path: root/src/com
diff options
authorArtur Signell <artur@vaadin.com>2012-06-28 22:07:53 +0300
committerArtur Signell <artur@vaadin.com>2012-06-28 22:25:27 +0300
commit71341fe761e67d6525265ed9407eb2d2adb1781f (patch)
tree340d676326b75a3cac7fc056325b0b479129917a /src/com
parent0419835823ab554694cb3cf98e22cb7843c7aab1 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/SuperDevMode.java b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/SuperDevMode.java
index 77a82c9aaf..e94aea4ae1 100644
--- a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/SuperDevMode.java
+++ b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/SuperDevMode.java
@@ -1,247 +1,247 @@
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client;
-import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
-import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
-import com.google.gwt.http.client.UrlBuilder;
-import com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequestBuilder;
-import com.google.gwt.storage.client.Storage;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.Location;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.notification.VNotification;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.notification.VNotification.EventListener;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.notification.VNotification.HideEvent;
- * Class that enables SuperDevMode using a ?superdevmode parameter in the url.
- *
- * @author Vaadin Ltd
- * @version @VERSION@
- * @since 7.0
- *
- */
-public class SuperDevMode {
- private static final int COMPILE_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = 60;
- protected static final String SKIP_RECOMPILE = "VaadinSuperDevMode_skip_recompile";
- public static class RecompileResult extends JavaScriptObject {
- protected RecompileResult() {
- }
- public final native boolean ok()
- /*-{
- return this.status == "ok";
- }-*/;
- }
- private static void recompileWidgetsetAndStartInDevMode(
- final String serverUrl) {
- VConsole.log("Recompiling widgetset using<br/>" + serverUrl
- + "<br/>and then reloading in super dev mode");
- VNotification n = new VNotification();
- n.show("<b>Recompiling widgetset, this should not take too long</b>",
- VNotification.CENTERED, VNotification.STYLE_SYSTEM);
- JsonpRequestBuilder b = new JsonpRequestBuilder();
- b.setCallbackParam("_callback");
- b.setTimeout(COMPILE_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS * 1000);
- b.requestObject(serverUrl + "recompile/" + GWT.getModuleName() + "?"
- + getRecompileParameters(GWT.getModuleName()),
- new AsyncCallback<RecompileResult>() {
- public void onSuccess(RecompileResult result) {
- VConsole.log("JSONP compile call successful");
- if (!result.ok()) {
- VConsole.log("* result: " + result);
- failed();
- return;
- }
- setSession(
- getSuperDevModeHookKey(),
- getSuperDevWidgetSetUrl(GWT.getModuleName(),
- serverUrl));
- setSession(SKIP_RECOMPILE, "1");
- VConsole.log("* result: OK. Reloading");
- Location.reload();
- }
- public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
- VConsole.error("JSONP compile call failed");
- // Don't log exception as they are shown as
- // notifications
- VConsole.error(Util.getSimpleName(caught) + ": "
- + caught.getMessage());
- failed();
- }
- private void failed() {
- VNotification n = new VNotification();
- n.addEventListener(new EventListener() {
- public void notificationHidden(HideEvent event) {
- recompileWidgetsetAndStartInDevMode(serverUrl);
- }
- });
- n.show("Recompilation failed.<br/>"
- + "Make sure CodeServer is running, "
- + "check its output and click to retry",
- VNotification.CENTERED,
- VNotification.STYLE_SYSTEM);
- }
- });
- }
- protected static String getSuperDevWidgetSetUrl(String widgetsetName,
- String serverUrl) {
- return serverUrl + GWT.getModuleName() + "/" + GWT.getModuleName()
- + ".nocache.js";
- }
- private native static String getRecompileParameters(String moduleName)
- /*-{
- var prop_map = $wnd.__gwt_activeModules[moduleName].bindings();
- // convert map to URL parameter string
- var props = [];
- for (var key in prop_map) {
- props.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(prop_map[key]))
- }
- return props.join('&') + '&';
- }-*/;
- private static void setSession(String key, String value) {
- Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported().setItem(key, value);
- }
- private static String getSession(String key) {
- return Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported().getItem(key);
- }
- private static void removeSession(String key) {
- Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported().removeItem(key);
- }
- protected static void disableDevModeAndReload() {
- removeSession(getSuperDevModeHookKey());
- redirect(false);
- }
- protected static void redirect(boolean devModeOn) {
- UrlBuilder createUrlBuilder = Location.createUrlBuilder();
- if (!devModeOn) {
- createUrlBuilder.removeParameter("superdevmode");
- } else {
- createUrlBuilder.setParameter("superdevmode", "");
- }
- Location.assign(createUrlBuilder.buildString());
- }
- private static String getSuperDevModeHookKey() {
- String widgetsetName = GWT.getModuleName();
- final String superDevModeKey = "__gwtDevModeHook:" + widgetsetName;
- return superDevModeKey;
- }
- private static boolean hasSession(String key) {
- return getSession(key) != null;
- }
- /**
- * The URL of the code server. The default URL (http://localhost:9876/) will
- * be used if this is empty or null.
