path: root/documentation/components/components-label.asciidoc
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+title: Label
+order: 7
+layout: page
+= [classname]#Label#
+[classname]#Label# component displays non-editable text. This text can be used
+for short simple labels or for displaying long text, such as paragraphs. The
+text can be formatted in HTML or as preformatted text, depending on the
+__content mode__ of the label.
+You can give the label text most conviniently in the constructor, as is done in
+the following. Label has 100% default width, so the containing layout must also
+have defined width.
+[source, java]
+// A container that is 100% wide by default
+VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
+Label label = new Label("Labeling can be dangerous");
+See the[on-line example, window="_blank"].
+[classname]#Label# implements the [interfacename]#Property# interface to allow
+accessing the text value, so you can get and set the text with
+[methodname]#getValue()# and [methodname]#setValue()#.
+[source, java]
+// Get the label's text to initialize a field
+TextField editor = new TextField(null, // No caption
+ label.getValue());
+// Change the label's text
+editor.addValueChangeListener(event -> // Java 8
+ label.setValue(editor.getValue()));
+editor.setImmediate(true); // Send on Enter
+See the[on-line example, window="_blank"].
+Label also supports data binding to a property data source, as described later
+in <<components.label.databinding>>. However, in that case the value can not be
+set through the label, as [classname]#Label# is not a
+[interfacename]#Property.Editor# and is not allowed to write to a bound
+Even though [classname]#Label# is text and is often used as a caption, it is a
+normal component and therefore also has a caption that you can set with
+[methodname]#setCaption()#. As with most other components, the caption is
+managed by the containing layout.
+== Text Width and Wrapping
+[classname]#Label# has 100% default width, so the containing layout must also
+have a defined width. If the width of the label's text exceeds the width of the
+label, the text will wrap around and continue on the next line. Some layout
+components have undefined width by default, such as
+[classname]#HorizontalLayout#, so you need to pay special care with them.
+[source, java]
+// A container with a defined width.
+Panel panel = new Panel("Panel Containing a Label");
+ new Label("This is a Label inside a Panel. There is " +
+ "enough text in the label to make the text " +
+ "wrap when it exceeds the width of the panel."));
+See the[on-line example, window="_blank"].
+As the size of the [classname]#Panel# in the above example is fixed and the
+width of [classname]#Label# is the default 100%, the text in the
+[classname]#Label# will wrap to fit the panel, as shown in
+.The Label Component
+Setting [classname]#Label# to undefined width will cause it to not wrap at the
+end of the line, as the width of the content defines the width. If placed inside
+a layout with defined width, the [classname]#Label# will overflow the layout
+horizontally and, normally, be truncated.
+== Content Mode
+The content of a label is formatted depending on a __content mode__. By default,
+the text is assumed to be plain text and any contained XML-specific characters
+will be quoted appropriately to allow rendering the contents of a label in HTML
+in a web browser. The content mode can be set in the constructor or with
+[methodname]#setContentMode()#, and can have the values defined in the
+[classname]#ContentMode# enumeration type in
+[package]#com.vaadin.shared.ui.label# package:
+TEXT:: The default content mode where the label contains only plain text. All
+characters are allowed, including the special [literal]#++<++#,
+[literal]#++>++#, and [literal]#++&++# characters in XML or HTML, which are
+quoted properly in HTML while rendering the component. This is the default mode.
+PREFORMATTED:: Content mode where the label contains preformatted text. It will be, by default,
+rendered with a fixed-width typewriter font. Preformatted text can contain line
+breaks, written in Java with the [literal]#++\n++# escape sequence for a newline
+character (ASCII 0x0a), or tabulator characters written with [literal]#++\t++#
+(ASCII 0x09).
+HTML:: Content mode where the label contains HTML.
+Please note the following security and validity warnings regarding the HTML
+content mode.
+.Cross-Site Scripting Warning
+Having [classname]#Label# in HTML content mode allows pure HTML content. If the
+content comes from user input, you should always carefully sanitize it to
+prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Please see
+User Input to Prevent Cross-Site Scripting">>.
