@mixin base-splitpanel($name : v-splitpanel) { .#{$name}-horizontal, .#{$name}-vertical { overflow: hidden; } .#{$name}-hsplitter { width: 6px; } .#{$name}-hsplitter div { width: 6px; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; background: #ddd; cursor: e-resize; cursor: col-resize; } .v-disabled .#{$name}-hsplitter div { cursor: default; } .#{$name}-vsplitter { height: 6px; } .#{$name}-vsplitter div { height: 6px; background: #ddd; cursor: s-resize; cursor: row-resize; } .v-disabled .#{$name}-vsplitter div { cursor: default; } /* * In IE8 we need to do magic things to avoid scrollbars since it does not completely * support the HTML5 doctype. Changing the contained element to a block element will not add * magical bottom paddings to the contained element and cause scrollbars. */ .v-ie8 .v-splitpanel-first-container > .v-widget, .v-ie8 .v-splitpanel-second-container > .v-widget{ display:block; } }