path: root/src/com/vaadin/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/vaadin/tests/')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/tests/ b/src/com/vaadin/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7294ebf2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/vaadin/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ */
+package com.vaadin.tests;
+import java.util.Random;
+import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource;
+import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.CustomLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.DateField;
+import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Link;
+import com.vaadin.ui.OrderedLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Panel;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
+import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet;
+import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
+ * This example demonstrates layouts. Layouts are populated with sample Toolkit
+ * UI components.
+ *
+ * @author IT Mill Ltd.
+ *
+ */
+public class RandomLayoutStress extends com.vaadin.Application {
+ private final Random seededRandom = new Random(1);
+ // FIXME increasing these settings brings out interesting client-side issues
+ // (DOM errors)
+ // TODO increasing values "even more" crashes Hosted Mode, pumping Xmx/Xms
+ // helps to some extent
+ private static final int componentCountA = 50;
+ private static final int componentCountB = 50;
+ private static final int componentCountC = 200;
+ private static final int componentCountD = 50;
+ /**
+ * Initialize Application. Demo components are added to main window.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void init() {
+ final Window mainWindow = new Window("Layout demo");
+ setMainWindow(mainWindow);
+ // Create horizontal ordered layout
+ final Panel panelA = new Panel(
+ "Panel containing horizontal ordered layout");
+ OrderedLayout layoutA = new OrderedLayout(
+ // Add 4 random components
+ fillLayout(layoutA, componentCountA);
+ // Add layout to panel
+ panelA.addComponent(layoutA);
+ // Create vertical ordered layout
+ final Panel panelB = new Panel(
+ "Panel containing vertical ordered layout");
+ OrderedLayout layoutB = new OrderedLayout(
+ // Add 4 random components
+ fillLayout(layoutB, componentCountB);
+ // Add layout to panel
+ panelB.addComponent(layoutB);
+ // Create grid layout
+ final int gridSize = (int) java.lang.Math.sqrt(componentCountC);
+ final Panel panelG = new Panel("Panel containing grid layout ("
+ + gridSize + " x " + gridSize + ")");
+ GridLayout layoutG = new GridLayout(gridSize, gridSize);
+ // Add 12 random components
+ fillLayout(layoutG, componentCountC);
+ // Add layout to panel
+ panelG.addComponent(layoutG);
+ // Create TabSheet
+ final TabSheet tabsheet = new TabSheet();
+ tabsheet
+ .setCaption("Tabsheet, above layouts are added to this component");
+ layoutA = new OrderedLayout(OrderedLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
+ // Add 4 random components
+ fillLayout(layoutA, componentCountA);
+ tabsheet.addTab(layoutA, "Horizontal ordered layout", null);
+ layoutB = new OrderedLayout(OrderedLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
+ // Add 4 random components
+ fillLayout(layoutB, componentCountB);
+ tabsheet.addTab(layoutB, "Vertical ordered layout", null);
+ layoutG = new GridLayout(gridSize, gridSize);
+ // Add 12 random components
+ fillLayout(layoutG, componentCountC);
+ tabsheet.addTab(layoutG, "Grid layout (4 x 2)", null);
+ // Create custom layout
+ final Panel panelC = new Panel("Custom layout with style exampleStyle");
+ final CustomLayout layoutC = new CustomLayout("exampleStyle");
+ // Add 4 random components
+ fillLayout(layoutC, componentCountD);
+ // Add layout to panel
+ panelC.addComponent(layoutC);
+ // Add demo panels (layouts) to main window
+ mainWindow.addComponent(panelA);
+ mainWindow.addComponent(panelB);
+ mainWindow.addComponent(panelG);
+ mainWindow.addComponent(tabsheet);
+ mainWindow.addComponent(panelC);
+ }
+ private AbstractComponent getRandomComponent(int caption) {
+ AbstractComponent result = null;
+ final int randint = seededRandom.nextInt(7);
+ switch (randint) {
+ case 0:
+ // Label
+ result = new Label();
+ result.setCaption("Label component " + caption);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // Button
+ result = new Button();
+ result.setCaption("Button component " + caption);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // TextField
+ result = new TextField();
+ result.setCaption("TextField component " + caption);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // Select
+ result = new Select("Select " + caption);
+ result.setCaption("Select component " + caption);
+ ((Select) result).addItem("First item");
+ ((Select) result).addItem("Second item");
+ ((Select) result).addItem("Third item");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Link
+ result = new Link("", new ExternalResource(""));
+ result.setCaption("Link component " + caption);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // Link
+ result = new Panel();
+ result.setCaption("Panel component " + caption);
+ ((Panel) result)
+ .addComponent(new Label(
+ "Panel is a container for other components, by default it draws a frame around it's "
+ + "extremities and may have a caption to clarify the nature of the contained components' purpose."
+ + " Panel contains an layout where the actual contained components are added, "
+ + "this layout may be switched on the fly."));
+ ((Panel) result).setWidth(250);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ // Datefield
+ result = new DateField();
+ ((DateField) result).setStyleName("calendar");
+ ((DateField) result).setValue(new java.util.Date());
+ result.setCaption("Calendar component " + caption);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ // Datefield
+ result = new DateField();
+ ((DateField) result).setValue(new java.util.Date());
+ result.setCaption("Calendar component " + caption);
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add demo components to given layout
+ *
+ * @param layout
+ */
+ private void fillLayout(Layout layout, int numberOfComponents) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i++) {
+ layout.addComponent(getRandomComponent(i));
+ }
+ }