path: root/uitest
diff options
authorMartin Vysny <>2019-05-16 08:27:33 +0200
committerSun Zhe <>2019-05-16 09:27:33 +0300
commit07fe51a15eaac560c58eabc969940660c192c134 (patch)
treee0bac8f0b8e5fe29b38deb676b1ab4e4174dd07d /uitest
parent6bffdc53c207c177c2cedf1c1432c696bd6c4a7a (diff)
Grid editor: TAB now skips non-editable columns (#11573)
* Grid editor: TAB now skips non-editable columns Pressing TAB would shift the focus to non-editable cells when the Grid was in edit mode. This patch makes DefaultEditorEventHandler to skip such columns. Closes #10970 * Add tests
Diffstat (limited to 'uitest')
2 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uitest/src/main/java/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/ b/uitest/src/main/java/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf8c673c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uitest/src/main/java/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.components.grid;
+import com.vaadin.annotations.Widgetset;
+import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest;
+import com.vaadin.tests.components.AbstractTestUI;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Grid;
+import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Shows a Grid with the only editable columns being the column 1 and 3. That
+ * will allow us to test that Tab/Shift+Tab skips cells that are not editable.
+ */
+public class GridEditorTabSkipsNonEditableCells extends AbstractTestUI {
+ @Override
+ protected void setup(VaadinRequest request) {
+ final List<TestBean> items = new ArrayList<>();
+ Grid<TestBean> grid = new Grid<TestBean>(TestBean.class);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ items.add(new TestBean(i));
+ }
+ grid.setDataProvider(new ListDataProvider<>(items));
+ grid.setWidth("100%");
+ grid.setHeight("400px");
+ grid.getEditor().setEnabled(true);
+ grid.getColumn("col1").setEditorComponent(new TextField());
+ grid.getColumn("col3").setEditorComponent(new TextField());
+ grid.setColumnOrder("col0", "col1", "col2", "col3", "col4");
+ getLayout().addComponent(
+ new Button("Set Editor Buffered Mode On", event -> {
+ grid.getEditor().cancel();
+ grid.getEditor().setBuffered(true);
+ }));
+ getLayout().addComponent(
+ new Button("Set Editor Buffered Mode Off", event -> {
+ grid.getEditor().cancel();
+ grid.getEditor().setBuffered(false);
+ }));
+ getLayout().addComponent(grid);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 11573;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getTestDescription() {
+ return "Pressing TAB doesn't shift the focus to non-editable cells when the Grid is in edit mode.";
+ }
+ public class TestBean {
+ private final int row;
+ public TestBean(int row) {
+ this.row = row;
+ }
+ public String getCol0() {
+ return "col0_" + row;
+ }
+ public String getCol1() {
+ return "col1_" + row;
+ }
+ public String getCol2() {
+ return "col2_" + row;
+ }
+ public String getCol3() {
+ return "col3_" + row;
+ }
+ public String getCol4() {
+ return "col4_" + row;
+ }
+ public void setCol0(String value) {
+ }
+ public void setCol1(String value) {
+ }
+ public void setCol2(String value) {
+ }
+ public void setCol3(String value) {
+ }
+ public void setCol4(String value) {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/uitest/src/test/java/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/ b/uitest/src/test/java/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9092f0a22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uitest/src/test/java/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+package com.vaadin.tests.components.grid;
+import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.ButtonElement;
+import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.GridElement;
+import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.TextFieldElement;
+import com.vaadin.testbench.parallel.TestCategory;
+import com.vaadin.tests.tb3.MultiBrowserTest;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
+import static;
+ * Makes sure that pressing Tab when the Grid is in edit mode will make focus
+ * skip cells that are not editable.
+ */
+public class GridEditorTabSkipsNonEditableCellsTest extends MultiBrowserTest {
+ /**
+ * The grid with 5 columns. First, third and fifth columns are not editable.
+ */
+ private GridElement grid;
+ @Override
+ public void setup() throws Exception {
+ super.setup();
+ openTestURL();
+ grid = $(GridElement.class).first();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void tabSkipsOverNotEditableFieldBuffered() {
+ setBuffered(true);
+ openEditor(0, 1);
+ pressTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col3_0", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void tabDoesNothingIfAlreadyOnLastEditableFieldBuffered() {
+ setBuffered(true);
+ openEditor(0, 3);
+ pressTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col3_0", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void tabSkipsOverNotEditableFieldUnbuffered() {
+ setBuffered(false);
+ openEditor(0, 1);
+ pressTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col3_0", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void tabMovesToNextRowFirstEditableFieldUnbuffered() {
+ setBuffered(false);
+ openEditor(0, 3);
+ pressTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col1_1", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shiftTabSkipsOverNotEditableFieldBuffered() {
+ setBuffered(true);
+ openEditor(0, 3);
+ pressShiftTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col1_0", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shiftTabDoesNothingIfAlreadyOnLastEditableFieldBuffered() {
+ setBuffered(true);
+ openEditor(0, 1);
+ pressShiftTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col1_0", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shiftTabSkipsOverNotEditableFieldUnbuffered() {
+ setBuffered(false);
+ openEditor(0, 3);
+ pressShiftTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col1_0", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shiftTabMovesToNextRowFirstEditableFieldUnbuffered() {
+ setBuffered(false);
+ openEditor(1, 1);
+ pressShiftTab();
+ Assert.assertEquals("col3_0", getFocusedEditorCellContents());
+ }
+ private void openEditor(int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
+ grid.getCell(rowIndex, colIndex).doubleClick();
+ }
+ private void pressTab() {
+ new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).perform();
+ }
+ private void pressShiftTab() {
+ new Actions(getDriver()).keyDown(Keys.SHIFT).sendKeys(Keys.TAB)
+ .keyUp(Keys.SHIFT).perform();
+ }
+ private void setBuffered(boolean buffered) {
+ $(ButtonElement.class).caption(buffered ? "Set Editor Buffered Mode On"
+ : "Set Editor Buffered Mode Off").first().click();
+ }
+ private String getFocusedEditorCellContents() {
+ final GridElement.GridEditorElement editor = grid.getEditor();
+ final WebElement focusedElement = getFocusedElement();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ if (editor.isEditable(i)
+ && editor.getField(i).equals(focusedElement)) {
+ return (editor.getField(i).wrap(TextFieldElement.class))
+ .getValue();
+ }
+ }
+ fail("Currently focused element is not a cell editor: "
+ + focusedElement);
+ return null;
+ }