path: root/tests/src
diff options
authorMatti Tahvonen <>2010-03-05 13:43:43 +0000
committerMatti Tahvonen <>2010-03-05 13:43:43 +0000
commit7cefe21c703e6e7822ba7456d45fa49a14dd067d (patch)
tree8891e28e97bce4f9db44dd7f50cbb6a844de8aef /tests/src
parent9b84a02d3f46d1f4dca4cc3b17c388d51ca5194a (diff)
parent2b1deeeced6d098a22d6e52b70e94dbb9e96df57 (diff)
merged changes from 6.3 + some container related changes
svn changeset:11664/svn branch:6.3_dd
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src')
-rw-r--r--tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/ (renamed from tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/robustness/
61 files changed, 2101 insertions, 4338 deletions
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deleted file mode 100644
index ccbe29d2d5..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/
+++ /dev/null
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- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Random;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
-public class ComponentsInTable extends CustomComponent {
- public ComponentsInTable(int cols, int rows) {
- final OrderedLayout main = new OrderedLayout();
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- main.addComponent(getTestTable(cols, rows));
- }
- public static Table getTestTable(int cols, int rows) {
- Random rnd = new Random(1);
- final Table t = new Table();
- t.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true);
- for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
- t.addContainerProperty(testString[i], String.class, "");
- }
- t.addContainerProperty("button", Button.class, null);
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- final Vector content = new Vector();
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- content.add(rndString(rnd));
- }
- content.add(new Button("b" + i, new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- System.out.println(event.getButton().getCaption()
- + " click: " + (new Date()).toGMTString());
- System.out.println(event.getButton().getApplication());
- }
- }));
- t.addItem(content.toArray(), "" + i);
- }
- t.setRowHeaderMode(Table.ROW_HEADER_MODE_ID);
- return t;
- }
- static String[] testString = new String[] { "Jacob", "Michael", "Joshua",
- "Matthew", "Ethan", "Andrew", "Daniel", "Anthony", "Christopher",
- "Joseph", "William", "Alexander", "Ryan", "David", "Nicholas",
- "Tyler", "James", "John", "Jonathan", "Nathan", "Samuel",
- "Christian", "Noah", "Dylan", "Benjamin", "Logan", "Brandon",
- "Gabriel", "Zachary", "Jose", "Elijah", "Angel", "Kevin", "Jack",
- "Caleb", "Justin", "Austin", "Evan", "Robert", "Thomas", "Luke",
- "Mason", "Aidan", "Jackson", "Isaiah", "Jordan", "Gavin", "Connor",
- "Aiden", "Isaac", "Jason", "Cameron", "Hunter", "Jayden", "Juan",
- "Charles", "Aaron", "Lucas", "Luis", "Owen", "Landon", "Diego",
- "Brian", "Adam", "Adrian", "Kyle", "Eric", "Ian", "Nathaniel",
- "Carlos", "Alex", "Bryan", "Jesus", "Julian", "Sean", "Carter",
- "Hayden", "Jeremiah", "Cole", "Brayden", "Wyatt", "Chase",
- "Steven", "Timothy", "Dominic", "Sebastian", "Xavier", "Jaden",
- "Jesse", "Devin", "Seth", "Antonio", "Richard", "Miguel", "Colin",
- "Cody", "Alejandro", "Caden", "Blake", "Carson" };
- public static String rndString(Random rnd) {
- return testString[(int) (rnd.nextDouble() * testString.length)];
- }
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- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-public class SimplestApplication extends com.vaadin.Application {
- @Override
- public void init() {
- final Window main = new Window("Simplest Application window");
- setMainWindow(main);
- main.addComponent(new Label("Simplest Application label"));
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
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-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Accordion;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
- * Accordion is a derivative of TabSheet, a vertical tabbed layout that places
- * the tab contents between the vertical tabs.
- */
-public class AccordionExample extends CustomComponent {
- public AccordionExample() {
- // Create a new accordion
- final Accordion accordion = new Accordion();
- setCompositionRoot(accordion);
- // Add a few tabs to the accordion.
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- // Create a root component for a accordion tab
- VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
- accordion.addComponent(layout);
- // The accordion tab label is taken from the caption of the root
- // component. Notice that layouts can have a caption too.
- layout.setCaption("Tab " + (i + 1));
- // Add some components in each accordion tab
- Label label = new Label("These are the contents of Tab " + (i + 1)
- + ".");
- layout.addComponent(label);
- TextField textfield = new TextField("Some text field");
- layout.addComponent(textfield);
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index aabfe41b20..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Link;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
- * Shows a few variations of Buttons and Links.
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class ButtonExample extends CustomComponent implements
- Button.ClickListener {
- public ButtonExample() {
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- final HorizontalLayout horiz = new HorizontalLayout();
- horiz.setWidth("100%");
- main.addComponent(horiz);
- final Panel basic = new Panel("Basic buttons");
- basic.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(basic);
- final Panel bells = new Panel("w/ bells & whistles");
- bells.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(bells);
- Button b = new Button("Basic button");
- b.setDebugId("Basic1");
- b.addListener(this);
- basic.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button("Button w/ icon + tooltip");
- b.setDebugId("Button2");
- b.addListener(this);
- b.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/ok.png"));
- b.setDescription("This button does nothing, fast");
- bells.addComponent(b);
- b = new CheckBox("CheckBox - a switch-button");
- b.setDebugId("Button3");
- b.setImmediate(true); // checkboxes are not immediate by default
- b.addListener(this);
- basic.addComponent(b);
- b = new CheckBox("CheckBox w/ icon + tooltip");
- b.setDebugId("Button4");
- b.setImmediate(true); // checkboxes are not immediate by default
- b.addListener(this);
- b.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/ok.png"));
- b.setDescription("This is a CheckBox");
- bells.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button("Link-style button");
- b.setDebugId("Button5");
- b.addListener(this);
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- basic.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button("Link button w/ icon + tooltip");
- b.setDebugId("Button6");
- b.addListener(this);
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- b.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/ok.png"));
- b.setDescription("Link-style, icon+tootip, no caption");
- bells.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button();
- b.setDebugId("Button7");
- b.addListener(this);
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- b.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/ok.png"));
- b.setDescription("Link-style, icon+tootip, no caption");
- basic.addComponent(b);
- final Panel links = new Panel("Links");
- links.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- main.addComponent(links);
- final Label desc = new Label(
- "The main difference between a Link and"
- + " a link-styled Button is that the Link works client-"
- + " side, whereas the Button works server side.<br/> This means"
- + " that the Button triggers some event on the server,"
- + " while the Link is a normal web-link. <br/><br/>Note that for"
- + " opening new windows, the Link might be a safer "
- + " choice, since popup-blockers might interfer with "
- + " server-initiated window opening.");
- desc.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- links.addComponent(desc);
- Link l = new Link("Vaadin home", new ExternalResource(
- ""));
- l.setDebugId("Link1");
- l.setDescription("Link without target name, opens in this window");
- links.addComponent(l);
- l = new Link("Vaadin home (new window)", new ExternalResource(
- ""));
- l.setDebugId("Link2");
- l.setTargetName("_blank");
- l.setDescription("Link with target name, opens in new window");
- links.addComponent(l);
- l = new Link("Vaadin home (new window, less decor)",
- new ExternalResource(""));
- l.setDebugId("Link3");
- l.setTargetName("_blank");
- l.setTargetBorder(Link.TARGET_BORDER_MINIMAL);
- l.setTargetName("_blank");
- l
- .setDescription("Link with target name and BORDER_MINIMAL, opens in new window with less decor");
- links.addComponent(l);
- l = new Link("Vaadin home (new 200x200 window, no decor, icon)",
- new ExternalResource(""), "_blank", 200,
- l.setDebugId("Link4");
- l.setTargetName("_blank");
- l
- .setDescription("Link with target name and BORDER_NONE, opens in new window with no decor");
- l.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/ok.png"));
- links.addComponent(l);
- }
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- final Button b = event.getButton();
- getWindow().showNotification(
- "Clicked"
- + (b instanceof CheckBox ? ", value: "
- + event.getButton().getValue() : ""));
- }
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index 2012329df1..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
- * This example is a (simple) demonstration of client-side caching. The content
- * in one tab is intentionally made very slow to produce server-side. When the
- * user changes to this tab for the first time, there will be a 3 second wait
- * before the content shows up, but the second time it shows up immediately
- * since the content has not changed and is cached client-side.
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class ClientCachingExample extends CustomComponent {
- private static final String msg = "This example is a (simple) demonstration of client-side caching."
- + " The content in one tab is intentionally made very slow to"
- + " 'produce' server-side. When you changes to this tab for the"
- + " first time, there will be a 3 second wait before the content"
- + " shows up, but the second time it shows up immediately since the"
- + " content has not changed and is cached client-side.";
- public ClientCachingExample() {
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- main.addComponent(new Label(msg));
- final TabSheet ts = new TabSheet();
- main.addComponent(ts);
- Layout layout = new VerticalLayout();
- layout.setMargin(true);
- Label l = new Label("This is a normal label, quick to render.");
- l.setCaption("A normal label");
- layout.addComponent(l);
- ts.addTab(layout, "Normal", null);
- layout = new VerticalLayout();
- layout.setMargin(true);
- l = new Label("Slow label - until cached client side.") {
- @Override
- public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
- try {
- Thread.sleep(3000);
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- }
- super.paintContent(target);
- }
- };
- l.setCaption("A slow label");
- layout.addComponent(l);
- ts.addTab(layout, "Slow", null);
- }
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--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import java.util.Random;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect.Filtering;
- *
- */
-public class ComboBoxExample extends CustomComponent {
- private static final String[] firstnames = new String[] { "John", "Mary",
- "Joe", "Sarah", "Jeff", "Jane", "Peter", "Marc", "Robert", "Paula",
- "Lenny", "Kenny", "Nathan", "Nicole", "Laura", "Jos", "Josie",
- "Linus" };
- private static final String[] lastnames = new String[] { "Torvalds",
- "Smith", "Adams", "Black", "Wilson", "Richards", "Thompson",
- "McGoff", "Halas", "Jones", "Beck", "Sheridan", "Picard", "Hill",
- "Fielding", "Einstein" };
- public ComboBoxExample() {
- final OrderedLayout main = new OrderedLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- // starts-with filter
- final ComboBox s1 = new ComboBox("Select with starts-with filter");
- s1.setDebugId("ComboBoxStartFilter");
- s1.setFilteringMode(Filtering.FILTERINGMODE_STARTSWITH);
- s1.setColumns(20);
- Random r = new Random(5);
- for (int i = 0; i < 105; i++) {
- s1
- .addItem(firstnames[(int) (r.nextDouble() * (firstnames.length - 1))]
- + " "
- + lastnames[(int) (r.nextDouble() * (lastnames.length - 1))]);
- }
- s1.setImmediate(true);
- main.addComponent(s1);
- // contains filter
- final ComboBox s2 = new ComboBox("Select with contains filter");
- s2.setDebugId("ComboBoxContainsFilter");
- s2.setFilteringMode(Filtering.FILTERINGMODE_CONTAINS);
- s2.setColumns(20);
- for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
- s2
- .addItem(firstnames[(int) (r.nextDouble() * (firstnames.length - 1))]
- + " "
- + lastnames[(int) (r.nextDouble() * (lastnames.length - 1))]);
- }
- s2.setImmediate(true);
- main.addComponent(s2);
- // initially empty
- final ComboBox s3 = new ComboBox("Initially empty; enter your own");
- s3.setDebugId("EmptyComboBox");
- s3.setColumns(20);
- s3.setImmediate(true);
- s3.setNewItemsAllowed(true);
- main.addComponent(s3);
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2ecf60ecdb..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window.Notification;
- * Demonstrates the use of Embedded and "suggesting" Select by creating a simple
- * web-browser. Note: does not check for recursion.
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- * @see com.vaadin.ui.Window
- */
-public class EmbeddedBrowserExample extends VerticalLayout implements
- Select.ValueChangeListener {
- // Default URL to open.
- private static final String DEFAULT_URL = "";
- // The embedded page
- Embedded emb = new Embedded();
- public EmbeddedBrowserExample() {
- this(new String[] { DEFAULT_URL, "",
- "", "" });
- }
- public EmbeddedBrowserExample(String[] urls) {
- setSizeFull();
- // create the address combobox
- final Select select = new Select();
- // allow input
- select.setNewItemsAllowed(true);
- // no empty selection
- select.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);
- // no 'go' -button clicking necessary
- select.setImmediate(true);
- // add some pre-configured URLs
- for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
- select.addItem(urls[i]);
- }
- // add to layout
- addComponent(select);
- // add listener and select initial URL
- select.addListener(this);
- select.setValue(urls[0]);
- select.setWidth("100%");
- // configure the embedded and add to layout
- emb.setType(Embedded.TYPE_BROWSER);
- emb.setSizeFull();
- addComponent(emb);
- // make the embedded as large as possible
- setExpandRatio(emb, 1);
- }
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- final String url = (String) event.getProperty().getValue();
- if (url != null) {
- try {
- // the selected url has changed, let's go there
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- URL u = new URL(url);
- emb.setSource(new ExternalResource(url));
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- getWindow().showNotification("Invalid address",
- e.getMessage() + " (example:",
- }
- }
- }
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index b6f2e0e163..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource;
-import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
-import com.vaadin.ui.SplitPanel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Tree;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- * @see com.vaadin.ui.Window
- */
-public class FeatureBrowser extends com.vaadin.Application implements
- Select.ValueChangeListener {
- // Property IDs
- private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY = "Category";
- private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_NAME = "Name";
- private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_DESC = "Description";
- private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_CLASS = "Class";
- private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_VIEWED = "Viewed";
- // Global components
- private Tree tree;
- private Table table;
- private TabSheet ts;
- // Example "cache"
- private final HashMap<Class<?>, Component> exampleInstances = new HashMap<Class<?>, Component>();
- private String section;
- // List of examples
- private static final Object[][] demos = new Object[][] {
- // Category, Name, Desc, Class, Viewed
- // Getting started: Labels
- { "Getting started", "Labels", "Some variations of Labels",
- LabelExample.class },
- // Getting started: Buttons
- { "Getting started", "Buttons and links",
- "Various Buttons and Links", ButtonExample.class },
- // Getting started: Fields
- { "Getting started", "Basic value input",
- "TextFields, DateFields, and such", ValueInputExample.class },
- //
- { "Getting started", "RichText", "Rich text editing",
- RichTextExample.class },
- // Getting started: Selects
- { "Getting started", "Choices, choices",
- "Some variations of simple selects", SelectExample.class },
- // Layouts
- { "Layouts", "Basic layouts", "Laying out components",
- LayoutExample.class },
- // Layouts
- { "Layouts", "Accordion", "Play the Accordion!",
- AccordionExample.class },
- // Wrangling data: ComboBox
- { "Wrangling data", "ComboBox", "ComboBox - the swiss army select",
- ComboBoxExample.class },
- // Wrangling data: Table
- {
- "Wrangling data",
- "Table (\"grid\")",
- "Table with bells, whistles, editmode and actions (contextmenu)",
- TableExample.class },
- // Wrangling data: Form
- { "Wrangling data", "Form", "Every application needs forms",
- FormExample.class },
- // Wrangling data: Tree
- { "Wrangling data", "Tree", "A hierarchy of things",
- TreeExample.class },
- // Misc: Notifications
- { "Misc", "Notifications", "Notifications can improve usability",
- NotificationExample.class },
- // Misc: Caching
- { "Misc", "Client caching", "Demonstrating of client-side caching",
- ClientCachingExample.class },
- // Misc: Embedded
- { "Misc", "Embedding",
- "Embedding resources - another site in this case",
- EmbeddedBrowserExample.class },
- // Windowing
- { "Misc", "Windowing", "About windowing", WindowingExample.class },
- // JavaScript API
- { "Misc", "JavaScript API", "JavaScript to Vaadin communication",
- JavaScriptAPIExample.class },
- // END
- };
- @Override
- public void init() {
- // Need to set a theme for ThemeResources to work
- setTheme("example");
- // Create new window for the application and give the window a visible.
