path: root/documentation/gwt/gwt-addons.asciidoc
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1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/gwt/gwt-addons.asciidoc b/documentation/gwt/gwt-addons.asciidoc
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+title: Creating Add-ons
+order: 11
+layout: page
+= Creating Add-ons
+((("add-ons", "creating", id="term.gwt.addons", range="startofrange")))
+Add-ons are the most convenient way to reuse Vaadin code, either commercially or
+free. Vaadin Directory serves as the store for the add-ons. You can distribute
+add-ons both as JAR libraries and Zip packages.
+Creating a typical add-on package involves the following tasks:
+* Compile server-side classes
+* Compile JavaDoc (optional)
+* Build the JAR
+** Include Vaadin add-on manifest
+** Include the compiled server-side classes
+** Include the compiled JavaDoc (optional)
+** Include sources of client-side classes for widget set compilation (optional)
+** Include any JavaScript dependency libraries (optional)
+** Exclude any test or demo code in the project
+The exact contents depend on the add-on type. Component add-ons often include a
+widget set, but not always, such as JavaScript components or pure server-side
+components. You can also have data container and theme add-ons, as well as
+various tools.
+It is common to distribute the JavaDoc in a separate JAR, but you can also
+include it in the same JAR.
+== Exporting Add-on in Eclipse
+If you use the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse for your add-on project, you can simply
+export the add-on from Eclipse.
+. Select the project and then "File > Export" from the menu
+. In the export wizard that opens, select "Vaadin > Vaadin Add-on Package", and
+click [guibutton]#Next#
+. In the [guilabel]#Select the resources to export# panel, select the content that
+should be included in the add-on package. In general, you should include sources
+in [filename]#src# folder (at least for the client-side package), compiled
+server-side classes, themes in [filename]#WebContent/VAADIN/themes#. These are
+all included automatically. You probably want to leave out any demo or example
+.Exporting a Vaadin Add-on
+If you are submitting the add-on to Vaadin Directory, the
+[guilabel]#Implementation title# should be exactly the name of the add-on in
+Directory. The name may contain spaces and most other letters. Notice that __it
+is not possible to change the name later__.
+The [guilabel]#Implementation version# is the version of your add-on. Typically
+experimental or beta releases start from 0.1.0, and stable releases from 1.0.0.
+The [guilabel]#Widgetsets# field should list the widget sets included in the
+add-on, separated by commas. The widget sets should be listed by their class
+name, that is, without the [filename]#.gwt.xml# extension.
+The [guilabel]#JAR file# is the file name of the exported JAR file. It should
+normally include the version number of the add-on. You should follow the Maven
+format for the name, such as [filename]#myaddon-1.0.0.jar#.
+Finally, click [guibutton]#Finish#.
+== Building Add-on with Ant
+Building an add-on with Ant is similar to building Vaadin applications. Vaadin
+libraries and other dependencies are retrieved and included in the classpath
+using Apache Ivy.
+In the following, we assume the same structure as in the Eclipse project
+example. Let us put the build script in the [filename]#build# folder under the
+project. We begin the Ant script as follows:
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+ name="**My Own add-on**"
+ basedir=".."
+ default="package-jar">
+The namespace declaration is all you need to do to enable Ivy in Ant 1.6 and
+later. For earlier Ant versions, please see the Ivy documentation.
+=== Configuration and Initialization
+In the example script, we organize most settings in a [literal]#++configure++#
+target and then initialize the build in [literal]#++init++# target.
+//Update these settings for your project structure
+<target name="configure">
+ <!-- Where project source files are located -->
+ <property name="src-location" value="**src**" />
+ <!-- Name of the widget set. -->
+ <property name="widgetset" value="**com.example.myaddon.widgetset.MyAddonWidgetset**"/>
+ <!-- Addon version -->
+ <property name="version" value="**0.1.0**"/>
+ <!-- Compilation result directory -->
+ <property name="result-dir" value="build/result"/>
+ <!-- The target name of the built add-on JAR -->
+ <property name="target-jar"
+ value="${result-dir}/**myaddon**-${version}.jar"/>
+//Initialize build
+<target name="init" depends="configure">
+ <!-- Construct and check classpath -->
+ <path id="compile.classpath">
+ <pathelement path="build/classes" />
+ <pathelement path="${src-location}" />
+ <fileset dir="${result-dir}/lib">
+ <include name="*.jar"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </path>
+ <mkdir dir="${result-dir}"/>
+You will need to make some configuration also in the [literal]#++package-jar++#
+target in addition to the [literal]#++configure++# target.
+=== Compiling the Server-Side
+Compiling the add-on requires the Vaadin libraries and any dependencies. We use
+Apache Ivy for resolving the dependencies and retrieving the library JARs.
