path: root/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
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authorAleksi Hietanen <>2017-05-16 11:57:02 +0300
committerPekka Hyvönen <>2017-05-16 11:57:02 +0300
commitefa7f5a4d069556061ba4ceef4fb4d76dae84ef4 (patch)
tree767b0fdb3146930919cec37e5eaab75422b0867d /documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
parenteb743d965278d263a4c496bb4e39c067fe2b1a8c (diff)
Refactor common methods in in-memory data providers (#9308)
* Refactor common methods of InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider and ListDataProvider to a single interface * Rename HierarchyData and InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider, introduce HasHierarchicalDataProvider * Additionally adds a helper method for recursive constructing TreeData with a child item provider.
Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
index dd957a0308..f81342c5ba 100644
--- a/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
@@ -31,32 +31,32 @@ image::img/tree-basic.png[width=70%, scaledwidth=100%]
== Binding to Data
-[classname]#Tree# is used by binding it to a hierarchical data provider. The data provider can be based on in-memory or back end data. For in-memory data, the [classname]#InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider# can be used, and for loading data from a back end, you need to implement three methods from the [interfacename]#HierarchicalDataProvider# interface. Usage of both data providers is described in
+[classname]#Tree# is used by binding it to a hierarchical data provider. The data provider can be based on in-memory or back end data. For in-memory data, the [classname]#TreeDataProvider# can be used, and for loading data from a back end, you need to implement three methods from the [interfacename]#HierarchicalDataProvider# interface. Usage of both data providers is described in
<<dummy/../../../framework/datamodel/datamodel-hierarchical.asciidoc#datamodel.hierarchical,"Hierarchical Data">>.
-The [classname]#HierarchyData# class can be used to build the hierarchical data structure,
-and it can then be passed on to [classname]#InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider#. It is simply a hierarchical
+The [classname]#TreeData# class can be used to build the hierarchical data structure,
+and it can then be passed on to [classname]#TreeDataProvider#. It is simply a hierarchical
collection, that the data provider uses to populate the [classname]#Tree#.
The [methodname]#setItems# method in [classname]#Tree# can be used to set the root level items. Internally
-an [classname]#InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider# with [classname]#HierarchyData# is used.
+an [classname]#TreeDataProvider# with [classname]#TreeData# is used.
[source, java]
// An initial planet tree
Tree<String> tree = new Tree<>();
-HierarchyData<String> hierarchyData = new HierarchyData<>();
+TreeData<String> treeData = new TreeData<>();
// Couple of childless root items
// Items with hierarchy
-hierarchyData.addItem("Earth","The Moon");
+treeData.addItem("Earth","The Moon");
-inMemoryDataProvider = new InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider<>(hierarchyData);
+inMemoryDataProvider = new TreeDataProvider<>(treeData);
tree.expand("Earth"); // Expand programmatically
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ the in-memory data in the tree, you may do it as follows:
[source, java]
// Add Mars with satellites
-hierarchyData.addItem(null, "Mars");
-hierarchyData.addItem("Mars", "Phobos");
-hierarchyData.addItem("Mars", "Deimos");
+treeData.addItem(null, "Mars");
+treeData.addItem("Mars", "Phobos");
+treeData.addItem("Mars", "Deimos");
@@ -208,4 +208,4 @@ You could thereby define the item styling as follows:
font-style: italic;
-//// \ No newline at end of file