- final Window main = new Window("Vaadin 6");
- main.setDebugId("mainWindow");
- // set as main window
- setMainWindow(main);
- final SplitPanel split = new SplitPanel(
- split.setSplitPosition(200, SplitPanel.UNITS_PIXELS);
- main.setContent(split);
- final HashMap<String, Object> sectionIds = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- final HierarchicalContainer container = createContainer();
- final Object rootId = container.addItem();
- Item item = container.getItem(rootId);
- Property p = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
- p.setValue("All examples");
- for (int i = 0; i < demos.length; i++) {
- final Object[] demo = demos[i];
- final String section = (String) demo[0];
- Object sectionId;
- if (sectionIds.containsKey(section)) {
- sectionId = sectionIds.get(section);
- } else {
- sectionId = container.addItem();
- sectionIds.put(section, sectionId);
- container.setParent(sectionId, rootId);
- item = container.getItem(sectionId);
- p = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
- p.setValue(section);
- }
- final Object id = container.addItem();
- container.setParent(id, sectionId);
- initItem(container.getItem(id), demo);
- }
- tree = new Tree();
- tree.setDebugId("FeatureBrowser: Main Tree");
- tree.setSelectable(true);
- tree.setMultiSelect(false);
- tree.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);
- tree.setContainerDataSource(container);
- tree.setItemCaptionMode(AbstractSelect.ITEM_CAPTION_MODE_PROPERTY);
- tree.setItemCaptionPropertyId(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
- tree.addListener(this);
- tree.setImmediate(true);
- tree.expandItemsRecursively(rootId);
- for (Iterator<?> i = container.getItemIds().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
- Object id =;
- if (container.getChildren(id) == null) {
- tree.setChildrenAllowed(id, false);
- }
- }
- split.addComponent(tree);
- final SplitPanel split2 = new SplitPanel();
- split2.setSplitPosition(200, SplitPanel.UNITS_PIXELS);
- split.addComponent(split2);
- table = new Table();
- table.setDebugId("FeatureBrowser: Main Table");
- table.setSizeFull();
- table.setColumnReorderingAllowed(true);
- table.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true);
- table.setSelectable(true);
- table.setMultiSelect(false);
- table.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);
- try {
- table.setContainerDataSource((IndexedContainer) container.clone());
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- // Hide some columns
- table.setVisibleColumns(new Object[] { PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY,
- table.addListener(this);
- table.setImmediate(true);
- split2.addComponent(table);
- final VerticalLayout exp = new VerticalLayout();
- exp.setSizeFull();
- exp.setMargin(true);
- split2.addComponent(exp);
- final HorizontalLayout wbLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
- Button b = new Button("Open in sub-window", new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- Component component = (Component) ts.getComponentIterator()
- .next();
- String caption = ts.getTab(component).getCaption();
- try {
- component = component.getClass().newInstance();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Could not create
- return;
- }
- Window w = new Window(caption);
- w.setWidth("640px");
- if (Layout.class.isAssignableFrom(component.getClass())) {
- w.setContent((Layout) component);
- } else {
- // w.getLayout().getSize().setSizeFull();
- w.addComponent(component);
- }
- getMainWindow().addWindow(w);
- }
- });
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- wbLayout.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button("Open in native window", new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- Component component = (Component) ts.getComponentIterator()
- .next();
- final String caption = ts.getTab(component).getCaption();
- Window w = getWindow(caption);
- if (w == null) {
- try {
- component = component.getClass().newInstance();
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- // Could not create
- return;
- }
- w = new Window(caption);
- w.setName(caption);
- if (Layout.class.isAssignableFrom(component.getClass())) {
- w.setContent((Layout) component);
- } else {
- // w.getLayout().getSize().setSizeFull();
- w.addComponent(component);
- }
- addWindow(w);
- }
- getMainWindow().open(new ExternalResource(w.getURL()), caption);
- }
- });
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- wbLayout.addComponent(b);
- exp.addComponent(wbLayout);
- exp.setComponentAlignment(wbLayout, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT);
- ts = new TabSheet();
- ts.setSizeFull();
- ts.addTab(new Label(""), "Choose example", null);
- exp.addComponent(ts);
- exp.setExpandRatio(ts, 1);
- final Label status = new Label(
- "<a href=\"\">30 Seconds to Vaadin</a>"
- + " | <a href=\"\">Book of Vaadin</a>");
- status.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- exp.addComponent(status);
- exp.setComponentAlignment(status, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
- // select initial section ("All")
- tree.setValue(rootId);
- getMainWindow()
- .showNotification(
- "Welcome",
- "Choose an example to begin.<br/><br/>And remember to experiment!",
- Window.Notification.TYPE_TRAY_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- private void initItem(Item item, Object[] data) {
- int p = 0;
- Property prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY);
- prop.setValue(data[p++]);
- prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
- prop.setValue(data[p++]);
- prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_DESC);
- prop.setValue(data[p++]);
- prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CLASS);
- prop.setValue(data[p++]);
- }
- private HierarchicalContainer createContainer() {
- final HierarchicalContainer c = new HierarchicalContainer();
- c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY, String.class, null);
- c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME, String.class, "");
- c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_DESC, String.class, "");
- c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CLASS, Class.class, null);
- c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_VIEWED, Embedded.class, null);
- return c;
- }
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- if (event.getProperty() == tree) {
- final Object id = tree.getValue();
- if (id == null) {
- return;
- }
- final Item item = tree.getItem(id);
- //
- String newSection;
- if (tree.isRoot(id)) {
- newSection = ""; // show all sections
- } else if (tree.hasChildren(id)) {
- newSection = (String) item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)
- .getValue();
- } else {
- newSection = (String) item
- .getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY).getValue();
- }
- table.setValue(null);
- final IndexedContainer c = (IndexedContainer) table
- .getContainerDataSource();
- if (newSection != null && !newSection.equals(section)) {
- c.removeAllContainerFilters();
- c.addContainerFilter(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY, newSection, false,
- true);
- }
- section = newSection;
- if (!tree.hasChildren(id)) {
- // Example, not section
- // update table selection
- table.setValue(id);
- }
- } else if (event.getProperty() == table) {
- if (table.getValue() != null) {
- table.removeListener(this);
- tree.setValue(table.getValue());
- table.addListener(this);
- final Item item = table.getItem(table.getValue());
- final Class<?> c = (Class<?>) item.getItemProperty(
- PROPERTY_ID_CLASS).getValue();
- final Component component = getComponent(c);
- if (component != null) {
- final String caption = (String) item.getItemProperty(
- PROPERTY_ID_NAME).getValue();
- ts.removeAllComponents();
- ts.addTab(component, caption, null);
- }
- // update "viewed" state
- final Property p = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_VIEWED);
- if (p.getValue() == null) {
- p.setValue(new Embedded("", new ThemeResource(
- "icons/ok.png")));
- }
- table.requestRepaint();
- }
- }
- }
- private Component getComponent(Class<?> componentClass) {
- if (!exampleInstances.containsKey(componentClass)) {
- try {
- final Component c = (Component) componentClass.newInstance();
- exampleInstances.put(componentClass, c);
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- return exampleInstances.get(componentClass);
- }
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index 927f2ba978..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.ui.BaseFieldFactory;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Field;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Form;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
- * This example demonstrates the most important features of the Form component:
- * binding Form to a JavaBean so that form fields are automatically generated
- * from the bean properties, creation of custom field editors using a
- * FieldFactory, customizing the form without FieldFactory, buffering
- * (commit/discard) and validation. Please note that the example is quite a bit
- * more complex than real use, as it tries to demonstrate more features than
- * needed in general case.
- */
-public class FormExample extends CustomComponent {
- static final String cities[] = { "Amsterdam", "Berlin", "Helsinki",
- "Hong Kong", "London", "Luxemburg", "New York", "Oslo", "Paris",
- "Rome", "Stockholm", "Tokyo", "Turku" };
- /** Compose the demo. */
- public FormExample() {
- // Example data model
- final Address dataModel = new Address();
- Button peekDataModelState = new Button("Show the data model state",
- new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- getWindow().showNotification(
- dataModel.getAddressAsText());
- }
- });
- // Example form
- final AddressForm form = new AddressForm("Contact Information");
- form.setDataSource(dataModel);
- form
- .setDescription("Please enter valid name and address. Fields marked with * are required. "
- + "If you try to commit with invalid values, a form error message is displayed. "
- + "(Address is required but failing to give it a value does not display an error.)");
- // Layout the example
- VerticalLayout root = new VerticalLayout();
- root.setMargin(true);
- root.setSpacing(true);
- root.addComponent(form);
- root.addComponent(peekDataModelState);
- setCompositionRoot(root);
- }
- public static class AddressForm extends Form {
- public AddressForm(String caption) {
- setCaption(caption);
- // Use custom field factory to modify the defaults on how the
- // components are created
- setFieldFactory(new MyFieldFactory());
- // Add Commit and Discard controls to the form.
- Button commit = new Button("Save", this, "commit");
- Button discard = new Button("Reset", this, "discard");
- HorizontalLayout footer = new HorizontalLayout();
- footer.addComponent(commit);
- footer.addComponent(discard);
- setFooter(footer);
- }
- public void setDataSource(Address dataModel) {
- // Set the form to edit given datamodel by converting pojo used as
- // the datamodel to Item
- setItemDataSource(new BeanItem(dataModel));
- // Ensure that the fields are shown in correct order as the
- // datamodel does not force any specific order.
- setVisibleItemProperties(new String[] { "name", "streetAddress",
- "postalCode", "city" });
- // For examples sake, customize some of the form fields directly
- // here. The alternative way is to use custom field factory as shown
- // above.
- getField("name").setRequired(true);
- getField("name").setRequiredError("Name is missing");
- getField("streetAddress").setRequired(true); // No error message
- getField("postalCode").setRequired(true); // No error message
- replaceWithSelect("city", cities, cities).setNewItemsAllowed(true);
- // Set the form to act immediately on user input. This is
- // automatically transports data between the client and the server
- // to do server-side validation.
- setImmediate(true);
- // Enable buffering so that commit() must be called for the form
- // before input is written to the data. (Form input is not written
- // immediately through to the underlying object.)
- setWriteThrough(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This is example on how to customize field creation. Any kind of field
- * components could be created on the fly.
- */
- static class MyFieldFactory extends BaseFieldFactory implements
- Serializable {
- @Override
- public Field createField(Item item, Object propertyId,
- Component uiContext) {
- Field field = super.createField(item, propertyId, uiContext);
- if ("postalCode".equals(propertyId)) {
- ((TextField) field).setColumns(5);
- field.addValidator(new PostalCodeValidator());
- }
- return field;
- }
- }
- /**
- * This is an example of how to create a custom validator for automatic
- * input validation.
- */
- static class PostalCodeValidator implements Validator {
- public boolean isValid(Object value) {
- if (value == null || !(value instanceof String)) {
- return false;
- }
- return ((String) value).matches("[0-9]{5}");
- }
- public void validate(Object value) throws InvalidValueException {
- if (!isValid(value)) {
- throw new InvalidValueException(
- "Postal code must be a five digit number.");
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Contact information data model created as POJO. Note that in many cases
- * it would be a good idea to implement Item -interface for the datamodel to
- * make it directly bindable to form (without BeanItem wrapper)
- */
- public static class Address implements Serializable {
- String name = "";
- String streetAddress = "";
- String postalCode = "";
- String city;
- public String getAddressAsText() {
- return name + "\n" + streetAddress + "\n" + postalCode + " "
- + (city == null ? "" : city);
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setStreetAddress(String address) {
- streetAddress = address;
- }
- public String getStreetAddress() {
- return streetAddress;
- }
- public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
- this.postalCode = postalCode;
- }
- public String getPostalCode() {
- return postalCode;
- }
- public void setCity(String city) {
- = city;
- }
- public String getCity() {
- return city;
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0988715286..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.BaseFieldFactory;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Field;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
- * This example demonstrates the use of generated columns in a table. Generated
- * columns can be used for formatting values or calculating them from other
- * columns (or properties of the items).
- *
- * For the data model, we use POJOs bound to a custom Container with BeanItem
- * items.
- *
- * @author magi
- */
-public class GeneratedColumnExample extends CustomComponent {
- /**
- * The business model: fill-up at a gas station.
- */
- public class FillUp {
- Date date;
- double quantity;
- double total;
- public FillUp() {
- }
- public FillUp(int day, int month, int year, double quantity,
- double total) {
- date = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day).getTime();
- this.quantity = quantity;
- = total;
- }
- /** Calculates price per unit of quantity (€/l). */
- public double price() {
- if (quantity != 0.0) {
- return total / quantity;
- } else {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- /** Calculates average daily consumption between two fill-ups. */
- public double dailyConsumption(FillUp other) {
- double difference_ms = date.getTime() -;
- double days = difference_ms / 1000 / 3600 / 24;
- if (days < 0.5) {
- days = 1.0; // Avoid division by zero if two fill-ups on the
- // same day.
- }
- return quantity / days;
- }
- /** Calculates average daily consumption between two fill-ups. */
- public double dailyCost(FillUp other) {
- return price() * dailyConsumption(other);
- }
- // Getters and setters
- public Date getDate() {
- return date;
- }
- public void setDate(Date date) {
- = date;
- }
- public double getQuantity() {
- return quantity;
- }
- public void setQuantity(double quantity) {
- this.quantity = quantity;
- }
- public double getTotal() {
- return total;
- }
- public void setTotal(double total) {
- = total;
- }
- };
- /**
- * This is a custom container that allows adding BeanItems inside it. The
- * BeanItem objects must be bound to an object. The item ID is an Integer
- * from 0 to 99.
- *
- * Most of the interface methods are implemented with just dummy
- * implementations, as they are not needed in this example.
- */
- public class MySimpleIndexedContainer implements Container, Indexed {
- Vector<BeanItem> items;
- Object itemtemplate;
- public MySimpleIndexedContainer(Object itemtemplate) {
- this.itemtemplate = itemtemplate;
- items = new Vector<BeanItem>(); // Yeah this is just a test
- }
- public boolean addContainerProperty(Object propertyId, Class<?> type,
- Object defaultValue) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- public Item addItem(Object itemId) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- public Object addItem() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- /**
- * This addItem method is specific for this container and allows adding
- * BeanItem objects. The BeanItems must be bound to MyBean objects.
- */
- public void addItem(BeanItem item) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- items.add(item);
- }
- public boolean containsId(Object itemId) {
- if (itemId instanceof Integer) {
- int pos = ((Integer) itemId).intValue();
- if (pos >= 0 && pos < items.size()) {
- return items.get(pos) != null;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * The Table will call this method to get the property objects for the
- * columns. It uses the property objects to determine the data types of
- * the columns.
- */
- public Property getContainerProperty(Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
- if (itemId instanceof Integer) {
- int pos = ((Integer) itemId).intValue();
- if (pos >= 0 && pos < items.size()) {
- Item item = items.get(pos);
- // The BeanItem provides the property objects for the items.
- return item.getItemProperty(propertyId);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /** Table calls this to get the column names. */
- public Collection getContainerPropertyIds() {
- Item item = new BeanItem(itemtemplate);
- // The BeanItem knows how to get the property names from the bean.
- return item.getItemPropertyIds();
- }
- public Item getItem(Object itemId) {
- if (itemId instanceof Integer) {
- int pos = ((Integer) itemId).intValue();
- if (pos >= 0 && pos < items.size()) {
- return items.get(pos);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public Collection getItemIds() {
- Vector ids = new Vector(items.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
- ids.add(Integer.valueOf(i));
- }
- return ids;
- }
- public Class getType(Object propertyId) {
- return BeanItem.class;
- }
- public boolean removeAllItems() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- public boolean removeContainerProperty(Object propertyId)
- throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- public boolean removeItem(Object itemId)
- throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- public int size() {
- return items.size();
- }
- public Object addItemAt(int index) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return null;
- }
- public Item addItemAt(int index, Object newItemId)
- throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return null;
- }
- public Object getIdByIndex(int index) {
- return Integer.valueOf(index);
- }
- public int indexOfId(Object itemId) {
- return ((Integer) itemId).intValue();
- }
- public Object addItemAfter(Object previousItemId)
- throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return null;
- }
- public Item addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
- throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return null;
- }
- public Object firstItemId() {
- return new Integer(0);
- }
- public boolean isFirstId(Object itemId) {
- return ((Integer) itemId).intValue() == 0;
- }
- public boolean isLastId(Object itemId) {
- return ((Integer) itemId).intValue() == (items.size() - 1);
- }
- public Object lastItemId() {
- return new Integer(items.size() - 1);
- }
- public Object nextItemId(Object itemId) {
- int pos = indexOfId(itemId);
- if (pos >= items.size() - 1) {
- return null;
- }
- return getIdByIndex(pos + 1);
- }
- public Object prevItemId(Object itemId) {
- int pos = indexOfId(itemId);
- if (pos <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- return getIdByIndex(pos - 1);
- }
- }
- /** Formats the dates in a column containing Date objects. */
- class DateColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator {
- /**
- * Generates the cell containing the Date value. The column is
- * irrelevant in this use case.
- */
- public Component generateCell(Table source, Object itemId,
- Object columnId) {
- Property prop = source.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty(columnId);
- if (prop.getType().equals(Date.class)) {
- Label label = new Label(String.format("%tF",
- new Object[] { (Date) prop.getValue() }));
- label.addStyleName("column-type-date");
- return label;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /** Formats the value in a column containing Double objects. */
- class ValueColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator {
- String format; /* Format string for the Double values. */
- /** Creates double value column formatter with the given format string. */
- public ValueColumnGenerator(String format) {
- this.format = format;
- }
- /**
- * Generates the cell containing the Double value. The column is
- * irrelevant in this use case.
- */
- public Component generateCell(Table source, Object itemId,
- Object columnId) {
- Property prop = source.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty(columnId);
- if (prop.getType().equals(Double.class)) {
- Label label = new Label(String.format(format,
- new Object[] { (Double) prop.getValue() }));
- // Set styles for the column: one indicating that it's a value
- // and a more
- // specific one with the column name in it. This assumes that
- // the column
- // name is proper for CSS.
- label.addStyleName("column-type-value");
- label.addStyleName("column-" + (String) columnId);
- return label;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /** Table column generator for calculating price column. */
- class PriceColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator {
- public Component generateCell(Table source, Object itemId,
- Object columnId) {
- // Retrieve the item.
- BeanItem item = (BeanItem) source.getItem(itemId);
- // Retrieves the underlying POJO from the item.
- FillUp fillup = (FillUp) item.getBean();
- // Do the business logic
- double price = fillup.price();
- // Create the generated component for displaying the calcucated
- // value.
- Label label = new Label(String.format("%1.2f €",
- new Object[] { new Double(price) }));
- // We set the style here. You can't use a CellStyleGenerator for
- // generated columns.
- label.addStyleName("column-price");
- return label;
- }
- }
- /** Table column generator for calculating consumption column. */
- class ConsumptionColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator {
- /**
- * Generates a cell containing value calculated from the item.
- */
- public Component generateCell(Table source, Object itemId,
- Object columnId) {
- Indexed indexedSource = (Indexed) source.getContainerDataSource();
- // Can not calculate consumption for the first item.
- if (indexedSource.isFirstId(itemId)) {
- Label label = new Label("N/A");
- label.addStyleName("column-consumption");
- return label;
- }
- // Index of the previous item.
- Object prevItemId = indexedSource.prevItemId(itemId);
- // Retrieve the POJOs.
- FillUp fillup = (FillUp) ((BeanItem) indexedSource.getItem(itemId))
- .getBean();
- FillUp prev = (FillUp) ((BeanItem) source.getItem(prevItemId))
- .getBean();
- // Do the business logic
- return generateCell(fillup, prev);
- }
- public Component generateCell(FillUp fillup, FillUp prev) {
- double consumption = fillup.dailyConsumption(prev);
- // Generate the component for displaying the calculated value.
- Label label = new Label(String.format("%3.2f l",
- new Object[] { new Double(consumption) }));
- // We set the style here. You can't use a CellStyleGenerator for
- // generated columns.
- label.addStyleName("column-consumption");
- return label;
- }
- }
- /** Table column generator for calculating daily cost column. */
- class DailyCostColumnGenerator extends ConsumptionColumnGenerator {
- @Override
- public Component generateCell(FillUp fillup, FillUp prev) {
- double dailycost = fillup.dailyCost(prev);
- // Generate the component for displaying the calculated value.
- Label label = new Label(String.format("%3.2f €",
- new Object[] { new Double(dailycost) }));
- // We set the style here. You can't use a CellStyleGenerator for
- // generated columns.
- label.addStyleName("column-dailycost");
- return label;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Custom field factory that sets the fields as immediate.
- */
- public class ImmediateFieldFactory extends BaseFieldFactory {
- @Override
- public Field createField(Class type, Component uiContext) {
- // Let the BaseFieldFactory create the fields
- Field field = super.createField(type, uiContext);
- // ...and just set them as immediate
- ((AbstractField) field).setImmediate(true);
- return field;
- }
- }
- public GeneratedColumnExample() {
- final Table table = new Table();
- // Define table columns. These include also the column for the generated
- // column, because we want to set the column label to something
- // different than the property ID.
- table
- .addContainerProperty("date", Date.class, null, "Date", null,
- null);
- table.addContainerProperty("quantity", Double.class, null,
- "Quantity (l)", null, null);
- table.addContainerProperty("price", Double.class, null,
- "Price (€/l)", null, null);
- table.addContainerProperty("total", Double.class, null, "Total (€)",
- null, null);
- table.addContainerProperty("consumption", Double.class, null,
- "Consumption (l/day)", null, null);
- table.addContainerProperty("dailycost", Double.class, null,
- "Daily Cost (€/day)", null, null);
- // Define the generated columns and their generators.
- table.addGeneratedColumn("date", new DateColumnGenerator());
- table
- .addGeneratedColumn("quantity", new ValueColumnGenerator(
- "%.2f l"));
- table.addGeneratedColumn("price", new PriceColumnGenerator());
- table.addGeneratedColumn("total", new ValueColumnGenerator("%.2f €"));
- table.addGeneratedColumn("consumption",
- new ConsumptionColumnGenerator());
- table.addGeneratedColumn("dailycost", new DailyCostColumnGenerator());
- // Create a data source and bind it to the table.
- MySimpleIndexedContainer data = new MySimpleIndexedContainer(
- new FillUp());
- table.setContainerDataSource(data);
- // Generated columns are automatically placed after property columns, so
- // we have to set the order of the columns explicitly.
- table.setVisibleColumns(new Object[] { "date", "quantity", "price",
- "total", "consumption", "dailycost" });
- // Add some data.
