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+== Getting Started with Vaadin
+This chapter gives practical instructions for installing the recommended
+toolchain, the Vaadin libraries and its dependencies, and creating a new Vaadin
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+title: Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse
+order: 4
+layout: page
+= Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse
+If you are using the Eclipse IDE, using the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse helps
+greatly. The plugin includes wizards for creating new Vaadin-based projects,
+themes, and client-side widgets and widget sets. Notice that you can also create
+Vaadin projects as Maven projects in Eclipse.
+== Installing the Vaadin Plugin
+You can install the plugin as follows:
+. Select "Help > Install New Software...".
+. Add the Vaadin plugin update site by clicking [guibutton]#Add...# button.
+Enter a name such as "Vaadin Update Site" and the URL of the update site:
+http://vaadin.com/eclipse. If you want or need to use the latest unstable
+plugin, which is usually more compatible with development and beta releases of
+Vaadin, you can use http://vaadin.com/eclipse/experimental and give it a
+distinctive name such as "Vaadin Experimental Site". Then click [guibutton]#OK#.
+The Vaadin site should now appear in the [guilabel]#Available Software# window.
+. Currently, if using the stable plugin, the [guilabel]#Group items by category# should be enabled. If using the experimental plugin, it should be disabled. This may change in future.
+. Select all the Vaadin plugins in the tree.
+Then, click [guibutton]#Next#.
+. Review the installation details and click [guibutton]#Next#.
+. Accept or unaccept the license. Finally, click [guibutton]#Finish#.
+. After the plugin is installed, Eclipse will ask to restart itself. Click
+More installation instructions for the Eclipse plugin can be found at
+== Updating the Plugins
+If you have automatic updates enabled in Eclipse (see "Window > Preferences >
+Install/Update > Automatic Updates"), the Vaadin plugin will be updated
+automatically along with other plugins. Otherwise, you can update the Vaadin
+plugin manually as follows:
+. Select "Help > Check for Updates". Eclipse will contact the update sites of the
+installed software.
+. After the updates are installed, Eclipse will ask to restart itself. Click
+Notice that updating the Vaadin plugin updates only the plugin and __not__ the
+Vaadin libraries, which are project specific. See below for instructions for
+updating the libraries.
+== Updating the Vaadin Libraries
+Updating the Vaadin plugin does not update Vaadin libraries. The libraries are
+project specific, as a different version might be required for different
+projects, so you have to update them separately for each project.
+. Open the [filename]#ivy.xml# in an editor in Eclipse.
+. Edit the entity definition at the beginning of the file to set the Vaadin
+<!ENTITY vaadin.version "**7.x.x**">
+You can specify either a fixed version number, as shown in the above example, or
+a dynamic revision tag such as [literal]#++latest.release++#. You can find more
+information about the dependency declarations in Ivy documentation.
+. Right-click the project and select "Ivy > Resolve".
+Updating the libraries can take several minutes. You can see the progress in the
+Eclipse status bar. You can get more details about the progress by clicking the
+. If you have compiled the widget set for your project, recompile it by clicking
+the [guibutton]#Compile Vaadin widgets# button in Eclipse toolbar.
+. Stop the integrated Tomcat (or other server) in Eclipse, clear its caches by
+right-clicking the server and selecting Clean as well as Clean Tomcat Work
+Directory, and restart it.
+If you experience problems after updating the libraries, you can try clearing
+the Ivy resolution caches by right-clicking the project and selecting "Ivy >
+Clean all caches". Then, do the "Ivy > Resolve" and other tasks again.
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+title: Setting up the Development Environment
+order: 2
+layout: page
+= Setting up the Development Environment
+This section guides you step-by-step in setting up a reference development
+environment. Vaadin supports a wide variety of tools, so you can use any IDE for
+writing the code, almost any Java web server for deploying the application, most
+web browsers for using it, and any operating system platform supported by Java.
+In this example, we use the following toolchain:
+* Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X
+* link:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html[Oracle Java SE 8] (Java 6 or newer is required)
+* link:http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/[Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers]
+* link:http://tomcat.apache.org/[Apache Tomcat 8.0 (Core)]
+* link:http://www.getfirefox.com/[Mozilla Firefox] browser
+* link:http://www.getfirebug.com/[Firebug] debug tool (optional)
+* link:http://vaadin.com/download/[Vaadin Framework]
+The above reference toolchain is a good choice of tools, but you can use almost
+any tools you are comfortable with.
+We recommend using Java 8 for Vaadin development, but you need to make sure that
+your entire toolchain supports it. A server supporting Servlet 3.0 is
+recommended. It is required for using Vaadin CDI, for which also a CDI container
+is required, a standard feature in Java EE 6 or newer servers. It is also
+required by the Vaadin Spring add-on. Server push can benefit from using
+communication modes, such as WebSocket, enabled by features in some latest
+servers. For Java EE containers, at least Wildfly, Glassfish, and Apache TomEE
+Web Profile are recommended.
+.Development Toolchain and Process
+<<figure.toolchain>> illustrates the development toolchain. You develop your
+application as an Eclipse project. The project must include, in addition to your
+source code, the Vaadin libraries. It can also include project-specific themes.
+You need to compile and deploy a project to a web container before you can use
+it. You can deploy a project through the Web Tools Platform (WTP) for Eclipse
+(included in the Eclipse EE package), which allows automatic deployment of web
+applications from Eclipse. You can also deploy a project manually, by creating a
+web application archive (WAR) and deploying it to the web container.
+== Installing Java SDK
+Java SDK is required by Vaadin and also by the Eclipse IDE. Vaadin is compatible
+with Java 1.6 and later editions. Java EE 7 is required for proper server push
+support with WebSockets.
