Vaadin <version></version> Readme

How to Start?

Open a shell window, change to the installation directory, and execute "sh start.sh". It
will start a web application at port 8888 on the local host and opens a web browser window
to display the start page of Vaadin Content Browser.

The installation directory is a web application as itself and is directly importable to
Eclipse IDE by selecting "File / Import / Existing Projects into Workspace" from Eclipse
main menu. See the manual for detailed instructions.

What's Inside the Vaadin Package?

You should start exploring Vaadin through the provided Content Browser web
application within this package; see 'How to Start?' above.

The WebContent directory contains the content available through the Content Browser: the
Vaadin Library, demos, documentation, and other useful information to get started
with Vaadin.

Below is a list of most important locations and files:

Start Vaadin
- start exploring Vaadin by double-clicking this icon

- license file

- Vaadin Library containing Java source and compiled files

- Vaadin Reference Manual in PDF format

- Vaadin Reference Manual in HTML format

- Vaadin API Documentation as JavaDoc reference

- Content Browser source code, compiled into WebContent/WEB-INF/classes
- example source code in HTML format

- files required by the demos

Vaadin Hosted Mode Browser.launch
Vaadin Development Server.launch
- launch configurations for Eclipse workspace

- example on how to build GWT widget sets for Vaadin application

- widget sets and themes

- Google Web Toolkit is required for building new widget sets