path: root/documentation/components/components-datefield.asciidoc
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authorIlia Motornyi <elmot@vaadin.com>2015-12-03 14:59:05 +0000
committerVaadin Code Review <review@vaadin.com>2015-12-03 14:59:12 +0000
commit2af72ba9636bec70046394c41744f89ce4572e35 (patch)
treeccb3dc2d2239585f8c3f79eb5f131ff61ca9ce86 /documentation/components/components-datefield.asciidoc
parent8aa5fabe89f2967e966a64842a608eceaf80d08f (diff)
Revert "Merge branch 'documentation'"7.6.0.beta2
This reverts commit f6874bde3d945c8b2d1b5c17ab50e2d0f1f8ff00. Change-Id: I67ee1c30ba3e3bcc3c43a1dd2e73a822791514bf
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 386 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/components/components-datefield.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-datefield.asciidoc
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index 6c4b836e26..0000000000
--- a/documentation/components/components-datefield.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-title: Date and Time Input with DateField
-order: 13
-layout: page
-= Date and Time Input with [classname]#DateField#
-The [classname]#DateField# component provides the means to display and input
-date and time. The field comes in two variations: [classname]#PopupDateField#,
-with a numeric input box and a popup calendar view, and
-[classname]#InlineDateField#, with the calendar view always visible. The
-[classname]#DateField# base class defaults to the popup variation.
-The example below illustrates the use of the [classname]#DateField# baseclass,
-which is equivalent to the [classname]#PopupDateField#. We set the initial time
-of the date field to current time by using the default constructor of the
-[classname]#java.util.Date# class.
-[source, java]
-// Create a DateField with the default style
-DateField date = new DateField();
-// Set the date and time to present
-date.setValue(new Date());
-The result is shown in <<figure.components.datefield.basic>>.
-.[classname]#DateField# ([classname]#PopupDateField#) for Selecting Date and Time
-== [classname]#PopupDateField#
-The [classname]#PopupDateField# provides date input using a text box for the
-date and time. As the [classname]#DateField# defaults to this component, the use
-is exactly the same as described earlier. Clicking the handle right of the date
-opens a popup view for selecting the year, month, and day, as well as time. Also
-the Down key opens the popup. Once opened, the user can navigate the calendar
-using the cursor keys.
-The date and time selected from the popup are displayed in the text box
-according to the default date and time format of the current locale, or as
-specified with [methodname]#setDateFormat()#. The same format definitions are
-used for parsing user input.
-=== Date and Time Format
-The date and time are normally displayed according to the default format for the
-current locale (see
-You can specify a custom format with [methodname]#setDateFormat()#. It takes a
-format string that follows the format of the [classname]#SimpleDateFormat# in
-[source, java]
-// Display only year, month, and day in ISO format
-The result is shown in <<figure.components.datefield.popupdatefield.format>>.
-.Custom Date Format for [classname]#PopupDateField#
-The same format specification is also used for parsing user-input date and time,
-as described later.
-=== Handling Malformed User Input
-A user can easily input a malformed or otherwise invalid date or time.
-[classname]#DateField# has two validation layers: first on the client-side and
-then on the server-side.
-The validity of the entered date is first validated on the client-side,
-immediately when the input box loses focus. If the date format is invalid, the
-[literal]#++v-datefield-parseerror++# style is set. Whether this causes a
-visible indication of a problem depends on the theme. The built-in
-[literal]#++reindeer++# theme does not shown any indication by default, making
-server-side handling of the problem more convenient.
-[source, css]
-.mydate.v-datefield-parseerror .v-textfield {
- background: pink;
-The [methodname]#setLenient(true)# setting enables relaxed interpretation of
-dates, so that invalid dates, such as February 30th or March 0th, are wrapped to
-the next or previous month, for example.
-The server-side validation phase occurs when the date value is sent to the
-server. If the date field is set in immediate state, it occurs immediately after
-the field loses focus. Once this is done and if the status is still invalid, an
-error indicator is displayed beside the component. Hovering the mouse pointer
-over the indicator shows the error message.
-You can handle the errors by overriding the
-[methodname]#handleUnparsableDateString()# method. The method gets the user
-input as a string parameter and can provide a custom parsing mechanism, as shown
-in the following example.
-[source, java]
-// Create a date field with a custom parsing and a
-// custom error message for invalid format
-PopupDateField date = new PopupDateField("My Date") {
- @Override
- protected Date handleUnparsableDateString(String dateString)
- throws Property.ConversionException {
- // Try custom parsing
- String fields[] = dateString.split("/");
- if (fields.length >= 3) {
- try {
- int year = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
- int month = Integer.parseInt(fields[1])-1;
- int day = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]);
- GregorianCalendar c =
- new GregorianCalendar(year, month, day);
- return c.getTime();
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- throw new Property.
- ConversionException("Not a number");
- }
- }
- // Bad date
- throw new Property.
- ConversionException("Your date needs two slashes");
- }
-// Display only year, month, and day in slash-delimited format
-// Don't be too tight about the validity of dates
-// on the client-side
-The handler method must either return a parsed [classname]#Date# object or throw
-a [classname]#ConversionException#. Returning [parameter]#null# will set the
-field value to [parameter]#null# and clear the input box.