+=== Windows
+. Download Oracle Java SE 8.0 from
+. Install the Java SDK by running the installer. The default options are fine.
+=== Linux / UNIX
+Most Linux systems either have JDK preinstalled or allow installing it through a
+package management system. Notice however that they have OpenJDK as the default
+Java implementation. While it is known to have worked with Vaadin and possibly
+also with the development toolchain, we do not especially support it.
+Regarding OS X, notice that JDK 1.6 or newer is included in OS X 10.6 and newer.
+. Download Oracle Java SE 8.0 from
+. Decompress it under a suitable base directory, such as [filename]#/opt#. For
+example, for Java SDK, enter (either as root or with [command]#sudo# in Linux):
+[prompt]#+++#+++# [command]#cd# [replaceable]#/opt#
+[prompt]#+++#+++# [command]#sh# [replaceable]#(path-to-installation-package)/jdk-8u20-linux-x64.bin#
+and follow the instructions in the installer.
+. Set up the [literal]#++JAVA_HOME++# environment variable to point to the Java
+installation directory. Also, include the [literal]#++$JAVA_HOME/bin++# in the
+[literal]#++PATH++#. How you do that varies by the UNIX variant. For example, in
+Linux and using the Bash shell, you would add lines such as the following to the
+[filename]#.bashrc# or [filename]#.profile# script in your home directory:
+export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_20
+export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin
+You could also make the setting system-wide in a file such as
+[filename]#/etc/bash.bashrc#, [filename]#/etc/profile#, or an equivalent file.
+If you install Apache Ant or Maven, you may also want to set up those in the
+Settings done in a [filename]#bashrc# file require that you open a new shell
+window. Settings done in a [filename]#profile# file require that you log in into
+the system. You can, of course, also give the commands in the current shell.
+== Installing Eclipse IDE
+=== Windows
+. Download the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from
+. Decompress the Eclipse IDE package to a suitable directory. You are free to
+select any directory and to use any ZIP decompressor, but in this example we
+decompress the ZIP file by just double-clicking it and selecting "Extract all
+files" task from Windows compressed folder task. In our installation example, we
+use [filename]#C:\dev# as the target directory.
+Eclipse is now installed in [filename]#C:\dev\eclipse# and can be started from
+there (by double clicking eclipse.exe).
+=== Linux / OS X / UNIX
+We recommend that you install Eclipse manually in Linux and other UNIX variants
+as follows.
+. Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from
+. Decompress the Eclipse package into a suitable base directory. It is important
+to make sure that there is no old Eclipse installation in the target directory.
+Installing a new version on top of an old one probably renders Eclipse unusable.
+. Eclipse should normally be installed as a regular user, as this makes
+installation of plugins easier. Eclipse also stores some user settings in the
+installation directory. To install the package, enter:
+[prompt]#$# [command]#tar# zxf [replaceable]#(path-to-installation-package)/eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz#
+This will extract the package to a subdirectory with the name
+. If you wish to enable starting Eclipse from command-line, you need to add the
+Eclipse installation directory to your system or user PATH, or make a symbolic
+link or script to point to the executable.
+An alternative to the above procedure would be to use an Eclipse version
+available through the package management system of your operating system. It is,
+however, __not recommended__, because you will need write access to the Eclipse
+installation directory to install Eclipse plugins, and you may face
+incompatibility issues with Eclipse plugins installed by the package management
+of the operating system.
+== Installing Apache Tomcat
+Apache Tomcat is a lightweight Java web server suitable for both development and
+production. There are many ways to install it, but here we simply decompress the
+installation package.
+__Apache Tomcat should be installed with user permissions.__ During development,
+you will be running Eclipse or some other IDE with user permissions, but
+deploying web applications to a Tomcat server that is installed system-wide
+requires administrator or root permissions.
+. Download the installation package:
+Apache Tomcat 8.0 (Core Binary Distribution) from http://tomcat.apache.org/
+. Decompress Apache Tomcat package to a suitable target directory, such as
+[filename]#C:\dev# (Windows) or [filename]#/opt# (Linux or Mac OS X). The Apache
+Tomcat home directory will be [filename]#C:\dev\apache-tomcat-8.0.x# or
+[filename]#/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.x#, respectively.
+== Firefox and Firebug
+Vaadin supports many web browsers and you can use any of them for development.
+If you plan to create a custom theme, customized layouts, or create new
+components, we recommend that you use either Firefox together with Firebug or
+Google Chrome, which has built-in developer tools similar to Firebug.
+=== Using Firebug with Vaadin
+After installing Firefox, use it to open
+link:http://www.getfirebug.com/[http://www.getfirebug.com/]. Follow the
+instructions on the site to install the latest stable version of Firebug
+available for the browser. You may need to allow Firefox to install the plugin
+by clicking the yellow warning bar at the top of the browser window.
+After Firebug is installed, it can be enabled at any time from the Firefox
+toolbar. <<figure.firebug.calc>> shows Firebug in action.
+.Firebug Debugger for Firefox
+The most important feature in Firebug is inspecting HTML elements. Right-click
+on an element and select [guilabel]#Inspect Element with Firebug# to inspect it.
+In addition to HTML tree, it also shows the CSS rules matching the element,
+which you can use for building themes. You can even edit the CSS styles live, to
+experiment with styling.
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+title: Creating and Running a Project with Eclipse
+order: 5
+layout: page
+= Creating and Running a Project with Eclipse
+This section gives instructions for creating a new Eclipse project using the
+Vaadin Plugin. The task will include the following steps:
+. Create a new project
+. Write the source code
+. Configure and start Tomcat (or some other web server)
+. Open a web browser to use the web application
+We also show how you can debug the application in the debug mode in Eclipse.
