path: root/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
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diff --git a/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
index abeb652f92..864dbac5d6 100644
--- a/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
@@ -12,87 +12,153 @@ ifdef::web[]
image:{live-demo-image}[alt="Live Demo", link=""]
-The [classname]#Tree# component allows a natural way to represent data that has
-hierarchical relationships, such as filesystems or message threads. The
-[classname]#Tree# component in Vaadin works much like the tree components of
-most modern desktop user interface toolkits, for example in directory browsing.
+The [classname]#Tree# component allows a natural way to represent data that has hierarchical relationships.
+The user can drill down in the hierarchy by expanding items by clicking on the expand arrow, and likewise collapse items.
+[classname]#Tree# is a selection component that allows selecting items.
+It also supports drag and drop, so you can drag items to and from a tree, and drop them in the hierarchy.
-The typical use of the [classname]#Tree# component is for displaying a
-hierachical menu, like a menu on the left side of the screen, as in
-<<figure.components.tree>>, or for displaying filesystems or other hierarchical
-datasets. The [parameter]#menu# style makes the appearance of the tree more
-suitable for this purpose.
+A typical use of the [classname]#Tree# component is for displaying a hierarchical menu, as illustrated in <<figure.components.tree>>, or for displaying file systems or hierarchical datasets.
+.A [classname]#Tree# component as a menu
+image::img/tree-example1.png[width=25%, scaledwidth=50%]
+The data is managed in a container implementing the [interfacename]#Hierarchical# interface, such as [classname]#HierarchicalContainer# or [classname]#FilesystemContainer#.
+You can use [classname]#ContainerHierarchicalWrapper# to add hierarchical capability to any other container. [classname]#Tree# itself implements the interface and delegates operations to the underlying container.
[source, java]
-final Object[][] planets = new Object[][]{
- new Object[]{"Mercury"},
- new Object[]{"Venus"},
- new Object[]{"Earth", "The Moon"},
- new Object[]{"Mars", "Phobos", "Deimos"},
- new Object[]{"Jupiter", "Io", "Europa", "Ganymedes",
- "Callisto"},
- new Object[]{"Saturn", "Titan", "Tethys", "Dione",
- "Rhea", "Iapetus"},
- new Object[]{"Uranus", "Miranda", "Ariel", "Umbriel",
- "Titania", "Oberon"},
- new Object[]{"Neptune", "Triton", "Proteus", "Nereid",
- "Larissa"}};
-Tree tree = new Tree("The Planets and Major Moons");
-/* Add planets as root items in the tree. */
-for (int i=0; i<planets.length; i++) {
- String planet = (String) (planets[i][0]);
- tree.addItem(planet);
- if (planets[i].length == 1) {
- // The planet has no moons so make it a leaf.
- tree.setChildrenAllowed(planet, false);
- } else {
- // Add children (moons) under the planets.
- for (int j=1; j<planets[i].length; j++) {
- String moon = (String) planets[i][j];
- // Add the item as a regular item.
- tree.addItem(moon);
- // Set it to be a child.
- tree.setParent(moon, planet);
- // Make the moons look like leaves.
- tree.setChildrenAllowed(moon, false);
- }
- // Expand the subtree.
- tree.expandItemsRecursively(planet);
+// A menu tree
+Tree menu = new Tree();
+// Couple of childless root items
+menu.setChildrenAllowed("Mercury", false);
+menu.setChildrenAllowed("Venus", false);
+// An item with hierarchy
+menu.addItem("The Moon");
+menu.setChildrenAllowed("The Moon", false);
+menu.setParent("The Moon", "Earth");
+menu.expandItem("Earth"); // Expand programmatically
+The result was shown in <<figure.components.tree>> in a practical situation, with the [classname]`Tree` wrapped inside a [classname]`Panel`.
+[classname]`Tree` itself does not have scrollbar, but [classname]`Panel` can be used for the purpose.
+The caption of tree items is by default the item ID.
+You can define how the item captions are determined with [methodname]#setItemCaptionMode()#, as explained <<components-selection#components.selection.captions, "Selection Component Item Captions">>.
+== Handling Selection and Clicks
+[classname]#Tree# is a selection component, which are described in <<components-selection#components.selection, "Selection Components">>.
