path: root/src
diff options
authorJouni Koivuviita <>2012-08-17 13:45:01 +0300
committerJouni Koivuviita <>2012-08-17 13:45:01 +0300
commitc8c30ee316a3e4647535adb23bd02924efe6e23e (patch)
treedadf0a7ecc2dc47e5a538f602d12756b903b6da6 /src
parent5c5a1ce24031f6dbb82bbc76fb24d5363aff38cc (diff)
Untrack removed boxlayout files
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1389 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/ b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0934c1c478..0000000000
--- a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.vaadin.shared.AbstractFieldState;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.AlignmentInfo;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.LayoutClickRpc;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.VMarginInfo;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.orderedlayout.AbstractOrderedLayoutServerRpc;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.orderedlayout.AbstractOrderedLayoutState;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ComponentConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Util;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.RpcProxy;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.StateChangeEvent;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.communication.StateChangeEvent.StateChangeHandler;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VBoxLayout.CaptionPosition;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VBoxLayout.Slot;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.layout.ElementResizeEvent;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.layout.ElementResizeListener;
-public abstract class AbstractBoxLayoutConnector extends
- AbstractLayoutConnector /* implements PostLayoutListener */{
- AbstractOrderedLayoutServerRpc rpc;
- private LayoutClickEventHandler clickEventHandler = new LayoutClickEventHandler(
- this) {
- @Override
- protected ComponentConnector getChildComponent(Element element) {
- return Util.getConnectorForElement(getConnection(), getWidget(),
- element);
- }
- @Override
- protected LayoutClickRpc getLayoutClickRPC() {
- return rpc;
- };
- };
- @Override
- public void init() {
- super.init();
- rpc = RpcProxy.create(AbstractOrderedLayoutServerRpc.class, this);
- getWidget().setLayoutManager(getLayoutManager());
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractOrderedLayoutState getState() {
- return (AbstractOrderedLayoutState) super.getState();
- }
- @Override
- public VBoxLayout getWidget() {
- return (VBoxLayout) super.getWidget();
- }
- /**
- * For bookkeeping. Used to determine if extra calculations are needed for
- * horizontal layout.
- */
- private HashSet<ComponentConnector> hasVerticalAlignment = new HashSet<ComponentConnector>();
- /**
- * For bookkeeping. Used to determine if extra calculations are needed for
- * horizontal layout.
- */
- private HashSet<ComponentConnector> hasRelativeHeight = new HashSet<ComponentConnector>();
- /**
- * For bookkeeping. Used to determine if extra calculations are needed for
- * horizontal layout.
- */
- private HashSet<ComponentConnector> hasExpandRatio = new HashSet<ComponentConnector>();
- /**
- * For bookkeeping. Used in extra calculations for horizontal layout.
- */
- private HashSet<Element> needsMeasure = new HashSet<Element>();
- /**
- * For bookkeeping. Used in extra calculations for horizontal layout.
- */
- // private HashMap<Element, Integer> childElementHeight = new
- // HashMap<Element, Integer>();
- /**
- * For bookkeeping. Used in extra calculations for horizontal layout.
- */
- private HashMap<Element, Integer> childCaptionElementHeight = new HashMap<Element, Integer>();
- public void updateCaption(ComponentConnector child) {
- Slot slot = getWidget().getSlot(child);
- String caption = child.getState().getCaption();
- String iconUrl = child.getState().getIcon() != null ? child.getState()
- .getIcon().getURL() : null;
- List<String> styles = child.getState().getStyles();
- String error = child.getState().getErrorMessage();
- boolean showError = error != null;
- if (child.getState() instanceof AbstractFieldState) {
- AbstractFieldState abstractFieldState = (AbstractFieldState) child
- .getState();
- showError = showError && !abstractFieldState.isHideErrors();
- }
- boolean required = false;
- if (child instanceof AbstractFieldConnector) {
- required = ((AbstractFieldConnector) child).isRequired();
- }
- boolean enabled = child.getState().isEnabled();
- slot.setCaption(caption, iconUrl, styles, error, showError, required,
- enabled);
- slot.setRelativeWidth(child.isRelativeWidth());
- slot.setRelativeHeight(child.isRelativeHeight());
- if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- CaptionPosition pos = slot.getCaptionPosition();
- getLayoutManager().addElementResizeListener(
- slot.getCaptionElement(), slotCaptionResizeListener);
- if (child.isRelativeHeight()
- && (pos == CaptionPosition.TOP || pos == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM)) {
- getWidget().updateCaptionOffset(slot.getCaptionElement());
- } else if (child.isRelativeWidth()
- && (pos == CaptionPosition.LEFT || pos == CaptionPosition.RIGHT)) {
- getWidget().updateCaptionOffset(slot.getCaptionElement());
- }
- } else {
- childCaptionElementHeight.remove(child.getWidget().getElement());
- }
- updateLayoutHeight();
- if (needsExpand()) {
- updateExpand();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onConnectorHierarchyChange(ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent event) {