+This walkthrough assumes that you have already installed the Vaadin Plugin for
+Eclipse and set up your development environment, as instructed in
+up the Development Environment">>.
+== Creating the Project
+Let us create the first application project with the tools installed in the
+previous section. First, launch Eclipse and follow the following steps:
+. Start creating a new project by selecting from the menu "File > New > Project...".
+. In the [guilabel]#New Project# window that opens, select "Vaadin > Vaadin 7
+Project" and click [guibutton]#Next#.
+. In the [guilabel]#Vaadin Project# step, you need to set the basic web project
+settings. You need to give at least the __project name__ and the runtime; the
+default values should be good for the other settings.
+[guilabel]#Project name#:: Give the project a name. The name should be a valid identifier usable
+cross-platform as a filename and inside a URL, so using only lower-case
+alphanumerics, underscore, and minus sign is recommended.
+[guilabel]#Use default location#:: Define the directory under which the project is created. The default is under
+your workspace folder, and you should normally leave it as it is. You may need
+to set the directory, for example, if you are creating an Eclipse project on top
+of a version-controlled source tree.
+[guilabel]#Target runtime#:: Define the application server to use for deploying the application. The server
+that you have installed, for example Apache Tomcat, should be selected
+automatically. If not, click [guibutton]#New# to configure a new server under
+[guilabel]#Configuration#:: Select the configuration to use; you should normally use the default
+configuration for the application server. If you need to modify the project
+facets, click [guibutton]#Modify#. The recommended Servlet 3.0 configuration
+uses the @WebServlet deployment, while Servlet 2.4 uses the old
+[filename]#web.xml# deployment.
+[guilabel]#Deployment configuration#:: This setting defines the environment to which the application will be deployed,
+to generate the appropriate project directory layout and configuration files.
+The choises are:
+*** [guilabel]#Servlet# (default)
+*** [guilabel]#Google App Engine Servlet#
+*** [guilabel]#Generic Portlet (Portlet 2.0)#
+The further steps in the New Project Wizard depend on the selected deployment
+configuration; the steps listed in this section are for the default servlet
+See <<dummy/../../../framework/advanced/advanced-gae#advanced.gae,"Google App
+Engine Integration">> and
+Integration">> for instructions regarding the use of Vaadin in the alternative
+[guilabel]#Vaadin version#:: Select the Vaadin version to use. The drop-down list shows, by default, the
+latest available version of Vaadin. The selection includes nightly
+[literal]#++SNAPSHOT++# builds, if you want to keep up with the absolutely
+latest unstable versions.
+You can change the version later in the [filename]#ivy.xml#.
+[guilabel]#Create TestBench test#:: When enabled, the application stub will include a test case for testing the UI
+with Vaadin TestBench, as described in
+TestBench">>. Vaadin TestBench API library will be included in
+[filename]#ivy.xml# as a dependency. Vaadin version 7.3 or later is required to
+create the stub.
+You can click [guibutton]#Finish# here to use the defaults for the rest of the
+settings, or click [guibutton]#Next#.
+. The settings in the [guilabel]#Web Module# step define the basic web application
+(WAR) deployment settings and the structure of the web application project. All
+the settings are pre-filled, and you should normally accept them as they are.
+[guilabel]#Context Root#:: The context root (of the application) identifies the application in the URL used
+for accessing it. For example, if the project has a [literal]#++myproject++#
+context and a single UI at the context root, the URL would be
+http://example.com/myproject. The wizard will suggest the project name given in
+the first step as the context name. You can change the context root later in the
+Eclipse project properties.
+[guilabel]#Content Directory#:: The directory containing all the content to be included in the web application
+(WAR) that is deployed to the web server. The directory is relative to the root
+directory of the project.
+You can just accept the defaults and click [guibutton]#Next#.
+. The [guilabel]#Vaadin project# step page has various Vaadin-specific application
+settings. If you are trying out Vaadin for the first time, you should not need
+to change anything. You can set most of the settings afterwards, except the
+creation of the portlet configuration.
+[guilabel]#Create project template#:: Make the wizard create an UI class stub.
+[guilabel]#Application Name#:: A name for the application UI, shown in the title bar of the browser window.
+[guilabel]#Base package name#:: The name of the Java package under which the UI class of the application is to
+be placed.
+[guilabel]#Application/UI class name#:: The name of the UI class for the application, in which the user interface is
+[guilabel]#Portlet version#:: When a portlet version is selected (only Portlet 2.0 is supported), the wizard
+will create the files needed for running the application in a portal. See
+Integration">> for more information on portlets.
+Finally, click [guibutton]#Finish# to create the project.
+== Exploring the Project
+After the [guilabel]#New Project# wizard exits, it has done all the work for
+you: an UI class skeleton has been written to [filename]#src# directory and the
+[filename]#WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml# contains a deployment descriptor. The
+project hierarchy shown in the Project Explorer is shown in
+.A New Vaadin Project
+The Vaadin libraries and other dependencies are managed by Ivy. Notice that the
+libraries are not stored under the project folder, even though they are listed
+in the "Java Resources > Libraries > ivy.xml" virtual folder.