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(19, 2, 2005, 44.96, 51.21)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(30, 3, 2005, 44.91, 53.67)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(20, 4, 2005, 42.96, 49.06)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(23, 5, 2005, 47.37, 55.28)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(6, 6, 2005, 35.34, 41.52)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(30, 6, 2005, 16.07, 20.00)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(2, 7, 2005, 36.40, 36.19)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(6, 7, 2005, 39.17, 50.90)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(27, 7, 2005, 43.43, 53.03)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(17, 8, 2005, 20, 29.18)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(30, 8, 2005, 46.06, 59.09)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(22, 9, 2005, 46.11, 60.36)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(14, 10, 2005, 41.51, 50.19)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(12, 11, 2005, 35.24, 40.00)));
- data.addItem(new BeanItem(new FillUp(28, 11, 2005, 45.26, 53.27)));
- // Have a check box that allows the user to make the quantity
- // and total columns editable.
- final CheckBox editable = new CheckBox(
- "Edit the input values - calculated columns are regenerated");
- editable.setImmediate(true);
- editable.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- table.setEditable(editable.booleanValue());
- // The columns may not be generated when we want to have them
- // editable.
- if (editable.booleanValue()) {
- table.removeGeneratedColumn("quantity");
- table.removeGeneratedColumn("total");
- } else {
- // In non-editable mode we want to show the formatted
- // values.
- table.addGeneratedColumn("quantity",
- new ValueColumnGenerator("%.2f l"));
- table.addGeneratedColumn("total", new ValueColumnGenerator(
- "%.2f €"));
- }
- // The visible columns are affected by removal and addition of
- // generated columns so we have to redefine them.
- table.setVisibleColumns(new Object[] { "date", "quantity",
- "price", "total", "consumption", "dailycost" });
- }
- });
- // Use a custom field factory to set the edit fields as immediate.
- // This is used when the table is in editable mode.
- table.setFieldFactory(new ImmediateFieldFactory());
- // Setting the table itself as immediate has no relevance in this
- // example,
- // because it is relevant only if the table is selectable and we want to
- // get the selection changes immediately.
- table.setImmediate(true);
- table.setHeight("300px");
- VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
- layout.setMargin(true);
- layout
- .addComponent(new Label(
- "Table with column generators that format and calculate cell values."));
- layout.addComponent(table);
- layout.addComponent(editable);
- layout.addComponent(new Label(
- "Columns displayed in blue are calculated from Quantity and Total. "
- + "Others are simply formatted."));
- layout.setExpandRatio(table, 1);
- layout.setSizeUndefined();
- setCompositionRoot(layout);
- // setSizeFull();
- }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import java.util.Date;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
- * An example using a RichTextArea to edit a Label in XHTML-mode.
- *
- */
-public class JavaScriptAPIExample extends CustomComponent {
- public static final String txt = "<p>For advanced client side programmers Vaadin offers a simple method which can be used to force sync client with server. This may be needed for example if another part of a mashup changes things on server.</p> (more examples will be added here as the APIs are made public)<br/><br/><A href=\"javascript:vaadin.forceSync();\">javascript:vaadin.forceSync();</A>";
- private final VerticalLayout main;
- private final Label l;
- private final TextField editor = new TextField();
- public JavaScriptAPIExample() {
- // main layout
- main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- editor.setRows(7);
- editor.setColumns(50);
- // Add the label
- l = new Label(txt);
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- main.addComponent(l);
- // Edit button with inline click-listener
- Button b = new Button("Edit", new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- // swap Label <-> RichTextArea
- if (main.getComponentIterator().next() == l) {
- editor.setValue(l.getValue());
- main.replaceComponent(l, editor);
- event.getButton().setCaption("Save");
- } else {
- l.setValue(editor.getValue());
- main.replaceComponent(editor, l);
- event.getButton().setCaption("Edit");
- }
- }
- });
- main.addComponent(b);
- main.setComponentAlignment(b, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
- //
- Label l = new Label(
- "This label will update it's server-side value AFTER it's rendered to the client-side. "
- + "The client will be synchronized on reload, when you click a button, "
- + "or when vaadin.forceSync() is called.") {
- @Override
- public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
- super.paintContent(target);
- Delay d = new Delay(this);
- d.start();
- }
- };
- main.addComponent(l);
- }
- private class Delay extends Thread {
- Label label;
- public Delay(Label l) {
- label = l;
- }
- @Override
- public void run() {
- try {
- Thread.sleep(500);
- label.setValue(new Date().toString());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
- * Shows a few variations of Labels, including the effects of XHTML- and
- * pre-formatted mode.
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class LabelExample extends CustomComponent {
- private static final String xhtml = "This text has <b>HTML</b> formatting.<br/>"
- + "A plain <i>Label</i> will show the markup, while a <u>XHTML-mode</u>"
- + " <i>Label</i> will show the formatted text.";
- private static final String pre = "This text has linebreaks.\n\n"
- + "They will show up in a preformatted Label,\n"
- + "but not in a \"plain\" Label.\n\n"
- + " This is an indented row. \n Same indentation here.";
- public LabelExample() {
- final GridLayout g = new GridLayout(2, 4);
- g.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(g);
- g.setWidth("100%");
- // plain w/o caption
- Panel p = getExpamplePanel("Plain");
- Label l = new Label("A plain label without caption.");
- l.setDebugId("label1");
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- // plain w/ caption
- p = getExpamplePanel("Plain w/ caption + tooltip");
- l = new Label("A plain label with caption.");
- l.setCaption("Label caption");
- l.setDebugId("label2");
- l.setDescription("This is a description (tooltip) for the label.");
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- // plain w/ xhtml
- p = getExpamplePanel("Plain w/ XHTML content");
- l = new Label(xhtml);
- l.setDebugId("label3");
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- // xhtml w/ xhtml
- p = getExpamplePanel("XHTML-mode w/ XHTML content");
- l = new Label(xhtml);
- l.setDebugId("label4");
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- // plain w/ preformatted
- p = getExpamplePanel("Plain w/ preformatted content");
- l = new Label(pre);
- l.setDebugId("label5");
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- // preformatted w/ preformatted
- p = getExpamplePanel("Preformatted-mode w/ preformatted content");
- l = new Label(pre);
- l.setDebugId("label6");
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_PREFORMATTED);
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- }
- private Panel getExpamplePanel(String caption) {
- Panel p = new Panel(caption);
- p.setDebugId(p.getCaption());
- p.addStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- return p;
- }
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--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
- * A few examples of layout possibilities.
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class LayoutExample extends CustomComponent {
- public LayoutExample() {
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- final GridLayout g = new GridLayout(2, 5);
- g.setWidth("100%");
- main.addComponent(g);
- // panel
- Panel p = new Panel("This is a normal panel");
- p.setDebugId("NormalPanel");
- Label l = new Label("A normal panel.");
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- // lightpanel
- p = new Panel("This is a light panel");
- p.setDebugId("LightPanel");
- p.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- l = new Label("A light-style panel.");
- p.addComponent(l);
- g.addComponent(p);
- TabSheet ts = new TabSheet();
- g.addComponent(ts, 0, 1, 1, 1);
- VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
- ol.setDebugId("VerticalOrderedLayout");
- ol.setMargin(true);
- ol.addComponent(new Label("Component 1"));
- ol.addComponent(new Label("Component 2"));
- ol.addComponent(new Label("Component 3"));
- ts.addTab(ol, "Vertical OrderedLayout", null);
- HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout();
- hl.setDebugId("HorizontalOrderedLayout");
- hl.setMargin(true);
- hl.addComponent(new Label("Component 1"));
- hl.addComponent(new Label("Component 2"));
- hl.addComponent(new Label("Component 3"));
- ts.addTab(hl, "Horizontal OrderedLayout", null);
- final GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(3, 3);
- gl.setDebugId("GridLayout");
- gl.setMargin(true);
- gl.addComponent(new Label("Component 1.1"));
- gl.addComponent(new Label("Component 1.2"));
- gl.addComponent(new Label("Component 1.3"));
- gl.addComponent(new Label("Component 2.2"), 1, 1);
- gl.addComponent(new Label("Component 3.1"), 0, 2);
- gl.addComponent(new Label("Component 3.3"), 2, 2);
- ts.addTab(gl, "GridLayout", null);
- /*- TODO spitpanel removed for now - do we need it here?
- ts = new TabSheet();
- ts.setHeight(150);
- g.addComponent(ts, 0, 2, 1, 2);
- SplitPanel sp = new SplitPanel();
- sp.addComponent(new Label("Component 1"));
- sp.addComponent(new Label("Component 2"));
- ts.addTab(sp, "Vertical SplitPanel", null);
- sp = new SplitPanel(SplitPanel.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- sp.addComponent(new Label("Component 1"));
- sp.addComponent(new Label("Component 2"));
- ts.addTab(sp, "Horizontal SplitPanel", null);
- -*/
- }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.RichTextArea;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
- * Demonstrates the use of Notifications.
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- * @see com.vaadin.ui.Window
- */
-public class NotificationExample extends CustomComponent {
- // Dropdown select for notification type, using the native dropdown
- NativeSelect type;
- // Textfield for the notification caption
- TextField caption;
- // Textfield for the notification content
- TextField message;
- /**
- * Default constructor; We're subclassing CustomComponent, so we need to
- * choose a root component and set it as composition root.
- */
- public NotificationExample() {
- // Main layout
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setSizeUndefined();
- main.setSpacing(true);
- main.setMargin(true); // use theme-specific margin
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- // Create the 'type' dropdown select.
- type = new NativeSelect("Notification type");
- main.addComponent(type);
- // no empty selection allowed
- type.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);
- // we want a different caption than the value
- type.addContainerProperty("caption", String.class, null);
- type.setItemCaptionMode(AbstractSelect.ITEM_CAPTION_MODE_PROPERTY);
- type.setItemCaptionPropertyId("caption");
- // add some content (items) using the Container API
- Item i = type.addItem(new Integer(
- Window.Notification.TYPE_HUMANIZED_MESSAGE));
- i.getItemProperty("caption").setValue("Humanized message");
- i = type.addItem(new Integer(Window.Notification.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE));
- i.getItemProperty("caption").setValue("Warning message");
- i = type.addItem(new Integer(Window.Notification.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE));
- i.getItemProperty("caption").setValue("Error message");
- i = type
- .addItem(new Integer(Window.Notification.TYPE_TRAY_NOTIFICATION));
- i.getItemProperty("caption").setValue("Tray notification");
- // set the initially selected item
- type.setValue(new Integer(Window.Notification.TYPE_HUMANIZED_MESSAGE));
- // Notification caption
- caption = new TextField("Caption");
- main.addComponent(caption);
- caption.setColumns(20);
- caption.setValue("Brown Fox!");
- // Notification message
- message = new RichTextArea();
- main.addComponent(message);
- message.setCaption("Message");
- message.setValue("A quick one jumped over the lazy dog.");
- // Button to show the notification
- final Button b = new Button("Show notification", new ClickListener() {
- // this is an inline ClickListener
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- // show the notification
- getWindow().showNotification((String) caption.getValue(),
- (String) message.getValue(),
- ((Integer) type.getValue()).intValue());
- }
- });
- main.addComponent(b);
- main.setComponentAlignment(b, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
- }
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index 84c16e3a26..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.RichTextArea;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
- * An example using a RichTextArea to edit a Label in XHTML-mode.
- *
- */
-public class RichTextExample extends CustomComponent {
- public static final String txt = "<h1>RichText editor example</h1>"
- + "To edit this text, press the <b>Edit</b> button below."
- + "<br/>"
- + "See the <A href=\"\">Book of Vaadin</a> "
- + "for more information.";
- private final VerticalLayout main;
- private final Label l;
- private final RichTextArea editor = new RichTextArea();
- private final Button b;
- public RichTextExample() {
- // main layout
- main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- editor.setWidth("100%");
- // Add the label
- l = new Label(txt);
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- main.addComponent(l);
- // Edit button with inline click-listener
- b = new Button("Edit", new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- // swap Label <-> RichTextArea
- if (main.getComponentIterator().next() == l) {
- editor.setValue(l.getValue());
- main.replaceComponent(l, editor);
- b.setCaption("Save");
- } else {
- l.setValue(editor.getValue());
- main.replaceComponent(editor, l);
- b.setCaption("Edit");
- }
- }
- });
- main.addComponent(b);
- main.setComponentAlignment(b, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
- }
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index ab6711efce..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Field;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ListSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TwinColSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
- * Shows some basic fields for value input; TextField, DateField, Slider...
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class SelectExample extends CustomComponent {
- // listener that shows a value change notification
- private final Field.ValueChangeListener listener = new Field.ValueChangeListener() {
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- getWindow().showNotification("" + event.getProperty().getValue());
- }
- };
- public SelectExample() {
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- final HorizontalLayout horiz = new HorizontalLayout();
- horiz.setWidth("100%");
- main.addComponent(horiz);
- final Panel single = new Panel("Single selects");
- single.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(single);
- final Panel multi = new Panel("Multi selects");
- multi.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(multi);
- // radio button group
- AbstractSelect sel = new OptionGroup("OptionGroup");
- sel.setDebugId("RadioButtons");
- initSelect(sel);
- single.addComponent(sel);
- // checkbox group
- sel = new OptionGroup("OptionGroup");
- sel.setDebugId("OptionGroup");
- sel.setMultiSelect(true); // TODO: throws if set after listener - why?
- initSelect(sel);
- multi.addComponent(sel);
- // single-select list
- sel = new ListSelect("ListSelect");
- sel.setDebugId("SingleListSelect");
- ((ListSelect) sel).setColumns(15);
- initSelect(sel);
- single.addComponent(sel);
- // multi-select list
- sel = new ListSelect("ListSelect");
- sel.setDebugId("MultiListSelect");
- ((ListSelect) sel).setColumns(15);
- sel.setMultiSelect(true);
- initSelect(sel);
- multi.addComponent(sel);
- // native-style dropdows
- sel = new NativeSelect("NativeSelect");
- sel.setDebugId("NativeSelect");
- ((NativeSelect) sel).setColumns(15);
- initSelect(sel);
- single.addComponent(sel);
- // combobox
- sel = new ComboBox("ComboBox");
- sel.setDebugId("ComboBox");
- ((ComboBox) sel).setColumns(15);
- initSelect(sel);
- single.addComponent(sel);
- // "twin column" select
- sel = new TwinColSelect("TwinColSelect");
- sel.setDebugId("TwinColSelect");
- ((TwinColSelect) sel).setColumns(15);
- initSelect(sel);
- multi.addComponent(sel);
- }
- /*
- * Initialize select with some values, make immediate and add listener.
- */
- private void initSelect(AbstractSelect sel) {
- for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
- sel.addItem("Item " + i);
- }
- // select one item
-"Item 1");
- // make immediate, add listener
- sel.setImmediate(true);
- sel.addListener(listener);
- }
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index b1b4fccf6f..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Random;
-import java.util.Set;
-import com.vaadin.event.Action;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
- * Table example.
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class TableExample extends CustomComponent implements Action.Handler,
- Button.ClickListener {
- // Actions
- private static final Action ACTION_SAVE = new Action("Save");
- private static final Action ACTION_DELETE = new Action("Delete");
- private static final Action ACTION_HIRE = new Action("Hire");
- // Action sets
- private static final Action[] ACTIONS_NOHIRE = new Action[] { ACTION_SAVE,
- private static final Action[] ACTIONS_HIRE = new Action[] { ACTION_HIRE,
- // Properties
- private static final Object PROPERTY_SPECIES = "Species";
- private static final Object PROPERTY_TYPE = "Type";
- private static final Object PROPERTY_KIND = "Kind";
- private static final Object PROPERTY_HIRED = "Hired";
- // "global" components
- Table source;
- Table saved;
- Button saveSelected;
- Button hireSelected;
- Button deleteSelected;
- Button deselect;
- public TableExample() {
- VerticalLayout margin = new VerticalLayout();
- margin.setMargin(true);
- TabSheet root = new TabSheet();
- setCompositionRoot(margin);
- margin.addComponent(root);
- // main layout
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- root.addComponent(main);
- main.setCaption("Basic Table");
- main.setMargin(true);
- // "source" table with bells & whistlesenabled
- source = new Table("All creatures");
- source.setPageLength(7);
- source.setWidth("550px");
- source.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true);
- source.setColumnReorderingAllowed(true);
- source.setSelectable(true);
- source.setMultiSelect(true);
- source.setRowHeaderMode(Table.ROW_HEADER_MODE_ID);
- fillTable(source);
- source.addActionHandler(this);
- main.addComponent(source);
- source.setDebugId("AllCreatures");
- // x-selected button row
- final HorizontalLayout horiz = new HorizontalLayout();
- horiz.setMargin(false, false, true, false);
- main.addComponent(horiz);
- saveSelected = new Button("Save selected");
- saveSelected.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- saveSelected.addListener(this);
- horiz.addComponent(saveSelected);
- hireSelected = new Button("Hire selected");
- hireSelected.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- hireSelected.addListener(this);
- horiz.addComponent(hireSelected);
- deleteSelected = new Button("Delete selected");
- deleteSelected.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- deleteSelected.addListener(this);
- horiz.addComponent(deleteSelected);
- deselect = new Button("Deselect all");
- deselect.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- deselect.addListener(this);
- horiz.addComponent(deselect);
- final CheckBox editmode = new CheckBox("Editmode ");
- editmode.setDebugId("editMode");
- editmode.addListener(new CheckBox.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- source.setEditable(((Boolean) event.getButton().getValue())
- .booleanValue());
- }
- });
- editmode.setImmediate(true);
- horiz.addComponent(editmode);
- // "saved" table, minimalistic
- saved = new Table("Saved creatures");
- saved.setPageLength(5);
- saved.setWidth("550px");
- saved.setSelectable(false);
- saved.setColumnHeaderMode(Table.COLUMN_HEADER_MODE_HIDDEN);
- saved.setRowHeaderMode(Table.ROW_HEADER_MODE_ID);
- initProperties(saved);
- saved.addActionHandler(this);
- main.addComponent(saved);
- saved.setDebugId("SavedCreatures");
- final CheckBox b = new CheckBox("Modify saved creatures");
- b.setDebugId("modifySavedCreatures");
- b.addListener(new CheckBox.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- saved.setEditable(((Boolean) event.getButton().getValue())
- .booleanValue());
- }
- });
- b.setImmediate(true);
- main.addComponent(b);
- GeneratedColumnExample gencols = new GeneratedColumnExample();
- gencols.setCaption("Generated Columns");
- root.addComponent(gencols);
- }
- // set up the properties (columns)
- private void initProperties(Table table) {
- table.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_SPECIES, String.class, "");
- table.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_TYPE, String.class, "");
- table.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_KIND, String.class, "");
- table
- .addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED, Boolean.class,
- Boolean.FALSE);
- }
- // fill the table with some random data
- private void fillTable(Table table) {
- initProperties(table);
- final String[] sp = new String[] { "Fox", "Dog", "Cat", "Moose",
- "Penguin", "Cow" };
- final String[] ty = new String[] { "Quick", "Lazy", "Sleepy",
- "Fidgety", "Crazy", "Kewl" };
- final String[] ki = new String[] { "Jumping", "Walking", "Sleeping",
- "Skipping", "Dancing" };
- Random r = new Random(5);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- final String s = sp[(int) (r.nextDouble() * sp.length)];
- final String t = ty[(int) (r.nextDouble() * ty.length)];
- final String k = ki[(int) (r.nextDouble() * ki.length)];
- table.addItem(new Object[] { s, t, k, Boolean.FALSE }, new Integer(
- i));
- }
- }
- // Called for each item (row), returns valid actions for that item
- public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) {
- if (sender == source) {
- final Item item = source.getItem(target);
- // save, delete, and hire if not already hired
- if (item != null
- && item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED).getValue() == Boolean.FALSE) {
- return ACTIONS_HIRE;
- } else {
- }
- } else {
- // "saved" table only has one action
- return new Action[] { ACTION_DELETE };
- }
- }
- // called when an action is invoked on an item (row)
- public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) {
- if (sender == source) {
- Item item = source.getItem(target);
- if (action == ACTION_HIRE) {
- // set HIRED property to true
- item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED).setValue(Boolean.TRUE);
- if (saved.containsId(target)) {
- item = saved.getItem(target);
- item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED).setValue(Boolean.TRUE);
- }
- getWindow().showNotification("Hired", "" + item);
- } else if (action == ACTION_SAVE) {
- if (saved.containsId(target)) {
- // let's not save twice
- getWindow().showNotification("Already saved", "" + item);
- return;
- }
- // "manual" copy of the item properties we want
- final Item added = saved.addItem(target);
- Property p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_SPECIES);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_SPECIES).getValue());
- p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_TYPE);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_TYPE).getValue());
- p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_KIND);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_KIND).getValue());
- p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED).getValue());
- getWindow().showNotification("Saved", "" + item);
- } else {
- getWindow().showNotification("Deleted ", "" + item);
- source.removeItem(target);
- }
- } else {
- // sender==saved
- if (action == ACTION_DELETE) {
- final Item item = saved.getItem(target);
- getWindow().showNotification("Deleted", "" + item);
- saved.removeItem(target);
- }
- }
- }
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- final Button b = event.getButton();
- if (b == deselect) {
- source.setValue(null);
- } else if (b == saveSelected) {
- // loop each selected and copy to "saved" table
- final Set selected = (Set) source.getValue();
- int s = 0;
- for (final Iterator it = selected.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
- final Object id =;
- if (!saved.containsId(id)) {
- final Item item = source.getItem(id);
- final Item added = saved.addItem(id);
- // "manual" copy of the properties we want
- Property p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_SPECIES);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_SPECIES)
- .getValue());
- p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_TYPE);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_TYPE).getValue());
- p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_KIND);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_KIND).getValue());
- p = added.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED);
- p.setValue(item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED).getValue());
- s++;
- }
- }
- getWindow().showNotification("Saved " + s);
- } else if (b == hireSelected) {
- // loop each selected and set property HIRED to true
- int s = 0;
- final Set selected = (Set) source.getValue();
- for (final Iterator it = selected.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
- final Object id =;
- Item item = source.getItem(id);
- final Property p = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED);
- if (p.getValue() == Boolean.FALSE) {
- p.setValue(Boolean.TRUE);
- s++;
- }
- if (saved.containsId(id)) {
- // also update "saved" table
- item = saved.getItem(id);
- item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_HIRED).setValue(Boolean.TRUE);
- }
- }
- getWindow().showNotification("Hired " + s);
- } else {
- // loop trough selected and delete
- int s = 0;
- final Set selected = (Set) source.getValue();
- for (final Iterator it = selected.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
- final Object id =;
- if (source.containsId(id)) {
- s++;
- source.removeItem(id);
- }
- }
- getWindow().showNotification("Deleted " + s);
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index cf5a6a7f33..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.event.Action;
-import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Tree;
- * Demonstrates basic Tree -functionality. Actions are used for add/remove item
- * functionality, and a ValueChangeListener reacts to both the Tree and the
- * TextField.
