/** * The amount of spacing between different widgets in a component group. * If null, a computed value is used ($v-border size * -1, or 1px if $v-border size is 0) * * @group csslayout */ $v-component-group-spacing: null !default; /** * Outputs the additional styles for the CssLayout component. Does not produce any other output. * * @param {string} $primary-stylename (v-csslayout) - the primary style name for the selectors * @param {bool} $include-additional-styles - should the mixin output all the different style variations of the component * * @group csslayout */ @mixin valo-csslayout ($primary-stylename: v-csslayout, $include-additional-styles: contains($v-included-additional-styles, csslayout)){ @if $include-additional-styles { .#{$primary-stylename}-well { @include valo-panel-well-style; @include valo-panel-adjust-content-margins; } .#{$primary-stylename}-card { @include valo-panel-style; @include valo-panel-adjust-content-margins; } .#{$primary-stylename}-v-component-group { @include valo-component-group; } } } /** * Outputs the styles for a horizontal component group. The target component is * expected to be a CssLayout, which is a single DIV element with child components * directly inside. * * @group csslayout * * @example scss * .my-csslayout { * @include valo-component-group; * } */ @mixin valo-component-group { white-space: nowrap; position: relative; @if $v-border-radius > 0 { .v-widget ~ .v-widget:not(:last-child) { border-radius: 0; } .v-widget:last-child { border-top-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; } .v-widget:first-child, .v-caption:first-child + .v-widget { border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; } .v-widget ~ .v-widget.first.first { border-radius: $v-border-radius 0 0 $v-border-radius; } .v-widget ~ .v-widget.last.last { border-radius: 0 $v-border-radius $v-border-radius 0; } } // Assume most components have borders. // This is just a best-guess, will need fine-tuning if border-widths vary from widget-to-widget .v-widget { vertical-align: middle; $v-border-width: first-number($v-border); @if $v-border-width > 0 { margin-left: $v-component-group-spacing or -$v-border-width; } @else { margin-left: $v-component-group-spacing or 1px; } &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } // Focused component should be on top &:focus, &[class*="focus"], [class*="focus"] { position: relative; z-index: 5; } } }