path: root/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/components/_table.scss
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/components/_table.scss')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/components/_table.scss b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/components/_table.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58d96c688a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebContent/VAADIN/themes/valo/components/_table.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+$v-table-row-height: $v-unit-size !default;
+$v-table-border-width: $v-border-width !default;
+$v-table-border-color: null !default;
+$v-table-border-radius: 0 !default;
+$v-table-cell-padding-horizontal: round($v-unit-size/3) !default;
+//$v-table-cell-padding-horizontal-edge: round($v-unit-size/2.5) !default;
+$v-table-resizer-width: round($v-unit-size/5) !default;
+$v-table-sort-indicator-width: round($v-unit-size/2) !default;
+$v-table-header-font-size: round($v-font-size * 0.86) !default;
+$v-table-background-color: null !default;
+@mixin v-valo-table-global ($primary-stylename: v-table) {
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header table,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer table,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-table {
+ border-spacing: 0;
+ border-collapse: separate;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ line-height: $v-line-height;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-resizer,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator {
+ float: right;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-wrapper {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-caption-container-align-right {
+ text-align: right;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header td,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer td,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator {
+ width: 0;
+ }
+@function v-valo-table-background-color($context: $v-app-background-color) {
+ @if is-dark-color($context) {
+ @return darken($context, 2%);
+ }
+ @return lighten($context, 2%);
+@mixin v-valo-table ($primary-stylename: v-table) {
+ $background-color: $v-table-background-color or v-valo-table-background-color();
+ $border-color: $v-table-border-color or darken($v-app-background-color, max(5%, $v-bevel-depth/3));
+ .#{$primary-stylename} {
+ // For scroll position indicator
+ position: relative;
+ background: $v-app-background-color;
+ }
+ .v-table-header table,
+ .v-table-footer table,
+ .v-table-table {
+ outline: $v-table-border-width solid $border-color;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-wrap,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer-wrap,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-drag {
+ border: $v-table-border-width solid $border-color;
+ @include v-valo-gradient($v-app-background-color);
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ font-size: $v-table-header-font-size;
+ text-shadow: v-valo-button-text-shadow($v-app-background-color, $v-bevel-depth);
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-wrap {
+ position: relative;
+ border-bottom: none;
+ @if $v-table-border-radius > 0 {
+ border-radius: $v-table-border-radius $v-table-border-radius 0 0;
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer-wrap {
+ border-top: none;
+ @if $v-table-border-radius > 0 {
+ border-radius: 0 0 $v-table-border-radius $v-table-border-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer td {
+ border-left: $v-table-border-width solid $border-color;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer-container,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-caption-container {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ line-height: 1;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer-container {
+ $vertical-padding: round(($v-table-row-height - $v-table-header-font-size)/2);
+ padding-top: $vertical-padding - $v-table-border-width;
+ padding-bottom: $vertical-padding;
+ float: right;
+ padding-right: $v-table-cell-padding-horizontal + $v-table-border-width;
+ }
+ [class^="#{$primary-stylename}-header-cell"] {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-caption-container,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-drag {
+ $vertical-padding: round(($v-table-row-height - $v-table-header-font-size)/2);
+ padding-top: $vertical-padding;
+ padding-bottom: $vertical-padding - $v-table-border-width;
+ padding-left: $v-table-cell-padding-horizontal;
+ padding-right: $v-table-cell-padding-horizontal;
+ border-left: $v-table-border-width solid $border-color;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-resizer {
+ height: $v-table-row-height;
+ background: transparent;
+ width: $v-table-resizer-width;
+ cursor: e-resize;
+ cursor: col-resize;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 1;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content {
+ border-left: $v-table-border-width solid $border-color;
+ padding: 0 $v-table-cell-padding-horizontal;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header td:first-child .#{$primary-stylename}-caption-container,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer td:first-child,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content:first-child {
+ border-left-color: transparent;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-wrapper {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ line-height: 1;
+ $vertical-padding: round(($v-table-row-height - $v-font-size)/2);
+ padding: $vertical-padding 0;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-body {
+ border: $v-table-border-width solid $border-color;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-table {
+ background-color: $background-color;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-table td {
+ border-top: $v-table-border-width solid $border-color;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-table tr:first-child td {
+ border-top: none;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-row-odd {
+ background-color: darken($background-color, 2%);
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename} [class*="-row"].v-selected {
+ $selected-border-color: darken(v-valo-selection-color(), 8%);
+ @include v-valo-gradient(v-valo-selection-color());
+ background-origin: border-box;
+ color: v-valo-font-color(v-valo-selection-color(), 0.9);
+ text-shadow: v-valo-button-text-shadow(v-valo-selection-color(), $v-bevel-depth);
+ + .v-selected {
+ $gradient-end: first(last(v-valo-gradient-color-stops(v-valo-selection-color())));
+ background: $gradient-end;
+ td {
+ border-top-color: $gradient-end;
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content {
+ border-color: transparent;
+ border-left-color: $selected-border-color;
+ &:first-child {
+ border-left-color: transparent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-cell-asc .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-cell-desc .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator {
+ background: transparent;
+ width: $v-table-sort-indicator-width;
+ height: $v-table-row-height;
+ line-height: $v-table-row-height;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ + .#{$primary-stylename}-caption-container {