- */
-public class TreeExample extends CustomComponent implements Action.Handler,
- Tree.ValueChangeListener {
- private static final Action ADD = new Action("Add item");
- private static final Action DELETE = new Action("Delete item");
- private static final Action[] actions = new Action[] { ADD, DELETE };
- // Id for the caption property
- private static final Object CAPTION_PROPERTY = "caption";
- private static final String desc = "Try both right- and left-click!";
- Tree tree;
- TextField editor;
- public TreeExample() {
- final HorizontalLayout main = new HorizontalLayout();
- main.setWidth("100%");
- main.setDebugId("mainLayout");
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- // Panel w/ Tree
- Panel p = new Panel("Select item");
- p.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- p.setWidth("250px");
- // Description
- p.addComponent(new Label(desc));
- // Tree with a few items
- tree = new Tree();
- tree.setDebugId("tree");
- tree.setImmediate(true);
- // we'll use a property for caption instead of the item id ("value"),
- // so that multiple items can have the same caption
- tree.addContainerProperty(CAPTION_PROPERTY, String.class, "");
- tree.setItemCaptionMode(AbstractSelect.ITEM_CAPTION_MODE_PROPERTY);
- tree.setItemCaptionPropertyId(CAPTION_PROPERTY);
- for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
- final Object id = addCaptionedItem("Section " + i, null);
- tree.expandItem(id);
- addCaptionedItem("Team A", id);
- addCaptionedItem("Team B", id);
- }
- // listen for selections
- tree.addListener(this);
- // "context menu"
- tree.addActionHandler(this);
- p.addComponent(tree);
- main.addComponent(p);
- // Panel w/ TextField ("editor")
- p = new Panel("Edit item caption");
- p.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- editor = new TextField();
- // make immediate, instead of adding an "apply" button
- editor.setImmediate(true);
- editor.setEnabled(false);
- editor.setColumns(15);
- p.addComponent(editor);
- main.addComponent(p);
- main.setExpandRatio(p, 1);
- }
- public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) {
- // We can provide different actions for each target (item), but we'll
- // use the same actions all the time.
- return actions;
- }
- public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) {
- if (action == DELETE) {
- tree.removeItem(target);
- } else {
- // Add
- final Object id = addCaptionedItem("New Item", target);
- tree.expandItem(target);
- tree.setValue(id);
- editor.focus();
- }
- }
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- final Object id = tree.getValue(); // selected item id
- if (event.getProperty() == tree) {
- // a Tree item was (un) selected
- if (id == null) {
- // no selecteion, disable TextField
- editor.removeListener(this);
- editor.setValue("");
- editor.setEnabled(false);
- } else {
- // item selected
- // first remove previous listener
- editor.removeListener(this);
- // enable TextField and update value
- editor.setEnabled(true);
- final Item item = tree.getItem(id);
- editor.setValue(item.getItemProperty(CAPTION_PROPERTY)
- .getValue());
- // listen for TextField changes
- editor.addListener(this);
- editor.focus();
- }
- } else {
- // TextField
- if (id != null) {
- final Item item = tree.getItem(id);
- final Property p = item.getItemProperty(CAPTION_PROPERTY);
- p.setValue(editor.getValue());
- tree.requestRepaint();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper to add an item with specified caption and (optional) parent.
- *
- * @param caption
- * The item caption
- * @param parent
- * The (optional) parent item id
- * @return the created item's id
- */
- private Object addCaptionedItem(String caption, Object parent) {
- // add item, let tree decide id
- final Object id = tree.addItem();
- // get the created item
- final Item item = tree.getItem(id);
- // set our "caption" property
- final Property p = item.getItemProperty(CAPTION_PROPERTY);
- p.setValue(caption);
- if (parent != null) {
- tree.setChildrenAllowed(parent, true);
- tree.setParent(id, parent);
- tree.setChildrenAllowed(id, false);
- }
- return id;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 14415d3794..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import java.util.Date;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.DateField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Field;
-import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.InlineDateField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Slider;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window.Notification;
- * Shows some basic fields for value input; TextField, DateField, Slider...
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class ValueInputExample extends CustomComponent {
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
- public ValueInputExample() {
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- // listener that shows a value change notification
- final Field.ValueChangeListener listener = new Field.ValueChangeListener() {
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- getWindow().showNotification("Received",
- "<pre>" + event.getProperty().getValue() + "</pre>",
- }
- };
- // TextField
- HorizontalLayout horiz = new HorizontalLayout();
- horiz.setWidth("100%");
- main.addComponent(horiz);
- Panel left = new Panel("TextField");
- left.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(left);
- Panel right = new Panel("multiline");
- right.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(right);
- // basic TextField
- TextField tf = new TextField("Basic");
- tf.setDebugId("BasicTextField");
- tf.setColumns(15);
- tf.setImmediate(true);
- tf.addListener(listener);
- left.addComponent(tf);
- // multiline TextField a.k.a TextArea
- tf = new TextField("Area");
- tf.setDebugId("AreaTextField");
- tf.setColumns(15);
- tf.setRows(5);
- tf.setImmediate(true);
- tf.addListener(listener);
- right.addComponent(tf);
- // DateFields
- Date d = new Date(98, 1, 22, 13, 14, 15);
- horiz = new HorizontalLayout();
- horiz.setWidth("100%");
- main.addComponent(horiz);
- left = new Panel("DateField");
- left.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(left);
- right = new Panel("inline");
- right.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- horiz.addComponent(right);
- // default
- DateField df = new DateField("Day resolution");
- df.setDebugId("DayResolutionDateField");
- df.setValue(d);
- df.addListener(listener);
- df.setImmediate(true);
- df.setResolution(DateField.RESOLUTION_DAY);
- left.addComponent(df);
- // minute
- df = new DateField("Minute resolution");
- df.setValue(d);
- df.setDebugId("MinuteResolutionDateField");
- df.addListener(listener);
- df.setImmediate(true);
- df.setResolution(DateField.RESOLUTION_MIN);
- left.addComponent(df);
- // year
- df = new DateField("Year resolution");
- df.setValue(d);
- df.setDebugId("YearResolutionDateField");
- df.addListener(listener);
- df.setImmediate(true);
- df.setResolution(DateField.RESOLUTION_YEAR);
- left.addComponent(df);
- // msec
- df = new DateField("Millisecond resolution");
- df.setValue(d);
- df.setDebugId("MillisecondResolutionDateField");
- df.addListener(listener);
- df.setImmediate(true);
- df.setResolution(DateField.RESOLUTION_MSEC);
- left.addComponent(df);
- // Inline
- df = new InlineDateField();
- df.setValue(d);
- df.setDebugId("InlineDateField");
- df.addListener(listener);
- df.setImmediate(true);
- right.addComponent(df);
- // Slider
- left = new Panel("Slider");
- left.setStyleName(Panel.STYLE_LIGHT);
- main.addComponent(left);
- // int slider
- Slider slider = new Slider(0, 100);
- slider.setDebugId("Slider1");
- slider.setWidth("300px");
- slider.setImmediate(true);
- slider.addListener(new Slider.ValueChangeListener() {
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- // update caption when value changes
- final Slider s = (Slider) event.getProperty();
- s.setCaption("Value: " + s.getValue());
- }
- });
- try {
- slider.setValue(20);
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- left.addComponent(slider);
- // double slider
- slider = new Slider(0.0, 1.0, 1);
- slider.setOrientation(Slider.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
- slider.setDebugId("Slider2");
- slider.setImmediate(true);
- slider.addListener(new Slider.ValueChangeListener() {
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- // update caption when value changes
- final Slider s = (Slider) event.getProperty();
- s.setCaption("Value: " + s.getValue());
- }
- });
- try {
- slider.setValue(0.5);
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- left.addComponent(slider);
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 488d33702f..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/featurebrowser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
- * @author marc
- *
- */
-public class WindowingExample extends CustomComponent {
- public static final String txt = "<p>There are two main types of windows: application-level windows, and "
- + "\"sub windows\".</p><p>A sub window is rendered as a \"inline\" popup window"
- + " within the (native) browser window to which it was added. You can create"
- + " a sub window by creating a new Window and adding it to a application-level window, for instance"
- + " your main window. </p><p> In contrast, you create a application-level window by"
- + " creating a new Window and adding it to the Application. Application-level"
- + " windows are not shown by default - you need to open a browser window for"
- + " the url representing the window. You can think of the application-level"
- + " windows as separate views into your application - and a way to create a"
- + " \"native\" browser window.</p><p>Depending on your needs, it's also"
- + " possible to create a new window instance (with it's own internal state)"
- + " for each new (native) browser window, or you can share the same instance"
- + " (and state) between several browser windows (the latter is most useful"
- + " for read-only views).</p>";
- private URL windowUrl = null;
- public WindowingExample() {
- final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
- main.setMargin(true);
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- final Label l = new Label(txt);
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- main.addComponent(l);
- Button b = new Button("Create a new subwindow",
- new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- final Window w = new Window("Subwindow");
- w.setWidth("50%");
- final Label l = new Label(txt);
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- w.addComponent(l);
- getApplication().getMainWindow().addWindow(w);
- }
- });
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- main.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button("Create a new modal window", new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- final Window w = new Window("Modal window");
- w.setWidth("50%");
- w.setModal(true);
- final Label l = new Label(txt);
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- w.addComponent(l);
- getApplication().getMainWindow().addWindow(w);
- }
- });
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- main.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button("Open a application-level window, with shared state",
- new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- if (windowUrl == null) {
- final Window w = new Window("Subwindow");
- final Label l = new Label(txt);
- l.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
- w.addComponent(l);
- getApplication().addWindow(w);
- windowUrl = w.getURL();
- }
- getApplication().getMainWindow().open(
- new ExternalResource(windowUrl), "_new");
- }
- });
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- main.addComponent(b);
- b = new Button(
- "Create a new application-level window, with it's own state",
- new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- final Window w = new Window("Subwindow");
- getApplication().addWindow(w);
- final Label l = new Label(
- "Each opened window has its own"
- + " name, and is accessed trough its own uri.");
- l.setCaption("Window " + w.getName());
- w.addComponent(l);
- getApplication().getMainWindow().open(
- new ExternalResource(w.getURL()), "_new");
- }
- });
- b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
- main.addComponent(b);
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/robustness/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/robustness/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e8a3766f2..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/robustness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.robustness;
-import com.vaadin.automatedtests.util.Log;
-import com.vaadin.automatedtests.util.RandomComponents;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
-public abstract class Robustness extends com.vaadin.Application implements
- Button.ClickListener {
- static int totalCount = 0;
- int count = 0;
- final Window main = new Window("Robustness tests by featurebrowser");
- Button close = new Button("Close application");
- Button remove = new Button("Remove all components");
- Button create = new Button("Create");
- Label label = new Label();
- ComponentContainer stressLayout;
- RandomComponents randomComponents = new RandomComponents();
- @Override
- public void init() {
- createNewView();
- }
- public void createNewView() {
- setMainWindow(main);
- main.setDebugId("MainWindow");
- main.removeAllComponents();
- main.addComponent(label);
- main.addComponent(close);
- main.addComponent(remove);
- main.addComponent(create);
- close.addListener(this);
- remove.addListener(this);
- create.addListener(this);
- remove.setDescription("After this garbage collector should"
- + " be able to collect every component"
- + " inside stressLayout.");
- close.setDebugId("close");
- remove.setDebugId("remove");
- create.setDebugId("create");
- }
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- if (event.getButton() == create) {
- create();
- } else if (event.getButton() == remove) {
- main.removeAllComponents();
- close.removeListener(this);
- remove.removeListener(this);
- create.removeListener(this);
- close = null;
- remove = null;
- create = null;
- label = null;
- stressLayout = null;
- System.out.println("main.getLayout()=" + main.getLayout());
- System.out.println(Log.getMemoryStatistics());
- } else if (event.getButton() == close) {
- System.out.println("Before close, memory statistics:");
- System.out.println(Log.getMemoryStatistics());
- close();
- // Still valueUnbound (session expiration) needs to occur for GC to
- // do its work
- System.out.println("After close, memory statistics:");
- System.out.println(Log.getMemoryStatistics());
- }
- }
- public abstract void create();
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2390933b..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.util;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
-public class DebugId implements Serializable {
- private static HashMap debugIds = new HashMap();
- /**
- * Generate static debug id based on package and component type. If
- * duplicate package, component type then number of instances count is
- * appended to debugId.
- *
- * @param c
- */
- public static void set(Component c, String description) {
- String debugId = "";
- // add package name
- StackTraceElement[] st = new Throwable().fillInStackTrace()
- .getStackTrace();
- try {
- debugId += st[3].getClassName();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // add component type
- debugId += c.getClass();
- // add given description
- debugId += description;
- if (debugIds.containsKey(debugId)) {
- int count = ((Integer) debugIds.get(debugId)).intValue();
- count++;
- debugIds.put(debugId, new Integer(count));
- debugId = debugId + "-" + count;
- }
- c.setDebugId(debugId);
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index f9948af60e..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.util;
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
- *
- * Execution output and error messages should be handled through this class. It
- * is likely that we need these messages back to TT Server at some point just to
- * figure out what went wrong.
- *
- */
-public class Log implements Serializable {
- // 3 (errors only)
- // 2 (+ warnings)
- // 1 (+logs)
- // 0 (all, print messages also to System.out)
- public static final int debug = 0;
- // Should class.method() and it's call times be told on debug?
- public static final boolean showClassInformation = true;
- public static DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
- public static int DEBUG = 0;
- public static int LOG = 1;
- public static int WARN = 2;
- public static int ERROR = 3;
- private static Log log;
- public static HashMap classMethodCallCounter = new HashMap();
- static {
- log = new Log();
- }
- public static void reset() {
- classMethodCallCounter = new HashMap();
- }
- public static String getNow() {
- return df.format(new Date());
- }
- private Log() {
- }
- public static String getSource() {
- StackTraceElement[] st = new Throwable().fillInStackTrace()
- .getStackTrace();
- try {
- String key = "";
- String methodName = st[3].getMethodName();
- int line = st[3].getLineNumber();
- String clazz = st[3].getClassName() + ".java";
- key = "(" + clazz + ":" + line + ")" + " " + methodName;
- Integer value = (Integer) classMethodCallCounter.get(key);
- if (value == null) {
- value = new Integer(1);
- } else {
- value = new Integer(value.intValue() + 1);
- }
- classMethodCallCounter.put(key, value);
- return value.intValue() + ": " + key;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return "unknown class.method";
- }
- }
- public static String getClassMethodCounters() {
- String result = "";
- for (final Iterator it = classMethodCallCounter.keySet().iterator(); it
- .hasNext();) {
- String key = (String);
- result += classMethodCallCounter.get(key) + ": " + key + "\n";
- }
- return result;
- }
- public void add(int type, String message) {
- String source = getSource();
- if (type >= debug) {
- if (showClassInformation) {
- System.out.println(source + ": " + message);
- } else {
- System.out.println(message);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void debug(String message) {
- log.add(DEBUG, message);
- }
- public static void log(String message) {
- log.add(LOG, message);
- }
- public static void warn(String message) {
- log.add(WARN, message);
- }
- public static void error(String message) {
- log.add(ERROR, message);
- }
- /**
- * Simple way to check for memory consumption without profiler.
