--- title: Slider order: 28 layout: page --- [[components.slider]] = [classname]#Slider# ifdef::web[] [.sampler] image:{live-demo-image}[alt="Live Demo", link="http://demo.vaadin.com/sampler/#ui/data-input/other/slider] endif::web[] The [classname]#Slider# is a vertical or horizontal bar that allows setting a numeric value within a defined range by dragging a bar handle with the mouse. The value is shown when dragging the handle. [classname]#Slider# has a number of different constructors that take a combination of the caption, __minimum__ and __maximum__ value, __resolution__, and the __orientation__ of the slider. [source, java] ---- // Create a vertical slider final Slider vertslider = new Slider(1, 100); vertslider.setOrientation(SliderOrientation.VERTICAL); ---- __min__:: Minimum value of the slider range. The default is 0.0. __max__:: Maximum value of the slider range. The default is 100.0. __resolution__:: The number of digits after the decimal point. The default is 0. __orientation__:: The orientation can be either horizontal ( [parameter]#SliderOrientation.HORIZONTAL#) or vertical ( [parameter]#SliderOrientation.VERTICAL#). The default is horizontal. As the [classname]#Slider# is a field component, you can handle value changes with a [classname]#ValueChangeListener#. The value of the [classname]#Slider# field is a [classname]#Double# object. [source, java] ---- // Shows the value of the vertical slider final Label vertvalue = new Label(); vertvalue.setSizeUndefined(); // Handle changes in slider value. vertslider.addValueChangeListener( new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { double value = (Double) vertslider.getValue(); // Use the value box.setHeight((float) value, Sizeable.UNITS_PERCENTAGE); vertvalue.setValue(String.valueOf(value)); } }); // The slider has to be immediate to send the changes // immediately after the user drags the handle. vertslider.setImmediate(true); ---- You can set the value with the [methodname]#setValue()# method defined in [classname]#Slider# that takes the value as a native double value. The setter can throw a [classname]#ValueOutOfBoundsException#, which you must handle. [source, java] ---- // Set the initial value. This has to be set after the // listener is added if we want the listener to handle // also this value change. try { vertslider.setValue(50.0); } catch (ValueOutOfBoundsException e) { } ---- Alternatively, you can use the regular [methodname]#setValue(Object)#, which does not do bounds checking. <> shows both vertical (from the code examples) and horizontal sliders that control the size of a box. The slider values are displayed also in separate labels. [[figure.components.slider.example1]] .The [classname]#Slider# Component image::img/slider-example1-hi.png[] == CSS Style Rules [source, css] ---- .v-slider {} .v-slider-base {} .v-slider-handle {} ---- The enclosing style for the [classname]#Slider# is [literal]#++v-slider++#. The slider bar has style [literal]#++v-slider-base++#. Even though the handle is higher (for horizontal slider) or wider (for vertical slider) than the bar, the handle element is nevertheless contained within the slider bar element. The appearance of the handle comes from a background image defined in the __background__ CSS property.