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-== Vaadin SQLContainer
-Vaadin SQLContainer is a container implementation that allows easy and
-customizable access to data stored in various SQL-speaking databases.
-SQLContainer supports two types of database access. Using
-[classname]#TableQuery#, the pre-made query generators will enable fetching,
-updating, and inserting data directly from the container into a database table -
-automatically, whereas [classname]#FreeformQuery# allows the developer to use
-their own, probably more complex query for fetching data and their own optional
-implementations for writing, filtering and sorting support - item and property
-handling as well as lazy loading will still be handled automatically.
-In addition to the customizable database connection options, SQLContainer also
-extends the Vaadin [classname]#Container# interface to implement more advanced
-and more database-oriented filtering rules. Finally, the add-on also offers
-connection pool implementations for JDBC connection pooling and JEE connection
-pooling, as well as integrated transaction support; auto-commit mode is also
-The purpose of this section is to briefly explain the architecture and some of
-the inner workings of SQLContainer. It will also give the readers some examples
-on how to use SQLContainer in their own applications. The requirements,
-limitations and further development ideas are also discussed.
-SQLContainer is available from the Vaadin Directory under the same unrestrictive
-Apache License 2.0 as the Vaadin Framework itself.
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-title: Architecture
-order: 1
-layout: page
-= Architecture
-The architecture of SQLContainer is relatively simple. [classname]#SQLContainer#
-is the class implementing the Vaadin [classname]#Container# interfaces and
-providing access to most of the functionality of this add-on. The standard
-Vaadin [classname]#Property# and [classname]#Item# interfaces have been
-implementd as the [classname]#ColumnProperty# and [classname]#RowItem# classes.
-Item IDs are represented by [classname]#RowId# and [classname]#TemporaryRowId#
-classes. The [classname]#RowId# class is built based on the primary key columns
-of the connected database table or query result.
-In the [package]#connection# package, the [classname]#JDBCConnectionPool#
-interface defines the requirements for a connection pool implementation. Two
-implementations of this interface are provided:
-[classname]#SimpleJDBCConnectionPool# provides a simple yet very usable
-implementation to pool and access JDBC connections.
-[classname]#J2EEConnectionPool# provides means to access J2EE DataSources.
-The [package]#query# package contains the [classname]#QueryDelegate# interface,
-which defines everything the SQLContainer needs to enable reading and writing
-data to and from a database. As discussed earlier, two implementations of this
-interface are provided: [classname]#TableQuery# for automatic read-write support
-for a database table, and [classname]#FreeformQuery# for customizing the query,
-sorting, filtering and writing; this is done by implementing relevant methods of
-the [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate# interface.
-The [package]#query# package also contains [classname]#Filter# and
-[classname]#OrderBy# classes which have been written to provide an alternative
-to the standard Vaadin container filtering and make sorting non-String
-properties a bit more user friendly.
-Finally, the [package]#generator# package contains a [classname]#SQLGenerator#
-interface, which defines the kind of queries that are required by the
-[classname]#TableQuery# class. The provided implementations include support for
-HSQLDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL ( [classname]#DefaultSQLGenerator#), Oracle (
-[classname]#OracleGenerator#) and Microsoft SQL Server (
-[classname]#MSSQLGenerator#). A new or modified implementations may be provided
-to gain compatibility with older versions or other database servers.
-For further details, please refer to the SQLContainer API documentation.
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-title: Caching, Paging and Refreshing
-order: 5
-layout: page
-= Caching, Paging and Refreshing
-To decrease the amount of queries made to the database, SQLContainer uses
-internal caching for database contents. The caching is implemented with a
-size-limited [classname]#LinkedHashMap# containing a mapping from
-[classname]#RowId#s to [classname]#RowItem#s. Typically developers do not need
-to modify caching options, although some fine-tuning can be done if required.
-== Container Size
-The [classname]#SQLContainer# keeps continuously checking the amount of rows in
-the connected database table in order to detect external addition or removal of
-rows. By default, the table row count is assumed to remain valid for 10 seconds.
-This value can be altered from code; with
-[methodname]#setSizeValidMilliSeconds()# in [classname]#SQLContainer#.