+=== The UI Class
+The UI class created by the plugin contains the following code:
+[source, java]
+package com.example.myproject;
+import com.vaadin.ui.UI;
+public class MyprojectUI extends UI {
+ @WebServlet(value = "/*", asyncSupported = true)
+ @VaadinServletConfiguration(
+ productionMode = false,
+ ui = MyprojectUI.class)
+ public static class Servlet extends VaadinServlet {
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
+ final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
+ layout.setMargin(true);
+ setContent(layout);
+ Button button = new Button("Click Me");
+ button.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ layout.addComponent(
+ new Label("Thank you for clicking"));
+ }
+ });
+ layout.addComponent(button);
+ }
+In a Servlet 3.0 project, the deployment is configured with servlet class and a
+[literal]#++@WebServlet++# annotation. The stub includes the servlet class as a
+static inner class. You may want to refactor it to a separate normal class.
+In a Servlet 2.3 project, you would have a [filename]#web.xml# deployment
+For a more detailed treatment of the deployment, see
+a web.xml Deployment Descriptor">>.
+== Coding Tips for Eclipse
+One of the most useful features in Eclipse is __code completion__. Pressing
+CtrlSpace in the editor will display a popup list of possible class name and
+method name completions, as shown in
+<<figure.getting-started.first-project.coding.codecompletion>>, depending on the
+context of the cursor position.
+.Java Code Completion in Eclipse
+To add an [literal]#++import++# statement for a class, such as
+[classname]#Button#, simply press CtrlShiftO or click the red error indicator on
+the left side of the editor window. If the class is available in multiple
+packages, a list of the alternatives is displayed, as shown in
+<<figure.getting-started.first-project.coding.import>>. For server-side
+development, you should normally use the classes under the
+[package]#com.vaadin.ui# or [package]#com.vaadin.server# packages. You can not
+use client-side classes (under [package]#com.vaadin.client#) or GWT classes for
+server-side development.
+.Importing Classes Automatically
+== Setting Up and Starting the Web Server
+Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers has the Web Standard Tools package installed,
+which supports control of various web servers and automatic deployment of web
+content to the server when changes are made to a project.
+Make sure that Tomcat was installed with user permissions. Configuration of the
+web server in Eclipse will fail if the user does not have write permissions to
+the configuration and deployment directories under the Tomcat installation
+Follow the following steps.
+. Switch to the Servers tab in the lower panel in Eclipse. List of servers should be empty after Eclipse is installed. Right-click on the empty area in the panel and select "New > Server". +
+. Select "Apache > Tomcat v7.0 Server" and set [guilabel]#Server's host name# as [literal]#++localhost++#, which should be the default. If you have only one Tomcat installed, [guilabel]#Server runtime# has only one choice. Click [guibutton]#Next#. +
+. Add your project to the server by selecting it on the left and clicking [guibutton]#Add# to add it to the configured projects on the right. Click [guibutton]#Finish#. +
+. The server and the project are now installed in Eclipse and are shown in the [guilabel]#Servers# tab. To start the server, right-click on the server and select Debug. To start the server in non-debug mode, select Start. +
+. The server starts and the WebContent directory of the project is published to the server on http://localhost:8080/myproject/. +
+== Running and Debugging
+Starting your application is as easy as selecting [guilabel]#myproject# from the
+[guilabel]#Project Explorer# and then "Run > Debug As > Debug on Server".
+Eclipse then opens the application in built-in web browser.
+.Running a Vaadin Application
+You can insert break points in the Java code by double-clicking on the left
+margin bar of the source code window. For example, if you insert a breakpoint in
+the [methodname]#buttonClick()# method and click the [guibutton]#What is the
+time?# button, Eclipse will ask to switch to the Debug perspective. Debug
+perspective will show where the execution stopped at the breakpoint. You can
+examine and change the state of the application. To continue execution, select
+Resume from Run menu.
+.Debugging a Vaadin Application
+Above, we described how to debug a server-side application. Debugging
+client-side applications and widgets is described in
+Client-Side Code">>.
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+title: Creating a Project with IntelliJ IDEA
+order: 8
+layout: page
+= Creating a Project with IntelliJ IDEA
+The Ultimate Edition of IntelliJ IDEA includes support for creating Vaadin
+applications and running or debugging them in an integrated application server.
+With the Community Edition, you can create a Vaadin application most easily with
+a Maven archetype and deploy it to a server with a Maven run/debug
+For more information, see the article "
+a simple Web application and deploying it to Tomcat]" in the IntelliJ IDEA
+Encyclopedia wiki.
+== Configuring an Application Server
+To run the application during development in the Ultimate Edition of IntelliJ
+IDEA, you first need to install and configure an application server that is
+integrated with the IDE. The edition includes integration with many commonly
+used application servers.
+In the following, we configure Apache Tomcat:
+. Download and extract Tomcat installation package to a local directory, as
+instructed in
+Apache Tomcat">>.
+. Select "Configure > Settings".
+. Select "IDE Settings > Application Servers".
+. Select "+ > Tomcat Server" to add a Tomcat server, or any of the other supported
+servers. A WebSocket-enabled server, such as Glassfish or TomEE, is required for
+server push.
+. In the Tomcat Server dialog, specify the home directory for the server.
+Click [guibutton]#OK#.
+. Review the application server settings page to check that it is OK.
+Then, click [guibutton]#OK#.
+== Creating a Vaadin Web Application Project
+In the welcome page, do the following:
+. Download and exctract the Vaadin installation package to a local folder, as
+instructed in
+Installation Package">>.
+. Select [menuchoice]#New Project#
+. In the [guilabel]#New Project# window, select [menuchoice]#Java#
+. Enter a [guilabel]#Project name# and [guilabel]#Project location#, and select
+the [guilabel]#Java SDK# to be used for the project. Vaadin requires at least
+Java 6. If you have not configured a Java SDK previously, you can configure it
+Click [guibutton]#Next#.