+You can thereby get or set the currently selected item by the value property of the tree, that is, with [methodname]#getValue()# and [methodname]#setValue()#.
+When the user selects an item, the tree will receive an [classname]#ValueChangeEvent#, which you can catch with a [classname]#ValueChangeListener#.
+[source, Java]
+// Handle selection changes
+menu.addValueChangeListener(event -> { // Java 8
+ if (event.getProperty() != null &&
+ event.getProperty().getValue() != null) {
+ location.setValue("The cat is in " +
+ event.getProperty().getValue());
+[classname]#Tree# is selectable by default; you can disallow selection with [methodname]#setSelectable(false)#.
+[classname]#Tree# also emits [classname]##ItemClickEvent##s when items are clicked.
+This way you can handle item clicks also when selection is not enabled or you want special user interaction specifically on clicks.
+[source, Java]
+ new ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener() {
+ public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) {
+ // Pick only left mouse clicks
+ if (event.getButton() == ItemClickEvent.BUTTON_LEFT)
+"Left click",
+ Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE);
+ }
+ });
-<<figure.components.tree>> below shows the tree from the code example in a
-practical situation.
+== Expanding and Collapsing Items
-.A [classname]#Tree# Component as a Menu
+An item can have children only if the [propertyname]#childrenAllowed# property is set as true.
+The expand indicator is shown when and only when the property is true.
+The property is defined in the container and can be set with [methodname]#setChildrenAllowed()#.
+Expanding an item fires an [classname]#Tree.ExpandEvent# and collapsing an [classname]#Tree.CollapseEvent#, which you can handle with respective listeners.
+[source, Java]
+tree.addExpandListener(new Tree.ExpandListener() {
+ public void nodeExpand(ExpandEvent event) {
+ }
+You can expand and collapse items programmatically with [methodname]#expandItem()# or [methodname]#expandItemRecursively()#.
+[source, Java]
+// Expand all items that can be
+for (Object itemId: tree.getItemIds())
+ tree.expandItem(itemId);
+TIP: [classname]#Tree# itself does not support lazy loading, which makes it impractical for huge hierarchies.
+You can implement one kind of lazy loading by adding items in an expand listener and removing them in a collapse listener.
+For more proper lazy loading, you can use [classname]#TreeTable# or hierarchical support extension for [classname]#Grid#.
+== CSS Style Rules
-You can read or set the currently selected item by the value property of the
-[classname]#Tree# component, that is, with [methodname]#getValue()# and
-[methodname]#setValue()#. When the user clicks an item on a tree, the tree will
-receive an [classname]#ValueChangeEvent#, which you can catch with a
-[classname]#ValueChangeListener#. To receive the event immediately after the
-click, you need to set the tree as [classname]#setImmediate(true)#.
+[source, css]
+.v-tree {}
+ .v-tree-node {} /* A node (item) */
+ .v-tree-node-caption {} /* Caption of the node */
+ .v-tree-node-children {} /* Contains child nodes */
+ .v-tree-node-root {} /* If node is a root node */
+ .v-tree-node-leaf {} /* If node has no children */
-The [classname]#Tree# component uses [classname]#Container# data sources much
-like the [classname]#Table# component, with the addition that it also utilizes
-hierarchy information maintained by a [classname]#HierarchicalContainer#. The
-contained items can be of any item type supported by the container. The default
-container and its [methodname]#addItem()# assume that the items are strings and
-the string value is used as the item ID.
+=== Generating Item Styles
+You can style each tree item individually by generating a style name for them with a [interfacename]#Tree.ItemStyleGenerator#, which you assign to a tree with [methodname]#setItemStyleGenerator()#.
+The generator should return a style name for each item or `null`.
+[source, Java]
+// Show all leaf nodes as disabled
+tree.setItemStyleGenerator(new Tree.ItemStyleGenerator() {
+ @Override
+ public String getStyle(Tree source, Object itemId) {
+ if (! tree.hasChildren(itemId))
+ return "disabled";
+ return null;
+ }
+The style names are prefixed with `v-tree-node-caption-`.
+You could thereby define the item styling as follows:
+[source, CSS]
+.v-tree-node-caption-disabled {
+ color: graytext;
+ font-style: italic;