diff options
119 files changed, 16791 insertions, 14384 deletions
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_enum_constant=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_enum_declaration=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_method_declaration=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_switch=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_type_declaration=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_bracket_in_array_allocation_expression=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_bracket_in_array_reference=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_bracket_in_array_type_reference=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_annotation=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_annotation_type_member_declaration=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_catch=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_constructor_declaration=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_enum_constant=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_for=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_if=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_method_declaration=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_method_invocation=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_parenthesized_expression=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_switch=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_synchronized=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_try=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_while=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_parenthesized_expression_in_return=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_parenthesized_expression_in_throw=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_postfix_operator=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_prefix_operator=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_question_in_conditional=insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_question_in_wildcard=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_semicolon=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_semicolon_in_for=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_semicolon_in_try_resources=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_unary_operator=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_brackets_in_array_type_reference=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_braces_in_array_initializer=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_brackets_in_array_allocation_expression=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_annotation_type_member_declaration=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_constructor_declaration=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_enum_constant=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_declaration=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_invocation=do not insert +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.join_lines_in_comments=true +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.join_wrapped_lines=true +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.keep_else_statement_on_same_line=false +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.keep_empty_array_initializer_on_one_line=false +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.keep_imple_if_on_one_line=false +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.keep_then_statement_on_same_line=false +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.lineSplit=80 +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.never_indent_block_comments_on_first_column=false +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.never_indent_line_comments_on_first_column=false +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.number_of_blank_lines_at_beginning_of_method_body=0 +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.number_of_empty_lines_to_preserve=1 +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.put_empty_statement_on_new_line=true +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.tabulation.char=space +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.tabulation.size=4 +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.use_on_off_tags=true +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.use_tabs_only_for_leading_indentations=false +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.wrap_before_binary_operator=true +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.wrap_before_or_operator_multicatch=true +org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.wrap_outer_expressions_when_nested=true diff --git a/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs b/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e10624e703 --- /dev/null +++ b/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +eclipse.preferences.version=1 +formatter_profile=_Vaadin Java Conventions 20110923 +formatter_settings_version=12 diff --git a/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs b/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e3833bbc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +DELEGATES_PREFERENCE=delegateValidatorList +USER_BUILD_PREFERENCE=enabledBuildValidatorList +USER_MANUAL_PREFERENCE=enabledManualValidatorList +USER_PREFERENCE=overrideGlobalPreferencestruedisableAllValidationfalseversion1.2.401.v201209052200 +eclipse.preferences.version=1 +override=true +suspend=false +vals/org.eclipse.wst.html.core.HTMLValidator/global=TF01 +vals/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.core.JsBatchValidator/global=TF02 +vf.version=3 diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b56333cdb --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +Cloning the project repositories +====== + +Vaadin 7 consists of three separate repositories +* https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin.git +* https://github.com/vaadin/gwt.git +* https://github.com/vaadin/gwt-tools.git + +Start by cloning these repositories into the same folder: +<pre><code>git clone https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin.git +git clone https://github.com/vaadin/gwt.git +git clone https://github.com/vaadin/gwt-tools.git</code></pre> + +The *vaadin* and *gwt* repositories contain project code. The *gwt-tools* project only contain dependency jars used by the other projects. + +Do not rename the repositories as the rest of this document relies on using the standard naming. + +Setting up Eclipse to Develop Vaadin 7 +========= +Assuming you have cloned the repositories as described in “Cloning the project repositories” above, you can import the *vaadin* and *gwt* projects into Eclipse as follows: + +Start Eclipse +------------- +Start Eclipse and use the root checkout folder (the one containing the *vaadin*, *gwt* and *gwt-tools* folders) as the workspace folder + +Define Required Variables for the GWT Eclipse Projects +-------- +To be able to find all files, the GWT project requires you to define a couple of variables: + +1. Open *Window* -> *Preferences* (Windows) or *Eclipse* -> *Preferences* (Mac) +1. Go to *General* -> *Workspace* -> *Linked Resources* +1. Add a new Path Variable **GWT_ROOT** referring to the gwt folder containing the gwt project +![GWT_ROOT](http://f.cl.ly/items/430q0H0z3t362Z1A1n3L/LinkedResources.png "Defining GWT_ROOT") +1. Go to *Java* -> *Build Path* -> *Classpath Variables* +1. Add two new variables + 1. GWT_TOOLS referring to the gwt-tools folder containing the dependency jars + 1. JDK_HOME referring to your jdk installation directory + ![GWT_TOOLS](http://f.cl.ly/items/1k2Z1n2v0p0y3l0X0D1G/ClasspathVars.png "Defining GWT_TOOLS") +1. Go to Java -> Compiler + 1. Check that the compliance level has been set to 1.6 (or higher) + +Import the Projects into the Workspace +------------ +1. Do *File* -> *Import* -> *General* -> *Existing Projects into Workspace* +![ImportProject](http://f.cl.ly/items/0G361519182v1z2T1o1O/Import.png "Import project") +1. Select the workspace folder as root directory +1. Click “deselect all” and select + 1. gwt-dev + 2. gwt-user +1. Click “finish” to complete the import of GWT +1. Then repeat by doing *File* -> *Import* -> *General* -> *Existing Projects into Workspace* +1. Select the workspace folder as root directory +1. Click “deselect all” and select + 1. vaadin +1. Click “finish” to complete the import of Vaadin Framework + +![FinishImportProject](http://cl.ly/image/2W3S0P2c2p1t/Import2.png "Finishing Project Import") + +You should now have three projects in your workspace. If the vaadin project does not compile without errors, choose *Ivy* -> *Resolve* from the vaadin project popup menu. Now all projects should compile without errors (there might be warnings). + +Note that the first compilation takes a while to finish as Ivy downloads dependencies used in the projects. + +Compiling the Default Widget Set and Themes +-------- +Compile the default widget set by executing the default target in build/ide.xml in the vaadin project. +In Eclipse this is done by opening build/ide.xml, right clicking on it and choosing *Run As* -> *Ant Build*. +![CompileWidgetSet](http://cl.ly/image/1R43162b282e/build.png "Compiling the Widget Set") + +Running a UI test +------ +The *vaadin* project includes an embedded Jetty which is used for running the UI tests. +It is a standard Java application: *com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher*. +Launch it in debug mode in Eclipse by right clicking on it and selecting *Debug As* -> *Java Application*. + +This launches a Jetty on port 8888 which allows you to run any UI class in the project by opening http://localhost:8888/run/<UI class name>?restartApplication in your browser, e.g. [http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication](http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication) (Add ?restartApplication to ensure). + +Running JUnit tests +===== +The JUnit tests for the projects can be run using +<pre><code>ant test</code></pre> + +Running this in the *gwt* directory will run the GWT JUnit tests. +Running it in the *vaadin* directory will run the Vaadin JUnit tests. + +Running the Vaadin TestBench tests currently requires access to a correctly configured TestBench 2 cluster, only available inside Vaadin. + +Building a package +===== +The distribution files can be built in a few steps. First build the *gwt* project by running +<pre><code>ant</code></pre> +in the *gwt* directory. The elemental package needs to be built separately: +<pre><code>ant elemental</code></pre> +Building the elemental package is not possible on Windows as it requires gcc. + +Move to the *vaadin* project directory and unpack the previously built gwt jars +<pre><code>ant -f gwt-files.xml unpack.gwt</code></pre> +Then build the *vaadin* project by running +<pre><code>ant</code></pre> +in the *vaadin* directory. + diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/base/common/common.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/base/common/common.scss index e7fdd3fe84..27c6dc949c 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/base/common/common.scss +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/base/common/common.scss @@ -204,6 +204,11 @@ body &.v-app-loading { padding: 2px; } +/* Removes clear button from input fields introduced by IE10 */ +input::-ms-clear { + display: none; +} + .v-drag-element { z-index: 60000; /* override any other position: properties */ @@ -233,4 +238,10 @@ body &.v-app-loading { height: 0; } +.v-assistive-device-only { + position: absolute; + left: -2000px; + width: 10px; + overflow: hidden; +} }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/notification/notification.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/notification/notification.scss index 4884f19f8b..ec0d15df2f 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/notification/notification.scss +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/notification/notification.scss @@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ font-weight: bold; } -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName} H1 { +.v-ie9 &, .v-ie10 & { + .#{$primaryStyleName} H1 { /* Fix for #6793 */ font-weight: bold; + } } .#{$primaryStyleName} p { diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/panel/panel.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/panel/panel.scss index b095fb4ffb..74ee10837d 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/panel/panel.scss +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/panel/panel.scss @@ -12,14 +12,24 @@ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; line-height: 16px; /* accommodate minimum icon size */ } -.v-webkit & .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption, -.v-webkit & .#{$primaryStyleName}-nocaption, -.v-gecko & .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption, -.v-gecko & .#{$primaryStyleName}-nocaption, -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption, -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-nocaption { - border-bottom-color: rgba(0,0,0,.08); + +.v-webkit &, +.v-gecko &, +.v-ie9 &, +.v-ie10 & { + .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption, + .#{$primaryStyleName}-nocaption { + border-bottom-color: rgba(0,0,0,.08); + } + .#{$primaryStyleName}-content { + border-top-color: rgba(0,0,0,.07); + } + .#{$primaryStyleName}-deco { + border-top-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); + background: rgba(0,0,0,.08); + } } + .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption { padding-bottom: 2px; } @@ -30,11 +40,7 @@ border-bottom: none; border-top: none; } -.v-webkit & .#{$primaryStyleName}-content, -.v-gecko & .#{$primaryStyleName}-content, -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-content { - border-top-color: rgba(0,0,0,.07); -} + .blue .#{$primaryStyleName}-deco { border-color: #92a3ac; background: #adc2cd; @@ -46,12 +52,6 @@ background: #e2e2e2; overflow: hidden; } -.v-webkit & .#{$primaryStyleName}-deco, -.v-gecko & .#{$primaryStyleName}-deco, -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-deco { - border-top-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); - background: rgba(0,0,0,.08); -} .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption .v-errorindicator { height: 16px; width: 13px; diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-minimal-style.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-minimal-style.scss index fe17d90e26..77d4922535 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-minimal-style.scss +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-minimal-style.scss @@ -105,15 +105,17 @@ -moz-border-radius: 7px; } -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-minimal .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabitem .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close { - &, &:hover, &:active { +.v-ie9 &, .v-ie10 & { + .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-minimal .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabitem .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close { + &, &:hover, &:active { - /* IE9 suffers from rounding subpixel values errors when measuring the tabs which makes the close button wrap. */ + /* IE9/IE10 suffers from rounding subpixel values errors when measuring the tabs which makes the close button wrap. */ margin-left: 2.5px; - /* The close button is a pixel too high in IE9, adjust for that */ + /* The close button is a pixel too high in IE9/IE10, adjust for that */ margin-top: 1px; - } + } + } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-minimal .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close:hover, diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-normal-style.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-normal-style.scss index 91bb3915be..b62791e4ce 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-normal-style.scss +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-normal-style.scss @@ -156,10 +156,6 @@ } .v-ie & .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs .v-errorindicator { zoom: 1; - display: inline; -} -.v-ie8 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs .v-errorindicator, -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs .v-errorindicator { display: inline-block; } diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-small-style.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-small-style.scss index 56bad4ed72..4141586d5a 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-small-style.scss +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/tabsheet/tabsheet-small-style.scss @@ -55,11 +55,12 @@ .v-ff & .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-bar .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close { margin-top: -14px; } -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-bar .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close:only-child, -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-bar .v-captiontext:first-child + .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close { +.v-ie9 &, .v-ie10 & { + .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-bar .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close:only-child, + .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-bar .v-captiontext:first-child + .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close { margin-top: -14px; + } } - .#{$primaryStyleName}-tabs-bar .#{$primaryStyleName}-caption-close:hover { background: #bfbfbf; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/runo/tabsheet/tabsheet.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/runo/tabsheet/tabsheet.scss index 3b8773e9e6..ab4afb1c69 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/runo/tabsheet/tabsheet.scss +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/runo/tabsheet/tabsheet.scss @@ -142,9 +142,6 @@ background: #babfc0; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; -} -.v-ie8 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-deco, -.v-ie9 & .#{$primaryStyleName}-deco { width: 100%; } /* Light-style */ diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js b/WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js index 81adfcccc6..40f9ce470f 100644 --- a/WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js +++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js @@ -295,8 +295,20 @@ } // Detect touch device support - try { document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); url += "&v-td=1";} catch(e){}; - + var supportsTouch = false; + try { + document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); + supportsTouch = true; + } catch (e) { + // Chrome and IE10 touch detection + supportsTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window + || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints; + } + + if (supportsTouch) { + url += "&v-td=1"; + } + return url; } }; diff --git a/all/build.xml b/all/build.xml index 40d82b3d47..4e1a557e53 100644 --- a/all/build.xml +++ b/all/build.xml @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ <target name="checkstyle"> <!-- Checkstyle is handled by all separate modules --> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> <!-- No tests for this zip.. --> </target> @@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ <target name="checkstyle" depends="buildorder"> <subant buildpathref="build-path" target="checkstyle"/> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="buildorder"> + <target name="test" depends="buildorder"> + <subant buildpathref="build-path" target="test" /> + </target> + <target name="test-all" depends="buildorder"> <property name="war.file" location="result/artifacts/${vaadin.version}/vaadin-uitest/vaadin-uitest-${vaadin.version}.war" /> <parallel> <sequential> @@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ <property name="demo.war" value="${war.file}" /> </ant> </sequential> - <subant buildpathref="build-path" target="tests" /> + <subant buildpathref="build-path" target="test" /> <ant antfile="uitest/test.xml" target="test-package"> <property name="war.file" location="${war.file}" /> </ant> diff --git a/build/ide.xml b/build/ide.xml index a095e9265c..5b27488d59 100755 --- a/build/ide.xml +++ b/build/ide.xml @@ -1,24 +1,48 @@ <?xml version="1.0"?> <project xmlns:antcontrib="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="Build script for IDE users" basedir=".." default="theme-and-default-widgetset"> - <!-- FIXME, should use 7.0-SNAPSHOT of client compiler --> + <include file="${basedir}/gwt-files.xml" /> + + <property name="gwt.dev.classes" location="${gwt.eclipse.basedir}/dev/bin" /> + <property name="gwt.user.classes" location="${gwt.eclipse.basedir}/user/bin" /> + <property name="gwt.dev.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/dev/core/src" /> + <property name="gwt.dev.super.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/dev/core/super" /> + <property name="gwt.user.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/user/src" /> + <property name="gwt.user.super.src" location="${gwt.basedir}/user/super" /> + <property name="work.dir" location="work" /> - <property name="gwt.root" location="${basedir}/../trunk" /> - <property name="gwt.lib.dir" location="${gwt.root}/build/lib" /> - <property name="gwt.user.jar" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-user.jar" /> - <property name="gwt.dev.jar" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-dev.jar" /> <property name="theme-version" location="9.9.9.INTERNAL-DEBUG-BUILD" /> - <echo>Using gwt-dev.jar from ${gwt.dev.jar}</echo> + <echo>Using gwt files from ${gwt.user.classes} and ${gwt.dev.classes}</echo> - <ivy:resolve file="build/ivy-ide.xml" /> - <ivy:cachepath pathid="ivy.deps" conf="default" /> + <ivy:resolve file="client-compiler/ivy.xml" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:cachepath pathid="client-compiler.deps" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:resolve file="server/ivy.xml" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:cachepath pathid="server.deps" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:resolve file="client/ivy.xml" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:cachepath pathid="client.deps" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:resolve file="shared/ivy.xml" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:cachepath pathid="shared.deps" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:resolve file="uitest/ivy.xml" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:cachepath pathid="uitest.deps" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:resolve file="theme-compiler/ivy.xml" conf="ide" /> + <ivy:cachepath pathid="theme-compiler.deps" conf="ide" /> <path id="classpath"> <path location="bin" /> <path location="build/classes" /> - <pathelement location="${gwt.user.jar}" /> - <pathelement location="${gwt.dev.jar}" /> - <path refid="ivy.deps" /> + <path location="${gwt.user.classes}" /> + <path location="${gwt.user.src}" /> + <path location="${gwt.user.super.src}" /> + <path location="${gwt.dev.classes}" /> + <path location="${gwt.dev.super.src}" /> + <path location="${gwt.dev.src}" /> + <path refid="client-compiler.deps" /> + <path refid="theme-compiler.deps" /> + <path refid="server.deps" /> + <path refid="shared.deps" /> + <path refid="uitest.deps" /> + <path refid="client.deps" /> + <path location="theme-compiler/src" /> <path location="server/src" /> <path location="shared/src" /> <path location="uitest/src" /> @@ -93,6 +117,7 @@ <jvmarg value="-Xss8M" /> <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" /> <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" /> + <jvmarg value="-Dgwt.usearchives=false" /> </java> </target> diff --git a/build/ivy-ide.xml b/build/ivy-ide.xml deleted file mode 100755 index 85d157857a..0000000000 --- a/build/ivy-ide.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<ivy-module version="2.0" - xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" - xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/schemas/ivy.xsd"> - - <info organisation="com.vaadin" module="vaadin-ide" - revision="0.0.1.ide" /> - - <configurations> - <conf name="default" /> - </configurations> - <publications> - </publications> - <dependencies defaultconf="default" defaultconfmapping="default->default"> - <dependency org="javax.validation" name="validation-api" - rev="1.0.0.GA" conf="default -> default,sources" /> - <dependency org="commons-cli" name="commons-cli" rev="1.2" /> - <dependency org="org.apache.commons" name="commons-jexl" - rev="2.1.1" /> - - </dependencies> - -</ivy-module> diff --git a/buildhelpers/build.xml b/buildhelpers/build.xml index b56209f6cc..a101bff191 100644 --- a/buildhelpers/build.xml +++ b/buildhelpers/build.xml @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ </antcall> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <!--<antcall target="common.tests.run" />--> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <!--<antcall target="common.test.run" />--> <echo>WHAT? No JUnit tests for ${module.name}!</echo> </target> </project>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/buildhelpers/ivy.xml b/buildhelpers/ivy.xml index d8e4457296..28c4b005fe 100644 --- a/buildhelpers/ivy.xml +++ b/buildhelpers/ivy.xml @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ <conf name="build" /> <conf name="build-provided" /> <conf name="ide" visibility="private" /> - <conf name="tests" /> + <conf name="test" /> </configurations> <publications> <artifact type="jar" /> diff --git a/client-compiled/build.xml b/client-compiled/build.xml index 1a78b17a7f..4554773be9 100644 --- a/client-compiled/build.xml +++ b/client-compiled/build.xml @@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ <target name="checkstyle"> <echo>No java files in module</echo> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <!--<antcall target="common.tests.run" />--> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <!--<antcall target="common.test.run" />--> <echo>WHAT? No tests for ${module.name}!</echo> </target> diff --git a/client-compiler/build.xml b/client-compiler/build.xml index 64368b4957..cd8433f1cf 100644 --- a/client-compiler/build.xml +++ b/client-compiler/build.xml @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ gwt.svnrev=${git.revision}</echo> </antcall> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <!--<antcall target="common.tests.run" />--> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <!--<antcall target="common.test.run" />--> <echo>WHAT? No tests for ${module.name}!</echo> </target> diff --git a/client-compiler/ivy.xml b/client-compiler/ivy.xml index ee36e4e261..04b5feb45e 100644 --- a/client-compiler/ivy.xml +++ b/client-compiler/ivy.xml @@ -1,57 +1,62 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ivy-module version="2.0" - xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" - xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/schemas/ivy.xsd" - xmlns:m="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/maven"> + xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" + xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/schemas/ivy.xsd" + xmlns:m="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/maven"> - <info organisation="com.vaadin" module="vaadin-client-compiler" - revision="${vaadin.version}" /> + <info organisation="com.vaadin" module="vaadin-client-compiler" + revision="${vaadin.version}" /> - <configurations> - <conf name="build" /> - <conf name="build-provided" /> - <conf name="ide" visibility="private" /> - </configurations> - <publications> - <artifact type="jar" ext="jar" /> - <artifact type="source" ext="jar" m:classifier="sources" /> - <artifact type="javadoc" ext="jar" m:classifier="javadoc" /> - <artifact type="pom" ext="pom" /> - </publications> - <dependencies> - <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-shared" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build" /> - <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-server" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build" /> - <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build" /> + <configurations> + <conf name="build" /> + <conf name="build-provided" /> + <conf name="ide" visibility="private" /> + </configurations> + <publications> + <artifact type="jar" ext="jar" /> + <artifact type="source" ext="jar" m:classifier="sources" /> + <artifact type="javadoc" ext="jar" m:classifier="javadoc" /> + <artifact type="pom" ext="pom" /> + </publications> + <dependencies> + <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-shared" rev="${vaadin.version}" + conf="build" /> + <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-server" rev="${vaadin.version}" + conf="build" /> + <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client" rev="${vaadin.version}" + conf="build" /> <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-theme-compiler" rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build" /> - - <dependency org="commons-collections" name="commons-collections" - rev="3.1" conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="ant" name="ant" rev="1.6.5" - conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="net.sourceforge.cssparser" name="cssparser" - rev="0.9.5" conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="ant" name="ant" rev="1.6.5" - conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="ant" name="ant-launcher" rev="1.6.5" - conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty" rev="6.1.11" - conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-util" - rev="6.1.11" conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="org.jdesktop" name="swing-worker" - rev="1.1" conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="commons-codec" name="commons-codec" - rev="1.3" conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="commons-io" name="commons-io" rev="1.4" - conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" - rev="2.6" conf="build,ide -> default" /> - <dependency org="org.apache.james" name="apache-mime4j" - rev="0.6" conf="build,ide -> default" /> - </dependencies> + + <dependency org="commons-collections" name="commons-collections" + rev="3.1" conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="commons-logging" name="commons-logging" + rev="1.1.1" conf="build,ide -> default" /> + + <dependency org="ant" name="ant" rev="1.6.5" conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="net.sourceforge.cssparser" name="cssparser" + rev="0.9.5" conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="ant" name="ant" rev="1.6.5" conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="ant" name="ant-launcher" rev="1.6.5" + conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty" rev="6.1.11" + conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-util" rev="6.1.11" + conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="org.jdesktop" name="swing-worker" rev="1.1" + conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="commons-codec" name="commons-codec" rev="1.3" + conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="commons-io" name="commons-io" rev="1.4" + conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.6" + conf="build,ide -> default" /> + <dependency org="org.apache.james" name="apache-mime4j" + rev="0.6" conf="build,ide -> default" /> + + <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client-compiler-deps" + rev="0.9.0" conf="build,ide -> default" /> + + </dependencies> </ivy-module> diff --git a/client/build.xml b/client/build.xml index d0dae91dfa..a2262eed7d 100644 --- a/client/build.xml +++ b/client/build.xml @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ --> <fileset file="${gwt.user.jar}" /> </path> - <path id="classpath.tests.custom" /> + <path id="classpath.test.custom" /> <target name="jar"> <property name="jar.file" location="${result.dir}/lib/${module.name}-${vaadin.version}.jar" /> @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ </antcall> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <antcall target="common.tests.run" /> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <antcall target="common.test.run" /> </target> </project>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/ivy.xml b/client/ivy.xml index 4b56338c24..5d079537b9 100644 --- a/client/ivy.xml +++ b/client/ivy.xml @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ <conf name="build" /> <conf name="build-provided" /> <conf name="ide" visibility="private" /> - <conf name="tests" /> + <conf name="test" /> </configurations> <publications> <artifact type="jar" ext="jar" /> @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ <!-- LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES (compile time) --> <!-- Project modules --> <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-shared" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,tests->build"></dependency> + rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,test->build"></dependency> <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-server" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build->build"></dependency> + rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,test->build"></dependency> <!-- gwt-user dependencies --> <dependency org="org.w3c.css" name="sac" rev="1.3" /> <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.5" - conf="tests->default" /> + conf="test->default" /> <dependency org="javax.validation" name="validation-api" rev="1.0.0.GA" conf="build->default,sources" /> diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/BrowserInfo.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/BrowserInfo.java index f0a4ccde0a..73f3a68193 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/BrowserInfo.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/BrowserInfo.java @@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ public class BrowserInfo { if (browserDetails.isChrome()) { touchDevice = detectChromeTouchDevice(); + } else if (browserDetails.isIE()) { + touchDevice = detectIETouchDevice(); } else { touchDevice = detectTouchDevice(); } @@ -100,6 +102,11 @@ public class BrowserInfo { return ("ontouchstart" in window); }-*/; + private native boolean detectIETouchDevice() + /*-{ + return !!navigator.msMaxTouchPoints; + }-*/; + private native int getIEDocumentMode() /*-{ var mode = $wnd.document.documentMode; @@ -331,7 +338,8 @@ public class BrowserInfo { * otherwise <code>false</code> */ public boolean requiresOverflowAutoFix() { - return (getWebkitVersion() > 0 || getOperaVersion() >= 11 || isFirefox()) + return (getWebkitVersion() > 0 || getOperaVersion() >= 11 + || getIEVersion() >= 10 || isFirefox()) && Util.getNativeScrollbarSize() > 0; } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/Util.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/Util.java index 2cd01b2dd8..049a689cb6 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/Util.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/Util.java @@ -630,6 +630,10 @@ public class Util { /*-{ var cs = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element); var heightPx = cs.height; + if(heightPx == 'auto'){ + // Fallback for when IE reports auto + heightPx = @com.vaadin.client.Util::getRequiredHeightBoundingClientRect(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(element) + 'px'; + } var borderTopPx = cs.borderTop; var borderBottomPx = cs.borderBottom; var paddingTopPx = cs.paddingTop; @@ -646,6 +650,10 @@ public class Util { /*-{ var cs = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element); var widthPx = cs.width; + if(widthPx == 'auto'){ + // Fallback for when IE reports auto + widthPx = @com.vaadin.client.Util::getRequiredWidthBoundingClientRect(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(element) + 'px'; + } var borderLeftPx = cs.borderLeft; var borderRightPx = cs.borderRight; var paddingLeftPx = cs.paddingLeft; diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VCaption.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VCaption.java index 47287636c4..607a0f0b0a 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VCaption.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VCaption.java @@ -16,12 +16,15 @@ package com.vaadin.client; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; import com.vaadin.client.communication.StateChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.client.ui.AbstractFieldConnector; +import com.vaadin.client.ui.AriaHelper; import com.vaadin.client.ui.Icon; import com.vaadin.shared.AbstractComponentState; import com.vaadin.shared.AbstractFieldState; @@ -88,6 +91,8 @@ public class VCaption extends HTML { this.client = client; owner = component; + AriaHelper.bindCaption(component.getWidget(), getElement()); + if (client != null && owner != null) { setOwnerPid(getElement(), owner.getConnectorId()); } @@ -209,11 +214,21 @@ public class VCaption extends HTML { DOM.insertChild(getElement(), requiredFieldIndicator, getInsertPosition(InsertPosition.REQUIRED)); + + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaRequiredProperty( + owner.getWidget().getElement(), true); + + // Hide the required indicator from assistive device + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaHiddenState( + requiredFieldIndicator, true); } } else if (requiredFieldIndicator != null) { // Remove existing DOM.removeChild(getElement(), requiredFieldIndicator); requiredFieldIndicator = null; + + Roles.getTextboxRole().removeAriaRequiredProperty( + owner.getWidget().getElement()); } if (showError) { diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VErrorMessage.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VErrorMessage.java index a384b451dd..2e42b98a05 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VErrorMessage.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VErrorMessage.java @@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ public class VErrorMessage extends FlowPanel { public VErrorMessage() { super(); setStyleName(CLASSNAME); + + // Needed for binding with WAI-ARIA attributes + getElement().setId(DOM.createUniqueId()); } /** diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VTooltip.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VTooltip.java index 759b90a8cd..e6d9a79a5b 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VTooltip.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/VTooltip.java @@ -15,8 +15,16 @@ */ package com.vaadin.client; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Id; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.LiveValue; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; +import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurEvent; +import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler; +import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.DomEvent; +import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.FocusEvent; +import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.FocusHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyDownEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyDownHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseMoveEvent; @@ -54,6 +62,9 @@ public class VTooltip extends VOverlay { // Open next tooltip faster. Disabled after 2 sec of showTooltip-silence. private boolean justClosed = false; + private String uniqueId = DOM.createUniqueId(); + private Element layoutElement; + /** * Used to show tooltips; usually used via the singleton in * {@link ApplicationConnection}. NOTE that #setOwner(Widget)} should be @@ -68,8 +79,19 @@ public class VTooltip extends VOverlay { setWidget(layout); layout.add(em); DOM.setElementProperty(description, "className", CLASSNAME + "-text"); - DOM.appendChild(layout.getElement(), description); + + layoutElement = layout.getElement(); + DOM.appendChild(layoutElement, description); setSinkShadowEvents(true); + + // WAI-ARIA additions + layoutElement.setId(uniqueId); + Roles.getTooltipRole().setAriaLiveProperty(getElement(), + LiveValue.POLITE); + + description.setId(DOM.createUniqueId()); + Roles.getTooltipRole().set(layoutElement); + Roles.getTooltipRole().setAriaHiddenState(layoutElement, true); } /** @@ -204,15 +226,27 @@ public class VTooltip extends VOverlay { closing = true; justClosed = true; justClosedTimer.schedule(QUICK_OPEN_TIMEOUT); + } + @Override + public void hide() { + super.hide(); + Roles.getTooltipRole().setAriaHiddenState(layoutElement, true); + Roles.getTooltipRole().removeAriaDescribedbyProperty( + tooltipEventHandler.currentElement); } private int tooltipEventMouseX; private int tooltipEventMouseY; - public void updatePosition(Event event) { - tooltipEventMouseX = DOM.eventGetClientX(event); - tooltipEventMouseY = DOM.eventGetClientY(event); + public void updatePosition(Event event, boolean isFocused) { + if (isFocused) { + tooltipEventMouseX = -1000; + tooltipEventMouseY = -1000; + } else { + tooltipEventMouseX = DOM.eventGetClientX(event); + tooltipEventMouseY = DOM.eventGetClientY(event); + } } @Override @@ -246,7 +280,7 @@ public class VTooltip extends VOverlay { } private class TooltipEventHandler implements MouseMoveHandler, - ClickHandler, KeyDownHandler { + ClickHandler, KeyDownHandler, FocusHandler, BlurHandler { /** * Current element hovered @@ -254,6 +288,11 @@ public class VTooltip extends VOverlay { private com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element currentElement = null; /** + * Current element focused + */ + private boolean currentIsFocused; + + /** * Current tooltip active */ private TooltipInfo currentTooltipInfo = null; @@ -319,41 +358,77 @@ public class VTooltip extends VOverlay { @Override public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent mme) { - Event event = Event.as(mme.getNativeEvent()); + handleShowHide(mme, false); + } + + @Override + public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { + handleHideEvent(); + } + + @Override + public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { + handleHideEvent(); + } + + /** + * Displays Tooltip when page is navigated with the keyboard. + * + * Tooltip is not visible. This makes it possible for assistive devices + * to recognize the tooltip. + */ + @Override + public void onFocus(FocusEvent fe) { + handleShowHide(fe, true); + } + + /** + * Hides Tooltip when the page is navigated with the keyboard. + * + * Removes the Tooltip from page to make sure assistive devices don't + * recognize it by accident. + */ + @Override + public void onBlur(BlurEvent be) { + handleHideEvent(); + } + + private void handleShowHide(DomEvent domEvent, boolean isFocused) { + Event event = Event.as(domEvent.getNativeEvent()); com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element element = Element.as(event .getEventTarget()); // We can ignore move event if it's handled by move or over already - if (currentElement == element) { + if (currentElement == element && currentIsFocused == isFocused) { return; } - currentElement = element; boolean connectorAndTooltipFound = resolveConnector((com.google.gwt.user.client.Element) element); if (!connectorAndTooltipFound) { if (isShowing()) { handleHideEvent(); + Roles.getButtonRole() + .removeAriaDescribedbyProperty(element); } else { currentTooltipInfo = null; } } else { - updatePosition(event); + updatePosition(event, isFocused); + if (isShowing()) { replaceCurrentTooltip(); + Roles.getTooltipRole().removeAriaDescribedbyProperty( + currentElement); } else { showTooltip(); } - } - } - @Override - public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { - handleHideEvent(); - } + Roles.getTooltipRole().setAriaDescribedbyProperty(element, + Id.of(uniqueId)); + } - @Override - public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { - handleHideEvent(); + currentIsFocused = isFocused; + currentElement = element; } } @@ -370,6 +445,25 @@ public class VTooltip extends VOverlay { widget.addDomHandler(tooltipEventHandler, MouseMoveEvent.getType()); widget.addDomHandler(tooltipEventHandler, ClickEvent.getType()); widget.addDomHandler(tooltipEventHandler, KeyDownEvent.getType()); + widget.addDomHandler(tooltipEventHandler, FocusEvent.getType()); + widget.addDomHandler(tooltipEventHandler, BlurEvent.getType()); Profiler.leave("VTooltip.connectHandlersToWidget"); } + + /** + * Returns the unique id of the tooltip element. + * + * @return String containing the unique id of the tooltip, which always has + * a value + */ + public String getUniqueId() { + return uniqueId; + } + + @Override + public void setPopupPositionAndShow(PositionCallback callback) { + super.setPopupPositionAndShow(callback); + + Roles.getTooltipRole().setAriaHiddenState(layoutElement, false); + } } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/AriaHelper.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/AriaHelper.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56f358f294 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/AriaHelper.java @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ + +package com.vaadin.client.ui; + +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Id; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.InvalidValue; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; + +/** + * Helper class that helps to implement the WAI-ARIA functionality. + */ +public class AriaHelper { + public static final String ASSISTIVE_DEVICE_ONLY_STYLE = "v-assistive-device-only"; + + /** + * Binds a caption (label in HTML speak) to the form element as required by + * WAI-ARIA specification. + * + * @param widget + * Element, that should be bound to the caption + * @param captionElement + * Element of the caption + */ + public static void bindCaption(Widget widget, Element captionElement) { + assert widget != null : "Valid Widget required"; + + if (widget instanceof HandlesAriaCaption) { + // Let the widget handle special cases itself + if (captionElement == null) { + ((HandlesAriaCaption) widget).clearAriaCaption(); + } else { + ensureUniqueId(captionElement); + ((HandlesAriaCaption) widget).bindAriaCaption(captionElement); + } + } else if (captionElement != null) { + // Handle the default case + ensureUniqueId(captionElement); + String ownerId = ensureUniqueId(widget.getElement()); + captionElement.setAttribute("for", ownerId); + + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaLabelledbyProperty( + widget.getElement(), Id.of(captionElement)); + } else { + clearCaption(widget); + } + } + + public static void clearCaption(Widget widget) { + Roles.getTextboxRole() + .removeAriaLabelledbyProperty(widget.getElement()); + } + + /** + * Handles the required actions depending of the input element being + * required or not. + * + * @param inputElement + * Element, typically an input element + * @param required + * boolean, true when the element is required + */ + public static void handleInputRequired(Element inputElement, + boolean required) { + if (required) { + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaRequiredProperty(inputElement, true); + } else { + Roles.getTextboxRole().removeAriaRequiredProperty(inputElement); + } + } + + /** + * Handles the required actions depending of the input element contains + * unaccepted input + * + * @param inputElement + * Element, typically an input element + * @param showError + * boolean, true when the element input has an error + */ + public static void handleInputError(Element inputElement, boolean showError) { + if (showError) { + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaInvalidState(inputElement, + InvalidValue.TRUE); + } else { + Roles.getTextboxRole().removeAriaInvalidState(inputElement); + } + } + + /** + * Makes sure that the provided element has an id attribute. Adds a new + * unique id if not. + * + * @param element + * Element to check + * @return String with the id of the element + */ + public static String ensureUniqueId(Element element) { + String id = element.getId(); + if (null == id || id.isEmpty()) { + id = DOM.createUniqueId(); + element.setId(id); + } + return id; + } + + /** + * Moves an element out of sight. That way it is possible to have additional + * information for an assistive device, that is not in the way for visual + * users. + * + * @param element + * Element to move out of sight + */ + public static void visibleForAssistiveDevicesOnly(Element element) { + element.addClassName(ASSISTIVE_DEVICE_ONLY_STYLE); + } + + /** + * Clears the settings that moved the element out of sight, so it is visible + * on the page again. + * + * @param element + * Element to clear the specific styles from + */ + public static void visibleForAll(Element element) { + element.removeClassName(ASSISTIVE_DEVICE_ONLY_STYLE); + } +} diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/HandlesAriaCaption.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/HandlesAriaCaption.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fbbbbff462 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/HandlesAriaCaption.java @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ + +package com.vaadin.client.ui; + +import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; + +/** + * Some Widgets need to handle the caption handling for WAI-ARIA themselfs, as + * for example the required ids need to be set in a specific way. In such a + * case, the Widget needs to implement this interface. + */ +public interface HandlesAriaCaption { + + /** + * Called to bind the provided caption (label in HTML speak) element to the + * main input element of the Widget. + * + * @param captionElement + * Element of the caption + */ + void bindAriaCaption(Element captionElement); + + /** + * Called to clear the binding to a caption from the main input element of + * the widget. + */ + void clearAriaCaption(); +} diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCalendarPanel.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCalendarPanel.java index e234cc911c..3e81ec734b 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCalendarPanel.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCalendarPanel.java @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.SelectedValue; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Node; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurHandler; @@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseOutEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseOutHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseUpEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseUpHandler; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Button; @@ -175,9 +178,9 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements private boolean showISOWeekNumbers; - private Date displayedMonth; + private FocusedDate displayedMonth; - private Date focusedDate; + private FocusedDate focusedDate; private Day selectedDay; @@ -198,8 +201,9 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements private boolean initialRenderDone = false; public VCalendarPanel() { - + getElement().setId(DOM.createUniqueId()); setStyleName(VDateField.CLASSNAME + "-calendarpanel"); + Roles.getGridRole().set(getElement()); /* * Firefox auto-repeat works correctly only if we use a key press @@ -267,6 +271,8 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements private void selectDate(Date date) { if (selectedDay != null) { selectedDay.removeStyleDependentName(CN_SELECTED); + Roles.getGridcellRole().removeAriaSelectedState( + selectedDay.getElement()); } int rowCount = days.getRowCount(); @@ -279,6 +285,8 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements if (curday.getDate().equals(date)) { curday.addStyleDependentName(CN_SELECTED); selectedDay = curday; + Roles.getGridcellRole().setAriaSelectedState( + selectedDay.getElement(), SelectedValue.TRUE); return; } } @@ -528,6 +536,10 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements } else { days.setHTML(headerRow, firstWeekdayColumn + i, ""); } + + Roles.getColumnheaderRole().set( + days.getCellFormatter().getElement(headerRow, + firstWeekdayColumn + i)); } // Zero out hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds to compare dates @@ -557,6 +569,8 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements if (curr.equals(selectedDate)) { day.addStyleDependentName(CN_SELECTED); + Roles.getGridcellRole().setAriaSelectedState( + day.getElement(), SelectedValue.TRUE); selectedDay = day; } if (curr.equals(today)) { @@ -574,10 +588,14 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements } days.setWidget(weekOfMonth, firstWeekdayColumn + dayOfWeek, day); + Roles.getGridcellRole().set( + days.getCellFormatter().getElement(weekOfMonth, + firstWeekdayColumn + dayOfWeek)); // ISO week numbers if requested days.getCellFormatter().setVisible(weekOfMonth, weekColumn, isShowISOWeekNumbers()); + if (isShowISOWeekNumbers()) { final String baseCssClass = parent.getStylePrimaryName() + "-calendarpanel-weeknumber"; @@ -615,8 +633,9 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements if (focusedDate == null) { Date now = new Date(); // focusedDate must have zero hours, mins, secs, millisecs - focusedDate = new Date(now.getYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()); - displayedMonth = new Date(now.getYear(), now.getMonth(), 1); + focusedDate = new FocusedDate(now.getYear(), now.getMonth(), + now.getDate()); + displayedMonth = new FocusedDate(now.getYear(), now.getMonth(), 1); } if (getResolution().getCalendarField() <= Resolution.MONTH @@ -1062,9 +1081,10 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements */ } else if (keycode == getResetKey() && !shift) { // Restore showing value the selected value - focusedDate = new Date(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), + focusedDate = new FocusedDate(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()); - displayedMonth = new Date(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), 1); + displayedMonth = new FocusedDate(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), + 1); renderCalendar(); return true; } @@ -1264,9 +1284,10 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements if (value == null) { focusedDate = displayedMonth = null; } else { - focusedDate = new Date(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), + focusedDate = new FocusedDate(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()); - displayedMonth = new Date(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), 1); + displayedMonth = new FocusedDate(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), + 1); } // Re-render calendar if the displayed month is changed, @@ -1821,4 +1842,50 @@ public class VCalendarPanel extends FocusableFlexTable implements mouseTimer.cancel(); } } + + /** + * Helper class to inform the screen reader that the user changed the + * selected date. It sets the value of a field that is outside the view, and + * is defined as a live area. That way the screen reader recognizes the + * change and reads it to the user. + */ + public class FocusedDate extends Date { + + public FocusedDate(int year, int month, int date) { + super(year, month, date); + } + + @Override + public void setTime(long time) { + super.setTime(time); + setLabel(); + } + + @Override + @Deprecated + public void setDate(int date) { + super.setDate(date); + setLabel(); + } + + @Override + @Deprecated + public void setMonth(int month) { + super.setMonth(month); + setLabel(); + } + + @Override + @Deprecated + public void setYear(int year) { + super.setYear(year); + setLabel(); + } + + private void setLabel() { + if (parent instanceof VPopupCalendar) { + ((VPopupCalendar) parent).setFocusedDate(this); + } + } + } } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCheckBox.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCheckBox.java index ca1e3ebcdb..a94c2fcfee 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCheckBox.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VCheckBox.java @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.CheckedValue; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; @@ -46,6 +48,11 @@ public class VCheckBox extends com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.CheckBox implements public VCheckBox() { setStyleName(CLASSNAME); + // Add a11y role "checkbox" + Roles.getCheckboxRole().set(getElement()); + Roles.getCheckboxRole().setAriaCheckedState(getElement(), + CheckedValue.FALSE); + Element el = DOM.getFirstChild(getElement()); while (el != null) { DOM.sinkEvents(el, @@ -69,4 +76,22 @@ public class VCheckBox extends com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.CheckBox implements } } + @Override + public void setValue(Boolean value, boolean fireEvents) { + setCheckedValue(value); + super.setValue(value, fireEvents); + } + + private void setCheckedValue(Boolean value) { + CheckedValue checkedValue = value ? CheckedValue.TRUE + : CheckedValue.FALSE; + Roles.getCheckboxRole().setAriaCheckedState(getElement(), checkedValue); + } + + @Override + public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { + super.setEnabled(enabled); + + Roles.getCheckboxRole().setAriaDisabledState(getElement(), true); + } } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFilterSelect.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFilterSelect.java index cea3489b42..5025f27248 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFilterSelect.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFilterSelect.java @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style; @@ -219,6 +220,8 @@ public class VFilterSelect extends Composite implements Field, KeyDownHandler, DOM.sinkEvents(root, Event.ONMOUSEDOWN | Event.ONMOUSEWHEEL); addCloseHandler(this); + + Roles.getListRole().set(getElement()); } /** @@ -684,6 +687,7 @@ public class VFilterSelect extends Composite implements Field, KeyDownHandler, while (it.hasNext()) { final FilterSelectSuggestion s = it.next(); final MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(s.getDisplayString(), true, s); + Roles.getListitemRole().set(mi.getElement()); Util.sinkOnloadForImages(mi.getElement()); @@ -1049,9 +1053,13 @@ public class VFilterSelect extends Composite implements Field, KeyDownHandler, }); popupOpener.sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEDOWN); + Roles.getButtonRole().set(popupOpener.getElement()); + panel.add(tb); panel.add(popupOpener); initWidget(panel); + Roles.getComboboxRole().set(panel.getElement()); + tb.addKeyDownHandler(this); tb.addKeyUpHandler(this); @@ -1059,6 +1067,8 @@ public class VFilterSelect extends Composite implements Field, KeyDownHandler, tb.addBlurHandler(this); tb.addClickHandler(this); + Roles.getTextboxRole().set(tb.getElement()); + popupOpener.addClickHandler(this); setStyleName(CLASSNAME); @@ -1163,8 +1173,11 @@ public class VFilterSelect extends Composite implements Field, KeyDownHandler, // Always update styles as they might have been overwritten if (textInputEnabled) { removeStyleDependentName(STYLE_NO_INPUT); + Roles.getTextboxRole().removeAriaReadonlyProperty(tb.getElement()); } else { addStyleDependentName(STYLE_NO_INPUT); + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaReadonlyProperty(tb.getElement(), + true); } if (this.textInputEnabled == textInputEnabled) { diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFormLayout.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFormLayout.java index 495e842bfd..4c7190340f 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFormLayout.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VFormLayout.java @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; @@ -276,6 +277,9 @@ public class VFormLayout extends SimplePanel { if (state.caption != null) { if (captionText == null) { captionText = DOM.createSpan(); + + AriaHelper.bindCaption(owner.getWidget(), captionText); + DOM.insertChild(getElement(), captionText, icon == null ? 0 : 1); } @@ -305,11 +309,22 @@ public class VFormLayout extends SimplePanel { DOM.setElementProperty(requiredFieldIndicator, "className", "v-required-field-indicator"); DOM.appendChild(getElement(), requiredFieldIndicator); + + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaRequiredProperty( + owner.getWidget().getElement(), true); + + // Hide the required indicator from screen reader, as this + // information is set directly at the input field + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaHiddenState( + requiredFieldIndicator, true); } } else { if (requiredFieldIndicator != null) { DOM.removeChild(getElement(), requiredFieldIndicator); requiredFieldIndicator = null; + + Roles.getTextboxRole().removeAriaRequiredProperty( + owner.getWidget().getElement()); } } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VGridLayout.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VGridLayout.java index d024c1caae..46051655b8 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VGridLayout.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VGridLayout.java @@ -219,24 +219,28 @@ public class VGridLayout extends ComplexPanel { Element element = getElement(); int paddingTop = layoutManager.getPaddingTop(element); int paddingBottom = layoutManager.getPaddingBottom(element); + int y = paddingTop; + for (int column = 0; column < cells.length; column++) { + y = paddingTop + 1 - 1; // Ensure IE10 does not optimize this out by + // adding something to evaluate on the RHS + // #11303 - for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { - y = paddingTop; - for (int j = 0; j < cells[i].length; j++) { - Cell cell = cells[i][j]; + for (int row = 0; row < cells[column].length; row++) { + Cell cell = cells[column][row]; if (cell != null) { int reservedMargin; - if (cell.rowspan + j >= cells[i].length) { + if (cell.rowspan + row >= cells[column].length) { // Make room for layout padding for cells reaching the // bottom of the layout reservedMargin = paddingBottom; } else { reservedMargin = 0; } + cell.layoutVertically(y, reservedMargin); } - y += rowHeights[j] + verticalSpacing; + y += rowHeights[row] + verticalSpacing; } } @@ -245,6 +249,7 @@ public class VGridLayout extends ComplexPanel { + layoutManager.getPaddingBottom(element) + layoutManager.getBorderHeight(element); element.getStyle().setHeight(outerHeight, Unit.PX); + getConnector().getLayoutManager().reportOuterHeight(getConnector(), outerHeight); } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VLabel.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VLabel.java index 83fc8e207e..8acd653778 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VLabel.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VLabel.java @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui; -import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Display; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML; import com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection; @@ -57,10 +56,8 @@ public class VLabel extends HTML { super.setWidth(width); if (width == null || width.equals("")) { setStyleName(getElement(), CLASSNAME_UNDEFINED_WIDTH, true); - getElement().getStyle().setDisplay(Display.INLINE_BLOCK); } else { setStyleName(getElement(), CLASSNAME_UNDEFINED_WIDTH, false); - getElement().getStyle().clearDisplay(); } } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VOptionGroup.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VOptionGroup.java index 2ba8a9e729..f0c7b7f83d 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VOptionGroup.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VOptionGroup.java @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.CheckedValue; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Id; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurHandler; @@ -32,6 +35,7 @@ import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.LoadEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.LoadHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerRegistration; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Command; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.CheckBox; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FocusWidget; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Focusable; @@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ import com.vaadin.shared.EventId; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.optiongroup.OptionGroupConstants; public class VOptionGroup extends VOptionGroupBase implements FocusHandler, - BlurHandler { + BlurHandler, HandlesAriaCaption { public static final String CLASSNAME = "v-select-optiongroup"; @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ public class VOptionGroup extends VOptionGroupBase implements FocusHandler, /** For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future. */ public boolean htmlContentAllowed = false; + private String labelId; + public VOptionGroup() { super(CLASSNAME); panel = (Panel) optionsContainer; @@ -99,6 +105,13 @@ public class VOptionGroup extends VOptionGroupBase implements FocusHandler, public void buildOptions(UIDL uidl) { panel.clear(); optionsEnabled.clear(); + + if (isMultiselect()) { + Roles.getGroupRole().set(getElement()); + } else { + Roles.getRadiogroupRole().set(getElement()); + } + for (final Iterator<?> it = uidl.getChildIterator(); it.hasNext();) { final UIDL opUidl = (UIDL) it.next(); CheckBox op; @@ -118,9 +131,30 @@ public class VOptionGroup extends VOptionGroupBase implements FocusHandler, if (isMultiselect()) { op = new VCheckBox(); op.setHTML(itemHtml); + + // Add a11y role "checkbox" - FIXME - did not find a good + // solution to prevent getFirstChild() + com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element checkBoxElement = op + .getElement().getFirstChildElement(); + Roles.getCheckboxRole().set(checkBoxElement); + Roles.getCheckboxRole().setAriaCheckedState(checkBoxElement, + CheckedValue.FALSE); } else { op = new RadioButton(paintableId, itemHtml, true); op.setStyleName("v-radiobutton"); + + // Add a11y role "radio" - FIXME - did not find a good solution + // to prevent getFirstChild() + com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element radioElement = op + .getElement().getFirstChildElement(); + Roles.getRadioRole().set(radioElement); + Roles.getRadioRole().setAriaCheckedState(radioElement, + CheckedValue.FALSE); + } + + if (labelId != null && !labelId.isEmpty()) { + Roles.getFormRole().setAriaDescribedbyProperty( + op.getElement().getFirstChildElement(), Id.of(labelId)); } if (icon != null && icon.length() != 0) { @@ -165,6 +199,13 @@ public class VOptionGroup extends VOptionGroupBase implements FocusHandler, } client.updateVariable(paintableId, "selected", getSelectedItems(), isImmediate()); + + for (CheckBox item : optionsToKeys.keySet()) { + CheckedValue value = item.getValue() ? CheckedValue.TRUE + : CheckedValue.FALSE; + Roles.getCheckboxRole().setAriaCheckedState(item.getElement(), + value); + } } } @@ -238,4 +279,22 @@ public class VOptionGroup extends VOptionGroupBase implements FocusHandler, }); } } + + @Override + public void bindAriaCaption(Element captionElement) { + labelId = captionElement.getId(); + for (CheckBox item : optionsToKeys.keySet()) { + Roles.getCheckboxRole().setAriaLabelledbyProperty( + item.getElement(), Id.of(labelId)); + } + } + + @Override + public void clearAriaCaption() { + labelId = null; + for (CheckBox item : optionsToKeys.keySet()) { + Roles.getCheckboxRole().removeAriaLabelledbyProperty( + item.getElement()); + } + } } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VPopupCalendar.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VPopupCalendar.java index 2a2578aa16..dfa5625341 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VPopupCalendar.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VPopupCalendar.java @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui; import java.util.Date; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Id; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.LiveValue; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler; @@ -25,14 +28,18 @@ import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.DomEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.CloseEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.CloseHandler; +import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.DateTimeFormat; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Button; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FlowPanel; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PopupPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PopupPanel.PositionCallback; +import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; import com.vaadin.client.BrowserInfo; import com.vaadin.client.VConsole; import com.vaadin.client.ui.VCalendarPanel.FocusOutListener; @@ -68,6 +75,10 @@ public class VPopupCalendar extends VTextualDate implements Field, private boolean textFieldEnabled = true; + private String captionId; + + private Label selectedDate; + public VPopupCalendar() { super(); @@ -75,6 +86,11 @@ public class VPopupCalendar extends VTextualDate implements Field, calendarToggle.addClickHandler(this); // -2 instead of -1 to avoid FocusWidget.onAttach to reset it calendarToggle.getElement().setTabIndex(-2); + + Roles.getButtonRole().set(calendarToggle.getElement()); + Roles.getButtonRole().setAriaHiddenState(calendarToggle.getElement(), + true); + add(calendarToggle); calendar = GWT.create(VCalendarPanel.class); @@ -88,6 +104,9 @@ public class VPopupCalendar extends VTextualDate implements Field, } }); + Roles.getButtonRole().setAriaControlsProperty( + calendarToggle.getElement(), Id.of(calendar.getElement())); + calendar.setSubmitListener(new SubmitListener() { @Override public void onSubmit() { @@ -109,7 +128,19 @@ public class VPopupCalendar extends VTextualDate implements Field, popup = new VOverlay(true, true, true); popup.setOwner(this); - popup.setWidget(calendar); + FlowPanel wrapper = new FlowPanel(); + selectedDate = new Label(); + selectedDate.setStyleName(getStylePrimaryName() + "-selecteddate"); + AriaHelper.visibleForAssistiveDevicesOnly(selectedDate.getElement()); + + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaLiveProperty(selectedDate.getElement(), + LiveValue.ASSERTIVE); + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaAtomicProperty(selectedDate.getElement(), + true); + wrapper.add(selectedDate); + wrapper.add(calendar); + + popup.setWidget(wrapper); popup.addCloseHandler(this); DOM.setElementProperty(calendar.getElement(), "id", @@ -181,9 +212,63 @@ public class VPopupCalendar extends VTextualDate implements Field, text.setEnabled(textFieldEnabled); if (textFieldEnabled) { calendarToggle.setTabIndex(-1); + Roles.getButtonRole().setAriaHiddenState( + calendarToggle.getElement(), true); } else { calendarToggle.setTabIndex(0); + Roles.getButtonRole().setAriaHiddenState( + calendarToggle.getElement(), false); + } + + handleAriaAttributes(); + } + + @Override + public void bindAriaCaption(Element captionElement) { + captionId = captionElement.getId(); + + if (isTextFieldEnabled()) { + super.bindAriaCaption(captionElement); + } else { + AriaHelper.bindCaption(calendarToggle, captionElement); + } + + handleAriaAttributes(); + } + + private void handleAriaAttributes() { + Widget removeFromWidget; + Widget setForWidget; + + if (isTextFieldEnabled()) { + setForWidget = text; + removeFromWidget = calendarToggle; + } else { + setForWidget = calendarToggle; + removeFromWidget = text; } + + Roles.getFormRole().removeAriaLabelledbyProperty( + removeFromWidget.getElement()); + if (captionId == null) { + Roles.getFormRole().removeAriaLabelledbyProperty( + setForWidget.getElement()); + } else { + Roles.getFormRole().setAriaLabelledbyProperty( + setForWidget.getElement(), Id.of(captionId)); + } + } + + @Override + public void clearAriaCaption() { + captionId = null; + if (isTextFieldEnabled()) { + super.clearAriaCaption(); + } else { + AriaHelper.clearCaption(calendarToggle); + } + + handleAriaAttributes(); } /* @@ -350,6 +435,32 @@ public class VPopupCalendar extends VTextualDate implements Field, calendar.setFocus(focus); } + @Override + public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { + super.setEnabled(enabled); + + if (enabled) { + Roles.getButtonRole().setAriaDisabledState( + calendarToggle.getElement(), true); + } else { + Roles.getButtonRole().setAriaDisabledState( + calendarToggle.getElement(), false); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the content of a special field for assistive devices, so that they + * can recognize the change and inform the user (reading out in case of + * screen reader) + * + * @param selectedDate + * Date that is currently selected + */ + public void setFocusedDate(Date selectedDate) { + this.selectedDate.setText(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd, MMMM, yyyy") + .format(selectedDate)); + } + /** * For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future. * diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextField.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextField.java index da9445c811..60dc5a8f2a 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextField.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextField.java @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ChangeEvent; @@ -95,6 +96,9 @@ public class VTextField extends TextBoxBase implements Field, ChangeHandler, } addFocusHandler(this); addBlurHandler(this); + + // Add a11y role "textbox" + Roles.getTextboxRole().set(node); } /** diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextualDate.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextualDate.java index 2f444a8587..97a868b69d 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextualDate.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/VTextualDate.java @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui; import java.util.Date; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ChangeEvent; @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ import com.vaadin.shared.EventId; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.Resolution; public class VTextualDate extends VDateField implements Field, ChangeHandler, - Focusable, SubPartAware { + Focusable, SubPartAware, HandlesAriaCaption { private static final String PARSE_ERROR_CLASSNAME = "-parseerror"; @@ -96,6 +97,9 @@ public class VTextualDate extends VDateField implements Field, ChangeHandler, } } }); + + Roles.getTextboxRole().set(text.getElement()); + add(text); } @@ -150,6 +154,16 @@ public class VTextualDate extends VDateField implements Field, ChangeHandler, return formatStr; } + @Override + public void bindAriaCaption(Element captionElement) { + AriaHelper.bindCaption(text, captionElement); + } + + @Override + public void clearAriaCaption() { + AriaHelper.clearCaption(text); + } + /** * Updates the text field according to the current date (provided by * {@link #getDate()}). Takes care of updating text, enabling and disabling @@ -178,8 +192,12 @@ public class VTextualDate extends VDateField implements Field, ChangeHandler, if (readonly) { text.addStyleName("v-readonly"); + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaReadonlyProperty(text.getElement(), + true); } else { text.removeStyleName("v-readonly"); + Roles.getTextboxRole() + .removeAriaReadonlyProperty(text.getElement()); } } @@ -348,5 +366,4 @@ public class VTextualDate extends VDateField implements Field, ChangeHandler, return null; } - } diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/AbstractOrderedLayoutConnector.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/AbstractOrderedLayoutConnector.java index 50de8e0936..ac5a08475e 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/AbstractOrderedLayoutConnector.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/AbstractOrderedLayoutConnector.java @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import com.vaadin.client.communication.StateChangeEvent.StateChangeHandler; import com.vaadin.client.ui.AbstractFieldConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ui.AbstractLayoutConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ui.LayoutClickEventHandler; +import com.vaadin.client.ui.AriaHelper; import com.vaadin.client.ui.layout.ElementResizeEvent; import com.vaadin.client.ui.layout.ElementResizeListener; import com.vaadin.shared.AbstractFieldState; @@ -258,6 +259,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractOrderedLayoutConnector extends slot.setCaption(caption, iconUrlString, styles, error, showError, required, enabled); + AriaHelper.handleInputRequired(child.getWidget().getElement(), + required); + AriaHelper.handleInputError(child.getWidget().getElement(), + showError); + AriaHelper.bindCaption(child.getWidget(), slot.getCaptionElement()); + if (slot.hasCaption()) { CaptionPosition pos = slot.getCaptionPosition(); getLayoutManager().addElementResizeListener( diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/Slot.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/Slot.java index 795b724292..cf19da3496 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/Slot.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/orderedlayout/Slot.java @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui.orderedlayout; import java.util.List; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; @@ -92,7 +93,6 @@ public final class Slot extends SimplePanel { private ElementResizeListener spacingResizeListener; - // Caption is placed after component unless there is some part which // moves it above. private CaptionPosition captionPosition = CaptionPosition.RIGHT; @@ -479,6 +479,11 @@ public final class Slot extends SimplePanel { // character) requiredIcon.setInnerHTML("*"); requiredIcon.setClassName("v-required-field-indicator"); + + // The star should not be read by the screen reader, as it is + // purely visual. Required state is set at the element level for + // the screen reader. + Roles.getTextboxRole().setAriaHiddenState(requiredIcon, true); } caption.appendChild(requiredIcon); } else if (requiredIcon != null) { diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/tree/TreeConnector.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/tree/TreeConnector.java index d6d1cef8cc..6e3fffb47c 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/tree/TreeConnector.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/tree/TreeConnector.java @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; +import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection; import com.vaadin.client.BrowserInfo; @@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ import com.vaadin.client.Paintable; import com.vaadin.client.TooltipInfo; import com.vaadin.client.UIDL; import com.vaadin.client.Util; +import com.vaadin.client.VConsole; import com.vaadin.client.communication.StateChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.client.ui.AbstractComponentConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ui.VTree; @@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements } childTree = getWidget().new TreeNode(); getConnection().getVTooltip().connectHandlersToWidget(childTree); - updateNodeFromUIDL(childTree, childUidl); + updateNodeFromUIDL(childTree, childUidl, 1); getWidget().body.add(childTree); childTree.addStyleDependentName("root"); childTree.childNodeContainer.addStyleDependentName("root"); @@ -108,6 +110,9 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements getWidget().isMultiselect = "multi".equals(selectMode); if (getWidget().isMultiselect) { + Roles.getTreeRole().setAriaMultiselectableProperty( + getWidget().getElement(), true); + if (BrowserInfo.get().isTouchDevice()) { // Always use the simple mode for touch devices that do not have // shift/ctrl keys (#8595) @@ -116,6 +121,9 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements getWidget().multiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.valueOf(uidl .getStringAttribute("multiselectmode")); } + } else { + Roles.getTreeRole().setAriaMultiselectableProperty( + getWidget().getElement(), false); } getWidget().selectedIds = uidl.getStringArrayVariableAsSet("selected"); @@ -169,7 +177,18 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements // expanding node happened server side rootNode.setState(true, false); } - renderChildNodes(rootNode, (Iterator) uidl.getChildIterator()); + String levelPropertyString = Roles.getTreeitemRole() + .getAriaLevelProperty(rootNode.getElement()); + int levelProperty; + try { + levelProperty = Integer.valueOf(levelPropertyString); + } catch (NumberFormatException e) { + levelProperty = 1; + VConsole.error(e); + } + + renderChildNodes(rootNode, (Iterator) uidl.getChildIterator(), + levelProperty + 1); } } @@ -196,7 +215,10 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements } - public void updateNodeFromUIDL(TreeNode treeNode, UIDL uidl) { + public void updateNodeFromUIDL(TreeNode treeNode, UIDL uidl, int level) { + Roles.getTreeitemRole().setAriaLevelProperty(treeNode.getElement(), + level); + String nodeKey = uidl.getStringAttribute("key"); treeNode.setText(uidl .getStringAttribute(TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NODE_CAPTION)); @@ -212,7 +234,8 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements if (uidl.getChildCount() == 0) { treeNode.childNodeContainer.setVisible(false); } else { - renderChildNodes(treeNode, (Iterator) uidl.getChildIterator()); + renderChildNodes(treeNode, (Iterator) uidl.getChildIterator(), + level + 1); treeNode.childrenLoaded = true; } } else { @@ -243,7 +266,7 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements .getStringAttribute(TreeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NODE_ICON)); } - void renderChildNodes(TreeNode containerNode, Iterator<UIDL> i) { + void renderChildNodes(TreeNode containerNode, Iterator<UIDL> i, int level) { containerNode.childNodeContainer.clear(); containerNode.childNodeContainer.setVisible(true); while (i.hasNext()) { @@ -256,7 +279,7 @@ public class TreeConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector implements } final TreeNode childTree = getWidget().new TreeNode(); getConnection().getVTooltip().connectHandlersToWidget(childTree); - updateNodeFromUIDL(childTree, childUidl); + updateNodeFromUIDL(childTree, childUidl, level); containerNode.childNodeContainer.add(childTree); if (!i.hasNext()) { childTree diff --git a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/ui/UIConnector.java b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/ui/UIConnector.java index ac441fc625..4f0ea2de37 100644 --- a/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/ui/UIConnector.java +++ b/client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/ui/UIConnector.java @@ -17,13 +17,19 @@ package com.vaadin.client.ui.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand; +import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document; +import com.google.gwt.dom.client.HeadElement; +import com.google.gwt.dom.client.LinkElement; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent; +import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NodeList; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Position; +import com.google.gwt.dom.client.StyleInjector; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ScrollEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ScrollHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ResizeEvent; @@ -56,6 +62,7 @@ import com.vaadin.client.ui.VNotification; import com.vaadin.client.ui.VUI; import com.vaadin.client.ui.layout.MayScrollChildren; import com.vaadin.client.ui.window.WindowConnector; +import com.vaadin.server.Page.StyleSheet; import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ComponentStateUtil; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect; @@ -256,6 +263,8 @@ public class UIConnector extends AbstractSingleComponentContainerConnector final UIDL notification = (UIDL) it.next(); VNotification.showNotification(client, notification); } + } else if (tag == "css-injections") { + injectCSS(childUidl); } } @@ -324,6 +333,89 @@ public class UIConnector extends AbstractSingleComponentContainerConnector getWidget().rendering = false; } + /** + * Reads CSS strings and resources injected by {@link StyleSheet#inject} + * from the UIDL stream. + * + * @param uidl + * The uidl which contains "css-resource" and "css-string" tags + */ + private void injectCSS(UIDL uidl) { + + final HeadElement head = HeadElement.as(Document.get() + .getElementsByTagName(HeadElement.TAG).getItem(0)); + + /* + * Search the UIDL stream for CSS resources and strings to be injected. + */ + final List<String> resourcesToInject = new LinkedList<String>(); + final StringBuilder cssToInject = new StringBuilder(); + for (Iterator<?> it = uidl.getChildIterator(); it.hasNext();) { + UIDL cssInjectionsUidl = (UIDL) it.next(); + + // Check if we have resources to inject + if (cssInjectionsUidl.getTag().equals("css-resource")) { + String url = getWidget().connection + .translateVaadinUri(cssInjectionsUidl + .getStringAttribute("url")); + + // Check if url already has been injected + boolean injected = false; + NodeList<com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element> links = head + .getElementsByTagName(LinkElement.TAG); + for (int i = 0; i < links.getLength(); i++) { + LinkElement link = LinkElement.as(links.getItem(i)); + if (link.getHref().equals(url)) { + injected = true; + break; + } + } + + if (!injected) { + // Ensure duplicates do not get injected + resourcesToInject.add(url); + } + + // Check if we have CSS string to inject + } else if (cssInjectionsUidl.getTag().equals("css-string")) { + for (Iterator<?> it2 = cssInjectionsUidl.getChildIterator(); it2 + .hasNext();) { + cssToInject.append((String) it2.next()); + } + } + } + + /* + * Inject resources as deferred to ensure other Vaadin resources that + * are located before in the DOM get applied first so the injected ones + * can override them. + */ + if (!resourcesToInject.isEmpty()) { + Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { + + @Override + public void execute() { + for (String url : resourcesToInject) { + LinkElement link = LinkElement.as(DOM + .createElement(LinkElement.TAG)); + link.setRel("stylesheet"); + link.setHref(url); + link.setType("text/css"); + head.appendChild(link); + } + } + }); + } + + /* + * Inject the string CSS injections as a combined style tag. Not + * injected as deferred since StyleInjector will do it for us. + */ + if (cssToInject.length() > 0) { + StyleInjector.injectAtEnd(cssToInject.toString()); + } + } + public void init(String rootPanelId, ApplicationConnection applicationConnection) { DOM.sinkEvents(getWidget().getElement(), Event.ONKEYDOWN @@ -337,8 +429,6 @@ public class UIConnector extends AbstractSingleComponentContainerConnector String themeName = applicationConnection.getConfiguration() .getThemeName(); - // Remove chars that are not suitable for style names - themeName = themeName.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""); root.addStyleName(themeName); root.add(getWidget()); diff --git a/common.xml b/common.xml index 5b464e5047..eceb0b9077 100644 --- a/common.xml +++ b/common.xml @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ </tstamp> <dirname property="vaadin.basedir" file="${ant.file.common}" /> + <property name="gwt.basedir" location="${vaadin.basedir}/../gwt" /> <property file="${vaadin.basedir}/build.properties" /> <property name="modules.to.publish.to.maven" value="shared,server,client,client-compiler,client-compiled,theme-compiler,themes" /> @@ -292,25 +293,25 @@ <mkdir dir="${classes}" /> </target> - <target name="tests.run" depends="tests.compile"> + <target name="test.run" depends="test.compile"> <fail unless="module.name" message="No module name given" /> <property name="result.dir" location="result" /> <property name="classes" location="${result.dir}/classes" /> - <property name="tests.src" location="${result.dir}/../tests/src" /> - <property name="tests.classes" location="${result.dir}/tests/classes" /> + <property name="test.src" location="${result.dir}/../tests/src" /> + <property name="test.classes" location="${result.dir}/tests/classes" /> <junit printsummary="withOutAndErr" fork="yes"> <formatter usefile="false" type="plain" /> <jvmarg value="-ea" /> - <classpath location="${tests.classes}" /> + <classpath location="${test.classes}" /> <classpath location="${classes}" /> <classpath refid="classpath.compile.custom" /> - <classpath refid="classpath.tests.dependencies" /> + <classpath refid="classpath.test.dependencies" /> <batchtest fork="yes"> - <fileset dir="${tests.src}"> + <fileset dir="${test.src}"> <exclude name="**/Abstract*" /> <exclude name="com/vaadin/tests/data/bean/*" /> <exclude name="com/vaadin/tests/util/*" /> @@ -322,26 +323,26 @@ </junit> </target> - <target name="tests.compile" description="Compiles tests" depends="compile, dependencies.tests"> + <target name="test.compile" description="Compiles tests" depends="compile, dependencies.test"> <fail unless="module.name" message="No module name given" /> <property name="result.dir" location="result" /> <property name="base.dir" location="${result.dir}/.." /> - <property name="tests.src" location="${base.dir}/tests/src" /> - <property name="tests.resources" location="${base.dir}/tests/resources" /> - <property name="tests.classes" location="${result.dir}/tests/classes" /> + <property name="test.src" location="${base.dir}/tests/src" /> + <property name="test.resources" location="${base.dir}/tests/resources" /> + <property name="test.classes" location="${result.dir}/tests/classes" /> <property name="classes" location="${result.dir}/classes" /> - <mkdir dir="${tests.classes}" /> + <mkdir dir="${test.classes}" /> - <javac srcdir="${tests.src}" destdir="${tests.classes}" source="${vaadin.java.version}" target="${vaadin.java.version}" debug="true" encoding="UTF-8" includeantruntime="false"> - <classpath refid="classpath.tests.dependencies" /> + <javac srcdir="${test.src}" destdir="${test.classes}" source="${vaadin.java.version}" target="${vaadin.java.version}" debug="true" encoding="UTF-8" includeantruntime="false"> + <classpath refid="classpath.test.dependencies" /> <classpath location="${classes}" /> - <classpath refid="classpath.tests.custom" /> + <classpath refid="classpath.test.custom" /> </javac> <!