$v-grid-border-size: 1px !default; $v-grid-border: $v-grid-border-size solid #ddd !default; $v-grid-cell-vertical-border: $v-grid-border !default; $v-grid-cell-horizontal-border: $v-grid-cell-vertical-border !default; $v-grid-cell-focused-border: 1px solid !default; $v-grid-header-border: $v-grid-border !default; $v-grid-footer-border: $v-grid-header-border !default; $v-grid-row-height: round($v-font-size * 1.5) !default; $v-grid-row-background-color: #fff !default; $v-grid-row-stripe-background-color: darken($v-grid-row-background-color, 5%) !default; $v-grid-row-selected-background-color: darken($v-grid-row-background-color, 25%) !default; $v-grid-row-focused-background-color: null !default; $v-grid-header-row-height: null !default; $v-grid-header-font-size: $v-font-size !default; $v-grid-header-background-color: $v-grid-row-background-color !default; $v-grid-header-drag-marked-color: $v-grid-row-selected-background-color !default; $v-grid-footer-row-height: $v-grid-header-row-height !default; $v-grid-footer-font-size: $v-grid-header-font-size !default; $v-grid-footer-background-color: $v-grid-header-background-color !default; $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal: 10px !default; $v-grid-editor-background-color: $v-grid-row-background-color !default; $v-grid-details-marker-width: 2px !default; $v-grid-details-marker-color: $v-grid-row-selected-background-color !default; $v-grid-details-border-top: $v-grid-cell-horizontal-border !default; $v-grid-details-border-top-stripe: $v-grid-cell-horizontal-border !default; $v-grid-details-border-bottom: 1px solid darken($v-grid-row-stripe-background-color, 10%) !default; $v-grid-details-border-bottom-stripe: 1px solid darken($v-grid-row-background-color, 10%) !default; @import "../escalator/escalator"; @mixin base-grid($primaryStyleName: v-grid) { @include base-escalator($primaryStyleName: $primaryStyleName, $background-color: $v-grid-row-background-color); .#{$primaryStyleName} { outline: none; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-scroller-vertical, .#{$primaryStyleName}-scroller-horizontal { border: $v-grid-border; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-scroller-vertical { border-left: none; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-scroller-horizontal { border-top: none; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-tablewrapper { border: $v-grid-border; } // Column drag and drop elements .#{$primaryStyleName} .header-drag-table { border-spacing: 0; position: relative; table-layout: fixed; width: inherit; // a decent default fallback .#{$primaryStyleName}-header { position: absolute; > .#{$primaryStyleName}-cell { border: $v-grid-border; margin-top: -10px; opacity: 0.9; filter: alpha(opacity=90); // IE8 z-index: 30000; } > .#{$primaryStyleName}-drop-marker { background-color: $v-grid-header-drag-marked-color; position: absolute; width: 3px; } } } // Sidebar .#{$primaryStyleName}-sidebar.v-contextmenu { @include box-shadow(none); border-radius: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; background-color: $v-grid-header-background-color; border: $v-grid-header-border; padding: 0; z-index: 5; &.#{$primaryStyleName}-sidebar-popup { right: auto; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-sidebar-button { background: transparent; border: none; color: inherit; cursor: pointer; outline: none; padding: 0 4px; text-align: right; line-height: 1; &[disabled] { cursor: default; } &::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; } &:after { content: "\f0c9"; display: block; font-family: ThemeIcons, sans-serif; font-size: $v-grid-header-font-size; } } &.closed { border-radius: 0; } &.open { .#{$primaryStyleName}-sidebar-button { width: 100%; &:after { content: "\f0c9"; font-size: $v-grid-header-font-size; line-height: 1; } } } .v-ie &.open .#{$primaryStyleName}-sidebar-button { vertical-align: middle; } .v-ie8 &.open .#{$primaryStyleName}-sidebar-button:after { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; display: inline; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-sidebar-content { padding: 4px 0; .gwt-MenuBar { .gwt-MenuItem .column-hiding-toggle { text-shadow: none; } } } } // Common cell styles .#{$primaryStyleName}-cell { background-color: $v-grid-row-background-color; padding: 0 $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal; line-height: $v-grid-row-height; text-overflow: ellipsis; > * { line-height: $v-line-height; vertical-align: middle; } // Force div elements to inline-blocks by default to enable vertical centering > div { display: inline-block; } &.frozen { @include box-shadow(1px 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1)); border-right: $v-grid-cell-vertical-border; @if $v-grid-cell-vertical-border and $v-grid-cell-vertical-border != none { + th, + td { border-left: none; } } } } // Rows .#{$primaryStyleName}-row > td, .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-cells > div { border-left: $v-grid-cell-vertical-border; border-bottom: $v-grid-cell-horizontal-border; &:first-child { border-left: none; } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-cells.frozen > div { @include box-shadow(1px 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1)); border-right: $v-grid-cell-vertical-border; border-left: none; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-row-stripe > td { background-color: $v-grid-row-stripe-background-color; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-row-selected > td { background: $v-grid-row-selected-background-color; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-row-focused > td { background-color: $v-grid-row-focused-background-color; } // Header .#{$primaryStyleName}-header { th { position: relative; background-color: $v-grid-header-background-color; font-size: $v-grid-header-font-size; font-weight: inherit; border-left: $v-grid-header-border; border-bottom: $v-grid-header-border; line-height: $v-grid-header-row-height; text-align: left; &:first-child { border-left: none; } } .sort-asc, .sort-desc { padding-right: round($v-grid-header-font-size * 1.2) + $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal; &:after { font-family: ThemeIcons, sans-serif; content: "\f0de" " " attr(sort-order); position: absolute; right: $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal; font-size: round($v-grid-header-font-size * 0.85); } } .sort-desc:after { content: "\f0dd" " " attr(sort-order); } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-column-resize-handle { position: absolute; width: 2 * $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal; right: -$v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; cursor: col-resize; z-index: 10; // TODO should refactor into a mixin -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } // Footer .