- super.onConnectorHierarchyChange(event);
- List<ComponentConnector> previousChildren = event.getOldChildren();
- int currentIndex = 0;
- VBoxLayout layout = getWidget();
- for (ComponentConnector child : getChildComponents()) {
- Slot slot = layout.getSlot(child);
- if (slot.getParent() != layout) {
- child.addStateChangeHandler(childStateChangeHandler);
- }
- layout.addOrMoveSlot(slot, currentIndex++);
- }
- for (ComponentConnector child : previousChildren) {
- if (child.getParent() != this) {
- Slot slot = layout.getSlot(child);
- hasVerticalAlignment.remove(child);
- hasRelativeHeight.remove(child);
- hasExpandRatio.remove(child);
- needsMeasure.remove(child.getWidget().getElement());
- // childElementHeight.remove(child.getWidget().getElement());
- childCaptionElementHeight
- .remove(child.getWidget().getElement());
- getLayoutManager().removeElementResizeListener(
- child.getWidget().getElement(),
- childComponentResizeListener);
- if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- getLayoutManager()
- .removeElementResizeListener(
- slot.getCaptionElement(),
- slotCaptionResizeListener);
- }
- if (slot.getSpacingElement() != null) {
- getLayoutManager().removeElementResizeListener(
- slot.getSpacingElement(), spacingResizeListener);
- }
- child.removeStateChangeHandler(childStateChangeHandler);
- layout.removeSlot(child.getWidget());
- }
- }
- // If some component is added/removed, we need to recalculate the expand
- if (needsExpand()) {
- updateExpand();
- } else {
- getWidget().clearExpand();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onStateChanged(StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent) {
- super.onStateChanged(stateChangeEvent);
- clickEventHandler.handleEventHandlerRegistration();
- getWidget().setMargin(new VMarginInfo(getState().getMarginsBitmask()));
- getWidget().setSpacing(getState().isSpacing());
- hasExpandRatio.clear();
- hasVerticalAlignment.clear();
- hasRelativeHeight.clear();
- needsMeasure.clear();
- boolean equalExpandRatio = getWidget().vertical ? !isUndefinedHeight()
- : !isUndefinedWidth();
- for (ComponentConnector child : getChildComponents()) {
- double expandRatio = getState().getChildData().get(child)
- .getExpandRatio();
- if (expandRatio > 0) {
- equalExpandRatio = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (ComponentConnector child : getChildComponents()) {
- Slot slot = getWidget().getSlot(child);
- AlignmentInfo alignment = new AlignmentInfo(getState()
- .getChildData().get(child).getAlignmentBitmask());
- slot.setAlignment(alignment);
- double expandRatio = getState().getChildData().get(child)
- .getExpandRatio();
- if (equalExpandRatio) {
- expandRatio = 1;
- } else if (expandRatio == 0) {
- expandRatio = -1;
- }
- slot.setExpandRatio(expandRatio);
- // Bookkeeping to identify special cases that need extra
- // calculations
- if (alignment.isVerticalCenter() || alignment.isBottom()) {
- hasVerticalAlignment.add(child);
- }
- if (expandRatio > 0) {
- hasExpandRatio.add(child);
- }
- // if (child.getState().isRelativeHeight()) {
- // hasRelativeHeight.add(child);
- // } else {
- // needsMeasure.add(child.getWidget().getElement());
- // }
- }
- updateAllSlotListeners();
- updateLayoutHeight();
- }
- StateChangeHandler childStateChangeHandler = new StateChangeHandler() {
- public void onStateChanged(StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent) {
- ComponentConnector child = (ComponentConnector) stateChangeEvent
- .getConnector();
- // We need to update the slot size if the component size is changed
- // to relative
- Slot slot = getWidget().getSlot(child);
- slot.setRelativeWidth(child.isRelativeWidth());
- slot.setRelativeHeight(child.isRelativeHeight());
- // For relative sized widgets, we need to set the caption offset
- // if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- // CaptionPosition pos = slot.getCaptionPosition();
- // if (child.isRelativeHeight()
- // && (pos == CaptionPosition.TOP || pos == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM))
- // {
- // getWidget().updateCaptionOffset(slot.getCaptionElement());
- // } else if (child.isRelativeWidth()
- // && (pos == CaptionPosition.LEFT || pos == CaptionPosition.RIGHT))
- // {
- // getWidget().updateCaptionOffset(slot.getCaptionElement());
- // }
- // }
- updateSlotListeners(child);
- // updateAllSlotListeners();
- updateLayoutHeight();
- }
- };
- private boolean needsFixedHeight() {
- if (!getWidget().vertical
- && isUndefinedHeight()
- && (hasRelativeHeight.size() > 0 || (hasVerticalAlignment
- .size() > 0 && hasVerticalAlignment.size() < getChildren()
- .size()))) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private boolean needsExpand() {
- boolean canApplyExpand = (getWidget().vertical && !isUndefinedHeight())
- || (!getWidget().vertical && !isUndefinedWidth());
- return hasExpandRatio.size() > 0 && canApplyExpand;
- }
- private void updateAllSlotListeners() {
- for (ComponentConnector child : getChildComponents()) {
- updateSlotListeners(child);
- }
- // if (needsFixedHeight()) {
- // getWidget().clearHeight();
- // setLayoutHeightListener(true);
- // getLayoutManager().setNeedsMeasure(AbstractBoxLayoutConnector.this);
- // } else {
- // setLayoutHeightListener(false);
- // }
- }
- /**
- * Add/remove necessary ElementResizeListeners for one slot. This should be
- * called after each update to the slot's or it's widget.
