More Reasons to Choose Vaadin
Programming Model
Server-side Java
Forget about HTML, Javascript, the browser and RPC, you're working with server-side Java code. This separates Vaadin from client oriented Java frameworks such as GWT.
Code Examples
Hello World – The classic example • Run the app » -
Calculator – Simple logic & event handling • Run the app »
Architecture Diagram
Learn how Vaadin integrates with different platforms and other frameworks, and where your code fits in.
Short Development Example
Watch how to create a document editor application from scratch in less than 10 minutes using Eclipse and the Vaadin Eclipse Plugin.
Vaadin step-by-step (10 min)
Browser independent
Leave the browser compatibility issues to Vaadin and focus on developing your application. All components in Vaadin are compatible with
- Internet Explorer 6+
- Mozilla Firefox 3+
- Safari 3+
- Opera 10
- Google Chrome 4
No plugins required
Vaadin is based on javascript and does not require the end user to install any plugins.
Flexible Theming
Looks the Way You Want It To
Vaadin comes with two great themes to get you started. Since individual apps have individual needs, Vaadin makes it easy to customize the look of your application using only CSS.
Built-in Themes
RunoClean and easy to extend (mockup only, demo coming soon)
Additional Themes & Demos
Extending, Packaging and Distributing
Extend or Create your Own Components
Extend the existing components or create brand new ones using Java and GWT. Server communication is handled automatically, you only provide the state information to be sent.
Add-on Architecture
Vaadin has a unique add-on architecture. Add-ons, such as new components can be packaged as single JARs, which can then be used in other projects just by adding them to the project's classpath.
Vaadin Directory
Vaadin Directory contains dozens of useful add-ons of all kinds. See what others have done or distribute your own add-ons for others to use.
Integrating Add-ons
Integrating add-ons from Vaadin Directory into your project is as easy as downloading them and recompiling the widgetset. The video below demonstrates the process.
Downloading and integrating an add-on from Vaadin Directory (4 min)
Packaging Add-ons
Create re-usable add-ons that you can share in Vaadin Directory. Visit the link or see the video for an example on how to package your add-on.
Creating and packaging a Vaadin component (2 min)
Best Documentation Around
Book of Vaadin
Documentation Is The Key to Understanding
The Book of Vaadin provides you with all the information you need about Vaadin in a comprehensive form. It's available as a free PDF download, or alternatively as a physical book from
APIWhen you get down to programming the Vaadin API Reference Documentation will help you with the classes and the methods.
TutorialsVaadin tutorials provides you with a code-centric introduction to Vaadin.
Easy Deployment
Single JAR
Vaadin is a single JAR file without external dependencies. Add the JAR to your web application project and you are ready to start creating the user interface.
Servlet deployment
Vaadin provides a single servlet which runs the application. An application can be deployed to any Java application server that supports servlet 2.3 or newer.
Supported application servers
- Apache Tomcat, 4.1+
- BEA WebLogic, 9.2+
- IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.1+
- JBoss Application Server 3.2.8+
- Jetty 5+
- Glassfish 2+
Portlet support
Vaadin applications can be deployed as portlets in portals such as Liferay. No code modifications are needed to deploy a Vaadin application to a portal and both portlet standards 1.0 (JSR-168) and 2.0 (JSR-286) are supported. Vaadin is included in Liferay 6.0 as a standard feature.
Supported portals
- Liferay Portal 4.3 or later
Google App Engine
The same servlet and portlet Vaadin applications can be deployed to Google App Engine, provided they are built to be serializable.
Develop With Tools You Already Know
Vaadin provides an Eclipse plugin which automatically sets up your project, compiles your widgetset and more.
A community created Vaadin NetBeans plugin is available for all NetBeans developers.