Version @version@ built on @builddate@.
Release Notes for Vaadin Framework @version@
- Overview of Vaadin @version-minor@ Release
- Enhancements in Vaadin @version-minor@
- Changes in Vaadin @version@
- Backwards incompatible changes in Vaadin @version-minor@
- Package contents
- Vaadin @version@ dependencies
- Upgrading to Vaadin @version-minor@
- Known problems and limitations in Vaadin @version@
- Supported technologies
- Vaadin on the Web
Overview of Vaadin @version-minor@ Release
Vaadin is a Java application development framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy. Vaadin is available under the Apache 2 license (see license.html in the JAR).
This release @version-minor@ includes a number of significant enhancements in addition to many bug fixes.
Enhancements in Vaadin @version-minor@
Native scrolling support for Android and iOS (#8763)
- Non-native scrolling implementation used in iOS 5 because of an iOS bug (see #8792)
- Possibility to fire Button click events on the server-side (#8209)
- Possibility to use HTML inside a Button caption (#8663)
- Possibility to set "alternative text" (alt attribute) for the Embedded component (#6085)
- Possibility to query the browser window width and height on the server-side (#5655)
- Keyboard navigation in TabSheet (#5100)
- Max/min limits for splitter position in SplitPanel (#1744)
- Extended day range in month view to six full weeks in DateField (#6718)
- Non-collapsible Table columns (#7495)
- Selecting a TabSheet tab by its position or a Tab instance (#8203)
- Getting a component by its index or the index of a given component in CssLayout (#7614)
- Removing all Validators of a Field at once (#8307)
- Debug IDs unique to a window, not the whole application (#5109)
- Larger default size for the debug window (#8523)
- Compatibility with Google SuperDevMode (#8924)
An add-on for handling broken classloaders (#8447)
- Available in Vaadin Directory: Vaadin-application-server-class-loader-workaround
Changes in Vaadin @version@
This release includes the following changes:
- #1744: SplitPanel could have setMaxSplitPosition and setMinSplitPosition methods
- #3789: Create integration test for WebSphere Application Server 8
- #4296: SplitPanel percentage position rounding error after splitter drag
- #5100: TabSheet keyboard navigation
- #5109: DebugId should be window unique, not application unique
- #5655: Add getClientWidth() and getClientHeight() to WebBrowser
- #6085: It should be possible to set the alternate text for embedded images
- #6155: Memory leak in AbstractField when PropertyDataSources are used
- #6718: PopupDateField: extend its range
- #7002: Changing Slider orientation breaks it completely
- #7495: Table: Make some columns uncollapsable
- #7614: Add getComponentIndex(Component) and getComponent(int) to CssLayout
- #7718: Table footers are visible in IE6/IE7 even though footers have been turned off (Chameleon)
- #7771: Update to GWT 2.4
- #7772: Create build configurations for Vaadin 6.8
- #7773: Create branch for Vaadin 6.8
- #7816: Ensure an application that uses injection works on IBM WebSphere v8
- #7833: Make DragAndDropWrapper capable of starting an HTML5 drag
- #7865: "Tutorial uses deprecated ""SplitPanel"" rather than ""HorizontalSplitPanel""."
- #7911: Touch device identifiers to div.v-app
- #7931: Invalid top level window size for embedded applications
- #7975: Remove non-core classes from main source directory
- #8203: Add setSelectedTab(TabSheet.Tab) to TabSheet API
- #8209: Button: add public click() method
- #8216: Warning when compiling the widgetset
- #8289: Replace @ClientWidget annotation with an annotation that uses String instead of Class
- #8297: Static logger instances can cause memory leakage on redeploy
- #8307: Add Field.removeAllValidators
- #8332: Vaadin should use -webkit-overflow-scroll: touch for modern devices and also consider to use GWT:s TouchScroller helper
- #8428: Field ROW_HEADER_FAKE_PROPERTY_ID in com.vaadin.ui.Table does not implement Serializable
- #8447: Provide a compatibility jar file for servers that use broken classloaders
- #8451: Error while deploying Vaadin application on Websphere Application Server 8.0
- #8513: Remove steps from Tutorial project
- #8523: Change the default size for the debug window
- #8551: Notifications are displayed in parts on an Asus TF101
- #8600: Tree.hasChildren() works incorrectly after all children were removed
- #8637: Nightly builds are not deployed to Maven
- #8638: Build should fail with an error if Maven deployment fails
- #8653: TabSheet#getTab(int) unintentionally throws if index out of bounds
- #8659: Not possible to have editable cell in a table on IPad with IOS 5.x
- #8663: html in buttons is not possible
- #8693: setVisibile() in InlineDateSelect doesn't work correctly
- #8694: Provide profiling data for TestBench
- #8699: Wrap javascript callback entry points in $entry
- #8716: Implement native scrolling support for Panel (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)
- #8720: Implement native scrolling support for Tabsheet (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)
- #8721: Implement native scrolling support for Window/root (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)
- #8722: Implement native scrolling support for sub windows (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)
- #8723: Implement native scrolling support for Accordion (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)
- #8724: Implement native scrolling support for Table (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)
- #8725: Implement native scrolling support for SplitPanel (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)
- #8739: Test using Firefox 12
- #8763: Utilities for native touch scrolling on Android 4+ and iOS 5+
- #8798: NPE from RequestTimer prevents showing the real error
- #8878: VFilterSelect should implement SubPartAware to always be able to find the text box
- #8914: Show better error message when variable change decoding fails
- #8923: ?debug=quiet not working with / in uri fragment
- #8924: Remove document.write from bootstrap to enable using SuperDevMode
The full list of the changes can be found at
Package Contents
Vaadin Framework is distributed as a single JAR file. Inside the JAR you will find:
- Vaadin server and client side classes (/com)
- Vaadin server and client side sources (/com)
- The default widget set (/VAADIN/widgetsets)
- Themes: Runo, Reindeer and Chameleon (/VAADIN/themes)
- Release notes (/release-notes.html)
- Licensing information (/license.html)
Vaadin @version@ dependencies
Vaadin uses GWT @gwt-version@ for widget set compilation. GWT can be downloaded from GWT can also be automatically downloaded by the Vaadin Plug-in for Eclipse. Please note that GWT @gwt-version@ requires the validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar and validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar files in addition to gwt-dev.jar and gwt-user.jar for widget set compilation.