- */
- public static String getMemoryStatistics() {
- // You should call gc before printing statistics (if you are not using a
- // profiler)
- System.gc();
- long inUse = (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime()
- .freeMemory());
- return "Memory:\n" + inUse + " (Used)\n"
- + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() + " (Total)\n"
- + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + " (Free)\n";
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f7df2ab99..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.util;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
-public class MultiListener implements Button.ClickListener,
- PropertySetChangeListener, ItemSetChangeListener, ValueChangeListener {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- Log.debug("ClickEvent from " + event.getButton().getCaption());
- }
- public void containerPropertySetChange(PropertySetChangeEvent event) {
- Log.debug("containerPropertySetChange from " + event.getContainer());
- }
- public void containerItemSetChange(ItemSetChangeEvent event) {
- Log.debug("containerItemSetChange from " + event.getContainer());
- }
- public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
- Log.debug("valueChange from " + event.getProperty());
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46446d8f3b..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.util;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Random;
-import com.vaadin.automatedtests.ComponentsInTable;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.ButtonExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.ClientCachingExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.ComboBoxExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.EmbeddedBrowserExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.LabelExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.LayoutExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.NotificationExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.RichTextExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.SelectExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.TableExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.TreeExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.ValueInputExample;
-import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.WindowingExample;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource;
-import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.DateField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded;
-import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Link;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-public class RandomComponents implements Serializable {
- private Random rand = null;
- private static Date date = new Date(2002, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
- public RandomComponents() {
- // Always use the same seed, used to ensure deterministic behaviour
- rand = new Random(1);
- }
- /**
- * Get random component container
- *
- * @param caption
- * @return
- */
- public ComponentContainer getRandomComponentContainer(String caption) {
- ComponentContainer result = null;
- final int randint = rand.nextInt(5);
- switch (randint) {
- case 0:
- result = new OrderedLayout(OrderedLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- ((OrderedLayout) result).setCaption("OrderedLayout_horizontal_"
- + caption);
- break;
- case 1:
- result = new OrderedLayout(OrderedLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
- ((OrderedLayout) result).setCaption("OrderedLayout_vertical_"
- + caption);
- break;
- case 2:
- GridLayout gl;
- if (rand.nextInt(1) > 0) {
- gl = new GridLayout();
- } else {
- gl = new GridLayout(rand.nextInt(3) + 1, rand.nextInt(3) + 1);
- }
- gl.setCaption("GridLayout_" + caption);
- gl.setDescription(gl.getCaption());
- for (int x = 0; x < gl.getColumns(); x++) {
- for (int y = 0; y < gl.getRows(); y++) {
- // gl.addComponent(getExamplePicture("x=" + x + ", y=" + y),
- // x, y);
- gl.addComponent(new Label("x=" + x + ", y=" + y));
- }
- }
- result = gl;
- break;
- case 3:
- result = new Panel();
- ((Panel) result).setCaption("Panel_" + caption);
- break;
- case 4:
- final TabSheet ts = new TabSheet();
- ts.setCaption("TabSheet_" + caption);
- // randomly select one of the tabs
- final int selectedTab = rand.nextInt(3);
- final ArrayList tabs = new ArrayList();
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- String tabCaption = "tab" + i;
- if (selectedTab == i) {
- tabCaption = "tabX";
- }
- tabs.add(new OrderedLayout());
- ts.addTab((ComponentContainer) tabs.get(tabs.size() - 1),
- tabCaption, null);
- }
- ts.setSelectedTab((ComponentContainer) tabs.get(selectedTab));
- result = ts;
- break;
- }
- return result;
- }
- public AbstractComponent getRandomComponent(int caption) {
- AbstractComponent result = null;
- int randint = rand.nextInt(23);
- MultiListener l = new MultiListener();
- switch (randint) {
- case 0:
- // Label
- result = new Label();
- result.setCaption("Label component " + caption);
- result.setDebugId(result.getCaption());
- break;
- case 1:
- // Button
- result = new Button();
- result.setCaption("Button component " + caption);
- result.setDebugId(result.getCaption());
- // some listeners
- ((Button) result).addListener((Button.ClickListener) l);
- break;
- case 2:
- // TextField
- result = new TextField();
- result.setCaption("TextField component " + caption);
- result.setDebugId(result.getCaption());
- break;
- case 3:
- // Select
- result = new Select("Select component " + caption);
- result.setCaption("Select component " + caption);
- result.setDebugId(result.getCaption());
- result.setImmediate(true);
- ((Select) result).setNewItemsAllowed(true);
- // items
- ((Select) result).addItem("first");
- ((Select) result).addItem("first");
- ((Select) result).addItem("first");
- ((Select) result).addItem("second");
- ((Select) result).addItem("third");
- ((Select) result).addItem("fourth");
- // some listeners
- ((Select) result).addListener((ValueChangeListener) l);
- ((Select) result).addListener((PropertySetChangeListener) l);
- ((Select) result).addListener((ItemSetChangeListener) l);
- break;
- case 4:
- // Link
- result = new Link("", new ExternalResource(""));
- result.setCaption("Link component " + caption);
- break;
- case 5:
- // Link
- result = new Panel();
- result.setCaption("Panel component " + caption);
- ((Panel) result)
- .addComponent(new Label(
- "Panel is a container for other components, by default it draws a frame around it's "
- + "extremities and may have a caption to clarify the nature of the contained components' purpose."
- + " Panel contains an layout where the actual contained components are added, "
- + "this layout may be switched on the fly."));
- ((Panel) result).setWidth(250);
- break;
- case 6:
- // Datefield
- result = new DateField();
- ((DateField) result).setStyleName("calendar");
- ((DateField) result).setValue(date);
- result.setCaption("Calendar component " + caption);
- result.setDebugId(result.getCaption());
- break;
- case 7:
- // Datefield
- result = new DateField();
- ((DateField) result).setValue(date);
- result.setCaption("Calendar component " + caption);
- result.setDebugId(result.getCaption());
- break;
- case 8:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new ButtonExample());
- break;
- case 9:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new ClientCachingExample());
- break;
- case 10:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new ComboBoxExample());
- break;
- case 11:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new EmbeddedBrowserExample());
- break;
- case 12:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new EmbeddedBrowserExample());
- break;
- case 13:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new LabelExample());
- break;
- case 14:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new LayoutExample());
- break;
- case 15:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new NotificationExample());
- break;
- case 16:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new RichTextExample());
- break;
- case 17:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new SelectExample());
- break;
- case 18:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new ValueInputExample());
- break;
- case 19:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new WindowingExample());
- break;
- case 20:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new TreeExample());
- break;
- case 21:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result).addComponent(new TableExample());
- break;
- case 22:
- result = new OrderedLayout();
- ((OrderedLayout) result)
- .addComponent(new ComponentsInTable(4, 1000));
- break;
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Add demo components to given container
- *
- * @param container
- */
- public void fillLayout(ComponentContainer container, int numberOfComponents) {
- for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i++) {
- container.addComponent(getRandomComponent(i));
- }
- }
- public AbstractComponent getExamplePicture(String caption) {
- final ThemeResource res = new ThemeResource("test.png");
- final Embedded em = new Embedded("Embedded " + caption, res);
- return em;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index c0b3c7c118..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.util;
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.Date;
-import javax.servlet.ServletException;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
-public class StatusServlet extends HttpServlet {
- public static DateFormat dfHuman = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
- /**
- * Version number of this release. For example "5.0.0".
- */
- public static final String VERSION;
- /**
- * Major version number. For example 5 in 5.1.0.
- */
- public static final int VERSION_MAJOR;
- /**
- * Minor version number. For example 1 in 5.1.0.
- */
- public static final int VERSION_MINOR;
- /**
- * Builds number. For example 0-custom_tag in 5.0.0-custom_tag.
- */
- public static final String VERSION_BUILD;
- /* Initialize version numbers from string replaced by build-script. */
- static {
- if ("@VERSION@".equals("@" + "VERSION" + "@")) {
- } else {
- }
- final String[] digits = VERSION.split("\\.");
- VERSION_MAJOR = Integer.parseInt(digits[0]);
- VERSION_MINOR = Integer.parseInt(digits[1]);
- VERSION_BUILD = digits[2];
- }
- @Override
- public void init(javax.servlet.ServletConfig servletConfig)
- throws javax.servlet.ServletException {
- super.init(servletConfig);
- }
- @Override
- protected void service(HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
- Writer w = response.getWriter();
- // not cacheable
- response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
- response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
- response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
- response.setContentType("text/html");
- String p = "";
- p += "<p>StatusServlet " + dfHuman.format(new Date()) + "</p>";
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- System.gc();
- }
- long inUse = (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime()
- .freeMemory());
- p += "<p>Memory:<br />\n<memused>" + inUse
- + "</memused> (Used)<br />\n" + "<memtotal>"
- + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
- + "<memtotal> (Total)<br />\n" + "<memfree>"
- + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + "<memfree> (Free)</p>\n";
- w.write("<html>\n" + p + "</html>\n");
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
index b6cef8353a..23a34302f8 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ import com.vaadin.Application;
import com.vaadin.ui.Accordion;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
import com.vaadin.ui.SplitPanel;
import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
@@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ public class ScrollbarStressTest extends Application {
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout(
+ HorizontalLayout ol = new HorizontalLayout();
@@ -104,17 +103,17 @@ public class ScrollbarStressTest extends Application {
Window controller = new Window("Controller");
- controller.setLayout(ol);
+ controller.setContent(ol);
protected void drawInExpandLayout() {
- main.getLayout().setSizeFull();
+ main.getContent().setSizeFull();
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
- ExpandLayout el = new ExpandLayout();
+ VerticalLayout el = new VerticalLayout();
@@ -125,18 +124,18 @@ public class ScrollbarStressTest extends Application {
- main.getLayout().addComponent(el);
+ main.getContent().addComponent(el);
protected void drawInTabSheet(boolean verticalAkaAccordion) {
- main.getLayout().setSizeFull();
+ main.getContent().setSizeFull();
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
ol.setCaption("Tab 1");
- OrderedLayout ol2 = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol2 = new VerticalLayout();
ol2.setCaption("Tab 2");
TabSheet ts = (verticalAkaAccordion ? accordion : tabsheet);
@@ -162,10 +161,10 @@ public class ScrollbarStressTest extends Application {
private void drawInSplitPanel() {
- main.getLayout().setSizeFull();
+ main.getContent().setSizeFull();
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout();
- OrderedLayout ol2 = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol2 = new VerticalLayout();
@@ -185,11 +184,11 @@ public class ScrollbarStressTest extends Application {
private void drawInPanel() {
- main.getLayout().setSizeFull();
+ main.getContent().setSizeFull();
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
- panel.setLayout(ol);
+ panel.setContent(ol);
ol.setWidth((String) width.getValue());
ol.setHeight((String) height.getValue());
@@ -201,20 +200,20 @@ public class ScrollbarStressTest extends Application {
private void drawInSubwindow() {
- main.getLayout().setSizeFull();
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout();
+ main.getContent().setSizeFull();
+ VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
ol.setWidth((String) width.getValue());
ol.setHeight((String) height.getValue());
- subwindow.setLayout(ol);
+ subwindow.setContent(ol);
private void drawInMainWindow() {
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout();
- main.setLayout(ol);
+ VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
+ main.setContent(ol);
ol.setWidth((String) width.getValue());
ol.setHeight((String) height.getValue());
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
index c3d7155b50..be3471c02d 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import;
import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Link;
@@ -201,13 +200,13 @@ public class TestBench extends com.vaadin.Application implements
- bodyLayout.setLayout(new ExpandLayout());
+ bodyLayout.setContent(new VerticalLayout());
- mainWindow.setLayout(mainLayout);
+ mainWindow.setContent(mainLayout);
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
index c15270458e..82ae63f26e 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
@@ -14,14 +14,12 @@ import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox;
import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
import com.vaadin.ui.DateField;
import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Link;
import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect;
import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
import com.vaadin.ui.ProgressIndicator;
import com.vaadin.ui.RichTextArea;
@@ -33,12 +31,13 @@ import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
import com.vaadin.ui.Tree;
import com.vaadin.ui.TwinColSelect;
import com.vaadin.ui.Upload;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component.Listener;
public class TestCaptionWrapper extends CustomComponent implements Listener {
- OrderedLayout main = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
final String eventListenerString = "Component.Listener feedback: ";
Label eventListenerFeedback = new Label(eventListenerString
@@ -72,13 +71,13 @@ public class TestCaptionWrapper extends CustomComponent implements Listener {
final Panel panel = new Panel("Panel");
- populateLayout(panel.getLayout());
+ populateLayout((Layout) panel.getContent());
final TabSheet tabsheet = new TabSheet();
- final OrderedLayout tab1 = new OrderedLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout tab1 = new VerticalLayout();
tab1.addComponent(new Label("try tab2"));
- final OrderedLayout tab2 = new OrderedLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout tab2 = new VerticalLayout();
tabsheet.addTab(tab1, "TabSheet tab1", new ClassResource("m.gif",
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ public class TestCaptionWrapper extends CustomComponent implements Listener {
tabsheet.addTab(tab2, "TabSheet tab2", new ClassResource("m.gif",
- final ExpandLayout expandLayout = new ExpandLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout expandLayout = new VerticalLayout();
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ public class TestCaptionWrapper extends CustomComponent implements Listener {
final Window window = new Window("TEST: Window");
- populateLayout(window.getLayout());
+ populateLayout((Layout) window.getContent());
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
index 5187f8f8e6..ba9fbe86d0 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
import com.vaadin.ui.DateField;
import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
@@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
import com.vaadin.ui.Tree;
import com.vaadin.ui.TwinColSelect;
import com.vaadin.ui.Upload;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component.Event;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component.Listener;
@@ -197,20 +197,6 @@ public class TestComponentsAndLayouts extends Application implements Listener,
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////
if (false) {
- target
- .addComponent(new Label(
- "<hr /><h1>Components inside ExpandLayout (height 250px)</h3>",
- final ExpandLayout el = new ExpandLayout();
- el.setHeight(250, Component.UNITS_PIXELS);
- el.expand(new Label("This label will expand on expand layout"));
- populateLayout(el);
- target.addComponent(el);
- }
- // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ////
- if (false) {
target.addComponent(new Label(
"<hr /><h1>Components inside Panel</h3>",
@@ -224,36 +210,15 @@ public class TestComponentsAndLayouts extends Application implements Listener,
if (false) {
.addComponent(new Label(
- "<hr /><h1>Components inside vertical SplitPanel (splitpanel is under 250height ExpandLayout)</h3>",
- final ExpandLayout sp1l = new ExpandLayout();
- sp1l.setHeight(250, ExpandLayout.UNITS_PIXELS);
- final SplitPanel sp1 = new SplitPanel(
- sp1l.addComponent(sp1);
- final OrderedLayout sp1first = new OrderedLayout();
- final OrderedLayout sp1second = new OrderedLayout();
- sp1.setFirstComponent(sp1first);
- populateLayout(sp1first);
- populateLayout(sp1second);
- sp1.setSecondComponent(sp1second);
- target.addComponent(sp1l);
- }
- // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ////
- if (false) {
- target
- .addComponent(new Label(
"<hr /><h1>Components inside horizontal SplitPanel (splitpanel is under 250px height ExpandLayout)</h3>",
- final ExpandLayout sp2l = new ExpandLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout sp2l = new VerticalLayout();
sp2l.setHeight(250, SplitPanel.UNITS_PIXELS);
final SplitPanel sp2 = new SplitPanel(
- final OrderedLayout sp2first = new OrderedLayout();
- final OrderedLayout sp2second = new OrderedLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout sp2first = new VerticalLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout sp2second = new VerticalLayout();
@@ -278,8 +243,8 @@ public class TestComponentsAndLayouts extends Application implements Listener,
final Embedded emb = new Embedded("Embedded " + count++, flashResource);
- emb.setWidth(250);
- emb.setHeight(100);
+ emb.setWidth("250px");
+ emb.setHeight("100px");
test(layout, emb);
final Panel panel = new Panel("Panel " + count++);
@@ -333,9 +298,9 @@ public class TestComponentsAndLayouts extends Application implements Listener,
test(layout, table);
final TabSheet tabsheet = new TabSheet();
- final OrderedLayout tab1 = new OrderedLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout tab1 = new VerticalLayout();
tab1.addComponent(new Label("tab1 " + count++));
- final OrderedLayout tab2 = new OrderedLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout tab2 = new VerticalLayout();
tab2.addComponent(new Label("tab2 " + count++));
tabsheet.addTab(tab1, "Default (not configured) TabSheet tab1",
new ClassResource("m.gif", this));
@@ -344,9 +309,9 @@ public class TestComponentsAndLayouts extends Application implements Listener,
test(layout, tabsheet);
final Accordion accordion = new Accordion();
- final OrderedLayout acc1 = new OrderedLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout acc1 = new VerticalLayout();
acc1.addComponent(new Label("acc1 " + count++));
- final OrderedLayout acc2 = new OrderedLayout();
+ final VerticalLayout acc2 = new VerticalLayout();
acc2.addComponent(new Label("acc2 " + count++));
accordion.addTab(acc1, "Default (not configured) Accordion acc1",
new ClassResource("m.gif", this));
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e58ec24161..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.tests;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.DateField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class TestForExpandLayout extends CustomComponent {
- ExpandLayout main = new ExpandLayout();
- DateField df;
- public TestForExpandLayout() {
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- createNewView();
- }
- public void createNewView() {
- main.removeAllComponents();
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- final ExpandLayout el = new ExpandLayout(
- for (int j = 0; j < i + 3; j++) {
- final Label l = new Label("label" + i + ":" + j);
- el.addComponent(l);
- }
- if (i > 0) {
- // el.setMargin(true);
- el.setSizeUndefined();
- el.setWidth("100%");
- if (i % 2 == 0) {
- el.setHeight("8em");
- Panel p = new Panel("tp");
- p.addComponent(new Label("panelc"));
- p.setHeight("100%");
- p.setWidth("100px");
- el.addComponent(p);
- }
- }
- main.addComponent(el);
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6ff7955b..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.tests;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class TestForExpandLayout2 extends CustomComponent {
- ExpandLayout main;
- public TestForExpandLayout2() {
- createNewView();
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- }
- public void createNewView() {
- main = new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- Panel left = new Panel("Left column");
- left.setHeight(100, Panel.UNITS_PERCENTAGE);
- left.setWidth(150);
- main.addComponent(left);
- ExpandLayout center = new ExpandLayout();
- center.addComponent(new Label("header"));
- Panel mainContent = new Panel();
- center.addComponent(mainContent);
- center.expand(mainContent);
- mainContent.setSizeFull();
- ExpandLayout buttons = new ExpandLayout(
- buttons.setHeight(30, ExpandLayout.UNITS_PIXELS);
- Button b1 = new Button("Save");
- Button b2 = new Button("Cancel");
- Button b3 = new Button("Logout");
- buttons.addComponent(b1);
- buttons.setComponentAlignment(b1, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT,
- ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
- buttons.addComponent(b2);
- buttons.addComponent(b3);
- center.addComponent(buttons);
- main.addComponent(center);
- main.expand(center);
- Panel right = new Panel("Right column");
- right.setHeight(100, Panel.UNITS_PERCENTAGE);
- right.setWidth(200);
- main.addComponent(right);
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae4adfcfaa..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.tests;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.DateField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
- *
- * @author IT Mill Ltd.
