path: root/documentation/architecture/architecture-events.asciidoc
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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/architecture/architecture-events.asciidoc b/documentation/architecture/architecture-events.asciidoc
index e832c581fe..e273a28e97 100644
--- a/documentation/architecture/architecture-events.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/architecture/architecture-events.asciidoc
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ corresponding listener class. For example, the [classname]#Button# has
In the following, we handle button clicks with a listener implemented as an
anonymous class:
[source, java]
final Button button = new Button("Push it!");
@@ -60,15 +59,21 @@ in this case the [classname]#Button#.
.Class Diagram of a Button Click Listener
+image::img/events-classdiagram-hi.png[width=50%, scaledwidth=75%]
+In Java 8, you can implement such functional interfaces with a lambda expression:
+[source, java]
+Button button = new Button("Push it!");
+button.addClickListener(event ->
+ button.setCaption("You pushed it!"));
In the ancient times of C programming, __callback functions__ filled largely the
same need as listeners do now. In object-oriented languages, we usually only
have classes and methods, not functions, so the application has to give a class
interface instead of a callback function pointer to the framework.
-Events with Listeners">> goes into details of handling events in practice.
+<<dummy/../../../framework/application/,"Handling Events with Listeners">> goes into details of handling events in practice.