-- Copy resources --> - <copy todir="${tests.classes}" failonerror="false"> - <fileset dir="${tests.resources}" /> + <copy todir="${test.classes}" failonerror="false"> + <fileset dir="${test.resources}" /> </copy> </target> @@ -351,9 +352,9 @@ <ivy:cachepath pathid="classpath.compile.dependencies" conf="${conf}" /> </target> - <target name="dependencies.tests" description="Resolves dependencies needed by tests"> - <ivy:resolve resolveid="common" conf="tests" /> - <ivy:cachepath pathid="classpath.tests.dependencies" conf="tests" /> + <target name="dependencies.test" description="Resolves dependencies needed by test"> + <ivy:resolve resolveid="common" conf="test" /> + <ivy:cachepath pathid="classpath.test.dependencies" conf="test" /> </target> <target name="clean"> diff --git a/eclipse/Development Mode (vaadin).launch b/eclipse/Development Mode (vaadin).launch new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5cc345750c --- /dev/null +++ b/eclipse/Development Mode (vaadin).launch @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> +<launchConfiguration type="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.localJavaApplication"> +<stringAttribute key="bad_container_name" value="\eclipse"/> +<listAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_PATHS"> +<listEntry value="/gwt-dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/DevMode.java"/> +</listAttribute> +<listAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_TYPES"> +<listEntry value="1"/> +</listAttribute> +<listAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH"> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry path="3" projectName="vaadin" type="1"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry internalArchive="/vaadin/shared/src" path="3" type="2"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry internalArchive="/vaadin/client/src" path="3" type="2"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry path="3" projectName="gwt-dev" type="1"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry path="3" projectName="gwt-user" type="1"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="GWT_TOOLS/lib/apache/tapestry-util-text-4.0.2.jar" path="3" type="3"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="GWT_TOOLS/lib/junit/junit-4.8.2.jar" path="3" type="3"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="GWT_TOOLS/lib/tomcat/servlet-api-2.5.jar" path="3" type="3"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="GWT_TOOLS/lib/javax/validation/validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar" path="3" type="3"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="GWT_TOOLS/lib/javax/validation/validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar" path="3" type="3"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry internalArchive="/gwt-dev/core/src" path="3" type="2"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry internalArchive="/gwt-dev/core/super" path="3" type="2"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry internalArchive="/gwt-user/core/src" path="3" type="2"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry internalArchive="/gwt-user/core/super" path="3" type="2"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/?project=vaadin&amp;ivyXmlPath=client%2Fivy.xml&amp;confs=ide&amp;ivySettingsPath=%24%7Bworkspace_loc%3Avaadin%2Fivysettings.xml%7D&amp;loadSettingsOnDemand=false&amp;propertyFiles=" javaProject="vaadin" path="3" type="4"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/?project=vaadin&amp;ivyXmlPath=server%2Fivy.xml&amp;confs=ide&amp;ivySettingsPath=%24%7Bworkspace_loc%3Avaadin%2Fivysettings.xml%7D&amp;loadSettingsOnDemand=false&amp;propertyFiles=" javaProject="vaadin" path="3" type="4"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/?project=vaadin&amp;ivyXmlPath=shared%2Fivy.xml&amp;confs=ide&amp;ivySettingsPath=%24%7Bworkspace_loc%3Avaadin%2Fivysettings.xml%7D&amp;loadSettingsOnDemand=false&amp;propertyFiles=" javaProject="vaadin" path="3" type="4"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/?project=vaadin&amp;ivyXmlPath=client-compiler%2Fivy.xml&amp;confs=ide&amp;ivySettingsPath=%24%7Bworkspace_loc%3Avaadin%2Fivysettings.xml%7D&amp;loadSettingsOnDemand=false&amp;propertyFiles=" javaProject="vaadin" path="3" type="4"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/?project=vaadin&amp;ivyXmlPath=theme-compiler%2Fivy.xml&amp;confs=ide&amp;ivySettingsPath=%24%7Bworkspace_loc%3Avaadin%2Fivysettings.xml%7D&amp;loadSettingsOnDemand=false&amp;propertyFiles=" javaProject="vaadin" path="3" type="4"/> "/> +<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/?project=vaadin&amp;ivyXmlPath=uitest%2Fivy.xml&amp;confs=ide&amp;ivySettingsPath=%24%7Bworkspace_loc%3Avaadin%2Fivysettings.xml%7D&amp;loadSettingsOnDemand=false&amp;propertyFiles=" javaProject="vaadin" path="3" type="4"/> "/> +</listAttribute> +<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.DEFAULT_CLASSPATH" value="false"/> +<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.MAIN_TYPE" value="com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode"/> +<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS" value="-noserver -war WebContent/VAADIN/widgetsets com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet -startupUrl http://localhost:8888 -bindAddress"/> +<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR" value="vaadin"/> +<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VM_ARGUMENTS" value="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"/> +</launchConfiguration> diff --git a/eclipse/Development Server (vaadin).launch b/eclipse/Development Server (vaadin).launch new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f57c441ec --- /dev/null +++ b/eclipse/Development Server (vaadin).launch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> +<launchConfiguration type="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.localJavaApplication"> +<listAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_PATHS"> +<listEntry value="/vaadin/uitest/src/com/vaadin/launcher/DevelopmentServerLauncher.java"/> +</listAttribute> +<listAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_TYPES"> +<listEntry value="1"/> +</listAttribute> +<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.MAIN_TYPE" value="com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher"/> +<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR" value="vaadin"/> +<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VM_ARGUMENTS" value="-ea"/> +</launchConfiguration> diff --git a/gwt-files.xml b/gwt-files.xml index 69e6c04e70..cc4b4a1e96 100644 --- a/gwt-files.xml +++ b/gwt-files.xml @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ <project name="GWT files for Vaadin" basedir="."> <include file="common.xml" as="common" /> - <property name="gwt.lib.dir" location="${vaadin.basedir}/../gwt-libs" /> + <property name="gwt.lib.dir" location="${gwt.basedir}/build/lib" /> + <property name="gwt.eclipse.basedir" location="${gwt.basedir}/eclipse" /> <property name="gwt.user.jar" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-user.jar" /> <property name="gwt.dev.jar" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-dev.jar" /> @@ -15,11 +16,6 @@ <available file="${gwt.elemental.jar}" property="gwt.elemental.jar.found" /> <available file="${gwt.codeserver.jar}" property="gwt.codeserver.jar.found" /> - <fail unless="gwt.dev.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-dev.jar at ${gwt.dev.jar}" /> - <fail unless="gwt.user.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-user.jar at ${gwt.user.jar}" /> - <fail unless="gwt.elemental.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-elemental.jar at ${gwt.elemental.jar}" /> - <fail unless="gwt.codeserver.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-codeserver.jar at ${gtw.codeserver.jar}" /> - <property name="gwt.unpack.dir" location="${vaadin.basedir}/build/gwt" /> <property name="gwt.user.jar.files" location="${gwt.unpack.dir}/gwt-user.jar" /> @@ -28,6 +24,11 @@ <property name="gwt.codeserver.jar.files" location="${gwt.unpack.dir}/gwt-codeserver.jar" /> <target name="unpack.gwt"> + <fail unless="gwt.dev.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-dev.jar at ${gwt.dev.jar}" /> + <fail unless="gwt.user.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-user.jar at ${gwt.user.jar}" /> + <fail unless="gwt.elemental.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-elemental.jar at ${gwt.elemental.jar}" /> + <fail unless="gwt.codeserver.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-codeserver.jar at ${gwt.codeserver.jar}" /> + <delete dir="${gwt.unpack.dir}" /> <mkdir dir="${gwt.user.jar.files}" /> @@ -57,17 +58,62 @@ <!-- cssparser --> <exclude name="com/steadystate/css/**" /> <!-- Ant & AntLauncher --> - <exclude name="org/apache/tools/**"/> + <exclude name="org/apache/tools/**" /> <!-- Jetty & jetty-util --> - <exclude name="org/mortbay/**"/> + <exclude name="org/mortbay/**" /> <!-- Swing Worker--> - <exclude name="org/jdesktop/swingworker/**"/> - <!-- Apache commons codec & io & lang --> - <exclude name="org/apache/commons/codec/**"/> - <exclude name="org/apache/commons/io/**"/> - <exclude name="org/apache/commons/lang/**"/> + <exclude name="org/jdesktop/swingworker/**" /> + <!-- Apache commons codec & io & lang & collections & logging --> + <exclude name="org/apache/commons/codec/**" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/commons/io/**" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/commons/lang/**" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/commons/collections/**" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/**" /> <!-- apache mime4j --> - <exclude name="org/apache/james/mime4j/**"/> + <exclude name="org/apache/james/mime4j/**" /> + + <!-- client-compiler-deps --> + <exclude name="com/gargoylesoftware/" /> + <exclude name="com/google/common/" /> + <exclude name="com/google/debugging/" /> + <exclude name="com/google/gwt/dev/protobuf/" /> + <exclude name="com/google/gwt/thirdparty/debugging/" /> + <exclude name="com/google/gwt/thirdparty/javascript/" /> + <exclude name="com/google/gwt/thirdparty/mozilla/" /> + <exclude name="com/ibm/" /> + <exclude name="externs.zip" /> + <exclude name="java_cup/" /> + <exclude name="javax/annotation/" /> + <exclude name="net/sourceforge/htmlunit/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/bcel/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/html/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/http/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/NOTICE" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/regexp/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/tapestry/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/wml/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/xalan/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/xerces/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/xml/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/xmlcommons/" /> + <exclude name="org/apache/xpath/" /> + <exclude name="org/cyberneko/" /> + <exclude name="org/eclipse/" /> + <exclude name="org/kohsuke/" /> + <exclude name="org/w3c/" /> + <exclude name="org/xml/" /> + <exclude name="rhino_ast/" /> + <exclude name="rhinoDiff.txt" /> + <exclude name="trax/" /> + <exclude name="unicode-license.txt" /> + <exclude name="org/json" /> + + <exclude name="license/NOTICE" /> + <exclude name="license/LICENSE.dom-documentation.txt" /> + <exclude name="license/LICENSE.dom-software.txt" /> + <exclude name="license/LICENSE" /> + <exclude name="license/README.dom.txt" /> + <exclude name="license/README.sax.txt" /> <!-- Overridden in Vaadin --> <exclude name="com/google/gwt/dev/About.properties" /> @@ -105,7 +151,7 @@ <exclude name="com/google/gwt/*/shared/**" /> <exclude name="com/google/gwt/*/*/shared/**" /> <exclude name="com/google/web/bindery/*/shared/**" /> - + <!-- Used by the server, in wrong package in GWT --> <exclude name="com/google/gwt/user/client/rpc/IsSerializable.*" /> diff --git a/ivy.xml b/ivy.xml deleted file mode 100644 index f2179255d4..0000000000 --- a/ivy.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<!DOCTYPE ivy-module [ - <!ENTITY server SYSTEM "server/ivy.xml"> - <!ENTITY client SYSTEM "client/ivy.xml"> - <!ENTITY clientCompiler SYSTEM "client-compiler/ivy.xml"> - <!ENTITY shared SYSTEM "shared/ivy.xml"> - <!ENTITY uitest SYSTEM "uitest/ivy.xml"> - <!ENTITY themeCompiler SYSTEM "theme-compiler/ivy.xml"> -]> -<ivy-module version="2.0" - xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" - xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/schemas/ivy.xsd" - xmlns:m="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/maven"> - - &server; - &client; - &clientCompiler; - &shared; - &uitest; - &themeCompiler; - -</ivy-module>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ivysettings.xml b/ivysettings.xml index e1e2e45b3d..f43b9ccb14 100644 --- a/ivysettings.xml +++ b/ivysettings.xml @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ </filesystem> <dual name="custom-smartsprites"> <filesystem name="smartsprites-ivy"> - <ivy pattern="${basedir}/ivymodule/[module]-ivy-[revision].xml" /> + <ivy pattern="${ivy.settings.dir}/theme-compiler/ivymodule/[module]-ivy-[revision].xml" /> </filesystem> <url name="smartsprites-artifact"> <artifact diff --git a/scripts/automerge7.sh b/scripts/automerge7.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..8f8ed9a785 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/automerge7.sh @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +FROM=origin/7.0 +TO=master +PUSH="origin HEAD:refs/for/master" + +show() { + sCommit=$1 + if [ "$sCommit" == "" ] + then + echo "show() missing commit id" + exit 1 + fi + git show -s $sCommit +} +merge() { + mCommit=$1 + if [ "$mCommit" == "" ] + then + echo "merge() missing commit id" + exit 1 + fi + +# echo "merge($mCommit)" + + git merge $mCommit $2 + if [ "$?" != "0" ] + then + echo "Merge failed for commit $mCommit" + echo "Manual merge is needed" + exit 2 + fi + # Add a change id using git hook + git commit --amend --no-edit + +} + +pushMerged() { +# echo "pushMerged()" + git push $PUSH + if [ "$?" != "0" ] + then + echo "Push failed!" + exit 2 + fi +} + +maybe_commit_and_push() { +# echo "maybe_commit_and_push()" + cpCommit=$1 + if [ "$cpCommit" == "" ] + then + # Nothing to merge currently + return + fi +# echo "maybe_commit_and_push: Merging $cpCommit" + merge $cpCommit + pushMerged +} + +git checkout $TO +git pull --rebase + +pending=`git log $TO..$FROM --reverse|grep "^commit "|sed "s/commit //"` + +pendingCommit= +for commit in $pending +do + echo "Checking $commit..." + mergeDirective=`git log -n 1 --format=%B $commit|grep "^Merge:"|sed "s/Merge: //"` + if [ "$mergeDirective" == "" ] + then + pendingCommit=$commit + elif [ "$mergeDirective" == "no" ] + then + maybe_commit_and_push $pendingCommit + pendingCommit= + echo + echo "Doing a no-op merge for $commit because of Merge: no" + # Do a no-op merge + git merge $commit -s ours + pushMerged + elif [ "$mergeDirective" == "manual" ] + then + maybe_commit_and_push $pendingCommit + pendingCommit= + echo + echo "Stopping merge at $commit (merge: manual)" + echo "The following commit must be manually merged." + show $commit + exit 3 + else + maybe_commit_and_push $pendingCommit + pendingCommit= + echo + echo "Commit $commit contains an unknown merge directive, Merge: $mergeDirective" + echo "Stopping merge." + show $commit + exit 3 + fi +done + +# Push any pending merges +maybe_commit_and_push $pendingCommit diff --git a/server/build.xml b/server/build.xml index 91526dd1c5..d61f412883 100644 --- a/server/build.xml +++ b/server/build.xml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ <property name="module.symbolic" value="com.vaadin.server" /> <property name="result.dir" value="result" /> <path id="classpath.compile.custom" /> - <path id="classpath.tests.custom" /> + <path id="classpath.test.custom" /> <union id="jar.includes"> <union refid="server.gwt.includes" /> @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ </antcall> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <antcall target="common.tests.run" /> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <antcall target="common.test.run" /> </target> diff --git a/server/ivy.xml b/server/ivy.xml index 6911a7054f..d757e3a3cd 100644 --- a/server/ivy.xml +++ b/server/ivy.xml @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ <conf name="build" /> <conf name="build-provided" /> <conf name="ide" visibility="private" /> - <conf name="tests" visibility="private" /> + <conf name="test" visibility="private" /> </configurations> <publications> <artifact type="jar" ext="jar" /> @@ -27,47 +27,47 @@ rev="6.0.2" conf="build-provided,ide -> default" /> <!--Servlet API version 2.4 --> <dependency org="javax.servlet" name="servlet-api" - rev="2.4" conf="build-provided,ide,tests -> default" /> + rev="2.4" conf="build-provided,ide,test -> default" /> <!--Portlet API version 2.0 (JSR-286) --> <dependency org="javax.portlet" name="portlet-api" - rev="2.0" conf="build-provided,ide,tests -> default" /> + rev="2.0" conf="build-provided,ide,test -> default" /> <!-- Google App Engine --> <dependency org="com.google.appengine" name="appengine-api-1.0-sdk" - rev="1.2.1" conf="build-provided,ide,tests -> default" /> + rev="1.2.1" conf="build-provided,ide,test -> default" /> <dependency org="javax.validation" name="validation-api" - rev="1.0.0.GA" conf="build-provided,ide,tests -> default" /> + rev="1.0.0.GA" conf="build-provided,ide,test -> default" /> <!-- LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES (compile time) --> <!-- Project modules --> <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-shared" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,tests" /> + rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,test->build" /> <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-theme-compiler" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,tests" /> + rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,test->build" /> <!-- Jsoup for BootstrapHandler --> <dependency org="org.jsoup" name="jsoup" rev="1.6.3" - conf="build,ide,tests -> default" /> + conf="build,ide,test -> default" /> <!-- TESTING DEPENDENCIES --> <!-- Test frameworks & related --> <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.5" - conf="tests,ide -> default" /> + conf="test,ide -> default" /> <dependency org="org.easymock" name="easymock" rev="3.0" - conf="tests,ide-> default" transitive="true" /> + conf="test,ide-> default" transitive="true" /> <dependency org="org.hsqldb" name="hsqldb" rev="2.2.6" - conf="tests,ide -> default" /> + conf="test,ide -> default" /> <dependency org="commons-io" name="commons-io" rev="1.4" - conf="tests->default" /> + conf="test->default" /> <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" - rev="2.6" conf="tests,ide->default" /> + rev="2.6" conf="test,ide->default" /> <!-- Bean Validation implementation --> <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-log4j12" rev="1.6.1" - conf="tests -> default" /> + conf="test -> default" /> <dependency org="org.hibernate" name="hibernate-validator" - rev="4.2.0.Final" conf="tests -> default" /> + rev="4.2.0.Final" conf="test -> default" /> </dependencies> diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/BeanFieldGroup.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/BeanFieldGroup.java index 9dc6037d83..0b4e3a8049 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/BeanFieldGroup.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/BeanFieldGroup.java @@ -58,6 +58,23 @@ public class BeanFieldGroup<T> extends FieldGroup { } } + @Override + protected Object findPropertyId(java.lang.reflect.Field memberField) { + String fieldName = memberField.getName(); + Item dataSource = getItemDataSource(); + if (dataSource != null && dataSource.getItemProperty(fieldName) != null) { + return fieldName; + } else { + String minifiedFieldName = minifyFieldName(fieldName); + try { + return getFieldName(beanType, minifiedFieldName); + } catch (SecurityException e) { + } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { + } + } + return null; + } + private static java.lang.reflect.Field getField(Class<?> cls, String propertyId) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException { if (propertyId.contains(".")) { @@ -75,7 +92,7 @@ public class BeanFieldGroup<T> extends FieldGroup { } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { // Try super classes until we reach Object Class<?> superClass = cls.getSuperclass(); - if (superClass != Object.class) { + if (superClass != null && superClass != Object.class) { return getField(superClass, propertyId); } else { throw e; @@ -84,6 +101,22 @@ public class BeanFieldGroup<T> extends FieldGroup { } } + private static String getFieldName(Class<?> cls, String propertyId) + throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException { + for (java.lang.reflect.Field field1 : cls.getDeclaredFields()) { + if (propertyId.equals(minifyFieldName(field1.getName()))) { + return field1.getName(); + } + } + // Try super classes until we reach Object + Class<?> superClass = cls.getSuperclass(); + if (superClass != null && superClass != Object.class) { + return getFieldName(superClass, propertyId); + } else { + throw new NoSuchFieldException(); + } + } + /** * Helper method for setting the data source directly using a bean. This * method wraps the bean in a {@link BeanItem} and calls @@ -176,4 +209,4 @@ public class BeanFieldGroup<T> extends FieldGroup { } return beanValidationImplementationAvailable; } -}
\ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory.java index 9ced6588f5..c1e4b4933e 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory.java @@ -15,18 +15,23 @@ */ package com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup; +import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import com.vaadin.data.Item; import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.FieldGroup.BindException; +import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractTextField; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; +import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; +import com.vaadin.ui.InlineDateField; import com.vaadin.ui.ListSelect; import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect; import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup; +import com.vaadin.ui.PopupDateField; import com.vaadin.ui.RichTextArea; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; @@ -39,6 +44,8 @@ public class DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory implements FieldGroupFieldFactory { public <T extends Field> T createField(Class<?> type, Class<T> fieldType) { if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return createEnumField(type, fieldType); + } else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { + return createDateField(type, fieldType); } else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return createBooleanField(fieldType); @@ -70,6 +77,25 @@ public class DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory implements FieldGroupFieldFactory { return null; } + private <T extends Field> T createDateField(Class<?> type, + Class<T> fieldType) { + AbstractField field; + + if (InlineDateField.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { + field = new InlineDateField(); + } else if (DateField.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType) + || fieldType == Field.class) { + field = new PopupDateField(); + } else if (AbstractTextField.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { + field = createAbstractTextField((Class<? extends AbstractTextField>) fieldType); + } else { + return null; + } + + field.setImmediate(true); + return (T) field; + } + protected AbstractSelect createCompatibleSelect( Class<? extends AbstractSelect> fieldType) { AbstractSelect select; diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/FieldGroup.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/FieldGroup.java index dc1fdbb78d..6c515dbdee 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/FieldGroup.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/FieldGroup.java @@ -733,11 +733,12 @@ public class FieldGroup implements Serializable { * that have not been initialized. * <p> * This method processes all (Java) member fields whose type extends - * {@link Field} and that can be mapped to a property id. Property id - * mapping is done based on the field name or on a @{@link PropertyId} - * annotation on the field. Fields that are not initialized (null) are built - * using the field factory. All non-null fields for which a property id can - * be determined are bound to the property id. + * {@link Field} and that can be mapped to a property id. Property ids are + * searched in the following order: @{@link PropertyId} annotations, exact + * field name matches and the case-insensitive matching that ignores + * underscores. Fields that are not initialized (null) are built using the + * field factory. All non-null fields for which a property id can be + * determined are bound to the property id. * </p> * <p> * For example: @@ -777,11 +778,12 @@ public class FieldGroup implements Serializable { * member fields that have not been initialized. * <p> * This method processes all (Java) member fields whose type extends - * {@link Field} and that can be mapped to a property id. Property id - * mapping is done based on the field name or on a @{@link PropertyId} - * annotation on the field. Fields that are not initialized (null) are built - * using the field factory is buildFields is true. All non-null fields for - * which a property id can be determined are bound to the property id. + * {@link Field} and that can be mapped to a property id. Property ids are + * searched in the following order: @{@link PropertyId} annotations, exact + * field name matches and the case-insensitive matching that ignores + * underscores. Fields that are not initialized (null) are built using the + * field factory is buildFields is true. All non-null fields for which a + * property id can be determined are bound to the property id. * </p> * * @param objectWithMemberFields @@ -812,7 +814,16 @@ public class FieldGroup implements Serializable { // @PropertyId(propertyId) always overrides property id propertyId = propertyIdAnnotation.value(); } else { - propertyId = memberField.getName(); + try { + propertyId = findPropertyId(memberField); + } catch (SearchException e) { + // Property id was not found, skip this field + continue; + } + if (propertyId == null) { + // Property id was not found, skip this field + continue; + } } // Ensure that the property id exists @@ -873,6 +884,54 @@ public class FieldGroup implements Serializable { } } + /** + * Searches for a property id from the current itemDataSource that matches + * the given memberField. + * <p> + * If perfect match is not found, uses a case insensitive search that also + * ignores underscores. Returns null if no match is found. Throws a + * SearchException if no item data source has been set. + * </p> + * <p> + * The propertyId search logic used by + * {@link #buildAndBindMemberFields(Object, boolean) + * buildAndBindMemberFields} can easily be customized by overriding this + * method. No other changes are needed. + * </p> + * + * @param memberField + * The field an object id is searched for + * @return + */ + protected Object findPropertyId(java.lang.reflect.Field memberField) { + String fieldName = memberField.getName(); + if (getItemDataSource() == null) { + throw new SearchException( + "Property id type for field '" + + fieldName + + "' could not be determined. No item data source has been set."); + } + Item dataSource = getItemDataSource(); + if (dataSource.getItemProperty(fieldName) != null) { + return fieldName; + } else { + String minifiedFieldName = minifyFieldName(fieldName); + for (Object itemPropertyId : dataSource.getItemPropertyIds()) { + if (itemPropertyId instanceof String) { + String itemPropertyName = (String) itemPropertyId; + if (minifiedFieldName.equals(minifyFieldName(itemPropertyName))) { + return itemPropertyName; + } + } + } + } + return null; + } + + protected static String minifyFieldName(String fieldName) { + return fieldName.toLowerCase().replace("_", ""); + } + public static class CommitException extends Exception { public CommitException() { @@ -909,6 +968,18 @@ public class FieldGroup implements Serializable { } + public static class SearchException extends RuntimeException { + + public SearchException(String message) { + super(message); + } + + public SearchException(String message, Throwable t) { + super(message, t); + } + + } + /** * Builds a field and binds it to the given property id using the field * binder. diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/BootstrapHandler.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/BootstrapHandler.java index 403fefc0e1..03421ce487 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/BootstrapHandler.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/BootstrapHandler.java @@ -241,11 +241,9 @@ public abstract class BootstrapHandler implements RequestHandler { /* * Enable Chrome Frame in all versions of IE if installed. - * - * Claim IE10 support to avoid using compatibility mode. */ head.appendElement("meta").attr("http-equiv", "X-UA-Compatible") - .attr("content", "IE=9;chrome=1"); + .attr("content", "IE=10;chrome=1"); String title = response.getUIProvider().getPageTitle( new UICreateEvent(context.getRequest(), context.getUIClass())); diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/Page.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/Page.java index 8737b478c3..f7b65a8e9b 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/Page.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/Page.java @@ -303,6 +303,115 @@ public class Page implements Serializable { } } + /** + * Contains dynamically injected styles injected in the HTML document at + * runtime. + * + * @since 7.1 + */ + public static class StyleSheet implements Serializable { + + /* + * Points to last injected string injection + */ + private int injectedStringPointer; + + private final List<String> stringInjections = new LinkedList<String>(); + + /* + * Points to last injected resource injection + */ + private int injectedResourcesPointer; + + private final List<Resource> resourceInjections = new LinkedList<Resource>(); + + private final UI ui; + + private StyleSheet(UI ui) { + this.ui = ui; + } + + /** + * Injects a raw CSS string into the page. + * + * @param css + * The CSS to inject + */ + public void inject(String css) { + if (css == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + "Cannot inject null CSS string"); + } + + /* + * Check if last injection was the same, in that case ignore it. + */ + if (!stringInjections.isEmpty() && injectedStringPointer > 0) { + String lastInjection = stringInjections + .get(injectedStringPointer - 1); + if (lastInjection.equals(css.trim())) { + return; + } + } + + stringInjections.add(css.trim()); + ui.markAsDirty(); + } + + /** + * Injects a CSS resource into the page + * + * @param resource + * The resource to inject. + */ + public void inject(Resource resource) { + if (resource == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + "Cannot inject null resource"); + } + + resourceInjections.add(resource); + ui.markAsDirty(); + } + + private void paint(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { + + // If full repaint repaint all injections + if (target.isFullRepaint()) { + injectedStringPointer = 0; + injectedResourcesPointer = 0; + } + + target.startTag("css-injections"); + + // Paint pending string injections + List<String> injections = stringInjections.subList( + injectedStringPointer, stringInjections.size()); + + for (String css : injections) { + target.startTag("css-string"); + target.addText(css); + target.endTag("css-string"); + } + + injectedStringPointer = stringInjections.size(); + + // Paint pending resource injections + List<Resource> resInjections = resourceInjections.subList( + injectedResourcesPointer, resourceInjections.size()); + + for (Resource res : resInjections) { + target.startTag("css-resource"); + target.addAttribute("url", res); + target.endTag("css-resource"); + } + + target.endTag("css-injections"); + + injectedResourcesPointer = resourceInjections.size(); + } + } + private EventRouter eventRouter; private final UI uI; @@ -312,6 +421,8 @@ public class Page implements Serializable { private JavaScript javaScript; + private StyleSheet styleSheet; + /** * The current browser location. */ @@ -576,10 +687,22 @@ public class Page implements Serializable { javaScript = new JavaScript(); javaScript.extend(uI); } - return javaScript; } + /** + * Returns that stylesheet associated with this Page. The stylesheet + * contains additional styles injected at runtime into the HTML document. + * + * @since 7.1 + */ + public StyleSheet getStyleSheet() { + if (styleSheet == null) { + styleSheet = new StyleSheet(uI); + } + return styleSheet; + } + public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { if (!openList.isEmpty()) { for (final Iterator<OpenResource> i = openList.iterator(); i @@ -637,6 +760,9 @@ public class Page implements Serializable { location.toString()); } + if (styleSheet != null) { + styleSheet.paint(target); + } } /** diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinPortletService.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinPortletService.java index e59ea7fd5e..8c1e7af0fa 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinPortletService.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinPortletService.java @@ -46,7 +46,12 @@ public class VaadinPortletService extends VaadinService { } } - protected VaadinPortlet getPortlet() { + /** + * Retrieves a reference to the portlet associated with this service. + * + * @return A reference to the VaadinPortlet this service is using + */ + public VaadinPortlet getPortlet() { return portlet; } diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServlet.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServlet.java index 4fde870f74..11a7439c66 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServlet.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServlet.java @@ -709,12 +709,6 @@ public class VaadinServlet extends HttpServlet implements Constants { ci.getCommunicationErrorCaption(), ci.getCommunicationErrorMessage(), INVALID_SECURITY_KEY_MSG, ci.getCommunicationErrorURL()); - /* - * Invalidate session. Portal integration will fail otherwise - * since the session is not created by the portal. - */ - request.getSession().invalidate(); - } else if (requestType == RequestType.HEARTBEAT) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden"); diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServletService.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServletService.java index 71f47ea217..7120e3a5c5 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServletService.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/server/VaadinServletService.java @@ -44,7 +44,12 @@ public class VaadinServletService extends VaadinService { } } - protected VaadinServlet getServlet() { + /** + * Retrieves a reference to the servlet associated with this service. + * + * @return A reference to the VaadinServlet this service is using + */ + public VaadinServlet getServlet() { return servlet; } diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/AbstractField.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/AbstractField.java index 422e0a1796..619d717d97 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/AbstractField.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/AbstractField.java @@ -373,30 +373,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractField<T> extends AbstractComponent implements /* Property interface implementation */ /** - * Returns the (field) value converted to a String using toString(). - * - * @see java.lang.Object#toString() - * @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link #getValue()} to get the value of the - * field, {@link #getConvertedValue()} to get the field value - * converted to the data model type or - * {@link #getPropertyDataSource()} .getValue() to get the value - * of the data source. - */ - @Deprecated - @Override - public String toString() { - logger.warning("You are using AbstractField.toString() to get the value for a " - + getClass().getSimpleName() - + ". This will not be supported starting from Vaadin 7.1 " - + "(your debugger might call toString() and cause this message to appear)."); - final Object value = getFieldValue(); - if (value == null) { - return null; - } - return value.toString(); - } - - /** * Gets the current value of the field. * * <p> diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Label.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Label.java index f49a1403cf..f413ea47f2 100644 --- a/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Label.java +++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Label.java @@ -203,23 +203,6 @@ public class Label extends AbstractComponent implements Property<String>, } /** - * Returns the value displayed by this label. - * - * @see java.lang.Object#toString() - * @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link #getValue()} to get the value of the - * label or {@link #getPropertyDataSource()} .getValue() to get - * the value of the data source. - */ - @Deprecated - @Override - public String toString() { - logger.warning("You are using Label.toString() to get the value for a " - + getClass().getSimpleName() - + ". This will not be supported starting from Vaadin 7.1 (your debugger might call toString() and cause this message to appear)."); - return getValue(); - } - - /** * Gets the type of the Property. * * @see com.vaadin.data.Property#getType() diff --git a/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/data/DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactoryTest.java b/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/data/DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactoryTest.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b319c13e4e --- /dev/null +++ b/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/data/DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactoryTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ +package com.vaadin.data; + +import java.util.Date; + +import junit.framework.Assert; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Test; + +import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory; +import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; +import com.vaadin.ui.Field; +import com.vaadin.ui.InlineDateField; +import com.vaadin.ui.PopupDateField; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; + +public class DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactoryTest { + + private DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory fieldFactory; + + @Before + public void setupFieldFactory() { + fieldFactory = new DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory(); + } + + @Test + public void testDateGenerationForPopupDateField() { + Field f = fieldFactory.createField(Date.class, DateField.class); + Assert.assertNotNull(f); + Assert.assertEquals(PopupDateField.class, f.getClass()); + } + + @Test + public void testDateGenerationForInlineDateField() { + Field f = fieldFactory.createField(Date.class, InlineDateField.class); + Assert.assertNotNull(f); + Assert.assertEquals(InlineDateField.class, f.getClass()); + } + + @Test + public void testDateGenerationForTextField() { + Field f = fieldFactory.createField(Date.class, TextField.class); + Assert.assertNotNull(f); + Assert.assertEquals(TextField.class, f.getClass()); + } + + @Test + public void testDateGenerationForField() { + Field f = fieldFactory.createField(Date.class, Field.class); + Assert.assertNotNull(f); + Assert.assertEquals(PopupDateField.class, f.getClass()); + } + +} diff --git a/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/FieldGroupDate.java b/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/FieldGroupDate.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e11b6e50f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/data/fieldgroup/FieldGroupDate.java @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ +package com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup; + +import java.util.Date; + +import junit.framework.Assert; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Test; + +import com.vaadin.data.util.BeanItem; +import com.vaadin.ui.Field; +import com.vaadin.ui.PopupDateField; + +public class FieldGroupDate { + + private FieldGroup fieldGroup; + + public class TestBean { + private Date javaDate; + private java.sql.Date sqlDate; + + public TestBean(Date javaDate, java.sql.Date sqlDate) { + super(); + this.javaDate = javaDate; + this.sqlDate = sqlDate; + } + + public java.sql.Date getSqlDate() { + return sqlDate; + } + + public void setSqlDate(java.sql.Date sqlDate) { + this.sqlDate = sqlDate; + } + + public Date getJavaDate() { + return javaDate; + } + + public void setJavaDate(Date date) { + javaDate = date; + } + } + + @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") + @Before + public void setup() { + fieldGroup = new FieldGroup(); + fieldGroup.setItemDataSource(new BeanItem<TestBean>(new TestBean( + new Date(2010, 5, 7), new java.sql.Date(2011, 6, 8)))); + } + + @Test + public void testBuildAndBindDate() { + Field f = fieldGroup.buildAndBind("javaDate"); + Assert.assertNotNull(f); + Assert.assertEquals(PopupDateField.class, f.getClass()); + } + + @Test + public void testBuildAndBindSqlDate() { + Field f = fieldGroup.buildAndBind("sqlDate"); + Assert.assertNotNull(f); + Assert.assertEquals(PopupDateField.class, f.getClass()); + } + +} diff --git a/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/component/fieldgroup/CaseInsensitiveBinding.java b/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/component/fieldgroup/CaseInsensitiveBinding.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f4368c295 --- /dev/null +++ b/server/tests/src/com/vaadin/tests/server/component/fieldgroup/CaseInsensitiveBinding.java @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.server.component.fieldgroup; + +import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.FieldGroup; +import com.vaadin.data.util.ObjectProperty; +import com.vaadin.data.util.PropertysetItem; +import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; + +public class CaseInsensitiveBinding { + + @Test + public void caseInsensitivityAndUnderscoreRemoval() { + PropertysetItem item = new PropertysetItem(); + item.addItemProperty("LastName", new ObjectProperty<String>("Sparrow")); + + class MyForm extends FormLayout { + TextField lastName = new TextField("Last name"); + + public MyForm() { + + // Should bind to the LastName property + addComponent(lastName); + } + } + + MyForm form = new MyForm(); + + FieldGroup binder = new FieldGroup(item); + binder.bindMemberFields(form); + + assertTrue("Sparrow".equals(form.lastName.getValue())); + } + + @Test + public void UnderscoreRemoval() { + PropertysetItem item = new PropertysetItem(); + item.addItemProperty("first_name", new ObjectProperty<String>("Jack")); + + class MyForm extends FormLayout { + TextField firstName = new TextField("First name"); + + public MyForm() { + // Should bind to the first_name property + addComponent(firstName); + } + } + + MyForm form = new MyForm(); + + FieldGroup binder = new FieldGroup(item); + binder.bindMemberFields(form); + + assertTrue("Jack".equals(form.firstName.getValue())); + } + + @Test + public void perfectMatchPriority() { + PropertysetItem item = new PropertysetItem(); + item.addItemProperty("first_name", new ObjectProperty<String>( + "Not this")); + item.addItemProperty("firstName", new ObjectProperty<String>("This")); + + class MyForm extends FormLayout { + TextField firstName = new TextField("First name"); + + public MyForm() { + // should bind to the firstName property, not first_name property + addComponent(firstName); + } + } + + MyForm form = new MyForm(); + + FieldGroup binder = new FieldGroup(item); + binder.bindMemberFields(form); + + assertTrue("This".equals(form.firstName.getValue())); + } + +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/shared/build.xml b/shared/build.xml index 6ea753afa1..8520ee6eba 100644 --- a/shared/build.xml +++ b/shared/build.xml @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ </antcall> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <!--<antcall target="common.tests.run" />--> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <!--<antcall target="common.test.run" />--> <echo>WHAT? No tests for ${module.name}!</echo> </target> diff --git a/shared/ivy.xml b/shared/ivy.xml index 88020e8d09..3b044e9ab4 100644 --- a/shared/ivy.xml +++ b/shared/ivy.xml @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ <conf name="build" /> <conf name="build-provided" /> <conf name="ide" visibility="private" /> - <conf name="tests" /> + <conf name="test" /> </configurations> <publications> <artifact type="jar" ext="jar" /> @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ </publications> <dependencies> <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-shared-deps" - rev="1.0.2" conf="build,ide,tests->default" /> + rev="1.0.2" conf="build,ide,test->default" /> </dependencies> </ivy-module> diff --git a/theme-compiler/build.xml b/theme-compiler/build.xml index cd441dee70..277929d160 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/build.xml +++ b/theme-compiler/build.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ <property name="sass.parser.jj" location="src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.jj" /> <path id="classpath.compile.custom"> </path> - <path id="classpath.tests.custom" /> + <path id="classpath.test.custom" /> <!--<property name="classes.exclude" value="com/vaadin/buildhelpers/**" />--> @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ </antcall> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <antcall target="common.tests.run" /> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <antcall target="common.test.run" /> </target> </project>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/ivy.xml b/theme-compiler/ivy.xml index b1a98b7101..f0646c04e6 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/ivy.xml +++ b/theme-compiler/ivy.xml @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ <conf name="build" /> <conf name="build-provided" /> <conf name="ide" visibility="private" /> - <conf name="tests" /> + <conf name="test" /> </configurations> <publications> <artifact type="jar" ext="jar" /> @@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ <!-- LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES (compile time) --> <!-- Project modules --> <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-shared" - rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,tests" /> + rev="${vaadin.version}" conf="build,test->build" /> <!-- Required build libs --> <dependency org="org.apache.commons" name="commons-jexl" - rev="2.1.1" conf="build,ide,tests->default" /> + rev="2.1.1" conf="build,ide,test->default" /> <dependency org="org.w3c.css" name="sac" rev="1.3" - conf="build,ide,tests->default" /> + conf="build,ide,test->default" /> <dependency org="net.sourceforge.cssparser" name="cssparser" - rev="0.9.5" conf="build,ide,tests->default" /> + rev="0.9.5" conf="build,ide,test->default" /> <dependency org="commons-cli" name="commons-cli" rev="1.2" - conf="build,ide,tests->default" /> + conf="build,ide,test->default" /> <!-- Provided build libs --> <dependency org="javax.servlet" name="servlet-api" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ <!-- Testing libs --> <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.5" - conf="tests -> default" /> + conf="test -> default" /> <!-- Internally used, for now --> <dependency org="com.carrotsearch" name="smartsprites" diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dbd8ae1a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.java @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ + +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression; + +import static com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.SCSSLexicalUnit.SCSS_VARIABLE; + +import java.util.Stack; + +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.exception.ArithmeticException; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.LexicalUnitImpl; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.SCSSLexicalUnit; + +public class ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator { + private static ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator instance; + + public static ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator get() { + if (instance == null) { + instance = new ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator(); + } + return instance; + } + + private void createNewOperand(BinaryOperator operator, + Stack<Object> operands) { + Object rightOperand = operands.pop(); + operands.push(new BinaryExpression(operands.pop(), operator, + rightOperand)); + } + + public boolean containsArithmeticalOperator(LexicalUnitImpl term) { + LexicalUnitImpl current = term; + while (current != null) { + for (BinaryOperator operator : BinaryOperator.values()) { + /* + * '/' is treated as an arithmetical operator when one of its + * operands is Variable, or there is another binary operator. + * Otherwise, '/' is treated as a CSS operator. + */ + if (current.getLexicalUnitType() == operator.type) { + if (current.getLexicalUnitType() != BinaryOperator.DIV.type) { + return true; + } else { + if (current.getPreviousLexicalUnit() + .getLexicalUnitType() == SCSS_VARIABLE + || current.getNextLexicalUnit() + .getLexicalUnitType() == SCSS_VARIABLE) { + return true; + } + } + } + } + current = current.getNextLexicalUnit(); + } + return false; + } + + private Object createExpression(LexicalUnitImpl term) { + LexicalUnitImpl current = term; + boolean afterOperand = false; + Stack<Object> operands = new Stack<Object>(); + Stack<Object> operators = new Stack<Object>(); + inputTermLoop: while (current != null) { + if (afterOperand) { + if (current.getLexicalUnitType() == SCSSLexicalUnit.SCSS_OPERATOR_RIGHT_PAREN) { + Object operator = null; + while (!operators.isEmpty() + && ((operator = operators.pop()) != Parentheses.LEFT)) { + createNewOperand((BinaryOperator) operator, operands); + } + current = current.getNextLexicalUnit(); + continue; + } + afterOperand = false; + for (BinaryOperator operator : BinaryOperator.values()) { + if (current.getLexicalUnitType() == operator.type) { + while (!operators.isEmpty() + && (operators.peek() != Parentheses.LEFT) + && (((BinaryOperator) operators.peek()).precedence >= operator.precedence)) { + createNewOperand((BinaryOperator) operators.pop(), + operands); + } + operators.push(operator); + + current = current.getNextLexicalUnit(); + continue inputTermLoop; + } + } + throw new ArithmeticException(); + } + if (current.getLexicalUnitType() == SCSSLexicalUnit.SCSS_OPERATOR_LEFT_PAREN) { + operators.push(Parentheses.LEFT); + current = current.getNextLexicalUnit(); + continue; + } + afterOperand = true; + + operands.push(current); + current = current.getNextLexicalUnit(); + } + + while (!operators.isEmpty()) { + Object operator = operators.pop(); + if (operator == Parentheses.LEFT) { + throw new ArithmeticException("Unexpected \"(\" found"); + } + createNewOperand((BinaryOperator) operator, operands); + } + Object expression = operands.pop(); + if (!operands.isEmpty()) { + LexicalUnitImpl operand = (LexicalUnitImpl) operands.peek(); + throw new ArithmeticException("Unexpected operand " + + operand.toString() + " found"); + } + return expression; + } + + public LexicalUnitImpl evaluate(LexicalUnitImpl term) { + Object result = ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.get().createExpression( + term); + if (result instanceof BinaryExpression) { + return ((BinaryExpression) result).eval(); + } + return term; + } +} diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/BinaryExpression.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/BinaryExpression.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfcdf6f506 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/BinaryExpression.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ + +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression; + +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.LexicalUnitImpl; + +public class BinaryExpression { + public Object leftOperand = null; + public BinaryOperator operator = null; + public Object rightOperand = null; + + public BinaryExpression(Object leftOperand, BinaryOperator operator, + Object rightOperand) { + this.leftOperand = leftOperand; + this.operator = operator; + this.rightOperand = rightOperand; + } + + public LexicalUnitImpl eval() { + LexicalUnitImpl leftValue = (leftOperand instanceof BinaryExpression) ? ((BinaryExpression) leftOperand) + .eval() : (LexicalUnitImpl) leftOperand; + LexicalUnitImpl rightValue = (rightOperand instanceof BinaryExpression) ? ((BinaryExpression) rightOperand) + .eval() : (LexicalUnitImpl) rightOperand; + return operator.eval(leftValue, rightValue); + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return "(" + leftOperand + " " + operator.type + " " + rightOperand + + ")"; + } +} diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/BinaryOperator.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/BinaryOperator.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15d3da797f --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/BinaryOperator.java @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ + +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression; + +import org.w3c.css.sac.LexicalUnit; + +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.LexicalUnitImpl; + +public enum BinaryOperator { + ADD(LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_PLUS, 1) { + @Override + public LexicalUnitImpl eval(LexicalUnitImpl leftValue, + LexicalUnitImpl rightValue) { + return leftValue.add(rightValue); + } + }, + MINUS(LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_MINUS, 1) { + @Override + public LexicalUnitImpl eval(LexicalUnitImpl leftValue, + LexicalUnitImpl rightValue) { + return leftValue.minus(rightValue); + } + }, + MUL(LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY, 2) { + @Override + public LexicalUnitImpl eval(LexicalUnitImpl leftValue, + LexicalUnitImpl rightValue) { + return leftValue.multiply(rightValue); + } + }, + DIV(LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_SLASH, 2) { + @Override + public LexicalUnitImpl eval(LexicalUnitImpl leftValue, + LexicalUnitImpl rightValue) { + return leftValue.divide(rightValue); + } + }, + MOD(LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_MOD, 2) { + @Override + public LexicalUnitImpl eval(LexicalUnitImpl leftValue, + LexicalUnitImpl rightValue) { + return leftValue.modulo(rightValue); + } + }; + + public final short type; + public final int precedence; + + BinaryOperator(short type, int precedence) { + this.type = type; + this.precedence = precedence; + } + + public abstract LexicalUnitImpl eval(LexicalUnitImpl leftValue, + LexicalUnitImpl rightValue); +} diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/Parentheses.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/Parentheses.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5df8607aaf --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/Parentheses.java @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ + +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression; + +public enum Parentheses { + LEFT, RIGHT +} diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/exception/ArithmeticException.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/exception/ArithmeticException.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13b6f0e936 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/exception/ArithmeticException.java @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.exception; + +public class ArithmeticException extends RuntimeException { + public ArithmeticException(String errorMsg) { + super(errorMsg); + } + + public ArithmeticException() { + super("Illegal arithmetic expression"); + } +} diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/exception/IncompatibleUnitsException.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/exception/IncompatibleUnitsException.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bbeb0140f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/exception/IncompatibleUnitsException.java @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.exception; + +public class IncompatibleUnitsException extends ArithmeticException { + public IncompatibleUnitsException(String errorExpr) { + super(getErrorMsg(errorExpr)); + } + + private static String getErrorMsg(String errorExpr) { + StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); + builder.append("Incompatible units found in: "); + builder.append("'").append(errorExpr).append("'"); + return builder.toString(); + } +} diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandler.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandler.java index 9dc6e33873..b9672b6c78 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandler.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandler.java @@ -96,4 +96,10 @@ public interface SCSSDocumentHandler extends DocumentHandler { void endKeyframeSelector(); + void contentDirective(); + + void startIncludeContentBlock(String name); + + void endIncludeContentBlock(); + } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl.java index d155d8522f..d77a404ae8 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/handler/SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl.java @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import com.vaadin.sass.internal.ScssStylesheet; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.LexicalUnitImpl; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.BlockNode; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.CommentNode; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.ContentNode; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.ExtendNode; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.FontFaceNode; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.ForNode; @@ -365,4 +366,23 @@ public class SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl implements SCSSDocumentHandler { public void endKeyframeSelector() { nodeStack.pop(); } + + @Override + public void contentDirective() { + ContentNode node = new ContentNode(); + nodeStack.peek().appendChild(node); + } + + @Override + public void startIncludeContentBlock(String name) { + MixinNode node = new MixinNode(name); + nodeStack.peek().appendChild(node); + nodeStack.push(node); + + } + + @Override + public void endIncludeContentBlock() { + nodeStack.pop(); + } } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/LexicalUnitImpl.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/LexicalUnitImpl.java index 7feeb6628a..498e1a941b 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/LexicalUnitImpl.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/LexicalUnitImpl.java @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import java.io.Serializable; import org.w3c.css.sac.LexicalUnit; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.exception.IncompatibleUnitsException; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.util.ColorUtil; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.util.DeepCopy; @@ -68,12 +69,14 @@ public class LexicalUnitImpl implements LexicalUnit, SCSSLexicalUnit, LexicalUnitImpl(int line, int column, LexicalUnitImpl previous, int i) { this(SAC_INTEGER, line, column, previous); this.i = i; + f = i; } LexicalUnitImpl(int line, int column, LexicalUnitImpl previous, short dimension, String sdimension, float f) { this(dimension, line, column, previous); this.f = f; + i = (int) f; this.dimension = dimension; this.sdimension = sdimension; } @@ -137,6 +140,7 @@ public class LexicalUnitImpl implements LexicalUnit, SCSSLexicalUnit, void setIntegerValue(int i) { this.i = i; + f = i; } @Override @@ -146,6 +150,7 @@ public class LexicalUnitImpl implements LexicalUnit, SCSSLexicalUnit, public void setFloatValue(float f) { this.f = f; + i = (int) f; } @Override @@ -364,28 +369,65 @@ public class LexicalUnitImpl implements LexicalUnit, SCSSLexicalUnit, @Override public LexicalUnitImpl divide(LexicalUnitImpl denominator) { - setFloatValue(getFloatValue() / denominator.getIntegerValue()); + if (denominator.getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_INTEGER + && denominator.getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_REAL + && getLexicalUnitType() != denominator.getLexicalUnitType()) { + throw new IncompatibleUnitsException(toString()); + } + setFloatValue(getFloatValue() / denominator.getFloatValue()); + if (getLexicalUnitType() == denominator.getLexicalUnitType()) { + setLexicalUnitType(SAC_REAL); + } + setNextLexicalUnit(denominator.getNextLexicalUnit()); return this; } @Override public LexicalUnitImpl add(LexicalUnitImpl another) { + checkAndSetUnit(another); setFloatValue(getFloatValue() + another.getFloatValue()); return this; } @Override public LexicalUnitImpl minus(LexicalUnitImpl another) { + checkAndSetUnit(another); setFloatValue(getFloatValue() - another.getFloatValue()); return this; } @Override public LexicalUnitImpl multiply(LexicalUnitImpl another) { + checkAndSetUnit(another); setFloatValue(getFloatValue() * another.getIntegerValue()); return this; } + protected void checkAndSetUnit(LexicalUnitImpl another) { + if (getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_INTEGER + && getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_REAL + && another.getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_INTEGER + && another.getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_REAL + && getLexicalUnitType() != another.getLexicalUnitType()) { + throw new IncompatibleUnitsException(toString()); + } + if (another.getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_INTEGER + && another.getLexicalUnitType() != SAC_REAL) { + setLexicalUnitType(another.getLexicalUnitType()); + } + setNextLexicalUnit(another.getNextLexicalUnit()); + } + + @Override + public LexicalUnitImpl modulo(LexicalUnitImpl another) { + if (getLexicalUnitType() != another.getLexicalUnitType()) { + throw new IncompatibleUnitsException(toString()); + } + setIntegerValue(getIntegerValue() % another.getIntegerValue()); + setNextLexicalUnit(another.getNextLexicalUnit()); + return this; + } + public void replaceValue(LexicalUnitImpl another) { // shouldn't modify 'another' directly, should only modify its copy. LexicalUnitImpl deepCopyAnother = (LexicalUnitImpl) DeepCopy @@ -470,16 +512,12 @@ public class LexicalUnitImpl implements LexicalUnit, SCSSLexicalUnit, return new LexicalUnitImpl(line, column, previous, SAC_EX, null, v); } - public static LexicalUnitImpl createPixel(float p) { - return new LexicalUnitImpl(0, 0, null, SAC_PIXEL, null, p); - } - - static LexicalUnitImpl createPX(int line, int column, + public static LexicalUnitImpl createPX(int line, int column, LexicalUnitImpl previous, float v) { return new LexicalUnitImpl(line, column, previous, SAC_PIXEL, null, v); } - static LexicalUnitImpl createCM(int line, int column, + public static LexicalUnitImpl createCM(int line, int column, LexicalUnitImpl previous, float v) { return new LexicalUnitImpl(line, column, previous, SAC_CENTIMETER, null, v); @@ -637,6 +675,39 @@ public class LexicalUnitImpl implements LexicalUnit, SCSSLexicalUnit, return new LexicalUnitImpl(SAC_OPERATOR_SLASH, line, column, previous); } + public static LexicalUnitImpl createAdd(int line, int column, + LexicalUnitImpl previous) { + return new LexicalUnitImpl(SAC_OPERATOR_PLUS, line, column, previous); + } + + public static LexicalUnitImpl createMinus(int line, int column, + LexicalUnitImpl previous) { + return new LexicalUnitImpl(SAC_OPERATOR_MINUS, line, column, previous); + } + + public static LexicalUnitImpl createMultiply(int line, int column, + LexicalUnitImpl previous) { + return new LexicalUnitImpl(SAC_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY, line, column, + previous); + } + + public static LexicalUnitImpl createModulo(int line, int column, + LexicalUnitImpl previous) { + return new LexicalUnitImpl(SAC_OPERATOR_MOD, line, column, previous); + } + + public static LexicalUnitImpl createLeftParenthesis(int line, int column, + LexicalUnitImpl previous) { + return new LexicalUnitImpl(SCSS_OPERATOR_LEFT_PAREN, line, column, + previous); + } + + public static LexicalUnitImpl createRightParenthesis(int line, int column, + LexicalUnitImpl previous) { + return new LexicalUnitImpl(SCSS_OPERATOR_LEFT_PAREN, line, column, + previous); + } + @Override public LexicalUnitImpl clone() { LexicalUnitImpl cloned = new LexicalUnitImpl(type, line, column, prev); diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.java index 4861a27e75..c9ff10cc6a 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.java @@ -1,53 +1,39 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not - * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of - * the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT - * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the - * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under - * the License. - */ /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. Parser.java */ package com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser; -import java.io.BufferedInputStream; -import java.io.FileInputStream; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.io.InputStream; -import java.io.InputStreamReader; -import java.io.Reader; -import java.net.URL; +import java.io.*; +import java.net.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; +import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; -import org.w3c.css.sac.CSSException; -import org.w3c.css.sac.CSSParseException; import org.w3c.css.sac.ConditionFactory; +import org.w3c.css.sac.Condition; +import org.w3c.css.sac.SelectorFactory; +import org.w3c.css.sac.SelectorList; +import org.w3c.css.sac.Selector; +import org.w3c.css.sac.SimpleSelector; import org.w3c.css.sac.DocumentHandler; -import org.w3c.css.sac.ErrorHandler; import org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource; -import org.w3c.css.sac.LexicalUnit; +import org.w3c.css.sac.ErrorHandler; +import org.w3c.css.sac.CSSException; +import org.w3c.css.sac.CSSParseException; import org.w3c.css.sac.Locator; -import org.w3c.css.sac.SelectorFactory; -import org.w3c.css.sac.SelectorList; -import org.w3c.flute.parser.selectors.ConditionFactoryImpl; +import org.w3c.css.sac.LexicalUnit; + import org.w3c.flute.parser.selectors.SelectorFactoryImpl; +import org.w3c.flute.parser.selectors.ConditionFactoryImpl; + import org.w3c.flute.util.Encoding; -import com.vaadin.sass.internal.handler.SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl; -import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.Node; -import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.VariableNode; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.handler.*; + +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.*; /** * A CSS2 parser - * + * * @author Philippe Le H�garet * @version $Revision: 1.15 $ */ @@ -78,14 +64,13 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { /** * @@TODO - * @exception CSSException - * Not yet implemented + * @exception CSSException Not yet implemented */ public void setLocale(Locale locale) throws CSSException { throw new CSSException(CSSException.SAC_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); } - public InputSource getInputSource() { + public InputSource getInputSource(){ return source; } @@ -93,7 +78,7 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { * Set the document handler for this parser */ public void setDocumentHandler(DocumentHandler handler) { - documentHandler = (SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl) handler; + this.documentHandler = (SCSSDocumentHandlerImpl) handler; } public void setSelectorFactory(SelectorFactory selectorFactory) { @@ -108,21 +93,18 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { * Set the error handler for this parser */ public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler error) { - errorHandler = error; + this.errorHandler = error; } /** * Main parse methods - * - * @param source - * the source of the style sheet. - * @exception IOException - * the source can't be parsed. - * @exception CSSException - * the source is not CSS valid. + * + * @param source the source of the style sheet. + * @exception IOException the source can't be parsed. + * @exception CSSException the source is not CSS valid. */ - public void parseStyleSheet(InputSource source) throws CSSException, - IOException { + public void parseStyleSheet(InputSource source) + throws CSSException, IOException { this.source = source; ReInit(getCharStreamWithLurk(source)); if (selectorFactory == null) { @@ -137,31 +119,25 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { /** * Convenient method for URIs. - * - * @param systemId - * the fully resolved URI of the style sheet. - * @exception IOException - * the source can't be parsed. - * @exception CSSException - * the source is not CSS valid. + * + * @param systemId the fully resolved URI of the style sheet. + * @exception IOException the source can't be parsed. + * @exception CSSException the source is not CSS valid. */ - public void parseStyleSheet(String systemId) throws CSSException, - IOException { + public void parseStyleSheet(String systemId) + throws CSSException, IOException { parseStyleSheet(new InputSource(systemId)); } /** - * This method parses only one rule (style rule or at-rule, except - * @charset). - * - * @param source - * the source of the rule. - * @exception IOException - * the source can't be parsed. - * @exception CSSException - * the source is not CSS valid. + * This method parses only one rule (style rule or at-rule, except @charset). + * + * @param source the source of the rule. + * @exception IOException the source can't be parsed. + * @exception CSSException the source is not CSS valid. */ - public void parseRule(InputSource source) throws CSSException, IOException { + public void parseRule(InputSource source) + throws CSSException, IOException { this.source = source; ReInit(getCharStreamWithLurk(source)); @@ -177,16 +153,13 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { /** * This method parses a style declaration (including the surrounding curly * braces). - * - * @param source - * the source of the style declaration. - * @exception IOException - * the source can't be parsed. - * @exception CSSException - * the source is not CSS valid. + * + * @param source the source of the style declaration. + * @exception IOException the source can't be parsed. + * @exception CSSException the source is not CSS valid. */ - public void parseStyleDeclaration(InputSource source) throws CSSException, - IOException { + public void parseStyleDeclaration(InputSource source) + throws CSSException, IOException { this.source = source; ReInit(getCharStreamWithLurk(source)); @@ -201,7 +174,6 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { /** * This methods returns "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2". - * * @return the string "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2". */ public String getParserVersion() { @@ -211,8 +183,8 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { /** * Parse methods used by DOM Level 2 implementation. */ - public void parseImportRule(InputSource source) throws CSSException, - IOException { + public void parseImportRule(InputSource source) + throws CSSException, IOException { this.source = source; ReInit(getCharStreamWithLurk(source)); @@ -225,8 +197,8 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { _parseImportRule(); } - public void parseMediaRule(InputSource source) throws CSSException, - IOException { + public void parseMediaRule(InputSource source) + throws CSSException, IOException { this.source = source; ReInit(getCharStreamWithLurk(source)); @@ -239,8 +211,8 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { _parseMediaRule(); } - public SelectorList parseSelectors(InputSource source) throws CSSException, - IOException { + public SelectorList parseSelectors(InputSource source) + throws CSSException, IOException { this.source = source; ReInit(getCharStreamWithLurk(source)); @@ -255,8 +227,8 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { return expr(); } - public boolean parsePriority(InputSource source) throws CSSException, - IOException { + public boolean parsePriority(InputSource source) + throws CSSException, IOException { this.source = source; ReInit(getCharStreamWithLurk(source)); @@ -264,8 +236,7 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } /** - * Convert the source into a Reader. Used only by DOM Level 2 parser - * methods. + * Convert the source into a Reader. Used only by DOM Level 2 parser methods. */ private Reader getReader(InputSource source) throws IOException { if (source.getCharacterStream() != null) { @@ -277,7 +248,7 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { return new InputStreamReader(source.getByteStream(), "ASCII"); } else { return new InputStreamReader(source.getByteStream(), - source.getEncoding()); + source.getEncoding()); } } else { // systemId @@ -287,10 +258,11 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } /** - * Convert the source into a CharStream with encoding informations. The - * encoding can be found in the InputSource or in the CSS document. Since - * this method marks the reader and make a reset after looking for the - * charset declaration, you'll find the charset declaration into the stream. + * Convert the source into a CharStream with encoding informations. + * The encoding can be found in the InputSource or in the CSS document. + * Since this method marks the reader and make a reset after looking for + * the charset declaration, you'll find the charset declaration into the + * stream. */ private CharStream getCharStreamWithLurk(InputSource source) throws CSSException, IOException { @@ -310,7 +282,7 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } } } - // use UTF-8 as the default encoding. + //use UTF-8 as the default encoding. String encoding = source.getEncoding(); InputStream input = source.getByteStream(); if (!input.markSupported()) { @@ -320,7 +292,7 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } // Mark either the original stream or the wrapped stream input.mark(100); - if (encoding == null) { + if(encoding == null){ encoding = "ASCII"; char c = ' '; @@ -329,15 +301,14 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { if (c == '@') { // hum, is it a charset ? - int size = 100; + int size = 100; byte[] buf = new byte[size]; input.read(buf, 0, 7); String keyword = new String(buf, 0, 7); if (keyword.equals("charset")) { // Yes, this is the charset declaration ! - // here I don't use the right declaration : white space are - // ' '. + // here I don't use the right declaration : white space are ' '. while ((c = (char) input.read()) == ' ') { // find the first quote } @@ -364,17 +335,15 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { if (c != ';') { // no semi colon at the end ? throw new CSSException("invalid charset declaration: " - + "missing semi colon"); + + "missing semi colon"); } encoding = new String(buf, 0, i); if (source.getEncoding() != null) { // compare the two encoding informations. - // For example, I don't accept to have ASCII and after - // UTF-8. + // For example, I don't accept to have ASCII and after UTF-8. // Is it really good ? That is the question. if (!encoding.equals(source.getEncoding())) { - throw new CSSException( - "invalid encoding information."); + throw new CSSException("invalid encoding information."); } } } // else no charset declaration available @@ -384,7 +353,7 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { source.setEncoding(encoding); // set the real reader of this source. source.setCharacterStream(new InputStreamReader(source.getByteStream(), - Encoding.getJavaEncoding(encoding))); + Encoding.getJavaEncoding(encoding))); // reset the stream (leave the charset declaration in the stream). input.reset(); @@ -392,7 +361,6 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } private LocatorImpl currentLocator; - private Locator getLocator() { if (currentLocator == null) { currentLocator = new LocatorImpl(this); @@ -400,7 +368,6 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } return currentLocator.reInit(this); } - private LocatorImpl getLocator(Token save) { if (currentLocator == null) { currentLocator = new LocatorImpl(this, save); @@ -417,8 +384,8 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { if (pe.specialConstructor) { StringBuffer errorM = new StringBuffer(); if (pe.currentToken != null) { - errorM.append("encountered \u005c"").append( - pe.currentToken.next); + errorM.append("encountered \u005c"") + .append(pe.currentToken.next); } errorM.append('"'); if (pe.expectedTokenSequences.length != 0) { @@ -434,10 +401,10 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } } errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException(errorM.toString(), - l, e)); + l, e)); } else { - errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException(e.getMessage(), l, - e)); + errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException(e.getMessage(), + l, e)); } } else if (e == null) { errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException("error", l, null)); @@ -448,5095 +415,5212 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { } private void reportWarningSkipText(Locator l, String text) { - if (errorHandler != null && text != null) { + if (errorHandler != null && text != null) { errorHandler.warning(new CSSParseException("Skipping: " + text, l)); } } - /* - * The grammar of CSS2 - */ +/* + * The grammar of CSS2 + */ - /** - * The main entry for the parser. - * - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void parserUnit() throws ParseException { - try { - documentHandler.startDocument(source); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case CHARSET_SYM: - charset(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[0] = jj_gen; - ; - } - label_1: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - case CDO: - case CDC: - case ATKEYWORD: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[1] = jj_gen; - break label_1; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - jj_consume_token(S); - comments(); - break; - case CDO: - case CDC: - case ATKEYWORD: - ignoreStatement(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[2] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - label_2: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IMPORT_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[3] = jj_gen; - break label_2; - } - importDeclaration(); - label_3: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case CDO: - case CDC: - case ATKEYWORD: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[4] = jj_gen; - break label_3; - } - ignoreStatement(); - label_4: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[5] = jj_gen; - break label_4; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } - } - afterImportDeclaration(); - jj_consume_token(0); - } finally { - documentHandler.endDocument(source); +/** + * The main entry for the parser. + * + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void parserUnit() throws ParseException { + try { + documentHandler.startDocument(source); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case CHARSET_SYM: + charset(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[0] = jj_gen; + ; + } + label_1: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + case CDO: + case CDC: + case ATKEYWORD: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[1] = jj_gen; + break label_1; } - } - - final public void charset() throws ParseException { - Token n; - try { - jj_consume_token(CHARSET_SYM); - label_5: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[6] = jj_gen; - break label_5; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - n = jj_consume_token(STRING); - label_6: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[7] = jj_gen; - break label_6; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - } catch (ParseException e) { - reportError(getLocator(e.currentToken.next), e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - - } catch (Exception e) { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + jj_consume_token(S); + comments(); + break; + case CDO: + case CDC: + case ATKEYWORD: + ignoreStatement(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[2] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + label_2: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IMPORT_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[3] = jj_gen; + break label_2; } - } - - final public void afterImportDeclaration() throws ParseException { - String ret; - Locator l; - label_7: while (true) { + importDeclaration(); + label_3: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case CDO: + case CDC: + case ATKEYWORD: ; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - debuggingDirective(); - break; - case MIXIN_SYM: - mixinDirective(); - break; - case EACH_SYM: - case IF_SYM: - controlDirective(); - break; - case INCLUDE_SYM: - includeDirective(); - break; - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - case HASH: - styleRule(); - break; - case MEDIA_SYM: - media(); - break; - case PAGE_SYM: - page(); - break; - case FONT_FACE_SYM: - fontFace(); - break; - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - keyframes(); - break; + break; + default: + jj_la1[4] = jj_gen; + break label_3; + } + ignoreStatement(); + label_4: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[8] = jj_gen; - if (jj_2_1(2147483647)) { - variable(); - } else { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case VARIABLE: - listModifyDirective(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[9] = jj_gen; - l = getLocator(); - ret = skipStatement(); - if ((ret == null) || (ret.length() == 0)) { - { - if (true) { - return; - } - } - } - if (ret.charAt(0) == '@') { - documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); - } else { - reportWarningSkipText(l, ret); - } - } - } + jj_la1[5] = jj_gen; + break label_4; } - label_8: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case CDO: - case CDC: - case ATKEYWORD: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[10] = jj_gen; - break label_8; - } - ignoreStatement(); - label_9: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[11] = jj_gen; - break label_9; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } - } - } - - final public void ignoreStatement() throws ParseException { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case CDO: - jj_consume_token(CDO); + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } + } + afterImportDeclaration(); + jj_consume_token(0); + } finally { + documentHandler.endDocument(source); + } + } + + final public void charset() throws ParseException { + Token n; + try { + jj_consume_token(CHARSET_SYM); + label_5: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[6] = jj_gen; + break label_5; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + n = jj_consume_token(STRING); + label_6: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[7] = jj_gen; + break label_6; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + } catch (ParseException e) { + reportError(getLocator(e.currentToken.next), e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); + + } catch (Exception e) { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); + + } + } + + final public void afterImportDeclaration() throws ParseException { + String ret; + Locator l; + label_7: + while (true) { + ; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + debuggingDirective(); + break; + case MIXIN_SYM: + mixinDirective(); + break; + case EACH_SYM: + case IF_SYM: + controlDirective(); + break; + case INCLUDE_SYM: + includeDirective(); + break; + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + case HASH: + styleRule(); + break; + case MEDIA_SYM: + media(); + break; + case PAGE_SYM: + page(); + break; + case FONT_FACE_SYM: + fontFace(); + break; + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + keyframes(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[8] = jj_gen; + if (jj_2_1(2147483647)) { + variable(); + } else { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case VARIABLE: + listModifyDirective(); break; + default: + jj_la1[9] = jj_gen; + l = getLocator(); + ret = skipStatement(); + if ((ret == null) || (ret.length() == 0)) { + {if (true) return;} + } + if (ret.charAt(0) == '@') { + documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); + } else { + reportWarningSkipText(l, ret); + } + } + } + } + label_8: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case CDO: case CDC: - jj_consume_token(CDC); - break; case ATKEYWORD: - atRuleDeclaration(); - break; + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[12] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - - /** - * The import statement - * - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void importDeclaration() throws ParseException { - Token n; - String uri; - MediaListImpl ml = new MediaListImpl(); - boolean isURL = false; - try { - jj_consume_token(IMPORT_SYM); - label_10: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[13] = jj_gen; - break label_10; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case STRING: - n = jj_consume_token(STRING); - uri = convertStringIndex(n.image, 1, n.image.length() - 1); - break; - case URL: - n = jj_consume_token(URL); - isURL = true; - uri = n.image.substring(4, n.image.length() - 1).trim(); - if ((uri.charAt(0) == '"') || (uri.charAt(0) == '\u005c'')) { - uri = uri.substring(1, uri.length() - 1); - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[14] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - label_11: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[15] = jj_gen; - break label_11; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - mediaStatement(ml); - break; - default: - jj_la1[16] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_12: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[17] = jj_gen; - break label_12; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - if (ml.getLength() == 0) { - // see section 6.3 of the CSS2 recommandation. - ml.addItem("all"); - } - documentHandler.importStyle(uri, ml, isURL); - } catch (ParseException e) { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - - } - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void keyframes() throws ParseException { - Token n; - boolean start = false; - String keyframeName = null; - String animationname = ""; - try { - n = jj_consume_token(KEY_FRAME_SYM); - label_13: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[18] = jj_gen; - break label_13; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - keyframeName = n.image; - label_14: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - animationname += n.image; - break; - case INTERPOLATION: - n = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); - animationname += n.image; - break; - default: - jj_la1[19] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[20] = jj_gen; - break label_14; - } - } - label_15: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[21] = jj_gen; - break label_15; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - start = true; - documentHandler.startKeyFrames(keyframeName, animationname); - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_16: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[22] = jj_gen; - break label_16; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - label_17: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case TO: - case FROM: - case PERCENTAGE: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[23] = jj_gen; - break label_17; - } - keyframeSelector(); - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_18: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[24] = jj_gen; - break label_18; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } catch (ParseException e) { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - skipStatement(); - } finally { - if (start) { - documentHandler.endKeyFrames(); - } + jj_la1[10] = jj_gen; + break label_8; } - } - - final public void keyframeSelector() throws ParseException { - Token n; - boolean start = false; - try { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case FROM: - n = jj_consume_token(FROM); - break; - case TO: - n = jj_consume_token(TO); - break; - case PERCENTAGE: - n = jj_consume_token(PERCENTAGE); - break; - default: - jj_la1[25] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - label_19: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[26] = jj_gen; - break label_19; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_20: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[27] = jj_gen; - break label_20; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - start = true; - documentHandler.startKeyframeSelector(n.image); - label_21: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EACH_SYM: - case IF_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case MICROSOFT_RULE: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[28] = jj_gen; - break label_21; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ifContentStatement(); - break; - case EACH_SYM: - case IF_SYM: - controlDirective(); - break; - case MICROSOFT_RULE: - microsoftExtension(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[29] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_22: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[30] = jj_gen; - break label_22; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } catch (ThrowedParseException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, - e.e.currentToken.next.beginLine, - e.e.currentToken.next.beginColumn - 1); - reportError(li, e.e); - } - } catch (ParseException e) { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - - } catch (TokenMgrError e) { - reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - } finally { - if (start) { - documentHandler.endKeyframeSelector(); - } - } - } + ignoreStatement(); + label_9: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[11] = jj_gen; + break label_9; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } + } + } + + final public void ignoreStatement() throws ParseException { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case CDO: + jj_consume_token(CDO); + break; + case CDC: + jj_consume_token(CDC); + break; + case ATKEYWORD: + atRuleDeclaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[12] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void