-If the size validity time has expired, the row count will be automatically
-updated on:
-* A call to [methodname]#getItemIds()# method
-* A call to [methodname]#size()# method
-* Some calls to [methodname]#indexOfId(Object itemId)# method
-* A call to [methodname]#firstItemId()# method
-* When the container is fetching a set of rows to the item cache (lazy loading)
-== Page Length and Cache Size
-The page length of the [classname]#SQLContainer# dictates the amount of rows
-fetched from the database in one query. The default value is 100, and it can be
-modified with the [methodname]#setPageLength()# method. To avoid constant
-queries it is recommended to set the page length value to at least 5 times the
-amount of rows displayed in a Vaadin [classname]#Table#; obviously, this is also
-dependent on the cache ratio set for the [classname]#Table# component.
-The size of the internal item cache of the [classname]#SQLContainer# is
-calculated by multiplying the page length with the cache ratio set for the
-container. The cache ratio can only be set from the code, and the default value
-for it is 2. Hence with the default page length of 100 the internal cache size
-becomes 200 items. This should be enough even for larger [classname]#Table#s
-while ensuring that no huge amounts of memory will be used on the cache.
-== Refreshing the Container
-Normally, the [classname]#SQLContainer# will handle refreshing automatically
-when required. However, there may be situations where an implicit refresh is
-needed, for example, to make sure that the version column is up-to-date prior to
-opening the item for editing in a form. For this purpose a
-[methodname]#refresh()# method is provided. This method simply clears all
-caches, resets the current item fetching offset and sets the container size
-dirty. Any item-related call after this will inevitably result into row count
-and item cache update.
-__Note that a call to the refresh method will not affect or reset the following
-properties of the container:__
-* The [classname]#QueryDelegate# of the container
-* Auto-commit mode
-* Page length
-* Filters
-* Sorting
-== Cache Flush Notification Mechanism
-Cache usage with databases in multiuser applications always results in some kind
-of a compromise between the amount of queries we want to execute on the database
-and the amount of memory we want to use on caching the data; and most
-importantly, risking the cached data becoming stale.
-SQLContainer provides an experimental remedy to this problem by implementing a
-simple cache flush notification mechanism. Due to its nature these notifications
-are disabled by default but can be easily enabled for a container instance by
-calling [methodname]#enableCacheFlushNotifications()# at any time during the
-lifetime of the container.
-The notification mechanism functions by storing a weak reference to all
-registered containers in a static list structure. To minimize the risk of memory
-leaks and to avoid unlimited growing of the reference list, dead weak references
-are collected to a reference queue and removed from the list every time a
-[classname]#SQLContainer# is added to the notification reference list or a
-container calls the notification method.
-When a [classname]#SQLContainer# has its cache notifications set enabled, it
-will call the static [methodname]#notifyOfCacheFlush()# method giving itself as
-a parameter. This method will compare the notifier-container to all the others
-present in the reference list. To fire a cache flush event, the target container
-must have the same type of [classname]#QueryDelegate# (either
-[classname]#TableQuery# or [classname]#FreeformQuery#) and the table name or
-query string must match with the container that fired the notification. If a
-match is found the [methodname]#refresh()# method of the matching container is
-called, resulting in cache flushing in the target container.
-__Note: Standard Vaadin issues apply; even if the [classname]#SQLContainer# is
-refreshed on the server side, the changes will not be reflected to the UI until
-a server round-trip is performed, or unless a push mechanism is used.__
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-title: Editing
-order: 4
-layout: page
-= Editing
-Editing the items ( [classname]#RowItem#s) of SQLContainer can be done similarly
-to editing the items of any Vaadin container. [classname]#ColumnProperties# of a
-[classname]#RowItem# will automatically notify SQLContainer to make sure that
-changes to the items are recorded and will be applied to the database
-immediately or on commit, depending on the state of the auto-commit mode.
-== Adding items
-Adding items to an [classname]#SQLContainer# object can only be done via the
-[methodname]#addItem()# method. This method will create a new [classname]#Item#
-based on the connected database table column properties. The new item will
-either be buffered by the container or committed to the database through the
-query delegate depending on whether the auto commit mode (see the next section)
-has been enabled.
-When an item is added to the container it is impossible to precisely know what
-the primary keys of the row will be, or will the row insertion succeed at all.
