--- title: Vaadin On Grails with IntelliJ IDEA order: 35 layout: page --- [[vaadin-on-grails-with-intellij-idea]] = Vaadin on Grails with IntelliJ IDEA _Versions used in this tutorial: Grails 2.3.x, Vaadin 7.1.x. News and updates about Vaadin on Grails are available on https://twitter.com/VaadinOnGrails[VaadinOnGrails]_ In this tutorial we will show how to create and setup http://grails.org/doc/latest/guide/single.html[Grails] project together with https://vaadin.com/learn[Vaadin], in IntelliJ IDEA. These two frameworks Grails and Vaadin are integrated together with this http://grails.org/plugin/vaadin[plugin]. First we need to setup Grails with IDE, http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/[IntelliJ IDEA 13] in this tutorial. Or we could get https://spring.io/tools/ggts[Groovy/Grails Tool Suite] which is without any fees. [[setup-ide]] Setup IDE +++++++++ 1. Go to http://grails.org/download and get the latest version of Grails 2. Unpack it on your local computer and start up IntelliJ IDEA 3. Open the *New Project* window and select Grails from the list. Click on *Create...* button and then select the root of your unpacked Grails archive.  image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/setup-idea.png[Setup IDEA] [[create-new-project]] Create New Project ++++++++++++++++++ Fill in the name of the project and choose the latest version of Grails. image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/new-project.png[Create new project] Click on *Finish* and on the next dialog, choose **Run 'create app'** image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/create-app-idea.png[Create app IDEA] Open file `BuildConfig.groovy` and add new plugin as follows: `compile ":vaadin:7.1.11"`. The latest version of the plugin is always available on http://grails.org/plugin/vaadin image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/build-config-idea.png[Build config IDEA] We have to disable Grails to take control over the URLs, so Vaadin can do it. Open `UrlMappings.groovy` file and remove the mapping, so the content of the file is the following: .... class UrlMappings { static mappings = {} } .... If you see this error, run grails again and compile it again. There an issue with grails and it is not possible to compile the project in the first run. .... target/work/plugins/vaadin-7.1.11/scripts/_Events.groovy: 1: unable to resolve class com.vaadin.grails.VaadinConfiguration @ line 1, column 1. import com.vaadin.grails.VaadinConfiguration .... Now we want Vaadin plugin to generate the mandatory files in order to be able to run Vaadin application. On the right side in the menu, there is a launch button, click on that one. image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/run-app-idea.png[Run app IDEA] You can also press `Alt+Cmd+G` on Mac OS or `Ctrl+Alt+G` on Windows and type `run-app` command there. Mark `grails-app/vaadin` folder as a source folder in IDE. image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/source-folder-idea.png[Source folder IDEA] Run the application again and a Vaadin application with a single *Home* label will be available on http://localhost:8080/ria-app in your browser. image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/first-run.png[First run] [[developing]] Developing ++++++++++ All the Vaadin code should be placed in `grails-app/vaadin` folder. All the other classes that are not UI related can be put to `src/groovy` or `src/java`. Open the generated `MyUI.groovy` file, edit the content a bit and save the file. See that the class has been recompiled and when you refresh the page, it gets automatically updated. You don't have to restart the application or use JRebel for small changes. But if we change the application context, add a new bean, change method signature and other 'big' changes, we have to restart the application. image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/recompile-idea.png[Recompile IDEA] Now you can continue with link:VaadinOnGrailsDatabaseAccess.asciidoc[Vaadin on Grails - Database access]