media() throws ParseException { - boolean start = false; - String ret; - MediaListImpl ml = new MediaListImpl(); - try { - jj_consume_token(MEDIA_SYM); - label_23: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[31] = jj_gen; - break label_23; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - mediaStatement(ml); - start = true; - documentHandler.startMedia(ml); - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_24: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[32] = jj_gen; - break label_24; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - label_25: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case CDO: - case LBRACE: - case DASHMATCH: - case INCLUDES: - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case COMMA: - case SEMICOLON: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case NONASCII: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case URL: - case PERCENTAGE: - case HASH: - case IMPORT_SYM: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case CHARSET_SYM: - case PAGE_SYM: - case FONT_FACE_SYM: - case ATKEYWORD: - case IMPORTANT_SYM: - case UNICODERANGE: - case FUNCTION: - case UNKNOWN: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[33] = jj_gen; - break label_25; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - debuggingDirective(); - break; - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - case HASH: - styleRule(); - break; - case CDO: - case LBRACE: - case DASHMATCH: - case INCLUDES: - case MINUS: - case COMMA: - case SEMICOLON: - case NONASCII: - case STRING: - case NUMBER: - case URL: - case PERCENTAGE: - case IMPORT_SYM: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case CHARSET_SYM: - case PAGE_SYM: - case FONT_FACE_SYM: - case ATKEYWORD: - case IMPORTANT_SYM: - case UNICODERANGE: - case FUNCTION: - case UNKNOWN: - skipUnknownRule(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[34] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_26: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[35] = jj_gen; - break label_26; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } catch (ParseException e) { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - - } finally { - if (start) { - documentHandler.endMedia(ml); - } +/** + * The import statement + * + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void importDeclaration() throws ParseException { + Token n; + String uri; + MediaListImpl ml = new MediaListImpl(); + boolean isURL = false; + try { + jj_consume_token(IMPORT_SYM); + label_10: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[13] = jj_gen; + break label_10; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case STRING: + n = jj_consume_token(STRING); + uri = convertStringIndex(n.image, 1, + n.image.length() -1); + break; + case URL: + n = jj_consume_token(URL); + isURL=true; + uri = n.image.substring(4, n.image.length()-1).trim(); + if ((uri.charAt(0) == '"') + || (uri.charAt(0) == '\u005c'')) { + uri = uri.substring(1, uri.length()-1); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[14] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_11: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[15] = jj_gen; + break label_11; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + mediaStatement(ml); + break; + default: + jj_la1[16] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_12: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[17] = jj_gen; + break label_12; } - } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + if (ml.getLength() == 0) { + // see section 6.3 of the CSS2 recommandation. + ml.addItem("all"); + } + documentHandler.importStyle(uri, ml, isURL); + } catch (ParseException e) { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - final public void mediaStatement(MediaListImpl ml) throws ParseException { - String m; - m = medium(); - label_27: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[36] = jj_gen; - break label_27; - } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_28: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[37] = jj_gen; - break label_28; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - ml.addItem(m); - m = medium(); - } - ml.addItem(m); } + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String medium() throws ParseException { - Token n; - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - label_29: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; - break label_29; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return convertIdent(n.image); - } +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void keyframes() throws ParseException { + Token n; + boolean start = false; + String keyframeName = null; + String animationname = ""; + try { + n = jj_consume_token(KEY_FRAME_SYM); + label_13: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[18] = jj_gen; + break label_13; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + keyframeName = n.image; + label_14: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + animationname += n.image; + break; + case INTERPOLATION: + n = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); + animationname += n.image; + break; + default: + jj_la1[19] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void page() throws ParseException { - boolean start = false; - Token n = null; - String page = null; - String pseudo = null; - try { - jj_consume_token(PAGE_SYM); - label_30: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; - break label_30; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - label_31: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; - break label_31; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; - ; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COLON: - pseudo = pseudo_page(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; - ; - } - if (n != null) { - page = convertIdent(n.image); - } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_32: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; - break label_32; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - start = true; - documentHandler.startPage(page, pseudo); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[44] = jj_gen; - ; - } - label_33: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[45] = jj_gen; - break label_33; - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_34: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[46] = jj_gen; - break label_34; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[47] = jj_gen; - ; - } - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_35: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[48] = jj_gen; - break label_35; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } catch (ParseException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, - e.currentToken.next.beginLine, - e.currentToken.next.beginColumn - 1); - reportError(li, e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(li, skipStatement()); - } else { - skipStatement(); - } - } finally { - if (start) { - documentHandler.endPage(page, pseudo); - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[20] = jj_gen; + break label_14; } - } - - final public String pseudo_page() throws ParseException { - Token n; - jj_consume_token(COLON); - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - label_36: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[49] = jj_gen; - break label_36; - } - jj_consume_token(S); + } + label_15: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[21] = jj_gen; + break label_15; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + start = true; documentHandler.startKeyFrames(keyframeName, animationname); + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_16: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[22] = jj_gen; + break label_16; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + label_17: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case TO: + case FROM: + case PERCENTAGE: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[23] = jj_gen; + break label_17; + } + keyframeSelector(); + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_18: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[24] = jj_gen; + break label_18; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } catch (ParseException e) { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + skipStatement(); + } finally { + if (start) { + documentHandler.endKeyFrames(); + } + } + } + + final public void keyframeSelector() throws ParseException { + Token n; + boolean start = false; + try { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case FROM: + n = jj_consume_token(FROM); + break; + case TO: + n = jj_consume_token(TO); + break; + case PERCENTAGE: + n = jj_consume_token(PERCENTAGE); + break; + default: + jj_la1[25] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_19: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[26] = jj_gen; + break label_19; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_20: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[27] = jj_gen; + break label_20; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + start = true; + documentHandler.startKeyframeSelector(n.image); + label_21: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EACH_SYM: + case IF_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case MICROSOFT_RULE: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[28] = jj_gen; + break label_21; } - { - if (true) { - return convertIdent(n.image); - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ifContentStatement(); + break; + case EACH_SYM: + case IF_SYM: + controlDirective(); + break; + case MICROSOFT_RULE: + microsoftExtension(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[29] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_22: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[30] = jj_gen; + break label_22; } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public void fontFace() throws ParseException { - boolean start = false; - try { - jj_consume_token(FONT_FACE_SYM); - label_37: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[50] = jj_gen; - break label_37; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_38: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[51] = jj_gen; - break label_38; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - start = true; - documentHandler.startFontFace(); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[52] = jj_gen; - ; - } - label_39: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[53] = jj_gen; - break label_39; - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_40: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[54] = jj_gen; - break label_40; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[55] = jj_gen; - ; - } - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_41: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[56] = jj_gen; - break label_41; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } catch (ParseException e) { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - - } finally { - if (start) { - documentHandler.endFontFace(); - } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } catch (ThrowedParseException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, + e.e.currentToken.next.beginLine, + e.e.currentToken.next.beginColumn-1); + reportError(li, e.e); } - } + } catch (ParseException e) { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void atRuleDeclaration() throws ParseException { - Token n; - String ret; - n = jj_consume_token(ATKEYWORD); - ret = skipStatement(); - if ((ret != null) && (ret.charAt(0) == '@')) { - documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); - } else { - reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), ret); + } catch (TokenMgrError e) { + reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); + } finally { + if (start) { + documentHandler.endKeyframeSelector(); } } + } - final public void skipUnknownRule() throws ParseException { - Token n; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case ATKEYWORD: - n = jj_consume_token(ATKEYWORD); - break; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void media() throws ParseException { + boolean start = false; + String ret; + MediaListImpl ml = new MediaListImpl(); + try { + jj_consume_token(MEDIA_SYM); + label_23: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[31] = jj_gen; + break label_23; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + mediaStatement(ml); + start = true; documentHandler.startMedia(ml); + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_24: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[32] = jj_gen; + break label_24; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + label_25: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case CDO: - n = jj_consume_token(CDO); - break; - case CHARSET_SYM: - n = jj_consume_token(CHARSET_SYM); - break; - case COMMA: - n = jj_consume_token(COMMA); - break; + case LBRACE: case DASHMATCH: - n = jj_consume_token(DASHMATCH); - break; - case FONT_FACE_SYM: - n = jj_consume_token(FONT_FACE_SYM); - break; - case FUNCTION: - n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); - break; - case IMPORTANT_SYM: - n = jj_consume_token(IMPORTANT_SYM); - break; - case IMPORT_SYM: - n = jj_consume_token(IMPORT_SYM); - break; case INCLUDES: - n = jj_consume_token(INCLUDES); - break; - case LBRACE: - n = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - break; - case MEDIA_SYM: - n = jj_consume_token(MEDIA_SYM); - break; + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case COMMA: + case SEMICOLON: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: case NONASCII: - n = jj_consume_token(NONASCII); - break; + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case STRING: + case IDENT: case NUMBER: - n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); - break; - case PAGE_SYM: - n = jj_consume_token(PAGE_SYM); - break; + case URL: case PERCENTAGE: - n = jj_consume_token(PERCENTAGE); - break; - case STRING: - n = jj_consume_token(STRING); - break; + case HASH: + case IMPORT_SYM: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case CHARSET_SYM: + case PAGE_SYM: + case FONT_FACE_SYM: + case ATKEYWORD: + case IMPORTANT_SYM: case UNICODERANGE: - n = jj_consume_token(UNICODERANGE); - break; - case URL: - n = jj_consume_token(URL); - break; - case SEMICOLON: - n = jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - break; - case MINUS: - n = jj_consume_token(MINUS); - break; + case FUNCTION: case UNKNOWN: - n = jj_consume_token(UNKNOWN); - break; + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[57] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - String ret; - Locator loc = getLocator(); - ret = skipStatement(); - if ((ret != null) && (n.image.charAt(0) == '@')) { - documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); - } else { - reportWarningSkipText(loc, ret); + jj_la1[33] = jj_gen; + break label_25; } - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public char combinator() throws ParseException { - char connector = ' '; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + debuggingDirective(); + break; case PLUS: case PRECEDES: case SIBLING: - connector = combinatorChar(); - break; + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + case HASH: + styleRule(); + break; + case CDO: + case LBRACE: + case DASHMATCH: + case INCLUDES: + case MINUS: + case COMMA: + case SEMICOLON: + case NONASCII: + case STRING: + case NUMBER: + case URL: + case PERCENTAGE: + case IMPORT_SYM: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case CHARSET_SYM: + case PAGE_SYM: + case FONT_FACE_SYM: + case ATKEYWORD: + case IMPORTANT_SYM: + case UNICODERANGE: + case FUNCTION: + case UNKNOWN: + skipUnknownRule(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[34] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_26: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case S: - jj_consume_token(S); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - connector = combinatorChar(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[58] = jj_gen; - ; - } - break; + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[59] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - { - if (true) { - return connector; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - /** to refactor combinator and reuse in selector(). */ - final public char combinatorChar() throws ParseException { - Token t; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - t = jj_consume_token(PLUS); - break; - case PRECEDES: - t = jj_consume_token(PRECEDES); - break; - case SIBLING: - t = jj_consume_token(SIBLING); - break; + jj_la1[35] = jj_gen; + break label_26; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } catch (ParseException e) { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); + + } finally { + if (start) { + documentHandler.endMedia(ml); + } + } + } + + final public void mediaStatement(MediaListImpl ml) throws ParseException { + String m; + m = medium(); + label_27: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[36] = jj_gen; + break label_27; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_28: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[60] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - label_42: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[61] = jj_gen; - break label_42; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return t.image.charAt(0); - } + jj_la1[37] = jj_gen; + break label_28; } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + jj_consume_token(S); + } + ml.addItem(m); + m = medium(); } + ml.addItem(m); + } - final public void microsoftExtension() throws ParseException { - Token n; - String name = ""; - String value = ""; - // This is not really taking the syntax of filter rules into account - n = jj_consume_token(MICROSOFT_RULE); - label_43: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[62] = jj_gen; - break label_43; - } - jj_consume_token(S); +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String medium() throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + label_29: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; + break label_29; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return convertIdent(n.image);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void page() throws ParseException { + boolean start = false; + Token n = null; + String page = null; + String pseudo = null; + try { + jj_consume_token(PAGE_SYM); + label_30: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; + break label_30; } - name = n.image; - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_44: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - value += n.image; - break; - case NUMBER: - n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); - value += n.image; - break; - case STRING: - n = jj_consume_token(STRING); - value += n.image; - break; - case COMMA: - n = jj_consume_token(COMMA); - value += n.image; - break; - case INTERPOLATION: - n = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); - value += n.image; - break; - case COLON: - n = jj_consume_token(COLON); - value += n.image; - break; - case FUNCTION: - n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); - value += n.image; - break; - case RPARAN: - n = jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - value += n.image; - break; - case EQ: - n = jj_consume_token(EQ); - value += n.image; - break; - case DOT: - n = jj_consume_token(DOT); - value += n.image; - break; - case S: - n = jj_consume_token(S); - if (value.lastIndexOf(' ') != value.length() - 1) { - value += n.image; - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[63] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - case EQ: - case COMMA: - case DOT: - case RPARAN: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case FUNCTION: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[64] = jj_gen; - break label_44; - } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + label_31: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; + break label_31; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; + ; + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COLON: + pseudo = pseudo_page(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; + ; + } + if (n != null) { + page = convertIdent(n.image); + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_32: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; + break label_32; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + start = true; + documentHandler.startPage(page, pseudo); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[44] = jj_gen; + ; + } + label_33: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[45] = jj_gen; + break label_33; } jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_45: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[65] = jj_gen; - break label_45; - } - jj_consume_token(S); + label_34: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[46] = jj_gen; + break label_34; + } + jj_consume_token(S); } - documentHandler.microsoftDirective(name, value); - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String property() throws ParseException { - Token t; - String s = ""; - label_46: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - t = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - s += t.image; - break; - case INTERPOLATION: - t = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); - s += t.image; - break; - default: - jj_la1[66] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[67] = jj_gen; - break label_46; - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[47] = jj_gen; + ; + } + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_35: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[48] = jj_gen; + break label_35; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } catch (ParseException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, + e.currentToken.next.beginLine, + e.currentToken.next.beginColumn-1); + reportError(li, e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(li, skipStatement()); + } else { + skipStatement(); + } + } finally { + if (start) { + documentHandler.endPage(page, pseudo); + } + } + } + + final public String pseudo_page() throws ParseException { + Token n; + jj_consume_token(COLON); + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + label_36: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[49] = jj_gen; + break label_36; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return convertIdent(n.image);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void fontFace() throws ParseException { + boolean start = false; + try { + jj_consume_token(FONT_FACE_SYM); + label_37: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[50] = jj_gen; + break label_37; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_38: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[51] = jj_gen; + break label_38; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + start = true; documentHandler.startFontFace(); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[52] = jj_gen; + ; + } + label_39: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[53] = jj_gen; + break label_39; } - label_47: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[68] = jj_gen; - break label_47; - } - jj_consume_token(S); + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_40: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[54] = jj_gen; + break label_40; + } + jj_consume_token(S); } - { - if (true) { - return s; - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[55] = jj_gen; + ; + } + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_41: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[56] = jj_gen; + break label_41; } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } catch (ParseException e) { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); + + } finally { + if (start) { + documentHandler.endFontFace(); + } } + } - final public String variableName() throws ParseException { - Token n; - n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - label_48: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[69] = jj_gen; - break label_48; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return convertIdent(n.image.substring(1)); - } +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void atRuleDeclaration() throws ParseException { + Token n; + String ret; + n = jj_consume_token(ATKEYWORD); + ret=skipStatement(); + if ((ret != null) && (ret.charAt(0) == '@')) { + documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); + } else { + reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), ret); } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + } + + final public void skipUnknownRule() throws ParseException { + Token n; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case ATKEYWORD: + n = jj_consume_token(ATKEYWORD); + break; + case CDO: + n = jj_consume_token(CDO); + break; + case CHARSET_SYM: + n = jj_consume_token(CHARSET_SYM); + break; + case COMMA: + n = jj_consume_token(COMMA); + break; + case DASHMATCH: + n = jj_consume_token(DASHMATCH); + break; + case FONT_FACE_SYM: + n = jj_consume_token(FONT_FACE_SYM); + break; + case FUNCTION: + n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); + break; + case IMPORTANT_SYM: + n = jj_consume_token(IMPORTANT_SYM); + break; + case IMPORT_SYM: + n = jj_consume_token(IMPORT_SYM); + break; + case INCLUDES: + n = jj_consume_token(INCLUDES); + break; + case LBRACE: + n = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + break; + case MEDIA_SYM: + n = jj_consume_token(MEDIA_SYM); + break; + case NONASCII: + n = jj_consume_token(NONASCII); + break; + case NUMBER: + n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); + break; + case PAGE_SYM: + n = jj_consume_token(PAGE_SYM); + break; + case PERCENTAGE: + n = jj_consume_token(PERCENTAGE); + break; + case STRING: + n = jj_consume_token(STRING); + break; + case UNICODERANGE: + n = jj_consume_token(UNICODERANGE); + break; + case URL: + n = jj_consume_token(URL); + break; + case SEMICOLON: + n = jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + break; + case MINUS: + n = jj_consume_token(MINUS); + break; + case UNKNOWN: + n = jj_consume_token(UNKNOWN); + break; + default: + jj_la1[57] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + String ret; + Locator loc = getLocator(); + ret=skipStatement(); + if ((ret != null) && (n.image.charAt(0) == '@')) { + documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); + } else { + reportWarningSkipText(loc, ret); + } + } - final public String functionName() throws ParseException { - Token n; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public char combinator() throws ParseException { +char connector = ' '; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + connector = combinatorChar(); + break; + case S: + jj_consume_token(S); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + connector = combinatorChar(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[58] = jj_gen; + ; + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[59] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + {if (true) return connector;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + +/**to refactor combinator and reuse in selector().*/ + final public char combinatorChar() throws ParseException { + Token t; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + t = jj_consume_token(PLUS); + break; + case PRECEDES: + t = jj_consume_token(PRECEDES); + break; + case SIBLING: + t = jj_consume_token(SIBLING); + break; + default: + jj_la1[60] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_42: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[61] = jj_gen; + break label_42; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return t.image.charAt(0);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void microsoftExtension() throws ParseException { + Token n; + String name = ""; + String value = ""; + // This is not really taking the syntax of filter rules into account + n = jj_consume_token(MICROSOFT_RULE); + label_43: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[62] = jj_gen; + break label_43; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + name = n.image; + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_44: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + value += n.image; + break; + case NUMBER: + n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); + value += n.image; + break; + case STRING: + n = jj_consume_token(STRING); + value += n.image; + break; + case COMMA: + n = jj_consume_token(COMMA); + value += n.image; + break; + case INTERPOLATION: + n = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); + value += n.image; + break; + case COLON: + n = jj_consume_token(COLON); + value += n.image; + break; + case FUNCTION: n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); - label_49: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[70] = jj_gen; - break label_49; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return convertIdent(n.image.substring(0, n.image.length() - 1)); - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + value += n.image; + break; + case RPARAN: + n = jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + value += n.image; + break; + case EQ: + n = jj_consume_token(EQ); + value += n.image; + break; + case DOT: + n = jj_consume_token(DOT); + value += n.image; + break; + case S: + n = jj_consume_token(S); + if(value.lastIndexOf(' ') != value.length()-1) + { value += n.image; } + break; + default: + jj_la1[63] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + case EQ: + case COMMA: + case DOT: + case RPARAN: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case STRING: + case IDENT: + case NUMBER: + case FUNCTION: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[64] = jj_gen; + break label_44; + } + } + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_45: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[65] = jj_gen; + break label_45; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.microsoftDirective(name, value); + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void styleRule() throws ParseException { - boolean start = false; - ArrayList<String> l = null; - Token save; - Locator loc; - try { - l = selectorList(); - save = token; - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_50: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[71] = jj_gen; - break label_50; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - start = true; - documentHandler.startSelector(l); - label_51: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EACH_SYM: - case IF_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case MICROSOFT_RULE: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[72] = jj_gen; - break label_51; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ifContentStatement(); - break; - case EACH_SYM: - case IF_SYM: - controlDirective(); - break; - case MICROSOFT_RULE: - microsoftExtension(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[73] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_52: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[74] = jj_gen; - break label_52; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } catch (ThrowedParseException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, - e.e.currentToken.next.beginLine, - e.e.currentToken.next.beginColumn - 1); - reportError(li, e.e); - } - } catch (ParseException e) { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - skipStatement(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - - } catch (TokenMgrError e) { - reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); - } finally { - if (start) { - documentHandler.endSelector(); - } - } - } +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String property() throws ParseException { + Token t;String s = ""; + label_46: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + t = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + s += t.image; + break; + case INTERPOLATION: + t = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); + s += t.image; + break; + default: + jj_la1[66] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[67] = jj_gen; + break label_46; + } + } + label_47: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[68] = jj_gen; + break label_47; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return s;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public String variableName() throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + label_48: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[69] = jj_gen; + break label_48; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return convertIdent(n.image.substring(1));} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public String functionName() throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); + label_49: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[70] = jj_gen; + break label_49; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return convertIdent(n.image.substring(0, n.image.length()-1));} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - final public ArrayList<String> selectorList() throws ParseException { - ArrayList<String> selectors = new ArrayList<String>(); - String selector; - selector = selector(); - label_53: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[75] = jj_gen; - break label_53; - } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_54: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[76] = jj_gen; - break label_54; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - selectors.add(selector); - selector = selector(); +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void styleRule() throws ParseException { + boolean start = false; + ArrayList<String> l = null; + Token save; + Locator loc; + try { + l = selectorList(); + save = token; + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_50: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[71] = jj_gen; + break label_50; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + start = true; + documentHandler.startSelector(l); + label_51: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EACH_SYM: + case IF_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case MICROSOFT_RULE: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[72] = jj_gen; + break label_51; } - selectors.add(selector); - { - if (true) { - return selectors; - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ifContentStatement(); + break; + case EACH_SYM: + case IF_SYM: + controlDirective(); + break; + case MICROSOFT_RULE: + microsoftExtension(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[73] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_52: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[74] = jj_gen; + break label_52; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } catch (ThrowedParseException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, + e.e.currentToken.next.beginLine, + e.e.currentToken.next.beginColumn-1); + reportError(li, e.e); + } + } catch (ParseException e) { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + skipStatement(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); + + } catch (TokenMgrError e) { + reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipStatement()); + } finally { + if (start) { + documentHandler.endSelector(); + } + } + } + + final public ArrayList<String> selectorList() throws ParseException { + ArrayList<String> selectors = new ArrayList<String>(); + String selector; + selector = selector(); + label_53: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[75] = jj_gen; + break label_53; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_54: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[76] = jj_gen; + break label_54; } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + jj_consume_token(S); + } + selectors.add(selector); + selector = selector(); } + selectors.add(selector); + {if (true) return selectors;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String selector() throws ParseException { + String selector = null; + char comb; + try { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + case HASH: + selector = simple_selector(null, ' '); + break; + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + comb = combinatorChar(); + selector = simple_selector(selector, comb); + break; + default: + jj_la1[77] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_55: + while (true) { + if (jj_2_2(2)) { + ; + } else { + break label_55; + } + comb = combinator(); + selector = simple_selector(selector, comb); + } + label_56: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[78] = jj_gen; + break label_56; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return selector;} + } catch (ParseException e) { + /* + Token t = getToken(1); + StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); + s.append(getToken(0).image); + while ((t.kind != COMMA) && (t.kind != SEMICOLON) + && (t.kind != LBRACE) && (t.kind != EOF)) { + s.append(t.image); + getNextToken(); + t = getToken(1); + } + reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), s.toString()); */ - final public String selector() throws ParseException { - String selector = null; - char comb; - try { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - case HASH: - selector = simple_selector(null, ' '); - break; - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - comb = combinatorChar(); - selector = simple_selector(selector, comb); - break; - default: - jj_la1[77] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - label_55: while (true) { - if (jj_2_2(2)) { - ; - } else { - break label_55; - } - comb = combinator(); - selector = simple_selector(selector, comb); - } - label_56: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[78] = jj_gen; - break label_56; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return selector; - } - } - } catch (ParseException e) { - /* - * Token t = getToken(1); StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); - * s.append(getToken(0).image); while ((t.kind != COMMA) && (t.kind - * != SEMICOLON) && (t.kind != LBRACE) && (t.kind != EOF)) { - * s.append(t.image); getNextToken(); t = getToken(1); } - * reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), s.toString()); - */ - Token t = getToken(1); - while ((t.kind != COMMA) && (t.kind != SEMICOLON) - && (t.kind != LBRACE) && (t.kind != EOF)) { - getNextToken(); - t = getToken(1); - } + Token t = getToken(1); + while ((t.kind != COMMA) && (t.kind != SEMICOLON) + && (t.kind != LBRACE) && (t.kind != EOF)) { + getNextToken(); + t = getToken(1); + } - { - if (true) { - throw new ThrowedParseException(e); - } - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + {if (true) throw new ThrowedParseException(e);} } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String simple_selector(String selector, char comb) - throws ParseException { - String simple_current = null; - String cond = null; - - pseudoElt = null; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - simple_current = element_name(); - label_57: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case LBRACKET: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case HASH: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[79] = jj_gen; - break label_57; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case HASH: - cond = hash(cond); - break; - case DOT: - cond = _class(cond); - break; - case LBRACKET: - cond = attrib(cond); - break; - case COLON: - cond = pseudo(cond); - break; - default: - jj_la1[80] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - break; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String simple_selector(String selector, char comb) throws ParseException { + String simple_current = null; + String cond = null; + + pseudoElt = null; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + simple_current = element_name(); + label_57: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case LBRACKET: + case DOT: + case COLON: case HASH: - cond = hash(cond); - label_58: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case LBRACKET: - case DOT: - case COLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[81] = jj_gen; - break label_58; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DOT: - cond = _class(cond); - break; - case LBRACKET: - cond = attrib(cond); - break; - case COLON: - cond = pseudo(cond); - break; - default: - jj_la1[82] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - break; + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[79] = jj_gen; + break label_57; + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case HASH: + cond = hash(cond); + break; case DOT: - cond = _class(cond); - label_59: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case LBRACKET: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case HASH: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[83] = jj_gen; - break label_59; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case HASH: - cond = hash(cond); - break; - case DOT: - cond = _class(cond); - break; - case LBRACKET: - cond = attrib(cond); - break; - case COLON: - cond = pseudo(cond); - break; - default: - jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - break; + cond = _class(cond); + break; + case LBRACKET: + cond = attrib(cond); + break; case COLON: - cond = pseudo(cond); - label_60: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case LBRACKET: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case HASH: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; - break label_60; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case HASH: - cond = hash(cond); - break; - case DOT: - cond = _class(cond); - break; - case LBRACKET: - cond = attrib(cond); - break; - case COLON: - cond = pseudo(cond); - break; - default: - jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - break; + cond = pseudo(cond); + break; + default: + jj_la1[80] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + break; + case HASH: + cond = hash(cond); + label_58: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACKET: - cond = attrib(cond); - label_61: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case LBRACKET: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case HASH: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; - break label_61; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case HASH: - cond = hash(cond); - break; - case DOT: - cond = _class(cond); - break; - case LBRACKET: - cond = attrib(cond); - break; - case COLON: - cond = pseudo(cond); - break; - default: - jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - break; + case DOT: + case COLON: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - if (simple_current == null) { - simple_current = ""; - } - if (cond != null) { - simple_current = simple_current + cond; - } - StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); - switch (comb) { - case ' ': - if (selector != null) { - builder.append(selector).append(" "); - } - break; - case '+': - case '>': - case '~': - if (selector != null) { - builder.append(selector).append(" "); - } - builder.append(comb).append(" "); - break; - default: { - if (true) { - throw new ParseException("invalid state. send a bug report"); - } - } + jj_la1[81] = jj_gen; + break label_58; } - builder.append(simple_current); - selector = builder.toString(); - - if (pseudoElt != null) { - selector = selector + pseudoElt; - } - { - if (true) { - return selector; - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case DOT: + cond = _class(cond); + break; + case LBRACKET: + cond = attrib(cond); + break; + case COLON: + cond = pseudo(cond); + break; + default: + jj_la1[82] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + break; + case DOT: + cond = _class(cond); + label_59: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case LBRACKET: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case HASH: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[83] = jj_gen; + break label_59; } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String _class(String pred) throws ParseException { - Token t; - String s = "."; - jj_consume_token(DOT); - label_62: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - t = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - s += t.image; - break; - case INTERPOLATION: - t = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); - s += t.image; - break; - default: - jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[91] = jj_gen; - break label_62; - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case HASH: + cond = hash(cond); + break; + case DOT: + cond = _class(cond); + break; + case LBRACKET: + cond = attrib(cond); + break; + case COLON: + cond = pseudo(cond); + break; + default: + jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + break; + case COLON: + cond = pseudo(cond); + label_60: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case LBRACKET: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case HASH: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; + break label_60; } - if (pred == null) { - { - if (true) { - return s; - } - } - } else { - { - if (true) { - return pred + s; - } - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case HASH: + cond = hash(cond); + break; + case DOT: + cond = _class(cond); + break; + case LBRACKET: + cond = attrib(cond); + break; + case COLON: + cond = pseudo(cond); + break; + default: + jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + break; + case LBRACKET: + cond = attrib(cond); + label_61: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case LBRACKET: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case HASH: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; + break label_61; } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String element_name() throws ParseException { - Token t; - String s = ""; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - label_63: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - t = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - s += t.image; - break; - case INTERPOLATION: - t = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); - s += t.image; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case HASH: + cond = hash(cond); + break; + case DOT: + cond = _class(cond); + break; + case LBRACKET: + cond = attrib(cond); + break; + case COLON: + cond = pseudo(cond); + break; + default: + jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + if (simple_current == null) { + simple_current = ""; + } + if (cond != null) { + simple_current = simple_current + cond; + } + StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); + switch (comb) { + case ' ': + if(selector!=null){ + builder.append(selector).append(" "); + } break; - default: - jj_la1[92] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - ; + case '+': + case '>': + case '~': + if(selector!=null){ + builder.append(selector).append(" "); + } + builder.append(comb).append(" "); break; default: - jj_la1[93] = jj_gen; - break label_63; - } + {if (true) throw new ParseException("invalid state. send a bug report");} } - { - if (true) { - return s; - } - } - break; - case ANY: - jj_consume_token(ANY); - { - if (true) { - return "*"; - } - } - break; - case PARENT: - jj_consume_token(PARENT); - { - if (true) { - return "&"; - } - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[94] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + builder.append(simple_current); + selector = builder.toString(); - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String attrib(String pred) throws ParseException { - int cases = 0; - Token att = null; - Token val = null; - String attValue = null; - jj_consume_token(LBRACKET); - label_64: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[95] = jj_gen; - break label_64; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - att = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - label_65: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[96] = jj_gen; - break label_65; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DASHMATCH: - case CARETMATCH: - case DOLLARMATCH: - case STARMATCH: - case INCLUDES: - case EQ: - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case EQ: - jj_consume_token(EQ); - cases = 1; - break; - case INCLUDES: - jj_consume_token(INCLUDES); - cases = 2; - break; - case DASHMATCH: - jj_consume_token(DASHMATCH); - cases = 3; - break; - case CARETMATCH: - jj_consume_token(CARETMATCH); - cases = 4; - break; - case DOLLARMATCH: - jj_consume_token(DOLLARMATCH); - cases = 5; - break; - case STARMATCH: - jj_consume_token(STARMATCH); - cases = 6; - break; - default: - jj_la1[97] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - label_66: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[98] = jj_gen; - break label_66; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - val = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - attValue = val.image; - break; - case STRING: - val = jj_consume_token(STRING); - attValue = val.image; - break; - default: - jj_la1[99] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); + if (pseudoElt != null) { + selector = selector + pseudoElt; } - label_67: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[100] = jj_gen; - break label_67; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; + {if (true) return selector;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String _class(String pred) throws ParseException { + Token t; +String s = "."; + jj_consume_token(DOT); + label_62: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + t = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + s += t.image; + break; + case INTERPOLATION: + t = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); + s += t.image; + break; + default: + jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[91] = jj_gen; + break label_62; + } + } + if (pred == null) { + {if (true) return s;} + } else { + {if (true) return pred + s;} + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String element_name() throws ParseException { + Token t; String s = ""; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + label_63: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + t = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + s += t.image; + break; + case INTERPOLATION: + t = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); + s += t.image; + break; default: - jj_la1[101] = jj_gen; - ; + jj_la1[92] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); } - jj_consume_token(RBRACKET); - String name = convertIdent(att.image); - String c; - switch (cases) { - case 0: - c = name; - break; - case 1: - c = name + "=" + attValue; - break; - case 2: - c = name + "~=" + attValue; - break; - case 3: - c = name + "|=" + attValue; - break; - case 4: - c = name + "^=" + attValue; - break; - case 5: - c = name + "$=" + attValue; - break; - case 6: - c = name + "*=" + attValue; - break; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + ; + break; default: - // never reached. - c = null; - } - c = "[" + c + "]"; - if (pred == null) { - { - if (true) { - return c; - } - } - } else { - { - if (true) { - return pred + c; - } - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + jj_la1[93] = jj_gen; + break label_63; + } + } + {if (true) return s;} + break; + case ANY: + jj_consume_token(ANY); + {if (true) return "*";} + break; + case PARENT: + jj_consume_token(PARENT); + {if (true) return "&";} + break; + default: + jj_la1[94] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String pseudo(String pred) throws ParseException { - Token n; - Token param; - String d; - boolean isPseudoElement = false; - jj_consume_token(COLON); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COLON: - jj_consume_token(COLON); - isPseudoElement = true; - break; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String attrib(String pred) throws ParseException { + int cases = 0; + Token att = null; + Token val = null; + String attValue = null; + jj_consume_token(LBRACKET); + label_64: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[95] = jj_gen; + break label_64; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + att = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + label_65: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[96] = jj_gen; + break label_65; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case DASHMATCH: + case CARETMATCH: + case DOLLARMATCH: + case STARMATCH: + case INCLUDES: + case EQ: + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case EQ: + jj_consume_token(EQ); + cases = 1; + break; + case INCLUDES: + jj_consume_token(INCLUDES); + cases = 2; + break; + case DASHMATCH: + jj_consume_token(DASHMATCH); + cases = 3; + break; + case CARETMATCH: + jj_consume_token(CARETMATCH); + cases = 4; + break; + case DOLLARMATCH: + jj_consume_token(DOLLARMATCH); + cases = 5; + break; + case STARMATCH: + jj_consume_token(STARMATCH); + cases = 6; + break; + default: + jj_la1[97] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_66: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[102] = jj_gen; - ; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IDENT: - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + jj_la1[98] = jj_gen; + break label_66; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + val = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + attValue = val.image; + break; + case STRING: + val = jj_consume_token(STRING); + attValue = val.image; + break; + default: + jj_la1[99] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_67: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[100] = jj_gen; + break label_67; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[101] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACKET); + String name = convertIdent(att.image); + String c; + switch (cases) { + case 0: + c = name; + break; + case 1: + c = name + "=" + attValue; + break; + case 2: + c = name + "~=" + attValue; + break; + case 3: + c = name + "|=" +attValue; + break; + case 4: + c = name + "^=" +attValue; + break; + case 5: + c = name + "$=" +attValue; + break; + case 6: + c = name + "*=" +attValue; + break; + default: + // never reached. + c = null; + } + c = "[" + c + "]"; + if (pred == null) { + {if (true) return c;} + } else { + {if (true) return pred + c;} + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String pseudo(String pred) throws ParseException { + Token n; +Token param; +String d; +boolean isPseudoElement = false; + jj_consume_token(COLON); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COLON: + jj_consume_token(COLON); + isPseudoElement=true; + break; + default: + jj_la1[102] = jj_gen; + ; + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); String s = ":" + convertIdent(n.image); if (isPseudoElement) { if (pseudoElt != null) { - { - if (true) { - throw new CSSParseException( - "duplicate pseudo element definition " + s, - getLocator()); - } - } + {if (true) throw new CSSParseException("duplicate pseudo element definition " + + s, getLocator());} } else { - pseudoElt = ":" + s; - { - if (true) { - return pred; - } - } + pseudoElt = ":"+s; + {if (true) return pred;} } } else { String c = s; if (pred == null) { - { - if (true) { - return c; - } - } + {if (true) return c;} } else { - { - if (true) { - return pred + c; - } - } + {if (true) return pred + c;} } } - break; - case FUNCTION: - n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); - label_68: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[103] = jj_gen; - break label_68; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - d = skipStatementUntilRightParan(); - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - // accept anything between function and a right parenthesis - String f = convertIdent(n.image); - String colons = isPseudoElement ? "::" : ":"; - String pseudofn = colons + f + d + ")"; - if (pred == null) { - { - if (true) { - return pseudofn; - } - } - } else { - { - if (true) { - return pred + pseudofn; - } - } - } - break; + break; + case FUNCTION: + n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); + label_68: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[104] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String hash(String pred) throws ParseException { - Token n; - n = jj_consume_token(HASH); - String d = n.image; - if (pred == null) { - { - if (true) { - return d; - } - } - } else { - { - if (true) { - return pred + d; - } - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + jj_la1[103] = jj_gen; + break label_68; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + d = skipStatementUntilRightParan(); + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + // accept anything between function and a right parenthesis + String f = convertIdent(n.image); + String colons = isPseudoElement ? "::" : ":"; + String pseudofn = colons + f + d + ")"; + if (pred == null) { + {if (true) return pseudofn;} + } else { + {if (true) return pred + pseudofn;} + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[104] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - final public void variable() throws ParseException { +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String hash(String pred) throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(HASH); + String d = n.image; + if (pred == null) { + {if (true) return d;} + } else { + {if (true) return pred + d;} + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void variable() throws ParseException { String name; LexicalUnitImpl exp = null; boolean guarded = false; String raw; - try { - name = variableName(); - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_69: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[105] = jj_gen; - break label_69; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - exp = expr(); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case GUARDED_SYM: - guarded = guarded(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[106] = jj_gen; - ; - } - label_70: while (true) { - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_71: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[107] = jj_gen; - break label_71; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[108] = jj_gen; - break label_70; - } - } - documentHandler.variable(name, exp, guarded); - } catch (JumpException e) { + try { + name = variableName(); + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_69: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[105] = jj_gen; + break label_69; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + exp = expr(); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case GUARDED_SYM: + guarded = guarded(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[106] = jj_gen; + ; + } + label_70: + while (true) { + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_71: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[107] = jj_gen; + break label_71; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[108] = jj_gen; + break label_70; + } + } + documentHandler.variable(name, exp, guarded); + } catch (JumpException e) { skipAfterExpression(); - } catch (NumberFormatException e) { + } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (errorHandler != null) { errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException("Invalid number " - + e.getMessage(), getLocator(), e)); + + e.getMessage(), + getLocator(), + e)); } reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); - } catch (ParseException e) { + } catch (ParseException e) { if (errorHandler != null) { if (e.currentToken != null) { - LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, - e.currentToken.next.beginLine, - e.currentToken.next.beginColumn - 1); - reportError(li, e); + LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, + e.currentToken.next.beginLine, + e.currentToken.next.beginColumn-1); + reportError(li, e); } else { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - } + reportError(getLocator(), e); + } skipAfterExpression(); } else { skipAfterExpression(); } - } } - - final public void controlDirective() throws ParseException { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IF_SYM: - ifDirective(); - break; - case EACH_SYM: - eachDirective(); - break; + } + + final public void controlDirective() throws ParseException { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IF_SYM: + ifDirective(); + break; + case EACH_SYM: + eachDirective(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[109] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + + final public void ifContentStatement() throws ParseException { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case CONTENT_SYM: + contentDirective(); + break; + case INCLUDE_SYM: + includeDirective(); + break; + case MEDIA_SYM: + media(); + break; + case EXTEND_SYM: + extendDirective(); + break; + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case IDENT: + case HASH: + styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties(); + break; + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + keyframes(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[110] = jj_gen; + if (jj_2_3(2147483647)) { + variable(); + } else { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case VARIABLE: + listModifyDirective(); + break; default: - jj_la1[109] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - - final public void ifContentStatement() throws ParseException { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INCLUDE_SYM: - includeDirective(); - break; - case MEDIA_SYM: - media(); - break; - case EXTEND_SYM: - extendDirective(); - break; + jj_la1[111] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + } + } + + final public void ifDirective() throws ParseException { + Token n = null; + String s = null; + String evaluator = ""; + jj_consume_token(IF_SYM); + label_72: + while (true) { + s = booleanExpressionToken(); + evaluator += s; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + case EQ: + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SUCCEEDS: + case DIV: + case ANY: + case LPARAN: + case RPARAN: + case COMPARE: + case OR: + case AND: + case NOT_EQ: + case IDENT: + case NUMBER: + case VARIABLE: + case CONTAINS: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[112] = jj_gen; + break label_72; + } + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_73: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[113] = jj_gen; + break label_73; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.startIfElseDirective(); + documentHandler.ifDirective(evaluator); + label_74: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[114] = jj_gen; + break label_74; + } + ifContentStatement(); + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_75: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[115] = jj_gen; + break label_75; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + label_76: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case ELSE_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[116] = jj_gen; + break label_76; + } + elseDirective(); + } + documentHandler.endIfElseDirective(); + } + + final public void elseDirective() throws ParseException { + String evaluator = ""; + Token n = null; + String s = null; + jj_consume_token(ELSE_SYM); + label_77: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[117] = jj_gen; + break label_77; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IF: + jj_consume_token(IF); + label_78: + while (true) { + s = booleanExpressionToken(); + evaluator += s; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + case EQ: case PLUS: + case MINUS: case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: + case SUCCEEDS: + case DIV: case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case IDENT: - case HASH: - styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties(); - break; - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - keyframes(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[110] = jj_gen; - if (jj_2_3(2147483647)) { - variable(); - } else { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case VARIABLE: - listModifyDirective(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[111] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - } - } - - final public void ifDirective() throws ParseException { - Token n = null; - String s = null; - String evaluator = ""; - jj_consume_token(IF_SYM); - label_72: while (true) { - s = booleanExpressionToken(); - evaluator += s; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - case EQ: - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SUCCEEDS: - case DIV: - case ANY: - case LPARAN: - case RPARAN: - case COMPARE: - case OR: - case AND: - case NOT_EQ: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case VARIABLE: - case CONTAINS: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[112] = jj_gen; - break label_72; - } - } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_73: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[113] = jj_gen; - break label_73; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - documentHandler.startIfElseDirective(); - documentHandler.ifDirective(evaluator); - label_74: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[114] = jj_gen; - break label_74; - } - ifContentStatement(); - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_75: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[115] = jj_gen; - break label_75; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - label_76: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case ELSE_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[116] = jj_gen; - break label_76; - } - elseDirective(); - } - documentHandler.endIfElseDirective(); - } - - final public void elseDirective() throws ParseException { - String evaluator = ""; - Token n = null; - String s = null; - jj_consume_token(ELSE_SYM); - label_77: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[117] = jj_gen; - break label_77; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IF: - jj_consume_token(IF); - label_78: while (true) { - s = booleanExpressionToken(); - evaluator += s; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - case EQ: - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SUCCEEDS: - case DIV: - case ANY: - case LPARAN: - case RPARAN: - case COMPARE: - case OR: - case AND: - case NOT_EQ: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case VARIABLE: - case CONTAINS: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[118] = jj_gen; - break label_78; - } - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[119] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_79: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[120] = jj_gen; - break label_79; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - if (!evaluator.trim().equals("")) { - documentHandler.ifDirective(evaluator); - } else { - documentHandler.elseDirective(); - } - label_80: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[121] = jj_gen; - break label_80; - } - ifContentStatement(); - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_81: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[122] = jj_gen; - break label_81; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } - - final public String booleanExpressionToken() throws ParseException { - Token n = null; - String s = null; - if (jj_2_4(2147483647)) { - s = containsDirective(); - } else { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case VARIABLE: - n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - break; - case IDENT: - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - break; - case NUMBER: - n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); - break; - case LPARAN: - n = jj_consume_token(LPARAN); - break; - case RPARAN: - n = jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - break; - case PLUS: - n = jj_consume_token(PLUS); - break; - case MINUS: - n = jj_consume_token(MINUS); - break; - case DIV: - n = jj_consume_token(DIV); - break; - case ANY: - n = jj_consume_token(ANY); - break; - case COMPARE: - n = jj_consume_token(COMPARE); - break; - case EQ: - n = jj_consume_token(EQ); - break; - case PRECEDES: - n = jj_consume_token(PRECEDES); - break; - case SUCCEEDS: - n = jj_consume_token(SUCCEEDS); - break; - case OR: - n = jj_consume_token(OR); - break; - case AND: - n = jj_consume_token(AND); - break; - case S: - n = jj_consume_token(S); - break; - case NOT_EQ: - n = jj_consume_token(NOT_EQ); - break; - default: - jj_la1[123] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - if (n != null) { - { - if (true) { - return n.image; - } - } - } else { - { - if (true) { - return s; - } - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public void eachDirective() throws ParseException { - Token var; - ArrayList<String> list = null; - String listVariable = null; - jj_consume_token(EACH_SYM); - label_82: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[124] = jj_gen; - break label_82; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - var = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - label_83: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[125] = jj_gen; - break label_83; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(EACH_IN); - label_84: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[126] = jj_gen; - break label_84; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { + case LPARAN: + case RPARAN: + case COMPARE: + case OR: + case AND: + case NOT_EQ: case IDENT: - list = stringList(); - documentHandler.startEachDirective(var.image, list); - break; + case NUMBER: case VARIABLE: - listVariable = variableName(); - documentHandler.startEachDirective(var.image, listVariable); - break; + case CONTAINS: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[127] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_85: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[128] = jj_gen; - break label_85; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - label_86: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[129] = jj_gen; - break label_86; - } - ifContentStatement(); - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_87: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[130] = jj_gen; - break label_87; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - documentHandler.endEachDirective(); - } - - final public ArrayList<String> stringList() throws ParseException { - ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); + jj_la1[118] = jj_gen; + break label_78; + } + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[119] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_79: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[120] = jj_gen; + break label_79; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + if(!evaluator.trim().equals("")){ documentHandler.ifDirective(evaluator); } + else{ documentHandler.elseDirective(); } + label_80: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[121] = jj_gen; + break label_80; + } + ifContentStatement(); + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_81: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[122] = jj_gen; + break label_81; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } + + final public String booleanExpressionToken() throws ParseException { + Token n = null; + String s = null; + if (jj_2_4(2147483647)) { + s = containsDirective(); + } else { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case VARIABLE: + n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + break; + case IDENT: + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + break; + case NUMBER: + n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); + break; + case LPARAN: + n = jj_consume_token(LPARAN); + break; + case RPARAN: + n = jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + break; + case PLUS: + n = jj_consume_token(PLUS); + break; + case MINUS: + n = jj_consume_token(MINUS); + break; + case DIV: + n = jj_consume_token(DIV); + break; + case ANY: + n = jj_consume_token(ANY); + break; + case COMPARE: + n = jj_consume_token(COMPARE); + break; + case EQ: + n = jj_consume_token(EQ); + break; + case PRECEDES: + n = jj_consume_token(PRECEDES); + break; + case SUCCEEDS: + n = jj_consume_token(SUCCEEDS); + break; + case OR: + n = jj_consume_token(OR); + break; + case AND: + n = jj_consume_token(AND); + break; + case S: + n = jj_consume_token(S); + break; + case NOT_EQ: + n = jj_consume_token(NOT_EQ); + break; + default: + jj_la1[123] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + if(n!=null){{if (true) return n.image;}} + else{{if (true) return s;}} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void eachDirective() throws ParseException { + Token var; + ArrayList<String> list = null; + String listVariable = null; + jj_consume_token(EACH_SYM); + label_82: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[124] = jj_gen; + break label_82; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + var = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + label_83: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[125] = jj_gen; + break label_83; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(EACH_IN); + label_84: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[126] = jj_gen; + break label_84; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IDENT: + list = stringList(); + documentHandler.startEachDirective(var.image, list); + break; + case VARIABLE: + listVariable = variableName(); + documentHandler.startEachDirective(var.image, listVariable); + break; + default: + jj_la1[127] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_85: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[128] = jj_gen; + break label_85; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + label_86: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[129] = jj_gen; + break label_86; + } + ifContentStatement(); + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_87: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[130] = jj_gen; + break label_87; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.endEachDirective(); + } + + final public ArrayList<String > stringList() throws ParseException { + ArrayList<String > strings = new ArrayList<String >(); Token input; - input = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - label_88: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[131] = jj_gen; - break label_88; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - strings.add(input.image); - label_89: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[132] = jj_gen; - break label_89; - } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_90: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[133] = jj_gen; - break label_90; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - input = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - strings.add(input.image); - label_91: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[134] = jj_gen; - break label_91; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } - { - if (true) { - return strings; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public void mixinDirective() throws ParseException { - String name; - ArrayList<VariableNode> args = null; - String body; - jj_consume_token(MIXIN_SYM); - label_92: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[135] = jj_gen; - break label_92; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - name = property(); - break; - case FUNCTION: - name = functionName(); - args = arglist(); - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - label_93: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[136] = jj_gen; - break label_93; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; + input = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + label_88: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[131] = jj_gen; + break label_88; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + strings.add(input.image); + label_89: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[132] = jj_gen; + break label_89; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_90: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[137] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_94: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[138] = jj_gen; - break label_94; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - documentHandler.startMixinDirective(name, args); - label_95: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EACH_SYM: - case IF_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case PAGE_SYM: - case FONT_FACE_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[139] = jj_gen; - break label_95; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case INCLUDE_SYM: - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - case EXTEND_SYM: - case IDENT: - case VARIABLE: - case HASH: - case MEDIA_SYM: - case KEY_FRAME_SYM: - ifContentStatement(); - break; - case EACH_SYM: - case IF_SYM: - controlDirective(); - break; - case FONT_FACE_SYM: - fontFace(); - break; - case PAGE_SYM: - page(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[140] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_96: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[141] = jj_gen; - break label_96; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - documentHandler.endMixinDirective(name, args); - } - - final public ArrayList<VariableNode> arglist() throws ParseException { - ArrayList<VariableNode> args = new ArrayList<VariableNode>(); - VariableNode arg; - boolean hasNonOptionalArgument = false; - arg = mixinArg(); - label_97: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[142] = jj_gen; - break label_97; - } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_98: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[143] = jj_gen; - break label_98; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - hasNonOptionalArgument = checkMixinForNonOptionalArguments(arg, - hasNonOptionalArgument); - args.add(arg); - arg = mixinArg(); - } - hasNonOptionalArgument = checkMixinForNonOptionalArguments(arg, - hasNonOptionalArgument); - args.add(arg); - { - if (true) { - return args; - } + jj_la1[133] = jj_gen; + break label_90; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + input = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + strings.add(input.image); + label_91: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[134] = jj_gen; + break label_91; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } + {if (true) return strings;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void mixinDirective() throws ParseException { + String name; + ArrayList<VariableNode> args = null; + String body; + jj_consume_token(MIXIN_SYM); + label_92: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[135] = jj_gen; + break label_92; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + name = property(); + break; + case FUNCTION: + name = functionName(); + args = arglist(); + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + label_93: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[136] = jj_gen; + break label_93; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[137] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_94: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[138] = jj_gen; + break label_94; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.startMixinDirective(name, args); + label_95: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EACH_SYM: + case IF_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case PAGE_SYM: + case FONT_FACE_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[139] = jj_gen; + break label_95; + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case INCLUDE_SYM: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case EXTEND_SYM: + case CONTENT_SYM: + case IDENT: + case VARIABLE: + case HASH: + case MEDIA_SYM: + case KEY_FRAME_SYM: + ifContentStatement(); + break; + case EACH_SYM: + case IF_SYM: + controlDirective(); + break; + case FONT_FACE_SYM: + fontFace(); + break; + case PAGE_SYM: + page(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[140] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_96: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[141] = jj_gen; + break label_96; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.endMixinDirective(name, args); + } + + final public ArrayList<VariableNode> arglist() throws ParseException { + ArrayList<VariableNode> args = new ArrayList<VariableNode>(); + VariableNode arg; + boolean hasNonOptionalArgument = false; + arg = mixinArg(); + label_97: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[142] = jj_gen; + break label_97; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_98: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[143] = jj_gen; + break label_98; } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + jj_consume_token(S); + } + hasNonOptionalArgument = checkMixinForNonOptionalArguments(arg, hasNonOptionalArgument); args.add(arg); + arg = mixinArg(); } + hasNonOptionalArgument = checkMixinForNonOptionalArguments(arg, hasNonOptionalArgument); args.add(arg); + {if (true) return args;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - boolean checkMixinForNonOptionalArguments(VariableNode arg, - boolean hasNonOptionalArguments) throws ParseException { - boolean currentArgHasArguments = arg.getExpr() != null - && arg.getExpr().getLexicalUnitType() == LexicalUnitImpl.SCSS_VARIABLE - && arg.getExpr().getNextLexicalUnit() != null; + boolean checkMixinForNonOptionalArguments(VariableNode arg, boolean hasNonOptionalArguments) throws ParseException { + boolean currentArgHasArguments = arg.getExpr() != null && arg.getExpr().getLexicalUnitType() == LexicalUnitImpl.SCSS_VARIABLE && arg.getExpr().getNextLexicalUnit() != null; - if (currentArgHasArguments) { - if (hasNonOptionalArguments) { - throw new ParseException("Sass Error: Required argument $" - + arg.getName() - + " must come before any optional arguments."); - } - return hasNonOptionalArguments; - } else { - return true; - } - } - - final public VariableNode mixinArg() throws ParseException { - String name; - Token variable = null; - LexicalUnitImpl first = null; - LexicalUnitImpl prev = null; - LexicalUnitImpl next = null; - name = variableName(); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COLON: - case VARIABLE: - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COLON: - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_99: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[144] = jj_gen; - break label_99; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - first = nonVariableTerm(null); - prev = first; - label_100: while (true) { - if (jj_2_5(3)) { - ; - } else { - break label_100; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_101: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[145] = jj_gen; - break label_101; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[146] = jj_gen; - ; - } - prev = nonVariableTerm(prev); + if(currentArgHasArguments) + { + if(hasNonOptionalArguments) + { + throw new ParseException("Sass Error: Required argument $"+ arg.getName() +" must come before any optional arguments."); } - break; - case VARIABLE: - variable = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - first = LexicalUnitImpl.createVariable(token.beginLine, - token.beginColumn, prev, variable.image); - break; - default: - jj_la1[147] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[148] = jj_gen; - ; - } - VariableNode arg = new VariableNode(name, first, false); + return hasNonOptionalArguments; + }else { - if (true) { - return arg; - } + return true; + } + } + + final public VariableNode mixinArg() throws ParseException { + String name; + Token variable = null; + LexicalUnitImpl first = null; + LexicalUnitImpl prev = null; + LexicalUnitImpl next = null; + name = variableName(); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COLON: + case VARIABLE: + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COLON: + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_99: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[144] = jj_gen; + break label_99; + } + jj_consume_token(S); } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl> argValuelist() - throws ParseException { - ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl> args = new ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl>(); - LexicalUnitImpl first = null; - LexicalUnitImpl next = null; - LexicalUnitImpl prev = null; - first = term(null); - args.add(first); + first = nonVariableTerm(null); prev = first; - label_102: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case URL: - case VARIABLE: - case PERCENTAGE: - case PT: - case MM: - case CM: - case PC: - case IN: - case PX: - case EMS: - case LEM: - case REM: - case EXS: - case DEG: - case RAD: - case GRAD: - case MS: - case SECOND: - case HZ: - case KHZ: - case DIMEN: - case HASH: - case UNICODERANGE: - case FUNCTION: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[149] = jj_gen; - break label_102; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COLON: - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_103: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[150] = jj_gen; - break label_103; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[151] = jj_gen; - ; - } - next = term(prev); - prev.setNextLexicalUnit(next); - prev = next; - } - label_104: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[152] = jj_gen; - break label_104; - } + label_100: + while (true) { + if (jj_2_5(3)) { + ; + } else { + break label_100; + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_105: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[153] = jj_gen; - break label_105; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - first = term(null); - args.add(first); - prev = first; - label_106: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case URL: - case VARIABLE: - case PERCENTAGE: - case PT: - case MM: - case CM: - case PC: - case IN: - case PX: - case EMS: - case LEM: - case REM: - case EXS: - case DEG: - case RAD: - case GRAD: - case MS: - case SECOND: - case HZ: - case KHZ: - case DIMEN: - case HASH: - case UNICODERANGE: - case FUNCTION: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[154] = jj_gen; - break label_106; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COLON: - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_107: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[155] = jj_gen; - break label_107; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; - default: - jj_la1[156] = jj_gen; - ; - } - next = term(prev); - prev.setNextLexicalUnit(next); - prev = next; - } - } - { - if (true) { - return args; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public void includeDirective() throws ParseException { - String name; - ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl> args = null; - jj_consume_token(INCLUDE_SYM); - label_108: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: + label_101: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: ; break; - default: - jj_la1[157] = jj_gen; - break label_108; + default: + jj_la1[145] = jj_gen; + break label_101; + } + jj_consume_token(S); } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - name = property(); break; - case VARIABLE: - name = variableName(); - name = "$" + name; - break; - case FUNCTION: - name = functionName(); - args = argValuelist(); - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - break; - default: - jj_la1[158] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - label_109: while (true) { - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_110: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[159] = jj_gen; - break label_110; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[160] = jj_gen; - break label_109; - } - } - documentHandler.includeDirective(name, args); - } - - final public String interpolation() throws ParseException { - Token n; - n = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); - { - if (true) { - return n.image; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + default: + jj_la1[146] = jj_gen; + ; + } + prev = nonVariableTerm(prev); + } + break; + case VARIABLE: + variable = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + first = LexicalUnitImpl.createVariable(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, + prev, variable.image); + break; + default: + jj_la1[147] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[148] = jj_gen; + ; } - - final public void listModifyDirective() throws ParseException { - String list = null; - String remove = null; - String separator = null; - String variable = null; - Token n = null; - Token type = null; - // refactor, remove those 3 LOOKAHEAD(5). - n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - variable = n.image; - label_111: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[161] = jj_gen; - break label_111; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } + VariableNode arg = new VariableNode(name, first, false); + {if (true) return arg;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl> argValuelist() throws ParseException { + ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl> args = new ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl>(); + LexicalUnitImpl first = null; + LexicalUnitImpl next = null; + LexicalUnitImpl prev = null; + first = term(null); + args.add(first); prev = first; + label_102: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case STRING: + case IDENT: + case NUMBER: + case URL: + case VARIABLE: + case PERCENTAGE: + case PT: + case MM: + case CM: + case PC: + case IN: + case PX: + case EMS: + case LEM: + case REM: + case EXS: + case DEG: + case RAD: + case GRAD: + case MS: + case SECOND: + case HZ: + case KHZ: + case DIMEN: + case HASH: + case UNICODERANGE: + case FUNCTION: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[149] = jj_gen; + break label_102; + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COLON: jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_112: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[162] = jj_gen; - break label_112; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case APPEND: - type = jj_consume_token(APPEND); - break; - case REMOVE: - type = jj_consume_token(REMOVE); - break; - case CONTAINS: - type = jj_consume_token(CONTAINS); + label_103: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; break; + default: + jj_la1[150] = jj_gen; + break label_103; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[151] = jj_gen; + ; + } + next = term(prev); + prev.setNextLexicalUnit(next); prev = next; + } + label_104: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[152] = jj_gen; + break