+Also, the validity of the HTML content is not checked when rendering the
+component and any errors can result in an error in the browser. If the content
+comes from an uncertain source, you should always validate it before displaying
+it in the component.
+The following example demonstrates the use of [classname]#Label# in different
+[source, java]
+Label textLabel = new Label(
+ "Text where formatting characters, such as \\n, " +
+ "and HTML, such as <b>here</b>, are quoted.",
+ ContentMode.TEXT);
+Label preLabel = new Label(
+ "Preformatted text is shown in an HTML <pre> tag.\n" +
+ "Formatting such as\n" +
+ " * newlines\n" +
+ " * whitespace\n" +
+ "and such are preserved. HTML tags, \n"+
+ "such as <b>bold</b>, are quoted.",
+ ContentMode.PREFORMATTED);
+Label htmlLabel = new Label(
+ "In HTML mode, all HTML formatting tags, such as \n" +
+ "<ul>"+
+ " <li><b>bold</b></li>"+
+ " <li>itemized lists</li>"+
+ " <li>etc.</li>"+
+ "</ul> "+
+ "are preserved.",
+ ContentMode.HTML);
+See the[on-line example, window="_blank"].
+The rendering will look as shown in <<figure.components.label.content-mode>>.
+.Label Content Modes
+== Spacing with a [classname]#Label#
+You can use a [classname]#Label# to create vertical or horizontal space in a
+layout. If you need a empty "line" in a vertical layout, having just a label
+with empty text is not enough, as it will collapse to zero height. The same goes
+for a label with only whitespace as the label text. You need to use a
+non-breaking space character, either [literal]#++&nbsp;++# or
+[source, java]
+layout.addComponent(new Label("&nbsp;", ContentMode.HTML));
+Using the [parameter]#ContentMode.PREFORMATTED# mode has the same effect;
+preformatted spaces do not collapse in a vertical layout. In a
+[classname]#HorizontalLayout#, the width of a space character may be
+unpredictable if the label font is proportional, so you can use the preformatted
+mode to add em-width wide spaces.
+If you want a gap that has adjustable width or height, you can use an empty
+label if you specify a height or width for it. For example, to create vertical
+space in a [classname]#VerticalLayout#:
+[source, java]
+Label gap = new Label();
+You can make a flexible expanding spacer by having a relatively sized empty
+label with [literal]#++100%++# height or width and setting the label as
+expanding in the layout.
+[source, java]
+// A wide component bar
+HorizontalLayout horizontal = new HorizontalLayout();
+// Have a component before the gap (a collapsing cell)
+Button button1 = new Button("I'm on the left");
+// An expanding gap spacer
+Label expandingGap = new Label();
+horizontal.setExpandRatio(expandingGap, 1.0f);
+// A component after the gap (a collapsing cell)
+Button button2 = new Button("I'm on the right");
+== Data Binding
+While [classname]#Label# is not a field component, it is a
+[interfacename]#Property.Viewer# and can be bound to a property data source,
+described in
+You can specify the data source either in the constructor or by the
+[methodname]#setPropertyDataSource()# method.
+[source, java]
+// Some property
+ObjectProperty<String> property =
+ new ObjectProperty<String>("some value");
+// Label that is bound to the property
+Label label = new Label(property);
+See the[on-line example, window="_blank"].
+Further, as [classname]#Label# is a [interfacename]#Property#, you can edit its
+value with a property editor, such as a field:
+[source, java]
+Label label = new Label("some value");
+TextField editor = new TextField();
+See the[on-line example, window="_blank"].
+However, [classname]#Label# is __not__ a [interfacename]#Property.Editor#, so it
+is read-only when bound to a data source. Therefore, you can not use
+[methodname]#setValue()# to set the value of a connected data source through a
+[classname]#Label# nor bind the label to an editor field, in which case writes
+would be delegated through the label.
+== CSS Style Rules
+[source, css]
+.v-label { }
+ pre { } /* In PREFORMATTED content mode */
+The [classname]#Label# component has a [literal]#++v-label++# overall style. In
+the [parameter]#PREFORMATTED# content mode, the text is wrapped inside a
+[literal]#++<pre>++# element.