-=== Customizing the Error Message
-In addition to customized parsing, overriding the handler method for unparseable
-input is useful for internationalization and other customization of the error
-message. You can also use it for another way for reporting the errors, as is
-done in the example below:
-[source, java]
-// Create a date field with a custom error message for invalid format
-PopupDateField date = new PopupDateField("My Date") {
- @Override
- protected Date handleUnparsableDateString(String dateString)
- throws Property.ConversionException {
- // Have a notification for the error
- Notification.show(
- "Your date needs two slashes",
- // A failure must always also throw an exception
- throw new Property.ConversionException("Bad date");
- }
-If the input is invalid, you should always throw the exception; returning a
-[parameter]#null# value would make the input field empty, which is probably
-=== Input Prompt
-Like other fields that have a text box, [classname]#PopupDateField# allows an
-input prompt that is visible until the user has input a value. You can set the
-prompt with [methodname]#setInputPrompt#.
-[source, java]
-PopupDateField date = new PopupDateField();
-// Set the prompt
-date.setInputPrompt("Select a date");
-// Set width explicitly to accommodate the prompt
-The date field doesn't automatically scale to accommodate the prompt, so you
-need to set it explicitly with [methodname]#setWidth()#.
-The input prompt is not available in the [classname]#DateField# superclass.
-=== CSS Style Rules
-[source, css]
-.v-datefield, v-datefield-popupcalendar {}
- .v-textfield, v-datefield-textfield {}
- .v-datefield-button {}
-The top-level element of [classname]#DateField# and all its variants have
-[literal]#++v-datefield++# style. The base class and the
-[classname]#PopupDateField# also have the
-[literal]#++v-datefield-popupcalendar++# style.
-In addition, the top-level element has a style that indicates the resolution,
-with [literal]#++v-datefield-++# basename and an extension, which is one of
-[literal]#++full++#, [literal]#++day++#, [literal]#++month++#, or
-[literal]#++year++#. The [literal]#++-full++# style is enabled when the
-resolution is smaller than a day. These styles are used mainly for controlling
-the appearance of the popup calendar.
-The text box has [literal]#++v-textfield++# and
-[literal]#++v-datefield-textfield++# styles, and the calendar button
-Once opened, the calendar popup has the following styles at the top level:
-[source, css]
-.v-datefield-popup {}
- .v-popupcontent {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel {}
-The top-level element of the floating popup calendar has
-[literal]#++.v-datefield-popup++# style. Observe that the popup frame is outside
-the HTML structure of the component, hence it is not enclosed in the
-[literal]#++v-datefield++# element and does not include any custom styles.
-//NOTE: May be changed in
-The content in the [literal]#++v-datefield-calendarpanel++# is the same as in
-[classname]#InlineDateField#, as described in <<components.datefield.calendar>>.
-== [classname]#InlineDateField#
-The [classname]#InlineDateField# provides a date picker component with a month
-view. The user can navigate months and years by clicking the appropriate arrows.
-Unlike with the popup variant, the month view is always visible in the inline
-[source, java]
-// Create a DateField with the default style
-InlineDateField date = new InlineDateField();
-// Set the date and time to present
-date.setValue(new java.util.Date());
-The result is shown in <<figure.components.datefield.inlinedatefield>>.
-.Example of the [classname]#InlineDateField#
-The user can also navigate the calendar using the cursor keys.
-=== CSS Style Rules
-[source, css]
-.v-datefield {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-header {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-prevyear {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-prevmonth {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-month {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-nextmonth {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-nextyear {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-body {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-weekdays,
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-weeknumbers {}
- .v-first {}
- .v-last {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-weeknumber {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-day {}
- .v-datefield-calendarpanel-time {}
- .v-datefield-time {}
- .v-select {}
- .v-label {}
-The top-level element has the [literal]#++v-datefield++# style. In addition, the
-top-level element has a style name that indicates the resolution of the
-calendar, with [literal]#++v-datefield-++# basename and an extension, which is
-one of [literal]#++full++#, [literal]#++day++#, [literal]#++month++#, or
-[literal]#++year++#. The [literal]#++-full++# style is enabled when the
-resolution is smaller than a day.
-The [literal]#++v-datefield-calendarpanel-weeknumbers++# and
-[literal]#++v-datefield-calendarpanel-weeknumber++# styles are enabled when the
-week numbers are enabled. The former controls the appearance of the weekday
-header and the latter the actual week numbers.
-The other style names should be self-explanatory. For weekdays, the
-[literal]#++v-first++# and [literal]#++v-last++# styles allow making rounded
-endings for the weekday bar.
-== Date and Time Resolution
-In addition to display a calendar with dates, [classname]#DateField# can also
-display the time in hours and minutes, or just the month or year. The visibility
-of the input components is controlled by __time resolution__, which you can set
-with [methodname]#setResolution()#. The method takes as its parameters the
-lowest visible component, [parameter]#DateField.Resolution.DAY# for just dates
-and [parameter]#DateField.Resolution.MIN# for dates with time in hours and
-minutes. Please see the API Reference for the complete list of resolution
-== DateField Locale
-The date and time are displayed according to the locale of the user, as reported
-by the browser. You can set a custom locale with the [methodname]#setLocale()#
-method of [classname]#AbstractComponent#, as described in
-Only Gregorian calendar is supported.
-== Week Numbers
-You can enable week numbers in a date field with
-[methodname]#setShowISOWeekNumbers()#. The numbers are shown in a column on the
-left side of the field.
-[source, java]
-The supported numbering is defined in the ISO 8601 standard. Note that the ISO
-standard applies only to calendar locales where the week starts on Monday. This
-is not the case in many countries, such as Americas (North and South), many
-East-Asian countries, and some African countries, where the week starts on
-Sunday, nor in some North African and Middle-Eastern countries, where the week
-begins on Saturday. In such locales, the week numbers are not displayed.