path: root/documentation/themes/themes-compiling.asciidoc
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authorIlia Motornyi <>2015-12-03 14:59:05 +0000
committerVaadin Code Review <>2015-12-03 14:59:12 +0000
commit2af72ba9636bec70046394c41744f89ce4572e35 (patch)
treeccb3dc2d2239585f8c3f79eb5f131ff61ca9ce86 /documentation/themes/themes-compiling.asciidoc
parent8aa5fabe89f2967e966a64842a608eceaf80d08f (diff)
Revert "Merge branch 'documentation'"7.6.0.beta2
This reverts commit f6874bde3d945c8b2d1b5c17ab50e2d0f1f8ff00. Change-Id: I67ee1c30ba3e3bcc3c43a1dd2e73a822791514bf
Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/themes/themes-compiling.asciidoc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/themes/themes-compiling.asciidoc b/documentation/themes/themes-compiling.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c8501858a..0000000000
--- a/documentation/themes/themes-compiling.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-title: Compiling Sass Themes
-order: 4
-layout: page
-= Compiling Sass Themes
-Sass themes must be compiled to CSS understood by browsers. Compilation can be
-done with the Vaadin Sass Compiler, which you can run in Eclipse, Maven, or it
-can be run on-the-fly when the application is loaded in the browser. You can
-also use any other Sass compiler.
-== Compiling On the Fly
-The easiest way to use Sass themes during theme development is to let the Vaadin
-servlet compile them on the run. In this case, the SCSS source files are placed
-in the theme folder. Compilation is done each time the [filename]#styles.css# is
-requested from the server.
-The on-the-fly compilation takes a bit time, so it is only available when the
-Vaadin servlet is in the development mode, as described in
-Servlet Configuration Parameters">>. Also, it requires the theme compiler and
-all its dependencies to be in the class path of the servlet. At least for
-production, you must compile the theme to CSS, as described next.
-== Compiling in Eclipse
-If using Eclipse and the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse, its project wizard creates a
-Sass theme. It includes [menuchoice]#Compile Theme# command in the toolbar to
-compile the project theme to CSS. Another command compiles also the widget set.
-.Compiling Sass Theme
-The [filename]#WebContent/VAADIN/mytheme/styles.scss# and any Sass sources
-included by it are compiled to [filename]#styles.css#.
-== Compiling with Maven
-To compile the themes with Maven, you need to include the built-in themes as a
-[source, xml]
- ...
- <dependencies>
- ...
- <dependency>
- <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
- <artifactId>vaadin-themes</artifactId>
- <version>${vaadin.version}</version>
- </dependency>
- </dependencies>
- ...
-This is automatically included at least in the
-[literal]#++vaadin-archetype-application++# archetype for Vaadin applications.
-The actual theme compilation is most conveniently done by the Vaadin Maven
-Plugin with [literal]#++update-theme++# and [literal]#++compile-theme++# goals.
-[source, xml]
- ...
- <plugin>
- <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
- <artifactId>vaadin-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- ...
- <executions>
- <execution>
- ...
- <goals>
- <goal>clean</goal>
- <goal>resources</goal>
- <goal>update-theme</goal>
- <goal>update-widgetset</goal>
- <goal>compile-theme</goal>
- <goal>compile</goal>
- </goals>
- </execution>
- </executions>
-Once these are in place, the theme is compiled as part of relevant lifecycle
-phases, such as [literal]#++package++#.
-[command]#mvn# [parameter]#package#
-You can also compile just the theme with the [package]#compile-theme# goal:
-[command]#mvn# [parameter]#vaadin:compile-theme#
-== Compiling in Command-line
-You can compile Sass style sheets to CSS either with the Vaadin Sass compiler or
-the standard one. The [filename]#styles.css# of a custom theme should be the
-compilation target. When compiled before deployment, the source files do not
-need to be in the theme folder.
-You can run the Vaadin Sass compiler in a theme folder as follows:
-[command]#java# [parameter]#-cp# [replaceable]#'../../../WEB-INF/lib/*'# com.vaadin.sass.SassCompiler styles.scss styles.css
-The [parameter]#-cp# parameter should point to the class path where the Vaadin
-Sass Compiler and theme JARs are located. In the above example, they are assumed
-to be located in the [filename]#WEB-INF/lib# folder of the web application. If
-you have loaded the Vaadin libraries using Ivy, as is the case with projects
-created with the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse, the Vaadin libraries are stored in
-Ivy's local repository. Its folder hierarchy is somewhat scattered, so we
-recommend that you retrieve the libraries to a single folder. We recommend using
-an Ant script as is described next.
-== Compiling with Ant
-With Apache Ant, you can easily resolve the dependencies with Ivy and compile
-the theme with the Theme Compiler included in Vaadin as follows. This build step
-can be conveniently included in a WAR build script.
-Start with the following configuration:
-[source, xml]
-<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
- name="My Project" basedir="../"
- default="package-war">
- <target name="configure">
- <!-- Where project source files are located -->
- <property name="src-location" value="src" />
- ... other project build definitions ...
- <!-- Name of the theme -->
- <property name="theme" value="book-examples"/>
- <!-- Compilation result directory -->
- <property name="result" value="build/result"/>
- </target>
- <!-- Initialize build -->
- <target name="init" depends="configure">
- <!-- Construct and check classpath -->
- <path id="compile.classpath">
- <!-- Source code to be compiled -->
- <pathelement path="${src-location}" />
- <!-- Vaadin libraries and dependencies -->
- <fileset dir="${result}/lib">
- <include name="*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <mkdir dir="${result}"/>
- </target>
-You should first resolve all Vaadin libraries to a single directory, which you
-can use for deployment, but also for theme compilation.
- <target name="resolve" depends="init">
- <ivy:retrieve
- pattern="${result}/lib/[module]-[type]-[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
- </target>
-Then, you can compile the theme as follows:
- <!-- Compile theme -->
- <target name="compile-theme"
- depends="init, resolve">
- <delete dir="${result}/VAADIN/themes/${theme}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${result}/VAADIN/themes/${theme}"/>
- <java classname="com.vaadin.sass.SassCompiler"
- fork="true">
- <classpath>
- <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
- </classpath>
- <arg value="WebContent/VAADIN/themes/${theme}/styles.scss"/>
- <arg value="${result}/VAADIN/themes/${theme}/styles.css"/>
- </java>
- <!-- Copy theme resources -->
- <copy todir="${result}/VAADIN/themes/${theme}">
- <fileset dir="WebContent/VAADIN/themes/${theme}">
- <exclude name="**/*.scss"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>