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2 files changed, 226 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VScrollTable.java b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VScrollTable.java
index 933c5de1c9..1588936c3c 100644
--- a/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VScrollTable.java
+++ b/src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VScrollTable.java
@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.dd.VerticalDropLocation;
public class VScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollHandler,
VHasDropHandler, FocusHandler, BlurHandler, Focusable, ActionOwner {
+ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PAGEBUFFER_FIRST = "pb-ft";
+ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PAGEBUFFER_LAST = "pb-l";
private static final String ROW_HEADER_COLUMN_KEY = "0";
public static final String CLASSNAME = "v-table";
@@ -203,6 +206,8 @@ public class VScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollHandler,
private String[] bodyActionKeys;
+ private boolean enableDebug = false;
* Represents a select range of rows
@@ -423,6 +428,21 @@ public class VScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollHandler,
private int lastRenderedHeight;
+ /**
+ * Values (serverCacheFirst+serverCacheLast) sent by server that tells which
+ * rows (indexes) are in the server side cache (page buffer). -1 means
+ * unknown. The server side cache row MUST MATCH the client side cache rows.
+ *
+ * If the client side cache contains additional rows with e.g. buttons, it
+ * will cause out of sync when such a button is pressed.
+ *
+ * If the server side cache contains additional rows with e.g. buttons,
+ * scrolling in the client will cause empty buttons to be rendered
+ * (cached=true request for non-existing components)
+ */
+ private int serverCacheFirst = -1;
+ private int serverCacheLast = -1;
public VScrollTable() {
@@ -798,6 +818,13 @@ public class VScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollHandler,
public void updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client) {
rendering = true;
+ if (uidl.hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PAGEBUFFER_FIRST)) {
+ serverCacheFirst = uidl.getIntAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PAGEBUFFER_FIRST);
+ serverCacheLast = uidl.getIntAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PAGEBUFFER_LAST);
+ } else {
+ serverCacheFirst = -1;
+ serverCacheLast = -1;
+ }
* We need to do this before updateComponent since updateComponent calls
* this.setHeight() which will calculate a new body height depending on
@@ -1413,24 +1440,67 @@ public class VScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollHandler,
* caching window.
protected void discardRowsOutsideCacheWindow() {
- final int optimalFirstRow = (int) (firstRowInViewPort - pageLength
+ int firstRowToKeep = (int) (firstRowInViewPort - pageLength
+ * cache_rate);
+ int lastRowToKeep = (int) (firstRowInViewPort + pageLength + pageLength
* cache_rate);
+ debug("Client side calculated cache rows to keep: " + firstRowToKeep
+ + "-" + lastRowToKeep);
+ if (serverCacheFirst != -1) {
+ firstRowToKeep = serverCacheFirst;
+ lastRowToKeep = serverCacheLast;
+ debug("Server cache rows that override: " + serverCacheFirst + "-"
+ + serverCacheLast);
+ if (firstRowToKeep < scrollBody.getFirstRendered()
+ || lastRowToKeep > scrollBody.getLastRendered()) {
+ debug("*** Server wants us to keep " + serverCacheFirst + "-"
+ + serverCacheLast + " but we only have rows "
+ + scrollBody.getFirstRendered() + "-"
+ + scrollBody.getLastRendered() + " rendered!");
+ }
+ }
+ discardCacheRows(firstRowToKeep, lastRowToKeep);
+ scrollBody.fixSpacers();
+ scrollBody.restoreRowVisibility();
+ }
+ private void discardCacheRows(int optimalFirstRow, int optimalLastRow) {
+ int firstDiscarded = -1, lastDiscarded = -1;
boolean cont = true;
while (cont && scrollBody.getLastRendered() > optimalFirstRow
&& scrollBody.getFirstRendered() < optimalFirstRow) {
+ if (firstDiscarded == -1) {
+ firstDiscarded = scrollBody.getFirstRendered();
+ }
// removing row from start
cont = scrollBody.unlinkRow(true);
- final int optimalLastRow = (int) (firstRowInViewPort + pageLength + pageLength
- * cache_rate);
+ if (firstDiscarded != -1) {
+ lastDiscarded = scrollBody.getFirstRendered() - 1;
+ debug("Discarded rows " + firstDiscarded + "-" + lastDiscarded);
+ }
+ firstDiscarded = lastDiscarded = -1;
cont = true;
while (cont && scrollBody.getLastRendered() > optimalLastRow) {
+ if (lastDiscarded == -1) {
+ lastDiscarded = scrollBody.getLastRendered();
+ }
// removing row from the end
cont = scrollBody.unlinkRow(false);
- scrollBody.fixSpacers();
+ if (lastDiscarded != -1) {
+ firstDiscarded = scrollBody.getLastRendered() + 1;
+ debug("Discarded rows " + firstDiscarded + "-" + lastDiscarded);
+ }
- scrollBody.restoreRowVisibility();
+ debug("Now in cache: " + scrollBody.getFirstRendered() + "-"
+ + scrollBody.getLastRendered());
@@ -6752,4 +6822,10 @@ public class VScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollHandler,
+ private void debug(String msg) {
+ if (enableDebug) {
+ VConsole.error(msg);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/ui/Table.java b/src/com/vaadin/ui/Table.java
index 4f906ec11f..9107ec06ef 100644
--- a/src/com/vaadin/ui/Table.java
+++ b/src/com/vaadin/ui/Table.java
@@ -1488,36 +1488,77 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
private void removeRowsFromCacheAndFillBottom(int firstIndex, int rows) {
int totalCachedRows = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
int totalRows = size();
- int cacheIx = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex;
+ int firstIndexInPageBuffer = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex;
+ /*
+ * firstIndexInPageBuffer is the first row to be removed. "rows" rows
+ * after that should be removed. If the page buffer does not contain
+ * that many rows, we only remove the rows that actually are in the page
+ * buffer.