- */
-public class TestForExpandLayout3 extends CustomComponent {
- ExpandLayout main = new ExpandLayout();
- DateField df;
- public TestForExpandLayout3() {
- setCompositionRoot(main);
- createNewView();
- }
- public void createNewView() {
- main.removeAllComponents();
- ExpandLayout el;
- Button b;
- Button b2;
- el = new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- b = new Button("SDFS");
- b2 = new Button("DSFSDFDFSSDF");
- el.addComponent(b);
- el.addComponent(b2);
- el.expand(b);
- el.setComponentAlignment(b, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT,
- main.addComponent(el);
- el = new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- b = new Button("SDFS");
- b2 = new Button("DSFSDFDFSSDF");
- el.addComponent(b);
- el.addComponent(b2);
- el.expand(b);
- el.setComponentAlignment(b, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER,
- el.setHeight(60, ExpandLayout.UNITS_PIXELS);
- el.setMargin(true);
- main.addComponent(el);
- el = new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- b = new Button("SDFS");
- b2 = new Button("DSFSDFDFSSDF");
- el.addComponent(b);
- el.addComponent(b2);
- el.expand(b);
- el.setComponentAlignment(b, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT,
- el.setHeight(100, ExpandLayout.UNITS_PIXELS);
- el.setSpacing(true);
- main.addComponent(el);
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
index 7c9788e640..7deb4479fa 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer;
import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ public class TestSizeableIncomponents extends Application {
- final ExpandLayout main = new ExpandLayout();
- w.setLayout(main);
+ final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
+ w.setContent(main);
select = new ComboBox();
@@ -85,8 +85,7 @@ public class TestSizeableIncomponents extends Application {
- OrderedLayout controllers = new OrderedLayout(
+ HorizontalLayout controllers = new HorizontalLayout();
@@ -116,10 +115,10 @@ public class TestSizeableIncomponents extends Application {
testPanel = new Panel();
- testPanel.setLayout(new ExpandLayout());
+ testPanel.setContent(new VerticalLayout());
- main.expand(testPanel);
+ main.setExpandRatio(testPanel, 1);
@@ -147,8 +146,8 @@ public class TestSizeableIncomponents extends Application {
t.addConfiguration(new Configuration("100px*100px") {
void configure(Component c) {
- c.setWidth(60);
- c.setHeight(60);
+ c.setWidth("60px");
+ c.setHeight("60px");
t = new Testable(c);
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ public class TestSizeableIncomponents extends Application {
Panel p = new Panel(
"Wrapper panel (400px*400px)");
- p.setLayout(new ExpandLayout());
+ p.setContent(new VerticalLayout());
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
index 52154fbe22..690555b3ad 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import;
import com.vaadin.demo.util.SampleDirectory;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Field;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
import com.vaadin.ui.Tree;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component.Event;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component.Listener;
@@ -45,17 +45,16 @@ public class TreeFilesystemContainer extends com.vaadin.Application implements
public void init() {
final Window w = new Window("Tree FilesystemContainer demo");
- final ExpandLayout main = new ExpandLayout();
- w.setLayout(main);
+ final VerticalLayout main = new VerticalLayout();
+ w.setContent(main);
- propertyPanel.setHeight(120);
+ propertyPanel.setHeight("120px");
- explorerPanel.setHeight(100);
- explorerPanel.setHeightUnits(Panel.UNITS_PERCENTAGE);
+ explorerPanel.setHeight("100%");
- main.expand(explorerPanel);
+ main.setExpandRatio(explorerPanel, 1);
// Explorer panel contains tree
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/combobox/Comboboxes.html b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/combobox/Comboboxes.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8df7ea00ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/combobox/Comboboxes.html
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+<head profile="">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<link rel="selenium.base" href="" />
+<title>New Test</title>
+<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1">
+<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">New Test</td></tr>
+ <td>open</td>
+ <td>/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.combobox.Comboboxes</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>initial</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>14,14</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>empty-open</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[2]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>14,11</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[3]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>10,9</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>undefined-wide-open</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[4]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>12,19</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>undefined-wide-select-wide-popup</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>//div[@id='VAADIN_COMBOBOX_OPTIONLIST']/div/div[3]/span</td>
+ <td>163,4</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>//div[@id='VAADIN_COMBOBOX_OPTIONLIST']/div/div[3]/span</td>
+ <td>163,4</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>undefined-wide-select-wide-popup-page-3</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[5]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>5,11</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[6]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>9,9</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[7]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>13,10</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[8]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>11,12</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>fixed-select-wide-popup</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>//div[@id='VAADIN_COMBOBOX_OPTIONLIST']/div/div[3]/span</td>
+ <td>184,2</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>//div[@id='VAADIN_COMBOBOX_OPTIONLIST']/div/div[3]/span</td>
+ <td>184,2</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>fixed-select-wide-popup-page-3</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[8]/VFilterSelect[0]/domChild[1]</td>
+ <td>11,12</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VHorizontalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VCheckBox[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td>23,5</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>readonly</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VHorizontalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VCheckBox[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td>35,3</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>readonly-error</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VHorizontalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VCheckBox[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td>26,10</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>error</td>
+ <td>mouseClick</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentscomboboxComboboxes::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VHorizontalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VCheckBox[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td>67,8</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/combobox/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/combobox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe18875a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/combobox/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.components.combobox;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.ComponentTestCase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
+public class Comboboxes extends ComponentTestCase {
+ private static final Object CAPTION = "caption";
+ Select label[] = new Select[20];
+ @Override
+ protected void setup() {
+ super.setup();
+ Select s;
+ s = createSelect(null);
+ s.setWidth(null);
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ s = createSelect("Undefined wide, empty select");
+ s.setWidth(null);
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ s = createSelect("Undefined wide select with 5 items");
+ s.setWidth(null);
+ addItem(s, "The first item");
+ addItem(s, "The second item");
+ addItem(s, "The third item");
+ addItem(s, "The fourth item");
+ addItem(s, "The fifth item");
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ s = createSelect("Undefined wide select with 50 items");
+ s.setWidth(null);
+ populate(s, 50);
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ s = createSelect(null);
+ s.setWidth("100px");
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ s = createSelect("100px wide, empty select");
+ s.setWidth("100px");
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ s = createSelect("150px wide select with 5 items");
+ s.setWidth("150px");
+ addItem(s, "The first item");
+ addItem(s, "The second item");
+ addItem(s, "The third item");
+ addItem(s, "The fourth item");
+ addItem(s, "The fifth item");
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ s = createSelect("200px wide select with 50 items");
+ s.setWidth("200px");
+ populate(s, 50);
+ addTestComponent(s);
+ }
+ private void populate(Select s, int nr) {
+ String text = " an item ";
+ String caption = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+ if (i % 2 == 0) {
+ caption += text;
+ } else {
+ caption += i;
+ }
+ addItem(s, caption);
+ }
+ }
+ private void addItem(Select s, String string) {
+ Object id = s.addItem();
+ s.getItem(id).getItemProperty(CAPTION).setValue(string);
+ }
+ private Select createSelect(String caption) {
+ Select s = new Select();
+ s.addContainerProperty(CAPTION, String.class, "");
+ s.setItemCaptionPropertyId(CAPTION);
+ s.setCaption(caption);
+ return s;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "A generic test for Labels in different configurations";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected List<Component> createActions() {
+ ArrayList<Component> actions = new ArrayList<Component>();
+ CheckBox errorIndicators = new CheckBox("Error indicators",
+ new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ Button b = event.getButton();
+ boolean enabled = (Boolean) b.getValue();
+ setErrorIndicators(enabled);
+ }
+ });
+ CheckBox enabled = new CheckBox("Enabled", new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ Button b = event.getButton();
+ boolean enabled = (Boolean) b.getValue();
+ setEnabled(enabled);
+ }
+ });
+ CheckBox readonly = new CheckBox("Readonly",
+ new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ Button b = event.getButton();
+ boolean enabled = (Boolean) b.getValue();
+ setReadOnly(enabled);
+ }
+ });
+ errorIndicators.setValue(new Boolean(false));
+ readonly.setValue(new Boolean(false));
+ enabled.setValue(new Boolean(true));
+ errorIndicators.setImmediate(true);
+ readonly.setImmediate(true);
+ enabled.setImmediate(true);
+ actions.add(errorIndicators);
+ actions.add(readonly);
+ actions.add(enabled);
+ return actions;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/progressindicator/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/progressindicator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..026465a624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/progressindicator/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.components.progressindicator;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.ProgressIndicator;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
+public class ProgressIndicatorInvisible extends TestBase {
+ @Override
+ protected void setup() {
+ final VerticalLayout lo = new VerticalLayout();
+ addComponent(lo);
+ final ProgressIndicator pi = new ProgressIndicator();
+ pi.setPollingInterval(400);
+ lo.addComponent(pi);
+ final Button b = new Button("Hide container of progress indicator");
+ addComponent(b);
+ b.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ // If we skip hiding the layout, hiding the ProgressIndicator
+ // will stop the polling
+ lo.setVisible(!lo.isVisible());
+ // Not even this works
+ pi.setVisible(!lo.isVisible());
+ if (!lo.isVisible()) {
+ b.setCaption("Still polling");
+ } else {
+ b.setCaption("Hide container of progress indicator");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "Progress indicator does not stop polling when its parent layout is made invisible";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 4014;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/select/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/select/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fcf730669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/select/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
+public class SelectIconPlacement extends TestBase {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ private Select mySelect;
+ @Override
+ protected void setup() {
+ mySelect = new Select("Foo");
+ String bar = "FooBarBaz";
+ mySelect.addItem(bar);
+ mySelect.setItemIcon(bar, new ThemeResource("common/icons/error.png"));
+ addComponent(mySelect);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "A select with item icons pushes the caption of that item to the right to make room for the icon. It works fine in all browsers except IE8.<br/>"+
+ "Upon component render the icon and caption is on top of each others, and it corrects itself when you open the dropdown. ";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 3991;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tabsheet/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tabsheet/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d389184b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tabsheet/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.components.tabsheet;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
+import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
+public class TabSheetMinimal extends TestBase {
+ int index = 1;
+ TabSheet ts = new TabSheet();
+ @Override
+ protected void setup() {
+ ts.setStyleName("minimal");
+ Button b = new Button("Add a tab", new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ ts.addTab(new Label("" + index), "Tab " + index, null);
+ index++;
+ }
+ });
+ addComponent(ts);
+ addComponent(b);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "Adding tabs to a 'minimal' style TabSheet work properly even if the TabSheet is initially empty";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 4227;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/TreeFiltering.html b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/TreeFiltering.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d65cd4d104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/TreeFiltering.html
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+<head profile="">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<link rel="selenium.base" href="" />
+<title>New Test</title>
+<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1">
+<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">TreeFiltering</td></tr>
+ <td>open</td>
+ <td>/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.tree.TreeFiltering?restartApplication</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>unfiltered</td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstreeTreeFiltering::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>all-removed</td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstreeTreeFiltering::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[4]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>unfiltered</td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstreeTreeFiltering::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[3]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>filter-0</td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstreeTreeFiltering::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[2]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>filter-0-and-num</td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstreeTreeFiltering::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[4]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForVaadin</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>screenCapture</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>unfiltered</td>
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..495e6cfb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.components.tree;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Tree;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
+public class TreeFiltering extends TestBase {
+ @Override
+ public void setup() {
+ final Tree ccTree = new Tree();
+ addComponent(ccTree);
+ final HierarchicalContainer cont = new HierarchicalContainer();
+ cont.addContainerProperty("caption", String.class, "");
+ Item item;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ item = cont.addItem(i);
+ item.getItemProperty("caption").setValue("Number " + i);
+ cont.setParent(i, i - 1);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ Object id = cont.addItem();
+ item = cont.getItem(id);
+ item.getItemProperty("caption").setValue("0-" + i);
+ cont.setParent(id, 0);
+ }
+ ccTree.setContainerDataSource(cont);
+ ccTree.setItemCaptionPropertyId("caption");
+ for (final Object o : ccTree.getItemIds()) {
+ ccTree.expandItem(o);
+ }
+ final Button b = new Button("Add filter 'foo'", new ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) {
+ cont.addContainerFilter("caption", "foo", true, false);
+ }
+ });
+ addComponent(b);
+ final Button b2 = new Button("Add filter 'Num'", new ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) {
+ cont.addContainerFilter("caption", "Num", true, false);
+ }
+ });
+ addComponent(b2);
+ final Button num = new Button("Add filter '0'", new ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) {
+ cont.addContainerFilter("caption", "0", true, false);
+ }
+ });
+ addComponent(num);
+ final Button r = new Button("Remove filter", new ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) {
+ cont.removeAllContainerFilters();
+ }
+ });
+ addComponent(r);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "Filtering in a tree should work as expected. Roots and their children which match the filter should be shown. Other nodes should be hidden";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 4192;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/window/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/window/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a97341d8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/window/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.components.window;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.AbstractTestCase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
+public class WindowScrollingUp extends AbstractTestCase {
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "Scroll down, click 'up' and the view should scroll to the top";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 4206;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void init() {
+ Table table = new Table();
+ table.setPageLength(50);
+ final Button up = new Button("up");
+ up.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ up.getWindow().setScrollTop(0);
+ }
+ });
+ setMainWindow(new Window(""));
+ getMainWindow().addComponent(table);
+ getMainWindow().addComponent(up);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/dd/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/dd/
index e51f9fa1bc..55ef48e5e6 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/dd/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/dd/
@@ -206,36 +206,34 @@ public class DDTest1 extends TestBase {
VerticalDropLocation dropLocation = details
+ Object itemIdAfter = itemIdOver;
if (dropLocation == VerticalDropLocation.MIDDLE) {
t.setParent(itemId, itemIdOver);
} else if (VerticalDropLocation.TOP == dropLocation) {
// if on top of the caption area, add before
- itemIdOver = idx.prevItemId(itemIdOver);
- }
- if (itemId.equals(itemIdOver)) {
- // the location is same
- return;
- }
- HierarchicalContainer subtree = getSubTree(idx, itemId);
- boolean removed = idx.removeItem(itemId);
- if (removed) {
- if (dropLocation == null) {
- System.err
- .println("No detail of drop place available");
+ Collection children;
+ if (itemIdInto != null) {
+ // seek the previous from child list
+ children = idx.getChildren(itemIdInto);
+ } else {
+ children = idx.rootItemIds();
+ Object ref = null;
+ for (Object object : children) {
+ if (object.equals(itemIdOver)) {
+ itemIdAfter = ref;
+ break;
+ }
+ ref = object;
+ }
+ }
+ idx.setParent(itemId, itemIdInto);
- Item addItemAfter = idx
- .addItemAfter(itemIdOver, itemId);
- populateSubTree(idx, subtree, itemId);
- // ensure the same parent as with related item
- Object parent = idx.getParent(itemIdOver);
- idx.setParent(itemId, parent);
+ if (dropLocation == null) {
+ System.err.println("No detail of drop place available");
+ idx.moveAfterSibling(itemId, itemIdAfter);
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/resources/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81db64dea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.resources;
+import com.vaadin.terminal.FileResource;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
+public class NonExistingFileResource extends TestBase {
+ @Override
+ protected void setup() {
+ Button existing = createButton("WEB-INF/web.xml");
+ Button nonExisting = createButton("WEB-INF/web2.xml");
+ addComponent(existing);
+ addComponent(nonExisting);
+ }
+ private Button createButton(final String filename) {
+ Button b = new Button("Download " + filename);
+ b.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ FileResource res = new FileResource(new File(getContext()
+ .getBaseDirectory()
+ + "/" + filename), NonExistingFileResource.this);
+ getMainWindow().open(res);
+ }
+ });
+ return b;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ return null;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
index a12489a2cc..06d2ab0949 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.vaadin.tests.robustness;
-import com.vaadin.automatedtests.util.Log;
import com.vaadin.tests.util.RandomComponents;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer;
@@ -70,17 +69,29 @@ public abstract class Robustness extends com.vaadin.Application implements
label = null;
stressLayout = null;
System.out.println("main.getLayout()=" + main.getLayout());
- System.out.println(Log.getMemoryStatistics());
+ System.out.println(getMemoryStatistics());
} else if (event.getButton() == close) {
System.out.println("Before close, memory statistics:");
- System.out.println(Log.getMemoryStatistics());
+ System.out.println(getMemoryStatistics());
// Still valueUnbound (session expiration) needs to occur for GC to
// do its work
System.out.println("After close, memory statistics:");
- System.out.println(Log.getMemoryStatistics());
+ System.out.println(getMemoryStatistics());
+ public static String getMemoryStatistics() {
+ // You should call gc before printing statistics (if you are not using a
+ // profiler)
+ System.gc();
+ long inUse = (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime()
+ .freeMemory());
+ return "Memory:\n" + inUse + " (Used)\n"
+ + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() + " (Total)\n"
+ + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + " (Free)\n";
+ }
public abstract void create();
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/robustness/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
index 9e72af8b86..342270cd58 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/automatedtests/robustness/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
@@ -1,45 +1,44 @@
- */
-package com.vaadin.automatedtests.robustness;
-import com.vaadin.automatedtests.util.Log;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-public class RobustnessComplex extends Robustness implements
- Button.ClickListener {
- /**
- * Create complex layouts with components and listeners.
- */
- @Override
- public void create() {
- count++;
- // remove old stressLayout, all dependant components should be now
- // allowed for garbage collection.
- if (stressLayout != null) {
- main.removeComponent(stressLayout);
- }
- // create new stress layout
- stressLayout = randomComponents
- .getRandomComponentContainer("Component container " + count);
- Label label = new Label("Label " + Log.getMemoryStatistics(),
- stressLayout.addComponent(label);
- // fill with random components
- randomComponents.fillLayout(stressLayout, 50);
- // add new component container to main layout
- main.addComponent(stressLayout);
- // if ((count % 100) == 0) {
- System.out.println("Created " + count + " times.");
- // }
- }
+ */
+package com.vaadin.tests.robustness;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
+public class RobustnessComplex extends Robustness implements
+ Button.ClickListener {
+ /**
+ * Create complex layouts with components and listeners.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void create() {
+ count++;
+ // remove old stressLayout, all dependant components should be now
+ // allowed for garbage collection.
+ if (stressLayout != null) {
+ main.removeComponent(stressLayout);
+ }
+ // create new stress layout
+ stressLayout = randomComponents
+ .getRandomComponentContainer("Component container " + count);
+ Label label = new Label("Label " + getMemoryStatistics(),
+ stressLayout.addComponent(label);
+ // fill with random components
+ randomComponents.fillLayout(stressLayout, 50);
+ // add new component container to main layout
+ main.addComponent(stressLayout);
+ // if ((count % 100) == 0) {
+ System.out.println("Created " + count + " times.");
+ // }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
index 63324ad9bc..e99fe4b5e7 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/robustness/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.vaadin.tests.robustness;
-import com.vaadin.automatedtests.util.Log;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ public class RobustnessSimple extends Robustness implements
// CASE single orderedlayout with a label containing 1Mb of data
// fill with random components
- Label label = new Label("Label " + Log.getMemoryStatistics(),
+ Label label = new Label("Label " + getMemoryStatistics(),
byte[] data = new byte[1024 * 1024];
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/component/tree/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/component/tree/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e95e78ddea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/component/tree/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.server.component.tree;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Tree;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.CollapseEvent;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.CollapseListener;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandEvent;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandListener;
+public class TestListeners extends TestCase implements ExpandListener,
+ CollapseListener {
+ private int expandCalled;
+ private int collapseCalled;
+ private Object lastExpanded;
+ private Object lastCollapsed;
+ @Override
+ protected void setUp() {
+ expandCalled = 0;
+ }
+ public void testExpandListener() {
+ Tree tree = createTree(10, 20, false);
+ tree.addListener((ExpandListener) this);
+ List<String> rootIds = new ArrayList<String>(tree.rootItemIds());
+ assertEquals(10, rootIds.size());
+ assertEquals(10 + 10 * 20 + 10, tree.size());
+ // Expanding should send one expand event for the root item id
+ tree.expandItem(rootIds.get(0));
+ assertEquals(1, expandCalled);
+ assertEquals(rootIds.get(0), lastExpanded);
+ // Expand should send one event for each expanded item id.