- */
- private void updateSlotListeners(ComponentConnector child) {
- Slot slot = getWidget().getSlot(child);
- // Clear all possible listeners first
- dontListen(slot.getWidget().getElement(), childComponentResizeListener);
- if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- dontListen(slot.getCaptionElement(), slotCaptionResizeListener);
- }
- if (slot.hasSpacing()) {
- dontListen(slot.getSpacingElement(), spacingResizeListener);
- }
- // Add all necessary listeners
- if (needsFixedHeight()) {
- listen(slot.getWidget().getElement(), childComponentResizeListener);
- if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- listen(slot.getCaptionElement(), slotCaptionResizeListener);
- }
- } else if ((child.isRelativeHeight() || child.isRelativeWidth())
- && slot.hasCaption()) {
- // If the slot has caption, we need to listen for it's size changes
- // in order to update the padding/margin offset for relative sized
- // components
- listen(slot.getCaptionElement(), slotCaptionResizeListener);
- }
- if (needsExpand()) {
- listen(slot.getWidget().getElement(), childComponentResizeListener);
- if (slot.hasSpacing()) {
- listen(slot.getSpacingElement(), spacingResizeListener);
- }
- }
- if (child.isRelativeHeight()) {
- hasRelativeHeight.add(child);
- needsMeasure.remove(child.getWidget().getElement());
- } else {
- hasRelativeHeight.remove(child);
- needsMeasure.add(child.getWidget().getElement());
- }
- }
- // public void postLayout() {
- // if (needsFixedHeight()) {
- // // Re-measure all elements that are available
- // for (Element el : needsMeasure) {
- // childElementHeight.put(el, getLayoutManager()
- // .getOuterHeight(el));
- //
- // Element captionElement = el.getParentElement()
- // .getFirstChildElement().cast();
- // if (captionElement.getClassName().contains("v-caption")) {
- // childCaptionElementHeight.put(el, getLayoutManager()
- // .getOuterHeight(captionElement));
- // }
- // }
- // // System.out.println(" ### Child sizes: "
- // // + childElementHeight.values().toString());
- // // System.out.println(" ### Caption sizes: "
- // // + childCaptionElementHeight.values().toString());
- //
- // int height = getMaxHeight()
- // + getLayoutManager().getBorderHeight(
- // getWidget().getElement())
- // + getLayoutManager().getPaddingHeight(
- // getWidget().getElement());
- // getWidget().getElement().getStyle().setHeight(height, Unit.PX);
- // }
- // }
- // private ElementResizeListener layoutResizeListener = new
- // ElementResizeListener() {
- // public void onElementResize(ElementResizeEvent e) {
- // updateLayoutHeight();
- // if (needsExpand() && (isUndefinedHeight() || isUndefinedWidth())) {
- // updateExpand();
- // }
- // }
- // };
- private ElementResizeListener slotCaptionResizeListener = new ElementResizeListener() {
- public void onElementResize(ElementResizeEvent e) {
- // Get all needed element references
- Element captionElement = (Element) e.getElement().cast();
- // Caption position determines if the widget element is the first or
- // last child inside the caption wrap
- CaptionPosition pos = getWidget().getCaptionPositionFromElement(
- (Element) captionElement.getParentElement().cast());
- // The default is the last child
- Element widgetElement = captionElement.getParentElement()
- .getLastChild().cast();
- // ...but if caption position is bottom or right, the widget is the
- // first child
- if (pos == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM || pos == CaptionPosition.RIGHT) {
- widgetElement = captionElement.getParentElement()
- .getFirstChildElement().cast();
- }
- if (captionElement == widgetElement) {
- // Caption element already detached
- dontListen(captionElement, slotCaptionResizeListener);
- childCaptionElementHeight.remove(widgetElement);
- return;
- }
- String widgetWidth = widgetElement.getStyle().getWidth();
- String widgetHeight = widgetElement.getStyle().getHeight();
- if (widgetHeight.endsWith("%")
- && (pos == CaptionPosition.TOP || pos == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM)) {
- getWidget().updateCaptionOffset(captionElement);
- } else if (widgetWidth.endsWith("%")
- && (pos == CaptionPosition.LEFT || pos == CaptionPosition.RIGHT)) {
- getWidget().updateCaptionOffset(captionElement);
- }
- int h = getLayoutManager().getOuterHeight(captionElement)
- - getLayoutManager().getMarginHeight(captionElement);
- childCaptionElementHeight.put(widgetElement, h);
- // if (needsFixedHeight()) {
- // getWidget().clearHeight();
- // getLayoutManager().setNeedsMeasure(
- // AbstractBoxLayoutConnector.this);
- // }
- updateLayoutHeight();
- if (needsExpand()) {
- updateExpand();
- }
- }
- };
- private ElementResizeListener childComponentResizeListener = new ElementResizeListener() {
- public void onElementResize(ElementResizeEvent e) {
- // int h = getLayoutManager().getOuterHeight(e.getElement());
- // childElementHeight.put((Element) e.getElement().cast(), h);
- updateLayoutHeight();
- if (needsExpand()) {
- updateExpand();
- }
- }
- };
- private ElementResizeListener spacingResizeListener = new ElementResizeListener() {
- public void onElementResize(ElementResizeEvent e) {
- if (needsExpand()) {
- updateExpand();
- }
- }
- };
- private void updateLayoutHeight() {
- if (needsFixedHeight()) {
- int h = getMaxHeight();