+ */
+ if (firstIndexInPageBuffer + rows > totalCachedRows) {
+ rows = totalCachedRows - firstIndexInPageBuffer;
+ }
- // Make sure that no components leak.
+ /*
+ * Unregister components that will no longer be in the page buffer to
+ * make sure that no components leak.
+ */
unregisterComponentsAndPropertiesInRows(firstIndex, rows);
- int newCachedRowCount = totalRows < totalCachedRows ? totalRows
- : totalCachedRows;
- int firstAppendedRow = newCachedRowCount > rows ? newCachedRowCount
- - rows : firstIndex;
- int rowsToAdd = Math.min(rows, totalCachedRows - firstAppendedRow);
- rowsToAdd = Math.min(rowsToAdd, totalRows
- - (firstAppendedRow + pageBufferFirstIndex));
- if (rowsToAdd <= 0) {
- return;
+ /*
+ * The number of rows that should be in the cache after this operation
+ * is done (pageBuffer currently contains the expanded items).
+ */
+ int newCachedRowCount = totalCachedRows;
+ if (newCachedRowCount + pageBufferFirstIndex > totalRows) {
+ newCachedRowCount = totalRows - pageBufferFirstIndex;
- Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstAppendedRow, rowsToAdd,
- false);
- // Create the new cache buffer by copying data from the old one and
- // appending more rows if applicable.
+ /*
+ * The index at which we should render the first row that does not come
+ * from the previous page buffer.
+ */
+ int firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer = totalCachedRows - rows;
+ int firstAppendedRow = firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer
+ + pageBufferFirstIndex;
+ /*
+ * Calculate the maximum number of new rows that we can add to the page
+ * buffer. Less than the rows we removed if the container does not
+ * contain that many items afterwards.
+ */
+ int maxRowsToRender = (totalRows - firstAppendedRow);
+ int rowsToAdd = rows;
+ if (rowsToAdd > maxRowsToRender) {
+ rowsToAdd = maxRowsToRender;
+ }
+ Object[][] cells = null;
+ if (rowsToAdd > 0) {
+ cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstAppendedRow, rowsToAdd, false);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Create the new cache buffer by copying the first rows from the old
+ * buffer, moving the following rows upwards and appending more rows if
+ * applicable.
+ */
Object[][] newPageBuffer = new Object[pageBuffer.length][newCachedRowCount];
- for (int ix = 0; ix < newCachedRowCount; ix++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < pageBuffer.length; i++) {
- if (ix >= firstAppendedRow) {
- newPageBuffer[i][ix] = cells[i][ix - firstAppendedRow];
- } else if (ix >= cacheIx && ix + rows < totalCachedRows) {
- newPageBuffer[i][ix] = pageBuffer[i][ix + rows];
- } else {
- newPageBuffer[i][ix] = pageBuffer[i][ix];
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < pageBuffer.length; i++) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < firstIndexInPageBuffer; row++) {
+ // Copy the first rows
+ newPageBuffer[i][row] = pageBuffer[i][row];
+ }
+ for (int row = firstIndexInPageBuffer; row < firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer; row++) {
+ // Move the rows that were after the expanded rows
+ newPageBuffer[i][row] = pageBuffer[i][row + rows];
+ }
+ for (int row = firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer; row < newCachedRowCount; row++) {
+ // Add the newly rendered rows. Only used if rowsToAdd > 0
+ // (cells != null)
+ newPageBuffer[i][row] = cells[i][row
+ - firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer];
pageBuffer = newPageBuffer;
@@ -1537,23 +1578,84 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
return cells;
+ /**
+ * @param firstIndex
+ * The position where new rows should be inserted
+ * @param rows
+ * The number of rows that should be inserted
+ * @param maxRows
+ * The maximum number of rows that
+ * @return
+ */
private Object[][] getVisibleCellsInsertIntoCache(int firstIndex, int rows) {
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstIndex, rows, false);
+ logger.finest("Insert " + rows + " rows at index " + firstIndex
+ + " to existing page buffer with " + cells.length + " items");
+ // Page buffer must not become larger than pageLength*cacheRate before
+ // or after the current page
+ int minPageBufferIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex()
+ - (int) (getPageLength() * getCacheRate());
+ if (minPageBufferIndex < 0) {
+ minPageBufferIndex = 0;
+ }
+ int maxPageBufferIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex()
+ + (int) (getPageLength() * (1 + getCacheRate()));
+ int maxBufferSize = maxPageBufferIndex - minPageBufferIndex;
+ /*
+ * Number of rows that were previously cached. This is not necessarily
+ * the same as pageLength if we do not have enough rows in the
+ * container.
