Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
| * Migrate SimplifiedRPCUsingJavaScriptErik Lumme2017-09-152-0/+100
| * Migrate AddingJPAToTheAddressBookDemoErik Lumme2017-09-154-0/+791
| * Fix formatting errorErik Lumme2017-09-151-2/+2
| * Migrate UsingHibernateWithvaadinErik Lumme2017-09-154-0/+434
| * Migrate ScalaAndVaadinHOWTOErik Lumme2017-09-152-0/+190
| * Migrate UsingPhoneGapBuildWithVaadinTouchKitErik Lumme2017-09-152-0/+270
| * Migrate UsingPythonErik Lumme2017-09-143-0/+438
| * Migrate UsingVaadinInAnExistingGWTProjectErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+130
| * Migrate BuildingVaadinApplicationsOnTopOfActivitiErik Lumme2017-09-149-0/+585
| * Migrate JasperReportsOnVaadinSampleErik Lumme2017-09-143-0/+186
| * Update titleErik Lumme2017-09-141-3/+3
| * Migrate CreatingABasicApplicationErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+75
| * Migrate FindingTheCurrentRootAndApplicationErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+45
| * Migrate VAccessControlErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+397
| * Migrate CreatingAnApplicationWithDIfferentFeaturesForDIfferentClientsErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+72
| * Migrate ChangingTheDefaultConvertersForAnApplicationErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+77
| * Migrate CreatingYourOwnConverterForStringErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+104
| * Migrate OfflineModeForTouchKit4MobileAppsErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+571
| * Migrate UsingJDBCwithLazyQueryContainerAndFilteringTableErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+414
| * Migrate LazyQueryContainerErik Lumme2017-09-142-0/+467
* Update application-errors.asciidoc (#9971)Michael Benz2017-09-121-2/+0
* Fix invalid user visible value in ComboBox (#8115)Matti Tahvonen2017-09-063-3/+43
* Fix ListSelect scrolling behavior on IE (#9910)Aleksi Hietanen2017-09-042-0/+46
* Resize should work within Grid details row (#9799)Ansku2017-08-174-4/+377
* Use separate identifier for push connections (#9150)Olli Tietäväinen2017-08-106-33/+109
* Fix occasional empty rows in Table and TreeTable (#9551)mlindfors2017-08-093-45/+87
* Added loop and preload attributes for media elements, fixed null poster (#9161)Krassimir Valev2017-08-087-10/+165
* Do full connector tracker cleanup when the session lock is released (#9707) (...Artur2017-08-016-28/+136
* Add missing @since tags for Tietäväinen2017-06-125-0/+30
* Allow changing NavigationStateManager (#9416)apolds2017-05-241-0/+4
* Remove warning for shortcuts on disabled connector (#9369)Olli Tietäväinen2017-05-191-3/+0
* Clean connector tracker after each access block to stop memory leaks (#9331)Artur2017-05-179-30/+276
* Upgrade GWT version7.7.9Ilia Motornyi2017-05-052-2/+2
* Fix issues in Grid with undefined height (#9118)Teemu Suo-Anttila2017-04-203-8/+107
* Fix removing rows over the cached range in Grid Johannes Tuikkala2017-04-203-1/+140
* Fix client-side memory leak caused by Grid events (#9062)Aleksi Hietanen2017-04-199-71/+226
* Fix calendar dateclick does not work when in readonly mode (#9065)davidef2017-04-191-1/+1
* Fix bug column and row expand ratio are not persisted Tien Nguyen2017-04-062-14/+31
* Fixed links to domain modelAlejandro2017-03-281-3/+3
* Add @since tags for 7.7.8 (#8954)7.7.8Henri Sara2017-03-272-1/+3
* Add vaadin-archetypes as expected artifact (#8953)Henri Sara2017-03-271-1/+1
* Fix Flash expanding with percentage sizing (#8552)Olli Tietäväinen2017-03-214-8/+209
* Fix some tests for 7.7Henri Sara2017-03-133-9/+18
* Include charset in text/html responses (#8777)Artur2017-03-095-6/+16
* Fix Panel.setScrollTop() for large values (#8563)Olli Tietäväinen2017-03-093-0/+110
* Fix client-side error when Upload in TabSheet and Push (#8779)Ilia Motornyi2017-03-093-4/+173
* Correctly detach header/footer components when column is removed (#8645)Artur2017-03-092-2/+98
* Always calculate Escalator max row count the same way (#8740)Artur2017-03-075-18/+156
* Handle unknown connectors consistently and quietly as described in #8111 (#8741)Artur2017-03-072-6/+63
* Fix some tests and update screenshots (#8744)Henri Sara2017-03-062-1/+1