path: root/documentation/themes/themes-css.asciidoc
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authorMarkus Koivisto <>2016-01-22 14:55:18 +0200
committerMarkus Koivisto <>2016-01-22 14:55:18 +0200
commit99d6de546c74f0eed230ea8253dda6b85109d2e7 (patch)
tree10fc21c557566fe3241e6e13499df18d80f8dcb2 /documentation/themes/themes-css.asciidoc
parent610736d9f373d4b37fd39ff8f90aabd13eab7926 (diff)
Add documentation to master branch
Change-Id: I2504bb10f1ae73ec0cbc08b7ba5a88925caa1674
Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/themes/themes-css.asciidoc')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/themes/themes-css.asciidoc b/documentation/themes/themes-css.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
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+title: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
+order: 2
+layout: page
+= Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
+((("CSS", "introduction", id="term.themes.css", range="startofrange")))
+Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is the basic technique to separate the appearance
+of a web page from the content represented in HTML. In this section, we give an
+introduction to CSS and look how they are relevant to software development with
+As we can only give a short intruction in this book, we encourage you to refer
+to the rich literature on CSS and the many resources available in the web. You
+can find the authoratitative specifications of CSS standards from the
+and other literature, references, and tutorials from the
+link:[Open Directory
+Project page on CSS], as well as from other
+== Applying CSS to HTML
+Let us consider the following HTML document that contains various markup
+elements for formatting text. Vaadin UIs work in essentially similar documents,
+even though they use somewhat different elements to draw the user interface.
+ &lt;head&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;My Page&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
+ href="mystylesheet.css"/&gt;
+ &lt;/head&gt;
+ &lt;body&gt;
+ **&lt;p&gt;**This is a paragraph**&lt;/p&gt;**
+ **&lt;p&gt;**This is another paragraph**&lt;/p&gt;**
+ &lt;table&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+ **&lt;td&gt;**This is a table cell**&lt;/td&gt;**
+ **&lt;td&gt;**This is another table cell**&lt;/td&gt;**
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+The HTML elements that will be styled later by matching CSS rules are emphasized
+The [literal]#++<link>++# element in the HTML header defines the used CSS
+stylesheet. The definition is automatically generated by Vaadin in the HTML page
+that loads the UI of the application. A stylesheet can also be embedded in the
+HTML document itself, as is done when optimizing their loading in Vaadin
+TouchKit, for example.
+== Basic CSS Rules
+A stylesheet contains a set of __rules__ that can match the HTML elements in the
+page. Each rule consists of one or more __selectors__, separated with commas,
+and a __declaration block__ enclosed in curly braces. A declaration block
+contains a list of __property__ statements. Each property has a label and a
+value, separated with a colon. A property statement ends with a semicolon.
+Let us look at an example that matches certain elements in the simple HTML
+document given in the previous section:
+[source, css]
+p, td {
+ color: blue;
+td {
+ background: yellow;
+ font-weight: bold;
+The [literal]#++p++# and [literal]#++td++# are element type selectors that match
+with [literal]#++<p>++# and [literal]#++<td>++# elements in HTML, respectively.
+The first rule matches with both elements, while the second matches only with
+[literal]#++<td>++# elements. Let us assume that you have saved the above style
+sheet with the name [filename]#mystylesheet.css# and consider the following HTML
+file located in the same folder.
+.Simple Styling by Element Type
+=== Style Inheritance in CSS
+CSS has __inheritance__ where contained elements inherit the properties of their
+parent elements. For example, let us change the above example and define it
+instead as follows:
+[source, css]
+table {
+ color: blue;
+ background: yellow;
+All elements contained in the [literal]#++<table>++# element would have the same
+properties. For example, the text in the contained [literal]#++<td>++# elements
+would be in blue color.
+=== HTML Element Types
+HTML has a number of element types, each of which accepts a specific set of
+properties. The [literal]#++<div>++# elements are generic elements that can be
+used to create almost any layout and formatting that can be created with a
+specific HTML element type. Vaadin uses [literal]#++<div>++# elements
+extensively to draw the UI, especially in layout components.
+((("Google Web Toolkit",
+Matching elements by their type as shown above is, however, rarely if ever used
+in style sheets for Vaadin applications. We used it above, because it is the
+normal way in regular HTML documents that use the various HTML elements for
+formatting text, but it is not applicable in Vaadin UIs that consist mostly of
+[literal]#++<div>++# elements. Instead, you need to match by element class, as
+described next.