+ */
int currentlyCachedRowCount = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
- int lastCachedRow = currentlyCachedRowCount - rows;
- int cacheIx = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex;
- // Unregister all components that fall beyond the cache limits after
- // inserting the new rows.
- unregisterComponentsAndPropertiesInRows(lastCachedRow + 1,
- currentlyCachedRowCount - lastCachedRow);
+ /*
+ * firstIndexInPageBuffer is the offset in pageBuffer where the new rows
+ * will be inserted (firstIndex is the index in the whole table).
+ *
+ * E.g. scrolled down to row 1000: firstIndex==1010,
+ * pageBufferFirstIndex==1000 -> cacheIx==10
+ */
+ int firstIndexInPageBuffer = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex;
+ /*
+ * "rows" rows will be inserted at firstIndex. Find out how many old
+ * rows fall outside the new buffer so we can unregister components in
+ * the cache.
+ */
+ /* All rows until the insertion point remain, always. */
+ int firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer = firstIndexInPageBuffer;
+ /*
+ * IF there is space remaining in the buffer after the rows have been
+ * inserted, we can keep more rows.
+ */
+ int numberOfOldRowsAfterInsertedRows = maxBufferSize - firstIndex
+ - rows;
+ if (numberOfOldRowsAfterInsertedRows > 0) {
+ firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer += numberOfOldRowsAfterInsertedRows;
+ }
+ if (firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer <= currentlyCachedRowCount) {
+ /*
+ * Unregister all components that fall beyond the cache limits after
+ * inserting the new rows.
+ */
+ unregisterComponentsAndPropertiesInRows(
+ firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer + pageBufferFirstIndex,
+ currentlyCachedRowCount - firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer
+ + pageBufferFirstIndex);
+ }
// Calculate the new cache size
int newCachedRowCount = currentlyCachedRowCount;
- if (pageLength == 0 || currentlyCachedRowCount < pageLength) {
+ if (maxBufferSize == 0 || currentlyCachedRowCount < maxBufferSize) {
newCachedRowCount = currentlyCachedRowCount + rows;
- if (pageLength > 0 && newCachedRowCount > pageLength) {
- newCachedRowCount = pageLength;
+ if (maxBufferSize > 0 && newCachedRowCount > maxBufferSize) {
+ newCachedRowCount = maxBufferSize;
@@ -1562,9 +1664,10 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
Object[][] newPageBuffer = new Object[pageBuffer.length][newCachedRowCount];
for (int ix = 0; ix < newCachedRowCount; ix++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pageBuffer.length; i++) {
- if (ix >= cacheIx && ix < cacheIx + rows) {
- newPageBuffer[i][ix] = cells[i][ix - cacheIx];
- } else if (ix >= cacheIx + rows) {
+ if (ix >= firstIndexInPageBuffer
+ && ix < firstIndexInPageBuffer + rows) {
+ newPageBuffer[i][ix] = cells[i][ix - firstIndexInPageBuffer];
+ } else if (ix >= firstIndexInPageBuffer + rows) {
newPageBuffer[i][ix] = pageBuffer[i][ix - rows];
} else {
newPageBuffer[i][ix] = pageBuffer[i][ix];
@@ -2638,7 +2741,12 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
- int maxRows = (int) (getPageLength() * getCacheRate());
+ /*
+ * Caching says we should cache the current page and
+ * cacheRate*pageLength rows below it (and the same above). We only add
+ * rows below in this case.
+ */
+ int maxRows = (int) (getPageLength() * (1 + getCacheRate()));
if (!shouldHideAddedRows() && count > maxRows) {
count = maxRows + 1;
// delete the rows below, since they will fall beyond the cache