label_104; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_105: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[163] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - label_113: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[164] = jj_gen; - break label_113; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case RPARAN: - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - break; + jj_la1[153] = jj_gen; + break label_105; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + first = term(null); + args.add(first); prev = first; + label_106: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case STRING: + case IDENT: + case NUMBER: + case URL: + case VARIABLE: + case PERCENTAGE: + case PT: + case MM: + case CM: + case PC: + case IN: + case PX: + case EMS: + case LEM: + case REM: + case EXS: + case DEG: + case RAD: + case GRAD: + case MS: + case SECOND: + case HZ: + case KHZ: + case DIMEN: + case HASH: + case UNICODERANGE: + case FUNCTION: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[165] = jj_gen; - ; + jj_la1[154] = jj_gen; + break label_106; } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_114: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COLON: + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_107: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case S: - ; - break; + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[166] = jj_gen; - break label_114; + jj_la1[155] = jj_gen; + break label_107; } jj_consume_token(S); - } - remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_115: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[167] = jj_gen; - break label_115; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - separator = n.image; - label_116: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[168] = jj_gen; - break label_116; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; + } + break; default: - jj_la1[169] = jj_gen; + jj_la1[156] = jj_gen; + ; + } + next = term(prev); + prev.setNextLexicalUnit(next); prev = next; + } + } + {if (true) return args;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void includeDirective() throws ParseException { + String name; + ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl> args=null; + jj_consume_token(INCLUDE_SYM); + label_108: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[157] = jj_gen; + break label_108; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + name = property(); + break; + case VARIABLE: + name = variableName(); + name = "$"+name; + break; + case FUNCTION: + name = functionName(); + args = argValuelist(); + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + break; + default: + jj_la1[158] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + label_109: + while (true) { + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_110: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: ; - } - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - switch (type.kind) { - case APPEND: - documentHandler.appendDirective(variable, list, remove, separator); - break; - case REMOVE: - documentHandler.removeDirective(variable, list, remove, separator); - break; - case CONTAINS: - if (variable == null) { - variable = "$var_" + UUID.randomUUID(); - } - documentHandler - .containsDirective(variable, list, remove, separator); - break; - default: break; + default: + jj_la1[159] = jj_gen; + break label_110; + } + jj_consume_token(S); } - label_117: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[170] = jj_gen; - break label_117; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_118: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[171] = jj_gen; - break label_118; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[160] = jj_gen; + break label_109; + } + } + documentHandler.includeDirective(name, args); + break; + case LBRACE: + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_111: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[161] = jj_gen; + break label_111; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.startIncludeContentBlock(name); + label_112: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + case IDENT: + case HASH: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[162] = jj_gen; + break label_112; + } + styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties(); + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + label_113: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[163] = jj_gen; + break label_113; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.endIncludeContentBlock(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[164] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + + final public String interpolation() throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(INTERPOLATION); + {if (true) return n.image;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void listModifyDirective() throws ParseException { + String list = null; + String remove = null; + String separator = null; + String variable = null; + Token n = null; + Token type = null; + //refactor, remove those 3 LOOKAHEAD(5). + n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + variable = n.image; + label_114: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[165] = jj_gen; + break label_114; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_115: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[166] = jj_gen; + break label_115; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case APPEND: + type = jj_consume_token(APPEND); + break; + case REMOVE: + type = jj_consume_token(REMOVE); + break; + case CONTAINS: + type = jj_consume_token(CONTAINS); + break; + default: + jj_la1[167] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_116: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[168] = jj_gen; + break label_116; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case RPARAN: + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + break; + default: + jj_la1[169] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_117: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[170] = jj_gen; + break label_117; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_118: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[171] = jj_gen; + break label_118; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + separator = n.image; + label_119: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[172] = jj_gen; + break label_119; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[173] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + switch (type.kind) { + case APPEND: + documentHandler.appendDirective(variable,list,remove,separator); + break; + case REMOVE: + documentHandler.removeDirective(variable,list,remove,separator); + break; + case CONTAINS: + if(variable == null){ + variable = "$var_"+UUID.randomUUID(); + } + documentHandler.containsDirective(variable,list,remove,separator); + break; + default: + break; + } + label_120: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[174] = jj_gen; + break label_120; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_121: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[175] = jj_gen; + break label_121; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void appendDirective() throws ParseException { +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void appendDirective() throws ParseException { String list = null; String remove = null; String separator = null; String variable = null; Token n = null; - n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - variable = n.image; - label_119: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[172] = jj_gen; - break label_119; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_120: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[173] = jj_gen; - break label_120; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(APPEND); - label_121: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[174] = jj_gen; - break label_121; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case RPARAN: - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - break; + n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + variable = n.image; + label_122: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[176] = jj_gen; + break label_122; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_123: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[177] = jj_gen; + break label_123; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(APPEND); + label_124: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[178] = jj_gen; + break label_124; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case RPARAN: + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + break; + default: + jj_la1[179] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_125: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[180] = jj_gen; + break label_125; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_126: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[175] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_122: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[176] = jj_gen; - break label_122; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_123: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[177] = jj_gen; - break label_123; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - separator = n.image; - label_124: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[178] = jj_gen; - break label_124; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; + jj_la1[181] = jj_gen; + break label_126; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + separator = n.image; + label_127: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[179] = jj_gen; - ; + jj_la1[182] = jj_gen; + break label_127; } - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - documentHandler.appendDirective(variable, list, remove, separator); + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[183] = jj_gen; + ; } + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + documentHandler.appendDirective(variable,list,remove,separator); + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void removeDirective() throws ParseException { - String list = null; - String remove = null; - String separator = null; - String variable = null; - Token n = null; - n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - variable = n.image; - label_125: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[180] = jj_gen; - break label_125; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_126: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[181] = jj_gen; - break label_126; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(REMOVE); - label_127: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[182] = jj_gen; - break label_127; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case RPARAN: - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - break; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void removeDirective() throws ParseException { + String list = null; + String remove = null; + String separator = null; + String variable = null; + Token n = null; + n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + variable = n.image; + label_128: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[184] = jj_gen; + break label_128; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_129: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[185] = jj_gen; + break label_129; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(REMOVE); + label_130: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[186] = jj_gen; + break label_130; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case RPARAN: + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + break; + default: + jj_la1[187] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_131: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[188] = jj_gen; + break label_131; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_132: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[183] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_128: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[184] = jj_gen; - break label_128; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_129: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[185] = jj_gen; - break label_129; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - separator = n.image; - label_130: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[186] = jj_gen; - break label_130; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; + jj_la1[189] = jj_gen; + break label_132; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + separator = n.image; + label_133: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[187] = jj_gen; - ; + jj_la1[190] = jj_gen; + break label_133; } - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - documentHandler.removeDirective(variable, list, remove, separator); + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[191] = jj_gen; + ; } + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + documentHandler.removeDirective(variable,list,remove,separator); + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public String containsDirective() throws ParseException { +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public String containsDirective() throws ParseException { String list = null; String remove = null; String separator = null; String variable = null; Token n = null; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case VARIABLE: - n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); - variable = n.image; - label_131: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[188] = jj_gen; - break label_131; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_132: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[189] = jj_gen; - break label_132; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case VARIABLE: + n = jj_consume_token(VARIABLE); + variable = n.image; + label_134: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[190] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(CONTAINS); - label_133: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[191] = jj_gen; - break label_133; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case RPARAN: - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - break; + jj_la1[192] = jj_gen; + break label_134; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_135: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[192] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_134: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[193] = jj_gen; - break label_134; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_135: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[194] = jj_gen; - break label_135; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - separator = n.image; - label_136: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[195] = jj_gen; - break label_136; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - break; + jj_la1[193] = jj_gen; + break label_135; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[194] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(CONTAINS); + label_136: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[195] = jj_gen; + break label_136; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + list = listModifyDirectiveArgs(0); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case RPARAN: + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + break; + default: + jj_la1[196] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_137: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[197] = jj_gen; + break label_137; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + remove = listModifyDirectiveArgs(1); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_138: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[196] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); - /* - * if it is not in the form like - * "$contains : contains($items, .v-button);"for example in @if, like - * "@if (contains(a b c, b))", then create a tempvariable for contains(a - * b c, b); - */ - if (variable == null) { - variable = "$var_" + UUID.randomUUID(); - } - documentHandler.containsDirective(variable, list, remove, separator); - { - if (true) { - return variable; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - String listModifyDirectiveArgs(int nest) throws ParseException { + jj_la1[198] = jj_gen; + break label_138; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + separator = n.image; + label_139: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[199] = jj_gen; + break label_139; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[200] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + /* + *if it is not in the form like "$contains : contains($items, .v-button);" + *for example in @if, like "@if (contains(a b c, b))", then create a temp + *variable for contains(a b c, b); + */ + if(variable == null){ + variable = "$var_"+UUID.randomUUID(); + } + documentHandler.containsDirective(variable,list,remove,separator); + {if (true) return variable;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + String listModifyDirectiveArgs(int nest) throws ParseException { String list = ""; int nesting = nest; Token t = null; - while (true) { - t = getToken(1); - String s = t.image; - if (t.kind == VARIABLE || t.kind == IDENT) { - list += s; - } else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("auto") - || s.toLowerCase().equals("space") - || s.toLowerCase().equals("comma")) { - int i = 2; - Token temp = getToken(i); - boolean isLast = true; - while (temp.kind != SEMICOLON) { - if (temp.kind != RPARAN || temp.kind != S) { - isLast = false; - } - i++; - temp = getToken(i); - } + while(true) + { + t = getToken(1); + String s = t.image; + if(t.kind == VARIABLE||t.kind == IDENT) + { + list += s; + }else if(s.toLowerCase().equals("auto")||s.toLowerCase().equals("space")||s.toLowerCase().equals("comma")) + { + int i = 2; + Token temp = getToken(i); + boolean isLast = true; + while(temp.kind != SEMICOLON) + { + if(temp.kind != RPARAN || temp.kind != S) + { + isLast = false; + } + i++; + temp = getToken(i); + } - if (isLast) { - return list; - } - } else if (t.kind == STRING) { - list += s.substring(1, s.length()).substring(0, s.length() - 2); - - } else if (t.kind == LPARAN) { - nesting++; - if (nesting > nest + 1) { - throw new CSSParseException( - "Only one ( ) pair per parameter allowed", - getLocator()); - } - } else if (t.kind == RPARAN) { - nesting--; - if (nesting == 0) { - return list; - } - } else if (t.kind == COMMA) { - if (nesting == nest) { - return list; - } else { - list += ","; + if(isLast) + { + return list; + } } + else if(t.kind == STRING) + { + list += s.substring(1,s.length()).substring(0,s.length()-2); - } else if (t.kind == S) { - list += " "; - } else if (t.kind == LBRACE) { - throw new CSSParseException("Invalid token,'{' found", - getLocator()); - } + }else if(t.kind == LPARAN) + { + nesting++; + if(nesting > nest+1) + { + throw new CSSParseException("Only one ( ) pair per parameter allowed", getLocator()); + } + }else if(t.kind == RPARAN) + { + nesting--; + if(nesting == 0) + { + return list; + } + } else if(t.kind == COMMA) + { + if(nesting == nest) + { + return list; + }else + { + list += ","; + } - getNextToken(); - } - } + }else if(t.kind == S) + { + list += " "; + } else if(t.kind == LBRACE) + { + throw new CSSParseException("Invalid token,'{' found", getLocator()); + } - final public Node returnDirective() throws ParseException { - String raw; - raw = skipStatement(); - { - if (true) { - return null; - } + getNextToken(); } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + } + + final public Node returnDirective() throws ParseException { + String raw; + raw = skipStatement(); + {if (true) return null;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void debuggingDirective() throws ParseException { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case DEBUG_SYM: + debugDirective(); + break; + case WARN_SYM: + warnDirective(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[201] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } + + final public void debugDirective() throws ParseException { + jj_consume_token(DEBUG_SYM); + String content = skipStatementUntilSemiColon(); + // TODO should evaluate the content expression, call documentHandler.debugDirective() etc. + System.out.println(content); + label_140: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[202] = jj_gen; + break label_140; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } + + final public void warnDirective() throws ParseException { + jj_consume_token(WARN_SYM); + String content = skipStatementUntilSemiColon(); + // TODO should evaluate the content expression, call documentHandler.warnDirective() etc. + System.err.println(content); + label_141: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[203] = jj_gen; + break label_141; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } + + final public Node forDirective() throws ParseException { + String var; + String from; + String to; + boolean exclusive; + String body; + Token tok; + var = variableName(); + int[] toThrough = {TO, THROUGH}; + from = skipStatementUntil(toThrough); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case TO: + tok = jj_consume_token(TO); + exclusive = true; + break; + case THROUGH: + tok = jj_consume_token(THROUGH); + exclusive = false; + break; + default: + jj_la1[204] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + to = skipStatementUntilLeftBrace(); + label_142: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[205] = jj_gen; + break label_142; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + body = skipStatement(); + {if (true) return documentHandler.forDirective(var, from, to, exclusive, body);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public Node whileDirective() throws ParseException { + String condition; + String body; + condition = skipStatementUntilLeftBrace(); + body = skipStatement(); + {if (true) return documentHandler.whileDirective(condition, body);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public void extendDirective() throws ParseException { + ArrayList<String> list; + jj_consume_token(EXTEND_SYM); + label_143: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[206] = jj_gen; + break label_143; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + list = selectorList(); + label_144: + while (true) { + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_145: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[207] = jj_gen; + break label_145; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[208] = jj_gen; + break label_144; + } + } + documentHandler.extendDirective(list); + } + + final public void contentDirective() throws ParseException { + jj_consume_token(CONTENT_SYM); + label_146: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[209] = jj_gen; + break label_146; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + label_147: + while (true) { + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_148: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[210] = jj_gen; + break label_148; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[211] = jj_gen; + break label_147; + } + } + documentHandler.contentDirective(); + } + + Node importDirective() throws ParseException { + return null; + } + + Node charsetDirective() throws ParseException { + return null; + } + + Node mozDocumentDirective() throws ParseException { + return null; + } + + Node supportsDirective() throws ParseException { + return null; + } + + final public void nestedProperties() throws ParseException { + String name; +LexicalUnit exp; + name = property(); + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_149: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[212] = jj_gen; + break label_149; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_150: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[213] = jj_gen; + break label_150; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.startNestedProperties(name); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[214] = jj_gen; + ; + } + label_151: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[215] = jj_gen; + break label_151; + } + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_152: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[216] = jj_gen; + break label_152; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[217] = jj_gen; + ; + } + } + jj_consume_token(RBRACE); + documentHandler.endNestedProperties(name); + label_153: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[218] = jj_gen; + break label_153; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + } - final public void debuggingDirective() throws ParseException { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DEBUG_SYM: - debugDirective(); - break; - case WARN_SYM: - warnDirective(); +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties() throws ParseException { + try { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + debuggingDirective(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[219] = jj_gen; + if (jj_2_6(2147483647)) { + styleRule(); + } else if (jj_2_7(3)) { + declarationOrNestedProperties(); + } else { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + case HASH: + styleRule(); break; - default: - jj_la1[197] = jj_gen; + default: + jj_la1[220] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); - } - } - - final public void debugDirective() throws ParseException { - jj_consume_token(DEBUG_SYM); - String content = skipStatementUntilSemiColon(); - // TODO should evaluate the content expression, call - // documentHandler.debugDirective() etc. - System.out.println(content); - label_137: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[198] = jj_gen; - break label_137; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } - - final public void warnDirective() throws ParseException { - jj_consume_token(WARN_SYM); - String content = skipStatementUntilSemiColon(); - // TODO should evaluate the content expression, call - // documentHandler.warnDirective() etc. - System.err.println(content); - label_138: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[199] = jj_gen; - break label_138; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } + } + } + } + } catch (JumpException e) { + skipAfterExpression(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); + + } catch (ParseException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + if (e.currentToken != null) { + LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, + e.currentToken.next.beginLine, + e.currentToken.next.beginColumn-1); + reportError(li, e); + } else { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + } + skipAfterExpression(); + /* + LocatorImpl loc = (LocatorImpl) getLocator(); + loc.column--; + reportWarningSkipText(loc, skipAfterExpression()); + */ + } else { + skipAfterExpression(); + } } + } - final public Node forDirective() throws ParseException { - String var; - String from; - String to; - boolean exclusive; - String body; - Token tok; - var = variableName(); - int[] toThrough = { TO, THROUGH }; - from = skipStatementUntil(toThrough); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case TO: - tok = jj_consume_token(TO); - exclusive = true; - break; - case THROUGH: - tok = jj_consume_token(THROUGH); - exclusive = false; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void declarationOrNestedProperties() throws ParseException { + boolean important = false; + String name; + LexicalUnitImpl exp; + Token save; + String comment = null; + try { + name = property(); + save = token; + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_154: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[221] = jj_gen; + break label_154; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case DOT: + case STRING: + case IDENT: + case NUMBER: + case URL: + case VARIABLE: + case PERCENTAGE: + case PT: + case MM: + case CM: + case PC: + case IN: + case PX: + case EMS: + case LEM: + case REM: + case EXS: + case DEG: + case RAD: + case GRAD: + case MS: + case SECOND: + case HZ: + case KHZ: + case DIMEN: + case HASH: + case UNICODERANGE: + case FUNCTION: + exp = expr(); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IMPORTANT_SYM: + important = prio(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[222] = jj_gen; + ; + } + Token next = getToken(1); + if(next.kind == SEMICOLON || next.kind == RBRACE){ + while(next.kind == SEMICOLON){ + skipStatement(); + next = getToken(1); + } + if(token.specialToken!=null){ + documentHandler.property(name, exp, important, token.specialToken.image); + }else{ + documentHandler.property(name, exp, important, null); + } + } + break; + case LBRACE: + jj_consume_token(LBRACE); + label_155: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; break; + default: + jj_la1[223] = jj_gen; + break label_155; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.startNestedProperties(name); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; default: - jj_la1[200] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - to = skipStatementUntilLeftBrace(); - label_139: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[201] = jj_gen; - break label_139; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - body = skipStatement(); - { - if (true) { - return documentHandler.forDirective(var, from, to, exclusive, - body); - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public Node whileDirective() throws ParseException { - String condition; - String body; - condition = skipStatementUntilLeftBrace(); - body = skipStatement(); - { - if (true) { - return documentHandler.whileDirective(condition, body); - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public void extendDirective() throws ParseException { - ArrayList<String> list; - jj_consume_token(EXTEND_SYM); - label_140: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[202] = jj_gen; - break label_140; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - list = selectorList(); - label_141: while (true) { - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_142: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[203] = jj_gen; - break label_142; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[204] = jj_gen; - break label_141; - } - } - documentHandler.extendDirective(list); - } - - Node importDirective() throws ParseException { - return null; - } - - Node charsetDirective() throws ParseException { - return null; - } - - Node mozDocumentDirective() throws ParseException { - return null; - } - - Node supportsDirective() throws ParseException { - return null; - } - - final public void nestedProperties() throws ParseException { - String name; - LexicalUnit exp; - name = property(); - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_143: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[205] = jj_gen; - break label_143; - } - jj_consume_token(S); + jj_la1[224] = jj_gen; + ; } - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_144: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { + label_156: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[225] = jj_gen; + break label_156; + } + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_157: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case S: - ; - break; + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[206] = jj_gen; - break label_144; + jj_la1[226] = jj_gen; + break label_157; } jj_consume_token(S); - } - documentHandler.startNestedProperties(name); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: declaration(); break; - default: - jj_la1[207] = jj_gen; + default: + jj_la1[227] = jj_gen; ; - } - label_145: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[208] = jj_gen; - break label_145; - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_146: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[209] = jj_gen; - break label_146; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[210] = jj_gen; - ; - } + } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - documentHandler.endNestedProperties(name); - label_147: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[211] = jj_gen; - break label_147; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties() - throws ParseException { - try { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - debuggingDirective(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[212] = jj_gen; - if (jj_2_6(2147483647)) { - styleRule(); - } else if (jj_2_7(3)) { - declarationOrNestedProperties(); - } else { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - case HASH: - styleRule(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[213] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } - } - } catch (JumpException e) { - skipAfterExpression(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); - - } catch (ParseException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - if (e.currentToken != null) { - LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, - e.currentToken.next.beginLine, - e.currentToken.next.beginColumn - 1); - reportError(li, e); - } else { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - } - skipAfterExpression(); - /* - * LocatorImpl loc = (LocatorImpl) getLocator(); loc.column--; - * reportWarningSkipText(loc, skipAfterExpression()); - */ - } else { - skipAfterExpression(); - } - } - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void declarationOrNestedProperties() throws ParseException { - boolean important = false; - String name; - LexicalUnitImpl exp; - Token save; - String comment = null; - try { - name = property(); - save = token; - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_148: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[214] = jj_gen; - break label_148; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case DOT: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case URL: - case VARIABLE: - case PERCENTAGE: - case PT: - case MM: - case CM: - case PC: - case IN: - case PX: - case EMS: - case LEM: - case REM: - case EXS: - case DEG: - case RAD: - case GRAD: - case MS: - case SECOND: - case HZ: - case KHZ: - case DIMEN: - case HASH: - case UNICODERANGE: - case FUNCTION: - exp = expr(); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IMPORTANT_SYM: - important = prio(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[215] = jj_gen; - ; - } - Token next = getToken(1); - if (next.kind == SEMICOLON || next.kind == RBRACE) { - while (next.kind == SEMICOLON) { - skipStatement(); - next = getToken(1); - } - if (token.specialToken != null) { - documentHandler.property(name, exp, important, - token.specialToken.image); - } else { - documentHandler.property(name, exp, important, null); - } - } - break; - case LBRACE: - jj_consume_token(LBRACE); - label_149: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[216] = jj_gen; - break label_149; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - documentHandler.startNestedProperties(name); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[217] = jj_gen; - ; - } - label_150: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[218] = jj_gen; - break label_150; - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_151: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[219] = jj_gen; - break label_151; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[220] = jj_gen; - ; - } - } - jj_consume_token(RBRACE); - label_152: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[221] = jj_gen; - break label_152; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - documentHandler.endNestedProperties(name); - break; - default: - jj_la1[222] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - } catch (JumpException e) { - skipAfterExpression(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); - - } catch (NumberFormatException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException("Invalid number " - + e.getMessage(), getLocator(), e)); - } - reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); - } catch (ParseException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - if (e.currentToken != null) { - LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, - e.currentToken.next.beginLine, - e.currentToken.next.beginColumn - 1); - reportError(li, e); - } else { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - } - skipAfterExpression(); - /* - * LocatorImpl loc = (LocatorImpl) getLocator(); loc.column--; - * reportWarningSkipText(loc, skipAfterExpression()); - */ - } else { - skipAfterExpression(); - } - } - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public void declaration() throws ParseException { - boolean important = false; - String name; - LexicalUnit exp; - Token save; - try { - name = property(); - save = token; - jj_consume_token(COLON); - label_153: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[223] = jj_gen; - break label_153; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - exp = expr(); - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IMPORTANT_SYM: - important = prio(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[224] = jj_gen; - ; - } - documentHandler.property(name, exp, important); - } catch (JumpException e) { - skipAfterExpression(); - // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); - - } catch (NumberFormatException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException("Invalid number " - + e.getMessage(), getLocator(), e)); - } - reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); - } catch (ParseException e) { - if (errorHandler != null) { - if (e.currentToken != null) { - LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, - e.currentToken.next.beginLine, - e.currentToken.next.beginColumn - 1); - reportError(li, e); - } else { - reportError(getLocator(), e); - } - skipAfterExpression(); - /* - * LocatorImpl loc = (LocatorImpl) getLocator(); loc.column--; - * reportWarningSkipText(loc, skipAfterExpression()); - */ - } else { - skipAfterExpression(); - } - } - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public boolean prio() throws ParseException { - jj_consume_token(IMPORTANT_SYM); - label_154: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[225] = jj_gen; - break label_154; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return true; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public boolean guarded() throws ParseException { - jj_consume_token(GUARDED_SYM); - label_155: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[226] = jj_gen; - break label_155; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return true; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + label_158: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[228] = jj_gen; + break label_158; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + documentHandler.endNestedProperties(name); + break; + default: + jj_la1[229] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + } catch (JumpException e) { + skipAfterExpression(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); + + } catch (NumberFormatException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException("Invalid number " + + e.getMessage(), + getLocator(), + e)); + } + reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); + } catch (ParseException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + if (e.currentToken != null) { + LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, + e.currentToken.next.beginLine, + e.currentToken.next.beginColumn-1); + reportError(li, e); + } else { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + } + skipAfterExpression(); + /* + LocatorImpl loc = (LocatorImpl) getLocator(); + loc.column--; + reportWarningSkipText(loc, skipAfterExpression()); + */ + } else { + skipAfterExpression(); + } } + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public LexicalUnitImpl operator(LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - Token n; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DIV: - n = jj_consume_token(DIV); - label_156: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[227] = jj_gen; - break label_156; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createSlash(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev); - } - } - break; - case COMMA: - n = jj_consume_token(COMMA); - label_157: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[228] = jj_gen; - break label_157; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createComma(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev); - } - } - break; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public void declaration() throws ParseException { + boolean important = false; + String name; + LexicalUnit exp; + Token save; + try { + name = property(); + save = token; + jj_consume_token(COLON); + label_159: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[229] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + jj_la1[230] = jj_gen; + break label_159; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + exp = expr(); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IMPORTANT_SYM: + important = prio(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[231] = jj_gen; + ; + } + documentHandler.property(name, exp, important); + } catch (JumpException e) { + skipAfterExpression(); + // reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); + + } catch (NumberFormatException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException("Invalid number " + + e.getMessage(), + getLocator(), + e)); + } + reportWarningSkipText(getLocator(), skipAfterExpression()); + } catch (ParseException e) { + if (errorHandler != null) { + if (e.currentToken != null) { + LocatorImpl li = new LocatorImpl(this, + e.currentToken.next.beginLine, + e.currentToken.next.beginColumn-1); + reportError(li, e); + } else { + reportError(getLocator(), e); + } + skipAfterExpression(); + /* + LocatorImpl loc = (LocatorImpl) getLocator(); + loc.column--; + reportWarningSkipText(loc, skipAfterExpression()); + */ + } else { + skipAfterExpression(); + } + } + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public LexicalUnitImpl expr() throws ParseException { - LexicalUnitImpl first, res; - char op; - first = term(null); - res = first; - label_158: while (true) { - if (jj_2_8(2)) { - ; - } else { - break label_158; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case COMMA: - case DIV: - res = operator(res); - break; - default: - jj_la1[230] = jj_gen; - ; - } - res = term(res); - } - { - if (true) { - return first; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public boolean prio() throws ParseException { + jj_consume_token(IMPORTANT_SYM); + label_160: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[232] = jj_gen; + break label_160; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return true;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public boolean guarded() throws ParseException { + jj_consume_token(GUARDED_SYM); + label_161: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[233] = jj_gen; + break label_161; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return true;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public char unaryOperator() throws ParseException { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case MINUS: - jj_consume_token(MINUS); - { - if (true) { - return '-'; - } - } - break; - case PLUS: - jj_consume_token(PLUS); - { - if (true) { - return '+'; - } - } - break; +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public LexicalUnitImpl operator(LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { + Token n; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case COMMA: + /* (comments copied from basic_arithmetics.scss) + *supports: + * 1. standard arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %) + * 2. / is treated as css operator, unless one of its operands is variable or there is another binary arithmetic operator + *limits: + * 1. cannot mix arithmetic and css operations, e.g. "margin: 1px + 3px 2px" will fail + * 2. space between add and minus operator and their following operand is mandatory. e.g. "1 + 2" is valid, "1+2" is not + * 3. parenthesis is not supported now. + */ + n = jj_consume_token(COMMA); + label_162: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[231] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public LexicalUnitImpl term(LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - LexicalUnitImpl result = null; - Token n = null; - char op = ' '; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case DOT: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case URL: - case PERCENTAGE: - case PT: - case MM: - case CM: - case PC: - case IN: - case PX: - case EMS: - case LEM: - case REM: - case EXS: - case DEG: - case RAD: - case GRAD: - case MS: - case SECOND: - case HZ: - case KHZ: - case DIMEN: - case HASH: - case UNICODERANGE: - case FUNCTION: - result = nonVariableTerm(prev); - break; - case VARIABLE: - result = variableTerm(prev); - break; + jj_la1[234] = jj_gen; + break label_162; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createComma(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev);} + break; + case DIV: + n = jj_consume_token(DIV); + label_163: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; default: - jj_la1[232] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - { - if (true) { - return result; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public LexicalUnitImpl variableTerm(LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - LexicalUnitImpl result = null; - String varName = ""; - varName = variableName(); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createVariable(token.beginLine, - token.beginColumn, prev, varName); - { - if (true) { - return result; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + jj_la1[235] = jj_gen; + break label_163; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createSlash(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev);} + break; + case ANY: + n = jj_consume_token(ANY); + label_164: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[236] = jj_gen; + break label_164; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createMultiply(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev);} + break; + case MOD: + n = jj_consume_token(MOD); + label_165: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[237] = jj_gen; + break label_165; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createModulo(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev);} + break; + case PLUS: + n = jj_consume_token(PLUS); + label_166: + while (true) { + jj_consume_token(S); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[238] = jj_gen; + break label_166; + } + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createAdd(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev);} + break; + case MINUS: + n = jj_consume_token(MINUS); + label_167: + while (true) { + jj_consume_token(S); + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[239] = jj_gen; + break label_167; + } + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createMinus(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev);} + break; + default: + jj_la1[240] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - final public LexicalUnitImpl nonVariableTerm(LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - LexicalUnitImpl result = null; - Token n = null; - char op = ' '; - String varName; - String s = ""; - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case NUMBER: - case PERCENTAGE: - case PT: - case MM: - case CM: - case PC: - case IN: - case PX: - case EMS: - case LEM: - case REM: - case EXS: - case DEG: - case RAD: - case GRAD: - case MS: - case SECOND: - case HZ: - case KHZ: - case DIMEN: - case FUNCTION: - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - op = unaryOperator(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[233] = jj_gen; - ; - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case NUMBER: - n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createNumber(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, number(op, n, 0)); - break; - case PERCENTAGE: - n = jj_consume_token(PERCENTAGE); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPercentage(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, number(op, n, 1)); - break; - case PT: - n = jj_consume_token(PT); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPT(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case CM: - n = jj_consume_token(CM); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case MM: - n = jj_consume_token(MM); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createMM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case PC: - n = jj_consume_token(PC); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPC(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case IN: - n = jj_consume_token(IN); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createIN(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case PX: - n = jj_consume_token(PX); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPX(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case EMS: - n = jj_consume_token(EMS); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createEMS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case LEM: - n = jj_consume_token(LEM); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createLEM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 3)); - break; - case REM: - n = jj_consume_token(REM); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createREM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 3)); - break; - case EXS: - n = jj_consume_token(EXS); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createEXS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case DEG: - n = jj_consume_token(DEG); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createDEG(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 3)); - break; - case RAD: - n = jj_consume_token(RAD); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createRAD(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 3)); - break; - case GRAD: - n = jj_consume_token(GRAD); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createGRAD(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 3)); - break; - case SECOND: - n = jj_consume_token(SECOND); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 1)); - break; - case MS: - n = jj_consume_token(MS); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createMS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case HZ: - n = jj_consume_token(HZ); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createHZ(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 2)); - break; - case KHZ: - n = jj_consume_token(KHZ); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createKHZ(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, number(op, n, 3)); - break; - case DIMEN: - n = jj_consume_token(DIMEN); - s = n.image; - int i = 0; - while (i < s.length() - && (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i)) || (s.charAt(i) == '.'))) { - i++; - } - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createDimen(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, Float.valueOf(s.substring(0, i)) - .floatValue(), s.substring(i)); - break; - case FUNCTION: - result = function(op, prev); - break; - default: - jj_la1[234] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); - } - break; - case DOT: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case URL: - case HASH: - case UNICODERANGE: - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case STRING: - n = jj_consume_token(STRING); - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createString(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, - convertStringIndex(n.image, 1, n.image.length() - 1)); - break; - case DOT: - case IDENT: - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case DOT: - jj_consume_token(DOT); - s += "."; - break; - default: - jj_la1[235] = jj_gen; - ; - } - n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); - s += convertIdent(n.image); - if ("inherit".equals(s)) { - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createInherit(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev); - } else { - result = LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, convertIdent(n.image)); - } +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public LexicalUnitImpl expr() throws ParseException { + LexicalUnitImpl first, res; + char op; + first = term(null); + res = first; + label_168: + while (true) { + if (jj_2_8(2)) { + ; + } else { + break label_168; + } + if (jj_2_9(2)) { + res = operator(res); + } else { + ; + } + res = term(res); + } + {if (true) return first;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - /* - * / Auto correction code used in the CSS Validator but must not - * be used by a conformant CSS2 parser. Common error : H1 { - * color : black background : white } - * - * Token t = getToken(1); Token semicolon = new Token(); - * semicolon.kind = SEMICOLON; semicolon.image = ";"; if (t.kind - * == COLON) { // @@SEEME. (generate a warning?) // @@SEEME if - * expression is a single ident, generate an error ? - * rejectToken(semicolon); - * - * result = prev; } / - */ +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public char unaryOperator() throws ParseException { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case MINUS: + jj_consume_token(MINUS); + {if (true) return '-';} + break; + case PLUS: + jj_consume_token(PLUS); + {if (true) return '+';} + break; + default: + jj_la1[241] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - break; - case HASH: - result = hexcolor(prev); - break; - case URL: - result = url(prev); - break; - case UNICODERANGE: - result = unicode(prev); - break; - default: - jj_la1[236] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public LexicalUnitImpl term(LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { + LexicalUnitImpl result = null; + Token n = null; + char op = ' '; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case DOT: + case STRING: + case IDENT: + case NUMBER: + case URL: + case PERCENTAGE: + case PT: + case MM: + case CM: + case PC: + case IN: + case PX: + case EMS: + case LEM: + case REM: + case EXS: + case DEG: + case RAD: + case GRAD: + case MS: + case SECOND: + case HZ: + case KHZ: + case DIMEN: + case HASH: + case UNICODERANGE: + case FUNCTION: + result = nonVariableTerm(prev); + break; + case VARIABLE: + result = variableTerm(prev); + break; + default: + jj_la1[242] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + {if (true) return result;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public LexicalUnitImpl variableTerm(LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { + LexicalUnitImpl result = null; + String varName = ""; + varName = variableName(); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createVariable(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, + prev, varName); {if (true) return result;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public LexicalUnitImpl nonVariableTerm(LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { +LexicalUnitImpl result = null; + Token n = null; + char op = ' '; + String varName; + String s = ""; + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case NUMBER: + case PERCENTAGE: + case PT: + case MM: + case CM: + case PC: + case IN: + case PX: + case EMS: + case LEM: + case REM: + case EXS: + case DEG: + case RAD: + case GRAD: + case MS: + case SECOND: + case HZ: + case KHZ: + case DIMEN: + case FUNCTION: + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + op = unaryOperator(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[243] = jj_gen; + ; + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case NUMBER: + n = jj_consume_token(NUMBER); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createNumber(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 0)); + break; + case PERCENTAGE: + n = jj_consume_token(PERCENTAGE); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPercentage(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 1)); + break; + case PT: + n = jj_consume_token(PT); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPT(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case CM: + n = jj_consume_token(CM); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case MM: + n = jj_consume_token(MM); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createMM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case PC: + n = jj_consume_token(PC); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPC(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case IN: + n = jj_consume_token(IN); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createIN(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case PX: + n = jj_consume_token(PX); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createPX(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case EMS: + n = jj_consume_token(EMS); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createEMS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case LEM: + n = jj_consume_token(LEM); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createLEM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 3)); + break; + case REM: + n = jj_consume_token(REM); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createREM(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 3)); + break; + case EXS: + n = jj_consume_token(EXS); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createEXS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case DEG: + n = jj_consume_token(DEG); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createDEG(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 3)); + break; + case RAD: + n = jj_consume_token(RAD); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createRAD(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 3)); + break; + case GRAD: + n = jj_consume_token(GRAD); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createGRAD(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 3)); + break; + case SECOND: + n = jj_consume_token(SECOND); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 1)); + break; + case MS: + n = jj_consume_token(MS); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createMS(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case HZ: + n = jj_consume_token(HZ); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createHZ(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 2)); + break; + case KHZ: + n = jj_consume_token(KHZ); + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createKHZ(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, number(op, n, 3)); + break; + case DIMEN: + n = jj_consume_token(DIMEN); + s = n.image; + int i = 0; + while (i < s.length() + && (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i)) || (s.charAt(i) == '.'))) { + i++; } - break; + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createDimen(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, prev, + Float.valueOf(s.substring(0, i)).floatValue(), + s.substring(i)); + break; + case FUNCTION: + result = function(op, prev); + break; + default: + jj_la1[244] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + break; + case DOT: + case STRING: + case IDENT: + case URL: + case HASH: + case UNICODERANGE: + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case STRING: + n = jj_consume_token(STRING); + result = + LexicalUnitImpl.createString(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, prev, + convertStringIndex(n.image, 1, + n.image.length() -1)); + break; + case DOT: + case IDENT: + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case DOT: + jj_consume_token(DOT); + s+="."; + break; default: - jj_la1[237] = jj_gen; - jj_consume_token(-1); - throw new ParseException(); + jj_la1[245] = jj_gen; + ; } - label_159: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[238] = jj_gen; - break label_159; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - { - if (true) { - return result; - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } + n = jj_consume_token(IDENT); + s += convertIdent(n.image); + if ("inherit".equals(s)) { + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createInherit(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev); + } else { + result = LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, convertIdent(n.image)); + } + + /* / + Auto correction code used in the CSS Validator but must not + be used by a conformant CSS2 parser. + * Common error : + * H1 { + * color : black + * background : white + * } + * + Token t = getToken(1); + Token semicolon = new Token(); + semicolon.kind = SEMICOLON; + semicolon.image = ";"; + if (t.kind == COLON) { + // @@SEEME. (generate a warning?) + // @@SEEME if expression is a single ident, + generate an error ? + rejectToken(semicolon); + + result = prev; + } + / */ + + break; + case HASH: + result = hexcolor(prev); + break; + case URL: + result = url(prev); + break; + case UNICODERANGE: + result = unicode(prev); + break; + default: + jj_la1[246] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + break; + default: + jj_la1[247] = jj_gen; + jj_consume_token(-1); + throw new ParseException(); + } + label_169: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[248] = jj_gen; + break label_169; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + {if (true) return result;} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - /** - * Handle all CSS2 functions. - * - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public LexicalUnitImpl function(char operator, LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - Token n; - LexicalUnit params = null; - n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); - label_160: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[239] = jj_gen; - break label_160; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } +/** + * Handle all CSS2 functions. + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public LexicalUnitImpl function(char operator, LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { + Token n; + LexicalUnit params = null; + n = jj_consume_token(FUNCTION); + label_170: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[249] = jj_gen; + break label_170; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } String fname = convertIdent(n.image); - if ("alpha(".equals(fname)) { + if("alpha(".equals(fname)){ String body = skipStatementUntilSemiColon(); - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, null, "alpha(" + body); - } - } - } else if ("expression(".equals(fname)) { + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + null, "alpha("+body);} + }else if("expression(".equals(fname)){ String body = skipStatementUntilSemiColon(); - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, null, "expression(" + body); - } - } - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case PLUS: - case MINUS: - case DOT: - case STRING: - case IDENT: - case NUMBER: - case URL: - case VARIABLE: - case PERCENTAGE: - case PT: - case MM: - case CM: - case PC: - case IN: - case PX: - case EMS: - case LEM: - case REM: - case EXS: - case DEG: - case RAD: - case GRAD: - case MS: - case SECOND: - case HZ: - case KHZ: - case DIMEN: - case HASH: - case UNICODERANGE: - case FUNCTION: - params = expr(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[240] = jj_gen; - ; - } - jj_consume_token(RPARAN); + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + null, "expression("+body);} + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case PLUS: + case MINUS: + case DOT: + case STRING: + case IDENT: + case NUMBER: + case URL: + case VARIABLE: + case PERCENTAGE: + case PT: + case MM: + case CM: + case PC: + case IN: + case PX: + case EMS: + case LEM: + case REM: + case EXS: + case DEG: + case RAD: + case GRAD: + case MS: + case SECOND: + case HZ: + case KHZ: + case DIMEN: + case HASH: + case UNICODERANGE: + case FUNCTION: + params = expr(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[250] = jj_gen; + ; + } + jj_consume_token(RPARAN); if (operator != ' ') { - { - if (true) { - throw new CSSParseException( - "invalid operator before a function.", getLocator()); - } - } + {if (true) throw new CSSParseException("invalid operator before a function.", + getLocator());} } String f = convertIdent(n.image); LexicalUnitImpl l = (LexicalUnitImpl) params; @@ -5546,38 +5630,32 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { int i = 0; while (loop && l != null && i < 5) { switch (i) { - case 0: - case 2: - case 4: - if ((l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_INTEGER) + case 0: + case 2: + case 4: + if ((l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_INTEGER) && (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_PERCENTAGE)) { - loop = false; - } - break; - case 1: - case 3: - if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { - loop = false; - } - break; - default: { - if (true) { - throw new ParseException("implementation error"); - } - } + loop = false; + } + break; + case 1: + case 3: + if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { + loop = false; + } + break; + default: + {if (true) throw new ParseException("implementation error");} } if (loop) { - l = l.getNextLexicalUnit(); - i++; + l = (LexicalUnitImpl) l.getNextLexicalUnit(); + i ++; } } if ((i == 5) && loop && (l == null)) { - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createRGBColor(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, params); - } - } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createRGBColor(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev, params);} } else { if (errorHandler != null) { String errorText; @@ -5585,63 +5663,54 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { if (i < 5) { if (params == null) { loc = new LocatorImpl(this, n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn - 1); + n.beginColumn-1); errorText = "not enough parameters."; } else if (l == null) { loc = new LocatorImpl(this, n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn - 1); + n.beginColumn-1); errorText = "not enough parameters: " - + params.toString(); + + params.toString(); } else { loc = new LocatorImpl(this, l.getLineNumber(), - l.getColumnNumber()); - errorText = "invalid parameter: " + l.toString(); + l.getColumnNumber()); + errorText = "invalid parameter: " + + l.toString(); } } else { loc = new LocatorImpl(this, l.getLineNumber(), - l.getColumnNumber()); - errorText = "too many parameters: " + l.toString(); + l.getColumnNumber()); + errorText = "too many parameters: " + + l.toString(); } errorHandler.error(new CSSParseException(errorText, loc)); } - { - if (true) { - throw new JumpException(); - } - } + {if (true) throw new JumpException();} } } else if ("counter".equals(f)) { int i = 0; while (loop && l != null && i < 3) { switch (i) { - case 0: - case 2: - if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT) { - loop = false; - } - break; - case 1: - if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { - loop = false; - } - break; - default: { - if (true) { - throw new ParseException("implementation error"); - } - } + case 0: + case 2: + if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT) { + loop = false; + } + break; + case 1: + if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { + loop = false; + } + break; + default: + {if (true) throw new ParseException("implementation error");} } - l = l.getNextLexicalUnit(); - i++; + l = (LexicalUnitImpl) l.getNextLexicalUnit(); + i ++; } if (((i == 1) || (i == 3)) && loop && (l == null)) { - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createCounter(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, params); - } - } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createCounter(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, params);} } } else if ("counters(".equals(f)) { @@ -5649,2693 +5718,2037 @@ public class Parser implements org.w3c.css.sac.Parser, ParserConstants { int i = 0; while (loop && l != null && i < 5) { switch (i) { - case 0: - case 4: - if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT) { - loop = false; - } - break; - case 2: - if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_STRING_VALUE) { - loop = false; - } - break; - case 1: - case 3: - if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { - loop = false; - } - break; - default: { - if (true) { - throw new ParseException("implementation error"); - } - } + case 0: + case 4: + if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT) { + loop = false; + } + break; + case 2: + if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_STRING_VALUE) { + loop = false; + } + break; + case 1: + case 3: + if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { + loop = false; + } + break; + default: + {if (true) throw new ParseException("implementation error");} } - l = l.getNextLexicalUnit(); - i++; + l = (LexicalUnitImpl) l.getNextLexicalUnit(); + i ++; } if (((i == 3) || (i == 5)) && loop && (l == null)) { - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createCounters(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, params); - } - } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createCounters(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, params);} } } else if ("attr(".equals(f)) { - if ((l != null) && (l.getNextLexicalUnit() == null) - && (l.getLexicalUnitType() == LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT)) { - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createAttr(l.getLineNumber(), - l.getColumnNumber(), prev, l.getStringValue()); - } - } + if ((l != null) + && (l.getNextLexicalUnit() == null) + && (l.getLexicalUnitType() == LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT)) { + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createAttr(l.getLineNumber(), + l.getColumnNumber(), + prev, l.getStringValue());} } } else if ("rect(".equals(f)) { int i = 0; while (loop && l != null && i < 7) { switch (i) { - case 0: - case 2: - case 4: - case 6: - switch (l.getLexicalUnitType()) { - case LexicalUnit.SAC_INTEGER: - if (l.getIntegerValue() != 0) { + case 0: + case 2: + case 4: + case 6: + switch (l.getLexicalUnitType()) { + case LexicalUnit.SAC_INTEGER: + if (l.getIntegerValue() != 0) { + loop = false; + } + break; + case LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT: + if (!l.getStringValue().equals("auto")) { + loop = false; + } + break; + case LexicalUnit.SAC_EM: + case LexicalUnit.SAC_EX: + case LexicalUnit.SAC_PIXEL: + case LexicalUnit.SAC_CENTIMETER: + case LexicalUnit.SAC_MILLIMETER: + case LexicalUnit.SAC_INCH: + case LexicalUnit.SAC_POINT: + case LexicalUnit.SAC_PICA: + // nothing + break; + default: loop = false; } break; - case LexicalUnit.SAC_IDENT: - if (!l.getStringValue().equals("auto")) { + case 1: + case 3: + case 5: + if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { loop = false; } break; - case LexicalUnit.SAC_EM: - case LexicalUnit.SAC_EX: - case LexicalUnit.SAC_PIXEL: - case LexicalUnit.SAC_CENTIMETER: - case LexicalUnit.SAC_MILLIMETER: - case LexicalUnit.SAC_INCH: - case LexicalUnit.SAC_POINT: - case LexicalUnit.SAC_PICA: - // nothing - break; default: - loop = false; - } - break; - case 1: - case 3: - case 5: - if (l.getLexicalUnitType() != LexicalUnit.SAC_OPERATOR_COMMA) { - loop = false; - } - break; - default: { - if (true) { - throw new ParseException("implementation error"); - } - } + {if (true) throw new ParseException("implementation error");} } - l = l.getNextLexicalUnit(); - i++; + l = (LexicalUnitImpl) l.getNextLexicalUnit(); + i ++; } if ((i == 7) && loop && (l == null)) { - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createRect(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, params); - } - } - } - } - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createFunction(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, f.substring(0, f.length() - 1), - params); - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public LexicalUnitImpl unicode(LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - Token n; - n = jj_consume_token(UNICODERANGE); - LexicalUnitImpl params = null; - String s = n.image.substring(2); - int index = s.indexOf('-'); - if (index == -1) { - params = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - params, Integer.parseInt(s, 16)); - } else { - String s1 = s.substring(0, index); - String s2 = s.substring(index); - - params = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - params, Integer.parseInt(s1, 16)); - params = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - params, Integer.parseInt(s2, 16)); - } - - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createUnicodeRange(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, prev, params); - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - final public LexicalUnitImpl url(LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - Token n; - n = jj_consume_token(URL); - String urlname = n.image.substring(4, n.image.length() - 1).trim(); - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createURL(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, urlname); - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - /** - * @exception ParseException - * exception during the parse - */ - final public LexicalUnitImpl hexcolor(LexicalUnitImpl prev) - throws ParseException { - Token n; - n = jj_consume_token(HASH); - int r; - LexicalUnitImpl first, params = null; - String s = n.image.substring(1); - - if (s.length() != 3 && s.length() != 6) { - first = null; - { - if (true) { - throw new CSSParseException( - "invalid hexadecimal notation for RGB: " + s, - getLocator()); - } - } - } - { - if (true) { - return LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, - prev, n.image); - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - float number(char operator, Token n, int lengthUnit) throws ParseException { - String image = n.image; - float f = 0; - - if (lengthUnit != 0) { - image = image.substring(0, image.length() - lengthUnit); - } - f = Float.valueOf(image).floatValue(); - return (operator == '-') ? -f : f; - } - - String skipStatementUntilSemiColon() throws ParseException { - int[] semicolon = { SEMICOLON }; - return skipStatementUntil(semicolon); - } - - String skipStatementUntilLeftBrace() throws ParseException { - int[] lBrace = { LBRACE }; - return skipStatementUntil(lBrace); - } - - String skipStatementUntilRightParan() throws ParseException { - int[] rParan = { RPARAN }; - return skipStatementUntil(rParan); - } - - String skipStatementUntil(int[] symbols) throws ParseException { - StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); - boolean stop = false; - Token tok; - while (!stop) { - tok = getToken(1); - if (tok.kind == EOF) { - return null; - } - for (int sym : symbols) { - if (tok.kind == sym) { - stop = true; - break; - } - } - if (!stop) { - if (tok.image != null) { - s.append(tok.image); - } - getNextToken(); - } - } - return s.toString().trim(); - } - - String skipStatement() throws ParseException { - StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); - Token tok = getToken(0); - if (tok.image != null) { - s.append(tok.image); - } - while (true) { - tok = getToken(1); - if (tok.kind == EOF) { - return null; - } - s.append(tok.image); - if (tok.kind == LBRACE) { - getNextToken(); - s.append(skip_to_matching_brace()); - getNextToken(); - tok = getToken(1); - break; - } else if (tok.kind == RBRACE) { - getNextToken(); - tok = getToken(1); - break; - } else if (tok.kind == SEMICOLON) { - getNextToken(); - tok = getToken(1); - break; - } - getNextToken(); - } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createRect(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, params);} + } + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createFunction(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, prev, + f.substring(0, + f.length() -1), + params);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public LexicalUnitImpl unicode(LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(UNICODERANGE); + LexicalUnitImpl params = null; + String s = n.image.substring(2); + int index = s.indexOf('-'); + if (index == -1) { + params = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + params, Integer.parseInt(s, 16)); + } else { + String s1 = s.substring(0, index); + String s2 = s.substring(index); + + params = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + params, Integer.parseInt(s1, 16)); + params = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + params, Integer.parseInt(s2, 16)); + } + + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createUnicodeRange(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, params);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + final public LexicalUnitImpl url(LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(URL); + String urlname = n.image.substring(4, n.image.length()-1).trim(); + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createURL(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, prev, urlname);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } - // skip white space - while (true) { - if (tok.kind != S) { - break; - } - tok = getNextToken(); - tok = getToken(1); - } - - return s.toString().trim(); - } - - String skip_to_matching_brace() throws ParseException { - StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); - Token tok; - int nesting = 1; - while (true) { - tok = getToken(1); - if (tok.kind == EOF) { - break; - } - s.append(tok.image); - if (tok.kind == LBRACE) { - nesting++; - } else if (tok.kind == RBRACE) { - nesting--; - if (nesting == 0) { - break; - } +/** + * @exception ParseException exception during the parse + */ + final public LexicalUnitImpl hexcolor(LexicalUnitImpl prev) throws ParseException { + Token n; + n = jj_consume_token(HASH); + int r; + LexicalUnitImpl first, params = null; + String s = n.image.substring(1); + + if(s.length()!=3 && s.length()!