- h += getLayoutManager().getBorderHeight(getWidget().getElement())
- + getLayoutManager().getPaddingHeight(
- getWidget().getElement());
- getWidget().getElement().getStyle().setHeight(h, Unit.PX);
- getLayoutManager().setNeedsMeasure(this);
- }
- }
- private void updateExpand() {
- // System.out.println("All sizes: "
- // + childElementHeight.values().toString() + " - Caption sizes: "
- // + childCaptionElementHeight.values().toString());
- getWidget().updateExpand();
- }
- private int getMaxHeight() {
- int highestNonRelative = -1;
- int highestRelative = -1;
- for (ComponentConnector child : getChildComponents()) {
- // TODO would be more efficient to measure the slot element if both
- // caption and child widget elements need to be measured. Keeping
- // track of what to measure is the most difficult part of this
- // layout.
- Element el = child.getWidget().getElement();
- CaptionPosition pos = getWidget().getCaptionPositionFromElement(
- (Element) el.getParentElement().cast());
- if (needsMeasure.contains(el)) {
- int h = getLayoutManager().getOuterHeight(el);
- String sHeight = el.getStyle().getHeight();
- // Only add the caption size to the height of the slot if
- // coption position is top or bottom
- if (childCaptionElementHeight.containsKey(el)
- && (sHeight == null || !sHeight.endsWith("%"))
- && (pos == CaptionPosition.TOP || pos == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM)) {
- h += childCaptionElementHeight.get(el);
- }
- if (h > highestNonRelative) {
- highestNonRelative = h;
- }
- } else {
- int h = getLayoutManager().getOuterHeight(el);
- if (childCaptionElementHeight.containsKey(el)
- && (pos == CaptionPosition.TOP || pos == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM)) {
- h += childCaptionElementHeight.get(el);
- }
- if (h > highestRelative) {
- highestRelative = h;
- }
- }
- }
- return highestNonRelative > -1 ? highestNonRelative : highestRelative;
- }
- @Override
- public void onUnregister() {
- // Cleanup all ElementResizeListeners
- // dontListen(getWidget().getElement(), layoutResizeListener);
- for (ComponentConnector child : getChildComponents()) {
- Slot slot = getWidget().getSlot(child);
- if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- dontListen(slot.getCaptionElement(), slotCaptionResizeListener);
- }
- if (slot.getSpacingElement() != null) {
- dontListen(slot.getSpacingElement(), spacingResizeListener);
- }
- dontListen(slot.getWidget().getElement(),
- childComponentResizeListener);
- }
- super.onUnregister();
- }
- // private void setLayoutHeightListener(boolean add) {
- // if (add) {
- // listen(getWidget().getElement(), layoutResizeListener);
- // } else {
- // dontListen(getWidget().getElement(), layoutResizeListener);
- // if (!needsExpand()) {
- // System.out.println("Clearing element sizes");
- // childElementHeight.clear();
- // childCaptionElementHeight.clear();
- // }
- // }
- // }
- /*
- * Convenience methods
- */
- private void listen(Element el, ElementResizeListener listener) {
- getLayoutManager().addElementResizeListener(el, listener);
- }
- private void dontListen(Element el, ElementResizeListener listener) {
- getLayoutManager().removeElementResizeListener(el, listener);
- }
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/ b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44767dd125..0000000000
--- a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect.LoadStyle;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-@Connect(value = HorizontalLayout.class, loadStyle = LoadStyle.EAGER)
-public class HorizontalBoxLayoutConnector extends AbstractBoxLayoutConnector {
- @Override
- public void init() {
- super.init();
- getWidget().setVertical(false);
- }
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/ b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
deleted file mode 100644
index e37542674b..0000000000
--- a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,756 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.AlignmentInfo;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.VMarginInfo;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ComponentConnector;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.LayoutManager;
-public class VBoxLayout extends FlowPanel {
- public static final String CLASSNAME = "v-boxlayout";
- private static final String ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX = "v-align-";
- protected boolean spacing = false;
- protected boolean vertical = true;
- protected boolean definedHeight = false;
- private Map<Widget, Slot> widgetToSlot = new HashMap<Widget, Slot>();
- private LayoutManager layoutManager;
- public VBoxLayout() {
- setStyleName(CLASSNAME);
- setVertical(true);
- }
- public void setVertical(boolean isVertical) {
- vertical = isVertical;
- if (vertical) {
- addStyleName("v-vertical");
- removeStyleName("v-horizontal");
- } else {
- addStyleName("v-horizontal");
- removeStyleName("v-vertical");
- }
- }
- public void addOrMoveSlot(Slot slot, int index) {
- if (slot.getParent() == this) {
- int currentIndex = getWidgetIndex(slot);
- if (index == currentIndex) {
- return;
- }
- }
- insert(slot, index);
- }
- @Override
- protected void insert(Widget child, Element container, int beforeIndex,
- boolean domInsert) {
- // Validate index; adjust if the widget is already a child of this
- // panel.