+<!-- Retrieve dependencies with Ivy -->
+<target name="resolve" depends="init">
+ <ivy:retrieve
+ pattern="${result-dir}/lib/[artifact].[ext]"/>
+The [literal]#++pattern++# attribute for the [literal]#++<retrieve>++# task
+specifies where the dependencies are stored, in the above case in the
+[filename]#build/result/lib# directory.
+Compiling the server-side classes is then straight-forward:
+<!-- Compile server-side -->
+<target name="compile-server-side"
+ depends="init, resolve">
+ <delete dir="${result-dir}/classes"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${result-dir}/classes"/>
+ <javac srcdir="${src-location}"
+ destdir="${result-dir}/classes">
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
+ </classpath>
+ </javac>
+=== Compiling the JavaDoc
+You may want to include API documentation for the add-on in the same or in a
+different JAR file. You can do it as follows, using the configuration we defined
+earlier. You may want to exclude the client-side classes and any test and demo
+classes from the JavaDoc, as is done in this example, if they are in the same
+source tree.
+&lt;!-- Compile JavaDoc --&gt;
+&lt;target name="compile-javadoc" depends="init"&gt;
+ &lt;delete dir="${result-dir}/javadoc"/&gt;
+ &lt;mkdir dir="${result-dir}/javadoc"/&gt;
+ &lt;javadoc destdir="${result-dir}/javadoc"&gt;
+ &lt;sourcefiles&gt;
+ &lt;fileset dir="${src-location}" id="src"&gt;
+ &lt;include name="**/*.java"/&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Excluded stuff from the package --&gt;
+ &lt;exclude name="**++*++++*++/client/++*++++*++/++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;exclude name="**++*++++*++/demo/++*++++*++/++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;exclude name="**++*++++*++/**"/&gt;
+ &lt;/fileset&gt;
+ &lt;/sourcefiles&gt;
+ &lt;classpath&gt;
+ &lt;path refid="compile.classpath"/&gt;
+ &lt;/classpath&gt;
+ &lt;/javadoc&gt;
+=== Packaging the JAR
+An add-on JAR typically includes the following:
+* Vaadin add-on manifest
+* The compiled server-side classes
+* The compiled JavaDoc (optional)
+* Sources of client-side classes (optional)
+* Any JavaScript dependency libraries (optional)
+Let us begin crafting the target. The JAR requires the compiled server-side
+classes and the optional API documentation.
+<!-- Build the JAR -->
+<target name="package-jar"
+ depends="compile-server-side, compile-javadoc">
+ <jar jarfile="${target-jar}" compress="true">
+First, you need to include a manifest that defines basic information about the
+add-on. The implementation title must be the exact title of the add-on, as shown
+in the Vaadin Directory title. The vendor is you. The manifest also includes the
+license title and file reference for the add-on.
+&lt;!-- Manifest required by Vaadin Directory --&gt;
+ &lt;attribute name="Vaadin-Package-Version"
+ value="1" /&gt;
+ &lt;attribute name="Vaadin-Widgetsets"
+ value="${widgetset}" /&gt;
+ &lt;attribute name="Implementation-Title"
+ value="**My Own Addon**" /&gt;
+ &lt;attribute name="Implementation-Version"
+ value="${version}" /&gt;
+ &lt;attribute name="Implementation-Vendor"
+ value="**Me Myself**" /&gt;
+ &lt;attribute name="Vaadin-License-Title"
+ value="**Apache2**" /&gt;
+ &lt;attribute name="Vaadin-License-File"
+ value="****" /&gt;
+The rest of the [literal]#++package-jar++# target goes as follows. As was done
+in the JavaDoc compilation, you also need to exclude any test or demo code in
+the project here. You need to modify at least the emphasized parts for your
+ &lt;!-- Include built server-side classes --&gt;
+ &lt;fileset dir="build/result/classes"&gt;
+ &lt;patternset&gt;
+ &lt;include name="**com/example/myaddon/++*++++*++/++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;exclude name="**++*++++*++/client/++*++++*++/++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;exclude name="**++*++++*++/demo/++*++++*++/++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;exclude name="**++*++++*++/test/++*++++*++/++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;exclude name="**++*++++*++/MyDemoUI++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;/patternset&gt;
+ &lt;/fileset&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Include widget set sources --&gt;
+ &lt;fileset dir="src"&gt;
+ &lt;patternset&gt;
+ &lt;include name="**com/exaple/myaddon/++*++++*++/++*++**"/&gt;
+ &lt;/patternset&gt;
+ &lt;/fileset&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Include JavaDoc in the JAR --&gt;
+ &lt;fileset dir="${result-dir}/javadoc"
+ includes="**/*"/&gt;
+ &lt;/jar&gt;
+You should now be ready to run the build script with Ant.
+(((range="endofrange", startref="term.gwt.addons")))