--- title: Events and Listeners order: 4 layout: page --- [[architecture.events]] = Events and Listeners Vaadin offers an event-driven programming model for handling user interaction. When a user does something in the user interface, such as clicks a button or selects an item, the application needs to know about it. Many Java-based user interface frameworks follow the __Event-Listener pattern__ (also known as the Observer design pattern) to communicate user input to the application logic. So does Vaadin. The design pattern involves two kinds of elements: an object that generates ("fires" or "emits") events and a number of listeners that listen for the events. When such an event occurs, the object sends a notification about it to all the listeners. In a typical case, there is only one listener. Events can serve many kinds of purposes. In Vaadin, the usual purpose of events is handling user interaction in a user interface. Session management can require special events, such as time-out, in which case the event would actually be the lack of user interaction. Time-out is a special case of timed or scheduled events, where an event occurs at a specific date and time or when a set time has passed. To receive events of a particular type, an application must register a listener object with the event source. The listeners are registered in the components with an [methodname]#add*Listener()# method (with a method name specific to the listener). Most components that have related events define their own event class and the corresponding listener class. For example, the [classname]#Button# has [classname]#Button.ClickEvent# events, which can be listened to through the [classname]#Button.ClickListener# interface. In the following, we handle button clicks with a listener implemented as an anonymous class: [source, java] ---- final Button button = new Button("Push it!"); button.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { button.setCaption("You pushed it!"); } }); ---- <<figure.eventlistenerdiagram>> illustrates the case where an application-specific class inherits the [classname]#Button.ClickListener# interface to be able to listen for button click events. The application must instantiate the listener class and register it with [methodname]#addClickListener()#. It can be an anonymous class, such as the one above. When an event occurs, an event object is instantiated, in this case a [classname]#Button.ClickEvent#. The event object knows the related UI component, in this case the [classname]#Button#. [[figure.eventlistenerdiagram]] .Class Diagram of a Button Click Listener image::img/events-classdiagram-hi.png[width=80%, scaledwidth=100%] In Java 8, you can implement such functional interfaces with a lambda expression: [source, java] ---- Button button = new Button("Push it!"); button.addClickListener(event -> button.setCaption("You pushed it!")); ---- In the ancient times of C programming, __callback functions__ filled largely the same need as listeners do now. In object-oriented languages, we usually only have classes and methods, not functions, so the application has to give a class interface instead of a callback function pointer to the framework. <<dummy/../../../framework/application/application-events#application.events,"Handling Events with Listeners">> goes into details of handling events in practice.