+== Matching by Element Class
+Matching HTML elements by the __class__ attribute is the most common form of
+matching in Vaadin stylesheets. It is also possible to match with the
+__identifier__ of a unique HTML element.
+The class of an HTML element is defined with the [parameter]#class# attribute as
+ &lt;body&gt;
+ **&lt;p class="normal"&gt;**This is the first paragraph**&lt;/p&gt;**
+ **&lt;p class="another"&gt;**This is the second paragraph**&lt;/p&gt;**
+ &lt;table&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+ **&lt;td class="normal"&gt;**This is a table cell**&lt;/td&gt;**
+ **&lt;td class="another"&gt;**This is another table cell**&lt;/td&gt;**
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+The class attributes of HTML elements can be matched in CSS rules with a
+selector notation where the class name is written after a period following the
+element name. This gives us full control of matching elements by their type and
+[source, css]
+p.normal {color: red;}
+p.another {color: blue;}
+td.normal {background: pink;}
+td.another {background: yellow;}
+The page would look as shown below:
+.Matching HTML Element Type and Class
+We can also match solely by the class by using the universal selector
+[literal]#++*++# for the element name, for example [literal]#++*.normal++#. The
+universal selector can also be left out altogether so that we use just the class
+name following the period, for example [literal]#++.normal++#.
+[source, css]
+.normal {
+ color: red;
+.another {
+ blackground: yellow;
+In this case, the rule will match with all elements of the same class regardless
+of the element type. The result is shown in <<figure.themes.match.class>>. This
+example illustrates a technique to make style sheets compatible regardless of
+the exact HTML element used in drawing a component.
+.Matching Only HTML Element Class
+To ensure future compatibility, we recommend that you use only matching based on
+the classes and __do not__ match for specific HTML element types in CSS rules,
+because Vaadin may change the exact HTML implementation how components are drawn
+in the future. For example, Vaadin earlier used [literal]#++<div>++# element to
+draw [classname]#Button# components, but later it was changed to use the
+special-purpose [literal]#++<button>++# element in HTML. Because of using the
+[literal]#++v-button++# style class in the CSS rules for the button, styling it
+has changed only very little.
+== Matching by Descendant Relationship
+CSS allows matching HTML by their containment relationship. For example,
+consider the following HTML fragment:
+ &lt;p class="mytext"&gt;Here is some text inside a
+ paragraph element&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;table class="**mytable**"&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+ &lt;td class="**mytext**"&gt;Here is text inside
+ a table and inside a td element.&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+Matching by the class name [literal]#++.mytext++# alone would match both the
+[literal]#++<p>++# and [literal]#++<td>++# elements. If we want to match only
+the table cell, we could use the following selector:
+[source, css]
+.mytable .mytext {color: blue;}
+To match, a class listed in a rule does not have to be an immediate descendant
+of the previous class, but just a descendant. For example, the selector "
+[literal]#++.v-panel .v-button++#" would match all elements with class
+[literal]#++.v-button++# somewhere inside an element with class
+== Importance of Cascading
+CSS or Cascading Stylesheets are, as the name implies, about __cascading__
+stylesheets, which means applying the stylesheet rules according to their
+origin, importance, scope, specifity, and order.
+For exact rules for cascading in CSS, see the section
+link:[Cascading] in the CSS
+=== Importance
+Declarations in CSS rules can be made override declarations with otherwise
+higher priority by annotating them as [literal]#++!important++#. For example, an
+inline style setting made in the [literal]#++style++# attribute of an HTML
+element has a higher specificity than any rule in a CSS stylesheet.
+[source, css]
+<div class="v-button" style="height: 20px;">...
+You can override the higher specificity with the [literal]#++!important++#
+annotation as follows:
+[source, css]
+.v-button {height: 30px !important;}
+=== Specificity
+A rule that specifies an element with selectors more closely overrides ones that
+specify it less specifically. With respect to the element class selectors most
+commonly used in Vaadin themes, the specificity is determined by the number of
+class selectors in the selector.
+[source, css]
+.v-button {}
+.v-verticallayout .v-button {}
+.v-app .v-verticallayout .v-button {}
+In the above example, the last rule would have the highest specificity and would
+As noted earlier, style declarations given in the style attribute of a HTML
+element have higher specificity than declarations in a CSS rule, except if the
+[literal]#++!important++# annotation is given.
+See the CSS3 link:[selectors module
+specification] for details regarding how the specificity is computed.
