
Reservr Example car reservation application. Uses Google Maps widget.

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Test Bench

TestBench Internal test bench application for trying out different components and features of the IT Mill Toolkit

Source code: browse TestBench folder

Feature Browser

FeatureBrowser Test bench application for trying out different components and features of the IT Mill Toolkit

Source code: browse features folder

Notification Demo

Smaller application which demonstrates Rich Text Area widget and Window notification functionality.

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Colorpicker widget

Colorpicker widget Demonstrates how to make new widgets easily with Toolkit. See also documentation which is located here.

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Simple application demos

HelloWorld Classic Hello World example.
Calc Simple Toolkit application where events are used.

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Client-side caching demo

CachingDemo Simple demo of Toolkit cache feature. An Tabsheet contains two tabs where second tab contains heavy server-side content processing. For the first time you load tab2 it takes long time. Following request are lightning fast because Toolkit server instruct client-side to use already cached version (components within tab2 have not changed).

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Long lifecycle of Toolkit applications

Demonstrates sample Millstone application that was ajaxified (upgraded to Toolkit 4.0.0) simply by changing three import namespaces and adding Toolkit libraries to classpath. Initial IT Mill Toolkit framework has existed since 2001 (see Millstone) and is ready for production use today.

Note: This sample application was created on year 2002.

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Tree using QueryContainer demo

This example shows how Table, Select and Tree UI components can use Containers. QueryContainer is used to bind SQL table rows into Toolkit UI components. Table has few example actions added. Also embedding XHTML through Label components is used.

Demonstrates how to create and set it as data source to UI components com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Tree, how to receive ExpandEvent and implement com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Tree.ExpandListener, how to use com.itmill.toolkit.event.Action.

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Table demo

Similar to Tree using QueryContainer demo but uses different style for handling events with Table component.

Demonstrates another possibility how event framework may be used, in this example specific methods are registered for button click events.

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Tree using FilesystemContainer demo

Browsable file explorer using Toolkit Tree component.

Demonstrates how to use com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Tree data source container, how to create, how to read com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Event objects, how to receive and handle any event by implementing com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Listener.

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Tree item handling demo

Browsable file explorer using Toolkit Tree component.

Demonstrates: how to add items hierarchially into com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Tree, how to receive ExpandEvent and implement com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Tree.ExpandListener.

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Select demo

This example shows select component with default and lazy loading functionality enabled (a.k.a Google Suggest). Click to first select component and type few letters using your keyboard to see it in action. Second select component has default functionality.

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FilterSelect demo

This example shows three select components with lazy loading functionality enabled. First select works like Google Suggest, second uses "Contains" filter and third uses custom "Ends with" filter. Click to select components and type few letters using your keyboard to see it in action.

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Keyboard events demo

Contains few Toolkit UI components that can be interacted by pressing keys in keyboard. Note: This feature is under development and is considered as beta.

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URI and Parameter handling demo

This is a demonstration of how URL parameters can be received and handled. Parameters and URL:s can be received trough the windows by registering URIHandler and ParameterHandler classes window.

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Buffered UI components demo

Explains how to use buffering with UI components, and how to perform commit and discard functions. With buffered UI components underlying data objects and UI objects have separate states.

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