path: root/documentation/jpacontainer/jpacontainer-installation.asciidoc
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+title: Installing
+order: 2
+layout: page
+= Installing
+Vaadin JPAContainer can be installed either as an installation package,
+downloaded from the Vaadin Directory, or as a Maven dependency. You can also
+create a new JPAContainer-enabled Vaadin project using a Maven archetype.
+== Downloading the Package
+Vaadin JPAContainer is available for download from the
+link:[Vaadin Directory]. Please see
+Add-ons from Vaadin Directory">> for basic instructions for downloading from
+Directory. The download page also gives the dependency declaration needed for
+retrieving the library with Maven.
+JPAContainer is a purely server-side component, so it does not include a widget
+set that you would need to compile.
+== Installation Package Content
+Once extracted to a local folder, the contents of the installation directory are
+as follows:
+[filename]#README#:: A readme file describing the package contents.
+[filename]#LICENSE#:: The full license text for the library.
+[filename]#vaadin-jpacontainer-3.x.x.jar#:: The actual Vaadin JPAContainer library.
+[filename]#vaadin-jpacontainer-3.x.x-sources.jar#:: Source JAR for the library. You can use it for example in Eclipse by associating
+the JavaDoc JAR with the JPAContainer JAR in the build path settings of your
+[filename]#jpacontainer-tutorial.pdf#:: The tutorial in PDF format.
+[filename]#jpacontainer-tutorial-html#:: The tutorial in HTML format.
+[filename]#jpacontainer-addressbook-demo#:: The JPAContainer AddressBook Demo project covered in this tutorial. You can
+compile and package the application as a WAR with " [command]#mvn#
+[parameter]#package#" or launch it in the Jetty web browser with "
+[command]#mvn# [parameter]#jetty:run#". You can also import the demo project in
+== Downloading with Maven
+The link:[download page in Vaadin Directory] gives
+the dependency declaration needed for retrieving the Vaadin JPAContainer library
+with Maven.
+ <groupId>com.vaadin.addon</groupId>
+ <artifactId>jpacontainer-addon</artifactId>
+ <version>3.1.0</version>
+Use the [literal]#++LATEST++# version tag to automatically download the latest
+stable release or use a specific version number as done above.
+See <<dummy/../../../framework/addons/addons-maven#addons.maven,"Using Add-ons
+in a Maven Project">> for detailed instructions for using a Vaadin add-on with
+=== Using the Maven Archetype
+If you wish to create a new JPAContainer-enabled Vaadin project with Maven, you
+can use the [literal]#++vaadin-archetype-jpacontainer++# archetype. Please see
+Vaadin with Maven">> for details on creating a Vaadin project with a Maven
+== Including Libraries in Your Project
+The Vaadin JPAContainer JAR must be included in the library folder of the web
+application. It is located in [filename]#WEB-INF/lib# path in a web application.
+In a normal Eclipse web projects the path is [filename]#WebContent/WEB-INF/lib#.
+In Maven projects the JARs are automatically included in the folder, as long as
+the dependencies are defined correctly.
+You will need the following JARs:
+* Vaadin Framework Library
+* Vaadin JPAContainer
+* Java Persistence API 2.0 (javax.persistence package)
+* JPA implementation (EclipseLink, Hibernate, ...)
+* Database driver or embedded engine (H2, HSQLDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...)
+If you use Eclipse, the Vaadin Framework library is automatically downloaded and
+updated by the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse.
+To use bean validation, you need an implementation of the Bean Validation, such
+as Hibernate Validator.//TODO
+== Persistence Configuration
+Persistence configuration is done in a [filename]#persistence.xml# file. In a
+regular Eclipse project, it should be located in
+[filename]#WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF#. In a Maven project, it should
+be in [filename]#src/main/resources/META-INF#. The configuration includes the
+* The persistence unit
+* The persistence provider
+* The database driver and connection
+* Logging
+The [filename]#persistence.xml# file is packaged as
+[filename]#WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml# in the WAR. This is done
+automatically in a Maven build at the package phase.
+=== Persistence XML Schema
+The beginning of a [filename]#persistence.xml# file defines the used schema and
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="
+ version="2.0">
+=== Defining the Persistence Unit
+The root element of the persistence definition is persistence-unit. The name of
+the persistence unit is needed for creating [classname]#JPAContainer# instances
+from a [classname]#JPAContainerFactory#, as described in
+JPAContainer with JPAContainerFactory">> or when creating a JPA entity manager.
+<persistence-unit name="addressbook">
+Persistence provider is the JPA provider implementation used. For example, the
+JPAContainer AddressBook demo uses the EclipseLink JPA, which is defined as
+ org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider
+The persistent classes need to be listed with a [literal]#++<class>++# element.
+Alternatively, you can allow including unlisted classes for persistence by
+overriding the [literal]#++exclude-unlisted-classes++# default as follows:
+JPA provider specific parameters are given under the [literal]#++properties++#
+ ...
+In the following section we give parameters for the EclipseLink JPA and H2
+database used in the JPAContainer AddressBook Demo. Please refer to the
+documentation of the JPA provider you use for a complete reference of
+=== Database Connection
+EclipseLink allows using JDBC for database connection. For example, if we use
+the the H2 database, we define its driver here as follows:
+<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.platform"
+ value="org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.H2Platform"/>
+<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.driver"
+ value="org.h2.Driver" />
+Database connection is specified with a URL. For example, using an embedded H2
+database stored in the home directory it would be as follows:
+<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.url"
+ value="jdbc:h2:~/my-app-h2db"/>
+A hint: when using an embedded H2 database while developing a Vaadin application
+in Eclipse, you may want to add [literal]#++;FILE_LOCK=NO++# to the URL to avoid
+locking issues when redeploying.
+We can just use the default user name and password for the H2 database:
+<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.user" value="sa"/>
+<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.password" value="sa"/>
+=== Logging Configuration
+JPA implementations as well as database engines like to produce logs and they
+should be configured in the persistence configuration. For example, if using
+EclipseLink JPA, you can get log that includes all SQL statements with the
+[literal]#++FINE++# logging level:
+<property name="eclipselink.logging.level"
+ value="FINE" />
+=== Other Settings
+The rest is some Data Definition Language settings for EclipseLink. During
+development, when we use generated example data, we want EclipseLink to drop
+tables before trying to create them. In production environments, you should use
+<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation"
+ value="drop-and-create-tables" />
+And there is no need to generate SQL files, just execute them directly to the
+<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode"
+ value="database"/>
+ </properties>
+ </persistence-unit>
+== Troubleshooting
+Below are some typical errors that you might get when using JPA. These are not
+specific to JPAContainer.
+[classname]#javax.persistence.PersistenceException#: No Persistence provider for EntityManager:: The most typical cases for this error are that the persistence unit name is
+wrong in the source code or in the [filename]#persistence.xml# file, or that the
+[filename]#persistence.xml# is at a wrong place or has some other problem. Make
+sure that the persistence unit name matches and the [filename]#persistence.xml#
+is in [filename]#WEB-INF/classes/META-INF# folder in the deployment.
+[classname]#java.lang.IllegalArgumentException#: The class is not an entity:: The class is missing from the set of persistent entities. If the
+[filename]#persistence.xml# does not have [parameter]#exclude-unlisted-classes#
+defined as [literal]#++false++#, the persistent entity classes should be listed
+with [literal]#++<class>++# elements.