title: Optimizing The Widget Set
order: 29
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Optimizing the widget set

Vaadin contains a lot of components and most of those components
contains a client side part which is executed in the browser. Together
all the client side implementations sum up to a big amount of data the
enduser needs to download to the browser even if he might never use all
the components.

For that reason Vaadin uses three strategies for downloading the


What eager means is that the client implementation for the component is
included in the payload that is initially downloaded when the
application starts. The more components that is made eager the more will
need to be downloaded before the initial view of the application is
shown. By default Vaadin puts most components here since Vaadin does not
know which components will be used in the first view and cannot thus
optimize any further. You would have noticed this if you ever made a
Hello World type of application and wondered why Vaadin needed to
download so much for such a simple application.


When marking a component as deferred it means that its client side
implementation will be downloaded right after the initial rendering of
the application is done. This can be useful if you know for instance
that a component will soon be used in that application but is not
displayed in the first view.


Lazy components client side implementation doesn't get downloaded until
the component is shown. This will sometimes mean that a view might take
a bit longer to render if several components client side implementation
needs to first be downloaded. This strategy is useful for components
that are rarely used in the application which everybody might not see.
`RichTextArea` and `ColorPicker` are examples of components in Vaadin that by
default are Lazy.

Optimizing the loading of the widgets

Now that we know what Vaadin provides, lets see how we can modify how a
component is loaded to provide the best experience for our application.

Lets say we want to build a HelloWorld application which only needs a
few components. Specifically these components will be shown on the

* UI - The UI of the application.
* VerticalLayout - The Vertical layout inside the UI where the message
is shown
* Label - A label with the text "Hello World"

All other Vaadin components provided by Vaadin we don't want to load. To
do this we are going to mark those three components as Eager (initially
loaded) and all the rest as Lazy.

To do that we need to implement our own `ConnectorBundleLoaderFactory`.
Here is my example one:

public class MyConnectorBundleLoaderFactory extends
    ConnectorBundleLoaderFactory {
  private static final List<Class> eagerComponents = new

  static {

  @Override protected LoadStyle getLoadStyle(JClassType connectorType){
    Connect annotation = connectorType.getAnnotation(Connect.class);
    Class componentClass = annotation.value();

    // Load eagerly marked connectors eagerly
    if(eagerComponents.contains(componentClass)) {
      return LoadStyle.EAGER;

    //All other components should be lazy
    return LoadStyle.LAZY;

We also need to add our factory to the widgetset by adding the following
to our <widgetset>.gwt.xml:

<generate-with class="com.example.widgetsetoptimization.MyConnectorBundleLoaderFactory">
  <when-type-assignable class="com.vaadin.client.metadata.ConnectorBundleLoader" />

If you are using the Eclipse Plugin to compile the widgetset you will
also want to add the following meta data for the compiler so it does not
overwrite our generator setting:

<!-- WS Compiler: manually edited -->

If you have used the Maven archetype for setting up your project, you
might need to add vaadin-client-compiler as a dependency in your project
as it is by default only used when actually starting the widgetset
compiler. See http://dev.vaadin.com/ticket/11533 for more details.

Finally, here is my simple test application UI for which I have
optimized the widgetset:

public class HelloWorldUI extends UI {

  protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
    VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
    layout.addComponent(new Label("Hello world"));

Now, all I have to do is recompile the widgetset for the new load
strategy to take effect.

If you now check the network traffic when you load the application you
will notice a *huge difference*. Using the default widgetset with the
default loading strategy our Hello World application will load over *1
Mb* of widgetset data. If you then switch to using our own widgetset
with our own custom loader factory the widgetset will only be about *375
kb*. That is over *60% less!*

Using your own custom widgetset loader factory is highly recommended in
all projects.

Finding out which components are loaded by a View

So you want to start optimizing your widgetset but how do you find out
which components are needed for the initial view so you can make them
eager while keeping everything else deferred or lazy? Fortunately there
is an addon
for doing just this.

To use it you download this addon and add it to your project.

Add the following to the <widgetset>.gwt.xml:

<inherits name="org.vaadin.artur.widgetsetoptimizer.WidgetSetOptimizerWidgetSet" />

You will also need to add the following to your UI classes init method

new WidgetSetOptimizer().extend(this);

Finally compile the widgetset and run the application with the &debug
parameter. In the debug window there will be a new button "OWS" which by
pressing you will get the Generator class automatically generated for
you. The generated generator class will mark the currently displayed
components as Eager while loading everything else as Deferred. More
information about the addon and its usage can be found on the Addon page
in the directory.