[[vaadin-scalability-testing-with-amazon-web-services]] Vaadin scalability testing with Amazon Web Services --------------------------------------------------- This article explains how you can test the scalability of your application in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. The AWS services used in this article include http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/[Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud] (EC2) and http://aws.amazon.com/rds/[Amazon Relational Database Service] (RDS). The use of http://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/[Amazon Elastic Load Balancing] (ELB) is also briefly discussed. The application under testing is called QuickTickets, a fictional Vaadin web application that sells movie tickets to theaters all over the world. See also the https://vaadin.com/blog/vaadin-scalability-study-quicktickets[blog post about the experiment and the results]. To fully understand this article and follow through the steps, you should have some basic knowledge of Amazon Web Services (AWS), http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/[Apache JMeter], MySQL and Linux shell usage. You will also need to know how to checkout the http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/QuickTickets/trunk/[QuickTickets project] from SVN and run http://ant.apache.org/[Ant] targets to generate test database and to package the application as a WAR file. Please notice, that using the AWS services discussed here will incur some expenses. [[setting-up-the-amazon-rds-database]] 1. Setting up the Amazon RDS database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Login to http://aws.amazon.com/console/[AWS Management Console] and select the Amazon RDS tab. * Click the Launch DB Instance button. * Select the following properties for the DB instance: ** DB Instance Class: db1.m1.large ** Multi-AZ Deployment: No ** Allocated Storage: 5 GB ** DB Instance Idenfitier: `quicktickets` ** Master User Name: `quicktickets` ** Master User Password: `` * Additional configuration: ** Database Name: `quicktickets` * Management options: ** Backup Retention Period: 0 (disable backups) * After the DB instance is started up, connect to the database with the MySQL client. ** If this is the first time you are using Amazon RDS, you need to setup the DB Security Groups. ** More information about http://aws.amazon.com/rds/faqs/#31[network access to you DB instances]. * Once you have connected to the DB, run the following command: `alter database quicktickets charset=utf8;` * Note that the following steps might be a bit faster to do in an EC2 instance in the same zone as the RDS database. But you can of course do these in your local machine as well. * Take a checkout of the QuickTickets application project from the http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/QuickTickets/trunk/application/QuickTickets/[SVN repository]. * Create the database schema by running the http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/QuickTickets/trunk/application/QuickTickets/db/createSchema.sql[QuickTickets/db/createSchema.sql] file to the quicktickets database.`mysql -uquicktickets -p -h.rds.amazonaws.com < QuickTickets/db/createSchema.sql` * Create a huge test data by running Ant target `create-huge-database-script` of the http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/QuickTickets/trunk/application/QuickTickets/build.xml[QuickTickets/build.xml] script.`cd QuickTicketsant create-huge-database-script` * This target will generate a huge SQL file (500MB) into a temporary directory containing loads of test data. The location of the file is printed to the console by the Ant target. * Run the resulting `quickticketsdata.sql` file to the quicktickets database (this will take quite a while, well over an hour). `mysql -uquicktickets -p -h.rds.amazonaws.com < /tmp/quickticketsdata.sql` [[setting-up-ec2-instances-for-quicktickets]] 2. Setting up EC2 instance(s) for QuickTickets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Login to http://aws.amazon.com/console/[AWS Management Console] and select the Amazon EC2 tab. * Click the Launch Instance button. * Select Community AMIs tab and search an AMI with following id: `ami-fb16f992` * Launch a large instance of the AMI. Consult the http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/ec2/[Amazon EC2 documentation] for more details on how to launch a new instance. * Login to the started instance as root via SSH. * Copy and execute the http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/QuickTickets/trunk/installationscripts/webserver-memcached.sh[webserver-memcached.sh] installation script as the root user. This script will setup http://memcached.org/[Memcached] and http://tomcat.apache.org/[Apache Tomcat]. * Repeat the above procedure for all the instances you want to setup. [[deploying-the-quicktickets-application]] 3. Deploying the QuickTickets application ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Take a checkout of the QuickTickets application project (if you haven't already) from: ** http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/QuickTickets/trunk/application/QuickTickets/ * Add the *Private DNS* of all the instances you have setup to the list of Memcached servers in the `WebContent/WEB-INF/servers.xml` file with the default Memcached port 11211. For example: `