Using Vaadin in an existing GWT project
Using Vaadin JAR with Google Eclipse plugin in a GWT project
With GWT development and run-time classes now included in Vaadin, it is
easy to move from Google's build of GWT to Vaadin.
By switching to the GWT integrated in Vaadin 7, you immediately get
easier integration of SuperDevMode in your application. Many future GWT
bugfixes will be available in Vaadin before they get integrated to the
official version and more and more Vaadin widgets ready to use in your
application. You risk nothing and can easily switch back to stand-alone
GWT if you don't use features from `com.vaadin` packages.
You also have the option to easily move to a hybrid application
development model integrating business logic on the server with custom
components and other parts of your UI implemented using GWT. You can
easily combine the productivity and security benefits of a server side
framework with the flexibility of client side development where needed.
Using Google Eclipse Plugin
Google Plugin for Eclipse assumes the use of GWT SDK. Nevertheless, the
plugin can easily be used to develop client side applications with
Vaadin, by following the steps described below.
For lighter deployment, a minimal run-time version of Vaadin JAR will be
available in the future.
1. You need to have the IvyDE plugin for Eclipse installed
2. Disable some error messages by setting *Preferences... → Google →
Errors/Warnings → Missing SDK → Ignore*. Note that you may still get an
error message about missing `gwt-servlet.jar` when modifying project
build path.
3. If you don't already have a client side application project, you can
create one with "New Web Application Project...", selecting any recent
version of the GWT SDK. If you don't have any version of GWT installed,
download one
https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/downloads/list[here] - the
next steps will switch to using Vaadin JAR.
4. Open project properties, select *Java Build Path → Libraries* and
remove the GWT SDK from the project class path
5. In the project properties, make sure the project JRE version in
*Project Facets* is 1.6 or later
6. Copy the `ivy.xml` and `ivy-settings.xml` from an existing Vaadin
project created with the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse
7. Set the Vaadin version in `ivy.xml` to your preferred version
8. Add the following dependency in the `ivy.xml`:
9. Right-click the `ivy.xml` and select *Add Ivy library...* and click
10. Right-click project, select *Ivy → Resolve*
That's it - you are now ready to debug the application using GWT
development mode server:
* *Debug as... → Web Application*
To avoid the need to install and update browser plug-ins, use SuperDevMode.
Using Maven
Also the Maven plug-in for GWT makes some assumptions but it is easy to
switch to the combined Vaadin JAR.
As the Vaadin JAR now includes GWT, Maven projects should not depend
directly on GWT JARs (gwt-user, gwt-dev, gwt-servlet).
To convert an existing Maven project, perform the following
modifications in your pom.xml
* update compiler source and target Java version to 1.6
* remove dependencies to GWT (`com.google.gwt:gwt-user`,
`com.google.gwt:gwt-servlet`, `com.google.gwt:gwt-dev`)
* add dependencies to
* if not included e.g. via Jetty/Tomcat/other, add a "provided"
dependency to the servlet
* replace the `gwt-maven-plugin` with `com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin`,
comment out `` in its configuration (if exists) and use
plug-in version that matches the Vaadin version
* use goal `vaadin:compile` instead of `gwt:compile` etc.
The vaadin-client, vaadin-client-compiler and their dependencies only
need to be deployed on the server for debugging with