-This is why the SQLContainer will assign an instance of
-[classname]#TemporaryRowId# as a [classname]#RowId# for the new item. We will
-later describe how to fetch the actual key after the row insertion has
-If auto-commit mode is enabled in the [classname]#SQLContainer#, the
-[methodname]#addItem()# method will return the final [classname]#RowId# of the
-new item.
-== Fetching generated row keys
-Since it is a common need to fetch the generated key of a row right after
-insertion, a listener/notifier has been added into the
-[classname]#QueryDelegate# interface. Currently only the [classname]#TableQuery#
-class implements the [classname]#RowIdChangeNotifier# interface, and thus can
-notify interested objects of changed row IDs. The events fill be fired after
-[methodname]#commit()# in [classname]#TableQuery# has finished; this method is
-called by [classname]#SQLContainer# when necessary.
-To receive updates on the row IDs, you might use the following code (assuming
-container is an instance of [classname]#SQLContainer#). Note that these events
-are not fired if auto commit mode is enabled.
- new QueryDelegate.RowIdChangeListener() {
- public void rowIdChange(RowIdChangeEvent event) {
- System.err.println("Old ID: " + event.getOldRowId());
- System.err.println("New ID: " + event.getNewRowId());
- }
- });
-== Version column requirement
-If you are using the [classname]#TableQuery# class as the query delegate to the
-[classname]#SQLContainer# and need to enable write support, there is an enforced
-requirement of specifying a version column name to the [classname]#TableQuery#
-instance. The column name can be set to the [classname]#TableQuery# using the
-following statement:
-The version column is preferrably an integer or timestamp typed column in the
-table that is attached to the [classname]#TableQuery#. This column will be used
-for optimistic locking; before a row modification the [classname]#TableQuery#
-will check before that the version column value is the same as it was when the
-data was read into the container. This should ensure that no one has modified
-the row inbetween the current user's reads and writes.
-Note! [classname]#TableQuery# assumes that the database will take care of
-updating the version column by either using an actual [literal]#++VERSION++#
-column (if supported by the database in question) or by a trigger or a similar
-If you are certain that you do not need optimistic locking, but do want to
-enable write support, you may point the version column to, for example, a
-primary key column of the table.
-== Auto-commit mode
-[classname]#SQLContainer# is by default in transaction mode, which means that
-actions that edit, add or remove items are recorded internally by the container.
-These actions can be either committed to the database by calling
-[methodname]#commit()# or discarded by calling [methodname]#rollback()#.
-The container can also be set to auto-commit mode. When this mode is enabled,
-all changes will be committed to the database immediately. To enable or disable
-the auto-commit mode, call the following method:
-public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommitEnabled)
-It is recommended to leave the auto-commit mode disabled, as it ensures that the
-changes can be rolled back if any problems are noticed within the container
-items. Using the auto-commit mode will also lead to failure in item addition if
-the database table contains non-nullable columns.
-== Modified state
-When used in the transaction mode it may be useful to determine whether the
-contents of the [classname]#SQLContainer# have been modified or not. For this
-purpose the container provides an [methodname]#isModified()# method, which will
-tell the state of the container to the developer. This method will return true
-if any items have been added to or removed from the container, as well as if any
-value of an existing item has been modified.
-Additionally, each [classname]#RowItem# and each [classname]#ColumnProperty#
-have [methodname]#isModified()# methods to allow for a more detailed view over
-the modification status. Do note that the modification statuses of
-[classname]#RowItem# and [classname]#ColumnProperty# objects only depend on
-whether or not the actual [classname]#Property# values have been modified. That
-is, they do not reflect situations where the whole [classname]#RowItem# has been
-marked for removal or has just been added to the container.
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-title: Filtering and Sorting
-order: 3
-layout: page
-= Filtering and Sorting
-Filtering and sorting the items contained in an SQLContainer is, by design,
-always performed in the database. In practice this means that whenever the
-filtering or sorting rules are modified, at least some amount of database
-communication will take place (the minimum is to fetch the updated row count
-using the new filtering/sorting rules).
