/** * Outputs the selectors and properties for the ComboBox component. * * @param {string} $primary-stylename (v-filterselect) - the primary style name for the selectors * @param {bool} $include-additional-styles - should the mixin output all the different style variations of the component * * @group combobox */ @mixin valo-combobox ($primary-stylename: v-filterselect, $include-additional-styles: contains($v-included-additional-styles, combobox)) { .#{$primary-stylename} { position: relative; width: $v-default-field-width; @include valo-combobox-style; white-space: nowrap; .v-icon { position: absolute; pointer-events: none; } } .#{$primary-stylename}-error { .#{$primary-stylename}-input { @include valo-textfield-error-style; } .#{$primary-stylename}-button { color: $v-error-indicator-color; border-color: $v-error-indicator-color; } } .#{$primary-stylename}-suggestpopup { @include valo-combobox-popup-style; } .#{$primary-stylename}-no-input { @include valo-combobox-no-input-style; } @if $include-additional-styles { .#{$primary-stylename}-borderless { .#{$primary-stylename}-input { @include valo-textfield-borderless-style; } .#{$primary-stylename}-button { border: none; color: inherit; @include opacity(.5); } &.#{$primary-stylename}-prompt .#{$primary-stylename}-input { @include valo-textfield-prompt-style(transparent); } } .#{$primary-stylename}-align-right input { text-align: right; } .#{$primary-stylename}-align-center input { text-align: center; } .#{$primary-stylename}-tiny { @include valo-combobox-style($unit-size: $v-unit-size--tiny, $bevel: null, $shadow: null, $gradient: null, $border: null, $border-radius: null, $background-color: null, $states: normal); font-size: $v-font-size--tiny; } .#{$primary-stylename}-compact, .#{$primary-stylename}-small { @include valo-combobox-style($unit-size: $v-unit-size--small, $bevel: null, $shadow: null, $gradient: null, $border: null, $border-radius: null, $background-color: null, $states: normal); } .#{$primary-stylename}-small { font-size: $v-font-size--small; } .#{$primary-stylename}-large { @include valo-combobox-style($unit-size: $v-unit-size--large, $bevel: null, $shadow: null, $gradient: null, $border: null, $border-radius: null, $background-color: null, $states: normal); font-size: $v-font-size--large; } .#{$primary-stylename}-huge { @include valo-combobox-style($unit-size: $v-unit-size--huge, $bevel: null, $shadow: null, $gradient: null, $border: null, $border-radius: null, $background-color: null, $states: normal); font-size: $v-font-size--huge; } } } /** * Outputs the styles for a combobox variant. * * @param {size} $unit-size ($v-unit-size) - The sizing of the combobox, which corresponds its height * @param {color} $font-color (null) - The font color of the combobox. Computed from the $background-color by default. * @param {number} $font-weight (max(400, $v-font-weight)) - The font weight of the combobox * @param {size} $font-size (null) - The font size of the combobox. Inherited from the parent by default. * @param {color} $background-color ($v-textfield-background-color) - The background color of the combobox * @param {list} $border ($v-textfield-border) - The border of the combobox * @param {size} $border-radius ($v-textfield-border-radius) - The border-radius of the combobox * @param {list} $gradient (none) - Valo specific gradient value. See the documentation for $v-gradient. * @param {list} $bevel ($v-textfield-bevel) - Box-shadow value according to $v-bevel documentation * @param {list} $shadow ($v-textfield-shadow) - Box-shadow value according to $v-shadow documentation * @param {list} $states (normal focus disabled) - The combobox states for which to output corresponding styles * * @group combobox */ @mixin valo-combobox-style ( $unit-size: $v-unit-size, $font-color: null, $font-weight: max(400, $v-font-weight), $font-size: null, $background-color: $v-textfield-background-color, $border: $v-textfield-border, $border-radius: $v-textfield-border-radius, $gradient: none, $bevel: $v-textfield-bevel, $shadow: $v-textfield-shadow, $states: normal focus disabled ) { height: $unit-size; border-radius: $border-radius; [class*="input"] { @include valo-combobox-input-style( $unit-size: $unit-size, $gradient: $gradient, $bevel: $bevel, $shadow: $shadow, $border: $border, $border-radius: $border-radius, $background-color: $background-color, $font-color: $font-color, $font-size: $font-size, $font-weight: $font-weight, $states: $states); } .v-icon + [class*="input"] { padding-left: $unit-size; } img.v-icon { $padding-width: ceil($unit-size/6); max-height: $unit-size; @if $border-radius { $padding-width: $padding-width + ceil($border-radius/3); } margin-left: $padding-width; } span.v-icon { color: valo-font-color($background-color); width: $unit-size; line-height: 1; padding-top: .12em; } &[class*="prompt"] > [class*="input"] { @include valo-textfield-prompt-style($background-color); } [class$="button"] { @include valo-combobox-button-style($unit-size: $unit-size, $bevel: $bevel, $background-color: $background-color, $border-radius: $border-radius, $border: $border); } &.v-disabled { @include opacity($v-textfield-disabled-opacity); & [class$="button"] { cursor: default; pointer-events: none; &:active:after { display: none; } } } &.v-readonly { [class*="input"] { @include valo-textfield-readonly-style; } [class$="button"] { cursor: default; pointer-events: none; &:active:after { display: none; } } } } /** * Outputs the styles for a combobox variant input element. * * @param {size} $unit-size ($v-unit-size) - The sizing of the input (affects the padding only, width and height are 100%) * @param {size | list} $padding (null) - The padding of the input. Computed from other parameters by default. * @param {color} $font-color (null) - The font color of the input. Computed from the $background-color by default. * @param {number} $font-weight (null) - The font weight of the input. Inherited from the parent by default. * @param {size} $font-size (null) - The font size of the combobox. Inherited from the parent by default. * @param {color} $background-color ($v-textfield-background-color) - The background color of the input * @param {list} $border ($v-textfield-border) - The border of the input * @param {size} $border-radius ($v-textfield-border-radius) - The border-radius of the input * @param {list} $gradient (none) - Valo specific gradient value. See the documentation for $v-gradient. * @param {list} $bevel ($v-textfield-bevel) - Box-shadow value according to $v-bevel documentation * @param {list} $shadow ($v-textfield-shadow) - Box-shadow value according to $v-shadow documentation * @param {list} $states (normal focus disabled) - The combobox states for which to output corresponding styles * * @group combobox */ @mixin valo-combobox-input-style ( $unit-size: $v-unit-size, $padding: null, $font-color: null, $font-weight: null, $font-size: null, $background-color: $v-textfield-background-color, $border: $v-textfield-border, $border-radius: $v-textfield-border-radius, $gradient: none, $bevel: $v-bevel, $shadow: $v-shadow, $states: normal focus disabled ) { @include box-sizing(border-box); @include valo-textfield-style($unit-size: $unit-size, $padding: $padding, $font-color: $font-color, $font-weight: $font-weight, $font-size: $font-size, $background-color: $background-color, $border: $border, $border-radius: $border-radius, $gradient: $gradient, $bevel: $bevel, $shadow: $shadow, $states: $states); width: 100% !important; // Need to override calculated inline style which is sometimes added height: 100%; padding-right: round($unit-size * 1.2); border-radius: inherit; } /** * Outputs the styles for a combobox variant button element. * * @param {size} $unit-size ($v-unit-size) - The sizing of the button, which corresponds its width. * @param {list} $bevel ($v-textfield-bevel) - Box-shadow value according to $v-bevel documentation * @param {color} $background-color ($v-textfield-background-color) - The background color of the input, which affects the font color of the button * @param {size} $border-radius ($v-textfield-border-radius) - The border-radius of the input, which affects the border-radius of the button * @param {list} $border ($v-textfield-border) - The border of the input, which affects the border of the button * * @group combobox */ @mixin valo-combobox-button-style ($unit-size: $v-unit-size, $bevel: $v-bevel, $background-color: $v-textfield-background-color, $border-radius: $v-border-radius, $border: $v-textfield-border) { $border-width: first-number($border) or 0; @include valo-tappable; position: absolute; width: $unit-size; @if $border and $border != none { top: $border-width; right: $border-width; bottom: $border-width; } @if type-of($background-color) == color { @if $border { border-left: valo-border($color: $background-color, $border: $v-textfield-border, $strength: 0.5); } color: mix($background-color, valo-font-color($background-color)); .v-ie8 & { background-color: $background-color; } } @if $v-border-radius > 0 { $br: $v-border-radius - $border-width; border-radius: 0 $br $br 0; } &:before { @include valo-combobox-button-icon-style; @if $v-animations-enabled { @include transition(color 140ms); } position: absolute; width: $unit-size; text-align: center; top: 50%; line-height: 1; margin-top: -.47em; } @if $v-hover-styles-enabled and type-of($background-color) == color { &:hover:before { color: valo-font-color($background-color); } } &:active:after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; border-radius: inherit; @if type-of($background-color) == color { @include valo-button-active-style($background-color); } } } /** * Outputs the font icon styles for the combobox drop down button. * * @group combobox */ @mixin valo-combobox-button-icon-style { font-family: FontAwesome; content: "\f078"; } /** * Outputs the styles for a combobox popup. * * @group combobox */ @mixin valo-combobox-popup-style { @if $v-animations-enabled { @if $v-overlay-animate-in { &[class*="animate-in"] { @include animation($v-overlay-animate-in); } } // No animate-out since that will currently prevent the dropdown from // closing when the user selects an item } [class$="suggestmenu"] { @include valo-selection-overlay-style($animate-in: false, $animate-out: false); @include box-sizing(border-box); position: relative; z-index: 1; &[style*="height"] { @include box-sizing(content-box); } } margin-top: ceil($v-unit-size/8) !important; table, tbody, tr, td { display: block; } .gwt-MenuItem { @include valo-selection-item-style; } .gwt-MenuItem-selected { @include valo-selection-item-selected-style; } [class$="status"] { position: absolute; right: $v-border-radius; $bg: scale-color($v-background-color, $lightness: -15%); background: transparentize($bg, .1); color: valo-font-color($bg); border-radius: 0 0 $v-border-radius $v-border-radius; height: ceil($v-unit-size*0.6); bottom: -(ceil($v-unit-size*0.6)); font-size: ceil($v-font-size*0.73); line-height: ceil($v-unit-size*0.6); padding: 0 ceil($v-unit-size/7); cursor: default; pointer-events: none; @if $v-animations-enabled { @include animation(valo-animate-in-slide-down 200ms 80ms backwards); } > * { color: valo-font-color($bg); text-decoration: none; } } div[class*="page"] { position: absolute; z-index: 3; right: 0; @include opacity(.2); cursor: pointer; @include transition( all 200ms ); width: ceil($v-unit-size/1.5); height: ceil($v-unit-size/1.5); line-height: ceil($v-unit-size/1.5); text-align: center; font-family: FontAwesome; @include transform( scale(.8) ); color: valo-font-color($v-background-color); &:after { // Extend click target when hovering over (popup width might change between pages) content: ""; position: absolute; display: block; border-radius: 50%; } &:hover { @include opacity(1); background: rgba($v-background-color, .5); &:after { top: -10px; bottom: -10px; left: -20px; right: -20px; } } span { // Hide text display: none; } } &:hover div[class*="page"] { @include transform( scale(1) ); } div[class*="prev"] { top: 0; @include transform-origin( 100% 0% ); border-radius: 0 $v-border-radius 0 $v-border-radius; &:before { content: "\f0d8"; } } div[class*="next"] { bottom: 0; @include transform-origin( 100% 100% ); border-radius: $v-border-radius 0 $v-border-radius 0; &:before { content: "\f0d7"; } } div[class*="-off"] { display: none; } } /** * * * * @group combobox */ @mixin valo-combobox-no-input-style { cursor: pointer; text-shadow: valo-text-shadow(); @if $v-border-radius != $v-textfield-border-radius { border-radius: $v-border-radius; } [class*="input"] { @include user-select(none); @include valo-gradient; cursor: inherit; @include box-shadow(valo-bevel-and-shadow($bevel: $v-bevel, $shadow: $v-shadow, $gradient: $v-gradient)); @include valo-border-with-gradient($border: $v-border, $color: $v-background-color, $gradient: $v-gradient); text-shadow: inherit; text-overflow: ellipsis; border-radius: inherit; &:focus { @include valo-textfield-focus-style($bevel: $v-bevel, $shadow: $v-shadow, $gradient: $v-gradient, $background-color: $v-background-color); } } [class$="button"] { border-left: none !important; } &:hover [class$="button"]:before { color: inherit; } }