path: root/documentation/components
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10 files changed, 221 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/components/chapter-components.asciidoc b/documentation/components/chapter-components.asciidoc
index e1093ba03e..e53752f26c 100644
--- a/documentation/components/chapter-components.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/components/chapter-components.asciidoc
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ include::components-grid.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
diff --git a/documentation/components/components-customcomponent.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-customcomponent.asciidoc
index 01679a3f9b..cf898ebf17 100644
--- a/documentation/components/components-customcomponent.asciidoc
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title: Composition with Composite and CustomComponent
-order: 32
+order: 33
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diff --git a/documentation/components/components-customfield.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-customfield.asciidoc
index a369f390a2..95f949da01 100644
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title: Composite Fields with CustomField
-order: 33
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index 84a7971500..1c1a6c90ae 100644
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title: Embedded Resources
-order: 34
+order: 35
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diff --git a/documentation/components/components-menubar.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-menubar.asciidoc
index 0c54196b87..a2c22b6b75 100644
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title: MenuBar
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index bc58fe6b19..c16411f420 100644
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title: PopupView
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diff --git a/documentation/components/components-progressbar.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-progressbar.asciidoc
index b6337ff3ad..54940799b3 100644
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title: ProgressBar
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title: Slider
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diff --git a/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-tree.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+title: Tree
+order: 26
+layout: page
+= Tree
+image:{live-demo-image}[alt="Live Demo", link=""]
+IMPORTANT: The [classname]#Tree# component is currently being developed and only available in the Framework 8.1 prerelease versions, starting from 8.1.0.beta1.
+== Overview
+The [classname]#Tree# component allows a natural way to represent data that has hierarchical relationships.
+The user can drill down in the hierarchy by expanding items by clicking on the expand arrow, and likewise collapse items.
+[classname]#Tree# is a selection component that allows selecting items.
+It also supports drag and drop, so you can drag items to and from a tree, and drop them in the hierarchy.
+A typical use of the [classname]#Tree# component is for displaying a hierarchical menu, as illustrated in <<figure.components.tree>>, or for displaying file systems or hierarchical datasets.
+.A [classname]#Tree# component
+image::img/tree-basic.png[width=70%, scaledwidth=100%]
+== Binding to Data
+[classname]#Tree# is used by binding it to a hierarchical data provider. The data provider can be based on in-memory or back end data. For in-memory data, the [classname]#InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider# can be used, and for loading data from a back end, you need to implement three methods from the [interfacename]#HierarchicalDataProvider# interface. Usage of both data providers is described in
+<<dummy/../../../framework/datamodel/datamodel-hierarchical.asciidoc#datamodel.hierarchical,"Hierarchical Data">>.
+The [classname]#HierarchyData# class can be used to build the hierarchical data structure,
+and it can then be passed on to [classname]#InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider#. It is simply a hierarchical
+collection, that the data provider uses to populate the [classname]#Tree#.
+The [methodname]#setItems# method in [classname]#Tree# can be used to set the root level items. Internally
+an [classname]#InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider# with [classname]#HierarchyData# is used.
+[source, java]
+// An initial planet tree
+Tree<String> tree = new Tree<>();
+HierarchyData<String> hierarchyData = new HierarchyData<>();
+// Couple of childless root items
+// Items with hierarchy
+hierarchyData.addItem("Earth","The Moon");
+inMemoryDataProvider = new InMemoryHierarchicalDataProvider<>(hierarchyData);
+tree.expand("Earth"); // Expand programmatically
+If at any time you want to modify
+the in-memory data in the tree, you may do it as follows:
+[source, java]
+// Add Mars with satellites
+hierarchyData.addItem(null, "Mars");
+hierarchyData.addItem("Mars", "Phobos");
+hierarchyData.addItem("Mars", "Deimos");
+The result was shown in <<figure.components.tree>>.
+The caption and the icon of tree items is generated by the [classname]#ItemCaptionGenerator# and the
+[classname]#IconGenerator#, set with [methodname]#setItemCaptionGenerator()# and [methodname]#setItemIconGenerator()# respectively.