- *
- * @param serverUrl
- * The url of the code server or null to use the default
- * @return true if recompile started, false if we are running in
- * SuperDevMode
- */
- protected static boolean recompileIfNeeded(String serverUrl) {
- if (serverUrl == null || "".equals(serverUrl)) {
- serverUrl = "http://localhost:9876/";
- } else {
- serverUrl = "http://" + serverUrl + "/";
- }
- if (hasSession(SKIP_RECOMPILE)) {
- VConsole.log("Running in SuperDevMode");
- // When we get here, we are running in super dev mode
- // Remove the flag so next reload will recompile
- removeSession(SKIP_RECOMPILE);
- // Remove the gwt flag so we will not end up in dev mode if we
- // remove the url parameter manually
- removeSession(getSuperDevModeHookKey());
- return false;
- }
- recompileWidgetsetAndStartInDevMode(serverUrl);
- return true;
- }
- protected static boolean isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule() {
- String moduleName = GWT.getModuleName();
- return isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule(moduleName);
- }
- protected native static boolean isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule(
- String moduleName)
- /*-{
- if (!$wnd.__gwt_activeModules)
- return false;
- var mod = $wnd.__gwt_activeModules[moduleName];
- if (!mod)
- return false;
- if (mod.superdevmode) {
- // Running in super dev mode already, it is supported
- return true;
- }
- return mod.canRedirect;
- }-*/;
- /**
- * Enables SuperDevMode if the url contains the "superdevmode" parameter.
- * <p>
- * The caller should not continue initialization of the application if this
- * method returns true. The application will be restarted once compilation
- * is done and then this method will return false.
- * </p>
- *
- * @return true if a recompile operation has started and the page will be
- * reloaded once it is done, false if no recompilation will be done.
- */
- public static boolean enableBasedOnParameter() {
- String superDevModeParameter = Location.getParameter("superdevmode");
- if (superDevModeParameter != null) {
- // Need to check the recompile flag also because if we are running
- // in super dev mode, as a result of the recompile, the enabled
- // check will fail...
- if (!isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule()) {
- showError("SuperDevMode is not enabled for this module/widgetset.<br/>"
- + "Ensure that your module definition (.gwt.xml) contains <br/>"
- + "&lt;add-linker name=&quot;xsiframe&quot;/&gt;<br/>"
- + "&lt;set-configuration-property name=&quot;devModeRedirectEnabled&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; /&gt;<br/>");
- return false;
- }
- return SuperDevMode.recompileIfNeeded(superDevModeParameter);
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static void showError(String message) {
- VNotification n = new VNotification();
- n.show(message, VNotification.CENTERED_TOP, VNotification.STYLE_SYSTEM);
- }
+package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client;
+import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
+import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
+import com.google.gwt.http.client.UrlBuilder;
+import com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequestBuilder;
+import com.google.gwt.storage.client.Storage;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.Location;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
+import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.notification.VNotification;
+import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.notification.VNotification.EventListener;
+import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.notification.VNotification.HideEvent;
+ * Class that enables SuperDevMode using a ?superdevmode parameter in the url.
+ *
+ * @author Vaadin Ltd
+ * @version @VERSION@
+ * @since 7.0
+ *
+ */
+public class SuperDevMode {
+ private static final int COMPILE_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = 60;
+ protected static final String SKIP_RECOMPILE = "VaadinSuperDevMode_skip_recompile";
+ public static class RecompileResult extends JavaScriptObject {
+ protected RecompileResult() {
+ }
+ public final native boolean ok()
+ /*-{
+ return this.status == "ok";
+ }-*/;
+ }
+ private static void recompileWidgetsetAndStartInDevMode(
+ final String serverUrl) {
+ VConsole.log("Recompiling widgetset using<br/>" + serverUrl
+ + "<br/>and then reloading in super dev mode");
+ VNotification n = new VNotification();
+ n.show("<b>Recompiling widgetset, this should not take too long</b>",
+ VNotification.CENTERED, VNotification.STYLE_SYSTEM);
+ JsonpRequestBuilder b = new JsonpRequestBuilder();
+ b.setCallbackParam("_callback");
+ b.setTimeout(COMPILE_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS * 1000);
+ b.requestObject(serverUrl + "recompile/" + GWT.getModuleName() + "?"