-== Filtering
-Filtering is performed using the filtering API in Vaadin, which allows for very
-complex filtering to be easily applied. More information about the filtering API
-can be found in
-In addition to the filters provided by Vaadin, SQLContainer also implements the
-[classname]#Like# filter as well as the [classname]#Between# filter. Both of
-these map to the equally named WHERE-operators in SQL. The filters can also be
-applied on items that reside in memory, for example, new items that have not yet
-been stored in the database or rows that have been loaded and updated, but not
-yet stored.
-The following is an example of the types of complex filtering that are possible
-with the new filtering API. We want to find all people named Paul Johnson that
-are either younger than 18 years or older than 65 years and all Johnsons whose
-first name starts with the letter "A":
- new Or(new And(new Equal("NAME", "Paul"),
- new Or(new Less("AGE", 18),
- new Greater("AGE", 65))),
- new Like("NAME", "A%")));
- new Equal("LASTNAME", "Johnson"));
-This will produce the following WHERE clause:
-WHERE (("NAME" = "Paul" AND ("AGE" < 18 OR "AGE" > 65)) OR "NAME" LIKE "A%") AND "LASTNAME" = "Johnson"
-== Sorting
-Sorting can be performed using standard Vaadin, that is, using the sort method
-from the [classname]#Container.Sortable# interface. The [parameter]#propertyId#
-parameter refers to column names.
-public void sort(Object[] propertyId, boolean[] ascending)
-In addition to the standard method, it is also possible to directly add an
-[classname]#OrderBy# to the container via the [methodname]#addOrderBy()# method.
-This enables the developer to insert sorters one by one without providing the
-whole array of them at once.
-All sorting rules can be cleared by calling the sort method with null or an
-empty array as the first argument.
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-title: Making Freeform Queries
-order: 7
-layout: page
-= Making Freeform Queries
-In most cases, the provided [classname]#TableQuery# will be enough to allow a
-developer to gain effortless access to an SQL data source. However there may
-arise situations when a more complex query with, for example, join expressions
-is needed. Or perhaps you need to redefine how the writing or filtering should
-be done. The [classname]#FreeformQuery# query delegate is provided for this
-exact purpose. Out of the box the [classname]#FreeformQuery# supports read-only
-access to a database, but it can be extended to allow writing also.
-== Getting started
-Getting started with the [classname]#FreeformQuery# may be done as shown in the
-following. The connection pool initialization is similar to the
-[classname]#TableQuery# example so it is omitted here. Note that the name(s) of
-the primary key column(s) must be provided to the [classname]#FreeformQuery#
-manually. This is required because depending on the query the result set may or
-may not contain data about primary key columns. In this example, there is one
-primary key column with a name 'ID'.
-FreeformQuery query = new FreeformQuery(
- "SELECT * FROM SAMPLE", pool, "ID");
-SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(query);
-== Limitations
-While this looks just as easy as with the [classname]#TableQuery#, do note that
-there are some important caveats here. Using [classname]#FreeformQuery# like
-this (without providing [classname]#FreeformQueryDelegate# or
-[classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate# implementation) it can only be used as a
-read-only window to the resultset of the query. Additionally filtering, sorting
-and lazy loading features will not be supported, and the row count will be
-fetched in quite an inefficient manner. Bearing these limitations in mind, it
-becomes quite obvious that the developer is in reality meant to implement the
-[classname]#FreeformQueryDelegate# or [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate#
-The [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate# interface is an extension of the
-[classname]#FreeformQueryDelegate# interface, which returns
-[classname]#StatementHelper# objects instead of pure query [classname]#String#s.
-This enables the developer to use prepared statetemens instead of regular
-statements. It is highly recommended to use the
-[classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate# in all implementations. From this chapter
-onwards, we will only refer to the [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate# in
-cases where [classname]#FreeformQueryDelegate# could also be applied.
-== Creating your own [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate#
-To create your own delegate for [classname]#FreeformQuery# you must implement
-some or all of the methods from the [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate#
-interface, depending on which ones your use case requires. The interface
-contains eight methods which are shown below. For more detailed requirements,
-see the JavaDoc documentation of the interface.