+== Handling Selection and Clicks
+[classname]#Tree# supports single selection mode, you can use [methodname]#asSingleSelect()# to access the selection
+object, which supports selection listeners and data binding. For more details, see link:<<dummy/../../../framework/datamodel/datamodel-selection.asciidoc#datamodel.selection,"Selecting Items">>.
+The [classname]#Tree# also supports the shortcut method [methodname]#addSelectionListener()#.
+todo not implemented yet.
+[classname]#Tree# also emits [classname]##ItemClickEvent##s when items are clicked.
+This way you can handle item clicks also when selection is not enabled or you want special user interaction specifically on clicks.
+[source, Java]
+ new ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener() {
+ public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) {
+ // Pick only left mouse clicks
+ if (event.getButton() == ItemClickEvent.BUTTON_LEFT)
+"Left click",
+ Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE);
+ }
+ });
+== Expanding and Collapsing Nodes
+[classname]#Tree# nodes that have children can be expanded and collapsed by either user interaction or through the server-side API:
+[source, java]
+// Expands a child project. If the child project is not yet
+// in the visible hierarchy, nothing will be shown.
+// Expands the root project. If child project now becomes
+// visible it is also expanded into view.
+// Collapses the child project.
+To use the server-side API with a backend data provider the [methodname]#hashCode# and [methodname]#equals# methods for the node's type must be implemented so that when the desired node is retrieved from the backend it can be correctly matched with the object passed to either [methodname]#expand# or [methodname]#collapse#.
+The [classname]#Tree# component supports listening to the expansion and collapsing of items in its hierarchy.
+The expand and collapse listeners can be added as follows:
+[source, java]
+tree.addExpandListener(event -> log("Item expanded: " + event.getExpandedItem()));
+tree.addCollapseListener(event -> log("Item collapsed: " + event.getCollapsedItem()));
+The return types of the methods `getExpandedItem` and `getCollapsedItem` are the same as the type of the [classname]#Tree# the events originated from.
+Note that collapse listeners will not be triggered for any expanded subtrees of the collapsed item.
+todo not implemented yet
+== Prevent Node Collapsing
+[classname]#Tree# supports setting a callback method that can allow or prevent the user from collapsing an expanded node.
+It can be set with [methodname]#setItemCollapseAllowedProvider# method, that takes a [interfacename]#SerializablePredicate#.
+For nodes that cannot be collapsed, the [literal]#++collapse-disabled++# class name is applied to the expansion element
+Avoid doing any heavy operations in the method, since it is called for each item when it is being sent to the client.
+Example using a predefined set of persons that can not be collapsed:
+[source, java]
+Set<Person> alwaysExpanded;
+personTree.setItemCollapseAllowedProvider(person ->
+ !alwaysExpanded.contains(person));
+== Keyboard Navigation and Focus Handling in TreeGrid
+The user can navigate through rows with kbd:[Up] and kbd:[Down], collapse rows with kbd:[Left],
+and expand them with kbd:[Right].
+todo styling documentation
+== CSS Style Rules
+[source, css]
+.v-tree {}
+ .v-tree-node {} /* A node (item) */
+ .v-tree-node-caption {} /* Caption of the node */
+ .v-tree-node-children {} /* Contains child nodes */
+ .v-tree-node-root {} /* If node is a root node */
+ .v-tree-node-leaf {} /* If node has no children */
+=== Generating Item Styles
+You can style each tree item individually by generating a style name for them with a [interfacename]#Tree.ItemStyleGenerator#, which you assign to a tree with [methodname]#setItemStyleGenerator()#.
+The generator should return a style name for each item or `null`.
+[source, Java]
+// Show all leaf nodes as disabled
+tree.setItemStyleGenerator(new Tree.ItemStyleGenerator() {
+ @Override
+ public String getStyle(Tree source, Object itemId) {
+ if (! tree.hasChildren(itemId))
+ return "disabled";
+ return null;
+ }
+The style names are prefixed with `v-tree-node-caption-`.
+You could thereby define the item styling as follows:
+[source, CSS]
+.v-tree-node-caption-disabled {
+ color: graytext;
+ font-style: italic;
+//// \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documentation/components/components-upload.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-upload.asciidoc
index cde631d148..cb26663c7b 100644
--- a/documentation/components/components-upload.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/components/components-upload.asciidoc
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title: Upload
-order: 27
+order: 28
layout: page