- beforeIndex = adjustIndex(child, beforeIndex);
- // Detach new child.
- child.removeFromParent();
- // Logical attach.
- getChildren().insert(child, beforeIndex);
- // Physical attach.
- container = expandWrapper != null ? expandWrapper : getElement();
- if (domInsert) {
- DOM.insertChild(container, child.getElement(),
- spacing ? beforeIndex * 2 : beforeIndex);
- } else {
- DOM.appendChild(container, child.getElement());
- }
- // Adopt.
- adopt(child);
- }
- public Slot removeSlot(Widget widget) {
- Slot slot = widgetToSlot.get(widget);
- remove(slot);
- widgetToSlot.remove(widget);
- return slot;
- }
- public Slot getSlot(ComponentConnector connector) {
- Slot slot = widgetToSlot.get(connector.getWidget());
- if (slot == null) {
- slot = new Slot(connector);
- widgetToSlot.put(connector.getWidget(), slot);
- }
- return slot;
- }
- public enum CaptionPosition {
- }
- protected class Slot extends SimplePanel {
- private ComponentConnector connector;
- private Element spacer;
- private Element captionWrap;
- private Element caption;
- private Element captionText;
- private Icon icon;
- private Element errorIcon;
- private Element requiredIcon;
- // Caption is placed after component unless there is some part which
- // moves it above.
- private CaptionPosition captionPosition = CaptionPosition.RIGHT;
- private AlignmentInfo alignment;
- private double expandRatio = -1;
- public Slot(ComponentConnector connector) {
- this.connector = connector;
- setWidget(connector.getWidget());
- setStylePrimaryName("v-slot");
- }
- public AlignmentInfo getAlignment() {
- return alignment;
- }
- public void setAlignment(AlignmentInfo alignment) {
- this.alignment = alignment;
- if (alignment.isHorizontalCenter()) {
- addStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "center");
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "right");
- } else if (alignment.isRight()) {
- addStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "right");
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "center");
- } else {
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "right");
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "center");
- }
- if (alignment.isVerticalCenter()) {
- addStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "middle");
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "bottom");
- } else if (alignment.isBottom()) {
- addStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "bottom");
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "middle");
- } else {
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "middle");
- removeStyleName(ALIGN_CLASS_PREFIX + "bottom");
- }
- }
- public void setExpandRatio(double expandRatio) {
- this.expandRatio = expandRatio;
- }
- public double getExpandRatio() {
- return expandRatio;
- }
- public void setSpacing(boolean spacing) {
- if (spacing && spacer == null) {
- spacer = DOM.createDiv();
- spacer.addClassName("v-spacing");
- getElement().getParentElement().insertBefore(spacer,
- getElement());
- } else if (!spacing && spacer != null) {
- spacer.removeFromParent();
- spacer = null;
- }
- }
- public Element getSpacingElement() {
- return spacer;
- }
- public boolean hasSpacing() {
- return getSpacingElement() != null;
- }
- protected int getSpacingSize(boolean vertical) {
- if (spacer == null) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (layoutManager != null) {
- if (vertical) {
- return layoutManager.getOuterHeight(spacer);
- } else {
- return layoutManager.getOuterWidth(spacer);
- }
- }
- // TODO place for optimization (in expense of theme
- // flexibility): only measure one of the elements and cache the
- // value
- return vertical ? spacer.getOffsetHeight() : spacer
- .getOffsetWidth();
- // }
- }
- public void setCaptionPosition(CaptionPosition captionPosition) {
- if (caption == null) {
- return;
- }
- captionWrap.removeClassName("v-caption-on-"
- +;
- this.captionPosition = captionPosition;
- if (captionPosition == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM
- || captionPosition == CaptionPosition.RIGHT) {
- captionWrap.appendChild(caption);
- } else {
- captionWrap.insertFirst(caption);
- }
- captionWrap.addClassName("v-caption-on-"
- +;
- }
- public CaptionPosition getCaptionPosition() {
- return captionPosition;
- }
- // TODO refactor VCaption and use that instead: creates a tight coupling
- // between this layout and Vaadin, but it's already coupled
- public void setCaption(String captionText, String iconUrl,
- List<String> styles, String error, boolean showError,
- boolean required, boolean enabled) {
- // TODO place for optimization: check if any of these have changed
- // since last time, and only run those changes
- // Caption wrappers
- if (captionText != null || iconUrl != null || error != null
