============================================================================== Vaadin <version></version> Readme ============================================================================== ------------- How to Start? ------------- Open a shell window, change to the installation directory, and execute "sh start.sh". It will start a web application at port 8888 on the local host and opens a web browser window to display the start page of Vaadin Content Browser. The installation directory is a web application as itself and is directly importable to Eclipse IDE by selecting "File / Import / Existing Projects into Workspace" from Eclipse main menu. See the manual for detailed instructions. --------------------------------- What's Inside the Vaadin Package? --------------------------------- You should start exploring Vaadin through the provided Content Browser web application within this package; see 'How to Start?' above. The WebContent directory contains the content available through the Content Browser: the Vaadin Library, demos, documentation, and other useful information to get started with Vaadin. Below is a list of most important locations and files: Start Vaadin - start exploring Vaadin by double-clicking this icon COPYING - license file WebContent/vaadin-<version></version>.jar - Vaadin Library containing Java source and compiled files WebContent/doc/manual.pdf - Vaadin Reference Manual in PDF format WebContent/doc/manual/index.html - Vaadin Reference Manual in HTML format WebContent/doc/api/index.html - Vaadin API Documentation as JavaDoc reference WebContent/WEB-INF/src - Content Browser source code, compiled into WebContent/WEB-INF/classes WebContent/doc/example-source - example source code in HTML format WebContent/demo - files required by the demos Vaadin Hosted Mode Browser.launch Vaadin Development Server.launch - launch configurations for Eclipse workspace WebContent/doc/example-source/build-widgetset.xml - example on how to build GWT widget sets for Vaadin application WebContent/VAADIN - widget sets and themes gwt - Google Web Toolkit is required for building new widget sets