=6) { + first = null; + {if (true) throw new CSSParseException("invalid hexadecimal notation for RGB: " + s, + getLocator());} + } + {if (true) return LexicalUnitImpl.createIdent(n.beginLine, n.beginColumn, + prev, n.image);} + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + float number(char operator, Token n, int lengthUnit) throws ParseException { + String image = n.image; + float f = 0; + + if (lengthUnit != 0) { + image = image.substring(0, image.length() - lengthUnit); + } + f = Float.valueOf(image).floatValue(); + return (operator == '-')? -f: f; + } + + String skipStatementUntilSemiColon() throws ParseException { + int[] semicolon = {SEMICOLON}; + return skipStatementUntil(semicolon); + } + + String skipStatementUntilLeftBrace() throws ParseException { + int[] lBrace = {LBRACE}; + return skipStatementUntil(lBrace); + } + + String skipStatementUntilRightParan() throws ParseException { + int[] rParan = {RPARAN}; + return skipStatementUntil(rParan); + } + + String skipStatementUntil(int[] symbols) throws ParseException { + StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); + boolean stop = false; + Token tok; + while(!stop){ + tok = getToken(1); + if(tok.kind == EOF) { + return null; + } + for(int sym : symbols){ + if(tok.kind == sym){ + stop = true; + break; + } + } + if(!stop){ + if (tok.image != null) { + s.append(tok.image); } getNextToken(); } - return s.toString(); - } - - String convertStringIndex(String s, int start, int len) - throws ParseException { - StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len); - int index = start; - - while (index < len) { - char c = s.charAt(index); - if (c == '\u005c\u005c') { - if (++index < len) { - c = s.charAt(index); - switch (c) { - case '0': - case '1': - case '2': - case '3': - case '4': - case '5': - case '6': - case '7': - case '8': - case '9': - case 'a': - case 'b': - case 'c': - case 'd': - case 'e': - case 'f': - case 'A': - case 'B': - case 'C': - case 'D': - case 'E': - case 'F': - buf.append('\u005c\u005c'); - while (index < len) { - buf.append(s.charAt(index++)); - } - break; - case '\u005cn': - case '\u005cf': - break; - case '\u005cr': - if (index + 1 < len) { - if (s.charAt(index + 1) == '\u005cn') { - index++; - } - } - break; - default: - buf.append(c); - } - } else { - throw new CSSParseException("invalid string " + s, - getLocator()); - } - } else { - buf.append(c); - } - index++; - } - - return buf.toString(); } + return s.toString().trim(); + } - String convertIdent(String s) throws ParseException { - return convertStringIndex(s, 0, s.length()); + String skipStatement() throws ParseException { + StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); + Token tok = getToken(0); + if (tok.image != null) { + s.append(tok.image); } - - String convertString(String s) throws ParseException { - return convertStringIndex(s, 0, s.length()); - } - - void comments() throws ParseException { - if (token.specialToken != null) { - Token tmp_t = token.specialToken; - while (tmp_t.specialToken != null) { - tmp_t = tmp_t.specialToken; - } - while (tmp_t != null) { - documentHandler.comment(tmp_t.image); - tmp_t = tmp_t.next; - } + while (true) { + tok = getToken(1); + if (tok.kind == EOF) { + return null; } - } - - void rejectToken(Token t) throws ParseException { - Token fakeToken = new Token(); - t.next = token; - fakeToken.next = t; - token = fakeToken; - } - - String skipAfterExpression() throws ParseException { - Token t = getToken(1); - StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); - s.append(getToken(0).image); - - while ((t.kind != RBRACE) && (t.kind != SEMICOLON) && (t.kind != EOF)) { - s.append(t.image); + s.append(tok.image); + if (tok.kind == LBRACE) { getNextToken(); - t = getToken(1); - } - - return s.toString(); - } - - /** - * The following functions are useful for a DOM CSS implementation only and - * are not part of the general CSS2 parser. - */ - final public void _parseRule() throws ParseException { - String ret = null; - label_161: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[241] = jj_gen; - break label_161; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case IMPORT_SYM: - importDeclaration(); - break; - case DEBUG_SYM: - case WARN_SYM: - debuggingDirective(); - break; - case PLUS: - case PRECEDES: - case SIBLING: - case LBRACKET: - case ANY: - case PARENT: - case DOT: - case COLON: - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - case HASH: - styleRule(); - break; - case MEDIA_SYM: - media(); + s.append(skip_to_matching_brace()); + getNextToken(); + tok = getToken(1); break; - case PAGE_SYM: - page(); + } else if (tok.kind == RBRACE) { + getNextToken(); + tok = getToken(1); break; - case FONT_FACE_SYM: - fontFace(); + } else if (tok.kind == SEMICOLON) { + getNextToken(); + tok = getToken(1); break; - default: - jj_la1[242] = jj_gen; - ret = skipStatement(); - if ((ret == null) || (ret.length() == 0)) { - { - if (true) { - return; - } - } - } - if (ret.charAt(0) == '@') { - documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); - } else { - { - if (true) { - throw new CSSParseException("unrecognize rule: " + ret, - getLocator()); - } - } - } } + getNextToken(); } - final public void _parseImportRule() throws ParseException { - label_162: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[243] = jj_gen; - break label_162; - } - jj_consume_token(S); + // skip white space + while (true) { + if (tok.kind != S) { + break; } - importDeclaration(); + tok = getNextToken(); + tok = getToken(1); } - final public void _parseMediaRule() throws ParseException { - label_163: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[244] = jj_gen; - break label_163; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - media(); - } + return s.toString().trim(); + } - final public void _parseDeclarationBlock() throws ParseException { - label_164: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[245] = jj_gen; - break label_164; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); + String skip_to_matching_brace() throws ParseException { + StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); + Token tok; + int nesting = 1; + while (true) { + tok = getToken(1); + if (tok.kind == EOF) { break; - default: - jj_la1[246] = jj_gen; - ; } - label_165: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case SEMICOLON: - ; - break; - default: - jj_la1[247] = jj_gen; - break label_165; - } - jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); - label_166: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; + s.append(tok.image); + if (tok.kind == LBRACE) { + nesting++; + } else if (tok.kind == RBRACE) { + nesting--; + if (nesting == 0) { + break; + } + } + getNextToken(); + } + return s.toString(); + } + + String convertStringIndex(String s, int start, int len) throws ParseException { + StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len); + int index = start; + + while (index < len) { + char c = s.charAt(index); + if (c == '\u005c\u005c') { + if (++index < len) { + c = s.charAt(index); + switch (c) { + case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': + case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': + case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': + case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': + buf.append('\u005c\u005c'); + while (index < len) { + buf.append(s.charAt(index++)); + } break; - default: - jj_la1[248] = jj_gen; - break label_166; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case INTERPOLATION: - case IDENT: - declaration(); - break; - default: - jj_la1[249] = jj_gen; - ; - } - } - } - - final public ArrayList<String> _parseSelectors() throws ParseException { - ArrayList<String> p = null; - try { - label_167: while (true) { - switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { - case S: - ; + case '\u005cn': + case '\u005cf': break; - default: - jj_la1[250] = jj_gen; - break label_167; - } - jj_consume_token(S); - } - p = selectorList(); - { - if (true) { - return p; - } - } - } catch (ThrowedParseException e) { - { - if (true) { - throw (ParseException) e.e.fillInStackTrace(); - } - } - } - throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); - } - - private boolean jj_2_1(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_1(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(0, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_2_2(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_2(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(1, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_2_3(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_3(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(2, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_2_4(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_4(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(3, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_2_5(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_5(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(4, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_2_6(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_6(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(5, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_2_7(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_7(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(6, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_2_8(int xla) { - jj_la = xla; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; - try { - return !jj_3_8(); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - return true; - } finally { - jj_save(7, xla); - } - } - - private boolean jj_3R_178() { - if (jj_scan_token(VARIABLE)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_240() { - if (jj_3R_178()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_237() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_250()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_251()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_250() { - if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_248() { - if (jj_scan_token(URL)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_194() { - Token xsp; - if (jj_3R_237()) { - return true; - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_237()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_180() { - if (jj_3R_200()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_198() { - if (jj_3R_173()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_177() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_198()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_199()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_176() { - if (jj_3R_197()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_254() { - if (jj_scan_token(PLUS)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_244() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_253()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_254()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_253() { - if (jj_scan_token(MINUS)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_249() { - if (jj_scan_token(UNICODERANGE)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_8() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_176()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - if (jj_3R_177()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_179() { - if (jj_3R_177()) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3_8()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_202() { - if (jj_3R_201()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_201() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(20)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_scan_token(24)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_scan_token(25)) { - return true; - } - } - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_168() { - if (jj_3R_178()) { - return true; - } - if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - if (jj_3R_179()) { - return true; - } - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_180()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - if (jj_3R_181()) { - return true; - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_181()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_183() { - if (jj_scan_token(S)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_202()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_239() { - if (jj_scan_token(COMMA)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_182() { - if (jj_3R_201()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_169() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_182()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_183()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_197() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_238()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_239()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_238() { - if (jj_scan_token(DIV)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_200() { - if (jj_scan_token(GUARDED_SYM)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_189() { - if (jj_scan_token(VARIABLE)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) { - return true; - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_171() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_189()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - if (jj_scan_token(CONTAINS)) { - return true; - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - if (true) { - jj_la = 0; - jj_scanpos = jj_lastpos; - return false; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_204() { - if (jj_scan_token(HASH)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_276() { - if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_277() { - if (jj_scan_token(FUNCTION)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - if (true) { - jj_la = 0; - jj_scanpos = jj_lastpos; - return false; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_275() { - if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_206() { - if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_275()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_276()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_277()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_7() { - if (jj_3R_175()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_296() { - if (jj_scan_token(STRING)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_294() { - if (jj_scan_token(STARMATCH)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_293() { - if (jj_scan_token(DOLLARMATCH)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_295() { - if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_292() { - if (jj_scan_token(CARETMATCH)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_291() { - if (jj_scan_token(DASHMATCH)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_290() { - if (jj_scan_token(INCLUDES)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_257() { - if (jj_scan_token(INTERPOLATION)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_289() { - if (jj_scan_token(EQ)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_196() { - if (jj_scan_token(LBRACE)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_282() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_289()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_290()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_291()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_292()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_293()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_294()) { - return true; - } + case '\u005cr': + if (index + 1 < len) { + if (s.charAt(index + 1) == '\u005cn') { + index ++; } } + break; + default: + buf.append(c); } + } else { + throw new CSSParseException("invalid string " + s, getLocator()); } + } else { + buf.append(c); } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_295()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_296()) { - return true; - } - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_207() { - if (jj_scan_token(LBRACKET)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) { - return true; - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_282()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - if (jj_scan_token(RBRACKET)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_288() { - if (jj_scan_token(INTERPOLATION)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_195() { - if (jj_3R_179()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_243() { - if (jj_scan_token(PARENT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_242() { - if (jj_scan_token(ANY)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_6() { - if (jj_3R_174()) { - return true; - } - if (jj_scan_token(LBRACE)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_175() { - if (jj_3R_194()) { - return true; - } - if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_195()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_196()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_252() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_256()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_257()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_256() { - if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_203() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_241()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_242()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_243()) { - return true; - } - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_241() { - Token xsp; - if (jj_3R_252()) { - return true; - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_252()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_172() { - if (jj_scan_token(COMMA)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_270() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_287()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_288()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_287() { - if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_286() { - if (jj_3R_206()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_5() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_172()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - if (jj_3R_173()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_205() { - if (jj_scan_token(DOT)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - if (jj_3R_270()) { - return true; - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_270()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_284() { - if (jj_3R_205()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_279() { - if (jj_3R_205()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_281() { - if (jj_3R_206()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_269() { - if (jj_3R_206()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_272() { - if (jj_3R_205()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_274() { - if (jj_3R_206()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_255() { - if (jj_3R_179()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_285() { - if (jj_3R_207()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_262() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_283()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_284()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_285()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_286()) { - return true; - } - } - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_283() { - if (jj_3R_204()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_261() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_278()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_279()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_280()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_281()) { - return true; - } - } - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_278() { - if (jj_3R_204()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_266() { - if (jj_3R_206()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_260() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_271()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_272()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_273()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_274()) { - return true; - } - } - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_271() { - if (jj_3R_204()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_280() { - if (jj_3R_207()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_268() { - if (jj_3R_207()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_273() { - if (jj_3R_207()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_259() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_267()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_268()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_269()) { - return true; - } - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_264() { - if (jj_3R_205()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_267() { - if (jj_3R_205()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_245() { - if (jj_scan_token(FUNCTION)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_255()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - if (jj_scan_token(RPARAN)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_234() { - if (jj_3R_249()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_233() { - if (jj_3R_248()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_188() { - if (jj_3R_207()) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_262()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_232() { - if (jj_3R_247()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_187() { - if (jj_3R_206()) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_261()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_265() { - if (jj_3R_207()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_186() { - if (jj_3R_205()) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_260()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_185() { - if (jj_3R_204()) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_259()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; + index++; } - private boolean jj_3R_258() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_263()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_264()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_265()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_266()) { - return true; - } - } - } - } - return false; - } + return buf.toString(); + } - private boolean jj_3R_263() { - if (jj_3R_204()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } + String convertIdent(String s) throws ParseException { + return convertStringIndex(s, 0, s.length()); + } - private boolean jj_3R_184() { - if (jj_3R_203()) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_258()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_170() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_184()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_185()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_186()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_187()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_188()) { - return true; - } - } - } - } - } - return false; - } + String convertString(String s) throws ParseException { + return convertStringIndex(s, 0, s.length()); + } - private boolean jj_3R_236() { - if (jj_3R_201()) { - return true; - } - if (jj_3R_170()) { - return true; + void comments() throws ParseException { + if (token.specialToken != null){ + Token tmp_t = token.specialToken; + while (tmp_t.specialToken != null) tmp_t = tmp_t.specialToken; + while (tmp_t != null) { + documentHandler.comment(tmp_t.image); + tmp_t = tmp_t.next; } - return false; } + } - private boolean jj_3R_246() { - if (jj_scan_token(DOT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } + void rejectToken(Token t) throws ParseException { + Token fakeToken = new Token(); + t.next = token; + fakeToken.next = t; + token = fakeToken; + } - private boolean jj_3R_231() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_246()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } + String skipAfterExpression() throws ParseException { + Token t = getToken(1); + StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); + s.append(getToken(0).image); - private boolean jj_3R_230() { - if (jj_scan_token(STRING)) { - return true; - } - return false; + while ((t.kind != RBRACE) && (t.kind != SEMICOLON) && (t.kind != EOF)) { + s.append(t.image); + getNextToken(); + t = getToken(1); } - private boolean jj_3R_229() { - if (jj_3R_245()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } + return s.toString(); + } - private boolean jj_3R_191() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_230()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_231()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_232()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_233()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_234()) { - return true; - } +/** + * The following functions are useful for a DOM CSS implementation only and are + * not part of the general CSS2 parser. + */ + final public void _parseRule() throws ParseException { + String ret = null; + label_171: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[251] = jj_gen; + break label_171; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case IMPORT_SYM: + importDeclaration(); + break; + case DEBUG_SYM: + case WARN_SYM: + debuggingDirective(); + break; + case PLUS: + case PRECEDES: + case SIBLING: + case LBRACKET: + case ANY: + case PARENT: + case DOT: + case COLON: + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + case HASH: + styleRule(); + break; + case MEDIA_SYM: + media(); + break; + case PAGE_SYM: + page(); + break; + case FONT_FACE_SYM: + fontFace(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[252] = jj_gen; + ret = skipStatement(); + if ((ret == null) || (ret.length() == 0)) { + {if (true) return;} } - } - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_2() { - if (jj_3R_169()) { - return true; - } - if (jj_3R_170()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_1() { - if (jj_3R_168()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_193() { - if (jj_scan_token(COMMA)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - if (jj_3R_192()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_235() { - if (jj_3R_170()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_228() { - if (jj_scan_token(DIMEN)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_227() { - if (jj_scan_token(KHZ)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_192() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_235()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_236()) { - return true; - } - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3_2()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_226() { - if (jj_scan_token(HZ)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_225() { - if (jj_scan_token(MS)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_224() { - if (jj_scan_token(SECOND)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_223() { - if (jj_scan_token(GRAD)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_222() { - if (jj_scan_token(RAD)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_174() { - if (jj_3R_192()) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_193()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_221() { - if (jj_scan_token(DEG)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_220() { - if (jj_scan_token(EXS)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_219() { - if (jj_scan_token(REM)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_4() { - if (jj_3R_171()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_218() { - if (jj_scan_token(LEM)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_217() { - if (jj_scan_token(EMS)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_216() { - if (jj_scan_token(PX)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_215() { - if (jj_scan_token(IN)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_214() { - if (jj_scan_token(PC)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_213() { - if (jj_scan_token(MM)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_212() { - if (jj_scan_token(CM)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_251() { - if (jj_scan_token(INTERPOLATION)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_211() { - if (jj_scan_token(PT)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_210() { - if (jj_scan_token(PERCENTAGE)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_199() { - if (jj_3R_240()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3_3() { - if (jj_3R_168()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_209() { - if (jj_scan_token(NUMBER)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_208() { - if (jj_3R_244()) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_190() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_208()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - } - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_209()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_210()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_211()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_212()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_213()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_214()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_215()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_216()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_217()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_218()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_219()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_220()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_221()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_222()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_223()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_224()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_225()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_226()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_227()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_228()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_229()) { - return true; - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } + if (ret.charAt(0) == '@') { + documentHandler.unrecognizedRule(ret); + } else { + {if (true) throw new CSSParseException("unrecognize rule: " + ret, + getLocator());} } - } - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_173() { - Token xsp; - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_3R_190()) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - if (jj_3R_191()) { - return true; - } - } - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_181() { - if (jj_scan_token(SEMICOLON)) { - return true; - } - Token xsp; - while (true) { - xsp = jj_scanpos; - if (jj_scan_token(1)) { - jj_scanpos = xsp; - break; - } - } - return false; - } - - private boolean jj_3R_247() { - if (jj_scan_token(HASH)) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - /** Generated Token Manager. */ - public ParserTokenManager token_source; - /** Current token. */ - public Token token; - /** Next token. */ - public Token jj_nt; - private int jj_ntk; - private Token jj_scanpos, jj_lastpos; - private int jj_la; - private int jj_gen; - final private int[] jj_la1 = new int[251]; - static private int[] jj_la1_0; - static private int[] jj_la1_1; - static private int[] jj_la1_2; - static private int[] jj_la1_3; - static { - jj_la1_init_0(); - jj_la1_init_1(); - jj_la1_init_2(); - jj_la1_init_3(); - } - - private static void jj_la1_init_0() { - jj_la1_0 = new int[] { 0x0, 0xc02, 0xc02, 0x0, 0xc00, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, - 0xd3100000, 0x0, 0xc00, 0x2, 0xc00, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, - 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0xd3100000, - 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0xd3f45400, 0xd3f45400, 0x2, - 0x400000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x800000, - 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x800000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, - 0xe45400, 0x3100000, 0x3100002, 0x3100000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x480002, - 0x480002, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0xd3100000, - 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x400000, 0x2, 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x10000000, - 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, - 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0xd0000000, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0000000, 0x2, 0x2, 0xfc000, 0x2, 0x0, - 0x2, 0xfc000, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x800000, 0x0, - 0xd3100000, 0x0, 0x4d380002, 0x2, 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, - 0x4d380002, 0x0, 0x2, 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x4d380002, 0x2, 0x2, - 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x400000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, - 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0xd3100000, 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x400000, 0x2, 0x2, - 0x2, 0x400000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x300000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x400000, 0x2, - 0x300000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x800000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, - 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x400000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, - 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x400000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, - 0x2, 0x400000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, - 0x400000, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x800000, 0x2, - 0x2, 0x0, 0x800000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x0, - 0x2, 0x0, 0x800000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, 0x301000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, - 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x8400000, 0x8400000, 0x300000, 0x300000, - 0x300000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x300000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x300000, 0x2, - 0xd3100000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x800000, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2, }; - } - - private static void jj_la1_init_1() { - jj_la1_1 = new int[] { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0xacc00181, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x100, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x240000, 0x0, 0x240000, 0x0, 0x0, - 0xac800181, 0xac800181, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000381, 0xc000381, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x200, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x185, 0x185, 0x0, 0x100, 0x100, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xac800181, 0xac800181, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x181, - 0x0, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, - 0x81, 0x181, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0xa0000000, 0xc800181, 0x0, 0x7e, 0x0, 0xc800181, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x7e, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc800181, 0x0, 0x7e, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0xc800181, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, - 0xac800181, 0xac800181, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80, - 0x80, 0x81, 0x0, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81, 0x0, 0x80, 0x0, 0x100, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0xc000000, 0x181, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0xc000181, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x100, 0x0, }; - } - - private static void jj_la1_init_2() { - jj_la1_2 = new int[] { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, - 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x880, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, - 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2000, 0x0, 0x2000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1112, 0x1112, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2b80, 0x2b80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x2a80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x380, 0x380, 0x0, 0x100, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1112, - 0x1112, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, - 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x180, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, - 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x102, 0x1000, 0x1300, 0x0, 0x1102, - 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1300, 0x20, 0x0, 0x1102, 0x0, 0x1300, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x1100, 0x0, 0x1102, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x1102, 0x1102, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x1000, 0x1000, 0xfffffb80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffb80, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1000, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0xfffffb80, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffb80, 0x0, - 0xffffe200, 0x0, 0x980, 0xffffeb80, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffb80, 0x0, - 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, }; - } - - private static void jj_la1_init_3() { - jj_la1_3 = new int[] { 0x8, 0x80, 0x80, 0x2, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x75, - 0x0, 0x80, 0x0, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x45, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0xc401bf, 0xc401bf, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0xc401be, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x400000, - 0x400000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x45, 0x45, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x400000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x45, 0x0, 0x200000, 0x0, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x200000, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x400000, 0x0, 0x75, 0x75, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x440001, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x440001, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x400000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x380000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x440001, 0x0, 0x100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x440001, 0x0, 0x400000, 0x0, 0x40001, 0x440001, 0x0, 0x0, - 0x440001, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, }; - } - - final private JJCalls[] jj_2_rtns = new JJCalls[8]; - private boolean jj_rescan = false; - private int jj_gc = 0; - - /** Constructor with user supplied CharStream. */ - public Parser(CharStream stream) { - token_source = new ParserTokenManager(stream); - token = new Token(); - jj_ntk = -1; - jj_gen = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < 251; i++) { - jj_la1[i] = -1; - } - for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) { - jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); - } - } - - /** Reinitialise. */ - public void ReInit(CharStream stream) { - token_source.ReInit(stream); - token = new Token(); - jj_ntk = -1; - jj_gen = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < 251; i++) { - jj_la1[i] = -1; - } - for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) { - jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); - } } - - /** Constructor with generated Token Manager. */ - public Parser(ParserTokenManager tm) { - token_source = tm; - token = new Token(); - jj_ntk = -1; - jj_gen = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < 251; i++) { - jj_la1[i] = -1; - } - for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) { - jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); - } - } - - /** Reinitialise. */ - public void ReInit(ParserTokenManager tm) { - token_source = tm; - token = new Token(); - jj_ntk = -1; - jj_gen = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < 251; i++) { - jj_la1[i] = -1; - } + } + + final public void _parseImportRule() throws ParseException { + label_172: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[253] = jj_gen; + break label_172; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + importDeclaration(); + } + + final public void _parseMediaRule() throws ParseException { + label_173: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[254] = jj_gen; + break label_173; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + media(); + } + + final public void _parseDeclarationBlock() throws ParseException { + label_174: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[255] = jj_gen; + break label_174; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[256] = jj_gen; + ; + } + label_175: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case SEMICOLON: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[257] = jj_gen; + break label_175; + } + jj_consume_token(SEMICOLON); + label_176: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[258] = jj_gen; + break label_176; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case INTERPOLATION: + case IDENT: + declaration(); + break; + default: + jj_la1[259] = jj_gen; + ; + } + } + } + + final public ArrayList<String> _parseSelectors() throws ParseException { + ArrayList<String> p = null; + try { + label_177: + while (true) { + switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { + case S: + ; + break; + default: + jj_la1[260] = jj_gen; + break label_177; + } + jj_consume_token(S); + } + p = selectorList(); + {if (true) return p;} + } catch (ThrowedParseException e) { + {if (true) throw (ParseException) e.e.fillInStackTrace();} + } + throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); + } + + private boolean jj_2_1(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_1(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(0, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_2(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_2(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(1, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_3(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_3(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(2, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_4(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_4(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(3, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_5(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_5(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(4, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_6(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_6(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(5, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_7(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_7(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(6, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_8(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_8(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(7, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_2_9(int xla) { + jj_la = xla; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = token; + try { return !jj_3_9(); } + catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { return true; } + finally { jj_save(8, xla); } + } + + private boolean jj_3R_252() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_263()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_264()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_263() { + if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_204() { + Token xsp; + if (jj_3R_252()) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_252()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_214() { + if (jj_scan_token(MINUS)) return true; + Token xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_190() { + if (jj_3R_215()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_213() { + if (jj_scan_token(PLUS)) return true; + Token xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_212() { + if (jj_scan_token(MOD)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_211() { + if (jj_scan_token(ANY)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_210() { + if (jj_scan_token(DIV)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_209() { + if (jj_scan_token(COMMA)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_187() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_209()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_210()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_211()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_212()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_213()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_214()) return true; + } + } + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_217() { + if (jj_3R_216()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_216() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(20)) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(24)) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(25)) return true; + } + } + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_178() { + if (jj_3R_188()) return true; + if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + if (jj_3R_189()) return true; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_190()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_191()) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_191()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_215() { + if (jj_scan_token(GUARDED_SYM)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_193() { + if (jj_scan_token(S)) return true; + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_217()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_192() { + if (jj_3R_216()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_179() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_192()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_193()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_199() { + if (jj_scan_token(VARIABLE)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_181() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_199()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(CONTAINS)) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + if (true) { jj_la = 0; jj_scanpos = jj_lastpos; return false;} + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_219() { + if (jj_scan_token(HASH)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_289() { + if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_290() { + if (jj_scan_token(FUNCTION)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + if (true) { jj_la = 0; jj_scanpos = jj_lastpos; return false;} + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_288() { + if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_221() { + if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) return true; + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_288()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_289()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_290()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_7() { + if (jj_3R_185()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_206() { + if (jj_scan_token(LBRACE)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_309() { + if (jj_scan_token(STRING)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_307() { + if (jj_scan_token(STARMATCH)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_308() { + if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_306() { + if (jj_scan_token(DOLLARMATCH)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_305() { + if (jj_scan_token(CARETMATCH)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_304() { + if (jj_scan_token(DASHMATCH)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_303() { + if (jj_scan_token(INCLUDES)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_270() { + if (jj_scan_token(INTERPOLATION)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_302() { + if (jj_scan_token(EQ)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_205() { + if (jj_3R_189()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_295() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_302()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_303()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_304()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_305()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_306()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_307()) return true; + } + } + } + } + } + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_308()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_309()) return true; + } + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_6() { + if (jj_3R_184()) return true; + if (jj_scan_token(LBRACE)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_222() { + if (jj_scan_token(LBRACKET)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_295()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(RBRACKET)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_185() { + if (jj_3R_204()) return true; + if (jj_scan_token(COLON)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_205()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_206()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_301() { + if (jj_scan_token(INTERPOLATION)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_256() { + if (jj_scan_token(PARENT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_268() { + if (jj_3R_189()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_255() { + if (jj_scan_token(ANY)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_265() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_269()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_270()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_269() { + if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_218() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_254()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_255()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_256()) return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_254() { + Token xsp; + if (jj_3R_265()) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_265()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_182() { + if (jj_scan_token(COMMA)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_258() { + if (jj_scan_token(FUNCTION)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_268()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(RPARAN)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_283() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_300()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_301()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_300() { + if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_249() { + if (jj_3R_262()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_299() { + if (jj_3R_221()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_248() { + if (jj_3R_261()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_247() { + if (jj_3R_260()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_5() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_182()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_183()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_220() { + if (jj_scan_token(DOT)) return true; + Token xsp; + if (jj_3R_283()) return true; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_283()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_297() { + if (jj_3R_220()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_292() { + if (jj_3R_220()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_294() { + if (jj_3R_221()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_282() { + if (jj_3R_221()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_285() { + if (jj_3R_220()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_287() { + if (jj_3R_221()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_298() { + if (jj_3R_222()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_275() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_296()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_297()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_298()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_299()) return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_296() { + if (jj_3R_219()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_274() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_291()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_292()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_293()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_294()) return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_291() { + if (jj_3R_219()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_279() { + if (jj_3R_221()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_273() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_284()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_285()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_286()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_287()) return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_284() { + if (jj_3R_219()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_293() { + if (jj_3R_222()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_281() { + if (jj_3R_222()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_286() { + if (jj_3R_222()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_272() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_280()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_281()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_282()) return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_277() { + if (jj_3R_220()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_280() { + if (jj_3R_220()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_259() { + if (jj_scan_token(DOT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_246() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_259()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_scan_token(IDENT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_198() { + if (jj_3R_222()) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_275()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_245() { + if (jj_scan_token(STRING)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_244() { + if (jj_3R_258()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_197() { + if (jj_3R_221()) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_274()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_201() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_245()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_246()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_247()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_248()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_249()) return true; + } + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_278() { + if (jj_3R_222()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_196() { + if (jj_3R_220()) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_273()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_195() { + if (jj_3R_219()) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_272()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_271() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_276()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_277()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_278()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_279()) return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_276() { + if (jj_3R_219()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_194() { + if (jj_3R_218()) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_271()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_180() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_194()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_195()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_196()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_197()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_198()) return true; + } + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_243() { + if (jj_scan_token(DIMEN)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_251() { + if (jj_3R_216()) return true; + if (jj_3R_180()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_242() { + if (jj_scan_token(KHZ)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_241() { + if (jj_scan_token(HZ)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_240() { + if (jj_scan_token(MS)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_239() { + if (jj_scan_token(SECOND)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_238() { + if (jj_scan_token(GRAD)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_237() { + if (jj_scan_token(RAD)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_236() { + if (jj_scan_token(DEG)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_235() { + if (jj_scan_token(EXS)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_234() { + if (jj_scan_token(REM)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_233() { + if (jj_scan_token(LEM)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_232() { + if (jj_scan_token(EMS)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_2() { + if (jj_3R_179()) return true; + if (jj_3R_180()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_231() { + if (jj_scan_token(PX)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_1() { + if (jj_3R_178()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_230() { + if (jj_scan_token(IN)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_203() { + if (jj_scan_token(COMMA)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + if (jj_3R_202()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_250() { + if (jj_3R_180()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_229() { + if (jj_scan_token(PC)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_228() { + if (jj_scan_token(MM)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_202() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_250()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_251()) return true; + } + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3_2()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_227() { + if (jj_scan_token(CM)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_226() { + if (jj_scan_token(PT)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_225() { + if (jj_scan_token(PERCENTAGE)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_208() { + if (jj_3R_253()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_224() { + if (jj_scan_token(NUMBER)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_223() { + if (jj_3R_257()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_184() { + if (jj_3R_202()) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_203()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_200() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_223()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_224()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_225()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_226()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_227()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_228()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_229()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_230()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_231()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_232()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_233()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_234()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_235()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_236()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_237()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_238()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_239()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_240()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_241()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_242()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_243()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_244()) return true; + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_183() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_200()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_201()) return true; + } + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_260() { + if (jj_scan_token(HASH)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_4() { + if (jj_3R_181()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_253() { + if (jj_3R_188()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_261() { + if (jj_scan_token(URL)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_207() { + if (jj_3R_183()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_186() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_207()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_208()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_264() { + if (jj_scan_token(INTERPOLATION)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_9() { + if (jj_3R_187()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_3() { + if (jj_3R_178()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_267() { + if (jj_scan_token(PLUS)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_257() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3R_266()) { + jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_267()) return true; + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_266() { + if (jj_scan_token(MINUS)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_262() { + if (jj_scan_token(UNICODERANGE)) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_191() { + if (jj_scan_token(SEMICOLON)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3_8() { + Token xsp; + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3_9()) jj_scanpos = xsp; + if (jj_3R_186()) return true; + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_189() { + if (jj_3R_186()) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_3_8()) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean jj_3R_188() { + if (jj_scan_token(VARIABLE)) return true; + Token xsp; + while (true) { + xsp = jj_scanpos; + if (jj_scan_token(1)) { jj_scanpos = xsp; break; } + } + return false; + } + + /** Generated Token Manager. */ + public ParserTokenManager token_source; + /** Current token. */ + public Token token; + /** Next token. */ + public Token jj_nt; + private int jj_ntk; + private Token jj_scanpos, jj_lastpos; + private int jj_la; + private int jj_gen; + final private int[] jj_la1 = new int[261]; + static private int[] jj_la1_0; + static private int[] jj_la1_1; + static private int[] jj_la1_2; + static private int[] jj_la1_3; + static { + jj_la1_init_0(); + jj_la1_init_1(); + jj_la1_init_2(); + jj_la1_init_3(); + } + private static void jj_la1_init_0() { + jj_la1_0 = new int[] {0x0,0xc02,0xc02,0x0,0xc00,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x53100000,0x0,0xc00,0x2,0xc00,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x53100000,0x53100000,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x53f45400,0x53f45400,0x2,0x400000,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x800000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x800000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0xe45400,0x3100000,0x3100002,0x3100000,0x2,0x2,0x480002,0x480002,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x53100000,0x53100000,0x2,0x400000,0x2,0x53100000,0x2,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x50000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x40000000,0x2,0x2,0xfc000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0xfc000,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x800000,0x0,0x53100000,0x0,0x4d380002,0x2,0x53100000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x4d380002,0x0,0x2,0x53100000,0x2,0x4d380002,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x53100000,0x2,0x2,0x400000,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x53100000,0x53100000,0x2,0x400000,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x400000,0x0,0x0,0x300000,0x2,0x0,0x400000,0x2,0x300000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x800000,0x2,0x53100000,0x2,0x801000,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x400000,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x400000,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x400000,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x400000,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x800000,0x2,0x2,0x800000,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x800000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x53100000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x800000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x301000,0x2,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0xc8700000,0x300000,0x300000,0x300000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x300000,0x2,0x2,0x300000,0x2,0x53100000,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x800000,0x2,0x0,0x2,}; + } + private static void jj_la1_init_1() { + jj_la1_1 = new int[] {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x59800303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x480000,0x0,0x480000,0x0,0x0,0x59000303,0x59000303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x18000703,0x18000703,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x100,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x30a,0x30a,0x0,0x200,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x59000303,0x59000303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x303,0x0,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x102,0x303,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x201,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x100,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x40000000,0x19000303,0x0,0xfc,0x0,0x19000303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xfc,0x0,0x0,0x19000303,0x0,0xfc,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x19000303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x59000303,0x59000303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x100,0x100,0x102,0x0,0x100,0x0,0x0,0x102,0x0,0x100,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x18000303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x8,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x8,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x8,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x8,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x18000000,0x0,0x0,0x180000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x18000000,0x303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x0,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x18000303,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x200,0x0,}; + } + private static void jj_la1_init_2() { + jj_la1_2 = new int[] {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x401,0x4000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2200,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x8000,0x0,0x8000,0x0,0x0,0x4465,0x4465,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xae00,0xae00,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0xaa00,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xe00,0xe00,0x0,0x400,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4465,0x4465,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x400,0x400,0x400,0x400,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x600,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x100,0x0,0x0,0x1,0x424,0x4000,0x4c00,0x0,0x4424,0x0,0x2,0x0,0x4c00,0x80,0x0,0x4424,0x0,0x4c00,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4400,0x0,0x4424,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x4425,0x4425,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4000,0x4000,0xffffee00,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xffffee00,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0xffffee00,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xffffee00,0x0,0xffff8800,0x0,0x2600,0xffffae00,0x0,0x0,0xffffee00,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x400,0x0,}; + } + private static void jj_la1_init_3() { + jj_la1_3 = new int[] {0x20,0x200,0x200,0x8,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1d4,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x200,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x114,0x114,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x31006fc,0x31006fc,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x31006f8,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x114,0x114,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4,0x0,0x4,0x4,0x0,0x0,0x4,0x4,0x4,0x4,0x4,0x4,0x4,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x114,0x0,0x800000,0x0,0x114,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x800000,0x0,0x0,0x114,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x114,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x0,0x1d4,0x1d4,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1100007,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1100007,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xe00000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1100007,0x0,0x400,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1100007,0x0,0x1000003,0x0,0x100004,0x1100007,0x0,0x0,0x1100007,0x0,0xdc,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,}; + } + final private JJCalls[] jj_2_rtns = new JJCalls[9]; + private boolean jj_rescan = false; + private int jj_gc = 0; + + /** Constructor with user supplied CharStream. */ + public Parser(CharStream stream) { + token_source = new ParserTokenManager(stream); + token = new Token(); + jj_ntk = -1; + jj_gen = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < 261; i++) jj_la1[i] = -1; + for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); + } + + /** Reinitialise. */ + public void ReInit(CharStream stream) { + token_source.ReInit(stream); + token = new Token(); + jj_ntk = -1; + jj_gen = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < 261; i++) jj_la1[i] = -1; + for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); + } + + /** Constructor with generated Token Manager. */ + public Parser(ParserTokenManager tm) { + token_source = tm; + token = new Token(); + jj_ntk = -1; + jj_gen = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < 261; i++) jj_la1[i] = -1; + for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); + } + + /** Reinitialise. */ + public void ReInit(ParserTokenManager tm) { + token_source = tm; + token = new Token(); + jj_ntk = -1; + jj_gen = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < 261; i++) jj_la1[i] = -1; + for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); + } + + private Token jj_consume_token(int kind) throws ParseException { + Token oldToken; + if ((oldToken = token).next != null) token = token.next; + else token = token.next = token_source.getNextToken(); + jj_ntk = -1; + if (token.kind == kind) { + jj_gen++; + if (++jj_gc > 100) { + jj_gc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) { - jj_2_rtns[i] = new JJCalls(); - } - } - - private Token jj_consume_token(int kind) throws ParseException { - Token oldToken; - if ((oldToken = token).next != null) { - token = token.next; - } else { - token = token.next = token_source.getNextToken(); - } - jj_ntk = -1; - if (token.kind == kind) { - jj_gen++; - if (++jj_gc > 100) { - jj_gc = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < jj_2_rtns.length; i++) { - JJCalls c = jj_2_rtns[i]; - while (c != null) { - if (c.gen < jj_gen) { - c.first = null; - } - c = c.next; - } - } - } - return token; - } - token = oldToken; - jj_kind = kind; - throw generateParseException(); - } - - static private final class LookaheadSuccess extends java.lang.Error { - } - - final private LookaheadSuccess jj_ls = new LookaheadSuccess(); - - private boolean jj_scan_token(int kind) { - if (jj_scanpos == jj_lastpos) { - jj_la--; - if (jj_scanpos.next == null) { - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = jj_scanpos.next = token_source - .getNextToken(); - } else { - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = jj_scanpos.next; - } - } else { - jj_scanpos = jj_scanpos.next; - } - if (jj_rescan) { - int i = 0; - Token tok = token; - while (tok != null && tok != jj_scanpos) { - i++; - tok = tok.next; - } - if (tok != null) { - jj_add_error_token(kind, i); - } - } - if (jj_scanpos.kind != kind) { - return true; - } - if (jj_la == 0 && jj_scanpos == jj_lastpos) { - throw jj_ls; - } - return false; - } - - /** Get the next Token. */ - final public Token getNextToken() { - if (token.next != null) { - token = token.next; - } else { - token = token.next = token_source.getNextToken(); - } - jj_ntk = -1; - jj_gen++; - return token; - } - - /** Get the specific Token. */ - final public Token getToken(int index) { - Token t = token; - for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { - if (t.next != null) { - t = t.next; - } else { - t = t.next = token_source.getNextToken(); - } - } - return t; - } - - private int jj_ntk() { - if ((jj_nt = token.next) == null) { - return (jj_ntk = (token.next = token_source.getNextToken()).kind); - } else { - return (jj_ntk = jj_nt.kind); - } - } - - private java.util.List<int[]> jj_expentries = new java.util.ArrayList<int[]>(); - private int[] jj_expentry; - private int jj_kind = -1; - private int[] jj_lasttokens = new int[100]; - private int jj_endpos; - - private void jj_add_error_token(int kind, int pos) { - if (pos >= 100) { - return; - } - if (pos == jj_endpos + 1) { - jj_lasttokens[jj_endpos++] = kind; - } else if (jj_endpos != 0) { - jj_expentry = new int[jj_endpos]; - for (int i = 0; i < jj_endpos; i++) { - jj_expentry[i] = jj_lasttokens[i]; - } - jj_entries_loop: for (java.util.Iterator<?> it = jj_expentries - .iterator(); it.hasNext();) { - int[] oldentry = (int[]) (it.next()); - if (oldentry.length == jj_expentry.length) { - for (int i = 0; i < jj_expentry.length; i++) { - if (oldentry[i] != jj_expentry[i]) { - continue jj_entries_loop; - } - } - jj_expentries.add(jj_expentry); - break jj_entries_loop; - } - } - if (pos != 0) { - jj_lasttokens[(jj_endpos = pos) - 1] = kind; - } - } - } - - /** Generate ParseException. */ - public ParseException generateParseException() { - jj_expentries.clear(); - boolean[] la1tokens = new boolean[120]; - if (jj_kind >= 0) { - la1tokens[jj_kind] = true; - jj_kind = -1; - } - for (int i = 0; i < 251; i++) { - if (jj_la1[i] == jj_gen) { - for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { - if ((jj_la1_0[i] & (1 << j)) != 0) { - la1tokens[j] = true; - } - if ((jj_la1_1[i] & (1 << j)) != 0) { - la1tokens[32 + j] = true; - } - if ((jj_la1_2[i] & (1 << j)) != 0) { - la1tokens[64 + j] = true; - } - if ((jj_la1_3[i] & (1 << j)) != 0) { - la1tokens[96 + j] = true; - } - } - } - } - for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { - if (la1tokens[i]) { - jj_expentry = new int[1]; - jj_expentry[0] = i; - jj_expentries.add(jj_expentry); - } - } - jj_endpos = 0; - jj_rescan_token(); - jj_add_error_token(0, 0); - int[][] exptokseq = new int[jj_expentries.size()][]; - for (int i = 0; i < jj_expentries.size(); i++) { - exptokseq[i] = jj_expentries.get(i); - } - return new ParseException(token, exptokseq, tokenImage); - } - - /** Enable tracing. */ - final public void enable_tracing() { - } - - /** Disable tracing. */ - final public void disable_tracing() { - } - - private void jj_rescan_token() { - jj_rescan = true; - for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { - try { - JJCalls p = jj_2_rtns[i]; - do { - if (p.gen > jj_gen) { - jj_la = p.arg; - jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = p.first; - switch (i) { - case 0: - jj_3_1(); - break; - case 1: - jj_3_2(); - break; - case 2: - jj_3_3(); - break; - case 3: - jj_3_4(); - break; - case 4: - jj_3_5(); - break; - case 5: - jj_3_6(); - break; - case 6: - jj_3_7(); - break; - case 7: - jj_3_8(); - break; - } - } - p = p.next; - } while (p != null); - } catch (LookaheadSuccess ls) { - } - } - jj_rescan = false; - } - - private void jj_save(int index, int xla) { - JJCalls p = jj_2_rtns[index]; - while (p.gen > jj_gen) { - if (p.next == null) { - p = p.next = new JJCalls(); - break; - } - p = p.next; - } - p.gen = jj_gen + xla - jj_la; - p.first = token; - p.arg = xla; - } - - static final class JJCalls { - int gen; - Token first; - int arg; - JJCalls next; - } + JJCalls c = jj_2_rtns[i]; + while (c != null) { + if (c.gen < jj_gen) c.first = null; + c = c.next; + } + } + } + return token; + } + token = oldToken; + jj_kind = kind; + throw generateParseException(); + } + + static private final class LookaheadSuccess extends java.lang.Error { } + final private LookaheadSuccess jj_ls = new LookaheadSuccess(); + private boolean jj_scan_token(int kind) { + if (jj_scanpos == jj_lastpos) { + jj_la--; + if (jj_scanpos.next == null) { + jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = jj_scanpos.next = token_source.getNextToken(); + } else { + jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = jj_scanpos.next; + } + } else { + jj_scanpos = jj_scanpos.next; + } + if (jj_rescan) { + int i = 0; Token tok = token; + while (tok != null && tok != jj_scanpos) { i++; tok = tok.next; } + if (tok != null) jj_add_error_token(kind, i); + } + if (jj_scanpos.kind != kind) return true; + if (jj_la == 0 && jj_scanpos == jj_lastpos) throw jj_ls; + return false; + } + + +/** Get the next Token. */ + final public Token getNextToken() { + if (token.next != null) token = token.next; + else token = token.next = token_source.getNextToken(); + jj_ntk = -1; + jj_gen++; + return token; + } + +/** Get the specific Token. */ + final public Token getToken(int index) { + Token t = token; + for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { + if (t.next != null) t = t.next; + else t = t.next = token_source.getNextToken(); + } + return t; + } + + private int jj_ntk() { + if ((jj_nt=token.next) == null) + return (jj_ntk = (token.next=token_source.getNextToken()).kind); + else + return (jj_ntk = jj_nt.kind); + } + + private java.util.List<int[]> jj_expentries = new java.util.ArrayList<int[]>(); + private int[] jj_expentry; + private int jj_kind = -1; + private int[] jj_lasttokens = new int[100]; + private int jj_endpos; + + private void jj_add_error_token(int kind, int pos) { + if (pos >= 100) return; + if (pos == jj_endpos + 1) { + jj_lasttokens[jj_endpos++] = kind; + } else if (jj_endpos != 0) { + jj_expentry = new int[jj_endpos]; + for (int i = 0; i < jj_endpos; i++) { + jj_expentry[i] = jj_lasttokens[i]; + } + jj_entries_loop: for (java.util.Iterator<?> it = jj_expentries.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { + int[] oldentry = (int[])(it.next()); + if (oldentry.length == jj_expentry.length) { + for (int i = 0; i < jj_expentry.length; i++) { + if (oldentry[i] != jj_expentry[i]) { + continue jj_entries_loop; + } + } + jj_expentries.add(jj_expentry); + break jj_entries_loop; + } + } + if (pos != 0) jj_lasttokens[(jj_endpos = pos) - 1] = kind; + } + } + + /** Generate ParseException. */ + public ParseException generateParseException() { + jj_expentries.clear(); + boolean[] la1tokens = new boolean[122]; + if (jj_kind >= 0) { + la1tokens[jj_kind] = true; + jj_kind = -1; + } + for (int i = 0; i < 261; i++) { + if (jj_la1[i] == jj_gen) { + for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { + if ((jj_la1_0[i] & (1<<j)) != 0) { + la1tokens[j] = true; + } + if ((jj_la1_1[i] & (1<<j)) != 0) { + la1tokens[32+j] = true; + } + if ((jj_la1_2[i] & (1<<j)) != 0) { + la1tokens[64+j] = true; + } + if ((jj_la1_3[i] & (1<<j)) != 0) { + la1tokens[96+j] = true; + } + } + } + } + for (int i = 0; i < 122; i++) { + if (la1tokens[i]) { + jj_expentry = new int[1]; + jj_expentry[0] = i; + jj_expentries.add(jj_expentry); + } + } + jj_endpos = 0; + jj_rescan_token(); + jj_add_error_token(0, 0); + int[][] exptokseq = new int[jj_expentries.size()][]; + for (int i = 0; i < jj_expentries.size(); i++) { + exptokseq[i] = jj_expentries.get(i); + } + return new ParseException(token, exptokseq, tokenImage); + } + + /** Enable tracing. */ + final public void enable_tracing() { + } + + /** Disable tracing. */ + final public void disable_tracing() { + } + + private void jj_rescan_token() { + jj_rescan = true; + for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { + try { + JJCalls p = jj_2_rtns[i]; + do { + if (p.gen > jj_gen) { + jj_la = p.arg; jj_lastpos = jj_scanpos = p.first; + switch (i) { + case 0: jj_3_1(); break; + case 1: jj_3_2(); break; + case 2: jj_3_3(); break; + case 3: jj_3_4(); break; + case 4: jj_3_5(); break; + case 5: jj_3_6(); break; + case 6: jj_3_7(); break; + case 7: jj_3_8(); break; + case 8: jj_3_9(); break; + } + } + p = p.next; + } while (p != null); + } catch(LookaheadSuccess ls) { } + } + jj_rescan = false; + } + + private void jj_save(int index, int xla) { + JJCalls p = jj_2_rtns[index]; + while (p.gen > jj_gen) { + if (p.next == null) { p = p.next = new JJCalls(); break; } + p = p.next; + } + p.gen = jj_gen + xla - jj_la; p.first = token; p.arg = xla; + } + + static final class JJCalls { + int gen; + Token first; + int arg; + JJCalls next; + } } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.jj b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.jj index 3798947d1d..0b664bedc6 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.jj +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/Parser.jj @@ -534,6 +534,7 @@ TOKEN : | < LBRACKET : "[" > | < RBRACKET : "]" > | < ANY : "*" > + | < MOD : "%" > | < PARENT : "&" > | < DOT : "." > | < LPARAN : "(" > @@ -603,6 +604,7 @@ TOKEN : | <EXTEND_SYM : "@extend"> | <MOZ_DOCUMENT_SYM : "@-moz-document"> | <SUPPORTS_SYM : "@supports"> + | <CONTENT_SYM : "@content"> } < DEFAULT > @@ -1509,7 +1511,7 @@ void controlDirective() : void ifContentStatement() : {} { - includeDirective() | media() | extendDirective() | styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties() + contentDirective() | includeDirective() | media() | extendDirective() | styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties() | keyframes() | LOOKAHEAD(variable()) variable() | listModifyDirective() } @@ -1709,8 +1711,13 @@ void includeDirective() : (<S>)* (name = property()|name = variableName(){ name = "$"+name;} |(name = functionName() - args = argValuelist()) <RPARAN>)(";"(<S>)*)+ + args = argValuelist()) <RPARAN>) + ((";"(<S>)*)+ {documentHandler.includeDirective(name, args);} + | <LBRACE> (<S>)* {documentHandler.startIncludeContentBlock(name);} + (styleRuleOrDeclarationOrNestedProperties())* + <RBRACE> (<S>)* {documentHandler.endIncludeContentBlock();} + ) } String interpolation() : @@ -1973,6 +1980,15 @@ void extendDirective() : {documentHandler.extendDirective(list);} } +void contentDirective() : +{} +{ + <CONTENT_SYM> + (<S>)* + (";"(<S>)*)+ + {documentHandler.contentDirective();} +} + JAVACODE Node importDirective(){ return null; @@ -2193,12 +2209,40 @@ boolean guarded() : LexicalUnitImpl operator(LexicalUnitImpl prev) : {Token n;} { -n="/" ( <S> )* { return LexicalUnitImpl.createSlash(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, - prev); } -| n="," ( <S> )* { return LexicalUnitImpl.createComma(n.beginLine, - n.beginColumn, - prev); } +/* (comments copied from basic_arithmetics.scss) +*supports: +* 1. standard arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %) +* 2. / is treated as css operator, unless one of its operands is variable or there is another binary arithmetic operator +*limits: +* 1. cannot mix arithmetic and css operations, e.g. "margin: 1px + 3px 2px" will fail +* 2. space between add and minus operator and their following operand is mandatory. e.g. "1 + 2" is valid, "1+2" is not +* 3. parenthesis is not supported now. +*/ +n="," ( <S> )* { return LexicalUnitImpl.createComma(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev); } +|n="/" ( <S> )* { return LexicalUnitImpl.createSlash(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev); } +| n="*" ( <S> )* { return LexicalUnitImpl.createMultiply(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev); } +| n="%" ( <S> )* { return LexicalUnitImpl.createModulo(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev); } +/* +* for '+', since it can be either a binary operator or an unary operator, +* which is ambiguous. To avoid this, the binary operator '+' always has +* a space before the following term. so '2+3' is not a valid binary expression, +* but '2 + 3' is. The same for '-' operator. +*/ + +| n="+" ( <S> )+{ return LexicalUnitImpl.createAdd(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev); } +| n="-" ( <S> )+{ return LexicalUnitImpl.createMinus(n.beginLine, + n.beginColumn, + prev); } } /** @@ -2211,7 +2255,7 @@ LexicalUnitImpl expr() : } { first=term(null){ res = first; } - ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( res=operator(res) )? res=term(res))* + ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( LOOKAHEAD(2) res=operator(res) )? res=term(res))* { return first; } } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserConstants.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserConstants.java index c55a13265f..90fe640f8b 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserConstants.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserConstants.java @@ -1,289 +1,379 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not - * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of - * the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT - * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the - * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under - * the License. - */ /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. ParserConstants.java */ package com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser; + /** - * Token literal values and constants. Generated by - * org.javacc.parser.OtherFilesGen#start() + * Token literal values and constants. + * Generated by org.javacc.parser.OtherFilesGen#start() */ public interface ParserConstants { - /** End of File. */ - int EOF = 0; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int S = 1; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int FORMAL_COMMENT = 7; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 8; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int CDO = 10; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int CDC = 11; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int LBRACE = 12; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RBRACE = 13; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int DASHMATCH = 14; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int CARETMATCH = 15; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int DOLLARMATCH = 16; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int STARMATCH = 17; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int INCLUDES = 18; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int EQ = 19; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PLUS = 20; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MINUS = 21; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int COMMA = 22; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int SEMICOLON = 23; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PRECEDES = 24; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int SIBLING = 25; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int SUCCEEDS = 26; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int DIV = 27; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int LBRACKET = 28; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RBRACKET = 29; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int ANY = 30; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PARENT = 31; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int DOT = 32; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int LPARAN = 33; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RPARAN = 34; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int COMPARE = 35; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int OR = 36; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int AND = 37; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int NOT_EQ = 38; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int COLON = 39; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int INTERPOLATION = 40; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int NONASCII = 41; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int H = 42; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int UNICODE = 43; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int ESCAPE = 44; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int NMSTART = 45; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int NMCHAR = 46; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int STRINGCHAR = 47; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int D = 48; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int NAME = 49; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int TO = 50; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int THROUGH = 51; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int EACH_IN = 52; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int FROM = 53; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MIXIN_SYM = 54; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int INCLUDE_SYM = 55; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int FUNCTION_SYM = 56; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RETURN_SYM = 57; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int DEBUG_SYM = 58; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int WARN_SYM = 59; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int FOR_SYM = 60; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int EACH_SYM = 61; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int WHILE_SYM = 62; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int IF_SYM = 63; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int ELSE_SYM = 64; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int EXTEND_SYM = 65; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MOZ_DOCUMENT_SYM = 66; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int SUPPORTS_SYM = 67; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MICROSOFT_RULE = 68; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int IF = 69; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int GUARDED_SYM = 70; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int STRING = 71; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int IDENT = 72; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int NUMBER = 73; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int _URL = 74; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int URL = 75; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int VARIABLE = 76; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PERCENTAGE = 77; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PT = 78; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MM = 79; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int CM = 80; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PC = 81; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int IN = 82; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PX = 83; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int EMS = 84; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int LEM = 85; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int REM = 86; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int EXS = 87; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int DEG = 88; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RAD = 89; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int GRAD = 90; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MS = 91; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int SECOND = 92; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int HZ = 93; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int KHZ = 94; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int DIMEN = 95; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int HASH = 96; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int IMPORT_SYM = 97; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int MEDIA_SYM = 98; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int CHARSET_SYM = 99; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int PAGE_SYM = 100; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int FONT_FACE_SYM = 101; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int KEY_FRAME_SYM = 102; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int ATKEYWORD = 103; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int IMPORTANT_SYM = 104; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE0 = 105; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE1 = 106; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE2 = 107; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE3 = 108; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE4 = 109; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE5 = 110; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE6 = 111; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int RANGE = 112; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int UNI = 113; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int UNICODERANGE = 114; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int REMOVE = 115; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int APPEND = 116; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int CONTAINS = 117; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int FUNCTION = 118; - /** RegularExpression Id. */ - int UNKNOWN = 119; + /** End of File. */ + int EOF = 0; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int S = 1; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int FORMAL_COMMENT = 7; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 8; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int CDO = 10; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int CDC = 11; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int LBRACE = 12; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RBRACE = 13; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int DASHMATCH = 14; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int CARETMATCH = 15; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int DOLLARMATCH = 16; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int STARMATCH = 17; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int INCLUDES = 18; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int EQ = 19; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PLUS = 20; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MINUS = 21; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int COMMA = 22; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int SEMICOLON = 23; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PRECEDES = 24; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int SIBLING = 25; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int SUCCEEDS = 26; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int DIV = 27; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int LBRACKET = 28; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RBRACKET = 29; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int ANY = 30; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MOD = 31; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PARENT = 32; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int DOT = 33; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int LPARAN = 34; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RPARAN = 35; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int COMPARE = 36; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int OR = 37; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int AND = 38; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int NOT_EQ = 39; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int COLON = 40; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int INTERPOLATION = 41; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int NONASCII = 42; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int H = 43; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int UNICODE = 44; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int ESCAPE = 45; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int NMSTART = 46; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int NMCHAR = 47; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int STRINGCHAR = 48; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int D = 49; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int NAME = 50; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int TO = 51; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int THROUGH = 52; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int EACH_IN = 53; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int FROM = 54; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MIXIN_SYM = 55; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int INCLUDE_SYM = 56; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int FUNCTION_SYM = 57; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RETURN_SYM = 58; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int DEBUG_SYM = 59; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int WARN_SYM = 60; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int FOR_SYM = 61; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int EACH_SYM = 62; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int WHILE_SYM = 63; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int IF_SYM = 64; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int ELSE_SYM = 65; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int EXTEND_SYM = 66; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MOZ_DOCUMENT_SYM = 67; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int SUPPORTS_SYM = 68; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int CONTENT_SYM = 69; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MICROSOFT_RULE = 70; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int IF = 71; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int GUARDED_SYM = 72; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int STRING = 73; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int IDENT = 74; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int NUMBER = 75; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int _URL = 76; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int URL = 77; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int VARIABLE = 78; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PERCENTAGE = 79; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PT = 80; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MM = 81; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int CM = 82; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PC = 83; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int IN = 84; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PX = 85; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int EMS = 86; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int LEM = 87; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int REM = 88; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int EXS = 89; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int DEG = 90; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RAD = 91; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int GRAD = 92; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MS = 93; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int SECOND = 94; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int HZ = 95; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int KHZ = 96; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int DIMEN = 97; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int HASH = 98; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int IMPORT_SYM = 99; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int MEDIA_SYM = 100; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int CHARSET_SYM = 101; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int PAGE_SYM = 102; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int FONT_FACE_SYM = 103; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int KEY_FRAME_SYM = 104; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int ATKEYWORD = 105; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int IMPORTANT_SYM = 106; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE0 = 107; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE1 = 108; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE2 = 109; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE3 = 110; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE4 = 111; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE5 = 112; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE6 = 113; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int RANGE = 114; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int UNI = 115; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int UNICODERANGE = 116; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int REMOVE = 117; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int APPEND = 118; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int CONTAINS = 119; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int FUNCTION = 120; + /** RegularExpression Id. */ + int UNKNOWN = 121; - /** Lexical state. */ - int DEFAULT = 0; - /** Lexical state. */ - int IN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 1; - /** Lexical state. */ - int IN_FORMAL_COMMENT = 2; - /** Lexical state. */ - int IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 3; + /** Lexical state. */ + int DEFAULT = 0; + /** Lexical state. */ + int IN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 1; + /** Lexical state. */ + int IN_FORMAL_COMMENT = 2; + /** Lexical state. */ + int IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 3; - /** Literal token values. */ - String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", "<S>", "\"//\"", "<token of kind 3>", - "<token of kind 4>", "<token of kind 5>", "\"/*\"", "\"*/\"", - "\"*/\"", "<token of kind 9>", "\"<!--\"", "\"-->\"", "\"{\"", - "\"}\"", "\"|=\"", "\"^=\"", "\"$=\"", "\"*=\"", "\"~=\"", "\"=\"", - "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\",\"", "\";\"", "\">\"", "\"~\"", "\"<\"", - "\"/\"", "\"[\"", "\"]\"", "\"*\"", "\"&\"", "\".\"", "\"(\"", - "\")\"", "\"==\"", "\"||\"", "\"&&\"", "\"!