+. Select "Web Application > Vaadin" to add Vaadin technology to the project.
+. Select Vaadin [guilabel]#Version# and [guilabel]#Distribution# installation
+path. You probably also want an application stub, so select [guilabel]#Create
+sample application# and give a name for the generated UI class.
+Do __not__ click [guibutton]#Finish# yet.
+. Select [guilabel]#Application Server# in the same window. Set it as an
+integrated server that you have configured in IntelliJ IDEA, as described
+previously in <<getting-started.idea.server>>.
+. Click [guibutton]#Finish#.
+The project is created with the UI class stub and a [filename]#web.xml#
+deployment descriptor.
+The wizard does not currently create a servlet class automatically, and uses
+Servlet 2.4 compatible deployment with a [filename]#web.xml# deployment
+=== Deploying the Project
+To deploy the application to the integrated web server, right-click the
+[filename]#index.jsp# file in the project and select [menuchoice]#Run
+'index.jsp'#. This starts the integrated server, if it was not already running,
+and launches the default browser with the application page.
+== Creating a Maven Project
+You can choose to create a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA. This is the
+recommended way when using the Community Edition. You will not have the
+application server integration, but can deploy the application to an application
+server using a run/debug configuration.
+. Select [menuchoice]#New Project#
+. In the [guilabel]#New Project# window, select [menuchoice]#Maven#
+//&lt;?dbfo-need height="8cm" ?&gt;
+. Enter a project name, location, and the Java SDK to be used for the project.
+Vaadin requires at least Java 6. Click [guibutton]#Next#.
+//&lt;?dbfo-need height="6cm" ?&gt;
+. Give a Maven [guilabel]#GroupID#, [guilabel]#ArtifactID#, and a
+[guilabel]#Version# for the project, or use the defaults.
+. Check [guilabel]#Create from archetype#
+//&lt;?dbfo-need height="6cm" ?&gt;
+. If the Vaadin archetype is not in the list, click [guibutton]#Add archetype#,
+enter [guilabel]#GroupId# [literal]#++com.vaadin++#, [guilabel]#ArtifactId#
+[literal]#++vaadin-archetype-application++#, and [guilabel]#Version#
+[literal]#++LATEST++# (or a specific version number).
+Click [guibutton]#OK# in the dialog.
+//&lt;?dbfo-need height="8cm" ?&gt;
+. Select the [literal]#++com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-application++#.
+Click [guibutton]#Next#.
+//&lt;?dbfo-need height="8cm" ?&gt;
+. Review the general Maven settings and settings for the new project. You may need
+to override the settings, especially if you are creating a Maven project for the
+first time. Click [guibutton]#Finish#.
+Creating the Maven project takes some time as Maven fetches the dependencies.
+Once done, the project is created and the Maven POM is opened in the editor.
+=== Compiling the Project
+To compile a Vaadin application using Maven, you can define a run/debug
+configuration to execute a goal such as [literal]#++package++# to build the
+deployable WAR package. It will also compile the widget set and theme, if
+necessary. See
+and Running the Application">> for more details.
+Compilation is included in the following instructions for deploying the
+=== Deploying to a Server
+There exists Maven plugins for deploying to various application servers. For
+example, to deploy to Apache Tomcat, you can to configure the
+[literal]#++tomcat-maven-plugin++# and then execute the
+[literal]#++tomcat:deploy++# goal. See the documentation of the plugin that you
+use for more details. If no Maven plugin exists for a particular server, you can
+always use some lower-level method to deploy the application, such as running an
+Ant task.
+In the following, we create a run/debug configuration to build, deploy, and
+launch a Vaadin Maven application on the light-weight Jetty web server.
+. Select "Run > Edit Configurations".
+. Select "+ > Maven" to create a new Maven run/debug configuration.
+. Enter a [guilabel]#Name# for the run configuration. For the [guilabel]#Command
+line#, enter " [literal]#++package jetty:run++# to first compile and package the
+project, and then launch Jetty to run it.
+Click [guibutton]#OK#.
+. Select the run configuration in the toolbar and click the [guibutton]#Run#
+button beside it.
+Compiling the project takes some time on the first time, as it compiles the
+widget set and theme. Once the run console pane informs that Jetty Server has
+been started, you can open the browser at the default URL
diff --git a/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-libraries.asciidoc b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-libraries.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..013a4f445c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-libraries.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+title: Overview of Vaadin Libraries
+order: 3
+layout: page
+= Overview of Vaadin Libraries
+Vaadin comes as a set of library JARs, of which some are optional or alternative
+ones, depending on whether you are developing server-side or client-side
+applications, whether you use add-on components, or use CSS or Sass themes.
+[filename]#vaadin-server-7.x.x.jar#:: The main library for developing server-side Vaadin applications, as described in
+a Server-Side Web Application">>. It requires the [filename]#vaadin-shared# and
+the [filename]#vaadin-themes# libraries. You can use the prebuilt
+[filename]#vaadin-client-compiled# for server-side development, unless you need
+add-on components or custom widgets.
+[filename]#vaadin-shared-7.x.x.jar#:: A shared library for server-side and client-side development. It is always
+[filename]#vaadin-client-7.x.x.jar#:: The client-side Vaadin framework, including the basic GWT API and
+Vaadin-specific widgets and other additions. It is required when using the
+[filename]#vaadin-client-compiler# to compile client-side modules. It is not
+needed if you just use the server-side framework with the precompiled
+Client-Side Engine. You should not deploy it with a web application.
