsetFile = new File(widgetsetfilename);
- if (!widgetsetFile.exists()) {
- // create empty gwt module file
- File parent = widgetsetFile.getParentFile();
- if (parent != null && !parent.exists()) {
- if (!parent.mkdirs()) {
- throw new IOException(
- "Could not create directory for the widgetset: "
- + parent.getPath());
- }
- }
- widgetsetFile.createNewFile();
- PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(
- widgetsetFile));
- printStream.print("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
- + "<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC \"-//Google Inc.//DTD "
- + "Google Web Toolkit 1.7.0//EN\" \"http://google"
- + ""
- + "tro-source/core/src/gwt-module.dtd\">\n");
- printStream.print("<module>\n");
- printStream
- .print(" <!--\n"
- + " Uncomment the following to compile the widgetset for one browser only.\n"
- + " This can reduce the GWT compilation time significantly when debugging.\n"
- + " The line should be commented out before deployment to production\n"
- + " environments.\n\n"
- + " Multiple browsers can be specified for GWT 1.7 as a comma separated\n"
- + " list. The supported user agents at the moment of writing were:\n"
- + " ie6,ie8,gecko,gecko1_8,safari,opera\n\n"
- + " The value gecko1_8 is used for Firefox 3 and later and safari is used for\n"
- + " webkit based browsers including Google Chrome.\n"
- + " -->\n"
- + " <!-- <set-property name=\"user.agent\" value=\"gecko1_8\"/> -->\n");
- printStream.print("\n</module>\n");
- printStream.close();
- changed = true;
- }
- String content = readFile(widgetsetFile);
- if (isEditable(content)) {
- String originalContent = content;
- Collection<String> oldInheritedWidgetsets = getCurrentInheritedWidgetsets(content);
- // add widgetsets that do not exist
- Iterator<String> i = availableWidgetSets.keySet().iterator();
- while (i.hasNext()) {
- String ws =;
- if (ws.equals(widgetset)) {
- // do not inherit the module itself
- continue;
- }
- if (!oldInheritedWidgetsets.contains(ws)) {
- content = addWidgetSet(ws, content);
- }
- }
- for (String ws : oldInheritedWidgetsets) {
- if (!availableWidgetSets.containsKey(ws)) {
- // widgetset not available in classpath
- content = removeWidgetSet(ws, content);
- }
- }
- changed = changed || !content.equals(originalContent);
- if (changed) {
- commitChanges(widgetsetfilename, content);
- }
- } else {
- System.out
- .println("Widgetset is manually edited. Skipping updates.");
- }
- }
- private static boolean isEditable(String content) {
- return !content.contains("WS Compiler: manually edited");
- }
- private static String removeWidgetSet(String ws, String content) {
- return content.replaceFirst("<inherits name=\"" + ws + "\"[^/]*/>", "");
- }
- private static void commitChanges(String widgetsetfilename, String content)
- throws IOException {
- BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(
- new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(widgetsetfilename)));
- bufferedWriter.write(content);
- bufferedWriter.close();
- }
- private static String addWidgetSet(String ws, String content) {
- return content.replace("</module>", "\n <inherits name=\"" + ws
- + "\" />" + "\n</module>");
- }
- private static Collection<String> getCurrentInheritedWidgetsets(
- String content) {
- HashSet<String> hashSet = new HashSet<String>();
- Pattern inheritsPattern = Pattern.compile(" name=\"([^\"]*)\"");
- Matcher matcher = inheritsPattern.matcher(content);
- while (matcher.find()) {
- String gwtModule =;
- if (isWidgetset(gwtModule)) {
- hashSet.add(gwtModule);
- }
- }
- return hashSet;
- }
- static boolean isWidgetset(String gwtModuleName) {
- return gwtModuleName.toLowerCase().contains("widgetset");
- }
- private static String readFile(File widgetsetFile) throws IOException {
- Reader fi = new FileReader(widgetsetFile);
- BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fi);
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- String line;
- while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
- sb.append(line);
- sb.append("\n");
- }
- fi.close();
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private static void printUsage() {
- PrintStream o = System.out;
- o.println(WidgetSetBuilder.class.getSimpleName() + " usage:");
- o.println(" 1. Set the same classpath as you will "
- + "have for the GWT compiler.");
- o.println(" 2. Give the widgetsetname (to be created or updated)"
- + " as first parameter");
- o.println();
- o.println("All found vaadin widgetsets will be inherited in given widgetset");
- }