- || required) {
- if (caption == null) {
- caption = DOM.createDiv();
- captionWrap = DOM.createDiv();
- captionWrap.addClassName("v");
- captionWrap.addClassName("v-has-caption");
- getElement().appendChild(captionWrap);
- captionWrap.appendChild(getWidget().getElement());
- }
- } else if (caption != null) {
- getElement().appendChild(getWidget().getElement());
- captionWrap.removeFromParent();
- caption = null;
- captionWrap = null;
- }
- // Caption text
- if (captionText != null) {
- if (this.captionText == null) {
- this.captionText = DOM.createSpan();
- this.captionText.addClassName("v-captiontext");
- caption.appendChild(this.captionText);
- }
- if (captionText.trim().equals("")) {
- this.captionText.setInnerHTML("&nbsp;");
- } else {
- this.captionText.setInnerText(captionText);
- }
- } else if (this.captionText != null) {
- this.captionText.removeFromParent();
- this.captionText = null;
- }
- // Icon
- if (iconUrl != null) {
- if (icon == null) {
- icon = new Icon();
- // icon = DOM.createImg();
- // icon.setClassName("v-icon");
- caption.insertFirst(icon.getElement());
- }
- // icon.setAttribute("src", iconUrl);
- icon.setUri(iconUrl);
- } else if (icon != null) {
- icon.getElement().removeFromParent();
- icon = null;
- }
- // Required
- if (required) {
- if (requiredIcon == null) {
- requiredIcon = DOM.createSpan();
- // TODO decide something better
- requiredIcon.setInnerHTML("*");
- requiredIcon.setClassName("v-required-field-indicator");
- }
- caption.appendChild(requiredIcon);
- } else if (requiredIcon != null) {
- requiredIcon.removeFromParent();
- requiredIcon = null;
- }
- // Error
- if (error != null && showError) {
- if (errorIcon == null) {
- errorIcon = DOM.createSpan();
- errorIcon.setClassName("v-errorindicator");
- }
- caption.appendChild(errorIcon);
- } else if (errorIcon != null) {
- errorIcon.removeFromParent();
- errorIcon = null;
- }
- if (caption != null) {
- // Styles
- caption.setClassName("v-caption");
- if (styles != null) {
- for (String style : styles) {
- caption.addClassName("v-caption-" + style);
- }
- }
- if (enabled) {
- caption.removeClassName("v-disabled");
- } else {
- caption.addClassName("v-disabled");
- }
- // Caption position
- if (captionText != null || iconUrl != null) {
- setCaptionPosition(CaptionPosition.TOP);
- } else {
- setCaptionPosition(CaptionPosition.RIGHT);
- }
- }
- // TODO theme flexibility: add extra styles to captionWrap as well?
- }
- public boolean hasCaption() {
- return caption != null;
- }
- public Element getCaptionElement() {
- return caption;
- }
- public void setRelativeWidth(boolean relativeWidth) {
- updateRelativeSize(relativeWidth, "width");
- }
- public void setRelativeHeight(boolean relativeHeight) {
- updateRelativeSize(relativeHeight, "height");
- }
- private void updateRelativeSize(boolean isRelativeSize, String direction) {
- if (isRelativeSize && hasCaption()) {
- captionWrap.getStyle().setProperty(
- direction,
- getWidget().getElement().getStyle()
- .getProperty(direction));
- captionWrap.addClassName("v-has-" + direction);
- } else if (hasCaption()) {
- if (direction.equals("height")) {
- captionWrap.getStyle().clearHeight();
- } else {
- captionWrap.getStyle().clearWidth();
- }
- captionWrap.removeClassName("v-has-" + direction);
- captionWrap.getStyle().clearPaddingTop();
- captionWrap.getStyle().clearPaddingRight();
- captionWrap.getStyle().clearPaddingBottom();
- captionWrap.getStyle().clearPaddingLeft();
- caption.getStyle().clearMarginTop();
- caption.getStyle().clearMarginRight();
- caption.getStyle().clearMarginBottom();
- caption.getStyle().clearMarginLeft();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
- super.onBrowserEvent(event);
- if (DOM.eventGetType(event) == Event.ONLOAD
- && icon.getElement() == DOM.eventGetTarget(event)) {
- if (layoutManager != null) {
- layoutManager.layoutLater();
- } else {
- updateCaptionOffset(caption);
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected Element getContainerElement() {
- if (captionWrap == null) {
- return getElement();
- } else {
- return captionWrap;
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void onDetach() {
- if (spacer != null) {
- spacer.removeFromParent();
- }
- super.onDetach();
- }
- @Override
- protected void onAttach() {
- super.onAttach();
- if (spacer != null) {
- getElement().getParentElement().insertBefore(spacer,
- getElement());
- }
- }
- }
- protected class Icon extends UIObject {
- public static final String CLASSNAME = "v-icon";
- private String myUrl;
- public Icon() {
- setElement(DOM.createImg());
- DOM.setElementProperty(getElement(), "alt", "");
- setStyleName(CLASSNAME);
- }
- public void setUri(String url) {
- if (!url.equals(myUrl)) {
- /*
- * Start sinking onload events, widgets responsibility to react.
