--- title: Field Components order: 4 layout: page --- [[components.fields]] = Field Components ((("[classname]#Field#", id="term.components.fields", range="startofrange"))) _Fields_ are components that have a value that the user can change through the user interface. <> illustrates the inheritance relationships and the important interfaces and base classes. [[figure.components.fields]] .Field components image::img/field-diagram-hi.png[width=80%, scaledwidth=100%] Field components are built upon the framework defined in the [classname]#Field# interface and the [classname]#AbstractField# base class. [classname]#AbstractField# is the base class for all field components. In addition to the component features inherited from [classname]#AbstractComponent#, it implements the features defined in the [classname]#HasValue# and [classname]#Component.Focusable# interfaces. [[figure.components.fields.hasvalue]] .Field components having values image::img/field-interface-v8-hi.png[width=60%, scaledwidth=100%] The description of the field interfaces and base classes is broken down in the following sections. [[components.fields.field]] == The [classname]#Field# Interface The [classname]#Field# interface inherits the [classname]#Component# superinterface and also the [classname]#HasValue# interface to have a value for the field. [classname]#AbstractField# is the only class implementing the [classname]#Field# interface directly. The relationships are illustrated in <>. [[figure.components.fields.field]] .[classname]#Field# interface inheritance image::img/field-interface-hi.png[width=60%, scaledwidth=100%] You can set the field value with the [methodname]#setValue()# and read with the [methodname]#getValue()# method defined in the [classname]#HasValue# interface. The actual value type depends on the component. The [classname]#Field# interface defines a number of properties, which you can access with the corresponding setters and getters. [methodname]#required#:: When enabled, a required indicator (usually the asterisk * character) is displayed on the left, above, or right the field, depending on the containing layout and whether the field has a caption. If such fields are validated but are empty and the [methodname]#requiredError# property (see below) is set, an error indicator is shown and the component error is set to the text defined with the error property. Without validation, the required indicator is merely a visual guide. [methodname]#requiredError#:: Defines the error message to show when a value is required, but none is entered. The error message is set as the component error for the field and is usually displayed in a tooltip when the mouse pointer hovers over the error indicator. [[components.fields.valuechanges]] == Handling Field Value Changes [classname]#Field# provides two methods for listening to changes to the field value: [methodname]#onChange# and [methodname]#addValueChangeListener#. The difference is that the former takes a [interfacename]#Consumer# object that only receives the new value; the latter, on the other hand, takes an [interfacename]#EventListener# that gets a [classname]#ValueChange# event instance containing extra information about the event. Both methods return a [classname]#Registration# object that can be used to later remove the added listener if necessary. [source, java] ---- TextField textField = new TextField(); Label echo = new Label(); // Just echo in the label anything the user enters textField.onChange(echo::setValue); // Add a more complex listener textField.addValueChangeListener(event -> { String origin = event.isUserOriginated() ? "user" : "application"; String message = origin + " entered the following: " + event.getValue(); Notification.show(message); }); ---- [[components.fields.databinding]] == Binding Fields to Data Fields can be grouped into _forms_ and coupled with business data objects with the [classname]#Binder# class. When a field is bound to a property using [classname]#Binder#, it gets its default value from the property, and is stored to the property either manually via the [methodname]#Binder.save# method, or automatically every time the value changes. [source, java] ---- class Person { private String name; public String getName() { /* ... */ } public void setName(String) { /* ... */ } } TextField nameField = new TextField(); Binder binder = new Binder<>(); // Bind nameField to the Person.name property // by specifying its getter and setter binder.forField(nameField) .bind(Person::getName, Person::setName); // Bind an actual concrete Person instance. // After this, whenever the user changes the value // of nameField, p.setName is automatically called. Person p = new Person(); binder.bind(p; ---- == Validating Field Values User input may be syntactically or semantically invalid. [classname]#Binder# allows adding a chain of one or more __validators__ for automatically checking the validity of the input before storing it to the data object. You can add validators to fields by calling the [methodname]#withValidator# method on the [interfacename]#Binding# object returned by [methodname]#Binder.forField#. [source, java] ---- binder.forField(nameField) .withValidator(new StringLengthValidator(2, 20, "Name must be between 2 and 20 characters long")) .bind(Person::getName, Person::setName); ---- Failed validation is indicated with the error indicator of the field, described in <>. Hovering mouse on the field displays the error message returned by the validator. If any value in a set of bound fields fails validation, none of the field values are saved into the bound property until the validation passes. [[components.fields.validation.builtin]] === Built-in Validators Vaadin includes the following built-in validators. The property value type is indicated. [classname]#RangeValidator#: [classname]#Comparable#:: Checks that the given [interfacename]#Comparable# value is at or between two given values. [classname]#StringLengthValidator#: [classname]#String#:: Checks that the length of the input string is at or between two given lengths. [classname]#RegexpValidator#: [classname]#String#:: Checks that the value matches the given regular expression. [classname]#EmailValidator#: [classname]#String#:: Checks that the string value is a syntactically valid email address. The validated syntax is close to the RFC 822 standard regarding email addresses. === Implementing Custom Validators Validators implement the [interfacename]#Validator# interface that simply extends [interfacename]#java.util.function.Function#, returning a special type called [interfacename]#Result#. This return type represents the validation outcome: whether or not the given input was valid. [source, java] ---- class MyValidator implements Validator { @Override public Result apply(String input) { if(input.length() == 6) { return Result.ok(input); } else { return Result.error( "Must be exactly six characters long"); } } } ---- Because [methodname]#Result.ok# takes the valid value as an argument, a validator can also do some sanitization on valid inputs, such as removing leading and trailing whitespace from a string. Since [interfacename]#Validator# is a functional interface, you can often simply write a lambda expression instead of a full class declaration. There is also an [methodname]#withValidator# overload that creates a validator from a boolean function and an error message. [source, java] ---- binder.forField(nameField) .withValidator(name -> name.length() < 20, "Name must be less than 20 characters long") .bind(Person::getName, Person::setName); ---- == Converting Field Values Field values are always of some particular type. For example, [classname]#TextField# allows editing [classname]#String# values. When bound to a data source, the type of the source property can be something different, say an [classname]#Integer#. __Converters__ are used for converting the values between the presentation and the model. Their usage is described in <>. (((range="endofrange", startref="term.components.fields")))