-// Read-only queries
-public StatementHelper getCountStatement()
-public StatementHelper getQueryStatement(int offset, int limit)
-public StatementHelper getContainsRowQueryStatement(Object... keys)
-// Filtering and sorting
-public void setFilters(List<Filter> filters)
-public void setFilters(List<Filter> filters,
- FilteringMode filteringMode)
-public void setOrderBy(List<OrderBy> orderBys)
-// Write support
-public int storeRow(Connection conn, RowItem row)
-public boolean removeRow(Connection conn, RowItem row)
-A simple demo implementation of this interface can be found in the SQLContainer
-package, more specifically in the class
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-title: Getting Started with SQLContainer
-order: 2
-layout: page
-= Getting Started with SQLContainer
-Getting development going with the SQLContainer is easy and quite
-straight-forward. The purpose of this section is to describe how to create the
-required resources and how to fetch data from and write data to a database table
-attached to the container.
-== Creating a connection pool
-First, we need to create a connection pool to allow the SQLContainer to connect
-to a database. Here we will use the [classname]#SimpleJDBCConnectionPool#, which
-is a basic implementation of connection pooling with JDBC data sources. In the
-following code, we create a connection pool that uses the HSQLDB driver together
-with an in-memory database. The initial amount of connections is 2 and the
-maximum amount is set at 5. Note that the database driver, connection url,
-username, and password parameters will vary depending on the database you are
-JDBCConnectionPool pool = new SimpleJDBCConnectionPool(
- "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver",
- "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:sqlcontainer", "SA", "", 2, 5);
-== Creating the [classname]#TableQuery# Query Delegate
-After the connection pool is created, we'll need a query delegate for the
-SQLContainer. The simplest way to create one is by using the built-in
-[classname]#TableQuery# class. The [classname]#TableQuery# delegate provides
-access to a defined database table and supports reading and writing data
-out-of-the-box. The primary key(s) of the table may be anything that the
-database engine supports, and are found automatically by querying the database
-when a new [classname]#TableQuery# is instantiated. We create the
-[classname]#TableQuery# with the following statement:
-TableQuery tq = new TableQuery("tablename", connectionPool);
-In order to allow writes from several user sessions concurrently, we must set a
-version column to the [classname]#TableQuery# as well. The version column is an
-integer- or timestamp-typed column which will either be incremented or set to
-the current time on each modification of the row. [classname]#TableQuery#
-assumes that the database will take care of updating the version column; it just
-makes sure the column value is correct before updating a row. If another user
-has changed the row and the version number in the database does not match the
-version number in memory, an [classname]#OptimisticLockException# is thrown and
-you can recover by refreshing the container and allow the user to merge the
-data. The following code will set the version column:
-== Creating the Container
-Finally, we may create the container itself. This is as simple as stating:
-SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tq);
-After this statement, the [classname]#SQLContainer# is connected to the table
-tablename and is ready to use for example as a data source for a Vaadin
-[classname]#Table# or a Vaadin [classname]#Form#.
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-title: Known Issues and Limitations
-order: 9
-layout: page
-= Known Issues and Limitations
-At this point, there are still some known issues and limitations affecting the
-use of SQLContainer in certain situations. The known issues and brief
-explanations are listed below:
-* Some SQL data types do not have write support when using TableQuery: ** All binary types
-** All custom types
-** CLOB (if not converted automatically to a [classname]#String# by the JDBC driver in use)
-** See [classname]#com.vaadin.addon.sqlcontainer.query.generator.StatementHelper# for details.
-* When using Oracle or MS SQL database, the column name " [parameter]#rownum#" can
-not be used as a column name in a table connected to [classname]#SQLContainer#.
-This limitation exists because the databases in question do not support
-limit/offset clauses required for paging. Instead, a generated column named
-'rownum' is used to implement paging support.
-The permanent limitations are listed below. These can not or most probably will
-not be fixed in future versions of SQLContainer.
-* The [methodname]#getItemIds()# method is very inefficient - avoid calling it unless absolutely required!
-* When using [classname]#FreeformQuery# without providing a [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate#, the row count query is very inefficient - avoid using [classname]#FreeformQuery# without implementing at least the count query properly.
-* When using [classname]#FreeformQuery# without providing a [classname]#FreeformStatementDelegate#, writing, sorting and filtering will not be supported.