+ + getRecompileParameters(GWT.getModuleName()),
+ new AsyncCallback<RecompileResult>() {
+ public void onSuccess(RecompileResult result) {
+ VConsole.log("JSONP compile call successful");
+ if (!result.ok()) {
+ VConsole.log("* result: " + result);
+ failed();
+ return;
+ }
+ setSession(
+ getSuperDevModeHookKey(),
+ getSuperDevWidgetSetUrl(GWT.getModuleName(),
+ serverUrl));
+ setSession(SKIP_RECOMPILE, "1");
+ VConsole.log("* result: OK. Reloading");
+ Location.reload();
+ }
+ public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
+ VConsole.error("JSONP compile call failed");
+ // Don't log exception as they are shown as
+ // notifications
+ VConsole.error(Util.getSimpleName(caught) + ": "
+ + caught.getMessage());
+ failed();
+ }
+ private void failed() {
+ VNotification n = new VNotification();
+ n.addEventListener(new EventListener() {
+ public void notificationHidden(HideEvent event) {
+ recompileWidgetsetAndStartInDevMode(serverUrl);
+ }
+ });
+ n.show("Recompilation failed.<br/>"
+ + "Make sure CodeServer is running, "
+ + "check its output and click to retry",
+ VNotification.CENTERED,
+ VNotification.STYLE_SYSTEM);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ protected static String getSuperDevWidgetSetUrl(String widgetsetName,
+ String serverUrl) {
+ return serverUrl + GWT.getModuleName() + "/" + GWT.getModuleName()
+ + ".nocache.js";
+ }
+ private native static String getRecompileParameters(String moduleName)
+ /*-{
+ var prop_map = $wnd.__gwt_activeModules[moduleName].bindings();
+ // convert map to URL parameter string
+ var props = [];
+ for (var key in prop_map) {
+ props.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(prop_map[key]))
+ }
+ return props.join('&') + '&';
+ }-*/;
+ private static void setSession(String key, String value) {
+ Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported().setItem(key, value);
+ }
+ private static String getSession(String key) {
+ return Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported().getItem(key);
+ }
+ private static void removeSession(String key) {
+ Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported().removeItem(key);
+ }
+ protected static void disableDevModeAndReload() {
+ removeSession(getSuperDevModeHookKey());
+ redirect(false);
+ }
+ protected static void redirect(boolean devModeOn) {
+ UrlBuilder createUrlBuilder = Location.createUrlBuilder();
+ if (!devModeOn) {
+ createUrlBuilder.removeParameter("superdevmode");
+ } else {
+ createUrlBuilder.setParameter("superdevmode", "");
+ }
+ Location.assign(createUrlBuilder.buildString());
+ }
+ private static String getSuperDevModeHookKey() {
+ String widgetsetName = GWT.getModuleName();
+ final String superDevModeKey = "__gwtDevModeHook:" + widgetsetName;
+ return superDevModeKey;
+ }
+ private static boolean hasSession(String key) {
+ return getSession(key) != null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The URL of the code server. The default URL (http://localhost:9876/) will
+ * be used if this is empty or null.
+ *
+ * @param serverUrl
+ * The url of the code server or null to use the default
+ * @return true if recompile started, false if we are running in
+ * SuperDevMode
+ */
+ protected static boolean recompileIfNeeded(String serverUrl) {
+ if (serverUrl == null || "".equals(serverUrl)) {
+ serverUrl = "http://localhost:9876/";
+ } else {
+ serverUrl = "http://" + serverUrl + "/";
+ }
+ if (hasSession(SKIP_RECOMPILE)) {
+ VConsole.log("Running in SuperDevMode");
+ // When we get here, we are running in super dev mode
+ // Remove the flag so next reload will recompile
+ removeSession(SKIP_RECOMPILE);
+ // Remove the gwt flag so we will not end up in dev mode if we
+ // remove the url parameter manually
+ removeSession(getSuperDevModeHookKey());
+ return false;
+ }
+ recompileWidgetsetAndStartInDevMode(serverUrl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected static boolean isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule() {
+ String moduleName = GWT.getModuleName();
+ return isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule(moduleName);
+ }
+ protected native static boolean isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule(
+ String moduleName)
+ /*-{
+ if (!$wnd.__gwt_activeModules)
+ return false;
+ var mod = $wnd.__gwt_activeModules[moduleName];
+ if (!mod)
+ return false;
+ if (mod.superdevmode) {
+ // Running in super dev mode already, it is supported
+ return true;
+ }
+ return mod.canRedirect;
+ }-*/;
+ /**
+ * Enables SuperDevMode if the url contains the "superdevmode" parameter.
+ * <p>
+ * The caller should not continue initialization of the application if this
+ * method returns true. The application will be restarted once compilation
+ * is done and then this method will return false.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @return true if a recompile operation has started and the page will be
+ * reloaded once it is done, false if no recompilation will be done.
+ */
+ public static boolean enableBasedOnParameter() {
+ String superDevModeParameter = Location.getParameter("superdevmode");
+ if (superDevModeParameter != null) {
+ // Need to check the recompile flag also because if we are running
+ // in super dev mode, as a result of the recompile, the enabled
+ // check will fail...
+ if (!isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule()) {
+ showError("SuperDevMode is not enabled for this module/widgetset.<br/>"
+ + "Ensure that your module definition (.gwt.xml) contains <br/>"
+ + "&lt;add-linker name=&quot;xsiframe&quot;/&gt;<br/>"
+ + "&lt;set-configuration-property name=&quot;devModeRedirectEnabled&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; /&gt;<br/>");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return SuperDevMode.recompileIfNeeded(superDevModeParameter);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static void showError(String message) {
+ VNotification n = new VNotification();
+ n.show(message, VNotification.CENTERED_TOP, VNotification.STYLE_SYSTEM);
+ }