--- title: Client-Side Module Descriptor order: 3 layout: page --- [[clientside.module]] = Client-Side Module Descriptor Client-side Vaadin modules, such as the Vaadin Client-Side Engine (widget set) or pure client-side applications, that are to be compiled to JavaScript, are defined in a __module descriptor__ ( [filename]#.gwt.xml#) file. When defining a widget set to build the Vaadin client-side engine, the only necessary task is to inherit a base widget set. If you are developing a regular widget set, you should normally inherit the [classname]#DefaultWidgetSet#. ---- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 2.8.1//EN" "http://gwtproject.org/doctype/2.8.1/gwt-module.dtd"> <module> <!-- Inherit the default widget set --> <inherits name="com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet" /> </module> ---- If you are developing a pure client-side application, you should instead inherit [classname]#com.vaadin.Vaadin#, as described in <<dummy/../../../framework/clientsideapp/clientsideapp-overview.asciidoc#clientsideapp.overview,"Client-Side Applications">>. In that case, the module descriptor also needs an entry-point. If you are using the Eclipse IDE, the New Vaadin Widget wizard will automatically create the GWT module descriptor. See <<dummy/../../../framework/gwt/gwt-eclipse#gwt.eclipse.widget,"Creating a Widget">> for detailed instructions. [[clientside.module.stylesheet]] == Specifying a Stylesheet A client-side module can include CSS stylesheets. When the module is compiled, these stylesheets are copied to the output target. In the module descriptor, define a [literal]#++stylesheet++# element. For example, if you are developing a custom widget and want to have a default stylesheet for it, you could define it as follows: ---- <stylesheet src="mywidget/styles.css"/> ---- The specified path is relative to the __public__ folder under the folder of the module descriptor. [[gwt.module.compilation-limiting]] == Limiting Compilation Targets Compiling widget sets takes considerable time. You can reduce the compilation time significantly by compiling the widget sets only for your browser, which is useful during development. You can do this by setting the [parameter]#user.agent# property in the module descriptor. ---- <set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8"/> ---- The [parameter]#value# attribute should match your browser. The browsers supported by GWT depend on the GWT version, below is a list of browser identifiers supported by GWT. .GWT User Agents [options="header"] |=============== |Identifier|Name |ie6|Internet Explorer 6 |ie8|Internet Explorer 8 |gecko1_8|Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and later |safari|Apple Safari and other Webkit-based browsers including Google Chrome |opera|Opera |ie9|Internet Explorer 9 |=============== For more information about the GWT Module XML Format, please see Google Web Toolkit Developer Guide.