-* When using Oracle database most or all of the numeric types are converted to
-[classname]#java.math.BigDecimal# by the Oracle JDBC Driver.
-This is a feature of how Oracle DB and the Oracle JDBC Driver handles data
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-title: Non-Implemented Methods
-order: 8
-layout: page
-= Non-Implemented Methods
-Due to the database connection inherent to the SQLContainer, some of the methods
-from the container interfaces of Vaadin can not (or would not make sense to) be
-implemented. These methods are listed below, and they will throw an
-[classname]#UnsupportedOperationException# on invocation.
-public boolean addContainerProperty(Object propertyId,
- Class<?> type,
- Object defaultValue)
-public boolean removeContainerProperty(Object propertyId)
-public Item addItem(Object itemId)
-public Object addItemAt(int index)
-public Item addItemAt(int index, Object newItemId)
-public Object addItemAfter(Object previousItemId)
-public Item addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
-Additionally, the following methods of the [classname]#Item# interface are not
-supported in the [classname]#RowItem# class:
-public boolean addItemProperty(Object id, Property property)
-public boolean removeItemProperty(Object id)
-== About the getItemIds() method
-To properly implement the Vaadin [classname]#Container# interface, a
-[methodname]#getItemIds()# method has been implented in the
-[classname]#SQLContainer#. By definition, this method returns a collection of
-all the item IDs present in the container. What this means in the
-[classname]#SQLContainer# case is that the container has to query the database
-for the primary key columns of all the rows present in the connected database
-It is obvious that this could potentially lead to fetching tens or even hundreds
-of thousands of rows in an effort to satisfy the method caller. This will
-effectively kill the lazy loading properties of [classname]#SQLContainer# and
-therefore the following warning is expressed here:
-It is highly recommended not to call the [methodname]#getitemIds()# method,
-unless it is known that in the use case in question the item ID set will always
-be of reasonable size.
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-title: Referencing Another SQLContainer
-order: 6
-layout: page
-= Referencing Another SQLContainer
-When developing a database-connected application, there is usually a need to
-retrieve data related to one table from one or more other tables. In most cases,
-this relation is achieved with a foreign key reference, where a column of the
-first table contains a primary key or candidate key of a row in another table.
-SQLContainer offers limited support for this kind of referencing relation,
-although all referencing is currently done on the Java side so no constraints
-need to be made in the database. A new reference can be created by calling the
-following method:
-public void addReference(SQLContainer refdCont,
- String refingCol, String refdCol);
-This method should be called on the source container of the reference. The
-target container should be given as the first parameter. The
-[parameter]#refingCol# is the name of the 'foreign key' column in the source
-container, and the [parameter]#refdCol# is the name of the referenced key column
-in the target container.
-__Note: For any [classname]#SQLContainer#, all the referenced target containers
-must be different. You can not reference the same container from the same source
-Handling the referenced item can be done through the three provided set/get
-methods, and the reference can be completely removed with the
-[methodname]#removeReference()# method. Signatures of these methods are listed
-public boolean setReferencedItem(Object itemId,
- Object refdItemId, SQLContainer refdCont)
-public Object getReferencedItemId(Object itemId,
- SQLContainer refdCont)
-public Item getReferencedItem(Object itemId,
- SQLContainer refdCont)
-public boolean removeReference(SQLContainer refdCont)
-The setter method should be given three parameters: [parameter]#itemId# is the
-ID of the referencing item (from the source container), [parameter]#refdItemId#
-is the referenced [parameter]#itemID# (from the target container) and
-[parameter]#refdCont# is a reference to the target container that identifies the
-reference. This method returns true if the setting of the referenced item was
-successful. After setting the referenced item you must normally call
-[methodname]#commit()# on the source container to persist the changes to the
-The [methodname]#getReferencedItemId()# method will return the item ID of the
-referenced item. As parameters this method needs the item ID of the referencing
-item and a reference to the target container as an identifier.
-[classname]#SQLContainer# also provides a convenience method
-[methodname]#getReferencedItem()#, which directly returns the referenced item
-from the target container.
-Finally, the referencing can be removed from the source container by calling the
-[methodname]#removeReference()# method with the target container as parameter.
-Note that this does not actually change anything in the database; it merely
-removes the logical relation that exists only on the Java-side.