--- title: Vaadin On Grails Multiple UIs order: 37 layout: page --- [[vaadin-on-grails-multiple-uis]] = Vaadin on grails - multiple UIs _Versions used in this tutorial: Grails 2.3.x, Vaadin 7.1.x. News and updates about Vaadin on Grails are available on https://twitter.com/VaadinOnGrails[VaadinOnGrails]. This is continuation of <<VaadinOnGrailsDatabaseAccess#, Vaadin on Grails - Database access>>_ In `grails-app/conf/VaadinConfig.groovy`, we can change URL mapping to UI. Also, we can define multiple UIs to be accessible from one Grails application. Create two new UIs that we will show under different URLs. `ClientUI` will be available on http://localhost:8080/client and `ServerUI` on http://localhost:8080/server [source,java] .... class ClientUI extends UI { protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout() layout.setMargin(true) Label label = new Label("Client") layout.addComponent(label) setContent(layout) } } class ServerUI extends UI { protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout() layout.setMargin(true) Label label = new Label("Server") layout.addComponent(label) setContent(layout) } } .... Open `VaadinConfig.groovy` and change the mapping, so the mapping points to the new UIs. .... mapping = [ "/client/*": "app.ClientUI", "/server/*": "app.ServerUI"] .... Now we can start up the application and access both URLs to see each is mapped to different UI class. image:http://vaadinongrails.com/img/mapping-uis.png[Mapping UIs]