=\"", "\":\"", - "<INTERPOLATION>", "<NONASCII>", "<H>", "<UNICODE>", "<ESCAPE>", - "<NMSTART>", "<NMCHAR>", "<STRINGCHAR>", "<D>", "<NAME>", "\"to\"", - "\"through\"", "\"in\"", "\"from\"", "\"@mixin\"", "\"@include\"", - "\"@function\"", "\"@return\"", "\"@debug\"", "\"@warn\"", - "\"@for\"", "\"@each\"", "\"@while\"", "\"@if\"", "\"@else\"", - "\"@extend\"", "\"@-moz-document\"", "\"@supports\"", - "<MICROSOFT_RULE>", "\"if\"", "<GUARDED_SYM>", "<STRING>", - "<IDENT>", "<NUMBER>", "<_URL>", "<URL>", "<VARIABLE>", - "<PERCENTAGE>", "<PT>", "<MM>", "<CM>", "<PC>", "<IN>", "<PX>", - "<EMS>", "<LEM>", "<REM>", "<EXS>", "<DEG>", "<RAD>", "<GRAD>", - "<MS>", "<SECOND>", "<HZ>", "<KHZ>", "<DIMEN>", "<HASH>", - "\"@import\"", "\"@media\"", "\"@charset\"", "\"@page\"", - "\"@font-face\"", "<KEY_FRAME_SYM>", "<ATKEYWORD>", - "<IMPORTANT_SYM>", "<RANGE0>", "<RANGE1>", "<RANGE2>", "<RANGE3>", - "<RANGE4>", "<RANGE5>", "<RANGE6>", "<RANGE>", "<UNI>", - "<UNICODERANGE>", "<REMOVE>", "<APPEND>", "<CONTAINS>", - "<FUNCTION>", "<UNKNOWN>", }; + /** Literal token values. */ + String[] tokenImage = { + "<EOF>", + "<S>", + "\"//\"", + "<token of kind 3>", + "<token of kind 4>", + "<token of kind 5>", + "\"/*\"", + "\"*/\"", + "\"*/\"", + "<token of kind 9>", + "\"<!--\"", + "\"-->\"", + "\"{\"", + "\"}\"", + "\"|=\"", + "\"^=\"", + "\"$=\"", + "\"*=\"", + "\"~=\"", + "\"=\"", + "\"+\"", + "\"-\"", + "\",\"", + "\";\"", + "\">\"", + "\"~\"", + "\"<\"", + "\"/\"", + "\"[\"", + "\"]\"", + "\"*\"", + "\"%\"", + "\"&\"", + "\".\"", + "\"(\"", + "\")\"", + "\"==\"", + "\"||\"", + "\"&&\"", + "\"!=\"", + "\":\"", + "<INTERPOLATION>", + "<NONASCII>", + "<H>", + "<UNICODE>", + "<ESCAPE>", + "<NMSTART>", + "<NMCHAR>", + "<STRINGCHAR>", + "<D>", + "<NAME>", + "\"to\"", + "\"through\"", + "\"in\"", + "\"from\"", + "\"@mixin\"", + "\"@include\"", + "\"@function\"", + "\"@return\"", + "\"@debug\"", + "\"@warn\"", + "\"@for\"", + "\"@each\"", + "\"@while\"", + "\"@if\"", + "\"@else\"", + "\"@extend\"", + "\"@-moz-document\"", + "\"@supports\"", + "\"@content\"", + "<MICROSOFT_RULE>", + "\"if\"", + "<GUARDED_SYM>", + "<STRING>", + "<IDENT>", + "<NUMBER>", + "<_URL>", + "<URL>", + "<VARIABLE>", + "<PERCENTAGE>", + "<PT>", + "<MM>", + "<CM>", + "<PC>", + "<IN>", + "<PX>", + "<EMS>", + "<LEM>", + "<REM>", + "<EXS>", + "<DEG>", + "<RAD>", + "<GRAD>", + "<MS>", + "<SECOND>", + "<HZ>", + "<KHZ>", + "<DIMEN>", + "<HASH>", + "\"@import\"", + "\"@media\"", + "\"@charset\"", + "\"@page\"", + "\"@font-face\"", + "<KEY_FRAME_SYM>", + "<ATKEYWORD>", + "<IMPORTANT_SYM>", + "<RANGE0>", + "<RANGE1>", + "<RANGE2>", + "<RANGE3>", + "<RANGE4>", + "<RANGE5>", + "<RANGE6>", + "<RANGE>", + "<UNI>", + "<UNICODERANGE>", + "<REMOVE>", + "<APPEND>", + "<CONTAINS>", + "<FUNCTION>", + "<UNKNOWN>", + }; } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserTokenManager.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserTokenManager.java index 9ff123c808..6271673d5d 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserTokenManager.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/ParserTokenManager.java @@ -1,6030 +1,5060 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not - * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of - * the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT - * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the - * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under - * the License. - */ /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. ParserTokenManager.java */ package com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser; +import java.io.*; +import java.net.*; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Locale; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.UUID; +import org.w3c.css.sac.ConditionFactory; +import org.w3c.css.sac.Condition; +import org.w3c.css.sac.SelectorFactory; +import org.w3c.css.sac.SelectorList; +import org.w3c.css.sac.Selector; +import org.w3c.css.sac.SimpleSelector; +import org.w3c.css.sac.DocumentHandler; +import org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource; +import org.w3c.css.sac.ErrorHandler; +import org.w3c.css.sac.CSSException; +import org.w3c.css.sac.CSSParseException; +import org.w3c.css.sac.Locator; +import org.w3c.css.sac.LexicalUnit; +import org.w3c.flute.parser.selectors.SelectorFactoryImpl; +import org.w3c.flute.parser.selectors.ConditionFactoryImpl; +import org.w3c.flute.util.Encoding; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.handler.*; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.*; /** Token Manager. */ -public class ParserTokenManager implements ParserConstants { +public class ParserTokenManager implements ParserConstants +{ - /** Debug output. */ - public java.io.PrintStream debugStream = System.out; - - /** Set debug output. */ - public void setDebugStream(java.io.PrintStream ds) { - debugStream = ds; - } - - private final int jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(int pos, long active0, - long active1) { - switch (pos) { - case 0: - if ((active0 & 0x1c000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x20L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 72; - return 517; - } - if ((active0 & 0x4000000000L) != 0L) { - return 518; - } - if ((active0 & 0x10000L) != 0L) { - return 79; - } - if ((active0 & 0x200800L) != 0L) { - return 42; - } - if ((active0 & 0x20000000000000L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 72; - return 33; - } - if ((active0 & 0x8000044L) != 0L) { - return 3; - } - if ((active0 & 0xffc0000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x3e0000000fL) != 0L) { - return 166; - } - if ((active0 & 0x100000000L) != 0L) { - return 519; - } - return -1; - case 1: - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - return 178; - } - if ((active0 & 0xffc0000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x3e0000000bL) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 1; - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x40L) != 0L) { - return 1; - } - if ((active0 & 0x28000000000000L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 72; - jjmatchedPos = 1; - return 517; - } - if ((active0 & 0x14000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x20L) != 0L) { - return 517; - } - return -1; - case 2: - if ((active0 & 0x7fc0000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x3e0000000bL) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 2; - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x28000000000000L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 72; - jjmatchedPos = 2; - return 517; - } - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 2; - return 177; - } - return -1; - case 3: - if ((active0 & 0x6fc0000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x3e0000000bL) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 3; - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x1000000000000000L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 3; - return 176; - } - if ((active0 & 0x20000000000000L) != 0L) { - return 517; - } - if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 72; - jjmatchedPos = 3; - return 517; - } - return -1; - case 4: - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 4; - return 175; - } - if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 72; - jjmatchedPos = 4; - return 517; - } - if ((active0 & 0x2800000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x1000000001L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x47c0000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x2e0000000aL) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 4; - return 520; - } - return -1; - case 5: - if ((active0 & 0x4440000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x400000000L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 5; - return 174; - } - if ((active0 & 0x380000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x2a0000000aL) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 5; - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 72; - jjmatchedPos = 5; - return 517; - } - return -1; - case 6: - if ((active0 & 0x200000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x200000002L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x180000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x280000000cL) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 6; - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000L) != 0L) { - return 517; - } - return -1; - case 7: - if ((active0 & 0x100000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x200000000cL) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 7; - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x80000000000000L) != 0L - || (active1 & 0x800000000L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - return -1; - case 8: - if ((active1 & 0x2000000004L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 8; - return 520; - } - if ((active0 & 0x100000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - return -1; - case 9: - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 9; - return 520; - } - if ((active1 & 0x2000000000L) != 0L) { - return 520; - } - return -1; - case 10: - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 10; - return 520; - } - return -1; - case 11: - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 11; - return 520; - } - return -1; - case 12: - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - jjmatchedKind = 103; - jjmatchedPos = 12; - return 520; - } - return -1; - default: - return -1; - } - } - - private final int jjStartNfa_0(int pos, long active0, long active1) { - return jjMoveNfa_0(jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(pos, active0, active1), - pos + 1); - } - - private int jjStopAtPos(int pos, int kind) { - jjmatchedKind = kind; - jjmatchedPos = pos; - return pos + 1; - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0() { - switch (curChar) { - case 33: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x4000000000L, 0x0L); - case 36: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x10000L, 0x0L); - case 38: - jjmatchedKind = 31; - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x2000000000L, 0x0L); - case 40: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 33); - case 41: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 34); - case 42: - jjmatchedKind = 30; - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x20000L, 0x0L); - case 43: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 20); - case 44: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 22); - case 45: - jjmatchedKind = 21; - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x800L, 0x0L); - case 46: - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(0, 32, 519); - case 47: - jjmatchedKind = 27; - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x44L, 0x0L); - case 58: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 39); - case 59: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 23); - case 60: - jjmatchedKind = 26; - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x400L, 0x0L); - case 61: - jjmatchedKind = 19; - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x800000000L, 0x0L); - case 62: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 24); - case 64: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0xffc0000000000000L, 0x3e0000000fL); - case 91: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 28); - case 93: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 29); - case 94: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x8000L, 0x0L); - case 70: - case 102: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x20000000000000L, 0x0L); - case 73: - case 105: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x10000000000000L, 0x20L); - case 84: - case 116: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0xc000000000000L, 0x0L); - case 123: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 12); - case 124: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x1000004000L, 0x0L); - case 125: - return jjStopAtPos(0, 13); - case 126: - jjmatchedKind = 25; - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x40000L, 0x0L); - default: - return jjMoveNfa_0(4, 0); - } - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(long active0, long active1) { - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(0, active0, active1); - return 1; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 33: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x400L, active1, 0L); - case 38: - if ((active0 & 0x2000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 37); - } - break; - case 42: - if ((active0 & 0x40L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 6, 1); - } - break; - case 45: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x800L, active1, 0x4L); - case 47: - if ((active0 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 2); - } - break; - case 61: - if ((active0 & 0x4000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 14); - } else if ((active0 & 0x8000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 15); - } else if ((active0 & 0x10000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 16); - } else if ((active0 & 0x20000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 17); - } else if ((active0 & 0x40000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 18); - } else if ((active0 & 0x800000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 35); - } else if ((active0 & 0x4000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 38); - } - break; - case 67: - case 99: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000000L); - case 68: - case 100: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x400000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 69: - case 101: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x2000000000000000L, - active1, 0x3L); - case 70: - case 102: - if ((active1 & 0x20L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 69, 517); - } - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x1100000000000000L, - active1, 0x2000000000L); - case 72: - case 104: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x8000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 73: - case 105: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x8080000000000000L, - active1, 0x200000000L); - case 77: - case 109: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x40000000000000L, - active1, 0x400000000L); - case 78: - case 110: - if ((active0 & 0x10000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 52, 517); - } - break; - case 79: - case 111: - if ((active0 & 0x4000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 50, 517); - } - break; - case 80: - case 112: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0L, active1, - 0x1000000000L); - case 82: - case 114: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x220000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 83: - case 115: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8L); - case 87: - case 119: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x4800000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 124: - if ((active0 & 0x1000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 36); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(0, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(0, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(1, active0, active1); - return 2; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 45: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x400L, active1, 0L); - case 62: - if ((active0 & 0x800L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(2, 11); - } - break; - case 65: - case 97: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x2800000000000000L, - active1, 0x1000000000L); - case 69: - case 101: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x600000000000000L, - active1, 0x400000000L); - case 70: - case 102: - if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(2, 63, 520); - } - break; - case 72: - case 104: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x4000000000000000L, - active1, 0x800000000L); - case 73: - case 105: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x40000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 76: - case 108: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x1L); - case 77: - case 109: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x200000004L); - case 78: - case 110: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x80000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 79: - case 111: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x1020000000000000L, - active1, 0x2000000000L); - case 82: - case 114: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x8000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 85: - case 117: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, - active1, 0x8L); - case 88: - case 120: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(1, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(1, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(2, active0, active1); + /** Debug output. */ + public java.io.PrintStream debugStream = System.out; + /** Set debug output. */ + public void setDebugStream(java.io.PrintStream ds) { debugStream = ds; } +private final int jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(int pos, long active0, long active1) +{ + switch (pos) + { + case 0: + if ((active0 & 0x40000000000000L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 74; + return 33; + } + if ((active0 & 0x8000000000L) != 0L) + return 517; + if ((active0 & 0x10000L) != 0L) + return 79; + if ((active0 & 0x200800L) != 0L) + return 42; + if ((active0 & 0x8000044L) != 0L) return 3; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 45: - if ((active0 & 0x400L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(3, 10); - } - break; - case 65: - case 97: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000000L); - case 66: - case 98: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x400000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 67: - case 99: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x2080000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 68: - case 100: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x400000000L); - case 71: - case 103: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, - 0x1000000000L); - case 73: - case 105: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x4000000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 77: - case 109: - if ((active0 & 0x20000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(3, 53, 517); - } - break; - case 78: - case 110: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, - active1, 0x2000000000L); - case 79: - case 111: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x8000000000000L, - active1, 0x4L); - case 80: - case 112: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x200000008L); - case 82: - case 114: - if ((active0 & 0x1000000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(3, 60, 520); - } - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x800000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 83: - case 115: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x1L); - case 84: - case 116: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, - active1, 0x2L); - case 88: - case 120: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x40000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(2, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(2, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(3, active0, active1); - return 4; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 67: - case 99: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 69: - case 101: - if ((active1 & 0x1L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 64, 520); - } else if ((active1 & 0x1000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 100, 520); - } - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2L); - case 72: - case 104: - if ((active0 & 0x2000000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 61, 520); - } - break; - case 73: - case 105: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x40000000000000L, - active1, 0x400000000L); - case 76: - case 108: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x4080000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 78: - case 110: - if ((active0 & 0x800000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 59, 520); - } - break; - case 79: - case 111: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x200000000L); - case 80: - case 112: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8L); - case 82: - case 114: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000000L); - case 84: - case 116: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, - 0x2000000000L); - case 85: - case 117: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x608000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 90: - case 122: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x4L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(3, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(3, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(4, active0, active1); - return 5; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 45: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, - 0x2000000004L); - case 65: - case 97: - if ((active1 & 0x400000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 98, 520); - } - break; - case 69: - case 101: - if ((active0 & 0x4000000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 62, 520); - } - break; - case 71: - case 103: - if ((active0 & 0x400000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 58, 520); - } - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x8000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 78: - case 110: - if ((active0 & 0x40000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 54, 520); - } - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2L); - case 79: - case 111: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8L); - case 82: - case 114: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, - active1, 0x200000000L); - case 83: - case 115: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000000L); - case 84: - case 116: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 85: - case 117: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x80000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(4, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(4, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(5, active0, active1); - return 6; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 68: - case 100: - if ((active1 & 0x2L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 65, 520); - } - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0x80000000000000L, - active1, 0x4L); - case 69: - case 101: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000000L); - case 70: - case 102: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0L, active1, - 0x2000000000L); - case 72: - case 104: - if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 51, 517); - } - break; - case 73: - case 105: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, - active1, 0L); - case 78: - case 110: - if ((active0 & 0x200000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 57, 520); - } - break; - case 82: - case 114: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8L); - case 84: - case 116: - if ((active1 & 0x200000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 97, 520); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(5, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(5, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(6, active0, active1); - return 7; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 65: - case 97: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(active0, 0L, active1, - 0x2000000000L); - case 69: - case 101: - if ((active0 & 0x80000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(7, 55, 520); - } - break; - case 79: - case 111: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, - active1, 0x4L); - case 84: - case 116: - if ((active1 & 0x800000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(7, 99, 520); - } - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(6, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(6, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(7, active0, active1); - return 8; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 67: - case 99: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa9_0(active0, 0L, active1, - 0x2000000004L); - case 78: - case 110: - if ((active0 & 0x100000000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(8, 56, 520); - } - break; - case 83: - case 115: - if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(8, 67, 520); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(7, active0, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa9_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, - long active1) { - if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(7, old0, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(8, 0L, active1); - return 9; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 69: - case 101: - if ((active1 & 0x2000000000L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(9, 101, 520); - } - break; - case 85: - case 117: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa10_0(active1, 0x4L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(8, 0L, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa10_0(long old1, long active1) { - if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(8, 0L, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(9, 0L, active1); - return 10; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 77: - case 109: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa11_0(active1, 0x4L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(9, 0L, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa11_0(long old1, long active1) { - if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(9, 0L, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(10, 0L, active1); - return 11; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 69: - case 101: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa12_0(active1, 0x4L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(10, 0L, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa12_0(long old1, long active1) { - if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(10, 0L, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(11, 0L, active1); - return 12; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 78: - case 110: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa13_0(active1, 0x4L); - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(11, 0L, active1); - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa13_0(long old1, long active1) { - if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) { - return jjStartNfa_0(11, 0L, old1); - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(12, 0L, active1); - return 13; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 84: - case 116: - if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) { - return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(13, 66, 520); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - return jjStartNfa_0(12, 0L, active1); - } - - private int jjStartNfaWithStates_0(int pos, int kind, int state) { - jjmatchedKind = kind; - jjmatchedPos = pos; - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - return pos + 1; - } - return jjMoveNfa_0(state, pos + 1); - } - - static final long[] jjbitVec0 = { 0x0L, 0x0L, 0xffffffffffffffffL, - 0xffffffffffffffffL }; - - private int jjMoveNfa_0(int startState, int curPos) { - int startsAt = 0; - jjnewStateCnt = 517; - int i = 1; - jjstateSet[0] = startState; - int kind = 0x7fffffff; - for (;;) { - if (++jjround == 0x7fffffff) { - ReInitRounds(); - } - if (curChar < 64) { - long l = 1L << curChar; - do { - switch (jjstateSet[--i]) { - case 520: - case 113: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 166: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 112; - } - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 217; - } - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 205; - } - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 189; - } - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 178; - } - break; - case 174: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 4: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 73) { - kind = 73; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(0, 81); - } else if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 1) { - kind = 1; - } - jjCheckNAdd(0); - } else if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAddStates(82, 101); - } else if (curChar == 45) { - jjAddStates(102, 103); - } else if (curChar == 33) { - jjCheckNAddStates(104, 107); - } else if (curChar == 35) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - } else if (curChar == 36) { - jjCheckNAddStates(108, 111); - } else if (curChar == 39) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } else if (curChar == 34) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } else if (curChar == 47) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 3; - } - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 42; - } else if (curChar == 35) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 5; - } - break; - case 518: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(251, 260); - } - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(243, 250); - } - break; - case 517: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } else if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(231, 232); - } else if (curChar == 40) { - if (kind > 118) { - kind = 118; - } - } - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - } - break; - case 175: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 174; - } - break; - case 33: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } else if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(231, 232); - } else if (curChar == 40) { - if (kind > 118) { - kind = 118; - } - } - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - } - break; - case 176: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 519: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(124, 128); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(322, 325); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(319, 321); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(317, 318); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(314, 316); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(309, 313); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(305, 308); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(301, 304); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(298, 300); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(294, 297); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(290, 293); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(287, 289); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(284, 286); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(281, 283); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(278, 280); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(275, 277); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(272, 274); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(269, 271); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(267, 268); - } - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 73) { - kind = 73; - } - jjCheckNAdd(266); - } - break; - case 177: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 79: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjCheckNAdd(80); - } - break; - case 0: - if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 1) { - kind = 1; - } - jjCheckNAdd(0); - break; - case 1: - if (curChar == 42) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 2; - } - break; - case 2: - if ((0xffff7fffffffffffL & l) != 0L && kind > 5) { - kind = 5; - } - break; - case 3: - if (curChar == 42) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 1; - } - break; - case 6: - if (curChar == 36) { - jjCheckNAddStates(129, 132); - } - break; - case 7: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjCheckNAdd(8); - } - break; - case 9: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); - } - break; - case 12: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); - } - break; - case 13: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(136, 140); - } - break; - case 14: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); - } - break; - case 15: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(141, 148); - } - break; - case 16: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(149, 152); - } - break; - case 17: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(153, 157); - } - break; - case 18: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(158, 163); - } - break; - case 19: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(164, 170); - } - break; - case 22: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(171, 175); - } - break; - case 23: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(176, 183); - } - break; - case 24: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(184, 187); - } - break; - case 25: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(188, 192); - } - break; - case 26: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(193, 198); - } - break; - case 27: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(199, 205); - } - break; - case 28: - if (curChar == 35) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 5; - } - break; - case 40: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 39; - } - break; - case 43: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 42; - } - break; - case 44: - if (curChar == 34) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 45: - if ((0xfffffffb00000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 46: - if (curChar == 34 && kind > 71) { - kind = 71; - } - break; - case 48: - if (curChar == 12) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 50: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 51: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(206, 211); - } - break; - case 52: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 53: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(212, 220); - } - break; - case 54: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(221, 225); - } - break; - case 55: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(226, 231); - } - break; - case 56: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(232, 238); - } - break; - case 57: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(239, 246); - } - break; - case 58: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 59: - if (curChar == 10) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 60: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 59; - } - break; - case 61: - if (curChar == 39) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 62: - if ((0xffffff7f00000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 63: - if (curChar == 39 && kind > 71) { - kind = 71; - } - break; - case 65: - if (curChar == 12) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 67: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 68: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(247, 252); - } - break; - case 69: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 70: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(253, 261); - } - break; - case 71: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(262, 266); - } - break; - case 72: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(267, 272); - } - break; - case 73: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(273, 279); - } - break; - case 74: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(280, 287); - } - break; - case 75: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 76: - if (curChar == 10) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 77: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 76; - } - break; - case 78: - if (curChar == 36) { - jjCheckNAddStates(108, 111); - } - break; - case 81: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - break; - case 83: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - break; - case 84: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(288, 291); - break; - case 85: - if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - break; - case 86: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(292, 298); - break; - case 87: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(299, 301); - break; - case 88: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(302, 305); - break; - case 89: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(306, 310); - break; - case 90: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(311, 316); - break; - case 93: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(317, 320); - break; - case 94: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(321, 327); - break; - case 95: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(328, 330); - break; - case 96: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(331, 334); - break; - case 97: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(335, 339); - break; - case 98: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(340, 345); - break; - case 99: - if (curChar == 35) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - } - break; - case 100: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - break; - case 102: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - break; - case 103: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(346, 349); - break; - case 104: - if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - break; - case 105: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(350, 356); - break; - case 106: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(357, 359); - break; - case 107: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(360, 363); - break; - case 108: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(364, 368); - break; - case 109: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(369, 374); - break; - case 111: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 112; - } - break; - case 115: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 116: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(375, 378); - break; - case 117: - if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 118: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(379, 385); - break; - case 119: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(386, 388); - break; - case 120: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(389, 392); - break; - case 121: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(393, 397); - break; - case 122: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(398, 403); - break; - case 125: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(404, 407); - break; - case 126: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(408, 414); - break; - case 127: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(415, 417); - break; - case 128: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(418, 421); - break; - case 129: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(422, 426); - break; - case 130: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(427, 432); - break; - case 132: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(433, 434); - } - break; - case 133: - if (curChar == 40 && kind > 115) { - kind = 115; - } - break; - case 140: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(435, 436); - } - break; - case 141: - if (curChar == 40 && kind > 116) { - kind = 116; - } - break; - case 148: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(437, 438); - } - break; - case 149: - if (curChar == 40 && kind > 117) { - kind = 117; - } - break; - case 179: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 178; - } - break; - case 188: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 187; - } - break; - case 190: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 189; - } - break; - case 199: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 198; - } - break; - case 206: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 205; - } - break; - case 215: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 214; - } - break; - case 218: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 217; - } - break; - case 220: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - break; - case 222: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - break; - case 223: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(439, 442); - break; - case 224: - if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - break; - case 225: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(443, 449); - break; - case 226: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(450, 452); - break; - case 227: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(453, 456); - break; - case 228: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(457, 461); - break; - case 229: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(462, 467); - break; - case 230: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 231: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(231, 232); - } - break; - case 232: - if (curChar == 40 && kind > 118) { - kind = 118; - } - break; - case 234: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 235: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(468, 472); - } - break; - case 236: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 237: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(473, 480); - } - break; - case 238: - case 452: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(481, 484); - } - break; - case 239: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(485, 489); - } - break; - case 240: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(490, 495); - } - break; - case 241: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(496, 502); - } - break; - case 242: - if (curChar == 33) { - jjCheckNAddStates(104, 107); - } - break; - case 243: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(243, 250); - } - break; - case 251: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(251, 260); - } - break; - case 261: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjAddStates(102, 103); - } - break; - case 265: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAddStates(82, 101); - } - break; - case 266: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 73) { - kind = 73; - } - jjCheckNAdd(266); - break; - case 267: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(267, 268); - } - break; - case 268: - if (curChar == 37 && kind > 77) { - kind = 77; - } - break; - case 269: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(269, 271); - } - break; - case 272: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(272, 274); - } - break; - case 275: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(275, 277); - } - break; - case 278: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(278, 280); - } - break; - case 281: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(281, 283); - } - break; - case 284: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(284, 286); - } - break; - case 287: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(287, 289); - } - break; - case 290: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(290, 293); - } - break; - case 294: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(294, 297); - } - break; - case 298: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(298, 300); - } - break; - case 301: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(301, 304); - } - break; - case 305: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(305, 308); - } - break; - case 309: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(309, 313); - } - break; - case 314: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(314, 316); - } - break; - case 317: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(317, 318); - } - break; - case 319: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(319, 321); - } - break; - case 322: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(322, 325); - } - break; - case 326: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(124, 128); - } - break; - case 327: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjCheckNAdd(328); - } - break; - case 329: - if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); - break; - case 331: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); - break; - case 332: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(503, 506); - break; - case 333: - if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); - break; - case 334: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(507, 513); - break; - case 335: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(514, 516); - break; - case 336: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(517, 520); - break; - case 337: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(521, 525); - break; - case 338: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(526, 531); - break; - case 341: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(532, 535); - break; - case 342: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(536, 542); - break; - case 343: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(543, 545); - break; - case 344: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(546, 549); - break; - case 345: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(550, 554); - break; - case 346: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(555, 560); - break; - case 348: - if (curChar == 40) { - jjCheckNAddStates(561, 566); - } - break; - case 349: - if ((0xfffffc7a00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); - } - break; - case 350: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(350, 351); - } - break; - case 351: - if (curChar == 41 && kind > 75) { - kind = 75; - } - break; - case 353: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); - } - break; - case 354: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(571, 575); - } - break; - case 355: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); - } - break; - case 356: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(576, 583); - } - break; - case 357: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(584, 587); - } - break; - case 358: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(588, 592); - } - break; - case 359: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(593, 598); - } - break; - case 360: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(599, 605); - } - break; - case 361: - if (curChar == 39) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 362: - if ((0xffffff7f00000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 363: - if (curChar == 39) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(350, 351); - } - break; - case 365: - if (curChar == 12) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 367: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 368: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(610, 615); - } - break; - case 369: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 370: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(616, 624); - } - break; - case 371: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(625, 629); - } - break; - case 372: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(630, 635); - } - break; - case 373: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(636, 642); - } - break; - case 374: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(643, 650); - } - break; - case 375: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 376: - if (curChar == 10) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 377: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 376; - } - break; - case 378: - if (curChar == 34) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 379: - if ((0xfffffffb00000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 380: - if (curChar == 34) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(350, 351); - } - break; - case 382: - if (curChar == 12) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 384: - if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 385: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(655, 660); - } - break; - case 386: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 387: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(661, 669); - } - break; - case 388: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(670, 674); - } - break; - case 389: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(675, 680); - } - break; - case 390: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(681, 687); - } - break; - case 391: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(688, 695); - } - break; - case 392: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 393: - if (curChar == 10) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 394: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 393; - } - break; - case 395: - if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(696, 702); - } - break; - case 398: - if (curChar == 43) { - jjAddStates(703, 704); - } - break; - case 399: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 400; - break; - case 400: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(705, 708); - break; - case 401: - if (curChar == 63 && kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - break; - case 402: - case 417: - case 421: - case 424: - case 427: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAdd(401); - break; - case 403: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 402); - break; - case 404: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(709, 711); - break; - case 405: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjAddStates(712, 717); - break; - case 406: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 407; - } - break; - case 407: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 408; - } - break; - case 408: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAdd(409); - } - break; - case 409: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - break; - case 410: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 411; - } - break; - case 411: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 412; - } - break; - case 412: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 413; - } - break; - case 413: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAdd(401); - break; - case 414: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 415; - } - break; - case 415: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 416; - } - break; - case 416: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 417; - break; - case 418: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 419; - } - break; - case 419: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 420; - break; - case 420: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 421); - break; - case 422: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 423; - break; - case 423: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(718, 720); - break; - case 425: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 424); - break; - case 426: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(721, 724); - break; - case 428: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 427); - break; - case 429: - if (curChar != 63) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(725, 727); - break; - case 430: - if (curChar == 43) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 431; - } - break; - case 431: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(432, 438); - } - break; - case 432: - if (curChar == 45) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 433; - } - break; - case 433: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 434; - break; - case 434: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(728, 731); - break; - case 435: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAdd(409); - break; - case 436: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(409, 435); - break; - case 437: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(732, 734); - break; - case 438: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(735, 739); - } - break; - case 439: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAdd(432); - } - break; - case 440: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(439, 432); - } - break; - case 441: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(740, 742); - } - break; - case 442: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(743, 746); - } - break; - case 444: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(747, 750); - break; - case 445: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(751, 757); - break; - case 446: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(758, 760); - break; - case 447: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(761, 764); - break; - case 448: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(765, 769); - break; - case 449: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(770, 775); - break; - case 450: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(776, 780); - } - break; - case 451: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(781, 788); - } - break; - case 453: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(789, 793); - } - break; - case 454: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(794, 799); - } - break; - case 455: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(800, 806); - } - break; - case 456: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 73) { - kind = 73; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(0, 81); - break; - case 457: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 73) { - kind = 73; - } - jjCheckNAdd(457); - break; - case 458: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(458, 459); - } - break; - case 459: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(266); - } - break; - case 460: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(460, 268); - } - break; - case 461: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(461, 462); - } - break; - case 462: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(267); - } - break; - case 463: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(463, 271); - } - break; - case 464: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(464, 465); - } - break; - case 465: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(269); - } - break; - case 466: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(466, 274); - } - break; - case 467: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(467, 468); - } - break; - case 468: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(272); - } - break; - case 469: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(469, 277); - } - break; - case 470: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(470, 471); - } - break; - case 471: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(275); - } - break; - case 472: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(472, 280); - } - break; - case 473: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(473, 474); - } - break; - case 474: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(278); - } - break; - case 475: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(475, 283); - } - break; - case 476: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(476, 477); - } - break; - case 477: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(281); - } - break; - case 478: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(478, 286); - } - break; - case 479: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(479, 480); - } - break; - case 480: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(284); - } - break; - case 481: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(481, 289); - } - break; - case 482: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(482, 483); - } - break; - case 483: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(287); - } - break; - case 484: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(484, 293); - } - break; - case 485: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(485, 486); - } - break; - case 486: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(290); - } - break; - case 487: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(487, 297); - } - break; - case 488: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(488, 489); - } - break; - case 489: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(294); - } - break; - case 490: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(490, 300); - } - break; - case 491: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(491, 492); - } - break; - case 492: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(298); - } - break; - case 493: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(493, 304); - } - break; - case 494: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(494, 495); - } - break; - case 495: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(301); - } - break; - case 496: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(496, 308); - } - break; - case 497: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(497, 498); - } - break; - case 498: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(305); - } - break; - case 499: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(499, 313); - } - break; - case 500: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(500, 501); - } - break; - case 501: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(309); - } - break; - case 502: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(502, 316); - } - break; - case 503: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(503, 504); - } - break; - case 504: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(314); - } - break; - case 505: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(505, 318); - } - break; - case 506: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(506, 507); - } - break; - case 507: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(317); - } - break; - case 508: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(508, 321); - } - break; - case 509: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(509, 510); - } - break; - case 510: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(319); - } - break; - case 511: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(511, 325); - } - break; - case 512: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(512, 513); - } - break; - case 513: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(322); - } - break; - case 514: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(807, 811); - } - break; - case 515: - if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(515, 516); - } - break; - case 516: - if (curChar == 46) { - jjCheckNAdd(326); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - } while (i != startsAt); - } else if (curChar < 128) { - long l = 1L << (curChar & 077); - do { - switch (jjstateSet[--i]) { - case 520: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); - } - break; - case 166: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 125); - } - if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 165; - } - break; - case 174: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); - } - if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 173; - } - break; - case 4: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(812, 817); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddStates(818, 821); - } else if (curChar == 64) { - jjAddStates(822, 826); - } - if ((0x20000000200000L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(827, 829); - } else if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 155; - } else if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 145; - } else if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 137; - } else if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 33; - } else if (curChar == 64) { - jjAddStates(830, 833); - } - break; - case 518: - if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 259; - } else if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 249; - } - break; - case 178: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 216; - } else if ((0x80000000800000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 204; - } else if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 188; - } - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 177; - } - break; - case 517: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(222, 223); - } - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(234, 235); - } - break; - case 175: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); - } - break; - case 33: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(222, 223); - } - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(234, 235); - } - if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 32; - } - break; - case 176: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); - } - if ((0x400000004000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 175; - } - break; - case 42: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - } - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 41; - } - break; - case 177: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); - } - if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 215; - } else if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 176; - } - break; - case 79: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - } else if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(83, 93); - } - break; - case 2: - if (kind > 5) { - kind = 5; - } - break; - case 5: - if (curChar == 123) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 6; - } - break; - case 8: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); - } - break; - case 9: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); - } - break; - case 10: - if (curChar == 125 && kind > 40) { - kind = 40; - } - break; - case 11: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(12, 13); - } - break; - case 12: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); - } - break; - case 13: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(136, 140); - } - break; - case 15: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(141, 148); - } - break; - case 16: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(149, 152); - } - break; - case 17: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(153, 157); - } - break; - case 18: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(158, 163); - } - break; - case 19: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(164, 170); - } - break; - case 21: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(12, 22); - } - break; - case 22: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(171, 175); - } - break; - case 23: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(176, 183); - } - break; - case 24: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(184, 187); - } - break; - case 25: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(188, 192); - } - break; - case 26: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(193, 198); - } - break; - case 27: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(199, 205); - } - break; - case 29: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L && kind > 68) { - kind = 68; - } - break; - case 30: - case 35: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAdd(29); - } - break; - case 31: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 30; - } - break; - case 32: - if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 31; - } - break; - case 34: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 33; - } - break; - case 36: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 35; - } - break; - case 37: - if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 36; - } - break; - case 38: - if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 37; - } - break; - case 39: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 38; - } - break; - case 41: - if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 40; - } - break; - case 45: - case 50: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 47: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(834, 837); - } - break; - case 49: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(838, 839); - } - break; - case 51: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(206, 211); - } - break; - case 53: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(212, 220); - } - break; - case 54: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(221, 225); - } - break; - case 55: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(226, 231); - } - break; - case 56: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(232, 238); - } - break; - case 57: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(239, 246); - } - break; - case 62: - case 67: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 64: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(840, 843); - } - break; - case 66: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(844, 845); - } - break; - case 68: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(247, 252); - } - break; - case 70: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(253, 261); - } - break; - case 71: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(262, 266); - } - break; - case 72: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(267, 272); - } - break; - case 73: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(273, 279); - } - break; - case 74: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(280, 287); - } - break; - case 80: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - break; - case 81: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - break; - case 82: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(83, 84); - } - break; - case 83: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - break; - case 84: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(288, 291); - break; - case 86: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(292, 298); - break; - case 87: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(299, 301); - break; - case 88: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(302, 305); - break; - case 89: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(306, 310); - break; - case 90: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(311, 316); - break; - case 92: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(83, 93); - } - break; - case 93: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(317, 320); - break; - case 94: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(321, 327); - break; - case 95: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(328, 330); - break; - case 96: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(331, 334); - break; - case 97: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(335, 339); - break; - case 98: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(340, 345); - break; - case 100: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - break; - case 101: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(846, 847); - } - break; - case 102: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - break; - case 103: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(346, 349); - break; - case 105: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(350, 356); - break; - case 106: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(357, 359); - break; - case 107: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(360, 363); - break; - case 108: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(364, 368); - break; - case 109: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(369, 374); - break; - case 110: - if (curChar == 64) { - jjAddStates(830, 833); - } - break; - case 112: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 113: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 114: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); - } - break; - case 115: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 116: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(375, 378); - break; - case 118: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(379, 385); - break; - case 119: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(386, 388); - break; - case 120: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(389, 392); - break; - case 121: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(393, 397); - break; - case 122: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(398, 403); - break; - case 124: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 125); - } - break; - case 125: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(404, 407); - break; - case 126: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(408, 414); - break; - case 127: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(415, 417); - break; - case 128: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(418, 421); - break; - case 129: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(422, 426); - break; - case 130: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(427, 432); - break; - case 131: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(433, 434); - } - break; - case 134: - if ((0x40000000400000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 131; - } - break; - case 135: - if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 134; - } - break; - case 136: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 135; - } - break; - case 137: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 136; - } - break; - case 138: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 137; - } - break; - case 139: - if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(435, 436); - } - break; - case 142: - if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 139; - } - break; - case 143: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 142; - } - break; - case 144: - if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 143; - } - break; - case 145: - if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 144; - } - break; - case 146: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 145; - } - break; - case 147: - if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(437, 438); - } - break; - case 150: - if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 147; - } - break; - case 151: - if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 150; - } - break; - case 152: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 151; - } - break; - case 153: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 152; - } - break; - case 154: - if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 153; - } - break; - case 155: - if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 154; - } - break; - case 156: - if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 155; - } - break; - case 157: - if (curChar == 64) { - jjAddStates(822, 826); - } - break; - case 158: - if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L && kind > 102) { - kind = 102; - } - break; - case 159: - case 167: - case 180: - case 191: - case 207: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAdd(158); - } - break; - case 160: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 159; - } - break; - case 161: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 160; - } - break; - case 162: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 161; - } - break; - case 163: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 162; - } - break; - case 164: - if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 163; - } - break; - case 165: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 164; - } - break; - case 168: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 167; - } - break; - case 169: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 168; - } - break; - case 170: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 169; - } - break; - case 171: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 170; - } - break; - case 172: - if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 171; - } - break; - case 173: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 172; - } - break; - case 181: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 180; - } - break; - case 182: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 181; - } - break; - case 183: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 182; - } - break; - case 184: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 183; - } - break; - case 185: - if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 184; - } - break; - case 186: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 185; - } - break; - case 187: - if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 186; - } - break; - case 189: - if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 188; - } - break; - case 192: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 191; - } - break; - case 193: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 192; - } - break; - case 194: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 193; - } - break; - case 195: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 194; - } - break; - case 196: - if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 195; - } - break; - case 197: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 196; - } - break; - case 198: - if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 197; - } - break; - case 200: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 199; - } - break; - case 201: - if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 200; - } - break; - case 202: - if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 201; - } - break; - case 203: - if ((0x400000004L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 202; - } - break; - case 204: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 203; - } - break; - case 205: - if ((0x80000000800000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 204; - } - break; - case 208: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 207; - } - break; - case 209: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 208; - } - break; - case 210: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 209; - } - break; - case 211: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 210; - } - break; - case 212: - if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 211; - } - break; - case 213: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 212; - } - break; - case 214: - if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 213; - } - break; - case 216: - if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 215; - } - break; - case 217: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 216; - } - break; - case 220: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - break; - case 221: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(222, 223); - } - break; - case 222: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - break; - case 223: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(439, 442); - break; - case 225: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(443, 449); - break; - case 226: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(450, 452); - break; - case 227: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(453, 456); - break; - case 228: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(457, 461); - break; - case 229: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(462, 467); - break; - case 230: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 233: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(234, 235); - } - break; - case 234: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 235: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(468, 472); - } - break; - case 237: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(473, 480); - } - break; - case 238: - case 452: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(481, 484); - } - break; - case 239: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(485, 489); - } - break; - case 240: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(490, 495); - } - break; - case 241: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(496, 502); - } - break; - case 244: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L && kind > 70) { - kind = 70; - } - break; - case 245: - if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 244; - } - break; - case 246: - if ((0x20000000200000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 245; - } - break; - case 247: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 246; - } - break; - case 248: - if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 247; - } - break; - case 249: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 248; - } - break; - case 250: - if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 249; - } - break; - case 252: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L && kind > 104) { - kind = 104; - } - break; - case 253: - if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 252; - } - break; - case 254: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 253; - } - break; - case 255: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 254; - } - break; - case 256: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 255; - } - break; - case 257: - if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 256; - } - break; - case 258: - if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 257; - } - break; - case 259: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 258; - } - break; - case 260: - if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 259; - } - break; - case 262: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - break; - case 263: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 264: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(812, 817); - break; - case 270: - if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L && kind > 78) { - kind = 78; - } - break; - case 271: - if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 270; - } - break; - case 273: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 79) { - kind = 79; - } - break; - case 274: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 273; - } - break; - case 276: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 80) { - kind = 80; - } - break; - case 277: - if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 276; - } - break; - case 279: - if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L && kind > 81) { - kind = 81; - } - break; - case 280: - if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 279; - } - break; - case 282: - if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L && kind > 82) { - kind = 82; - } - break; - case 283: - if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 282; - } - break; - case 285: - if ((0x100000001000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 83) { - kind = 83; - } - break; - case 286: - if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 285; - } - break; - case 288: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 84) { - kind = 84; - } - break; - case 289: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 288; - } - break; - case 291: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 85) { - kind = 85; - } - break; - case 292: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 291; - } - break; - case 293: - if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 292; - } - break; - case 295: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 86) { - kind = 86; - } - break; - case 296: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 295; - } - break; - case 297: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 296; - } - break; - case 299: - if ((0x100000001000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 87) { - kind = 87; - } - break; - case 300: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 299; - } - break; - case 302: - if ((0x8000000080L & l) != 0L && kind > 88) { - kind = 88; - } - break; - case 303: - if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 302; - } - break; - case 304: - if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 303; - } - break; - case 306: - if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L && kind > 89) { - kind = 89; - } - break; - case 307: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 306; - } - break; - case 308: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 307; - } - break; - case 310: - if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L && kind > 90) { - kind = 90; - } - break; - case 311: - if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 310; - } - break; - case 312: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 311; - } - break; - case 313: - if ((0x8000000080L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 312; - } - break; - case 315: - if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L && kind > 91) { - kind = 91; - } - break; - case 316: - if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 315; - } - break; - case 318: - if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L && kind > 92) { - kind = 92; - } - break; - case 320: - if ((0x400000004000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 93) { - kind = 93; - } - break; - case 321: - if ((0x10000000100L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 320; - } - break; - case 323: - if ((0x400000004000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 94) { - kind = 94; - } - break; - case 324: - if ((0x10000000100L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 323; - } - break; - case 325: - if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 324; - } - break; - case 328: - if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); - break; - case 329: - if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); - break; - case 330: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(331, 332); - } - break; - case 331: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); - break; - case 332: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(503, 506); - break; - case 334: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(507, 513); - break; - case 335: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(514, 516); - break; - case 336: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(517, 520); - break; - case 337: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(521, 525); - break; - case 338: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(526, 531); - break; - case 340: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(331, 341); - } - break; - case 341: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(532, 535); - break; - case 342: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(536, 542); - break; - case 343: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(543, 545); - break; - case 344: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(546, 549); - break; - case 345: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(550, 554); - break; - case 346: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(555, 560); - break; - case 347: - if ((0x20000000200000L & l) != 0L) { - jjAddStates(827, 829); - } - break; - case 349: - case 353: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); - } - break; - case 352: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(848, 849); - } - break; - case 354: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(571, 575); - } - break; - case 356: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(576, 583); - } - break; - case 357: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(584, 587); - } - break; - case 358: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(588, 592); - } - break; - case 359: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(593, 598); - } - break; - case 360: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(599, 605); - } - break; - case 362: - case 367: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 364: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(850, 853); - } - break; - case 366: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(854, 855); - } - break; - case 368: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(610, 615); - } - break; - case 370: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(616, 624); - } - break; - case 371: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(625, 629); - } - break; - case 372: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(630, 635); - } - break; - case 373: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(636, 642); - } - break; - case 374: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(643, 650); - } - break; - case 379: - case 384: - if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - case 381: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(856, 859); - } - break; - case 383: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjAddStates(860, 861); - } - break; - case 385: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(655, 660); - } - break; - case 387: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(661, 669); - } - break; - case 388: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(670, 674); - } - break; - case 389: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(675, 680); - } - break; - case 390: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(681, 687); - } - break; - case 391: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(688, 695); - } - break; - case 396: - if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 348; - } - break; - case 397: - if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 396; - } - break; - case 405: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjAddStates(712, 717); - break; - case 406: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 407; - } - break; - case 407: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 408; - } - break; - case 408: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAdd(409); - } - break; - case 409: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L && kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - break; - case 410: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 411; - } - break; - case 411: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 412; - } - break; - case 412: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 413; - } - break; - case 413: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 401; - break; - case 414: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 415; - } - break; - case 415: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 416; - } - break; - case 416: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 417; - break; - case 418: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 419; - } - break; - case 419: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 420; - break; - case 422: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 423; - break; - case 431: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(432, 438); - } - break; - case 433: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 434; - break; - case 434: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(728, 731); - break; - case 435: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAdd(409); - break; - case 436: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(409, 435); - break; - case 437: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 114) { - kind = 114; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(732, 734); - break; - case 438: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(735, 739); - } - break; - case 439: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAdd(432); - } - break; - case 440: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(439, 432); - } - break; - case 441: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(740, 742); - } - break; - case 442: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(743, 746); - } - break; - case 443: - if (curChar == 92) { - jjCheckNAddStates(818, 821); - } - break; - case 444: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(747, 750); - break; - case 445: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(751, 757); - break; - case 446: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(758, 760); - break; - case 447: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(761, 764); - break; - case 448: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(765, 769); - break; - case 449: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(770, 775); - break; - case 450: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(776, 780); - } - break; - case 451: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(781, 788); - } - break; - case 453: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(789, 793); - } - break; - case 454: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(794, 799); - } - break; - case 455: - if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(800, 806); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - } while (i != startsAt); - } else { - int i2 = (curChar & 0xff) >> 6; - long l2 = 1L << (curChar & 077); - do { - switch (jjstateSet[--i]) { - case 520: - case 113: - case 115: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 166: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 174: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 4: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 41) { - kind = 41; - } - jjCheckNAddStates(812, 817); - break; - case 517: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - } - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 175: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 33: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - } - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 176: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 177: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 103) { - kind = 103; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); - break; - case 79: - case 81: - case 83: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 