path: root/documentation/layout/layout-orderedlayout.asciidoc
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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/layout/layout-orderedlayout.asciidoc b/documentation/layout/layout-orderedlayout.asciidoc
index c1bfd030b7..533d0d5404 100644
--- a/documentation/layout/layout-orderedlayout.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/layout/layout-orderedlayout.asciidoc
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ image::img/orderedlayout-sizing-undefined.png[width=50%, scaledwidth=75%]
=== Layout with Defined Size
If you set a [classname]#HorizontalLayout# to a defined size horizontally or a
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ the question, "Percentage of what?" There is no sensible default answer for this
question in the current implementation of the layouts, so in practice, you may
not define "100%" size alone.
=== Expanding Components
Often, you want to have one component that takes all the available space left
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ Notice that you can not call [methodname]#setExpandRatio()# before you have
added the component to the layout, because it can not operate on an component
that it doesn't yet have.
=== Expand Ratios
If you specify an expand ratio for multiple components, they will all try to use
@@ -352,16 +353,15 @@ It is not meaningful to combine expanding components with percentually defined
size and components with fixed or undefined size. Such combination can lead to a
very unexpected size for the percentually sized components.
+=== Percentual Sizing
-=== Percentage of Cells
-A percentual size of a component defines the size of the component __within its
-cell__. Usually, you use "100%", but a smaller percentage or a fixed size
+A percentual size of a component defines the size of the component _within its cell_.
+Usually, you use "100%", but a smaller percentage or a fixed size
(smaller than the cell size) will leave an empty space in the cell and align the
component within the cell according to its alignment setting, top left by
[source, java]
HorizontalLayout layout50 = new HorizontalLayout();