+[filename]#vaadin-client-compiler-7.x.x.jar#:: The Vaadin Client Compiler is a Java-to-JavaScript compiler that allows building
+client-side modules, such as the Client-Side Engine (widget set) required for
+server-side applications. The compiler is needed, for example, for compiling
+add-on components to the application widget set, as described in
+Vaadin Add-ons">>.
+//TODO There's a need for such
+For detailed information regarding the compiler, see
+a Client-Side Module">>. Note that you should not deploy this library with a web
+[filename]#vaadin-client-compiled-7.x.x.jar#:: A precompiled Vaadin Client-Side Engine (widget set) that includes all the basic
+built-in widgets in Vaadin. This library is not needed if you compile the
+application widget set with the Vaadin Client Compiler.
+[filename]#vaadin-themes-7.x.x.jar#:: Vaadin built-in themes both as SCSS source files and precompiled CSS files. The
+library is required both for basic use with CSS themes and for compiling custom
+Sass themes.
+[filename]#vaadin-sass-compiler-1.x.x.jar#:: The Vaadin Sass Compiler compiles Sass themes to CSS, as described in
+<<dummy/../../../framework/themes/themes-sass#themes.sass,"Syntactically Awesome
+Stylesheets (Sass)">>. It requires the [filename]#vaadin-themes-7.x.x.jar#
+library, which contains the Sass sources for the built-in themes. The library
+needs to be included in deployment in development mode to allow on-the-fly
+compilation of themes, but it is not needed in production deployment, when the
+themes are compiled before deployment.
+Some of the libraries depend on each other as well as on the dependency
+libraries provided in the [filename]#lib# folder of the installation package,
+especially the [filename]#lib/vaadin-shared-deps.jar#.
+The different ways to install the libraries are described in the subsequent
+Note that the [filename]#vaadin-client-compiler# and [filename]#vaadin-client#
+JARs should not be deployed with the web application by including them in
+[filename]#WEB-INF/lib#. Some other libraries, such as
+[filename]#vaadin-sass-compiler#, are not needed in production deployment.
diff --git a/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-maven.asciidoc b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-maven.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3914e973aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-maven.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+title: Using Vaadin with Maven
+order: 6
+layout: page
+= Using Vaadin with Maven
+((("Maven", "creating a project", id="term.maven.creating", range="startofrange")))
+Maven is a commonly used build and dependency management system. The Vaadin core
+library and all Vaadin add-ons are available through Maven. You can use a Maven
+with a front-end from Eclipse or NetBeans, or by using the command-line as
+described in this section.
+In addition to regular Maven, you can use any Maven-compatible build or
+dependency management system, such as Ivy or Gradle. For Gradle, see the
+link:https://github.com/johndevs/gradle-vaadin-plugin[Gradle Vaadin Plugin].
+Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse uses Ivy for resolving dependencies in Vaadin
+projects, and it should provide you with the basic Ivy configuration.
+== Working from Command-Line
+You can create a new Maven project with the following command (given in one
+[prompt]#$# [command]#mvn# archetype:generate \
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin \
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=[parameter]#vaadin-archetype-application# \
+ -DarchetypeVersion=[replaceable]#7.x.x# \
+ -DgroupId=[replaceable]#your.company# \
+ -DartifactId=[replaceable]#project-name# \
+ -Dversion=[replaceable]#0.1# \
+ -Dpackaging=war
+The parameters are as follows:
+[parameter]#archetypeGroupId#:: The group ID of the archetype is [literal]#++com.vaadin++# for Vaadin
+[parameter]#archetypeArtifactId#:: The archetype ID. Vaadin 7 currently supports
+[literal]#++vaadin-archetype-application++# archetype for server-side
+applications and [literal]#++vaadin-archetype-widget++# for client-side widget
+development projects.
+//TODO Vaadin 7: Not all these archetypes are supported
+&lt;itemizedlist&gt; &lt;listitem&gt; &lt;literal&gt;vaadin-archetype-clean&lt;/literal&gt; is a new project with a barebone skeleton for a regular Vaadin application. The &lt;filename&gt;pom.xml&lt;/filename&gt; includes out-commented definitions for additional widgets. &lt;/listitem&gt; &lt;/itemizedlist&gt; &lt;itemizedlist&gt; &lt;listitem&gt; &lt;literal&gt;vaadin-archetype-widget&lt;/literal&gt; is a skeleton for a project with custom widgets. &lt;/listitem&gt; &lt;/itemizedlist&gt; &lt;itemizedlist&gt; &lt;listitem&gt; &lt;literal&gt;vaadin-archetype-sample&lt;/literal&gt; is also for a project with custom widgets, but the skeleton includes the Color Picker example used in &lt;xref linkend="gwt"/&gt;. &lt;/listitem&gt; &lt;/itemizedlist&gt; &lt;itemizedlist&gt; &lt;listitem&gt; &lt;literal&gt;vaadin-archetype-addon&lt;/literal&gt; is for Vaadin add-on projects. It packages the add-on so that it can be published in Vaadin Directory. The archetype is for server-side add-ons and does not include definitions needed for building a widget set. If your add-on includes or requires other than the widgets in the Vaadin core library, you need to copy the required definitions from a POM of a &lt;literal&gt;vaadin-archetype-clean&lt;/literal&gt; project. &lt;/listitem&gt; &lt;/itemizedlist&gt; &lt;itemizedlist&gt; &lt;listitem&gt; &lt;literal&gt;vaadin-archetype-touchkit&lt;/literal&gt; is for projects using Vaadin TouchKit, described in &lt;xref linkend="mobile"/&gt;. Notice that this archetype uses the AGPL-licensed version of TouchKit, which requires that your project must also be licensed under the AGPL license. &lt;/listitem&gt; &lt;/itemizedlist&gt;
+[parameter]#archetypeVersion#:: Version of the archetype to use. This should be [literal]#++LATEST++# for normal
+Vaadin releases. For prerelease versions it should be the exact version number,
+such as [literal]#++7.5.3++#.