76) { - kind = 76; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); - break; - case 2: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L && kind > 5) { - kind = 5; - } - break; - case 9: - case 12: - case 20: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); - } - break; - case 45: - case 50: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); - } - break; - case 62: - case 67: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); - } - break; - case 100: - case 102: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 96) { - kind = 96; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); - break; - case 220: - case 222: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 72) { - kind = 72; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); - break; - case 230: - case 234: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); - } - break; - case 329: - case 331: - case 339: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) { - break; - } - if (kind > 95) { - kind = 95; - } - jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); - break; - case 349: - case 353: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); - } - break; - case 362: - case 367: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); - } - break; - case 379: - case 384: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) { - jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - } while (i != startsAt); - } - if (kind != 0x7fffffff) { - jjmatchedKind = kind; - jjmatchedPos = curPos; - kind = 0x7fffffff; - } - ++curPos; - if ((i = jjnewStateCnt) == (startsAt = 517 - (jjnewStateCnt = startsAt))) { - return curPos; - } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - return curPos; - } - } - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_3() { - switch (curChar) { - case 42: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_3(0x100L); - default: + if ((active0 & 0xff80000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0xf80000003fL) != 0L) + return 166; + if ((active0 & 0x38000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x80L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 74; + return 518; + } + if ((active0 & 0x200000000L) != 0L) + return 519; + return -1; + case 1: + if ((active0 & 0x50000000000000L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 74; + jjmatchedPos = 1; + return 518; + } + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + return 178; + if ((active0 & 0xff80000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0xf800000037L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 1; + return 520; + } + if ((active0 & 0x40L) != 0L) return 1; - } - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_3(long active0) { - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - return 1; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 47: - if ((active0 & 0x100L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 8); - } - break; - default: - return 2; - } - return 2; - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_1() { - return jjMoveNfa_1(0, 0); - } - - private int jjMoveNfa_1(int startState, int curPos) { - int startsAt = 0; - jjnewStateCnt = 4; - int i = 1; - jjstateSet[0] = startState; - int kind = 0x7fffffff; - for (;;) { - if (++jjround == 0x7fffffff) { - ReInitRounds(); + if ((active0 & 0x28000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x80L) != 0L) + return 518; + return -1; + case 2: + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 2; + return 177; + } + if ((active1 & 0x1L) != 0L) + return 520; + if ((active0 & 0xff80000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0xf800000036L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 2; + return 520; + } + if ((active0 & 0x50000000000000L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 74; + jjmatchedPos = 2; + return 518; + } + return -1; + case 3: + if ((active0 & 0x10000000000000L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 74; + jjmatchedPos = 3; + return 518; + } + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 3; + return 176; + } + if ((active0 & 0xdf80000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0xf800000036L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 3; + return 520; + } + if ((active0 & 0x2000000000000000L) != 0L) + return 520; + if ((active0 & 0x40000000000000L) != 0L) + return 518; + return -1; + case 4: + if ((active0 & 0x8f80000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0xb800000034L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 4; + return 520; + } + if ((active0 & 0x5000000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x4000000002L) != 0L) + return 520; + if ((active0 & 0x10000000000000L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 74; + jjmatchedPos = 4; + return 518; + } + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 4; + return 175; + } + return -1; + case 5: + if ((active0 & 0x700000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0xa800000034L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 5; + return 520; + } + if ((active0 & 0x10000000000000L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 74; + jjmatchedPos = 5; + return 518; + } + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 5; + return 174; + } + if ((active0 & 0x8880000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x1000000000L) != 0L) + return 520; + return -1; + case 6: + if ((active0 & 0x400000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x800000004L) != 0L) + return 520; + if ((active0 & 0x300000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0xa000000038L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 6; + return 520; + } + if ((active0 & 0x10000000000000L) != 0L) + return 518; + return -1; + case 7: + if ((active0 & 0x100000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x2000000020L) != 0L) + return 520; + if ((active0 & 0x200000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x8000000018L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 7; + return 520; + } + return -1; + case 8: + if ((active0 & 0x200000000000000L) != 0L || (active1 & 0x10L) != 0L) + return 520; + if ((active1 & 0x8000000008L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 8; + return 520; + } + return -1; + case 9: + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 9; + return 520; + } + if ((active1 & 0x8000000000L) != 0L) + return 520; + return -1; + case 10: + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 10; + return 520; + } + return -1; + case 11: + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 11; + return 520; + } + return -1; + case 12: + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + { + jjmatchedKind = 105; + jjmatchedPos = 12; + return 520; + } + return -1; + default : + return -1; + } +} +private final int jjStartNfa_0(int pos, long active0, long active1) +{ + return jjMoveNfa_0(jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(pos, active0, active1), pos + 1); +} +private int jjStopAtPos(int pos, int kind) +{ + jjmatchedKind = kind; + jjmatchedPos = pos; + return pos + 1; +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0() +{ + switch(curChar) + { + case 33: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x8000000000L, 0x0L); + case 36: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x10000L, 0x0L); + case 37: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 31); + case 38: + jjmatchedKind = 32; + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x4000000000L, 0x0L); + case 40: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 34); + case 41: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 35); + case 42: + jjmatchedKind = 30; + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x20000L, 0x0L); + case 43: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 20); + case 44: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 22); + case 45: + jjmatchedKind = 21; + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x800L, 0x0L); + case 46: + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(0, 33, 519); + case 47: + jjmatchedKind = 27; + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x44L, 0x0L); + case 58: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 40); + case 59: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 23); + case 60: + jjmatchedKind = 26; + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x400L, 0x0L); + case 61: + jjmatchedKind = 19; + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x1000000000L, 0x0L); + case 62: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 24); + case 64: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0xff80000000000000L, 0xf80000003fL); + case 91: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 28); + case 93: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 29); + case 94: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x8000L, 0x0L); + case 70: + case 102: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x40000000000000L, 0x0L); + case 73: + case 105: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x20000000000000L, 0x80L); + case 84: + case 116: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x18000000000000L, 0x0L); + case 123: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 12); + case 124: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x2000004000L, 0x0L); + case 125: + return jjStopAtPos(0, 13); + case 126: + jjmatchedKind = 25; + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x40000L, 0x0L); + default : + return jjMoveNfa_0(4, 0); + } +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(long active0, long active1) +{ + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(0, active0, active1); + return 1; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 33: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x400L, active1, 0L); + case 38: + if ((active0 & 0x4000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 38); + break; + case 42: + if ((active0 & 0x40L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 6, 1); + break; + case 45: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x800L, active1, 0x8L); + case 47: + if ((active0 & 0x4L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 2); + break; + case 61: + if ((active0 & 0x4000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 14); + else if ((active0 & 0x8000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 15); + else if ((active0 & 0x10000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 16); + else if ((active0 & 0x20000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 17); + else if ((active0 & 0x40000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 18); + else if ((active0 & 0x1000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 36); + else if ((active0 & 0x8000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 39); + break; + case 67: + case 99: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2000000020L); + case 68: + case 100: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x800000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 69: + case 101: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x4000000000000000L, active1, 0x6L); + case 70: + case 102: + if ((active1 & 0x80L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 71, 518); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x2200000000000000L, active1, 0x8000000000L); + case 72: + case 104: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x10000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 73: + case 105: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, active1, 0x800000001L); + case 77: + case 109: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x80000000000000L, active1, 0x1000000000L); + case 78: + case 110: + if ((active0 & 0x20000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 53, 518); + break; + case 79: + case 111: + if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(1, 51, 518); + break; + case 80: + case 112: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x4000000000L); + case 82: + case 114: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x440000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 83: + case 115: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x10L); + case 87: + case 119: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x9000000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 124: + if ((active0 & 0x2000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 37); + break; + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(0, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(0, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(1, active0, active1); + return 2; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 45: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x400L, active1, 0L); + case 62: + if ((active0 & 0x800L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(2, 11); + break; + case 65: + case 97: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x5000000000000000L, active1, 0x4000000000L); + case 69: + case 101: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0xc00000000000000L, active1, 0x1000000000L); + case 70: + case 102: + if ((active1 & 0x1L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(2, 64, 520); + break; + case 72: + case 104: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x8000000000000000L, active1, 0x2000000000L); + case 73: + case 105: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x80000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 76: + case 108: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2L); + case 77: + case 109: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000008L); + case 78: + case 110: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 79: + case 111: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x2040000000000000L, active1, 0x8000000020L); + case 82: + case 114: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x10000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 85: + case 117: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, active1, 0x10L); + case 88: + case 120: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x4L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(1, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(1, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(2, active0, active1); + return 3; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 45: + if ((active0 & 0x400L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(3, 10); + break; + case 65: + case 97: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2000000000L); + case 66: + case 98: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x800000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 67: + case 99: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x4100000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 68: + case 100: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x1000000000L); + case 71: + case 103: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x4000000000L); + case 73: + case 105: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x8000000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 77: + case 109: + if ((active0 & 0x40000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(3, 54, 518); + break; + case 78: + case 110: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, active1, 0x8000000020L); + case 79: + case 111: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x10000000000000L, active1, 0x8L); + case 80: + case 112: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000010L); + case 82: + case 114: + if ((active0 & 0x2000000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(3, 61, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x1000000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 83: + case 115: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2L); + case 84: + case 116: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x400000000000000L, active1, 0x4L); + case 88: + case 120: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x80000000000000L, active1, 0L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(2, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(2, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(3, active0, active1); + return 4; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 67: + case 99: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 69: + case 101: + if ((active1 & 0x2L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 65, 520); + else if ((active1 & 0x4000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 102, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x4L); + case 72: + case 104: + if ((active0 & 0x4000000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 62, 520); + break; + case 73: + case 105: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x80000000000000L, active1, 0x1000000000L); + case 76: + case 108: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x8100000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 78: + case 110: + if ((active0 & 0x1000000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 60, 520); + break; + case 79: + case 111: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x800000000L); + case 80: + case 112: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x10L); + case 82: + case 114: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2000000000L); + case 84: + case 116: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8000000020L); + case 85: + case 117: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0xc10000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 90: + case 122: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(3, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(3, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(4, active0, active1); + return 5; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 45: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8000000008L); + case 65: + case 97: + if ((active1 & 0x1000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 100, 520); + break; + case 69: + case 101: + if ((active0 & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 63, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x20L); + case 71: + case 103: + if ((active0 & 0x800000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 59, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x10000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 78: + case 110: + if ((active0 & 0x80000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 55, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x4L); + case 79: + case 111: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x10L); + case 82: + case 114: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x400000000000000L, active1, 0x800000000L); + case 83: + case 115: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2000000000L); + case 84: + case 116: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 85: + case 117: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, active1, 0L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(4, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(4, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(5, active0, active1); + return 6; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 68: + case 100: + if ((active1 & 0x4L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 66, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0x100000000000000L, active1, 0x8L); + case 69: + case 101: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x2000000000L); + case 70: + case 102: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8000000000L); + case 72: + case 104: + if ((active0 & 0x10000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 52, 518); + break; + case 73: + case 105: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, active1, 0L); + case 78: + case 110: + if ((active0 & 0x400000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 58, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x20L); + case 82: + case 114: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x10L); + case 84: + case 116: + if ((active1 & 0x800000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 99, 520); + break; + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(5, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa7_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(5, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(6, active0, active1); + return 7; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 65: + case 97: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8000000000L); + case 69: + case 101: + if ((active0 & 0x100000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(7, 56, 520); + break; + case 79: + case 111: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(active0, 0x200000000000000L, active1, 0x8L); + case 84: + case 116: + if ((active1 & 0x20L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(7, 69, 520); + else if ((active1 & 0x2000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(7, 101, 520); + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x10L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(6, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa8_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(6, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(7, active0, active1); + return 8; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 67: + case 99: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa9_0(active0, 0L, active1, 0x8000000008L); + case 78: + case 110: + if ((active0 & 0x200000000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(8, 57, 520); + break; + case 83: + case 115: + if ((active1 & 0x10L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(8, 68, 520); + break; + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(7, active0, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa9_0(long old0, long active0, long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active0 &= old0) | (active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(7, old0, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(8, 0L, active1); + return 9; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 69: + case 101: + if ((active1 & 0x8000000000L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(9, 103, 520); + break; + case 85: + case 117: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa10_0(active1, 0x8L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(8, 0L, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa10_0(long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(8, 0L, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(9, 0L, active1); + return 10; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 77: + case 109: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa11_0(active1, 0x8L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(9, 0L, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa11_0(long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(9, 0L, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(10, 0L, active1); + return 11; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 69: + case 101: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa12_0(active1, 0x8L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(10, 0L, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa12_0(long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(10, 0L, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(11, 0L, active1); + return 12; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 78: + case 110: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa13_0(active1, 0x8L); + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(11, 0L, active1); +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa13_0(long old1, long active1) +{ + if (((active1 &= old1)) == 0L) + return jjStartNfa_0(11, 0L, old1); + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(12, 0L, active1); + return 13; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 84: + case 116: + if ((active1 & 0x8L) != 0L) + return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(13, 67, 520); + break; + default : + break; + } + return jjStartNfa_0(12, 0L, active1); +} +private int jjStartNfaWithStates_0(int pos, int kind, int state) +{ + jjmatchedKind = kind; + jjmatchedPos = pos; + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { return pos + 1; } + return jjMoveNfa_0(state, pos + 1); +} +static final long[] jjbitVec0 = { + 0x0L, 0x0L, 0xffffffffffffffffL, 0xffffffffffffffffL +}; +private int jjMoveNfa_0(int startState, int curPos) +{ + int startsAt = 0; + jjnewStateCnt = 517; + int i = 1; + jjstateSet[0] = startState; + int kind = 0x7fffffff; + for (;;) + { + if (++jjround == 0x7fffffff) + ReInitRounds(); + if (curChar < 64) + { + long l = 1L << curChar; + do + { + switch(jjstateSet[--i]) + { + case 520: + case 113: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 166: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 112; + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 217; + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 205; + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 189; + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 178; + break; + case 174: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 4: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 75) + kind = 75; + jjCheckNAddStates(0, 81); + } + else if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 1) + kind = 1; + jjCheckNAdd(0); + } + else if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAddStates(82, 101); + else if (curChar == 45) + jjAddStates(102, 103); + else if (curChar == 33) + jjCheckNAddStates(104, 107); + else if (curChar == 35) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + else if (curChar == 36) + jjCheckNAddStates(108, 111); + else if (curChar == 39) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + else if (curChar == 34) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + else if (curChar == 47) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 3; + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 42; + else if (curChar == 35) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 5; + break; + case 517: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(251, 260); + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(243, 250); + break; + case 518: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + else if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(231, 232); + else if (curChar == 40) + { + if (kind > 120) + kind = 120; + } + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + } + break; + case 175: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 174; + break; + case 33: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + else if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(231, 232); + else if (curChar == 40) + { + if (kind > 120) + kind = 120; + } + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + } + break; + case 176: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 519: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(124, 128); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(322, 325); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(319, 321); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(317, 318); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(314, 316); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(309, 313); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(305, 308); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(301, 304); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(298, 300); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(294, 297); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(290, 293); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(287, 289); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(284, 286); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(281, 283); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(278, 280); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(275, 277); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(272, 274); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(269, 271); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(267, 268); + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 75) + kind = 75; + jjCheckNAdd(266); + } + break; + case 177: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 79: + if (curChar == 45) + jjCheckNAdd(80); + break; + case 0: + if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 1) + kind = 1; + jjCheckNAdd(0); + break; + case 1: + if (curChar == 42) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 2; + break; + case 2: + if ((0xffff7fffffffffffL & l) != 0L && kind > 5) + kind = 5; + break; + case 3: + if (curChar == 42) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 1; + break; + case 6: + if (curChar == 36) + jjCheckNAddStates(129, 132); + break; + case 7: + if (curChar == 45) + jjCheckNAdd(8); + break; + case 9: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); + break; + case 12: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); + break; + case 13: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(136, 140); + break; + case 14: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); + break; + case 15: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(141, 148); + break; + case 16: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(149, 152); + break; + case 17: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(153, 157); + break; + case 18: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(158, 163); + break; + case 19: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(164, 170); + break; + case 22: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(171, 175); + break; + case 23: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(176, 183); + break; + case 24: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(184, 187); + break; + case 25: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(188, 192); + break; + case 26: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(193, 198); + break; + case 27: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(199, 205); + break; + case 28: + if (curChar == 35) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 5; + break; + case 40: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 39; + break; + case 43: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 42; + break; + case 44: + if (curChar == 34) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 45: + if ((0xfffffffb00000200L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 46: + if (curChar == 34 && kind > 73) + kind = 73; + break; + case 48: + if (curChar == 12) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 50: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 51: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(206, 211); + break; + case 52: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 53: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(212, 220); + break; + case 54: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(221, 225); + break; + case 55: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(226, 231); + break; + case 56: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(232, 238); + break; + case 57: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(239, 246); + break; + case 58: + if (curChar == 13) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 59: + if (curChar == 10) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 60: + if (curChar == 13) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 59; + break; + case 61: + if (curChar == 39) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 62: + if ((0xffffff7f00000200L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 63: + if (curChar == 39 && kind > 73) + kind = 73; + break; + case 65: + if (curChar == 12) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 67: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 68: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(247, 252); + break; + case 69: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 70: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(253, 261); + break; + case 71: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(262, 266); + break; + case 72: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(267, 272); + break; + case 73: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(273, 279); + break; + case 74: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(280, 287); + break; + case 75: + if (curChar == 13) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 76: + if (curChar == 10) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 77: + if (curChar == 13) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 76; + break; + case 78: + if (curChar == 36) + jjCheckNAddStates(108, 111); + break; + case 81: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + break; + case 83: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + break; + case 84: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(288, 291); + break; + case 85: + if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + break; + case 86: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(292, 298); + break; + case 87: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(299, 301); + break; + case 88: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(302, 305); + break; + case 89: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(306, 310); + break; + case 90: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(311, 316); + break; + case 93: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(317, 320); + break; + case 94: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(321, 327); + break; + case 95: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(328, 330); + break; + case 96: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(331, 334); + break; + case 97: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(335, 339); + break; + case 98: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(340, 345); + break; + case 99: + if (curChar == 35) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + break; + case 100: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + break; + case 102: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + break; + case 103: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(346, 349); + break; + case 104: + if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + break; + case 105: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(350, 356); + break; + case 106: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(357, 359); + break; + case 107: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(360, 363); + break; + case 108: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(364, 368); + break; + case 109: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(369, 374); + break; + case 111: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 112; + break; + case 115: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 116: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(375, 378); + break; + case 117: + if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 118: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(379, 385); + break; + case 119: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(386, 388); + break; + case 120: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(389, 392); + break; + case 121: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(393, 397); + break; + case 122: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(398, 403); + break; + case 125: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(404, 407); + break; + case 126: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(408, 414); + break; + case 127: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(415, 417); + break; + case 128: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(418, 421); + break; + case 129: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(422, 426); + break; + case 130: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(427, 432); + break; + case 132: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(433, 434); + break; + case 133: + if (curChar == 40 && kind > 117) + kind = 117; + break; + case 140: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(435, 436); + break; + case 141: + if (curChar == 40 && kind > 118) + kind = 118; + break; + case 148: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(437, 438); + break; + case 149: + if (curChar == 40 && kind > 119) + kind = 119; + break; + case 179: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 178; + break; + case 188: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 187; + break; + case 190: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 189; + break; + case 199: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 198; + break; + case 206: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 205; + break; + case 215: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 214; + break; + case 218: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 217; + break; + case 220: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + break; + case 222: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + break; + case 223: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(439, 442); + break; + case 224: + if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + break; + case 225: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(443, 449); + break; + case 226: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(450, 452); + break; + case 227: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(453, 456); + break; + case 228: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(457, 461); + break; + case 229: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(462, 467); + break; + case 230: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 231: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(231, 232); + break; + case 232: + if (curChar == 40 && kind > 120) + kind = 120; + break; + case 234: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 235: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(468, 472); + break; + case 236: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 237: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(473, 480); + break; + case 238: + case 452: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(481, 484); + break; + case 239: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(485, 489); + break; + case 240: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(490, 495); + break; + case 241: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(496, 502); + break; + case 242: + if (curChar == 33) + jjCheckNAddStates(104, 107); + break; + case 243: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(243, 250); + break; + case 251: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(251, 260); + break; + case 261: + if (curChar == 45) + jjAddStates(102, 103); + break; + case 265: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAddStates(82, 101); + break; + case 266: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 75) + kind = 75; + jjCheckNAdd(266); + break; + case 267: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(267, 268); + break; + case 268: + if (curChar == 37 && kind > 79) + kind = 79; + break; + case 269: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(269, 271); + break; + case 272: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(272, 274); + break; + case 275: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(275, 277); + break; + case 278: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(278, 280); + break; + case 281: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(281, 283); + break; + case 284: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(284, 286); + break; + case 287: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(287, 289); + break; + case 290: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(290, 293); + break; + case 294: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(294, 297); + break; + case 298: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(298, 300); + break; + case 301: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(301, 304); + break; + case 305: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(305, 308); + break; + case 309: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(309, 313); + break; + case 314: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(314, 316); + break; + case 317: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(317, 318); + break; + case 319: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(319, 321); + break; + case 322: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(322, 325); + break; + case 326: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(124, 128); + break; + case 327: + if (curChar == 45) + jjCheckNAdd(328); + break; + case 329: + if ((0x3ff200000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); + break; + case 331: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); + break; + case 332: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(503, 506); + break; + case 333: + if ((0x100003600L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); + break; + case 334: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(507, 513); + break; + case 335: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(514, 516); + break; + case 336: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(517, 520); + break; + case 337: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(521, 525); + break; + case 338: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(526, 531); + break; + case 341: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(532, 535); + break; + case 342: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(536, 542); + break; + case 343: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(543, 545); + break; + case 344: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(546, 549); + break; + case 345: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(550, 554); + break; + case 346: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(555, 560); + break; + case 348: + if (curChar == 40) + jjCheckNAddStates(561, 566); + break; + case 349: + if ((0xfffffc7a00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); + break; + case 350: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(350, 351); + break; + case 351: + if (curChar == 41 && kind > 77) + kind = 77; + break; + case 353: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); + break; + case 354: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(571, 575); + break; + case 355: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); + break; + case 356: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(576, 583); + break; + case 357: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(584, 587); + break; + case 358: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(588, 592); + break; + case 359: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(593, 598); + break; + case 360: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(599, 605); + break; + case 361: + if (curChar == 39) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 362: + if ((0xffffff7f00000200L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 363: + if (curChar == 39) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(350, 351); + break; + case 365: + if (curChar == 12) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 367: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 368: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(610, 615); + break; + case 369: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 370: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(616, 624); + break; + case 371: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(625, 629); + break; + case 372: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(630, 635); + break; + case 373: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(636, 642); + break; + case 374: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(643, 650); + break; + case 375: + if (curChar == 13) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 376: + if (curChar == 10) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 377: + if (curChar == 13) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 376; + break; + case 378: + if (curChar == 34) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 379: + if ((0xfffffffb00000200L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 380: + if (curChar == 34) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(350, 351); + break; + case 382: + if (curChar == 12) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 384: + if ((0xffffffff00000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 385: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(655, 660); + break; + case 386: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 387: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(661, 669); + break; + case 388: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(670, 674); + break; + case 389: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(675, 680); + break; + case 390: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(681, 687); + break; + case 391: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(688, 695); + break; + case 392: + if (curChar == 13) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 393: + if (curChar == 10) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 394: + if (curChar == 13) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 393; + break; + case 395: + if ((0x100003600L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(696, 702); + break; + case 398: + if (curChar == 43) + jjAddStates(703, 704); + break; + case 399: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 400; + break; + case 400: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(705, 708); + break; + case 401: + if (curChar == 63 && kind > 116) + kind = 116; + break; + case 402: + case 417: + case 421: + case 424: + case 427: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAdd(401); + break; + case 403: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 402); + break; + case 404: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(709, 711); + break; + case 405: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjAddStates(712, 717); + break; + case 406: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 407; + break; + case 407: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 408; + break; + case 408: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAdd(409); + break; + case 409: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 116) + kind = 116; + break; + case 410: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 411; + break; + case 411: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 412; + break; + case 412: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 413; + break; + case 413: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAdd(401); + break; + case 414: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 415; + break; + case 415: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 416; + break; + case 416: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 417; + break; + case 418: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 419; + break; + case 419: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 420; + break; + case 420: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 421); + break; + case 422: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 423; + break; + case 423: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(718, 720); + break; + case 425: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 424); + break; + case 426: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(721, 724); + break; + case 428: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(401, 427); + break; + case 429: + if (curChar != 63) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(725, 727); + break; + case 430: + if (curChar == 43) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 431; + break; + case 431: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(432, 438); + break; + case 432: + if (curChar == 45) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 433; + break; + case 433: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 434; + break; + case 434: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(728, 731); + break; + case 435: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAdd(409); + break; + case 436: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(409, 435); + break; + case 437: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(732, 734); + break; + case 438: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(735, 739); + break; + case 439: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAdd(432); + break; + case 440: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(439, 432); + break; + case 441: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(740, 742); + break; + case 442: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(743, 746); + break; + case 444: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(747, 750); + break; + case 445: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(751, 757); + break; + case 446: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(758, 760); + break; + case 447: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(761, 764); + break; + case 448: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(765, 769); + break; + case 449: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(770, 775); + break; + case 450: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(776, 780); + break; + case 451: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(781, 788); + break; + case 453: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(789, 793); + break; + case 454: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(794, 799); + break; + case 455: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(800, 806); + break; + case 456: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 75) + kind = 75; + jjCheckNAddStates(0, 81); + break; + case 457: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 75) + kind = 75; + jjCheckNAdd(457); + break; + case 458: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(458, 459); + break; + case 459: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(266); + break; + case 460: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(460, 268); + break; + case 461: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(461, 462); + break; + case 462: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(267); + break; + case 463: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(463, 271); + break; + case 464: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(464, 465); + break; + case 465: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(269); + break; + case 466: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(466, 274); + break; + case 467: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(467, 468); + break; + case 468: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(272); + break; + case 469: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(469, 277); + break; + case 470: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(470, 471); + break; + case 471: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(275); + break; + case 472: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(472, 280); + break; + case 473: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(473, 474); + break; + case 474: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(278); + break; + case 475: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(475, 283); + break; + case 476: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(476, 477); + break; + case 477: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(281); + break; + case 478: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(478, 286); + break; + case 479: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(479, 480); + break; + case 480: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(284); + break; + case 481: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(481, 289); + break; + case 482: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(482, 483); + break; + case 483: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(287); + break; + case 484: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(484, 293); + break; + case 485: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(485, 486); + break; + case 486: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(290); + break; + case 487: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(487, 297); + break; + case 488: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(488, 489); + break; + case 489: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(294); + break; + case 490: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(490, 300); + break; + case 491: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(491, 492); + break; + case 492: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(298); + break; + case 493: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(493, 304); + break; + case 494: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(494, 495); + break; + case 495: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(301); + break; + case 496: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(496, 308); + break; + case 497: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(497, 498); + break; + case 498: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(305); + break; + case 499: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(499, 313); + break; + case 500: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(500, 501); + break; + case 501: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(309); + break; + case 502: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(502, 316); + break; + case 503: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(503, 504); + break; + case 504: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(314); + break; + case 505: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(505, 318); + break; + case 506: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(506, 507); + break; + case 507: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(317); + break; + case 508: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(508, 321); + break; + case 509: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(509, 510); + break; + case 510: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(319); + break; + case 511: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(511, 325); + break; + case 512: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(512, 513); + break; + case 513: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(322); + break; + case 514: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(807, 811); + break; + case 515: + if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(515, 516); + break; + case 516: + if (curChar == 46) + jjCheckNAdd(326); + break; + default : break; } - if (curChar < 64) { - long l = 1L << curChar; - do { - switch (jjstateSet[--i]) { - case 0: - if ((0xffffffffffffdbffL & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 3) { - kind = 3; - } - } else if ((0x2400L & l) != 0L) { - if (kind > 4) { - kind = 4; - } - } - if (curChar == 13) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 2; - } - break; - case 1: - if ((0x2400L & l) != 0L && kind > 4) { - kind = 4; - } - break; - case 2: - if (curChar == 10 && kind > 4) { - kind = 4; - } - break; - case 3: - if (curChar == 13) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 2; - } - break; - default: - break; - } - } while (i != startsAt); - } else if (curChar < 128) { - long l = 1L << (curChar & 077); - do { - switch (jjstateSet[--i]) { - case 0: - kind = 3; - break; - default: - break; - } - } while (i != startsAt); - } else { - int i2 = (curChar & 0xff) >> 6; - long l2 = 1L << (curChar & 077); - do { - switch (jjstateSet[--i]) { - case 0: - if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L && kind > 3) { - kind = 3; - } - break; - default: - break; - } - } while (i != startsAt); + } while(i != startsAt); + } + else if (curChar < 128) + { + long l = 1L << (curChar & 077); + do + { + switch(jjstateSet[--i]) + { + case 520: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); + break; + case 166: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 125); + if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 165; + break; + case 174: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); + if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 173; + break; + case 4: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(812, 817); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddStates(818, 821); + else if (curChar == 64) + jjAddStates(822, 826); + if ((0x20000000200000L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(827, 829); + else if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 155; + else if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 145; + else if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 137; + else if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 33; + else if (curChar == 64) + jjAddStates(830, 833); + break; + case 517: + if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 259; + else if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 249; + break; + case 178: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 216; + else if ((0x80000000800000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 204; + else if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 188; + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 177; + break; + case 518: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(222, 223); + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(234, 235); + break; + case 175: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); + break; + case 33: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(222, 223); + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(234, 235); + if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 32; + break; + case 176: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); + if ((0x400000004000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 175; + break; + case 42: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + } + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 41; + break; + case 177: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); + if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 215; + else if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 176; + break; + case 79: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + } + else if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(83, 93); + break; + case 2: + if (kind > 5) + kind = 5; + break; + case 5: + if (curChar == 123) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 6; + break; + case 8: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); + break; + case 9: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); + break; + case 10: + if (curChar == 125 && kind > 41) + kind = 41; + break; + case 11: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(12, 13); + break; + case 12: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); + break; + case 13: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(136, 140); + break; + case 15: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(141, 148); + break; + case 16: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(149, 152); + break; + case 17: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(153, 157); + break; + case 18: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(158, 163); + break; + case 19: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(164, 170); + break; + case 21: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(12, 22); + break; + case 22: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(171, 175); + break; + case 23: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(176, 183); + break; + case 24: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(184, 187); + break; + case 25: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(188, 192); + break; + case 26: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(193, 198); + break; + case 27: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(199, 205); + break; + case 29: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L && kind > 70) + kind = 70; + break; + case 30: + case 35: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAdd(29); + break; + case 31: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 30; + break; + case 32: + if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 31; + break; + case 34: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 33; + break; + case 36: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 35; + break; + case 37: + if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 36; + break; + case 38: + if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 37; + break; + case 39: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 38; + break; + case 41: + if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 40; + break; + case 45: + case 50: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 47: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(834, 837); + break; + case 49: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(838, 839); + break; + case 51: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(206, 211); + break; + case 53: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(212, 220); + break; + case 54: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(221, 225); + break; + case 55: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(226, 231); + break; + case 56: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(232, 238); + break; + case 57: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(239, 246); + break; + case 62: + case 67: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 64: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(840, 843); + break; + case 66: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(844, 845); + break; + case 68: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(247, 252); + break; + case 70: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(253, 261); + break; + case 71: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(262, 266); + break; + case 72: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(267, 272); + break; + case 73: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(273, 279); + break; + case 74: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(280, 287); + break; + case 80: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + break; + case 81: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + break; + case 82: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(83, 84); + break; + case 83: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + break; + case 84: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(288, 291); + break; + case 86: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(292, 298); + break; + case 87: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(299, 301); + break; + case 88: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(302, 305); + break; + case 89: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(306, 310); + break; + case 90: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(311, 316); + break; + case 92: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(83, 93); + break; + case 93: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(317, 320); + break; + case 94: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(321, 327); + break; + case 95: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(328, 330); + break; + case 96: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(331, 334); + break; + case 97: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(335, 339); + break; + case 98: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddStates(340, 345); + break; + case 100: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + break; + case 101: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(846, 847); + break; + case 102: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + break; + case 103: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(346, 349); + break; + case 105: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(350, 356); + break; + case 106: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(357, 359); + break; + case 107: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(360, 363); + break; + case 108: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(364, 368); + break; + case 109: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddStates(369, 374); + break; + case 110: + if (curChar == 64) + jjAddStates(830, 833); + break; + case 112: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 113: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 114: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 116); + break; + case 115: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 116: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(375, 378); + break; + case 118: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(379, 385); + break; + case 119: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(386, 388); + break; + case 120: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(389, 392); + break; + case 121: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(393, 397); + break; + case 122: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(398, 403); + break; + case 124: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(115, 125); + break; + case 125: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(404, 407); + break; + case 126: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(408, 414); + break; + case 127: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(415, 417); + break; + case 128: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(418, 421); + break; + case 129: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(422, 426); + break; + case 130: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddStates(427, 432); + break; + case 131: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(433, 434); + break; + case 134: + if ((0x40000000400000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 131; + break; + case 135: + if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 134; + break; + case 136: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 135; + break; + case 137: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 136; + break; + case 138: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 137; + break; + case 139: + if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(435, 436); + break; + case 142: + if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 139; + break; + case 143: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 142; + break; + case 144: + if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 143; + break; + case 145: + if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 144; + break; + case 146: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 145; + break; + case 147: + if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(437, 438); + break; + case 150: + if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 147; + break; + case 151: + if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 150; + break; + case 152: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 151; + break; + case 153: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 152; + break; + case 154: + if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 153; + break; + case 155: + if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 154; + break; + case 156: + if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 155; + break; + case 157: + if (curChar == 64) + jjAddStates(822, 826); + break; + case 158: + if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L && kind > 104) + kind = 104; + break; + case 159: + case 167: + case 180: + case 191: + case 207: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAdd(158); + break; + case 160: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 159; + break; + case 161: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 160; + break; + case 162: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 161; + break; + case 163: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 162; + break; + case 164: + if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 163; + break; + case 165: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 164; + break; + case 168: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 167; + break; + case 169: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 168; + break; + case 170: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 169; + break; + case 171: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 170; + break; + case 172: + if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 171; + break; + case 173: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 172; + break; + case 181: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 180; + break; + case 182: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 181; + break; + case 183: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 182; + break; + case 184: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 183; + break; + case 185: + if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 184; + break; + case 186: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 185; + break; + case 187: + if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 186; + break; + case 189: + if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 188; + break; + case 192: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 191; + break; + case 193: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 192; + break; + case 194: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 193; + break; + case 195: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 194; + break; + case 196: + if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 195; + break; + case 197: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 196; + break; + case 198: + if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 197; + break; + case 200: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 199; + break; + case 201: + if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 200; + break; + case 202: + if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 201; + break; + case 203: + if ((0x400000004L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 202; + break; + case 204: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 203; + break; + case 205: + if ((0x80000000800000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 204; + break; + case 208: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 207; + break; + case 209: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 208; + break; + case 210: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 209; + break; + case 211: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 210; + break; + case 212: + if ((0x200000002000000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 211; + break; + case 213: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 212; + break; + case 214: + if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 213; + break; + case 216: + if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 215; + break; + case 217: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 216; + break; + case 220: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + break; + case 221: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(222, 223); + break; + case 222: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + break; + case 223: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(439, 442); + break; + case 225: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(443, 449); + break; + case 226: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(450, 452); + break; + case 227: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(453, 456); + break; + case 228: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(457, 461); + break; + case 229: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(462, 467); + break; + case 230: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 233: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(234, 235); + break; + case 234: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 235: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(468, 472); + break; + case 237: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(473, 480); + break; + case 238: + case 452: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(481, 484); + break; + case 239: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(485, 489); + break; + case 240: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(490, 495); + break; + case 241: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(496, 502); + break; + case 244: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L && kind > 72) + kind = 72; + break; + case 245: + if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 244; + break; + case 246: + if ((0x20000000200000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 245; + break; + case 247: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 246; + break; + case 248: + if ((0x4000000040L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 247; + break; + case 249: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 248; + break; + case 250: + if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 249; + break; + case 252: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L && kind > 106) + kind = 106; + break; + case 253: + if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 252; + break; + case 254: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 253; + break; + case 255: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 254; + break; + case 256: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 255; + break; + case 257: + if ((0x800000008000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 256; + break; + case 258: + if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 257; + break; + case 259: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 258; + break; + case 260: + if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 259; + break; + case 262: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + break; + case 263: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 264: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(812, 817); + break; + case 270: + if ((0x10000000100000L & l) != 0L && kind > 80) + kind = 80; + break; + case 271: + if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 270; + break; + case 273: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 81) + kind = 81; + break; + case 274: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 273; + break; + case 276: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 82) + kind = 82; + break; + case 277: + if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 276; + break; + case 279: + if ((0x800000008L & l) != 0L && kind > 83) + kind = 83; + break; + case 280: + if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 279; + break; + case 282: + if ((0x400000004000L & l) != 0L && kind > 84) + kind = 84; + break; + case 283: + if ((0x20000000200L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 282; + break; + case 285: + if ((0x100000001000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 85) + kind = 85; + break; + case 286: + if ((0x1000000010000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 285; + break; + case 288: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 86) + kind = 86; + break; + case 289: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 288; + break; + case 291: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 87) + kind = 87; + break; + case 292: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 291; + break; + case 293: + if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 292; + break; + case 295: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L && kind > 88) + kind = 88; + break; + case 296: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 295; + break; + case 297: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 296; + break; + case 299: + if ((0x100000001000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 89) + kind = 89; + break; + case 300: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 299; + break; + case 302: + if ((0x8000000080L & l) != 0L && kind > 90) + kind = 90; + break; + case 303: + if ((0x2000000020L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 302; + break; + case 304: + if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 303; + break; + case 306: + if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L && kind > 91) + kind = 91; + break; + case 307: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 306; + break; + case 308: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 307; + break; + case 310: + if ((0x1000000010L & l) != 0L && kind > 92) + kind = 92; + break; + case 311: + if ((0x200000002L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 310; + break; + case 312: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 311; + break; + case 313: + if ((0x8000000080L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 312; + break; + case 315: + if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L && kind > 93) + kind = 93; + break; + case 316: + if ((0x200000002000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 315; + break; + case 318: + if ((0x8000000080000L & l) != 0L && kind > 94) + kind = 94; + break; + case 320: + if ((0x400000004000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 95) + kind = 95; + break; + case 321: + if ((0x10000000100L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 320; + break; + case 323: + if ((0x400000004000000L & l) != 0L && kind > 96) + kind = 96; + break; + case 324: + if ((0x10000000100L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 323; + break; + case 325: + if ((0x80000000800L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 324; + break; + case 328: + if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); + break; + case 329: + if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); + break; + case 330: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(331, 332); + break; + case 331: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); + break; + case 332: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(503, 506); + break; + case 334: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(507, 513); + break; + case 335: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(514, 516); + break; + case 336: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(517, 520); + break; + case 337: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(521, 525); + break; + case 338: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(526, 531); + break; + case 340: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(331, 341); + break; + case 341: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(532, 535); + break; + case 342: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(536, 542); + break; + case 343: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(543, 545); + break; + case 344: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(546, 549); + break; + case 345: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(550, 554); + break; + case 346: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddStates(555, 560); + break; + case 347: + if ((0x20000000200000L & l) != 0L) + jjAddStates(827, 829); + break; + case 349: + case 353: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); + break; + case 352: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(848, 849); + break; + case 354: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(571, 575); + break; + case 356: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(576, 583); + break; + case 357: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(584, 587); + break; + case 358: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(588, 592); + break; + case 359: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(593, 598); + break; + case 360: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(599, 605); + break; + case 362: + case 367: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 364: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(850, 853); + break; + case 366: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(854, 855); + break; + case 368: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(610, 615); + break; + case 370: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(616, 624); + break; + case 371: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(625, 629); + break; + case 372: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(630, 635); + break; + case 373: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(636, 642); + break; + case 374: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(643, 650); + break; + case 379: + case 384: + if ((0x7fffffffffffffffL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + case 381: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(856, 859); + break; + case 383: + if (curChar == 92) + jjAddStates(860, 861); + break; + case 385: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(655, 660); + break; + case 387: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(661, 669); + break; + case 388: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(670, 674); + break; + case 389: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(675, 680); + break; + case 390: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(681, 687); + break; + case 391: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(688, 695); + break; + case 396: + if ((0x100000001000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 348; + break; + case 397: + if ((0x4000000040000L & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 396; + break; + case 405: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjAddStates(712, 717); + break; + case 406: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 407; + break; + case 407: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 408; + break; + case 408: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAdd(409); + break; + case 409: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L && kind > 116) + kind = 116; + break; + case 410: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 411; + break; + case 411: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 412; + break; + case 412: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 413; + break; + case 413: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 401; + break; + case 414: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 415; + break; + case 415: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 416; + break; + case 416: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 417; + break; + case 418: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 419; + break; + case 419: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 420; + break; + case 422: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 423; + break; + case 431: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(432, 438); + break; + case 433: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 434; + break; + case 434: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(728, 731); + break; + case 435: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAdd(409); + break; + case 436: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(409, 435); + break; + case 437: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 116) + kind = 116; + jjCheckNAddStates(732, 734); + break; + case 438: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(735, 739); + break; + case 439: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAdd(432); + break; + case 440: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(439, 432); + break; + case 441: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(740, 742); + break; + case 442: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(743, 746); + break; + case 443: + if (curChar == 92) + jjCheckNAddStates(818, 821); + break; + case 444: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(747, 750); + break; + case 445: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(751, 757); + break; + case 446: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(758, 760); + break; + case 447: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(761, 764); + break; + case 448: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(765, 769); + break; + case 449: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddStates(770, 775); + break; + case 450: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(776, 780); + break; + case 451: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(781, 788); + break; + case 453: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(789, 793); + break; + case 454: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(794, 799); + break; + case 455: + if ((0x7e0000007eL & l) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(800, 806); + break; + default : break; } - if (kind != 0x7fffffff) { - jjmatchedKind = kind; - jjmatchedPos = curPos; - kind = 0x7fffffff; + } while(i != startsAt); + } + else + { + int i2 = (curChar & 0xff) >> 6; + long l2 = 1L << (curChar & 077); + do + { + switch(jjstateSet[--i]) + { + case 520: + case 113: + case 115: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 166: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 174: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 4: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 42) + kind = 42; + jjCheckNAddStates(812, 817); + break; + case 518: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + } + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 175: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 33: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + } + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 176: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 177: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 105) + kind = 105; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(113, 114); + break; + case 79: + case 81: + case 83: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 78) + kind = 78; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(81, 82); + break; + case 2: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L && kind > 5) + kind = 5; + break; + case 9: + case 12: + case 20: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(133, 135); + break; + case 45: + case 50: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(116, 119); + break; + case 62: + case 67: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(112, 115); + break; + case 100: + case 102: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 98) + kind = 98; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(100, 101); + break; + case 220: + case 222: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 74) + kind = 74; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(220, 221); + break; + case 230: + case 234: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(120, 123); + break; + case 329: + case 331: + case 339: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) == 0L) + break; + if (kind > 97) + kind = 97; + jjCheckNAddTwoStates(329, 330); + break; + case 349: + case 353: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(567, 570); + break; + case 362: + case 367: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(606, 609); + break; + case 379: + case 384: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L) + jjCheckNAddStates(651, 654); + break; + default : break; } - ++curPos; - if ((i = jjnewStateCnt) == (startsAt = 4 - (jjnewStateCnt = startsAt))) { - return curPos; + } while(i != startsAt); + } + if (kind != 0x7fffffff) + { + jjmatchedKind = kind; + jjmatchedPos = curPos; + kind = 0x7fffffff; + } + ++curPos; + if ((i = jjnewStateCnt) == (startsAt = 517 - (jjnewStateCnt = startsAt))) + return curPos; + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { return curPos; } + } +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_3() +{ + switch(curChar) + { + case 42: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_3(0x100L); + default : + return 1; + } +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_3(long active0) +{ + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + return 1; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 47: + if ((active0 & 0x100L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 8); + break; + default : + return 2; + } + return 2; +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_1() +{ + return jjMoveNfa_1(0, 0); +} +private int jjMoveNfa_1(int startState, int curPos) +{ + int startsAt = 0; + jjnewStateCnt = 4; + int i = 1; + jjstateSet[0] = startState; + int kind = 0x7fffffff; + for (;;) + { + if (++jjround == 0x7fffffff) + ReInitRounds(); + if (curChar < 64) + { + long l = 1L << curChar; + do + { + switch(jjstateSet[--i]) + { + case 0: + if ((0xffffffffffffdbffL & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 3) + kind = 3; + } + else if ((0x2400L & l) != 0L) + { + if (kind > 4) + kind = 4; + } + if (curChar == 13) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 2; + break; + case 1: + if ((0x2400L & l) != 0L && kind > 4) + kind = 4; + break; + case 2: + if (curChar == 10 && kind > 4) + kind = 4; + break; + case 3: + if (curChar == 13) + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 2; + break; + default : break; } - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - return curPos; + } while(i != startsAt); + } + else if (curChar < 128) + { + long l = 1L << (curChar & 077); + do + { + switch(jjstateSet[--i]) + { + case 0: + kind = 3; + break; + default : break; } - } - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_2() { - switch (curChar) { - case 42: - return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_2(0x80L); - default: - return 1; - } - } - - private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_2(long