+ padding-right: $v-table-sort-indicator-width;
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-cell-asc .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator:before,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-cell-desc .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator:before {
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ display: inline-block;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-cell-asc .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator:before {
+ @include v-valo-table-sort-asc-icon-style;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-cell-desc .#{$primary-stylename}-sort-indicator:before {
+ @include v-valo-table-sort-desc-icon-style;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-focus {
+ $outline-width: max($v-table-border-width, 1px);
+ outline: $outline-width solid v-valo-focus-color();
+ outline-offset: -$outline-width;
+ }
+ .v-drag-element.#{$primary-stylename}-focus,
+ .v-drag-element .#{$primary-stylename}-focus {
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-drag {
+ position: absolute;
+ @include opacity(0.9);
+ margin-top: round($v-table-row-height/-2);
+ z-index: 30000;
+ line-height: 1;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-focus-slot-right {
+ border-right: 2px solid rgba(v-valo-focus-color(), .5);
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-focus-slot-left {
+ border-left: 2px solid rgba(v-valo-focus-color(), .5);
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto;
+ margin-left: 0 !important;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-column-selector {
+ @include v-valo-button-style;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 2;
+ top: round($v-unit-size/-4);
+ right: round($v-unit-size/-4);
+ height: round($v-unit-size/2);
+ line-height: round($v-unit-size/2);
+ width: round($v-unit-size/2);
+ padding: 0;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ text-align: center;
+ @include opacity(0);
+ @if $v-animations-enabled {
+ @include transition(opacity 200ms 1s);
+ }
+ &:after {
+ content: "";
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -$v-button-border-width;
+ right: -$v-button-border-width;
+ bottom: -$v-button-border-width;
+ left: -$v-button-border-width;
+ border-radius: inherit;
+ }
+ &:active:after {
+ @include v-valo-button-active-style;
+ }
+ &:before {
+ @include v-valo-table-column-selector-icon-style;
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-wrap:hover .#{$primary-stylename}-column-selector {
+ @include opacity(1);
+ @include transition-delay(100ms);
+ }
+ /* row in column selector */
+ .v-on,
+ .v-off {
+ &:before {
+ @include v-valo-table-column-visible-icon-style;
+ font-size: 0.9em;
+ margin-right: round($v-unit-size/6);
+ }
+ div {
+ display: inline;
+ }
+ }
+ .v-off:before {
+ visibility: hidden;
+ }
+ tbody.v-drag-element {
+ display: block;
+ overflow: visible;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ background: transparent;
+ @include opacity(1);
+ tr {
+ display: block;
+ @include v-valo-drag-element-style;
+ &[style*="hidden"] {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-body {
+ // Show on top of scroll position indicator (allow scroll events to hit the body instead of indicator)
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 1;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-scrollposition {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: $v-unit-size;
+ line-height: $v-unit-size;
+ margin: round($v-unit-size/-2) 0 0 !important;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ // Drag'n'drop styles
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-drag .#{$primary-stylename}-body {
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(v-valo-focus-color(), .5);
+ @if color-luminance(v-valo-focus-color()) + 50 < color-luminance($background-color) {
+ border-color: v-valo-focus-color();
+ }
+ .v-ie8 & {
+ border-color: v-valo-focus-color();
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-focus {
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-middle td:first-child:before {
+ content: "";
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ height: $v-table-row-height + $v-table-border-width;
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ background: v-valo-focus-color();
+ @include opacity(.2);
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-top td:first-child:before,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-bottom td:first-child:after {
+ content: "\2022";
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ height: 2px;
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ background: v-valo-focus-color();
+ font-size: $v-font-size * 2;
+ line-height: 2px;
+ color: v-valo-focus-color();
+ text-indent: round($v-font-size/-4);
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1px $background-color, 0 0 1px $background-color;
+ }
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-top td:first-child:before {
+ margin-top: -$v-table-border-width;
+ }
+ .v-ff & .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-top td:first-child:before,
+ .v-ff & .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-bottom td:first-child:after {
+ line-height: 1px;
+ }
+ .v-ie & .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-top td:first-child:before,
+ .v-ie & .#{$primary-stylename}-row-drag-bottom td:first-child:after {
+ line-height: 0;
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-table-sort-asc-icon-style {
+ content: '\f0dd';
+ font-family: FontAwesome;
+@mixin v-valo-table-sort-desc-icon-style {
+ content: '\f0de';
+ font-family: FontAwesome;
+@mixin v-valo-table-column-selector-icon-style {
+ font-family: FontAwesome;
+ content: "\f013";
+@mixin v-valo-table-column-visible-icon-style {
+ content: "\f00c";
+ font-family: FontAwesome;
+@mixin v-valo-table-no-stripes ($primary-stylename: v-table) {
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-row,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-row-odd {
+ background: transparent;
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-table-no-vertical-lines ($primary-stylename: v-table) {
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content,
+ [class*="row"].v-selected .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content {
+ border-left-color: transparent;
+ border-right-color: transparent;
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-table-no-horizontal-lines ($primary-stylename: v-table) {
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content,
+ [class*="row"].v-selected .#{$primary-stylename}-cell-content {
+ border-top-color: transparent;
+ border-bottom-color: transparent;
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-table-no-header ($primary-stylename: v-table) {
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-wrap {
+ display: none;
+ }
+@mixin v-valo-table-borderless ($primary-stylename: v-table) {
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-wrap,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-footer-wrap,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-header-drag,
+ .#{$primary-stylename}-body {
+ border: none;
+ }