(function() { var defaults; var apps = {}; var themesLoaded = {}; var widgetsets = {}; var log; if (typeof console === "undefined" || !window.location.search.match(/[&?]debug(&|$)/)) { //If no console.log present, just use a no-op log = function() {}; } else if (typeof console.log === "function") { //If it's a function, use it with apply log = function() { console.log.apply(console, arguments); }; } else { //In IE, its a native function for which apply is not defined, but it works without a proper 'this' reference log = console.log; } var loadTheme = function(url) { if(!themesLoaded[url]) { log("loadTheme", url); var stylesheet = document.createElement('link'); stylesheet.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); stylesheet.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); stylesheet.setAttribute('href', url + "/styles.css"); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(stylesheet); themesLoaded[url] = true; } } var isWidgetsetLoaded = function(widgetset) { var className = widgetset.replace(/\./g, "_"); return (typeof window[className]) != "undefined"; } var loadWidgetset = function(basePath, widgetset) { if (widgetsets[widgetset]) { return; } log("load widgetset", basePath, widgetset) setTimeout(function() { if (!isWidgetsetLoaded(widgetset)) { alert("Failed to load the widgetset: " + url); } }, 15000); var url = basePath + widgetset + "/" + widgetset + ".nocache.js?" + new Date().getTime(); var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); scriptTag.setAttribute('src', url); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scriptTag); widgetsets[widgetset] = { pendingApps: [] }; } window.vaadin = window.vaadin || { setDefaults: function(d) { if (defaults) { throw "Defaults already defined"; } log("Got defaults", d) defaults = d; }, initApplication: function(appId, config) { if (apps[appId]) { throw "Application " + appId + " already initialized"; } log("init application", appId, config); var getConfig = function(name) { var value = config[name]; if (value === undefined) { value = defaults[name]; } return value; } var fetchRootConfig = function() { log('Fetching root config'); var url = getConfig('browserDetailsUrl'); if (!url) { // No special url defined, use the default URL url = getConfig('appUri'); // Add a slash to the end, because ApplicationConiguration.loadFromDOM does so... if (url.length == 0 || url.substr(url.length-1) !== "/") { url += '/'; } } // Root id url += ((/\?/).test(url) ? "&" : "?") + "browserDetails"; url += '&rootId=' + getConfig('rootId'); url += '&' + vaadin.getBrowserDetailsParameters(appId); // Timestamp to avoid caching url += '&' + (new Date()).getTime(); var r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.open('POST', url, true); r.onreadystatechange = function (aEvt) { if (r.readyState == 4) { if (r.status == 200){ log("Got root config response", r.responseText); var updatedConfig = JSON.parse(r.responseText); // Copy new properties to the config object for (var property in updatedConfig) { if (updatedConfig.hasOwnProperty(property)) { config[property] = updatedConfig[property]; } } config.initPending = false; // Try bootstrapping again, this time without fetching missing info bootstrapApp(false); } else { log('Error', r.statusText); } } }; r.send(null); log('sending request to ', url); }; //Export public data var app = { 'getConfig': getConfig }; apps[appId] = app; if (!window.name) { var rootId = getConfig('rootId'); window.name = appId + '-' + rootId; } var bootstrapApp = function(mayDefer) { var themeUri = getConfig('themeUri'); if (themeUri) { loadTheme(themeUri); } var widgetsetBase = getConfig('widgetsetBase'); var widgetset = getConfig('widgetset'); var initPending = getConfig('initPending'); if (widgetset && widgetsetBase) { loadWidgetset(widgetsetBase, widgetset); } if (initPending) { if (mayDefer) { fetchRootConfig(); } else { throw "May not defer bootstrap any more"; } } else { if (widgetsets[widgetset].callback) { log("Starting from bootstrap", appId); widgetsets[widgetset].callback(appId); } else { log("Setting pending startup", appId); widgetsets[widgetset].pendingApps.push(appId); } } } bootstrapApp(true); if (getConfig("debug")) { // TODO debug state is now global for the entire page, but should somehow only be set for the current application window.vaadin.debug = true; } return app; }, getApp: function(appId) { var app = apps[appId]; return app; }, loadTheme: loadTheme, registerWidgetset: function(widgetset, callback) { log("Widgetset registered", widgetset) widgetsets[widgetset].callback = callback; for(var i = 0; i < widgetsets[widgetset].pendingApps.length; i++) { var appId = widgetsets[widgetset].pendingApps[i]; log("Starting from register widgetset", appId); callback(appId); } widgetsets[widgetset].pendingApps = null; }, getBrowserDetailsParameters: function(parentElementId) { // Screen height and width var url = 'sh=' + window.screen.height; url += '&sw=' + window.screen.width; // Window height and width var cw = 0; var ch = 0; if(typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number') { // Modern browsers cw = window.innerWidth; ch = window.innerHeight; } else { // IE 8 cw = document.documentElement.clientWidth; ch = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } url += '&cw=' + cw + '&ch=' + ch; var d = new Date(); url += '&curdate=' + d.getTime(); var tzo1 = d.getTimezoneOffset(); // current offset var dstDiff = 0; var rtzo = tzo1; for (var m=12;m>0;m--) { d.setUTCMonth(m); var tzo2 = d.getTimezoneOffset(); if (tzo1 != tzo2) { dstDiff = (tzo1 > tzo2 ? tzo1-tzo2 : tzo2-tzo1); // offset w/o DST rtzo = (tzo1 > tzo2 ? tzo1 : tzo2); // offset w/o DST break; } } // Time zone offset url += '&tzo=' + tzo1; // DST difference url += '&dstd=' + dstDiff; // Raw time zone offset url += '&rtzo=' + rtzo; // DST in effect? url += '&dston=' + (tzo1 != rtzo); var pe = document.getElementById(parentElementId); if (pe) { url += '&vw=' + pe.offsetWidth; url += '&vh=' + pe.offsetHeight; } // Uri fragment if (location.hash) { //Remove initial # url += '&fr=' + encodeURIComponent(location.hash.replace(/^#/, "")); } // Window name if (window.name) { url += '&wn=' + encodeURIComponent(window.name); } // Detect touch device support try { document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); url += "&td=1";} catch(e){}; return url; } }; log('Vaadin bootstrap loaded'); })();