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3 files changed, 6 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/advanced/advanced-push.asciidoc b/documentation/advanced/advanced-push.asciidoc
index f81900ce3b..365e674a50 100644
--- a/documentation/advanced/advanced-push.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/advanced/advanced-push.asciidoc
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ You can use server push in two modes: [literal]#++automatic++# and
automatically after access() finishes. With the manual mode, you can do the push
explicitly with [methodname]#push()#, which allows more flexibility.
-Sever push can use several transports - WebSockets, long polling, or combined WebSockets+XHR.
-Default is [literal]#++WebSockets++#.
+Sever push can use several transports: WebSockets, long polling, or combined WebSockets+XHR.
+[literal]#++WebSockets++# is the default transport.
@@ -115,9 +115,7 @@ parameter as follows:
public class PushyUI extends UI {
-To use the long polling transport, you need to set the [parameter]#Transport.LONG_POLLING#
-parameter as follows:
+To use the long polling transport, you need to set the transport parameter as [parameter]#Transport.LONG_POLLING# as follows:
[source, java]
diff --git a/documentation/application/application-errors.asciidoc b/documentation/application/application-errors.asciidoc
index f1406191bb..efadaa414b 100644
--- a/documentation/application/application-errors.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/application/application-errors.asciidoc
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ image::img/errorindicator-example2.png[scaledwidth=40%]
If the connection to the server is lost, Vaadin application shows a "lost connection" notification
and tries to restore the connection. After several retries, an error message is shown.
-You can customize the messages, timeouts and the number of reconnect attempts using [classname]#ReconnectDialogConfiguration#
-class. Use [methodname]#getReconnectDialogConfiguration# of your [classname]#UI# object.
+You can customize the messages, timeouts, and the number of reconnect attempts in the [classname]#ReconnectDialogConfiguration#
+object, which you can access from your [classname]#UI# with [methodname]#getReconnectDialogConfiguration()#.
diff --git a/documentation/layout/layout-sub-window.asciidoc b/documentation/layout/layout-sub-window.asciidoc
index 972cb00ae9..f8d8fbef17 100644
--- a/documentation/layout/layout-sub-window.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/layout/layout-sub-window.asciidoc
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ corner of the window. The button is controlled by the __closable__ property, so
you can disable it with [methodname]#setClosable(false)#. You can also use keyboard
shortcuts for closing a sub-window. You can manage the shortcuts with the [methodname]#addCloseShortcut()#,
[methodname]#removeCloseShortcut()#, [methodname]#removeAllCloseShortcuts()#,
-[methodname]#hasCloseShortcut()# and [methodname]#getCloseShortcuts()# methods.
+[methodname]#hasCloseShortcut()#, and [methodname]#getCloseShortcuts()# methods.
You close a sub-window also programmatically by calling the
[methodname]#close()# for the sub-window, typically in a click listener for an