+[parameter]#groupId#:: A Maven group ID for your project. It is normally your organization domain name
+in reverse order, such as com.example. The group ID is also used as a prefix for
+the Java package in the sources, so it should be Java compatible - only
+alphanumerics and an underscore.
+[parameter]#artifactId#:: Identifier of the artifact, that is, your project. The identifier may contain
+alphanumerics, minus, and underscore. It is appended to the group ID to obtain
+the Java package name for the sources. For example, if the group ID is
+com.example and artifact ID is myproject, the project sources would be placed in
+com.example.myproject package.
+[parameter]#version#:: Initial version number of your application. The number must obey the Maven
+version numbering format.
+[parameter]#packaging#:: How will the project be packaged. It is normally [literal]#++war++#.
+Creating a project can take a while as Maven fetches all the dependencies. The
+created project structure is shown in
+.A New Vaadin Project with Maven
+== Compiling and Running the Application
+((("Maven", "compiling", id="term.maven.compiling", range="startofrange")))
+Before the application can be deployed, it must be compiled and packaged as a
+WAR package. You can do this with the [literal]#++package++# goal as follows:
+[prompt]#$# [command]#mvn# package
+The location of the resulting WAR package should be displayed in the command
+output. You can then deploy it to your favorite application server.
+The easiest way to run Vaadin applications with Maven is to use the light-weight
+Jetty web server. After compiling the package, all you need to do is type:
+[prompt]#$# [command]#mvn# jetty:run
+The special goal starts the Jetty server in port 8080 and deploys the
+application. You can then open it in a web browser at
+(((range="endofrange", startref="term.maven.compiling")))
+== Using Add-ons and Custom Widget Sets
+((("Maven", "using add-ons", id="term.maven.addons", range="startofrange")))
+If you use Vaadin add-ons that include a widget set or make your custom widgets,
+you need to enable widget set compilation in the POM. The required configuration
+is described in
+<<dummy/../../../framework/addons/addons-maven#addons.maven,"Using Add-ons in a
+Maven Project">>.
+(((range="endofrange", startref="term.maven.addons")))
+(((range="endofrange", startref="term.maven.creating")))
diff --git a/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-netbeans.asciidoc b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-netbeans.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e2fa660de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-netbeans.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+title: Creating a Project with NetBeans IDE
+order: 7
+layout: page
+= Creating a Project with NetBeans IDE
+The easiest way to develop Vaadin application with the NetBeans IDE is to use
+the Vaadin Plugin for NetBeans. It allows you to create new Vaadin projects
+easily and provides many features for working on a project. You can download the
+plugin at http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/50531/vaadin-plug-in-for-netbeans.
+The download page contains a link to a plugin features overview in NetBeans
+Without the plugin, you can most easily create a Vaadin project as a Maven
+project using a Vaadin archetype. You can also create a Vaadin project as a
+regular web application project, but it requires many manual steps to install
+all the Vaadin libraries, create the UI class, configure the servlet, create
+theme, and so on.
+== Maven Project from a Vaadin Archetype
+Creating a Maven project with a Vaadin archetype creates an application skeleton
+with a UI class and project theme, defines the [filename]#web.xml# deployment
+descriptor, and also retrieves the latest Vaadin library automatically.
+. Select "File > New Project".
+. Select "Maven > Project from Archetype" and click [guibutton]#Next#.
+. Find [literal]#++vaadin-archetype-application++#, select it, and click
+. In the [guilabel]#Name and Location# step, enter [guilabel]#Project Name#, which
+is recommended to be only lower-case alphabetics, as it is used also as a
+suggestion for the Java package name of the project. Modify the other parameters
+for your project and click [guibutton]#Finish#.
+.Adding a New Maven Project in NetBeans
+Creating the project can take a while as Maven loads all the needed
+dependencies. Once created, you can run it by right-clicking on the project in
+the [guilabel]#Projects# view and selecting [guilabel]#Run#. In the
+[guilabel]#Select deployment server# window that opens, select
+[guilabel]#Glassfish# or [guilabel]#Apache Tomcat#, and click [guibutton]#OK#.
+If all goes well, NetBeans starts the server in port 8080 and, depending on your
+system configuration, launches the default browser to display the web
+application. If not, you can open it manually, for example, at
+http://localhost:8080/myproject. The project name is used by default as the
+context path of the application.
diff --git a/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-overview.asciidoc b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-overview.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..994ca48248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-overview.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+title: Overview
+order: 1
+layout: page
+= Overview
+You can develop Vaadin applications in essentially any development environment
+that has the Java SDK and a Java Servlet container. Vaadin has special support
+for the Eclipse and NetBeans IDEs, but community support exists also for
+IntelliJ IDEA. You can use it with any Java IDE or no IDE at all.
+Managing Vaadin and other Java libraries can get tedious to do manually, so
+using a build system that manages dependencies automatically is adviced. Vaadin
+is distributed in the Maven central repository, and can be used with any build
+or dependency management system that can access Maven repository, such as Ivy or
+Gradle, in addition to Maven.