+ // In this case root + child 4
+ expandCalled = 0;
+ tree.expandItemsRecursively(rootIds.get(1));
+ assertEquals(2, expandCalled);
+ List<Object> c = new ArrayList<Object>(tree.getChildren(rootIds.get(1)));
+ assertEquals(c.get(4), lastExpanded);
+ // Expanding an already expanded item should send no expand event
+ expandCalled = 0;
+ tree.expandItem(rootIds.get(0));
+ assertEquals(0, expandCalled);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a tree with "rootItems" roots, each with "children" children,
+ * each with 1 child.
+ *
+ * @param rootItems
+ * @param children
+ * @param expand
+ * @return
+ */
+ private Tree createTree(int rootItems, int children, boolean expand) {
+ Tree tree = new Tree();
+ for (int i = 0; i < rootItems; i++) {
+ String rootId = "root " + i;
+ tree.addItem(rootId);
+ if (expand) {
+ tree.expandItemsRecursively(rootId);
+ } else {
+ tree.collapseItemsRecursively(rootId);
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < children; j++) {
+ String childId = "child " + i + "/" + j;
+ tree.addItem(childId);
+ tree.setParent(childId, rootId);
+ tree.setChildrenAllowed(childId, false);
+ if (j == 4) {
+ tree.setChildrenAllowed(childId, true);
+ Object grandChildId = tree.addItem();
+ tree.setParent(grandChildId, childId);
+ tree.setChildrenAllowed(grandChildId, false);
+ if (expand) {
+ tree.expandItemsRecursively(childId);
+ } else {
+ tree.collapseItemsRecursively(childId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tree;
+ }
+ public void testCollapseListener() {
+ Tree tree = createTree(7, 15, true);
+ tree.addListener((CollapseListener) this);
+ List<String> rootIds = new ArrayList<String>(tree.rootItemIds());
+ assertEquals(7, rootIds.size());
+ assertEquals(7 + 7 * 15 + 7, tree.size());
+ // Expanding should send one expand event for the root item id
+ tree.collapseItem(rootIds.get(0));
+ assertEquals(1, collapseCalled);
+ assertEquals(rootIds.get(0), lastCollapsed);
+ // Collapse sends one event for each collapsed node.
+ // In this case root + child 4
+ collapseCalled = 0;
+ tree.collapseItemsRecursively(rootIds.get(1));
+ assertEquals(2, collapseCalled);
+ List<Object> c = new ArrayList<Object>(tree.getChildren(rootIds.get(1)));
+ assertEquals(c.get(4), lastCollapsed);
+ // Collapsing an already expanded item should send no expand event
+ collapseCalled = 0;
+ tree.collapseItem(rootIds.get(0));
+ assertEquals(0, collapseCalled);
+ }
+ public void nodeExpand(ExpandEvent event) {
+ lastExpanded = event.getItemId();
+ expandCalled++;
+ }
+ public void nodeCollapse(CollapseEvent event) {
+ lastCollapsed = event.getItemId();
+ collapseCalled++;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/components/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/components/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05604aba61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.server.components;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.easymock.EasyMock;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseEvent;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseListener;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window.ResizeEvent;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window.ResizeListener;
+public class TestWindow extends TestCase {
+ private Window window;
+ @Override
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ window = new Window();
+ }
+ public void testCloseListener() {
+ CloseListener cl = EasyMock.createMock(Window.CloseListener.class);
+ // Expectations
+ cl.windowClose(EasyMock.isA(CloseEvent.class));
+ // Start actual test
+ EasyMock.replay(cl);
+ // Add listener and send a close event -> should end up in listener once
+ window.addListener(cl);
+ sendClose(window);
+ // Ensure listener was called once
+ EasyMock.verify(cl);
+ // Remove the listener and send close event -> should not end up in
+ // listener
+ window.removeListener(cl);
+ sendClose(window);
+ // Ensure listener still has been called only once
+ EasyMock.verify(cl);
+ }
+ public void testResizeListener() {
+ ResizeListener rl = EasyMock.createMock(Window.ResizeListener.class);
+ // Expectations
+ rl.windowResized(EasyMock.isA(ResizeEvent.class));
+ // Start actual test
+ EasyMock.replay(rl);
+ // Add listener and send a resize event -> should end up in listener
+ // once
+ window.addListener(rl);
+ sendResize(window);
+ // Ensure listener was called once
+ EasyMock.verify(rl);
+ // Remove the listener and send close event -> should not end up in
+ // listener
+ window.removeListener(rl);
+ sendResize(window);
+ // Ensure listener still has been called only once
+ EasyMock.verify(rl);
+ }
+ private void sendResize(Window window2) {
+ Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ variables.put("height", 1234);
+ window.changeVariables(window, variables);
+ }
+ private static void sendClose(Window window) {
+ Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ variables.put("close", true);
+ window.changeVariables(window, variables);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e20f54dc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.server.container;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+public abstract class AbstractContainerTest extends TestCase {
+ protected void validateContainer(Container container,
+ Object expectedFirstItemId, Object expectedLastItemId,
+ Object itemIdInSet, Object itemIdNotInSet, int expectedSize) {
+ Container.Indexed indexed = null;
+ if (container instanceof Container.Indexed) {
+ indexed = (Container.Indexed) container;
+ }
+ List<Object> itemIdList = new ArrayList<Object>(container.getItemIds());
+ // size()
+ assertEquals(expectedSize, container.size());
+ assertEquals(expectedSize, itemIdList.size());
+ // first item, last item
+ Object first = itemIdList.get(0);
+ Object last = itemIdList.get(itemIdList.size() - 1);
+ assertEquals(expectedFirstItemId, first);
+ assertEquals(expectedLastItemId, last);
+ // containsId
+ assertFalse(container.containsId(itemIdNotInSet));
+ assertTrue(container.containsId(itemIdInSet));
+ // getItem
+ assertNull(container.getItem(itemIdNotInSet));
+ assertNotNull(container.getItem(itemIdInSet));
+ // getContainerProperty
+ for (Object propId : container.getContainerPropertyIds()) {
+ assertNull(container.getContainerProperty(itemIdNotInSet, propId));
+ assertNotNull(container.getContainerProperty(itemIdInSet, propId));
+ }
+ if (indexed != null) {
+ // firstItemId
+ assertEquals(first, indexed.firstItemId());
+ // lastItemId
+ assertEquals(last, indexed.lastItemId());
+ // nextItemId
+ assertEquals(itemIdList.get(1), indexed.nextItemId(first));
+ // prevItemId
+ assertEquals(itemIdList.get(itemIdList.size() - 2), indexed
+ .prevItemId(last));
+ // isFirstId
+ assertTrue(indexed.isFirstId(first));
+ assertFalse(indexed.isFirstId(last));
+ // isLastId
+ assertTrue(indexed.isLastId(last));
+ assertFalse(indexed.isLastId(first));
+ // indexOfId
+ assertEquals(0, indexed.indexOfId(first));
+ assertEquals(expectedSize - 1, indexed.indexOfId(last));
+ // getIdByIndex
+ assertEquals(indexed.getIdByIndex(0), first);
+ assertEquals(indexed.getIdByIndex(expectedSize - 1), last);
+ }
+ }
+ protected static final Object FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME = "PROP1";
+ protected static final Object SIMPLE_NAME = "simplename";
+ protected static final Object REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME = "PROP2";
+ protected static final Object ID_NUMBER = "PROP3";
+ protected void testBasicContainerOperations(Container container) {
+ initializeContainer(container);
+ // Basic container
+ validateContainer(container, sampleData[0],
+ sampleData[sampleData.length - 1], sampleData[10], "abc",
+ sampleData.length);
+ }
+ protected void testContainerOrdered(Container.Ordered container) {
+ Object id = container.addItem();
+ assertNotNull(id);
+ Item item = container.getItem(id);
+ assertNotNull(item);
+ assertEquals(id, container.firstItemId());
+ assertEquals(id, container.lastItemId());
+ // isFirstId
+ assertTrue(container.isFirstId(id));
+ assertTrue(container.isFirstId(container.firstItemId()));
+ // isLastId
+ assertTrue(container.isLastId(id));
+ assertTrue(container.isLastId(container.lastItemId()));
+ // Add a new item before the first
+ // addItemAfter
+ Object newFirstId = container.addItemAfter(null);
+ assertNotNull(newFirstId);
+ assertNotNull(container.getItem(newFirstId));
+ // isFirstId
+ assertTrue(container.isFirstId(newFirstId));
+ assertTrue(container.isFirstId(container.firstItemId()));
+ // isLastId
+ assertTrue(container.isLastId(id));
+ assertTrue(container.isLastId(container.lastItemId()));
+ // nextItemId
+ assertEquals(id, container.nextItemId(newFirstId));
+ assertNull(container.nextItemId(id));
+ assertNull(container.nextItemId("not-in-container"));
+ // prevItemId
+ assertEquals(newFirstId, container.prevItemId(id));
+ assertNull(container.prevItemId(newFirstId));
+ assertNull(container.prevItemId("not-in-container"));
+ // addItemAfter(Object)
+ Object newSecondItemId = container.addItemAfter(newFirstId);
+ // order is now: newFirstId, newSecondItemId, id
+ assertNotNull(newSecondItemId);
+ assertNotNull(container.getItem(newSecondItemId));
+ assertEquals(id, container.nextItemId(newSecondItemId));
+ assertEquals(newFirstId, container.prevItemId(newSecondItemId));
+ // addItemAfter(Object,Object)
+ String fourthId = "id of the fourth item";
+ Item fourth = container.addItemAfter(newFirstId, fourthId);
+ // order is now: newFirstId, fourthId, newSecondItemId, id
+ assertNotNull(fourth);
+ assertEquals(fourth, container.getItem(fourthId));
+ assertEquals(newSecondItemId, container.nextItemId(fourthId));
+ assertEquals(newFirstId, container.prevItemId(fourthId));
+ // addItemAfter(Object,Object)
+ Object fifthId = new Object();
+ Item fifth = container.addItemAfter(null, fifthId);
+ // order is now: fifthId, newFirstId, fourthId, newSecondItemId, id
+ assertNotNull(fifth);
+ assertEquals(fifth, container.getItem(fifthId));
+ assertEquals(newFirstId, container.nextItemId(fifthId));
+ assertNull(container.prevItemId(fifthId));
+ }
+ protected void testContainerFiltering(Container.Filterable container) {
+ initializeContainer(container);
+ // Filter by "contains ab"
+ container.addContainerFilter(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, "ab", false, false);
+ validateContainer(container, "",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Focusable",
+ "", 20);
+ // Filter by "contains da" (reversed as ad here)
+ container.removeAllContainerFilters();
+ container.addContainerFilter(REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, "ad", false,
+ false);
+ validateContainer(container, "",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ComponentSizeValidator",
+ "",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VUriFragmentUtility", 37);
+ }
+ protected void testContainerSortingAndFiltering(Container.Sortable sortable) {
+ Filterable filterable = (Filterable) sortable;
+ initializeContainer(sortable);
+ // Filter by "contains ab"
+ filterable.addContainerFilter(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, "ab", false, false);
+ // Must be able to sort based on PROP1 for this test
+ assertTrue(sortable.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(
+ sortable.sort(new Object[] { FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME },
+ new boolean[] { true });
+ validateContainer(sortable, "",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.TableFieldFactory",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.TableFieldFactory",
+ "", 20);
+ }
+ protected void testContainerSorting(Container.Filterable container) {
+ Container.Sortable sortable = (Sortable) container;
+ initializeContainer(container);
+ // Must be able to sort based on PROP1 for this test
+ assertTrue(sortable.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(
+ assertTrue(sortable.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(
+ sortable.sort(new Object[] { FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME },
+ new boolean[] { true });
+ validateContainer(container, "com.vaadin.Application",
+ "com.vaadin.util.SerializerHelper",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ApplicationResource", "blah",
+ sampleData.length);
+ sortable.sort(new Object[] { REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME },
+ new boolean[] { true });
+ validateContainer(container,
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationPortlet2",
+ "",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.BaseFieldFactory", "blah", sampleData.length);
+ }
+ protected void initializeContainer(Container container) {
+ container.removeAllItems();
+ Object[] propertyIds = container.getContainerPropertyIds().toArray();
+ for (Object propertyId : propertyIds) {
+ container.removeContainerProperty(propertyId);
+ }
+ container.addContainerProperty(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, String.class, "");
+ container.addContainerProperty(SIMPLE_NAME, String.class, "");
+ container.addContainerProperty(REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME,
+ String.class, null);
+ container.addContainerProperty(ID_NUMBER, Integer.class, null);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sampleData.length; i++) {
+ String id = sampleData[i];
+ Item item = container.addItem(id);
+ item.getItemProperty(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME).setValue(sampleData[i]);
+ item.getItemProperty(SIMPLE_NAME).setValue(
+ getSimpleName(sampleData[i]));
+ item.getItemProperty(REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME).setValue(
+ reverse(sampleData[i]));
+ item.getItemProperty(ID_NUMBER).setValue(i);
+ }
+ }
+ protected String getSimpleName(String name) {
+ if (name.contains(".")) {
+ return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
+ } else {
+ return name;
+ }
+ }
+ protected static String reverse(String string) {
+ return new StringBuilder(string).reverse().toString();
+ }
+ protected final String[] sampleData = {
+ "com.vaadin.annotations.AutoGenerated", "com.vaadin.Application",
+ "", "",
+ "", "",
+ "", "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "", "com.vaadin.event.Action",
+ "com.vaadin.event.ComponentEventListener",
+ "com.vaadin.event.EventRouter", "com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents",
+ "com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent", "com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents",
+ "com.vaadin.event.ListenerMethod",
+ "com.vaadin.event.MethodEventSource",
+ "com.vaadin.event.MouseEvents", "com.vaadin.event.ShortcutAction",
+ "com.vaadin.launcher.DemoLauncher",
+ "com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher",
+ "com.vaadin.launcher.util.BrowserLauncher",
+ "com.vaadin.service.ApplicationContext",
+ "com.vaadin.service.FileTypeResolver",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ApplicationResource",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ClassResource",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.CompositeErrorMessage",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.DownloadStream",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ErrorMessage",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.FileResource",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConfiguration",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConnection",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.BrowserInfo",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ClientExceptionHandler",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ComponentDetail",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ComponentDetailMap",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ComponentLocator",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Console",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Container",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ContainerResizedListener",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.CSSRule",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.DateTimeService",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.DefaultWidgetSet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Focusable",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.HistoryImplIEVaadin",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.LocaleNotLoadedException",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.LocaleService",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.MouseEventDetails",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.NullConsole",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Paintable",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.RenderInformation",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.RenderSpace",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.StyleConstants",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.TooltipInfo",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.Action",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.ActionOwner",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.AlignmentInfo",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.CalendarEntry",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.ClickEventHandler",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.Field",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.Icon",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.layout.CellBasedLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.layout.ChildComponentContainer",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.layout.Margins",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.LayoutClickEventHandler",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.MenuBar",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.MenuItem",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.richtextarea.VRichTextArea",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.richtextarea.VRichTextToolbar",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.ShortcutActionHandler",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.SubPartAware",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.Table",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.TreeAction",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.TreeImages",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VAbsoluteLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VAccordion",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VButton",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VCalendarPanel",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VCheckBox",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VContextMenu",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VCssLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VCustomComponent",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VCustomLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VDateField",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VDateFieldCalendar",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VEmbedded",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VFilterSelect",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VForm",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VFormLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VGridLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VHorizontalLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VLabel",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VLink",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VListSelect",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VMarginInfo",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VMenuBar",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VNativeButton",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VNativeSelect",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VNotification",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VOptionGroup",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VOptionGroupBase",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VOrderedLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VOverlay",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VPanel",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VPasswordField",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VPopupCalendar",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VPopupView",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VProgressIndicator",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VScrollTable",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VSlider",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VSplitPanel",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VSplitPanelHorizontal",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VSplitPanelVertical",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTablePaging",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTabsheet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTabsheetBase",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTabsheetPanel",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTextArea",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTextField",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTextualDate",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTime",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTree",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTwinColSelect",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VUnknownComponent",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VUpload",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VUriFragmentUtility",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VVerticalLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VView",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VWindow",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.UIDL",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Util",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ValueMap",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.VCaption",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.VCaptionWrapper",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.VDebugConsole",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.VErrorMessage",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.VTooltip",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.VUIDLBrowser",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.WidgetMap",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.WidgetSet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractApplicationPortlet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractApplicationServlet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractCommunicationManager",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractWebApplicationContext",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationPortlet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationPortlet2",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationRunnerServlet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationServlet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ChangeVariablesErrorEvent",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.CommunicationManager",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ComponentSizeValidator",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.Constants",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.GAEApplicationServlet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.HttpServletRequestListener",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.HttpUploadStream",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.JsonPaintTarget",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.PortletApplicationContext",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.PortletApplicationContext2",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.PortletCommunicationManager",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.PortletRequestListener",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.RestrictedRenderResponse",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.SessionExpiredException",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.SystemMessageException",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.WebApplicationContext",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.WebBrowser",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.ClassPathExplorer",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.WidgetMapGenerator",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.WidgetSetBuilder",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.KeyMapper", "com.vaadin.terminal.Paintable",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ParameterHandler",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.Resource", "com.vaadin.terminal.Scrollable",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.Sizeable",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.StreamResource",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.SystemError", "com.vaadin.terminal.Terminal",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.UploadStream",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.URIHandler", "com.vaadin.terminal.UserError",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.VariableOwner",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.AbsoluteLayout", "com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponentContainer",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField", "com.vaadin.ui.AbstractLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.AbstractOrderedLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect", "com.vaadin.ui.Accordion",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Alignment", "com.vaadin.ui.AlignmentUtils",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.BaseFieldFactory", "com.vaadin.ui.Button",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox", "com.vaadin.ui.ClientWidget",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox", "com.vaadin.ui.Component",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer", "com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent", "com.vaadin.ui.CustomLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.DateField", "com.vaadin.ui.DefaultFieldFactory",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Embedded", "com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Field", "com.vaadin.ui.FieldFactory",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Form", "com.vaadin.ui.FormFieldFactory",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout", "com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout", "com.vaadin.ui.InlineDateField",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Label", "com.vaadin.ui.Layout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Link", "com.vaadin.ui.ListSelect",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.LoginForm", "com.vaadin.ui.MenuBar",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.NativeButton", "com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup", "com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Panel", "com.vaadin.ui.PopupDateField",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.PopupView", "com.vaadin.ui.ProgressIndicator",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.RichTextArea", "com.vaadin.ui.Select",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Slider", "com.vaadin.ui.SplitPanel",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Table", "com.vaadin.ui.TableFieldFactory",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet", "com.vaadin.ui.TextField",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Tree", "com.vaadin.ui.TwinColSelect",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.Upload", "com.vaadin.ui.UriFragmentUtility",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout", "com.vaadin.ui.Window",
+ "com.vaadin.util.SerializerHelper" };
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7aeef3e1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.server.container;
+import java.util.Collection;
+public class AbstractHierarchicalContainerTest extends AbstractContainerTest {
+ /**
+ * @param container
+ * The container to validate
+ * @param expectedFirstItemId
+ * Expected first item id
+ * @param expectedLastItemId
+ * Expected last item id
+ * @param itemIdInSet
+ * An item id that is in the container
+ * @param itemIdNotInSet
+ * An item id that is not in the container
+ * @param expectedSize
+ * Expected number of items in the container. Not related to
+ * hierarchy.