#{$primaryStyleName}-footer { td { background-color: $v-grid-footer-background-color; font-size: $v-grid-footer-font-size; font-weight: inherit; border-left: $v-grid-footer-border; border-top: $v-grid-footer-border; border-bottom: none; line-height: $v-grid-footer-row-height; &:first-child { border-left: none; } } } // Header and footer .#{$primaryStyleName}-header, .#{$primaryStyleName}-footer { .#{$primaryStyleName}-cell { overflow: visible; } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-column-header-content, .#{$primaryStyleName}-column-footer-content { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; // Hackish, needed to override the "v-grid-cell > *" rule above line-height: $v-grid-row-height; vertical-align: baseline; } // Decorative elements .#{$primaryStyleName}-header-deco { border-top: $v-grid-header-border; border-right: $v-grid-header-border; background-color: $v-grid-header-background-color; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-footer-deco { border-bottom: $v-grid-footer-border; border-right: $v-grid-footer-border; background-color: $v-grid-footer-background-color; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-horizontal-scrollbar-deco { background-color: $v-grid-footer-background-color; border: $v-grid-footer-border; border-top: none; } // Focused cell style (common for all cells) .#{$primaryStyleName}-cell-focused { position: relative; &:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; border: $v-grid-cell-focused-border; display: none; pointer-events: none; } // IE 8-10 apply "pointer-events" only to SVG elements. // Using an empty SVG instead of an empty text node makes IE // obey the "pointer-events: none" and forwards click events // to the underlying element. The data decodes to: // .ie8 &:before, .ie9 &:before, .ie10 &:before { content: url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciPjwvc3ZnPg==); } } .#{$primaryStyleName}:focus .#{$primaryStyleName}-cell-focused:before { display: block; } .#{$primaryStyleName}.v-disabled:focus .#{$primaryStyleName}-cell-focused:before { // Disabled Grid should not show cell focus outline display: none; } // Editor .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor { position: absolute; z-index: 20; overflow: hidden; left: 0; right: 0; border: $v-grid-border; box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: nth($v-grid-border, 1) * -1; @include box-shadow(0 0 9px rgba(0,0,0,.2)); // Unbuffered footer needs to be 100% width to display correctly &.unbuffered { .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-footer { width: 100%; } } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-cells { position: relative; white-space: nowrap; &.frozen { z-index: 2; } > div { display: inline-block; @include box-sizing(border-box); vertical-align: middle; background: $v-grid-editor-background-color; &:first-child { border-left: none; } > * { vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; } .v-filterselect { padding-left: 0; } input[type="text"], input[type="text"].v-filterselect-input, input[type="password"] { padding-left: $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal; } input[type="text"]:not(.v-filterselect-input), input[type="password"] { padding-right: $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal / 2; } input[type="checkbox"] { margin-left: $v-grid-cell-padding-horizontal; } .v-textfield, .v-datefield, .v-filterselect { min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; max-height: 100%; } .v-datefield-button { .v-ie8 & { margin-left: -37px; } } .v-filterselect-button { .v-ie8 & { margin-left: -25px; } } .v-select, .v-select-select { min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; } &.not-editable.#{$primaryStyleName}-cell { float: none; } } .error::before { position: absolute; display: block; height: 0; width: 0; content: ""; border-top: 5px solid red; border-right: 5px solid transparent; } .error, .error > input { background-color: #fee; } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-footer { display: table; height: $v-grid-row-height; border-top: $v-grid-cell-horizontal-border; margin-top: nth($v-grid-cell-horizontal-border, 1) * -1; background: $v-grid-row-background-color; padding: 0 5px; + .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-cells > div { border-bottom: none; border-top: $v-grid-cell-horizontal-border; } &:first-child { border-top: none; margin-top: 0; border-bottom: $v-grid-cell-horizontal-border; margin-bottom: nth($v-grid-cell-horizontal-border, 1) * -1; } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-message, .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-buttons { display: table-cell; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-message { width: 100%; position: relative; > div { position: absolute; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; line-height: $v-grid-row-height; top: 0; } } .#{$primaryStyleName}-editor-save { margin-right: 4px; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-spacer { // using padding since left is used with some position functions in escalator padding-left: $v-grid-details-marker-width - $v-grid-border-size; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-spacer > td { display: block; padding: 0; background-color: $v-grid-row-background-color; border-top: $v-grid-details-border-top; border-bottom: $v-grid-details-border-bottom; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-spacer.stripe > td { background-color: $v-grid-row-stripe-background-color; border-top: $v-grid-details-border-top-stripe; border-bottom: $v-grid-details-border-bottom-stripe; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-spacer-deco-container { border-top: $v-grid-border-size solid transparent; // same size as table wrapper border position: relative; top: 0; // escalator will override top for scrolling and margin-top for header offset. z-index: 5; } .#{$primaryStyleName}-spacer-deco { top: 0; // this will be overridden by code, but it's a good default. left: 0; width: $v-grid-details-marker-width; background-color: $v-grid-details-marker-color; position: absolute; height: 100%; // this will be overridden by code, but it's a good default. pointer-events: none; // IE 8-10 apply "pointer-events" only to SVG elements. // Using an empty SVG instead of an empty text node makes IE // obey the "pointer-events: none" and forwards click events // to the underlying element. The data decodes to: // .ie8 &:before, .ie9 &:before, .ie10 &:before { content: url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciPjwvc3ZnPg==); } } // Renderers .#{$primaryStyleName}-cell > .v-progressbar { width: 100%; } }