title: Use Tooltips To Clarify Functions
order: 58
layout: page

= Use tooltips to clarify functions

Even when clearly labelled, the action performed by a button might not
be clear enough to the user. This is especially common when space or
design constraints force you to keep the label very short, or use an
icon instead of a label. This is where tooltips come in handy.

image:img/tooltip.png[A tooltip]

Tooltips are very easy to add to Vaadin components, although the method
used to set them is the somewhat misleadingly named *setDescription()*:

Button btnAttach = new Button();
btnAttach.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/attach.png"));
btnAttach.setDescription("Attach a file");

Of course, tooltips can be used for all kinds of UI components, not just
buttons. An input field or even a read-only indicator can benefit from a
tooltip. While the entire point of tooltips is to convey more
information that would fit in the component’s caption or label, it’s
still a good idea of try to keep the tooltip’s text as short as
possible. Big tooltip balloons get in the way of using the UI and become
annoying distractions instead of helpful aids.

Keep in mind, however, that tooltips cannot be seen on a touch screen,
since there is no mouse pointer to hover over the component. For input
fields, consider using an *input prompt* instead.