+ * @param expectedTraversalSize
+ * Expected number of items found when traversing from the roots
+ * down to all available nodes.
+ * @param expectedRootSize
+ * Expected number of root items
+ */
+ private void validateHierarchicalContainer(Hierarchical container,
+ Object expectedFirstItemId, Object expectedLastItemId,
+ Object itemIdInSet, Object itemIdNotInSet,
+ boolean rootsHaveChildren, int expectedSize,
+ int expectedTraversalSize, int expectedRootSize) {
+ validateContainer(container, expectedFirstItemId, expectedLastItemId,
+ itemIdInSet, itemIdNotInSet, expectedSize);
+ // rootItemIds
+ Collection<?> rootIds = container.rootItemIds();
+ assertEquals(expectedRootSize, rootIds.size());
+ for (Object rootId : rootIds) {
+ // All roots must be in container
+ assertTrue(container.containsId(rootId));
+ // All roots must have no parent
+ assertNull(container.getParent(rootId));
+ // all roots must be roots
+ assertTrue(container.isRoot(rootId));
+ // all roots have children allowed in this case
+ assertTrue(container.areChildrenAllowed(rootId));
+ // all roots have children in this case
+ if (rootsHaveChildren) {
+ Collection<?> children = container.getChildren(rootId);
+ assertNotNull(rootId + " should have children", children);
+ assertTrue(rootId + " should have children",
+ (children.size() > 0));
+ // getParent
+ for (Object childId : children) {
+ assertEquals(container.getParent(childId), rootId);
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ // isRoot should return false for unknown items
+ assertFalse(container.isRoot(itemIdNotInSet));
+ // hasChildren should return false for unknown items
+ assertFalse(container.hasChildren(itemIdNotInSet));
+ // areChildrenAllowed should return false for unknown items
+ assertFalse(container.areChildrenAllowed(itemIdNotInSet));
+ // removeItem of unknown items should return false
+ assertFalse(container.removeItem(itemIdNotInSet));
+ assertEquals(expectedTraversalSize, countNodes(container));
+ validateHierarchy(container);
+ }
+ private int countNodes(Hierarchical container) {
+ int totalNodes = 0;
+ for (Object rootId : container.rootItemIds()) {
+ totalNodes += countNodes(container, rootId);
+ }
+ return totalNodes;
+ }
+ private int countNodes(Hierarchical container, Object itemId) {
+ int nodes = 1; // This
+ Collection<?> children = container.getChildren(itemId);
+ if (children != null) {
+ for (Object id : children) {
+ nodes += countNodes(container, id);
+ }
+ }
+ return nodes;
+ }
+ private void validateHierarchy(Hierarchical container) {
+ for (Object rootId : container.rootItemIds()) {
+ validateHierarchy(container, rootId, null);
+ }
+ }
+ private void validateHierarchy(Hierarchical container, Object itemId,
+ Object parentId) {
+ Collection<?> children = container.getChildren(itemId);
+ // getParent
+ assertEquals(container.getParent(itemId), parentId);
+ if (!container.areChildrenAllowed(itemId)) {
+ // If no children is allowed the item should have no children
+ assertFalse(container.hasChildren(itemId));
+ assertTrue(children == null || children.size() == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (children != null) {
+ for (Object id : children) {
+ validateHierarchy(container, id, itemId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void testHierarchicalContainer(Container.Hierarchical container) {
+ initializeContainer(container);
+ int packages = 21;
+ int expectedSize = sampleData.length + packages;
+ validateHierarchicalContainer(container, "com",
+ "com.vaadin.util.SerializerHelper",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ApplicationResource", "blah", true,
+ expectedSize, expectedSize, 1);
+ }
+ protected void testHierarchicalSorting(Container.Hierarchical container) {
+ Container.Sortable sortable = (Sortable) container;
+ initializeContainer(container);
+ // Must be able to sort based on PROP1 and PROP2 for this test
+ assertTrue(sortable.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(
+ assertTrue(sortable.getSortableContainerPropertyIds().contains(
+ sortable.sort(new Object[] { FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME },
+ new boolean[] { true });
+ int packages = 21;
+ int expectedSize = sampleData.length + packages;
+ validateHierarchicalContainer(container, "com",
+ "com.vaadin.util.SerializerHelper",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ApplicationResource", "blah", true,
+ expectedSize, expectedSize, 1);
+ sortable.sort(new Object[] { REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME },
+ new boolean[] { true });
+ validateHierarchicalContainer(container,
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationPortlet2",
+ "",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.ApplicationResource", "blah", true,
+ expectedSize, expectedSize, 1);
+ }
+ protected void testHierarchicalFiltering(Container.Hierarchical container) {
+ Container.Filterable filterable = (Container.Filterable) container;
+ initializeContainer(container);
+ // Filter by "contains ab"
+ filterable.addContainerFilter(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, "ab", false, false);
+ // 20 items should remain in the container but the root should be
+ // filtered
+ int expectedSize = 20;
+ int expectedTraversalSize = 0;
+ int expectedRoots = 0;
+ validateHierarchicalContainer(container,
+ "",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Focusable", "blah", true,
+ expectedSize, expectedTraversalSize, expectedRoots);
+ // filter out every second item except hierarchy items
+ filterable.removeAllContainerFilters();
+ filterable.addContainerFilter(ID_NUMBER, "1", false, false);
+ int packages = 21;
+ int other = sampleData.length / 2;
+ expectedSize = packages + other;
+ expectedRoots = 1;
+ expectedTraversalSize = expectedSize;
+ validateHierarchicalContainer(container, "com", "com.vaadin.util",
+ "", "blah", true,
+ expectedSize, expectedTraversalSize, expectedRoots);
+ // Additionally remove all without 'm' in the simple name. Hierarchy is
+ // now one root only.
+ filterable.addContainerFilter(SIMPLE_NAME, "m", false, false);
+ expectedSize = 27;
+ expectedRoots = 1;
+ expectedTraversalSize = 1;
+ validateHierarchicalContainer(container, "com",
+ "com.vaadin.ui.UriFragmentUtility",
+ "com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.TreeImages", "blah", false,
+ expectedSize, expectedTraversalSize, expectedRoots);
+ }
+ protected void initializeContainer(Container.Hierarchical container) {
+ container.removeAllItems();
+ Object[] propertyIds = container.getContainerPropertyIds().toArray();
+ for (Object propertyId : propertyIds) {
+ container.removeContainerProperty(propertyId);
+ }
+ container.addContainerProperty(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, String.class, "");
+ container.addContainerProperty(SIMPLE_NAME, String.class, "");
+ container.addContainerProperty(REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME,
+ String.class, null);
+ container.addContainerProperty(ID_NUMBER, Integer.class, null);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sampleData.length; i++) {
+ String id = sampleData[i];
+ // Add path as parent
+ String paths[] = id.split("\\.");
+ String path = paths[0];
+ // Adds "com" and other items multiple times so should return null
+ // for all but the first time
+ if (container.addItem(path) != null) {
+ assertTrue(container.setChildrenAllowed(path, false));
+ Item item = container.getItem(path);
+ item.getItemProperty(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME).setValue(path);
+ item.getItemProperty(SIMPLE_NAME).setValue(getSimpleName(path));
+ item.getItemProperty(REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME).setValue(
+ reverse(path));
+ item.getItemProperty(ID_NUMBER).setValue(1);
+ }
+ for (int j = 1; j < paths.length; j++) {
+ String parent = path;
+ path = path + "." + paths[j];
+ // Adds "com" and other items multiple times so should return
+ // null for all but the first time
+ if (container.addItem(path) != null) {
+ assertTrue(container.setChildrenAllowed(path, false));
+ Item item = container.getItem(path);
+ item.getItemProperty(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME).setValue(path);
+ item.getItemProperty(SIMPLE_NAME).setValue(
+ getSimpleName(path));
+ .setValue(reverse(path));
+ item.getItemProperty(ID_NUMBER).setValue(1);
+ }
+ assertTrue(container.setChildrenAllowed(parent, true));
+ assertTrue(
+ "Failed to set " + parent + " as parent for " + path,
+ container.setParent(path, parent));
+ }
+ Item item = container.getItem(id);
+ assertNotNull(item);
+ String parent = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf('.'));
+ assertTrue(container.setParent(id, parent));
+ item.getItemProperty(FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME).setValue(sampleData[i]);
+ item.getItemProperty(SIMPLE_NAME).setValue(
+ getSimpleName(sampleData[i]));
+ item.getItemProperty(REVERSE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME).setValue(
+ reverse(sampleData[i]));
+ item.getItemProperty(ID_NUMBER).setValue(i % 2);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ac5e76c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.server.container;
+public class TestContainerHierarchicalWrapper extends
+ AbstractHierarchicalContainerTest {
+ public void testBasicOperations() {
+ testBasicContainerOperations(new ContainerHierarchicalWrapper(
+ new IndexedContainer()));
+ }
+ public void testHierarchicalContainer() {
+ testHierarchicalContainer(new ContainerHierarchicalWrapper(
+ new IndexedContainer()));
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f60e133c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.server.container;
+public class TestHierarchicalContainer extends
+ AbstractHierarchicalContainerTest {
+ public void testBasicOperations() {
+ testBasicContainerOperations(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ }
+ public void testFiltering() {
+ testContainerFiltering(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ }
+ public void testHierarchicalFiltering() {
+ testHierarchicalFiltering(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ }
+ public void testSorting() {
+ testContainerSorting(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ }
+ public void testOrdered() {
+ testContainerOrdered(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ }
+ public void testHierarchicalSorting() {
+ testHierarchicalSorting(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ }
+ public void testSortingAndFiltering() {
+ testContainerSortingAndFiltering(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ }
+ // public void testHierarchicalSortingAndFiltering() {
+ // testHierarchicalSortingAndFiltering(new HierarchicalContainer());
+ // }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13e8e17c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/container/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.server.container;
+public class TestIndexedContainer extends AbstractContainerTest {
+ public void testBasicOperations() {
+ testBasicContainerOperations(new IndexedContainer());
+ }
+ public void testFiltering() {
+ testContainerFiltering(new IndexedContainer());
+ }
+ public void testSorting() {
+ testContainerSorting(new IndexedContainer());
+ }
+ public void testSortingAndFiltering() {
+ testContainerSortingAndFiltering(new IndexedContainer());
+ }
+ public void testContainerOrdered() {
+ testContainerOrdered(new IndexedContainer());
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 716b6b94f0..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-import com.vaadin.Application;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
-public class Ticket1902 extends Application {
- @Override
- public void init() {
- // Main layout and main window
- final OrderedLayout mainLayout = new OrderedLayout();
- setMainWindow(new Window("Testcase for #1902", mainLayout));
- setTheme("tests-tickets");
- mainLayout.setMargin(false);
- mainLayout.setSpacing(true);
- mainLayout.addComponent(new Button("mainLayout.setSizeFull()",
- new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- mainLayout.setSizeFull();
- getMainWindow().showNotification(
- "Set the main layout size full");
- }
- }));
- mainLayout.addComponent(new Button("mainLayout.setWidth(\"100%\")",
- new Button.ClickListener() {
- public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
- mainLayout.setWidth("100%");
- getMainWindow().showNotification(
- "Set the main layout width 100%");
- }
- }));
- // 100% wide component
- TextField b2 = new TextField("100% wide field");
- mainLayout.addComponent(b2);
- b2.setWidth("100%");
- // 400px wide colored layout
- OrderedLayout lo = new OrderedLayout();
- lo.setStyleName("red-background");
- mainLayout.addComponent(lo);
- lo.setWidth(400);
- Button b = new Button("100% wide button");
- lo.addComponent(b);
- b.setWidth("100%");
- TextField tf = new TextField("100% wide textfield");
- lo.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setWidth("100%");
- // 400x100 colored layout
- OrderedLayout lo2 = new OrderedLayout();
- lo2.setStyleName("red-background");
- mainLayout.addComponent(lo2);
- lo2.setWidth("50%");
- lo2.setHeight(200);
- Button b3 = new Button("100% wide button");
- lo2.addComponent(b3);
- b3.setWidth("100%");
- TextField tf2 = new TextField("100% wide textfield");
- lo2.addComponent(tf2);
- tf2.setWidth("100%");
- // tf2 = new TextField("50% wide, 100% height textfield"); // does not
- // work with caption (10.7.2008 mac hosted mode) due layouts are broken
- // in trunk
- tf2 = new TextField();
- tf2.setRows(2); // trigger textArea impl.
- tf2.setHeight("100%");
- tf2.setWidth("50%");
- lo2.addComponent(tf2);
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
deleted file mode 100644
index b80dfc07e0..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import com.vaadin.Application;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-public class Ticket1934 extends Application {
- @Override
- public void init() {
- Window w = new Window(
- "#1934 : Horizontal ExpandLayout completely broken");
- setMainWindow(w);
- w.addComponent(new Label(
- "Horizontal 500x200 ExpandLayout with two components:"));
- ExpandLayout testedLayout = new ExpandLayout(
- testedLayout.setWidth("500px");
- testedLayout.setHeight("200px");
- Button b1 = new Button("b1");
- testedLayout.addComponent(b1);
- testedLayout.expand(b1);
- testedLayout.addComponent(new Button("b2"));
- w.addComponent(testedLayout);
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
deleted file mode 100644
index f51984f336..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import com.vaadin.Application;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.UserError;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-public class Ticket2032 extends Application {
- @Override
- public void init() {
- Window w = new Window(getClass().getSimpleName());
- setMainWindow(w);
- // setTheme("tests-tickets");
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(10, 10);
- w.setLayout(layout);
- createUI(layout);
- }
- private void createUI(GridLayout layout) {
- ExpandLayout el = new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- Panel p = new Panel(el);
- p.setWidth(600);
- p.setHeight(500);
- p.getLayout().setSizeFull();
- TextField tf = new TextField("Field caption");
- tf.setValue("Expanded");
- el.addComponent(tf);
- el.expand(tf);
- tf.setSizeFull();
- tf = new TextField("Vertical bottom");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- tf.setValue("Vertical bottom");
- el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- el.addComponent(tf);
- tf = new TextField("Vertical top");
- tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- el.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical top");
- el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
- tf = new TextField("Vertical center");
- el.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical center");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- layout.addComponent(p);
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 744195619e..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-import com.vaadin.Application;
-import com.vaadin.terminal.UserError;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
-public class Ticket2033 extends Application {
- @Override
- public void init() {
- Window w = new Window(getClass().getSimpleName());
- setMainWindow(w);
- // setTheme("tests-tickets");
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, 2);
- w.setLayout(layout);
- createUI(layout);
- }
- private void createUI(GridLayout layout) {
- layout.addComponent(createExpandLayoutPanel());
- layout.addComponent(createOrderedLayoutPanel());
- layout.addComponent(createGridLayoutPanel());
- }
- private Panel createExpandLayoutPanel() {
- ExpandLayout el = new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
- Panel p = new Panel("ExpandLayout", el);
- p.setWidth(600);
- p.setHeight(500);
- p.getLayout().setSizeFull();
- TextField tf = new TextField("TextField 1");
- tf.setValue("Expanded");
- el.addComponent(tf);
- el.expand(tf);
- tf.setSizeFull();
- tf = new TextField("TextField 2 has a longer caption");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- tf.setWidth(100);
- tf.setValue("Vertical bottom");
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- // ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM);
- el.addComponent(tf);
- tf = new TextField(
- "TextField 3 has a very, very long caption for some weird reason.");
- tf.setWidth(100);
- tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- el.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical top");
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- // ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
- tf = new TextField("TextField 4");
- el.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical center");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- return p;
- }
- private Panel createOrderedLayoutPanel() {
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout(
- Panel p = new Panel("OrderedLayout", ol);
- p.setWidth(600);
- p.setHeight(500);
- p.getLayout().setSizeFull();
- TextField tf = new TextField("TextField 1");
- tf.setValue("Expanded");
- ol.addComponent(tf);
- // ol.expand(tf);
- tf.setSizeFull();
- tf = new TextField("TextField 2 has a longer caption");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- tf.setWidth(100);
- tf.setValue("Vertical bottom");
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- // ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM);
- ol.addComponent(tf);
- tf = new TextField(
- "TextField 3 has a very, very long caption for some weird reason.");
- tf.setWidth(100);
- tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- ol.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical top");
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- // ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
- tf = new TextField("TextField 4");
- ol.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical center");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- return p;
- }
- private Panel createGridLayoutPanel() {
- GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(4, 1);
- Panel p = new Panel("GridLayout", gl);
- p.setWidth(600);
- p.setHeight(500);
- p.getLayout().setSizeFull();
- TextField tf = new TextField("TextField 1");
- tf.setValue("Expanded");
- gl.addComponent(tf);
- // ol.expand(tf);
- tf.setSizeFull();
- tf = new TextField("TextField 2 has a longer caption");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- tf.setWidth(100);
- tf.setValue("Vertical bottom");
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- // ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM);
- gl.addComponent(tf);
- tf = new TextField(
- "TextField 3 has a very, very long caption for some weird reason.");
- tf.setWidth(100);
- tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- gl.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical top");
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- // ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
- tf = new TextField("TextField 4");
- gl.addComponent(tf);
- tf.setValue("Vertical center");
- // tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Error"));
- // el.setComponentAlignment(tf, ExpandLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
- return p;
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
index 77381dcbfd..9f4b754325 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/tickets/
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ import;
import com.vaadin.ui.Accordion;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.ExpandLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
-import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener;
@@ -28,14 +27,14 @@ public class Ticket2061c extends Application implements
public void init() {
mainWindow = new Window("Vaadin");
- mainWindow.getLayout().setSizeFull();
+ mainWindow.getContent().setSizeFull();
- OrderedLayout ol = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol = new VerticalLayout();
- OrderedLayout ol2 = new OrderedLayout();
+ VerticalLayout ol2 = new VerticalLayout();
p = new Panel("This is a panel");
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ public class Ticket2061c extends Application implements
private Table table = new Table();
private String[] columns;
- private ExpandLayout layout = new ExpandLayout();
+ private VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
public MyTable(int columnNumber, String id) {
diff --git a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/util/ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/util/
index fdfb878e04..bb64450ac7 100644
--- a/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/util/
+++ b/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/util/
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ package com.vaadin.tests.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
-import com.vaadin.automatedtests.util.MultiListener;
import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.ButtonExample;
import com.vaadin.demo.featurebrowser.ClientCachingExample;
@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
public class RandomComponents {
@@ -271,4 +274,29 @@ public class RandomComponents {
return em;
+ public class MultiListener implements Button.ClickListener,
+ PropertySetChangeListener, ItemSetChangeListener,
+ ValueChangeListener {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ System.out.println("ClickEvent from "
+ + event.getButton().getCaption());
+ }
+ public void containerPropertySetChange(PropertySetChangeEvent event) {
+ System.out.println("containerPropertySetChange from "
+ + event.getContainer());
+ }
+ public void containerItemSetChange(ItemSetChangeEvent event) {
+ System.out.println("containerItemSetChange from "
+ + event.getContainer());
+ }
+ public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
+ System.out.println("valueChange from " + event.getProperty());
+ }
+ }