+Vaadin has a multitude of installation options for different IDEs, dependency
+managers, and you can also install it from an installation package:
+* With the Eclipse IDE, use the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse, as described in <<dummy/../../../framework/getting-started/getting-started-eclipse#getting-started.eclipse,"Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse">>
+* With the Vaadin plugin for NetBeans IDE ( <<dummy/../../../framework/getting-started/getting-started-netbeans#getting-started.netbeans,"Creating a Project with NetBeans IDE">>) or IntelliJ IDEA
+* With Maven, Ivy, Gradle, or other Maven-compatible dependency manager, under Eclipse, NetBeans, IDEA, or using command-line, as described in <<dummy/../../../framework/getting-started/getting-started-maven#getting-started.maven,"Using Vaadin with Maven">>
+* From installation package without dependency management, as described in <<dummy/../../../framework/getting-started/getting-started-package#getting-started.package,"Vaadin Installation Package">>
diff --git a/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-package.asciidoc b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-package.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dbe735958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-package.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+title: Vaadin Installation Package
+order: 9
+layout: page
+= Vaadin Installation Package
+While the recommended way to install Vaadin is to use the Eclipse plugin, one of
+the other IDE plugins, or a dependency management system, such as Maven, Vaadin
+is also available as a ZIP distribution package.
+You can download the newest Vaadin installation package from the download page
+at http://vaadin.com/download/. Please use a ZIP decompression utility available
+in your operating system to extract the files from the ZIP package.
+== Package Contents
+[filename]#README.TXT#:: This Readme file gives simple instructions for installing Vaadin in your
+[filename]#release-notes.html#:: The Release Notes contain information about the new features in the particular
+release, give upgrade instructions, describe compatibility, etc. Please open the
+HTML file with a web browser.
+[filename]#license.html#:: Apache License version 2.0. Please open the HTML file with a web browser.
+[filename]#lib#folder:: All dependency libraries required by Vaadin are contained within the
+[filename]#lib# folder.
+[filename]#*.jar#:: Vaadin libraries, as described in
+of Vaadin Libraries">>.
+== Installing the Libraries
+You can install the Vaadin ZIP package in a few simple steps:
+. Copy the JAR files at the package root folder to the [filename]#WEB-APP/lib# web
+library folder in the project. Some of the libraries are optional, as explained
+of Vaadin Libraries">>.
+. Also copy the dependency JAR files at the [filename]#lib# folder to the
+[filename]#WEB-APP/lib# web library folder in the project.
+The location of the [filename]#WEB-APP/lib# folder depends on the project
+organization, which depends on the development environment.
+* In Eclipse Dynamic Web Application projects: [filename]#WebContent/WEB-INF/lib#.
+* In Maven projects: [filename]#src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib#.
diff --git a/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-scala.asciidoc b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-scala.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1da94d0853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/getting-started/getting-started-scala.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+title: Using Vaadin with Scala
+order: 10
+layout: page
+= Using Vaadin with Scala
+You can use Vaadin with any JVM compatible language, such as Scala or Groovy.
+There are, however, some caveats related to libraries and project set-up. In the
+following, we give instructions for creating a Scala UI in Eclipse, with the
+Scala IDE for Eclipse and the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse.
+. Install the link:http://scala-ide.org/[Scala IDE for Eclipse], either from an
+Eclipse update site or as a bundled Eclipse distribution.
+. Open an existing Vaadin Java project or create a new one as outlined in
+and Running a Project with Eclipse">>. You can delete the UI class created by
+the wizard.
+. Switch to the Scala perspective by clicking the perspective in the upper-right
+corner of the Eclipse window.
+. Right-click on the project folder in [guilabel]#Project Explorer# and select
+"Configure > Add Scala Nature".
+. The web application needs [filename]#scala-library.jar# in its class path. If
+using Scala IDE, you can copy it from somewhere under your Eclipse installation
+to the class path of the web application, that is, either to the
+[filename]#WebContent/WEB-INF/lib# folder in the project or to the library path
+of the application server. If copying outside Eclipse to a project, refresh the
+project by selecting it and pressing F5.
+You could also get it with an Ivy or Maven dependency, just make sure that the
+version is same as what the Scala IDE uses.
+You should now be able to create a Scala UI class, such as the following:
+[source, scala]
+class MyScalaUI extends UI {
+ override def init(request: VaadinRequest) = {
+ val content: VerticalLayout = new VerticalLayout
+ setContent(content)
+ val label: Label = new Label("Hello, world!")
+ content addComponent label
+ // Handle user interaction
+ content addComponent new Button("Click Me!",
+ new ClickListener {
+ override def buttonClick(event: ClickEvent) =
+ Notification.show("The time is " + new Date)
+ })
+ }
+Eclipse and Scala IDE should be able to import the Vaadin classes automatically
+when you press CtrlShiftO.
+You need to define the Scala UI class either in a servlet class (in Servlet 3.0
+project) or in a [filename]#web.xml# deployment descriptor, just like described
+the Project">> for Java UIs.
+The link:https://github.com/henrikerola/scaladin[Scaladin add-on] offers a more
+Scala-like API for Vaadin. A Vaadin 7 compatible version is under development.
+== Defining Listeners with Lambda Expressions
+Scala does not support use of lambda expressions for calling functional
+interfaces, like Java 8 does. Hence, we can't just use a lambda expression for
+the [interfacename]#ClickListener# in the example above. You can, however,
+define implicit conversions from lambda expressions to such interface
+implementations. For example, for click listeners:
+[source, scala]
+implicit def clickListener(f: ClickEvent => Unit) =
+ new ClickListener {
+ override def buttonClick(event: ClickEvent) {
+ f(event)
+ }
+ }
+You could then use a lambda expression as follows:
+[source, scala]
+content addComponent new Button("Click Me!",
+ (event: ClickEvent) =>
+ Notification.show("The time is " + new Date))
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