active0) { - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - return 1; - } - switch (curChar) { - case 47: - if ((active0 & 0x80L) != 0L) { - return jjStopAtPos(1, 7); + } while(i != startsAt); + } + else + { + int i2 = (curChar & 0xff) >> 6; + long l2 = 1L << (curChar & 077); + do + { + switch(jjstateSet[--i]) + { + case 0: + if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L && kind > 3) + kind = 3; + break; + default : break; } - break; - default: - return 2; - } - return 2; - } - - static final int[] jjnextStates = { 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 268, 463, - 464, 465, 271, 466, 467, 468, 274, 469, 470, 471, 277, 472, 473, - 474, 280, 475, 476, 477, 283, 478, 479, 480, 286, 481, 482, 483, - 289, 484, 485, 486, 293, 487, 488, 489, 297, 490, 491, 492, 300, - 493, 494, 495, 304, 496, 497, 498, 308, 499, 500, 501, 313, 502, - 503, 504, 316, 505, 506, 507, 318, 508, 509, 510, 321, 511, 512, - 513, 325, 514, 515, 516, 327, 328, 339, 340, 266, 267, 269, 272, - 275, 278, 281, 284, 287, 290, 294, 298, 301, 305, 309, 314, 317, - 319, 322, 326, 262, 263, 243, 250, 251, 260, 79, 80, 91, 92, 62, - 63, 64, 66, 45, 46, 47, 49, 230, 231, 232, 233, 326, 327, 328, 339, - 340, 7, 8, 20, 21, 9, 10, 11, 9, 14, 10, 11, 15, 9, 16, 14, 10, 11, - 17, 18, 19, 9, 14, 10, 11, 9, 16, 14, 10, 11, 9, 16, 14, 10, 11, - 17, 9, 16, 14, 10, 11, 17, 18, 14, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 14, 9, 10, - 11, 25, 26, 27, 14, 9, 10, 11, 24, 14, 9, 10, 11, 24, 14, 9, 10, - 11, 25, 24, 14, 9, 10, 11, 25, 26, 45, 52, 46, 47, 49, 53, 45, 54, - 52, 46, 47, 49, 55, 56, 57, 45, 52, 46, 47, 49, 45, 54, 52, 46, 47, - 49, 45, 54, 52, 46, 47, 49, 55, 45, 54, 52, 46, 47, 49, 55, 56, 62, - 69, 63, 64, 66, 70, 62, 71, 69, 63, 64, 66, 72, 73, 74, 62, 69, 63, - 64, 66, 62, 71, 69, 63, 64, 66, 62, 71, 69, 63, 64, 66, 72, 62, 71, - 69, 63, 64, 66, 72, 73, 81, 85, 82, 86, 81, 87, 85, 82, 88, 89, 90, - 81, 85, 82, 81, 87, 85, 82, 81, 87, 85, 82, 88, 81, 87, 85, 82, 88, - 89, 85, 81, 82, 94, 95, 85, 81, 82, 96, 97, 98, 85, 81, 82, 95, 85, - 81, 82, 95, 85, 81, 82, 96, 95, 85, 81, 82, 96, 97, 100, 104, 101, - 105, 100, 106, 104, 101, 107, 108, 109, 100, 104, 101, 100, 106, - 104, 101, 100, 106, 104, 101, 107, 100, 106, 104, 101, 107, 108, - 113, 117, 114, 118, 113, 119, 117, 114, 120, 121, 122, 113, 117, - 114, 113, 119, 117, 114, 113, 119, 117, 114, 120, 113, 119, 117, - 114, 120, 121, 117, 113, 114, 126, 127, 117, 113, 114, 128, 129, - 130, 117, 113, 114, 127, 117, 113, 114, 127, 117, 113, 114, 128, - 127, 117, 113, 114, 128, 129, 132, 133, 140, 141, 148, 149, 220, - 224, 221, 225, 220, 226, 224, 221, 227, 228, 229, 220, 224, 221, - 220, 226, 224, 221, 220, 226, 224, 221, 227, 220, 226, 224, 221, - 227, 228, 230, 232, 233, 236, 237, 230, 238, 232, 233, 236, 239, - 240, 241, 230, 232, 233, 236, 230, 238, 232, 233, 236, 230, 238, - 232, 233, 236, 239, 230, 238, 232, 233, 236, 239, 240, 329, 333, - 330, 334, 329, 335, 333, 330, 336, 337, 338, 329, 333, 330, 329, - 335, 333, 330, 329, 335, 333, 330, 336, 329, 335, 333, 330, 336, - 337, 333, 329, 330, 342, 343, 333, 329, 330, 344, 345, 346, 333, - 329, 330, 343, 333, 329, 330, 343, 333, 329, 330, 344, 343, 333, - 329, 330, 344, 345, 349, 361, 378, 351, 352, 395, 349, 350, 351, - 352, 349, 351, 352, 355, 356, 349, 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224, 220, 221, 447, 448, 230, 232, - 233, 236, 451, 452, 230, 232, 233, 236, 453, 454, 455, 452, 230, - 232, 233, 236, 452, 230, 232, 233, 236, 453, 452, 230, 232, 233, - 236, 453, 454, 514, 327, 328, 339, 340, 220, 230, 231, 232, 233, - 221, 222, 444, 234, 450, 166, 179, 190, 206, 218, 397, 398, 430, - 111, 112, 123, 124, 48, 58, 60, 59, 50, 51, 65, 75, 77, 76, 67, 68, - 102, 103, 353, 354, 365, 375, 377, 376, 367, 368, 382, 392, 394, - 393, 384, 385, }; - - /** Token literal values. */ - public static final String[] jjstrLiteralImages = { "", null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, "\74\41\55\55", "\55\55\76", - "\173", "\175", "\174\75", "\136\75", "\44\75", "\52\75", - "\176\75", "\75", "\53", "\55", "\54", "\73", "\76", "\176", "\74", - "\57", "\133", "\135", "\52", "\46", "\56", "\50", "\51", "\75\75", - "\174\174", "\46\46", "\41\75", "\72", null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, }; - - /** Lexer state names. */ - public static final String[] lexStateNames = { "DEFAULT", - "IN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT", "IN_FORMAL_COMMENT", - "IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT", }; - - /** Lex State array. */ - public static final int[] jjnewLexState = { -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, }; - static final long[] jjtoToken = { 0xfffc03fffffffc03L, 0xfc01fffffffbffL, }; - static final long[] jjtoSkip = { 0x190L, 0x0L, }; - static final long[] jjtoSpecial = { 0x80L, 0x0L, }; - static final long[] jjtoMore = { 0x26cL, 0x0L, }; - protected CharStream input_stream; - private final int[] jjrounds = new int[517]; - private final int[] jjstateSet = new int[1034]; - private final StringBuilder jjimage = new StringBuilder(); - private StringBuilder image = jjimage; - private int jjimageLen; - private int lengthOfMatch; - protected char curChar; + } while(i != startsAt); + } + if (kind != 0x7fffffff) + { + jjmatchedKind = kind; + jjmatchedPos = curPos; + kind = 0x7fffffff; + } + ++curPos; + if ((i = jjnewStateCnt) == (startsAt = 4 - (jjnewStateCnt = startsAt))) + return curPos; + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { return curPos; } + } +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_2() +{ + switch(curChar) + { + case 42: + return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_2(0x80L); + default : + return 1; + } +} +private int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_2(long active0) +{ + try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); } + catch(java.io.IOException e) { + return 1; + } + switch(curChar) + { + case 47: + if ((active0 & 0x80L) != 0L) + return jjStopAtPos(1, 7); + break; + default : + return 2; + } + return 2; +} +static final int[] jjnextStates = { + 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 268, 463, 464, 465, 271, 466, 467, 468, 274, 469, + 470, 471, 277, 472, 473, 474, 280, 475, 476, 477, 283, 478, 479, 480, 286, 481, + 482, 483, 289, 484, 485, 486, 293, 487, 488, 489, 297, 490, 491, 492, 300, 493, + 494, 495, 304, 496, 497, 498, 308, 499, 500, 501, 313, 502, 503, 504, 316, 505, + 506, 507, 318, 508, 509, 510, 321, 511, 512, 513, 325, 514, 515, 516, 327, 328, + 339, 340, 266, 267, 269, 272, 275, 278, 281, 284, 287, 290, 294, 298, 301, 305, + 309, 314, 317, 319, 322, 326, 262, 263, 243, 250, 251, 260, 79, 80, 91, 92, + 62, 63, 64, 66, 45, 46, 47, 49, 230, 231, 232, 233, 326, 327, 328, 339, + 340, 7, 8, 20, 21, 9, 10, 11, 9, 14, 10, 11, 15, 9, 16, 14, + 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 9, 14, 10, 11, 9, 16, 14, 10, 11, 9, 16, + 14, 10, 11, 17, 9, 16, 14, 10, 11, 17, 18, 14, 9, 10, 11, 23, + 24, 14, 9, 10, 11, 25, 26, 27, 14, 9, 10, 11, 24, 14, 9, 10, + 11, 24, 14, 9, 10, 11, 25, 24, 14, 9, 10, 11, 25, 26, 45, 52, + 46, 47, 49, 53, 45, 54, 52, 46, 47, 49, 55, 56, 57, 45, 52, 46, + 47, 49, 45, 54, 52, 46, 47, 49, 45, 54, 52, 46, 47, 49, 55, 45, + 54, 52, 46, 47, 49, 55, 56, 62, 69, 63, 64, 66, 70, 62, 71, 69, + 63, 64, 66, 72, 73, 74, 62, 69, 63, 64, 66, 62, 71, 69, 63, 64, + 66, 62, 71, 69, 63, 64, 66, 72, 62, 71, 69, 63, 64, 66, 72, 73, + 81, 85, 82, 86, 81, 87, 85, 82, 88, 89, 90, 81, 85, 82, 81, 87, + 85, 82, 81, 87, 85, 82, 88, 81, 87, 85, 82, 88, 89, 85, 81, 82, + 94, 95, 85, 81, 82, 96, 97, 98, 85, 81, 82, 95, 85, 81, 82, 95, + 85, 81, 82, 96, 95, 85, 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435, 436, 439, + 432, 440, 441, 442, 439, 432, 440, 439, 432, 440, 441, 224, 220, 221, 445, 446, + 224, 220, 221, 447, 448, 449, 224, 220, 221, 446, 224, 220, 221, 446, 224, 220, + 221, 447, 446, 224, 220, 221, 447, 448, 230, 232, 233, 236, 451, 452, 230, 232, + 233, 236, 453, 454, 455, 452, 230, 232, 233, 236, 452, 230, 232, 233, 236, 453, + 452, 230, 232, 233, 236, 453, 454, 514, 327, 328, 339, 340, 220, 230, 231, 232, + 233, 221, 222, 444, 234, 450, 166, 179, 190, 206, 218, 397, 398, 430, 111, 112, + 123, 124, 48, 58, 60, 59, 50, 51, 65, 75, 77, 76, 67, 68, 102, 103, + 353, 354, 365, 375, 377, 376, 367, 368, 382, 392, 394, 393, 384, 385, +}; - /** Constructor. */ - public ParserTokenManager(CharStream stream) { - input_stream = stream; - } +/** Token literal values. */ +public static final String[] jjstrLiteralImages = { +"", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "\74\41\55\55", +"\55\55\76", "\173", "\175", "\174\75", "\136\75", "\44\75", "\52\75", "\176\75", "\75", +"\53", "\55", "\54", "\73", "\76", "\176", "\74", "\57", "\133", "\135", "\52", +"\45", "\46", "\56", "\50", "\51", "\75\75", "\174\174", "\46\46", "\41\75", "\72", +null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, +null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, +null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, +null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, +null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, +null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, }; - /** Constructor. */ - public ParserTokenManager(CharStream stream, int lexState) { - this(stream); - SwitchTo(lexState); - } +/** Lexer state names. */ +public static final String[] lexStateNames = { + "DEFAULT", + "IN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT", + "IN_FORMAL_COMMENT", + "IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT", +}; - /** Reinitialise parser. */ - public void ReInit(CharStream stream) { - jjmatchedPos = jjnewStateCnt = 0; - curLexState = defaultLexState; - input_stream = stream; - ReInitRounds(); - } +/** Lex State array. */ +public static final int[] jjnewLexState = { + -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, +}; +static final long[] jjtoToken = { + 0xfff807fffffffc03L, 0x3f007ffffffefffL, +}; +static final long[] jjtoSkip = { + 0x190L, 0x0L, +}; +static final long[] jjtoSpecial = { + 0x80L, 0x0L, +}; +static final long[] jjtoMore = { + 0x26cL, 0x0L, +}; +protected CharStream input_stream; +private final int[] jjrounds = new int[517]; +private final int[] jjstateSet = new int[1034]; +private final StringBuilder jjimage = new StringBuilder(); +private StringBuilder image = jjimage; +private int jjimageLen; +private int lengthOfMatch; +protected char curChar; +/** Constructor. */ +public ParserTokenManager(CharStream stream){ + input_stream = stream; +} - private void ReInitRounds() { - int i; - jjround = 0x80000001; - for (i = 517; i-- > 0;) { - jjrounds[i] = 0x80000000; - } - } +/** Constructor. */ +public ParserTokenManager(CharStream stream, int lexState){ + this(stream); + SwitchTo(lexState); +} - /** Reinitialise parser. */ - public void ReInit(CharStream stream, int lexState) { - ReInit(stream); - SwitchTo(lexState); - } +/** Reinitialise parser. */ +public void ReInit(CharStream stream) +{ + jjmatchedPos = jjnewStateCnt = 0; + curLexState = defaultLexState; + input_stream = stream; + ReInitRounds(); +} +private void ReInitRounds() +{ + int i; + jjround = 0x80000001; + for (i = 517; i-- > 0;) + jjrounds[i] = 0x80000000; +} - /** Switch to specified lex state. */ - public void SwitchTo(int lexState) { - if (lexState >= 4 || lexState < 0) { - throw new TokenMgrError("Error: Ignoring invalid lexical state : " - + lexState + ". State unchanged.", - TokenMgrError.INVALID_LEXICAL_STATE); - } else { - curLexState = lexState; - } - } +/** Reinitialise parser. */ +public void ReInit(CharStream stream, int lexState) +{ + ReInit(stream); + SwitchTo(lexState); +} - protected Token jjFillToken() { - final Token t; - final String curTokenImage; - final int beginLine; - final int endLine; - final int beginColumn; - final int endColumn; - String im = jjstrLiteralImages[jjmatchedKind]; - curTokenImage = (im == null) ? input_stream.GetImage() : im; - beginLine = input_stream.getBeginLine(); - beginColumn = input_stream.getBeginColumn(); - endLine = input_stream.getEndLine(); - endColumn = input_stream.getEndColumn(); - t = Token.newToken(jjmatchedKind, curTokenImage); +/** Switch to specified lex state. */ +public void SwitchTo(int lexState) +{ + if (lexState >= 4 || lexState < 0) + throw new TokenMgrError("Error: Ignoring invalid lexical state : " + lexState + ". State unchanged.", TokenMgrError.INVALID_LEXICAL_STATE); + else + curLexState = lexState; +} - t.beginLine = beginLine; - t.endLine = endLine; - t.beginColumn = beginColumn; - t.endColumn = endColumn; +protected Token jjFillToken() +{ + final Token t; + final String curTokenImage; + final int beginLine; + final int endLine; + final int beginColumn; + final int endColumn; + String im = jjstrLiteralImages[jjmatchedKind]; + curTokenImage = (im == null) ? input_stream.GetImage() : im; + beginLine = input_stream.getBeginLine(); + beginColumn = input_stream.getBeginColumn(); + endLine = input_stream.getEndLine(); + endColumn = input_stream.getEndColumn(); + t = Token.newToken(jjmatchedKind, curTokenImage); - return t; - } + t.beginLine = beginLine; + t.endLine = endLine; + t.beginColumn = beginColumn; + t.endColumn = endColumn; - int curLexState = 0; - int defaultLexState = 0; - int jjnewStateCnt; - int jjround; - int jjmatchedPos; - int jjmatchedKind; + return t; +} - /** Get the next Token. */ - public Token getNextToken() { - Token specialToken = null; - Token matchedToken; - int curPos = 0; +int curLexState = 0; +int defaultLexState = 0; +int jjnewStateCnt; +int jjround; +int jjmatchedPos; +int jjmatchedKind; - EOFLoop: for (;;) { - try { - curChar = input_stream.BeginToken(); - } catch (java.io.IOException e) { - jjmatchedKind = 0; - matchedToken = jjFillToken(); - matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken; - return matchedToken; - } - image = jjimage; - image.setLength(0); - jjimageLen = 0; +/** Get the next Token. */ +public Token getNextToken() +{ + Token specialToken = null; + Token matchedToken; + int curPos = 0; - for (;;) { - switch (curLexState) { - case 0: - jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; - jjmatchedPos = 0; - curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0(); - if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 119) { - jjmatchedKind = 119; - } - break; - case 1: - jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; - jjmatchedPos = 0; - curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_1(); - break; - case 2: - jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; - jjmatchedPos = 0; - curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_2(); - if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 9) { - jjmatchedKind = 9; - } - break; - case 3: - jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; - jjmatchedPos = 0; - curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_3(); - if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 9) { - jjmatchedKind = 9; - } - break; - } - if (jjmatchedKind != 0x7fffffff) { - if (jjmatchedPos + 1 < curPos) { - input_stream.backup(curPos - jjmatchedPos - 1); - } - if ((jjtoToken[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L) { - matchedToken = jjFillToken(); - matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken; - TokenLexicalActions(matchedToken); - if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1) { - curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind]; - } - return matchedToken; - } else if ((jjtoSkip[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L) { - if ((jjtoSpecial[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L) { - matchedToken = jjFillToken(); - if (specialToken == null) { - specialToken = matchedToken; - } else { - matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken; - specialToken = (specialToken.next = matchedToken); - } - SkipLexicalActions(matchedToken); - } else { - SkipLexicalActions(null); - } - if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1) { - curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind]; - } - continue EOFLoop; - } - MoreLexicalActions(); - if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1) { - curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind]; - } - curPos = 0; - jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; - try { - curChar = input_stream.readChar(); - continue; - } catch (java.io.IOException e1) { - } - } - int error_line = input_stream.getEndLine(); - int error_column = input_stream.getEndColumn(); - String error_after = null; - boolean EOFSeen = false; - try { - input_stream.readChar(); - input_stream.backup(1); - } catch (java.io.IOException e1) { - EOFSeen = true; - error_after = curPos <= 1 ? "" : input_stream.GetImage(); - if (curChar == '\n' || curChar == '\r') { - error_line++; - error_column = 0; - } else { - error_column++; - } - } - if (!EOFSeen) { - input_stream.backup(1); - error_after = curPos <= 1 ? "" : input_stream.GetImage(); - } - throw new TokenMgrError(EOFSeen, curLexState, error_line, - error_column, error_after, curChar, - TokenMgrError.LEXICAL_ERROR); - } - } - } + EOFLoop : + for (;;) + { + try + { + curChar = input_stream.BeginToken(); + } + catch(java.io.IOException e) + { + jjmatchedKind = 0; + matchedToken = jjFillToken(); + matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken; + return matchedToken; + } + image = jjimage; + image.setLength(0); + jjimageLen = 0; - void SkipLexicalActions(Token matchedToken) { - switch (jjmatchedKind) { - default: - break; + for (;;) + { + switch(curLexState) + { + case 0: + jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; + jjmatchedPos = 0; + curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0(); + if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 121) + { + jjmatchedKind = 121; + } + break; + case 1: + jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; + jjmatchedPos = 0; + curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_1(); + break; + case 2: + jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; + jjmatchedPos = 0; + curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_2(); + if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 9) + { + jjmatchedKind = 9; + } + break; + case 3: + jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; + jjmatchedPos = 0; + curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_3(); + if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 9) + { + jjmatchedKind = 9; + } + break; + } + if (jjmatchedKind != 0x7fffffff) + { + if (jjmatchedPos + 1 < curPos) + input_stream.backup(curPos - jjmatchedPos - 1); + if ((jjtoToken[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L) + { + matchedToken = jjFillToken(); + matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken; + TokenLexicalActions(matchedToken); + if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1) + curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind]; + return matchedToken; } - } - - void MoreLexicalActions() { - jjimageLen += (lengthOfMatch = jjmatchedPos + 1); - switch (jjmatchedKind) { - case 5: - image.append(input_stream.GetSuffix(jjimageLen)); - jjimageLen = 0; - input_stream.backup(1); - break; - default: - break; + else if ((jjtoSkip[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L) + { + if ((jjtoSpecial[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L) + { + matchedToken = jjFillToken(); + if (specialToken == null) + specialToken = matchedToken; + else + { + matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken; + specialToken = (specialToken.next = matchedToken); + } + SkipLexicalActions(matchedToken); + } + else + SkipLexicalActions(null); + if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1) + curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind]; + continue EOFLoop; } - } - - void TokenLexicalActions(Token matchedToken) { - switch (jjmatchedKind) { - case 1: - image.append(input_stream.GetSuffix(jjimageLen - + (lengthOfMatch = jjmatchedPos + 1))); - image = Parser.SPACE; - break; - default: - break; + MoreLexicalActions(); + if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1) + curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind]; + curPos = 0; + jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff; + try { + curChar = input_stream.readChar(); + continue; } - } - - private void jjCheckNAdd(int state) { - if (jjrounds[state] != jjround) { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = state; - jjrounds[state] = jjround; + catch (java.io.IOException e1) { } + } + int error_line = input_stream.getEndLine(); + int error_column = input_stream.getEndColumn(); + String error_after = null; + boolean EOFSeen = false; + try { input_stream.readChar(); input_stream.backup(1); } + catch (java.io.IOException e1) { + EOFSeen = true; + error_after = curPos <= 1 ? "" : input_stream.GetImage(); + if (curChar == '\n' || curChar == '\r') { + error_line++; + error_column = 0; } - } - - private void jjAddStates(int start, int end) { - do { - jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = jjnextStates[start]; - } while (start++ != end); - } + else + error_column++; + } + if (!EOFSeen) { + input_stream.backup(1); + error_after = curPos <= 1 ? "" : input_stream.GetImage(); + } + throw new TokenMgrError(EOFSeen, curLexState, error_line, error_column, error_after, curChar, TokenMgrError.LEXICAL_ERROR); + } + } +} - private void jjCheckNAddTwoStates(int state1, int state2) { - jjCheckNAdd(state1); - jjCheckNAdd(state2); - } +void SkipLexicalActions(Token matchedToken) +{ + switch(jjmatchedKind) + { + default : + break; + } +} +void MoreLexicalActions() +{ + jjimageLen += (lengthOfMatch = jjmatchedPos + 1); + switch(jjmatchedKind) + { + case 5 : + image.append(input_stream.GetSuffix(jjimageLen)); + jjimageLen = 0; + input_stream.backup(1); + break; + default : + break; + } +} +void TokenLexicalActions(Token matchedToken) +{ + switch(jjmatchedKind) + { + case 1 : + image.append(input_stream.GetSuffix(jjimageLen + (lengthOfMatch = jjmatchedPos + 1))); + image = Parser.SPACE; + break; + default : + break; + } +} +private void jjCheckNAdd(int state) +{ + if (jjrounds[state] != jjround) + { + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = state; + jjrounds[state] = jjround; + } +} +private void jjAddStates(int start, int end) +{ + do { + jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = jjnextStates[start]; + } while (start++ != end); +} +private void jjCheckNAddTwoStates(int state1, int state2) +{ + jjCheckNAdd(state1); + jjCheckNAdd(state2); +} - private void jjCheckNAddStates(int start, int end) { - do { - jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start]); - } while (start++ != end); - } +private void jjCheckNAddStates(int start, int end) +{ + do { + jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start]); + } while (start++ != end); +} } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/SCSSLexicalUnit.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/SCSSLexicalUnit.java index 935e4e5abd..709d1d3576 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/SCSSLexicalUnit.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/parser/SCSSLexicalUnit.java @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import org.w3c.css.sac.LexicalUnit; public interface SCSSLexicalUnit extends LexicalUnit { static final short SCSS_VARIABLE = 100; + static final short SCSS_OPERATOR_LEFT_PAREN = 101; + static final short SCSS_OPERATOR_RIGHT_PAREN = 102; static final short SAC_LEM = 200; static final short SAC_REM = 201; @@ -31,4 +33,6 @@ public interface SCSSLexicalUnit extends LexicalUnit { LexicalUnitImpl multiply(LexicalUnitImpl another); + LexicalUnitImpl modulo(LexicalUnitImpl another); + } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/ContentNode.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/ContentNode.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10cb1599c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/ContentNode.java @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ + +/** + * ContentNode represents a {@literal @}content in a SCSS tree. + */ +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree; + +public class ContentNode extends Node { + + @Override + public void traverse() { + /* + * ContentNode is basically just a placeholder for some content which + * will be included. So for traverse of this node, it does nothing. it + * will be replaced when traversing MixinDefNode which contains it. + */ + } + +} diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinDefNode.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinDefNode.java index d3dce12c48..bae1475076 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinDefNode.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinDefNode.java @@ -85,4 +85,38 @@ public class MixinDefNode extends Node implements IVariableNode { } } + /** + * This should only happen on a cloned MixinDefNode, since it changes the + * Node itself. + * + * @param mixinNode + * @return + */ + public MixinDefNode replaceContentDirective(MixinNode mixinNode) { + return findAndReplaceContentNodeInChildren(this, mixinNode); + } + + private MixinDefNode findAndReplaceContentNodeInChildren(Node node, + MixinNode mixinNode) { + ContentNode contentNode = null; + for (Node child : new ArrayList<Node>(node.getChildren())) { + if (child instanceof ContentNode) { + contentNode = (ContentNode) child; + replaceContentNode(contentNode, mixinNode); + } else { + findAndReplaceContentNodeInChildren(child, mixinNode); + } + } + return this; + } + + public MixinDefNode replaceContentNode(ContentNode contentNode, + MixinNode mixinNode) { + if (contentNode != null) { + contentNode.getParentNode().appendChildrenAfter( + DeepCopy.copy(mixinNode.getChildren()), contentNode); + contentNode.getParentNode().removeChild(contentNode); + } + return this; + } } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinNode.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinNode.java index 755c2d5c88..e702bc8577 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinNode.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/MixinNode.java @@ -30,10 +30,13 @@ public class MixinNode extends Node implements IVariableNode { private String name; private ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl> arglist; - public MixinNode(String name, Collection<LexicalUnitImpl> args) { - super(); + public MixinNode(String name) { this.name = name; arglist = new ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl>(); + } + + public MixinNode(String name, Collection<LexicalUnitImpl> args) { + this(name); if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) { arglist.addAll(args); } @@ -69,7 +72,8 @@ public class MixinNode extends Node implements IVariableNode { for (final LexicalUnitImpl arg : new ArrayList<LexicalUnitImpl>( arglist)) { LexicalUnitImpl unit = arg; - // only perform replace in the value if separate argument name + // only perform replace in the value if separate argument + // name // and value if (unit.getNextLexicalUnit() != null) { unit = unit.getNextLexicalUnit(); @@ -89,7 +93,15 @@ public class MixinNode extends Node implements IVariableNode { name = var.getExpr().toString(); } } + } + } + protected void replaceVariablesForChildren() { + for (Node child : getChildren()) { + if (child instanceof IVariableNode) { + ((IVariableNode) child).replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet + .getVariables()); + } } } @@ -101,6 +113,7 @@ public class MixinNode extends Node implements IVariableNode { .openVariableScope(); replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables()); + replaceVariablesForChildren(); MixinNodeHandler.traverse(this); ScssStylesheet.closeVariableScope(variableScope); diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/Node.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/Node.java index 9a2cc6371e..98b701d5a9 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/Node.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/Node.java @@ -45,6 +45,23 @@ public abstract class Node implements Serializable { } } + public void appendChildrenAfter(Collection<Node> childrenNodes, Node after) { + if (childrenNodes != null && !childrenNodes.isEmpty()) { + int index = children.indexOf(after); + if (index != -1) { + children.addAll(index, childrenNodes); + for (final Node child : childrenNodes) { + if (child.getParentNode() != null) { + child.getParentNode().removeChild(child); + } + child.setParentNode(this); + } + } else { + throw new NullPointerException("after-node was not found"); + } + } + } + public void appendChild(Node node) { if (node != null) { children.add(node); diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/RuleNode.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/RuleNode.java index a78d9d66d2..19880e4ce5 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/RuleNode.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/RuleNode.java @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.ScssStylesheet; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.LexicalUnitImpl; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.util.StringUtil; @@ -140,6 +141,20 @@ public class RuleNode extends Node implements IVariableNode { @Override public void traverse() { - replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables()); + /* + * "replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables());" seems duplicated + * and can be extracted out of if, but it is not. + * containsArithmeticalOperator must be called before replaceVariables. + * Because for the "/" operator, it needs to see if its predecessor or + * successor is a Variable or not, to determine it is an arithmetic + * operator. + */ + if (ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.get().containsArithmeticalOperator( + value)) { + replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables()); + value = ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.get().evaluate(value); + } else { + replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables()); + } } } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/VariableNode.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/VariableNode.java index 90be727f88..f2499d72ab 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/VariableNode.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/tree/VariableNode.java @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.ScssStylesheet; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.LexicalUnitImpl; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.util.StringUtil; import com.vaadin.sass.internal.visitor.VariableNodeHandler; @@ -101,7 +102,21 @@ public class VariableNode extends Node implements IVariableNode { @Override public void traverse() { - replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables()); + /* + * "replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables());" seems duplicated + * and can be extracted out of if, but it is not. + * containsArithmeticalOperator must be called before replaceVariables. + * Because for the "/" operator, it needs to see if its predecessor or + * successor is a Variable or not, to determine it is an arithmetic + * operator. + */ + if (ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.get().containsArithmeticalOperator( + expr)) { + replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables()); + expr = ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.get().evaluate(expr); + } else { + replaceVariables(ScssStylesheet.getVariables()); + } VariableNodeHandler.traverse(this); } } diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/util/DeepCopy.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/util/DeepCopy.java index 6b16183588..bc30ffdd6c 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/util/DeepCopy.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/util/DeepCopy.java @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ package com.vaadin.sass.internal.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.LinkedList; +import java.util.List; /** * Utility for making deep copies (vs. clone()'s shallow copies) of objects. @@ -70,4 +73,11 @@ public class DeepCopy { } } + public static <T> Collection<T> copy(Collection<T> objects) { + List<T> copies = new LinkedList<T>(); + for (T object : objects) { + copies.add((T) copy(object)); + } + return copies; + } }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/ImportNodeHandler.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/ImportNodeHandler.java index 5593241297..e356ed3525 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/ImportNodeHandler.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/ImportNodeHandler.java @@ -67,12 +67,9 @@ public class ImportNodeHandler { updateUrlInImportedSheet(imported, prefix); } - Node pre = importNode; - for (Node importedChild : new ArrayList<Node>( - imported.getChildren())) { - node.appendChild(importedChild, pre); - pre = importedChild; - } + node.appendChildrenAfter( + new ArrayList<Node>(imported.getChildren()), + importNode); node.removeChild(importNode); } catch (CSSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); diff --git a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/MixinNodeHandler.java b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/MixinNodeHandler.java index 5aa90151b9..0469333965 100644 --- a/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/MixinNodeHandler.java +++ b/theme-compiler/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/visitor/MixinNodeHandler.java @@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ public class MixinNodeHandler { private static void replaceMixinNode(MixinNode mixinNode, MixinDefNode mixinDef) { - Node pre = mixinNode; - MixinDefNode defClone = (MixinDefNode) DeepCopy.copy(mixinDef); defClone.traverse(); + defClone.replaceContentDirective(mixinNode); + if (mixinDef.getArglist().isEmpty()) { - for (Node child : new ArrayList<Node>(defClone.getChildren())) { - mixinNode.getParentNode().appendChild(child, pre); - pre = child; - } + mixinNode.getParentNode().appendChildrenAfter( + new ArrayList<Node>(defClone.getChildren()), mixinNode); } else { - - replacePossibleArguments(mixinNode, defClone); + if (mixinNode.getArglist() != null + && !mixinNode.getArglist().isEmpty()) { + replacePossibleArguments(mixinNode, defClone); + } Node previous = mixinNode; for (final Node child : defClone.getChildren()) { @@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ public class MixinNodeHandler { */ private static void replacePossibleArguments(MixinNode mixinNode, MixinDefNode def) { - if (mixinNode.getArglist().size() > 0) { ArrayList<VariableNode> remainingNodes = new ArrayList<VariableNode>( def.getArglist()); diff --git a/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/basic_arithmetics.css b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/basic_arithmetics.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9fd33f2efe --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/basic_arithmetics.css @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +.foo { + font: 10px / 8px; + font: 5px; + margin-left: 9px; +} + +.foo { + size: 1; +} + +.foo { + bar: 8; + bar: 8; + bar: 12; +} + +.foo { + bar: 2 3; + bar: 5; + bar: 5; +} + +.foo { + bar: 2 -3; + bar: -1; + bar: -1; +} + +.foo { + bar: 14; +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/mixin-content-directive-with-vars.css b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/mixin-content-directive-with-vars.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..799d6ae90c --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/mixin-content-directive-with-vars.css @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +.colors { + background-color: blue; + color: white; + border-color: blue; +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/mixin-content-directive.css b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/mixin-content-directive.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07813d1c99 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/css/mixin-content-directive.css @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +.foobar { + color: red; +} + +.foobar { + background-color: blue; +} + +* html #logo { + background-image: url(/logo.gif); +} + +* html .link { + color: blue; +} + +.foobar { + color: red; + color: red; +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/basic_arithmetics.scss b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/basic_arithmetics.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc913fe048 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/basic_arithmetics.scss @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* +*supports: +* 1. standard arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %) +* 2. / is treated as css operator, unless one of its operands is variable or there is another binary arithmetic operator +*limits: +* 1. cannot mix arithmetic and css operations, e.g. "margin: 1px + 3px 2px" will fail +* 2. space between add and minus operator and their following operand is mandatory. e.g. "1 + 2" is valid, "1+2" is not +* 3. parenthesis is not supported now. +*/ + +$div: 10px; +.foo { + font: 10px/8px; // Plain CSS, no division + font: $div/2; // Uses a variable, does division + margin-left: 5px + 8px/2px; //Uses +, does division +} + +.foo{ + size: 5 % 2; // modular +} + +$mul: 2*4; //valid multiply in variable +$mul1: 2 * 4; //valid multiply in variable +.foo{ + bar: $mul; + bar: $mul1; + bar: 3*4; //valid multiply in declaration +} + +.foo { + bar: 2 +3; //'+' is regarded as an unary operator, because no space between '+' and '3' + bar: 2+ 3; //valid add expression + bar: 2 + 3; //beautiful valid add expression +} + +.foo { + bar: 2 -3; //'-' is regarded as an unary operator, because no space between '-' and '3' + bar: 2 - 3; //beautiful valid minus expression + bar: 2- 3; //valid minus expression +} + +.foo { + bar: 2 + 3 * 4; // combinations +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/mixin-content-directive-with-vars.scss b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/mixin-content-directive-with-vars.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7e0c3b7e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/mixin-content-directive-with-vars.scss @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +$color: white; +@mixin colors($color: blue) { + background-color: $color; + @content; + border-color: $color; +} +.colors { + @include colors { color: $color; } +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/mixin-content-directive.scss b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/mixin-content-directive.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..71217cb814 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/tests/resources/automatic/scss/mixin-content-directive.scss @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +@mixin my-mixin { + .foobar { + @content; + } +} + +@include my-mixin { + color: red; +} + +@include my-mixin { + background-color: blue; +} + +@mixin apply-to-ie6-only { + * html { + @content; + } +} +@include apply-to-ie6-only { + #logo { + background-image: url(/logo.gif); + } +} +@include apply-to-ie6-only { + .link { + color: blue; + } +} + +@mixin mixin-multi-contents { + .foobar { + @content; + @content; + } +} + +@include mixin-multi-contents { + color: red; +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme-compiler/tests/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/ArithmeticExpressionEvaluatorTest.java b/theme-compiler/tests/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/ArithmeticExpressionEvaluatorTest.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8978eb812e --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-compiler/tests/src/com/vaadin/sass/internal/expression/ArithmeticExpressionEvaluatorTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not + * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + * the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT + * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the + * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under + * the License. + */ +package com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression; + +import org.junit.Assert; +import org.junit.Test; +import org.w3c.css.sac.LexicalUnit; + +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.exception.IncompatibleUnitsException; +import com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.LexicalUnitImpl; + +public class ArithmeticExpressionEvaluatorTest { + private ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator(); + + @Test + public void testPrecedenceSameAsAppearOrder() { + // 2 * 3 - 4 = 2 + LexicalUnitImpl operand2 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, null, 2); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorMultiply = LexicalUnitImpl.createMultiply(0, 0, + operand2); + LexicalUnitImpl operand3 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, + operatorMultiply, 3); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorMinus = LexicalUnitImpl.createMinus(0, 0, + operand3); + LexicalUnitImpl operand4 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, + operatorMinus, 4); + LexicalUnitImpl result = evaluator.evaluate(operand2); + Assert.assertEquals(2, result.getIntegerValue()); + } + + @Test + public void testPrecedenceDifferFromAppearOrder() { + // 2 - 3 * 4 = -10 + LexicalUnitImpl operand2 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, null, 2); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorMinus = LexicalUnitImpl.createMinus(0, 0, + operand2); + LexicalUnitImpl operand3 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, + operatorMinus, 3); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorMultiply = LexicalUnitImpl.createMultiply(0, 0, + operand3); + LexicalUnitImpl operand4 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, + operatorMultiply, 4); + LexicalUnitImpl result = evaluator.evaluate(operand2); + Assert.assertEquals(-10, result.getIntegerValue()); + } + + @Test(expected = IncompatibleUnitsException.class) + public void testIncompatibleUnit() { + // 2cm - 3px + LexicalUnitImpl operand2 = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(0, 0, null, 2); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorMinus = LexicalUnitImpl.createMinus(0, 0, + operand2); + LexicalUnitImpl operand3 = LexicalUnitImpl.createPX(0, 0, + operatorMinus, 3); + evaluator.evaluate(operand2); + } + + @Test + public void testMultiplyWithUnitInfirstOperand() { + // 2cm * 3 = 6cm + LexicalUnitImpl operand2cm = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(0, 0, null, 2); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorMultiply = LexicalUnitImpl.createMultiply(0, 0, + operand2cm); + LexicalUnitImpl operand3 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, + operatorMultiply, 3); + LexicalUnitImpl result = evaluator.evaluate(operand2cm); + Assert.assertEquals(6, result.getIntegerValue()); + Assert.assertEquals(LexicalUnit.SAC_CENTIMETER, + result.getLexicalUnitType()); + } + + @Test + public void testMultiplyWithUnitInSecondOperand() { + // 2 * 3cm = 6cm + LexicalUnitImpl operand2 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, null, 2); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorMultiply = LexicalUnitImpl.createMultiply(0, 0, + operand2); + LexicalUnitImpl operand3cm = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(0, 0, + operatorMultiply, 3); + LexicalUnitImpl result = evaluator.evaluate(operand2); + Assert.assertEquals(6, result.getIntegerValue()); + Assert.assertEquals(LexicalUnit.SAC_CENTIMETER, + result.getLexicalUnitType()); + } + + @Test + public void testDivideWithSameUnit() { + // 4cm / 2cm = 2 + LexicalUnitImpl operand4cm = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(0, 0, null, 4); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorDivide = LexicalUnitImpl.createSlash(0, 0, + operand4cm); + LexicalUnitImpl operand2cm = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(0, 0, + operatorDivide, 2); + LexicalUnitImpl result = evaluator.evaluate(operand4cm); + Assert.assertEquals(2, result.getIntegerValue()); + Assert.assertEquals(LexicalUnit.SAC_REAL, result.getLexicalUnitType()); + } + + @Test + public void testDivideDenominatorWithoutUnit() { + // 4cm / 2 = 2cm + LexicalUnitImpl operand4cm = LexicalUnitImpl.createCM(0, 0, null, 4); + LexicalUnitImpl operatorDivide = LexicalUnitImpl.createSlash(0, 0, + operand4cm); + LexicalUnitImpl operand2 = LexicalUnitImpl.createInteger(0, 0, + operatorDivide, 2); + LexicalUnitImpl result = evaluator.evaluate(operand4cm); + Assert.assertEquals(2, result.getIntegerValue()); + Assert.assertEquals(LexicalUnit.SAC_CENTIMETER, + result.getLexicalUnitType()); + } +} diff --git a/themes/build.xml b/themes/build.xml index 6e9e3c9951..75b3e5a903 100644 --- a/themes/build.xml +++ b/themes/build.xml @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ <target name="checkstyle"> <echo>No java files in module</echo> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <!--<antcall target="common.tests.run" />--> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <!--<antcall target="common.test.run" />--> <echo>WHAT? No tests for ${module.name}!</echo> </target> diff --git a/uitest/build.xml b/uitest/build.xml index 53da0ae2e9..453fc26ea5 100644 --- a/uitest/build.xml +++ b/uitest/build.xml @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ </path> <target name="dependencies"> - <!-- This is copied from common.xml to be able to add server.tests.source to the source path --> + <!-- This is copied from common.xml to be able to add server.test.source to the source path --> <ivy:resolve resolveid="common" conf="build, build-provided" /> <ivy:cachepath pathid="classpath.compile.dependencies" conf="build, build-provided" /> @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ <property name="result.dir" location="result" /> <property name="src" location="${result.dir}/../src" /> <property name="classes" location="${result.dir}/classes" /> - <property name="server.tests.sources" location="${result.dir}/../../server/tests/src" /> + <property name="server.test.sources" location="${result.dir}/../../server/tests/src" /> <mkdir dir="${classes}" /> <!-- TODO: Get rid of this --> <javac destdir="${classes}" source="${vaadin.java.version}" target="${vaadin.java.version}" debug="true" encoding="UTF-8" includeantruntime="false"> - <src path="${server.tests.sources}" /> + <src path="${server.test.sources}" /> <include name="com/vaadin/tests/data/bean/**" /> <include name="com/vaadin/tests/VaadinClasses.java" /> <include name="com/vaadin/data/util/sqlcontainer/SQLTestsConstants.java" /> @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ <target name="checkstyle"> <echo>Checkstyle is disabled for uitest for now</echo> </target> - <target name="tests" depends="checkstyle"> - <!--<antcall target="common.tests.run" />--> + <target name="test" depends="checkstyle"> + <!--<antcall target="common.test.run" />--> <echo>WHAT? No JUnit tests for ${module.name}!</echo> </target> diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/launcher/DevelopmentServerLauncher.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/launcher/DevelopmentServerLauncher.java index 381091206a..444a70348c 100644 --- a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/launcher/DevelopmentServerLauncher.java +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/launcher/DevelopmentServerLauncher.java @@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ public class DevelopmentServerLauncher { // Pass-through of arguments for Jetty final Map<String, String> serverArgs = parseArguments(args); + if (!serverArgs.containsKey("shutdownPort")) + serverArgs.put("shutdownPort", "8889"); - if (serverArgs.containsKey("shutdownPort")) { - int port = Integer.parseInt(serverArgs.get("shutdownPort")); + int port = Integer.parseInt(serverArgs.get("shutdownPort")); + if (port > 0) { try { // Try to notify another instance that it's time to close Socket socket = new Socket((String) null, port); @@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ public class DevelopmentServerLauncher { try { assert false; - throw new RuntimeException("You should run " + System.err.println("You should run " + DevelopmentServerLauncher.class.getSimpleName() + " with assertions enabled. Add -ea as a VM argument."); } catch (AssertionError e) { diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/table/ColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion.html b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/table/ColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion.html index 9e529836b6..69b436a41b 100644 --- a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/table/ColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion.html +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/table/ColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion.html @@ -13,12 +13,7 @@ </thead><tbody> <tr> <td>open</td> - <td>/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.table.ColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion</td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> + <td>/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.table.ColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion?restartApplication</td> <td></td> </tr> <!--Initial state, all 3 columns visible--> @@ -32,20 +27,10 @@ <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstableColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VScrollTable[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[1]</td> <td></td> </tr> -<tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> <!--Hide 'col2' through table interface--> <tr> <td>click</td> - <td>//td[@id='gwt-uid-2']/span/div</td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> + <td>//td[@id='gwt-uid-4']/span/div</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> @@ -53,11 +38,6 @@ <td></td> <td>col2-hidden</td> </tr> -<tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> <!--Hide 'Col1' using button--> <tr> <td>enterCharacter</td> @@ -65,62 +45,32 @@ <td>Col1</td> </tr> <tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> <td>click</td> <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstableColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VHorizontalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> <td>screenCapture</td> <td></td> <td>col1-col2-hidden</td> </tr> <!--Show 'col2' using action handler--> <tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> <td>contextmenu</td> <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstableColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VScrollTable[0]/domChild[1]/domChild[0]/domChild[1]/domChild[0]/domChild[2]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> <td>mouseClick</td> <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstableColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion::/VContextMenu[0]#option0</td> <td>11,6</td> </tr> <tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> <td>enterCharacter</td> <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstableColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VHorizontalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[0]/VTextField[0]</td> <td>Col2</td> </tr> <tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> <td>screenCapture</td> <td></td> <td>col1-hidden</td> @@ -132,27 +82,16 @@ <td>Col1</td> </tr> <tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> -<tr> <td>click</td> <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestscomponentstableColumnCollapsingAndColumnExpansion::/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[1]/VHorizontalLayout[0]/ChildComponentContainer[2]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td> <td></td> </tr> -<tr> - <td>waitForVaadin</td> - <td></td> - <td></td> -</tr> <!--We should now be back at the initial state, all 3 columns visible--> <tr> <td>screenCapture</td> <td></td> <td>col1-col2-col3-visible-again</td> </tr> - </tbody></table> </body> </html> diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/TreeItemClickAndValueChange.html b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/TreeItemClickAndValueChange.html index bf83a1acdb..83508c9478 100644 --- a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/TreeItemClickAndValueChange.html +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/tree/TreeItemClickAndValueChange.html @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ <tr> <td>assertText</td> <td>vaadin=runTrees::PID_SLog_row_1</td> - <td>4. left click on source: [Item 1], client: [*];, relative: [-1,-1], itemId: Item 2, propertyId: null</td> + <td>4. left click on source: com.vaadin.ui.Tree@*, client: [*];, relative: [-1,-1], itemId: Item 2, propertyId: null</td> </tr> <tr> <td>assertText</td> @@ -74,9 +74,8 @@ <tr> <td>assertText</td> <td>vaadin=runTrees::PID_SLog_row_3</td> - <td>2. left click on source: [], client: [*];, relative: [-1,-1], itemId: Item 1, propertyId: null</td> + <td>2. left click on source: com.vaadin.ui.Tree@*, client: [*];, relative: [-1,-1], itemId: Item 1, propertyId: null</td> </tr> - </tbody></table> </body> </html> diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/fieldgroup/DateForm.html b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/fieldgroup/DateForm.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f141091805 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/fieldgroup/DateForm.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> +<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> +<head profile="http://selenium-ide.openqa.org/profiles/test-case"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> +<link rel="selenium.base" href="http://localhost:8888/" /> +<title>New Test</title> +</head> +<body> +<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1"> +<thead> +<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">New Test</td></tr> +</thead><tbody> +<tr> + <td>open</td> + <td>/run/com.vaadin.tests.fieldgroup.DateForm?restartApplication</td> + <td></td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>assertValue</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestsfieldgroupDateForm::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VPopupCalendar[0]#field</td> + <td>1/20/84</td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>assertValue</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestsfieldgroupDateForm::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[2]/VPopupCalendar[0]#field</td> + <td>1/20/84</td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>assertCSSClass</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestsfieldgroupDateForm::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[3]/VDateFieldCalendar[0]/VCalendarPanel[0]#day20</td> + <td>v-inline-datefield-calendarpanel-day-selected</td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>assertValue</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadintestsfieldgroupDateForm::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[4]/VTextField[0]</td> + <td>Jan 20, 1984 4:34:49 PM</td> +</tr> + +</tbody></table> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/fieldgroup/DateForm.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/fieldgroup/DateForm.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3064856db9 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/fieldgroup/DateForm.java @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.fieldgroup; + +import java.util.Date; +import java.util.Locale; + +import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.BeanFieldGroup; +import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.FieldGroup; +import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.FieldGroup.CommitException; +import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.PropertyId; +import com.vaadin.data.util.BeanItem; +import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase; +import com.vaadin.tests.data.bean.Person; +import com.vaadin.tests.util.Log; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; +import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; +import com.vaadin.ui.InlineDateField; +import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; +import com.vaadin.ui.PopupDateField; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; + +public class DateForm extends TestBase { + + private Log log = new Log(5); + @PropertyId("date1") + private DateField dateField; + @PropertyId("date2") + private PopupDateField popupDateField; + @PropertyId("date3") + private InlineDateField inlineDateField; + @PropertyId("date4") + private TextField textField; + + public static class DateObject { + private Date date1, date2, date3, date4; + + public DateObject(Date date1, Date date2, Date date3, Date date4) { + super(); + this.date1 = date1; + this.date2 = date2; + this.date3 = date3; + this.date4 = date4; + } + + public Date getDate1() { + return date1; + } + + public void setDate1(Date date1) { + this.date1 = date1; + } + + public Date getDate2() { + return date2; + } + + public void setDate2(Date date2) { + this.date2 = date2; + } + + public Date getDate3() { + return date3; + } + + public void setDate3(Date date3) { + this.date3 = date3; + } + + public Date getDate4() { + return date4; + } + + public void setDate4(Date date4) { + this.date4 = date4; + } + + } + + @Override + protected void setup() { + getMainWindow().setLocale(Locale.US); + addComponent(log); + final FieldGroup fieldGroup = new BeanFieldGroup<DateObject>( + DateObject.class); + fieldGroup.setBuffered(true); + + fieldGroup.buildAndBindMemberFields(this); + textField.setWidth("20em"); + addComponent(dateField); + addComponent(popupDateField); + addComponent(inlineDateField); + addComponent(textField); + + Button commitButton = new Button("Commit", new Button.ClickListener() { + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + String msg = "Commit succesful"; + try { + fieldGroup.commit(); + } catch (CommitException e) { + msg = "Commit failed: " + e.getMessage(); + } + Notification.show(msg); + log.log(msg); + + } + }); + Button discardButton = new Button("Discard", + new Button.ClickListener() { + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + fieldGroup.discard(); + log.log("Discarded changes"); + + } + }); + Button showBean = new Button("Show bean values", + new Button.ClickListener() { + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + log.log(getPerson(fieldGroup).toString()); + + } + }); + addComponent(commitButton); + addComponent(discardButton); + addComponent(showBean); + + DateObject d = new DateObject(new Date(443457289789L), new Date( + 443457289789L), new Date(443457289789L), + new Date(443457289789L)); + fieldGroup.setItemDataSource(new BeanItem<DateObject>(d)); + } + + public static Person getPerson(FieldGroup binder) { + return ((BeanItem<Person>) binder.getItemDataSource()).getBean(); + } + + @Override + protected String getDescription() { + return "Ensure FieldGroupFieldFactory supports Dates"; + } + + @Override + protected Integer getTicketNumber() { + return 8539; + } + +} diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/layouts/CaptionsInLayoutsWaiAria.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/layouts/CaptionsInLayoutsWaiAria.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ffe7f806e --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/layouts/CaptionsInLayoutsWaiAria.java @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.layouts; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +import com.vaadin.data.Item; +import com.vaadin.data.Property.ValueChangeEvent; +import com.vaadin.data.Property.ValueChangeListener; +import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; +import com.vaadin.server.UserError; +import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase; +import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; +import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; +import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; +import com.vaadin.ui.Component; +import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; +import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.Layout; +import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect; +import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup; +import com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; +import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; + +public class CaptionsInLayoutsWaiAria extends TestBase { + + private static final Object CAPTION = "CAPTION"; + private static final Object CLASS = "C"; + private static final Object WIDTH = "W"; + + private NativeSelect layoutSelect; + private Layout layout; + private VerticalLayout verticalLayout; + private HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout; + private GridLayout gridLayout; + private FormLayout formLayout; + private List<AbstractField<?>> components = new ArrayList<AbstractField<?>>(); + private CssLayout cssLayout; + private HorizontalLayout layoutParent = new HorizontalLayout(); + + @Override + protected void setup() { + // setTheme("tests-tickets"); + addComponent(createLayoutSelect()); + addComponent(toggleRequired()); + // addComponent(toggleCaptions()); + // addComponent(toggleError()); + addComponent(toggleIcon()); + addComponent(toggleReadOnly()); + addComponent(toggleInvalid()); + addComponent(addCaptionText()); + // layoutParent.addComponent(new + // NativeButton("Button right of layout")); + addComponent(layoutParent); + // addComponent(new NativeButton("Button below layout")); + createComponents(); + layoutSelect.setValue(layoutSelect.getItemIds().iterator().next()); + } + + private Component addCaptionText() { + Button b = new Button("Add caption text"); + b.addListener(new ClickListener() { + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + prependCaptions("a"); + } + }); + return b; + } + + protected void prependCaptions(String prepend) { + for (AbstractField<?> c : components) { + c.setCaption(prepend + c.getCaption()); + } + + } + + private Component toggleRequired() { + CheckBox requiredToggle = new CheckBox(); + requiredToggle.setImmediate(true); + requiredToggle.setCaption("Required"); + requiredToggle.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + + @Override + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + setRequired((Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue()); + } + }); + return requiredToggle; + } + + private Component toggleIcon() { + CheckBox iconToggle = new CheckBox(); + iconToggle.setImmediate(true); + iconToggle.setCaption("Icons"); + iconToggle.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + + @Override + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + setIcon((Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue()); + } + }); + return iconToggle; + } + + private Component toggleReadOnly() { + CheckBox readOnlyToggle = new CheckBox(); + readOnlyToggle.setImmediate(true); + readOnlyToggle.setCaption("Read only"); + readOnlyToggle.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + @Override + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + setReadOnly((Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue()); + } + }); + + return readOnlyToggle; + } + + private Component toggleInvalid() { + CheckBox invalid = new CheckBox("Invalid"); + invalid.setImmediate(true); + invalid.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + @Override + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + setInvalid((Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue()); + } + }); + + return invalid; + } + + protected void setInvalid(boolean value) { + UserError userError = null; + if (value) { + userError = new UserError( + "Der eingegebene Wert ist nicht zulässig!"); + } + + for (AbstractField<?> c : components) { + c.setComponentError(userError); + } + } + + protected void setRequired(boolean value) { + for (AbstractField<?> c : components) { + c.setRequired(value); + } + + } + + protected void setIcon(boolean value) { + for (AbstractField<?> c : components) { + if (!value) { + c.setIcon(null); + } else { + c.setIcon(new ThemeResource("../runo/icons/16/ok.png")); + } + } + + } + + protected void setReadOnly(boolean value) { + for (AbstractField<?> c : components) { + c.setReadOnly(value); + } + } + + private Component toggleError() { + CheckBox errorToggle = new CheckBox(); + errorToggle.setImmediate(true); + errorToggle.setCaption("Error"); + errorToggle.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + + @Override + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + setError((Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue()); + } + }); + return errorToggle; + } + + protected void setError(boolean value) { + for (AbstractField<?> c : components) { + if (value) { + c.setComponentError(new UserError("error")); + } else { + c.setComponentError(null); + + } + } + + } + + private void createComponents() { + components.add(new TextField("Default TextBox")); + components.add(new TextArea("Default TextArea.")); + // components.add(new RichTextArea("Default RichtTextArea")); + components.add(new PasswordField("Default Password")); + components.add(new DateField("Default DateField")); + + // PopupDateField popupDateField = new + // PopupDateField("Default DateField"); + // popupDateField.setTextFieldEnabled(false); + // components.add(popupDateField); + + components.add(new CheckBox("Default CheckBox")); + + ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox("Default ComboBox"); + comboBox.addItem("Item1"); + components.add(comboBox); + + OptionGroup radioGroup = new OptionGroup("Single Items"); + radioGroup.addItem("Single Item 1"); + radioGroup.addItem("Single Item 2"); + radioGroup.setMultiSelect(false); + components.add(radioGroup); + + OptionGroup checkGroup = new OptionGroup("Multi Items"); + checkGroup.addItem("Multi Item 1"); + checkGroup.addItem("Multi Item 2"); + checkGroup.setMultiSelect(true); + components.add(checkGroup); + + // Tree tree = new Tree(); + // tree.setCaption("tree"); + // tree.addItem("single item"); + // components.add(tree); + } + + private void setLayout(Layout newLayout) { + if (layout == null) { + layoutParent.addComponent(newLayout, 0); + } else { + layoutParent.replaceComponent(layout, newLayout); + } + layout = newLayout; + + for (Component c : components) { + if (c.getParent() != layout) { + layout.addComponent(c); + } + } + + } + + private Layout getLayout(String caption, + Class<? extends Layout> layoutClass, String width) { + Layout l; + if (layoutClass == VerticalLayout.class) { + if (verticalLayout == null) { + verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout(); + verticalLayout.setStyleName("borders"); + } + l = verticalLayout; + } else if (layoutClass == HorizontalLayout.class) { + if (horizontalLayout == null) { + horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); + horizontalLayout.setStyleName("borders"); + } + l = horizontalLayout; + } else if (layoutClass == GridLayout.class) { + if (gridLayout == null) { + gridLayout = new GridLayout(); + gridLayout.setStyleName("borders"); + } + l = gridLayout; + } else if (layoutClass == CssLayout.class) { + if (cssLayout == null) { + cssLayout = new CssLayout(); + cssLayout.setStyleName("borders"); + } + l = cssLayout; + } else if (layoutClass == FormLayout.class) { + if (formLayout == null) { + formLayout = new FormLayout(); + formLayout.setStyleName("borders"); + } + l = formLayout; + } else { + return null; + } + + l.setCaption(caption); + if (width.equals("auto")) { + width = null; + } + + l.setWidth(width); + + // addComponent(l); + + return l; + } + + private Component createLayoutSelect() { + layoutSelect = new NativeSelect("Layout"); + layoutSelect.addContainerProperty(CAPTION, String.class, ""); + layoutSelect.addContainerProperty(CLASS, Class.class, ""); + layoutSelect.addContainerProperty(WIDTH, String.class, ""); + layoutSelect.setItemCaptionPropertyId(CAPTION); + layoutSelect.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); + + for (Class<?> cls : new Class[] { HorizontalLayout.class, + VerticalLayout.class, GridLayout.class, CssLayout.class, + FormLayout.class }) { + for (String width : new String[] { "auto" }) { + Object id = layoutSelect.addItem(); + Item i = layoutSelect.getItem(id); + i.getItemProperty(CAPTION).setValue( + cls.getSimpleName() + ", " + width); + i.getItemProperty(CLASS).setValue(cls); + i.getItemProperty(WIDTH).setValue(width); + } + + } + layoutSelect.setImmediate(true); + layoutSelect.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + + @Override + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + Item i = layoutSelect.getItem(event.getProperty().getValue()); + + setLayout(getLayout((String) i.getItemProperty(CAPTION) + .getValue(), (Class<? extends Layout>) i + .getItemProperty(CLASS).getValue(), (String) i + .getItemProperty(WIDTH).getValue())); + } + }); + + return layoutSelect; + } + + @Override + protected String getDescription() { + return "Tests what happens when the caption changes in various layouts. Behavior should be consistent."; + } + + @Override + protected Integer getTicketNumber() { + return 5424; + } + +} diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginMainView.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginMainView.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb59aa1608 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginMainView.java @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.minitutorials.v70; + +import com.vaadin.navigator.View; +import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; +import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; +import com.vaadin.ui.Label; + +public class SimpleLoginMainView extends CustomComponent implements View { + + public static final String NAME = ""; + + Label text = new Label(); + + Button logout = new Button("Logout", new Button.ClickListener() { + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + + // "Logout" the user + getSession().setAttribute("user", null); + + // Refresh this view, should redirect to login view + getUI().getNavigator().navigateTo(NAME); + } + }); + + public SimpleLoginMainView() { + setCompositionRoot(new CssLayout(text, logout)); + } + + @Override + public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) { + // Get the user name from the session + String username = String.valueOf(getSession().getAttribute("user")); + + // And show the username + text.setValue("Hello " + username); + } +} diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginUI.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginUI.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fbbff10a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginUI.java @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.minitutorials.v70; + +import com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator; +import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener; +import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest; +import com.vaadin.ui.UI; + +public class SimpleLoginUI extends UI { + + @Override + protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { + + /* + * Create a new instance of the navigator. The navigator will attach + * itself automatically to this view. + */ + new Navigator(this, this); + + /* + * The initial log view where the user can login to the application + */ + getNavigator().addView(SimpleLoginView.NAME, SimpleLoginView.class); + + /* + * Add the main view of the application + */ + getNavigator().addView(SimpleLoginMainView.NAME, + SimpleLoginMainView.class); + + /* + * We use a view change handler to ensure the user is always redirected + * to the login view if the user is not logged in. + */ + getNavigator().addViewChangeListener(new ViewChangeListener() { + + @Override + public boolean beforeViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { + + // Check if a user has logged in + boolean isLoggedIn = getSession().getAttribute("user") != null; + boolean isLoginView = event.getNewView() instanceof SimpleLoginView; + + if (!isLoggedIn && !isLoginView) { + // Redirect to login view always if a user has not yet + // logged in + getNavigator().navigateTo(SimpleLoginView.NAME); + return false; + + } else if (isLoggedIn && isLoginView) { + // If someone tries to access to login view while logged in, + // then cancel + return false; + } + + return true; + } + + @Override + public void afterViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { + + } + }); + } +} diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginView.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginView.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..88a2a8f678 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/minitutorials/v70/SimpleLoginView.java @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.minitutorials.v70; + +import com.vaadin.data.validator.AbstractValidator; +import com.vaadin.data.validator.EmailValidator; +import com.vaadin.navigator.View; +import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; +import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; +import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; +import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; +import com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; +import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Reindeer; + +public class SimpleLoginView extends CustomComponent implements View, + Button.ClickListener { + + public static final String NAME = "login"; + + private final TextField user; + + private final PasswordField password; + + private final Button loginButton; + + public SimpleLoginView() { + setSizeFull(); + + // Create the user input field + user = new TextField("User:"); + user.setWidth("300px"); + user.setRequired(true); + user.setInputPrompt("Your username (eg. joe@email.com)"); + user.addValidator(new EmailValidator("Username must be an email address")); + user.setInvalidAllowed(false); + + // Create the password input field + password = new PasswordField("Password:"); + password.setWidth("300px"); + password.addValidator(new PasswordValidator()); + password.setRequired(true); + password.setValue(""); + password.setNullRepresentation(""); + + // Create login button + loginButton = new Button("Login", this); + + // Add both to a panel + VerticalLayout fields = new VerticalLayout(user, password, loginButton); + fields.setCaption("Please login to access the application. (test@test.com/passw0rd)"); + fields.setSpacing(true); + fields.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, true, true, false)); + fields.setSizeUndefined(); + + // The view root layout + VerticalLayout viewLayout = new VerticalLayout(fields); + viewLayout.setSizeFull(); + viewLayout.setComponentAlignment(fields, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); + viewLayout.setStyleName(Reindeer.LAYOUT_BLUE); + setCompositionRoot(viewLayout); + } + + @Override + public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) { + // focus the username field when user arrives to the login view + user.focus(); + } + + /* + * Validator for validating the passwords + */ + private static final class PasswordValidator extends + AbstractValidator<String> { + + public PasswordValidator() { + super("The password provided is not valid"); + } + + @Override + protected boolean isValidValue(String value) { + /* + * Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least + * one number + */ + if (value != null + && (value.length() < 8 || !value.matches(".*\\d.*"))) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + + @Override + public Class<String> getType() { + return String.class; + } + } + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + + /* + * Validate the fields using the navigator. By using validors for the + * fields we reduce the amount of queries we have to use to the database + * for wrongly entered passwords + */ + if (!user.isValid() || !password.isValid()) { + return; + } + + String username = user.getValue(); + String password = this.password.getValue(); + + /* + * Validate username and password with database here. For examples sake + * I use a dummy username and password. + */ + boolean isValid = username.equals("test@test.com") + && password.equals("passw0rd"); + + if(isValid){ + // Store the current user in the service session + getSession().setAttribute("user", username); + + // Navigate to main view + getUI().getNavigator().navigateTo(SimpleLoginMainView.NAME); + + } else { + + // Wrong password clear the password field and refocuses it + this.password.setValue(null); + this.password.focus(); + } + } +} + diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/themes/CSSInjectTest.html b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/themes/CSSInjectTest.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05a0f256c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/themes/CSSInjectTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> +<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> +<head profile="http://selenium-ide.openqa.org/profiles/test-case"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> +<link rel="selenium.base" href="http://localhost:8888/" /> +<title>New Test</title> +</head> +<body> +<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1"> +<thead> +<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">New Test</td></tr> +</thead><tbody> +<tr> + <td>open</td> + <td>/run/com.vaadin.tests.themes.CSSInjectTest?restartApplication</td> + <td></td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>screenCapture</td> + <td></td> + <td>hello-world-gray</td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>type</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadinteststhemesCSSInjectTest::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VTextArea[0]</td> + <td>.hello{color:blue;}</td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>click</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadinteststhemesCSSInjectTest::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[2]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td> + <td></td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>screenCapture</td> + <td></td> + <td>hello-blue</td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>type</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadinteststhemesCSSInjectTest::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VTextArea[0]</td> + <td>.world{color:red;}</td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>click</td> + <td>vaadin=runcomvaadinteststhemesCSSInjectTest::/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[1]/VVerticalLayout[0]/Slot[2]/VButton[0]/domChild[0]/domChild[0]</td> + <td></td> +</tr> +<tr> + <td>screenCapture</td> + <td></td> + <td>world-red</td> +</tr> + +</tbody></table> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/themes/CSSInjectTest.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/themes/CSSInjectTest.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bedbf47fe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/themes/CSSInjectTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.themes; + +import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.util.UUID; + +import com.vaadin.server.Page; +import com.vaadin.server.Page.StyleSheet; +import com.vaadin.server.StreamResource; +import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; +import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button; +import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; +import com.vaadin.ui.Label; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; + +public class CSSInjectTest extends TestBase { + + @Override + protected void setup() { + + final StyleSheet stylesheet = Page.getCurrent().getStyleSheet(); + + // Inject some resources initially + stylesheet.inject(new StreamResource(new StreamResource.StreamSource() { + + @Override + public InputStream getStream() { + return new ByteArrayInputStream( + ".hello, .world { color:silver; }".getBytes()); + } + }, "mystyles-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".css")); + + Label hello = new Label( + "<span class='hello'>Hello</span> <span class='world'>world</span>", + ContentMode.HTML); + addComponent(hello); + + final TextArea cssToInject = new TextArea(); + cssToInject.setImmediate(true); + addComponent(cssToInject); + + Button inject = new Button("Inject!", new Button.ClickListener() { + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + stylesheet.inject(cssToInject.getValue()); + cssToInject.setValue(""); + } + }); + addComponent(inject); + + Button injectRandom = new Button("Inject as resource!", + new Button.ClickListener() { + + @Override + public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { + + final String css = cssToInject.getValue(); + + stylesheet.inject(new StreamResource( + new StreamResource.StreamSource() { + + @Override + public InputStream getStream() { + return new ByteArrayInputStream(css + .getBytes()); + } + }, UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".css")); + + cssToInject.setValue(""); + } + }); + addComponent(injectRandom); + } + + @Override + protected String getDescription() { + return "Demonstrates how CSS injections can be used to theme the \"Hello world\" label below"; + } + + @Override + protected Integer getTicketNumber() { + return 5500; + } + +} diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/widgetset/client/minitutorials/v71beta/CSSInjectWithColorpicker.java b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/widgetset/client/minitutorials/v71beta/CSSInjectWithColorpicker.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ac85ab231 --- /dev/null +++ b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/widgetset/client/minitutorials/v71beta/CSSInjectWithColorpicker.java @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +package com.vaadin.tests.widgetset.client.minitutorials.v71beta; + +import java.util.Arrays; + +import com.vaadin.data.Property.ValueChangeEvent; +import com.vaadin.data.Property.ValueChangeListener; +import com.vaadin.server.Page; +import com.vaadin.server.Page.StyleSheet; +import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest; +import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; +import com.vaadin.shared.ui.colorpicker.Color; +import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; +import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; +import com.vaadin.ui.ColorPicker; +import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; +import com.vaadin.ui.Component; +import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.Label; +import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; +import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; +import com.vaadin.ui.UI; +import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; +import com.vaadin.ui.components.colorpicker.ColorChangeEvent; +import com.vaadin.ui.components.colorpicker.ColorChangeListener; + +public class CSSInjectWithColorpicker extends UI { + + @Override + protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { + + // Create a text editor + Component editor = createEditor("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus pharetra sed, sit a " + + "tortor. Id aliquam lorem pede, orci ut enim metus, diam nulla mi " + + "suspendisse tempor tortor. Eleifend lorem proin, morbi vel diam ut. " + + "Tempor est tellus vitae, pretium condimentum facilisis sit. Sagittis " + + "quam, ac urna eros est cras id cras, eleifend eu mattis nec." + +"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus pharetra sed, sit a " + + "tortor. Id aliquam lorem pede, orci ut enim metus, diam nulla mi " + + "suspendisse tempor tortor. Eleifend lorem proin, morbi vel diam ut. " + + "Tempor est tellus vitae, pretium condimentum facilisis sit. Sagittis " + + "quam, ac urna eros est cras id cras, eleifend eu mattis nec." + + "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus pharetra sed, sit a " + + "tortor. Id aliquam lorem pede, orci ut enim metus, diam nulla mi " + + "suspendisse tempor tortor. Eleifend lorem proin, morbi vel diam ut. " + + "Tempor est tellus vitae, pretium condimentum facilisis sit. Sagittis " + + "quam, ac urna eros est cras id cras, eleifend eu mattis nec." + + "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus pharetra sed, sit a " + + "tortor. Id aliquam lorem pede, orci ut enim metus, diam nulla mi " + + "suspendisse tempor tortor. Eleifend lorem proin, morbi vel diam ut. " + + "Tempor est tellus vitae, pretium condimentum facilisis sit. Sagittis " + + "quam, ac urna eros est cras id cras, eleifend eu mattis nec."); + + + VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(editor); + content.setMargin(true); + setContent(content); + } + + /** + * Creates a text editor for visually editing text + * + * @param text + * The text editor + * @return + */ + private Component createEditor(String text) { + + Panel editor = new Panel("Text Editor"); + editor.setWidth("580px"); + + VerticalLayout panelContent = new VerticalLayout(); + panelContent.setSpacing(true); + panelContent.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, false)); + editor.setContent(panelContent); + + // Create the toolbar + HorizontalLayout toolbar = new HorizontalLayout(); + toolbar.setSpacing(true); + toolbar.setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, false, false, true)); + + // Create the font family selector + toolbar.addComponent(createFontSelect()); + + // Create the font size selector + toolbar.addComponent(createFontSizeSelect()); + + // Create the text color selector + toolbar.addComponent(createTextColorSelect()); + + // Create the background color selector + toolbar.addComponent(createBackgroundColorSelect()); + + panelContent.addComponent(toolbar); + panelContent.setComponentAlignment(toolbar, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); + + // Spacer between toolbar and text + panelContent.addComponent(new Label("<hr/>", ContentMode.HTML)); + + // The text to edit + TextArea textLabel = new TextArea(null, text); + textLabel.setWidth("100%"); + textLabel.setHeight("200px"); + + // IMPORTANT: We are here setting the style name of the label, we are going to use this in our injected styles to target the label + textLabel.setStyleName("text-label"); + + panelContent.addComponent(textLabel); + + return editor; + } + + /** + * Creates a background color select dialog + */ + private Component createBackgroundColorSelect() { + ColorPicker bgColor = new ColorPicker("Background", Color.WHITE); + bgColor.setWidth("110px"); + bgColor.setCaption("Background"); + bgColor.addColorChangeListener(new ColorChangeListener() { + + @Override + public void colorChanged(ColorChangeEvent event) { + + // Get the new background color + Color color = event.getColor(); + + // Get the stylesheet of the page + StyleSheet styles = Page.getCurrent().getStyleSheet(); + + // inject the new background color + styles.inject(".v-app .v-textarea.text-label { background-color:" + + color.getCSS() + "; }"); + } + }); + return bgColor; + } + + /** + * Create a text color selction dialog + */ + private Component createTextColorSelect() { + + // Colorpicker for changing text color + ColorPicker textColor = new ColorPicker("Color", Color.BLACK); + textColor.setWidth("110px"); + textColor.setCaption("Color"); + textColor.addColorChangeListener(new ColorChangeListener() { + + @Override + public void colorChanged(ColorChangeEvent event) { + + // Get the new text color + Color color = event.getColor(); + + // Get the stylesheet of the page + StyleSheet styles = Page.getCurrent().getStyleSheet(); + + // inject the new color as a style + styles.inject(".v-app .v-textarea.text-label { color:" + + color.getCSS() + "; }"); + } + }); + + return textColor; + } + + /** + * Creates a font family selection dialog + */ + private Component createFontSelect() { + final ComboBox select = new ComboBox(null, Arrays.asList("Arial", + "Helvetica", "Verdana", "Courier", "Times", "sans-serif")); + select.setValue("Arial"); + select.setWidth("200px"); + select.setInputPrompt("Font"); + select.setDescription("Font"); + select.setImmediate(true); + select.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); + select.setNewItemsAllowed(false); + + select.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + + @Override + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + // Get the new font family + String fontFamily = select.getValue().toString(); + + // Get the stylesheet of the page + StyleSheet styles = Page.getCurrent().getStyleSheet(); + + // inject the new font size as a style. We need .v-app to + // override Vaadin's default styles here + styles.inject(".v-app .v-textarea.text-label { font-family:" + + fontFamily + "; }"); + } + }); + + return select; + } + + /** + * Creates a font size selection control + */ + private Component createFontSizeSelect() { + + final ComboBox select = new ComboBox(null, Arrays.asList(8, 9, 10, + 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50)); + select.setWidth("100px"); + select.setValue(12); + select.setInputPrompt("Font size"); + select.setDescription("Font size"); + select.setImmediate(true); + select.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); + select.setNewItemsAllowed(false); + select.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { + + @Override + public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { + // Get the new font size + Integer fontSize = (Integer) select.getValue(); + + // Get the stylesheet of the page + StyleSheet styles = Page.getCurrent().getStyleSheet(); + + // inject the new font size as a style. We need .v-app to + // override Vaadin's default styles here + styles.inject(".v-app .v-textarea.text-label { font-size:" + + String.valueOf(fontSize) + "px; }"); + } + }); + + return select; + } +} diff --git a/uitest/test.xml b/uitest/test.xml index ee4927fc7b..5ff39c425d 100644 --- a/uitest/test.xml +++ b/uitest/test.xml @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ <!-- Configuration --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Browsers to use for testing --> - <property name="browsers-windows" value="winxp-ie8,win7-ie9,winxp-firefox17-esr,winxp-safari5,winxp-googlechrome21,winxp-opera12" /> + <property name="browsers-windows" value="winxp-ie8,win7-ie9,win7-ie10,winxp-firefox17-esr,winxp-safari5,winxp-googlechrome21,winxp-opera12" /> <property name="browsers-linux" value="linux-firefox3,linux-opera10,linux-googlechrome8" /> <property name="browsers-mac" value="osx-firefox3,osx-opera10,osx-googlechrome8,osx-safari4,osx-safari5" /> |