- * We must do this BEFORE we set src as IE fires the event
- * immediately if the image is found in cache (#2592).
- */
- sinkEvents(Event.ONLOAD);
- DOM.setElementProperty(getElement(), "src", url);
- myUrl = url;
- }
- }
- }
- void setLayoutManager(LayoutManager manager) {
- layoutManager = manager;
- }
- private static final RegExp captionPositionRegexp = RegExp
- .compile("v-caption-on-(\\S+)");
- CaptionPosition getCaptionPositionFromElement(Element captionWrap) {
- // Get caption position from the classname
- MatchResult matcher = captionPositionRegexp.exec(captionWrap
- .getClassName());
- if (matcher == null || matcher.getGroupCount() < 2) {
- return CaptionPosition.TOP;
- }
- String captionClass = matcher.getGroup(1);
- CaptionPosition captionPosition = CaptionPosition.valueOf(
- CaptionPosition.class, captionClass.toUpperCase());
- return captionPosition;
- }
- void updateCaptionOffset(Element caption) {
- Element captionWrap = caption.getParentElement().cast();
- Style captionWrapStyle = captionWrap.getStyle();
- captionWrapStyle.clearPaddingTop();
- captionWrapStyle.clearPaddingRight();
- captionWrapStyle.clearPaddingBottom();
- captionWrapStyle.clearPaddingLeft();
- Style captionStyle = caption.getStyle();
- captionStyle.clearMarginTop();
- captionStyle.clearMarginRight();
- captionStyle.clearMarginBottom();
- captionStyle.clearMarginLeft();
- // Get caption position from the classname
- CaptionPosition captionPosition = getCaptionPositionFromElement(captionWrap);
- if (captionPosition == CaptionPosition.LEFT
- || captionPosition == CaptionPosition.RIGHT) {
- int captionWidth;
- if (layoutManager != null) {
- captionWidth = layoutManager.getOuterWidth(caption)
- - layoutManager.getMarginWidth(caption);
- } else {
- captionWidth = caption.getOffsetWidth();
- }
- if (captionWidth > 0) {
- if (captionPosition == CaptionPosition.LEFT) {
- captionWrapStyle.setPaddingLeft(captionWidth, Unit.PX);
- captionStyle.setMarginLeft(-captionWidth, Unit.PX);
- } else {
- captionWrapStyle.setPaddingRight(captionWidth, Unit.PX);
- captionStyle.setMarginRight(-captionWidth, Unit.PX);
- }
- }
- }
- if (captionPosition == CaptionPosition.TOP
- || captionPosition == CaptionPosition.BOTTOM) {
- int captionHeight;
- if (layoutManager != null) {
- captionHeight = layoutManager.getOuterHeight(caption)
- - layoutManager.getMarginHeight(caption);
- } else {
- captionHeight = caption.getOffsetHeight();
- }
- if (captionHeight > 0) {
- if (captionPosition == CaptionPosition.TOP) {
- captionWrapStyle.setPaddingTop(captionHeight, Unit.PX);
- captionStyle.setMarginTop(-captionHeight, Unit.PX);
- } else {
- captionWrapStyle.setPaddingBottom(captionHeight, Unit.PX);
- captionStyle.setMarginBottom(-captionHeight, Unit.PX);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void toggleStyleName(String name, boolean enabled) {
- if (enabled) {
- addStyleName(name);
- } else {
- removeStyleName(name);
- }
- }
- void setMargin(VMarginInfo marginInfo) {
- toggleStyleName("v-margin-top", marginInfo.hasTop());
- toggleStyleName("v-margin-right", marginInfo.hasRight());
- toggleStyleName("v-margin-bottom", marginInfo.hasBottom());
- toggleStyleName("v-margin-left", marginInfo.hasLeft());
- }
- protected void setSpacing(boolean spacingEnabled) {
- spacing = spacingEnabled;
- for (Slot slot : widgetToSlot.values()) {
- if (getWidgetIndex(slot) > 0) {
- slot.setSpacing(spacingEnabled);
- }
- }
- }
- private void recalculateExpands() {
- double total = 0;
- for (Slot slot : widgetToSlot.values()) {
- if (slot.getExpandRatio() > -1) {
- total += slot.getExpandRatio();
- } else {
- if (vertical) {
- slot.getElement().getStyle().clearHeight();
- } else {
- slot.getElement().getStyle().clearWidth();
- }
- }
- }
- for (Slot slot : widgetToSlot.values()) {
- if (slot.getExpandRatio() > -1) {
- if (vertical) {
- slot.setHeight((100 * (slot.getExpandRatio() / total))
- + "%");
- if (slot.connector.isRelativeHeight()) {
- layoutManager.setNeedsMeasure(slot.connector);
- }
- } else {
- slot.setWidth((100 * (slot.getExpandRatio() / total)) + "%");
- if (slot.connector.isRelativeWidth()) {
- layoutManager.setNeedsMeasure(slot.connector);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private Element expandWrapper;
- void clearExpand() {
- if (expandWrapper != null) {
- for (; expandWrapper.getChildCount() > 0;) {
- Element el = expandWrapper.getChild(0).cast();
- getElement().appendChild(el);
- if (vertical) {