+=== Order
+CSS rules given later have higher priority than ones given earlier. For example,
+in the following, the latter rule overrides the former and the color will be
+[source, css]
+.v-button {color: white}
+.v-button {color: black}
+As specificity has a higher cascading priority than order, you could make the
+first rule have higher priority by adding specificity as follows:
+[source, css]
+.v-app .v-button {color: white}
+.v-button {color: black}
+The order is important to notice in certain cases, because Vaadin does not
+guarantee the order in which CSS stylesheets are loaded in the browser, which
+can in fact be random and result in very unexpected behavior. This is not
+relevant for Sass stylesheets, which are compiled to a single stylesheet. For
+plain CSS stylesheets, such as add-on or TouchKit stylesheets, the order can be
+== Style Class Hierarchy of a Vaadin UI
+Let us give a real case in a Vaadin UI by considering a simple Vaadin UI with a
+label and a button inside a vertical layout:
+[source, java]
+// UI has v-ui style class
+public class HelloWorld extends UI {
+ @Override
+ protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
+ // VerticalLayout has v-verticallayout style
+ VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout();
+ setContent(content);
+ // Label has v-label style
+ content.addComponent(new Label("Hello World!"));
+ // Button has v-button style
+ content.addComponent(new Button("Push Me!",
+ new Button.ClickListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+The UI will look by default as shown in <<figure.themes.css.hierarchy.initial>>.
+By using a HTML inspector such as Firebug, you can view the HTML tree and the
+element classes and applied styles for each element.
+.An Unthemed Vaadin UI
+Now, let us look at the HTML element class structure of the UI, as we can see it
+in the HTML inspector:
+&lt;body class="**v-generated-body v-ff v-ff20 v-ff200 v-gecko v-lin**"
+ scroll="auto"&gt;
+ &lt;div id="bookexamplesvaadin7helloworld-447164942"
+ class="**v-app mytheme**"&gt;
+ &lt;div class="**v-ui v-scrollable**"
+ tabindex="1" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"&gt;
+ &lt;div class="**v-loading-indicator first**"
+ style="position: absolute; display: none;"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;div class="**v-verticallayout v-layout v-vertical v-widget v-has-width**"
+ style="width: 100%;"&gt;
+ &lt;div class="**v-slot**"&gt;
+ &lt;div class="**v-label v-widget v-has-width**"
+ style="width: 100%;"&gt;Hello World!&lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;div class="**v-slot**"&gt;
+ &lt;div class="**v-button v-widget**"
+ tabindex="0" role="button"&gt;
+ &lt;span class="**v-button-wrap**"&gt;
+ &lt;span class="**v-button-caption**"&gt;Push Me!&lt;/span&gt;
+ &lt;/span&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ ...
+Now, consider the following theme where we set the colors and margins of various
+elements. The theme is actually a Sass theme.
+[source, css]
+@import "../valo/valo.scss";
+@mixin mytheme {
+ @include valo;
+ /* White background for the entire UI */
+ .v-ui {
+ background: white;
+ }
+ /* All labels have white text on black background */
+ .v-label {
+ background: black;
+ color: white;
+ font-size: 24pt;
+ line-height: 24pt;
+ padding: 5px;
+ }
+ /* All buttons have blue caption and some margin */
+ .v-button {
+ margin: 10px;
+ /* A nested selector to increase specificity */
+ .v-button-caption {
+ color: blue;
+ }
+ }
+The look has changed as shown in <<figure.themes.css.hierarchy.themed>>.
+.Themed Vaadin UI
+An element can have multiple classes separated with a space. With multiple
+classes, a CSS rule matches an element if any of the classes match. This feature
+is used in many Vaadin components to allow matching based on the state of the
+component. For example, when the mouse is over a [classname]#Link# component,
+[literal]#++over++# class is added to the component. Most of such styling is a
+feature of Google Web Toolkit.
+== Notes on Compatibility
+((("CSS", "compatibility")))
+CSS is a standard continuously under development. It was first proposed in 1994.
+The specification of CSS is maintained by the CSS Working Group of World Wide
+Web Consortium (W3C). Versioned with backward-compatible "levels", CSS Level 1
+was published in 1996, Level 2 in 1998, and the ongoing development of CSS Level
+3 started in 1998. CSS3 is divided into a number of separate modules, each
+developed and progressing separately, and many of the modules are already Level
+While the support for CSS has been universal in all graphical web browsers since
+at least 1995, the support has been very incomplete at times and there still
+exists an unfortunate number of incompatibilities between browsers. While we
+have tried to take these incompatibilities into account in the built-in themes
+in Vaadin, you need to consider them while developing your own themes.
+Compatibility issues are detailed in various CSS handbooks.
+(((range="endofrange", startref="term.themes.css")))