Upgrading to Vaadin @version-minor@
When upgrading from an earlier Vaadin version, you must:
- Recompile your classes using the new Vaadin JAR. Binary compatibility is only guaranteed for maintenance releases of Vaadin.
- Recompile any add-ons you have created using the new Vaadin JAR.
- Recompile your widget set using the new Vaadin JAR and the newly compiled add-ons.
- If you have extracted a theme from the Vaadin JAR, you need to update it with the theme provided in the new Vaadin JAR.
Remember also to refresh the project in your IDE to ensure that the new version of everything is in use.
Using the "?debug" URL parameter you can verify that the version of the servlet (JAR), the theme and the widgetset all match.
Eclipse users should always check if there is a new version of the Eclipse Plug-in available. The Eclipse Plug-in can be used to update the Vaadin version in the project (Project properties » Vaadin).
Maven users should update the Vaadin dependency version in the pom.xml unless it is defined as LATEST . You must also ensure that the GWT dependency uses the correct version and recompile your project and your widget set.
Liferay and other portal users must install the new vaadin-@version@.jar as ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/vaadin.jar in the portal. Additionally the contents of the VAADIN folder from the JAR must be extracted to the ROOT/html/VAADIN directory in the Liferay installation. If your portal uses custom widgets, install the latest version of Vaadin Control Panel for Liferay for easy widget set compilation.
Upgrading from Vaadin 6.5 or earlier
If you are upgrading from 6.5.x or earlier, notice that Vaadin @version@ uses GWT @gwt-version@. Upgrade your dependencies as necessary. See the dependencies section for more information.
Upgrading from Vaadin 6.1 or earlier
The way widget sets are created was completely changed in Vaadin 6.2. Existing projects, where custom widgets (a custom widget set) are used, must be migrated when upgrading to Vaadin 6.2 or later. Projects where the default widget set is used do not need migration. See Vaadin 6.2.0 release notes for more details.
Notes and Limitations for Google App Engine
The following instructions and limitations apply when you run a Vaadin application under the Google App Engine.
Applications must use GAEApplicationServlet instead of ApplicationServlet in web.xml.
Session support must be enabled in appengine-web.xml :
Avoid using the session for storage, usual App Engine limitations apply (no synchronization, i.e, unreliable).
Vaadin uses memcache for mutex, the key is of the form _vmutex<sessionid>.
The Vaadin WebApplicationContext class is serialized separately into memcache and datastore; the memcache key is _vac<sessionid> and the datastore entity kind is _vac with identifiers of the type _vac<sessionid>.
DO NOT update application state when serving an ApplicationResource (e.g ClassResource.getStream()).
AVOID (or be very careful when) updating application state in a TransactionListener or a HttpServletRequestListener - they are called even when the application is not locked and won't be serialized (e.g ApplicationResource), and changes can thus go missing (it should be safe to update things that can be safely discarded later - i.e valid only for the current request)
The application remains locked during uploads - a progress bar is not possible
For other known problems, see open tickets at developer site
Supported technologies
Vaadin is based on Java 5 and it is also compatible with most other operating system supporting Java 5 or newer. Vaadin is supported on the following operating systems:
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac OS X
Vaadin requires Java Servlet API 2.3 but also supports later versions and should work with any Java application server that conforms to the standard. The following application servers are supported:
- Apache Tomcat, version 4.1-7.0
- Oracle WebLogic® Server, version 9.2-10.3.5(11gR1)
- IBM WebSphere® Application Server, version 6.1-8.0
- JBoss Application Server, 3.2.8-7.0
- Jetty, version 5.0-7.0
- Glassfish, version 2.0-3.1
Vaadin supports JSR-168 and JSR-286 Portlet specifications. All portals that implement either of the portlet specifications should work. The following portals are supported:
- Liferay Portal 5.2-6.0
- GateIn Portal 3.1
- eXo Platform 3
- Oracle WebLogic® Portal 10gR3
- WebSphere Portal 6.1-7.0
Vaadin also supports Google App Engine.
Vaadin supports the following browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox 3-12
- Internet Explorer 6-9
- Safari 4-5
- Opera 10-11
- Google Chrome 13-19
Vaadin supports the built-in browsers in the following mobile operating systems:
- iOS 4-5
- Android 2-4
Vaadin on the Web
- - The developer portal containing everything you need to know about Vaadin
- - A collection of demos for Vaadin
- - Getting started with Vaadin
- - Forums for Vaadin related discussions
- - Book of Vaadin - everything you need to know about Vaadin
- - Online javadocs
- - Add-ons for Vaadin
- - Bug tracker
- - Source code
- - Commercial support and tools for Vaadin development
- - Expert services for Vaadin
- - Information about the company behind Vaadin