- el.getStyle().clearHeight();
- el.getStyle().clearMarginTop();
- } else {
- el.getStyle().clearWidth();
- el.getStyle().clearMarginLeft();
- }
- }
- expandWrapper.removeFromParent();
- expandWrapper = null;
- }
- }
- public void updateExpand() {
- boolean isExpanding = false;
- for (Widget slot : getChildren()) {
- if (((Slot) slot).getExpandRatio() > -1) {
- isExpanding = true;
- } else {
- if (vertical) {
- slot.getElement().getStyle().clearHeight();
- } else {
- slot.getElement().getStyle().clearWidth();
- }
- }
- slot.getElement().getStyle().clearMarginLeft();
- slot.getElement().getStyle().clearMarginTop();
- }
- if (isExpanding) {
- if (expandWrapper == null) {
- expandWrapper = DOM.createDiv();
- expandWrapper.setClassName("v-expand");
- for (; getElement().getChildCount() > 0;) {
- Node el = getElement().getChild(0);
- expandWrapper.appendChild(el);
- }
- getElement().appendChild(expandWrapper);
- }
- int totalSize = 0;
- for (Widget w : getChildren()) {
- Slot slot = (Slot) w;
- if (slot.getExpandRatio() == -1) {
- if (layoutManager != null) {
- // TODO check caption position
- if (vertical) {
- int size = layoutManager.getOuterHeight(slot
- .getWidget().getElement())
- - layoutManager.getMarginHeight(slot
- .getWidget().getElement());
- if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- size += layoutManager.getOuterHeight(slot
- .getCaptionElement())
- - layoutManager.getMarginHeight(slot
- .getCaptionElement());
- }
- if (size > 0) {
- totalSize += size;
- }
- } else {
- int max = -1;
- max = layoutManager.getOuterWidth(slot.getWidget()
- .getElement())
- - layoutManager.getMarginWidth(slot
- .getWidget().getElement());
- if (slot.hasCaption()) {
- int max2 = layoutManager.getOuterWidth(slot
- .getCaptionElement())
- - layoutManager.getMarginWidth(slot
- .getCaptionElement());
- max = Math.max(max, max2);
- }
- if (max > 0) {
- totalSize += max;
- }
- }
- } else {
- totalSize += vertical ? slot.getOffsetHeight() : slot
- .getOffsetWidth();
- }
- }
- // TODO fails in Opera, always returns 0
- int spacingSize = slot.getSpacingSize(vertical);
- if (spacingSize > 0) {
- totalSize += spacingSize;
- }
- }
- // When we set the margin to the first child, we don't need
- // overflow:hidden in the layout root element, since the wrapper
- // would otherwise be placed outside of the layout root element
- // and block events on elements below it.
- if (vertical) {
- expandWrapper.getStyle().setPaddingTop(totalSize, Unit.PX);
- expandWrapper.getFirstChildElement().getStyle()
- .setMarginTop(-totalSize, Unit.PX);
- } else {
- expandWrapper.getStyle().setPaddingLeft(totalSize, Unit.PX);
- expandWrapper.getFirstChildElement().getStyle()
- .setMarginLeft(-totalSize, Unit.PX);
- }
- recalculateExpands();
- }
- }
- public void recalculateLayoutHeight() {
- // Only needed if a horizontal layout is undefined high, and contains
- // relative height children or vertical alignments
- if (vertical || definedHeight) {
- return;
- }
- boolean hasRelativeHeightChildren = false;
- boolean hasVAlign = false;
- for (Widget slot : getChildren()) {
- Widget widget = ((Slot) slot).getWidget();
- String h = widget.getElement().getStyle().getHeight();
- if (h != null && h.indexOf("%") > -1) {
- hasRelativeHeightChildren = true;
- }
- AlignmentInfo a = ((Slot) slot).getAlignment();
- if (a != null && (a.isVerticalCenter() || a.isBottom())) {
- hasVAlign = true;
- }
- }
- if (hasRelativeHeightChildren || hasVAlign) {
- int newHeight;
- if (layoutManager != null) {
- newHeight = layoutManager.getOuterHeight(getElement())
- - layoutManager.getMarginHeight(getElement());
- } else {
- newHeight = getElement().getOffsetHeight();
- }
- VBoxLayout.this.getElement().getStyle()
- .setHeight(newHeight, Unit.PX);
- }
- }
- void clearHeight() {
- getElement().getStyle().clearHeight();
- }
- @Override
- public void setHeight(String height) {
- super.setHeight(height);
- definedHeight = (height != null && !"".equals(height));
- }
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/ b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4235bcd869..0000000000
--- a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect.LoadStyle;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-@Connect(value = VerticalLayout.class, loadStyle = LoadStyle.EAGER)
-public class VerticalBoxLayoutConnector extends AbstractBoxLayoutConnector {
- @Override
- public void init() {
- super.init();
- getWidget().setVertical(true);
- }